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盐胁迫下盐穗木差异表达基因的转录组信息分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
盐穗木是一种理想的耐盐模式植物,本文利用生物信息学方法分析盐穗木在盐胁迫下差异表达基因的转录组,为盐穗木耐盐机理及耐盐关键基因的储备提供理论依据。基于盐穗木在盐胁迫(600 mM NaCl)下差异表达的转录组数据,以代谢通路中基因表达数量最多的7条通路和与胁迫刺激响应相关的共8条通路为主要研究内容,筛选出上调和下调表达差异显著的unigene,将其与NCBI数据库中所有物种相关基因进行Blastx比对,筛选出通路中上调和下调差异表达最显著的unigene,同时对差异表达活跃的unigene进行分类汇总。共得到23组差异表达活跃的基因类群,分别是乙烯响应因子、WRKY转录因子、Myb转录因子、bZIP转录因子、葡聚糖酶、6-磷酸脱氢酶、醛脱氢酶、柠檬酸合成酶、蛋白激酶等,推测这些类群的基因在盐穗木耐盐机制中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

采用不同浓度NaCl和等渗PEG(分子量为6000)处理2种盐生植物种子(盐爪爪Kalidiumfoliatum、盐穗木Halostachys caspica)。结果表明,(1)NaCl和等渗PEG对种子的萌发均产生抑制作用,且PEG的抑制程度大于等渗NaCl,说明渗透胁迫是影响盐生植物种子萌发的主要因素;(2)盐胁迫和水分胁迫对盐生植物种子的萌发具有明显的抑制作用,降低了种子的萌发率,推迟了种子的初始萌发时间、延长了种子的萌发时间;(3)根据2种盐生植物种子萌发耐盐性比较,两种盐生植物均具有较强的耐盐性,在0~300 mmol.L-1NaCl盐溶液范围内,盐穗木种子相对萌发率达到95%以上,盐爪爪达到80%以上,说明盐穗木比盐爪爪具有更强的耐盐性。盐穗木种子耐盐适宜值为332.5 mmol.L-1,临界值为540 mmo.lL-1,极限值为749 mmo.lL-1;盐爪爪种子耐盐适宜值为246.5 mmol.L-1,临界值为391.8 mmo.lL-1,极限值为537 mmol.L-1;(4)低浓度的NaCl溶液对种子萌发的幼苗生长起着促进作用。在100 mmo.lL-1NaCl处理时,两种盐生植物幼苗的胚...  相似文献   

水稻条纹病毒(rice stripe virus, RSV)主要由介体昆虫灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus以循回增殖型方式经卵传播, 目前RSV与灰飞虱间的互作研究很少。为了研究RSV侵染对灰飞虱基因表达的影响, 采用5条随机引物和3条锚定引物, 利用mRNA差异显示(differential display RT-PCR, DDRT-PCR)技术分析了带毒和无毒灰飞虱种群基因表达差异。且利用正交实验优化了DDRT-PCR反应体系中的模板浓度、锚定引物浓度、随机引物浓度、dNTPs浓度、镁离子浓度及Taq酶用量。结果表明: 最佳DDRT-PCR体系(25 μL)为cDNA 3.0 μg, 随机引物2.0 μmol/L, 锚定引物2.5 μmol/L, dNTPs 200 μmol/L, Mg2+ 2.0 μmol/L, Taq 酶2.0 U。mRNA差异显示共获得35条差异片段, 选取其中6条经RNA斑点杂交验证, 获得了4条阳性差异片段。其中3条阳性片段为带毒灰飞虱种群特异表达, 分别与5-羟色胺受体1D、 旋转酶B、 60S核蛋白L40高度同源, 无毒灰飞虱种群中特异表达的一条阳性片段在NCBI核酸数据库中比对无同源序列。DDRT-PCR优化体系的建立及部分差异片段的获得为进一步研究灰飞虱与RSV间的互作提供了帮助。  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Rice production in recent years is highly affected by rapidly increasing temperatures in the tropical and sub-tropical countries, which threatens the sustainable...  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi are very promising organisms in both the control and the reduction of the amount of heavy metal released by human and industrial activities. In particular, Trichoderma harzianum demonstrated to be tolerant towards different heavy metals, such as mercury and cadmium, even though the mechanism underlying this tolerance is not fully understood. By using a particular strategy of the suppression subtractive hybridization technique, we were able to identify in the strain IMI 393899 of T. harzianum eight different genes up-regulated in the presence of mercury II with respect to cadmium. Among the genes identified, a possible role in the tolerance mechanism could be envisaged for hydrophobin, due to its ability to dissolve hydrophobic molecules into aqueous media. We also show that IMI 393899 grows at the same rate of control culture in the presence of mercury I and that all eight genes isolated were also up-regulated in this condition.  相似文献   

Differences between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and normal prostate tissue at the level of mRNA expression provide an opportunity to identify candidate genes for this disease. A cDNA subtraction procedure was used to isolate differentially expressed genes in BPH. The subtraction was done by solution hybridization of BPH cDNA against excess normal prostate cDNA. We identified known, EST, and novel genes by sequence and database analysis of the subtracted cDNAs. Several of these cDNAs were used as probes in Northern blotting analysis to confirm over-expression of their corresponding mRNAs in BPH tissues. One highly upregulated sequence of interest shared identity with a known mRNA encoding human NELL2, a protein containing epidermal growth factor-like domains. NELL2 was not previously reported to be expressed in prostate and may code for a novel prostatic growth factor. In situ hybridization analysis of hyperplastic prostate specimens demonstrated that NELL2 mRNA expression is predominantly localized in basal cells of the epithelium. Disease-related changes in the levels of NELL2 may contribute to alterations in epithelial-stromal homeostasis in BPH. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:669-670, 2001)  相似文献   

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