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Anthropogenic degradation of the world's ecosystems is leading to a widespread and accelerating loss of biodiversity. However, not all species respond equally to existing threats, raising the question: what makes a species more vulnerable to extinction? We propose that higher intraspecific variability may reduce the risk of extinction, as different individuals and populations within a species may respond differently to occurring threats. Supporting this prediction, our results show that mammalian species with more variable adult body masses, litter sizes, sexual maturity ages and population densities are less vulnerable to extinction. Our findings reveal the role of local variation among populations, particularly of large mammals, as a buffering mechanism against extinction, and emphasise the importance of considering trait variation in comparative analyses and conservation management.  相似文献   

The behavioural response of egg-tending males from parapatric fluvial and lacustrine populations of a landlocked goby Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form) to oxygen stress was compared in laboratory experiments. The natural spawning locations of these populations (rapids of tributary rivers and lakeshore of Lake Biwa, respectively) differ in dissolved oxygen concentration and its variability. Males of both populations spent a longer period of time in fanning behaviour under low dissolved oxygen conditions (4·5–5·0 mg l−1), where >90% of eggs without paternal care died before reaching eyed stage, relative to fully saturated dissolved oxygen conditions (8·0–8·5 mg l−1). Lacustrine males, who occasionally encounter oxygen stress (<2 mg l−1) in their natural habitat, fanned eggs for a longer time period than fluvial males. The time difference in fanning behaviour between the two oxygen conditions was greater for lacustrine than fluvial males. Survival rate in the lower oxygen condition was higher for eggs tended by lacustrine males than those tended by fluvial males, probably due to this difference in fanning activity. These results showed that the response to oxygen stress differs between the two populations and, moreover, as both populations behaved adaptively in responding to the reduction in dissolved oxygen, contiguous habitats may have distinct natural selective pressures. It is suggested that regulation of egg fanning activity is strongly favoured by natural selection in unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Risk-sensitive hatching is adaptive for species facing a trade-off between egg-stage and post-hatching risks, and environmental variation in one or both stages. Such plasticity has been found in amphibians, fishes, reptiles and spiders, with red-eyed treefrogs (Agalychnis callidryas) being the best-studied case. We assessed hatching plasticity and egg- and larval-stage risks in a closely related, syntopic species, the gliding leaf-frog (Agalychnis spurrelli). We found a lower hatching response to egg-eating snakes in A. spurrelli (9–28% of embryos escaped) than in A. callidryas (59–80% escaped). Levels of snake predation were similarly high for clutches of both species monitored at a pond in Costa Rica, and in fish predation experiments early-hatched A. spurrelli tadpoles were more vulnerable than later hatchlings, as has been shown for A. callidryas. A. spurrelli thus face a risk trade-off similar to A. callidryas, and likely would benefit from predator-induced hatching; their lower responsiveness to snakes appears nonadaptive. A. spurrelli embryos showed a stronger hatching response (57% hatched in 1 h) to submergence underwater than to snake attacks even though submergence is a less frequent risk. This suggests they have a greater capacity for early hatching than is expressed in the context of snake attacks, but have much lower sensitivity to snake cues than to flooding cues. Development in A. spurrelli is accelerated compared to syntopic A. callidryas, and spontaneous hatching is earlier and more synchronous. This is congruent with predictions based on selection by egg predators in the absence of a strong escape hatching response.  相似文献   

黔中喀斯特木本植物功能性状变异及其适应策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
性状变异反映了植物的生活史对策。该研究以贵州普定县天龙山10种木本植物为对象, 通过分析枝叶和根系9个功能性状的种间与种内变异, 揭示植物对喀斯特生境的适应策略。结果表明: (1) 9个性状变异程度不同, 细根组织密度的种间和种内变异系数最大, 分别达96.47%和51.44%, 小枝干物质含量的种间与种内变异最小, 分别为11.67%和6.83%。(2)种间水平的细根组织密度在不同物种中没有显著的差异, 比根长、叶厚度、叶面积、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶组织密度、小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度均表现出显著的差异。在种内, 比叶面积差异显著, 其他性状差异不显著。(3)绝大多数叶和枝性状间显著相关, 比根长与比叶面积显著负相关, 其他根系性状与枝叶性状相关性不显著。总之, 与同纬度非喀斯特地区植物相比, 普定喀斯特地区植物具有较小的叶面积和比根长度, 较大的叶干物质含量、叶组织密度等一系列有利于减小蒸腾和储存养分的功能性状组合, 这可能是其适应干旱贫瘠的喀斯特环境的主要生态策略。  相似文献   

The relationships between behavioural trait data and the genotype of 15 polymorphisms in eight neurotransmitter-related genes were analysed in 77 dogs of the Shiba Inu breed, an indigenous Japanese dog. The data were obtained from a 26-item questionnaire on the dog's behaviour, distributed to the dog's owners, through veterinary hospitals and the Shiba Inu breed magazine. A factor analysis of the questionnaire items extracted eight factors accounting for 66.8% of the variance. An association analysis between these factors and genetic polymorphisms indicated that the polymorphism of c.471T>C in the solute carrier family 1 ( neuronal/epithelial high-affinity glutamate transporter ) member 2 ( SLC1A2 ) gene was significantly associated with Factor 1, referred to as 'aggression to strangers'. This association remained stable in separate analyses of data from surveys obtained from the hospitals and those obtained from the magazine. The results suggest that the c.471T>C polymorphism is associated with some types of aggressive behaviour in the Shiba Inu. Further studies using other dog breeds are necessary to extend these findings to dogs in general.  相似文献   

Interactions between natural selection and environmental change are well recognized and sit at the core of ecology and evolutionary biology. Reciprocal interactions between ecology and evolution, eco-evolutionary feedbacks, are less well studied, even though they may be critical for understanding the evolution of biological diversity, the structure of communities and the function of ecosystems. Eco-evolutionary feedbacks require that populations alter their environment (niche construction) and that those changes in the environment feed back to influence the subsequent evolution of the population. There is strong evidence that organisms influence their environment through predation, nutrient excretion and habitat modification, and that populations evolve in response to changes in their environment at time-scales congruent with ecological change (contemporary evolution). Here, we outline how the niche construction and contemporary evolution interact to alter the direction of evolution and the structure and function of communities and ecosystems. We then present five empirical systems that highlight important characteristics of eco-evolutionary feedbacks: rotifer–algae chemostats; alewife–zooplankton interactions in lakes; guppy life-history evolution and nutrient cycling in streams; avian seed predators and plants; and tree leaf chemistry and soil processes. The alewife–zooplankton system provides the most complete evidence for eco-evolutionary feedbacks, but other systems highlight the potential for eco-evolutionary feedbacks in a wide variety of natural systems.  相似文献   

Linking intraspecific variation in plant traits to ecosystem carbon uptake may allow us to better predict how shift in populations shape ecosystem function. We investigated whether plant populations of a dominant old-field plant species (Solidago altissima) differed in carbon dynamics and if variation in plant traits among genotypes and between populations predicted carbon dynamics. We established a common garden experiment with 35 genotypes from three populations of S. altissima from either Tennessee (southern populations) or Connecticut (northern populations) to ask whether: (1) southern and northern Solidago populations will differ in aboveground productivity, leaf area, flowering time and duration, and whole ecosystem carbon uptake, (2) intraspecific trait variation (growth and reproduction) will be related to intraspecific variation in gross ecosystem CO(2) exchange (GEE) and net ecosystem CO(2) exchange (NEE) within and between northern and southern populations. GEE and NEE were 4.8× and 2× greater in southern relative to northern populations. Moreover, southern populations produced 13× more aboveground biomass and 1.4× more inflorescence mass than did northern populations. Flowering dynamics (first- and last-day flowering and flowering duration) varied significantly among genotypes in both the southern and northern populations, but plant performance and ecosystem function did not. Both productivity and inflorescence mass predicted NEE and GEE between S. altissima southern and northern populations. Taken together, our data demonstrate that variation between S. altissima populations in performance and flowering traits are strong predictors of ecosystem function in a dominant old-field species and suggest that populations of the same species might differ substantially in their response to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Identifying causal genetic variants underlying heritable phenotypic variation is a long‐standing goal in evolutionary genetics. We previously identified several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for five morphological traits in a captive population of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) by whole‐genome linkage mapping. We here follow up on these studies with the aim to narrow down on the quantitative trait variants (QTN) in one wild and three captive populations. First, we performed an association study using 672 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within candidate genes located in the previously identified QTL regions in a sample of 939 wild‐caught zebra finches. Then, we validated the most promising SNP–phenotype associations (n = 25 SNPs) in 5228 birds from four populations. Genotype–phenotype associations were generally weak in the wild population, where linkage disequilibrium (LD) spans only short genomic distances. In contrast, in captive populations, where LD blocks are large, apparent SNP effects on morphological traits (i.e. associations) were highly repeatable with independent data from the same population. Most of those SNPs also showed significant associations with the same trait in other captive populations, but the direction and magnitude of these effects varied among populations. This suggests that the tested SNPs are not the causal QTN but rather physically linked to them, and that LD between SNPs and causal variants differs between populations due to founder effects. While the identification of QTN remains challenging in nonmodel organisms, we illustrate that it is indeed possible to confirm the location and magnitude of QTL in a population with stable linkage between markers and causal variants.  相似文献   

Functional traits can covary to form “functional syndromes.” Describing and understanding functional syndromes is an important prerequisite for predicting the effects of organisms on ecosystem functioning. At the intraspecific level, functional syndromes have recently been described, but very little is known about their variability among populations and—if they vary—what the ecological and evolutionary drivers of this variation are. Here, we quantified and compared the variability in four functional traits (body mass, metabolic rate, excretion rate, and boldness), their covariations and the subsequent syndromes among thirteen populations of a common freshwater fish (the European minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus). We then tested whether functional traits and their covariations, as well as the subsequent syndromes, were underpinned by the phylogenetic relatedness among populations (historical effects) or the local environment (i.e., temperature and predation pressure), and whether adaptive (selection or plasticity) or nonadaptive (genetic drift) processes sustained among‐population variability. We found substantial among‐population variability in functional traits and trait covariations, and in the emerging syndromes. We further found that adaptive mechanisms (plasticity and/or selection) related to water temperature and predation pressure modulated the covariation between body mass and metabolic rate. Other trait covariations were more likely driven by genetic drift, suggesting that nonadaptive processes can also lead to substantial differences in trait covariations among populations. Overall, we concluded that functional syndromes are population‐specific, and that both adaptive and nonadaptive processes are shaping functional traits. Given the pivotal role of functional traits, differences in functional syndromes within species provide interesting perspectives regarding the role of intraspecific diversity for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Severe food shortage is associated with increased mortality and reduced reproductive success in contemporary and historical human populations. Studies of wild animal populations have shown that subtle variation in environmental conditions can influence patterns of mortality, fecundity and natural selection, but the fitness implications of such subtle variation on human populations are unclear. Here, we use longitudinal data on local grain production, births, marriages and mortality so as to assess the impact of crop yield variation on individual age-specific mortality and fecundity in two pre-industrial Finnish populations. Although crop yields and fitness traits showed profound year-to-year variation across the 70-year study period, associations between crop yields and mortality or fecundity were generally weak. However, post-reproductive individuals of both sexes, and individuals of lower socio-economic status experienced higher mortality when crop yields were low. This is the first longitudinal, individual-based study of the associations between environmental variation and fitness traits in pre-industrial humans, which emphasizes the importance of a portfolio of mechanisms for coping with low food availability in such populations. The results are consistent with evolutionary ecological predictions that natural selection for resilience to food shortage is likely to weaken with age and be most severe on those with the fewest resources.  相似文献   

  1. Research on how plant ecological strategies (competitive, stress‐tolerant, or ruderal) vary within species may improve our understanding of plant and community responses to climate warming and also successional changes. With increasing temperature, the importance of ruderal (R) and stress tolerance (S) components is hypothesized to decrease, while the strength of the competitive (C) component should increase. Offshoots and younger plants are predicted to have greater R and smaller S components.
  2. Leaf area, leaf dry matter content, and specific leaf area were measured for 1,344 forest plants belonging to 134 species in Liangshui and Fenglin Nature Reserves in Northeastern China, and C, R, and S scores calculated for each. Linear mixed effect models were used to assess how these indicators differed among study sites (n = 2), regeneration types, ontogenetic stages, and plant life forms. The two study sites have an average annual temperature difference of 0.675°C, simulating a temperature increase of 0.630°C due to climate warming.
  3. Higher temperatures reduce low‐temperature stress and frost damage, which may explain the observed decrease in R and S scores; at the same time, plant competitive ability increased, as manifested by higher C scores. This effect was most pronounced for herbaceous plants, but nearly negligible as compared to the effect of regeneration type for trees and of ontogeny for woody species. Resprouting trees and younger woody plants had higher R scores and lower S scores, a sign of adaptation to high disturbance.
  4. In this study, a small increase in mean annual temperature led to shifts in CSR strategy components for herbaceous species, without altering the vegetation type or community composition. Offshoots and younger plants had higher R and lower S scores, shedding light on similar changes in the ecological strategies of tree communities during secondary succession, such as the transition of Quercus mongolica coppices to forest and age‐related changes in Populus davidianaBetula platyphylla forests.

曾令清  付成  奚露  彭姜岚  付世建 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4807-4816
自然界中动物的表型特征(如形态、生理和行为)存在明显的种内个体差异,并且该差异在不同环境条件下保持稳定。为考察鲤科鱼类能量代谢和个性行为的个体差异及二者的关联,以鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25.0±0.5)℃条件下测定30尾鳊幼鱼的标准代谢率(SMR)、最大代谢率(MMR,由力竭运动诱导)和过量耗氧(EPOC)并计算代谢空间(MS)和相对代谢空间(FAS),随后测定鳊幼鱼的勇敢性(Boldness)和活跃性(Activity)两个个性行为学指标(测定Ⅰ),1个月后(测定Ⅱ)重复测定该种鱼的上述表型特征参数。结果显示:(1)1个月后鳊幼鱼的体重和体长均显著增加且具有较好的重复性(二者P0.05)。(2)除MMR、MS、FAS和EPOC外,鳊幼鱼SMR具有明显的重复性;SMR与MS、FAS以及EPOC均呈现负相关(所有P0.05),与MMR不相关;MS和FAS与MMR呈现正相关(二者P0.01);实验期间,鳊幼鱼部分能量代谢参数的相关性保持不变。(3)鳊的勇敢性(潜伏时间)重复性较差,且测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼的潜伏时间明显增加(P0.05),测定Ⅰ和测定Ⅱ的潜伏时间与SMR均不相关;活跃性的移动路程、游泳速度和运动时间比的重复性较差,三者之间的正相关不受时间影响;相比较测定Ⅰ,测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼活跃性的3个指标均明显增加(所有P0.05)。(4)不论测定Ⅰ还是测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼的SMR与实验期间特定体重增长率(SGR)均呈正相关(二者P0.01)。研究表明在实验室环境条件下鳊幼鱼的能量代谢和个性行为具有非平行的变化规律和重复性,表型特征之间存在关联,并且这些关联受环境条件的影响程度不尽相同;研究还提示该种鱼的SMR在短期内可预测个体的生长率。  相似文献   

Tree growth and survival were assessed in 283 populations of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) originating from a broad geographic range and grown at 90 common-garden experimental sites across Europe, and in 101 populations grown at 14 sites in North America. Growth and survival were analysed in response to climatic transfer distance, the difference in mean annual temperature (MAT) between the site and the population origin. Differences among populations at each site, and across sites for regional groups of populations, were related to climate transfer distance, but in opposite ways in the northern vs. southern parts of the species range. Climate transfers equivalent to warming by 1–4 °C markedly increased the survival of populations in northern Europe (≥ 62°N, < 2 °C MAT) and modestly increased height growth ≥ 57°N but decreased survival at < 62°N and modestly decreased height growth at < 54°N latitude in Europe. Thus, even modest climate warming will likely influence Scots pine survival and growth, but in distinct ways in different parts of the species range.  相似文献   

Summary Clonal and sexual co-existence is common in a number of vertebrate taxa, even though the cost of sex makes such co-existence theoretically unlikely. The frozen niche-variation (FNV) model explains this co-existence on the basis of differences in overall niche breadth and competition between clones and sexuals. In the present study I examined two predictions of the FNV model. First, I examined the prediction that genetically variable populations have higher relative fitness when compared with monoclonal populations by comparing the performances of clonal and outcrossed sexual strains ofPoeciliopsis in monocultures at two densities. The prediction of increased overall productivity for the sexuals was verified, with net reproductive rates for the sexuals being between two and four times as high as the clones. Second, I tested the prediction that derived clones will successfully compete with their sexual progenitor(s) in the narrow range to which the clones are adapted, while the sexuals should co-exist because of their ability to use a wider range of resources than any single clone. I examined this prediction by comparing performance variables (e.g. growth, fecundity and survival) of each strain in pure culture with their partitioned performance from the mixed treatments. Clonal performance increased in mixtures compared to monocultures, as expected. However, the expectation that the sexual's performance would be less affected by mixtures than the clones' performance, was not met. The sexuals had reduced growth and fecundity on a par with the increase in both variables in the clones. Therefore, support for the FNV model was mixed. Although the performance in monocultures suggests that the sexuals have a wider niche breadth than the clones, performances in mixtures do not indicate such a relationship. Switching of behaviours or resource-use patterns between mixed and pure cultures may have caused the equivocal results.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of phenotypic plasticity is required to assess how populations might respond to heterogeneous or changing environments. Although several studies have examined population‐level patterns in environmental heterogeneity and plasticity, few studies have examined individual‐level variation in plasticity. Here, we use the North Carolina II breeding design and translocation experiments between two populations of Chinook salmon to detail the genetic architecture and plasticity of offspring survival and growth. We followed the survival of 50 800 offspring through the larval stage and used parentage analysis to examine survival and growth through freshwater rearing. In one population, we found that additive genetic, nonadditive genetic and maternal effects explained 25%, 34% and 55% of the variance in larvae survival, respectively. In the second population, these effects explained 0%, 24% and 61% of the variance in larvae survival. In contrast, fry survival was regulated primarily by additive genetic effects, which indicates a shift from maternal to genetic effects as development proceeds. Fry growth also showed strong additive genetic effects. Translocations between populations revealed that offspring survival and growth varied between environments, the degree of which differed among families. These results indicate genetic differences among individuals in their degree of plasticity and consequently their ability to respond to environmental variation.  相似文献   


Growth traits are mainly determined by genetic factors. SIRT4, a class II sirtuin, predominantly acts as an ADP-ribosyltransferase and inhibits fatty acid oxidation. In this study, a total of 1005 cattle belonging to five indigenous Chinese breeds were used to evaluate the relationship between the potential insertions/deletions (indels) within the SIRT4 gene and growth traits. The results revealed that only one intronic variation was present, which showed Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (p?>?0.05) in all the populations. The relationship analyses indicated that this indel was significantly associated with growth traits (p?<?0.05), implying that SIRT4 significantly affects the growth traits. Therefore, the deletion mutation within the SIRT4 gene could be considered as a molecular marker to screen for growth traits in the cattle industry.  相似文献   

The interspecific relationships between egg size and body size in butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperiidae), and between size and egg and larval development time, larval trophic specificity, foodplant structure, climate, and phenology were investigated based on a sample of more than 1180 species. The independent contrasts mediod was used to avoid taxonomy-dependent results. Egg size is allometrically related to adult wing length by a slope of 0.43. Based on a subset of species, fecundity is correlated to adult body size, and there is evidence for a compromise between egg number and egg size (relative to adult size) across species. Butterfly size increases in correlation to the mean annual temperature of me species geographic range, but decreases in relation to increased aridity (or die length of the dry season). Larger butterflies tend to have longer larval development times, use large or structurally complex host plants, and are more likely to lay their eggs in batches, irrespective of climate. Larger eggs tend to develop more slowly, and give rise to larvae with longer developmental periods that will result in larger adults. No evidence was found to support a relationship between butterfly body size and polyphagy. A complex pattern of interrelationships links body size (and egg size) to other traits, although correlations other than mat between egg size and body size are generally low. The results suggest the necessity of separating climate and seasonality into components that are relevant to insect life histories in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Life history evolution of many clonal plants takes place with long periods of exclusively clonal reproduction and under largely varying ramet densities resulting from clonal reproduction. We asked whether life history traits of the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans respond to density-dependent selection, and whether plasticity in these traits is adaptive. After four generations of exclusively clonal propagation of 16 low and 16 high ramet-density lines, we studied life history traits and their plasticities at two test ramet-densities. Plastic responses to higher test-density consisted of a shift from sexual to vegetative reproduction, and reduced flower production, plant size, branching frequency, and lengths of leaves and internodes. Plants of high-density lines tended to have longer leaves, and under high test-density branched less frequently than those of low-density lines. Directions of these selection responses indicate that the observed plastic branching response is adaptive, whereas the plastic leaf length response is not. The reverse branching frequency pattern at low test-density, where plants of high-density lines branched more frequently than those of low-density lines, indicates evolution of plasticity in branching. Moreover, when grown under less stressful low test-density, plants of high-density lines tended to grow larger than the ones of low-density lines. We conclude that ramet density affects clonal life-history evolution and that under exclusively clonal propagation clonal life-history traits and their plasticities evolve differently at different ramet densities.  相似文献   

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