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We examined the effect of increasing the number of sampled amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) bands to reconstruct an accurate and well-supported AFLP-based phylogeny. In silico AFLP was performed using simulated DNA sequences evolving along balanced and unbalanced model trees with recent, uniform and ancient radiations and average branch lengths (from the most internal node to the tip) ranging from 0.02 to 0.05 substitutions per site. Trees were estimated by minimum evolution (ME) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods from both DNA sequences and virtual AFLP fingerprints. The comparison of the true tree with the estimated AFLP trees suggests that moderate numbers of AFLP bands are necessary to recover the correct topology with high bootstrap support values (i.e. >70%). Fewer numbers of bands are necessary for shorter tree lengths and for balanced than for unbalanced tree topologies. However, branch length estimation was rather unreliable and did not improve substantially after a certain number of bands were sampled. These results hold for different levels of genome coverage and number of taxa analysed. In silico AFLP using bacterial genomic DNA sequences recovered a well-supported tree topology that mirrored an empirical phylogeny based on a set of 31 orthologous gene sequences when as few as 263 AFLP bands were scored. These results suggest that AFLPs may be an efficient alternative to traditional DNA sequencing for accurate topology reconstruction of shallow trees when not very short ancestral branches exist.  相似文献   

A central question concerning data collection strategy for molecular phylogenies has been, is it better to increase the number of characters or the number of taxa sampled to improve the robustness of a phylogeny estimate? A recent simulation study concluded that increasing the number of taxa sampled is preferable to increasing the number of nucleotide characters, if taxa are chosen specifically to break up long branches. We explore this hypothesis by using empirical data from noctuoid moths, one of the largest superfamilies of insects. Separate studies of two nuclear genes, elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC), have yielded similar gene trees and high concordance with morphological groupings for 49 exemplar species. However, support levels were quite low for nodes deeper than the subfamily level. We tested the effects on phylogenetic signal of (1) increasing the taxon sampling by nearly 60%, to 77 species, and (2) combining data from the two genes in a single analysis. Surprisingly, the increased taxon sampling, although designed to break up long branches, generated greater disagreement between the two gene data sets and decreased support levels for deeper nodes. We appear to have inadvertently introduced new long branches, and breaking these up may require a yet larger taxon sample. Sampling additional characters (combining data) greatly increased the phylogenetic signal. To contrast the potential effect of combining data from independent genes with collection of the same total number of characters from a single gene, we simulated the latter by bootstrap augmentation of the single-gene data sets. Support levels for combined data were at least as high as those for the bootstrap-augmented data set for DDC and were much higher than those for the augmented EF-1 alpha data set. This supports the view that in obtaining additional sequence data to solve a refractory systematic problem, it is prudent to take them from an independent gene.  相似文献   

Sarcophagidae is one of the most species-rich families within the superfamily Oestroidea. This diversity is usually represented by three lineages: Miltogramminae, Paramacronychiinae and Sarcophaginae. Historically, the phylogenetic relationships among these lineages have been elusive, due to poorly supported hypotheses or small taxon sets, or both. This study provides a dramatic increase in molecular data, more balanced sampling of all three lineages from all biogeographical regions and a reassessment of morphological characters using scanning electron microscopy in the most comprehensive assessment of subfamily-level phylogeny in Sarcophagidae to date. This analysis of the largest molecular dataset ever produced for a phylogenetic analysis of a fly lineage, with 950 loci from anchored hybrid enrichment comprising 435 930 bp from 101 species, revealed Paramacronychiinae as sister to Miltogramminae, not to Sarcophaginae, as suggested by adult morphology. Maximum likelihood analysis produced a well-supported topology, with 91% of the nodes receiving strong bootstrap proportions (> 97%). In contrast to the molecular data, three out of nine morphological characters studied point to a sister-group relationship of (Sarcophaginae + Paramacronychiinae) and the remaining six characters are either silent on subfamily relationships or in need of further study. Re-examination of morphological structures provides new insights into the evolution of male genitalic traits within Sarcophagidae and highlights their convergence producing conflicting phylogenetic signal. Our phylogeny reconciles older and widely used systems of classification with tree-based thinking and sets up a classification of flesh flies that is more aligned with their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Synonymous substitutions in the 13 mitochondrial encoded protein genes form a large pool of characters that should approach the ideal for phylogenetic analysis of being independently and identically distributed. Pooling sequences from multiple mitochondrial protein-coding genes should result in statistically more powerful estimates of relationships among species that diverged sufficiently recently that most nucleotide substitutions are synonymous. Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was sequenced for woodpecker species for which cytochrome b (cyt b) sequences were available. A pairing-design test based on the normal distribution indicated that cyt b evolves more rapidly than COI when all nucleotides are compared but their rates are equal for synonymous substitutions. Nearly all of the phylogenetically informative substitutions among woodpeckers are synonymous. Statistical support for relationships, as measured by bootstrap proportions, increased as the number of nucleotides increased from 1047 (cyt b) to 1512 (COI) to 2559 nucleotides (aggregate data set). Pseudo-bootstrap replicates showed the same trend and increasing the amount of sequence beyond the actual length of 2559 nucleotides to 5120 (2x) resulted in stronger bootstrap support, even though the amount of phylogenetic information was the same. However, the amount of sequence required to resolve an internode depends on the length of the internode and its depth in the phylogeny.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among feather mites of the subfamily Avenzoariinae (Acari: Analgoidea: Avenzoariidae) were reconstructed by parsimony analysis of a combined data matrix. We analyzed 41 morphological characters and 246 molecular characters from a fragment of the 16S rDNA. Morphological trees were well supported at deep branches (genera and above), but showed much less support and resolution within genera. Molecular analyses produced trees with better resolution and support on terminal branches and worse support on basal branches. I(MF) index for the combined matrix pointed to the significant congruence of both data subsets with the whole of the data. The topology of the combined tree was close to the morphological tree in the deep branches and had well-resolved terminal branches as in the molecular tree. This suggests a considerable level of complimentarity between the two data sets. An analysis of association patterns of the mites and their hosts was conducted based on the results of the combined analyses for the Avenzoariinae and a phylogeny of their charadriiform hosts (compiled from various bird phylogeny hypotheses). The trees could be reconciled by the invoking of 12-13 cospeciation events, 6-7 duplications, 2 host shifts, and 26-29 sorting events. This suggests a high degree of cospeciation.  相似文献   

The morphological based taxonomy of highly derived parasite groups is likely to poorly reflect their evolutionary relationships. The taxonomy of the monogenean family Capsalidae, which comprises approximately 180 species of flatworm parasites that predominantly attach to external surfaces of chondrichthyan and teleost fishes, is based mainly on six morphological characters. The phylogenetic history of the family is largely unknown. We reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of 47 species in 20 genera from eight of the nine subfamilies, from nucleotide sequences of three unlinked nuclear genes, 28S ribosomal RNA, Histone 3 and Elongation Factor 1 α. Our phylogeny was well corroborated, with 75% of branches receiving strong support from both Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap proportions and all nodes showed positive partitioned likelihood support for each of the three genes. We found that the family was monophyletic, with the Gyrodactylidae and Udonellidae forming the sister group. The Capsalinae was monophyletic, however, our data do not support monophyly for the Benedeniinae, Entobdellinae and Trochopodinae. Monophyly was supported for Capsala, Entobdella, Listrocephalos, Neobenedenia and Tristoma, but Benedenia and Neoentobdella were polyphyletic. Comparisons of the distribution of character states for the small number of morphological characters on the molecular phylogeny show a high frequency of apparent homoplasy. Consequently the current morphological classification shows little correspondence with the phylogenetic relationships within the family.  相似文献   

Many authors have claimed that short branches in the Tree of Life will be very difficult to resolve with strong support, even with the large multilocus data sets now made possible by genomic resources. Short branches may be especially problematic because the underlying gene trees are expected to have discordant phylogenetic histories when the time between branching events is very short. Although there are many examples of short branches that are difficult to resolve, surprisingly, no empirical studies have systematically examined the relationships between branch lengths, branch support, and congruence among genes. Here, we examine these fundamental relationships quantitatively using a data set of 20 nuclear loci for 50 species of snakes (representing most traditionally recognized families). A combined maximum likelihood analysis of the 20 loci gives strong support for 69% of the nodes, but many remain weakly supported, with bootstrap values for 20% ranging from 21% to 66%. For the combined-data tree, we find significant correlations between the length of a branch, levels of bootstrap support, and the proportion of genes that are congruent with that branch in the separate analyses of each gene. We also find that strongly supported conflicts between gene trees over the resolution of individual branches are common (roughly 35% of clades), especially for shorter branches. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that short branches may be very difficult to confidently resolve, even with large, multilocus data sets. Nevertheless, our study provides strong support for many clades, including several that were controversial or poorly resolved in previous studies of snake phylogeny.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic analyses of cetacean relationships based on DNA sequence data have challenged the traditional view that baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti) are each monophyletic, arguing instead that baleen whales are the sister group of the odontocete family Physeteridae (sperm whales). We reexamined this issue in light of a morphological data set composed of 207 characters and molecular data sets of published 12S, 16S, and cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. We reach four primary conclusions: (1) Our morphological data set strongly supports the traditional view of odontocete monophyly; (2) the unrooted molecular and morphological trees are very similar, and most of the conflict results from alternative rooting positions; (3) the rooting position of the molecular tree is sensitive to choice of artiodactyls outgroup taxa and the treatment of two small but ambiguously aligned regions of the 12S and 16S sequences, whereas the morphological root is strongly supported; and (4) combined analyses of the morphological and molecular data provide a well-supported phylogenetic estimate consistent with that based on the morphological data alone (and the traditional view of toothed-whale monophyly) but with increased bootstrap support at nearly every node of the tree.  相似文献   

A conservative estimate of the species tree for the woodpecker genus Picoides based on two mitochondrial protein-coding genes is tested using sequences of an independently evolving nuclear intron, beta-fibrinogen intron 7. The mitochondrial gene-based topology and the intron-based topology are concordant, and a partition-homogeneity statistical test did not detect phylogenetic heterogeneity. The intron evolves more slowly than the mitochondrial sequences and tends not to resolve relationships among recently evolved species. However, the intron is superior over mitochondrial genes in resolving older bifurcations in the phylogeny. The two data sets were combined resulting in a robust estimate of the Picoides species tree in which most every node is statistically supported by bootstrap proportions. The Picoides species tree clearly shows that many morphological and behavioral characters used to lump species into this single genus have evolved by convergent evolution. Picoides is considered the largest genus of woodpeckers, but the molecular-based species tree suggests that Picoides is actually a conglomerate of several smaller groups.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes of the genus Steinernema are lethal parasites of insects that are used as biological control agents of several lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran pests. Phylogenetic relationships among 25 Steinernema species were estimated using nucleotide sequences from three genes and 22 morphological characters. Parsimony analysis of 28S (LSU) sequences yielded a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis with reliable bootstrap support for 13 clades. Parsimony analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (12S rDNA and cox 1 genes) yielded phylogenetic trees with a lower consistency index than for LSU sequences, and with fewer reliably supported clades. Combined phylogenetic analysis of the 3-gene dataset by parsimony and Bayesian methods yielded well-resolved and highly similar trees. Bayesian posterior probabilities were high for most clades; bootstrap (parsimony) support was reliable for approximately half of the internal nodes. Parsimony analysis of the morphological dataset yielded a poorly resolved tree, whereas total evidence analysis (molecular plus morphological data) yielded a phylogenetic hypothesis consistent with, but less resolved than trees inferred from combined molecular data. Parsimony mapping of morphological characters on the 3-gene trees showed that most structural features of steinernematids are highly homoplastic. The distribution of nematode foraging strategies on these trees predicts that S. hermaphroditum, S. diaprepesi and S. longicaudum (US isolate) have cruise forager behaviours.  相似文献   

External morphological characters are the basis of our understanding of diversity and species relationships in many darter clades. The past decade has seen the publication of many studies utilizing mtDNA sequence data to investigate darter phylogenetics, but only recently have nuclear genes been used to investigate darter relationships. Despite a long tradition of use in darter systematics few studies have examined the phylogenetic utility of external morphological characters in estimating relationships among species in darter clades. We present DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene, the nuclear encoded S7 intron 1, and discretely coded external morphological characters for all 20 species in the darter clade Nothonotus. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses result in phylogenies that are in broad agreement with previous studies. The cytb gene tree is well resolved, while the nuclear S7 gene tree lacks phylogenetic resolution, node support, and is characterized by a lack of reciprocal monophyly for many of the Nothonotus species. The phylogenies resulting from analysis of the morphological dataset lack resolution, but nodes present are found in the cytb and S7 gene trees. The highest resolution and node support is found in the Bayesian combined data phylogeny. Based on our results we propose continued exploration of the phylogenetic utility of external morphological characters in other darter clades. Given the extensive lack of reciprocal monophyly of species observed in the S7 gene tree we predict that nuclear gene sequences may have limited utility in intraspecific phylogeographic studies of Nothonotus darters.  相似文献   

Marine butterflyfishes (10 genera, 114 species) are conspicuously beautiful and abundant animals found on coral reefs worldwide, and are well studied due to their ecological importance and commercial value. Several phylogenies based on morphological and molecular data exist, yet a well-supported molecular phylogeny at the species level for a wide range of taxa remains to be resolved. Here we present a molecular phylogeny of the butterflyfishes, including representatives of all genera (except Parachaetodon) and at least one representative of all commonly cited subgenera of Chaetodon (except Roa sensuBlum, 1988). Genetic data were collected for 71 ingroup and 13 outgroup taxa, using two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes that total 3332 nucleotides. Bayesian inference, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods produced a well-supported phylogeny with strong support for a monophyletic Chaetodontidae. The Chaetodon subgenera Exornator and Chaetodon were found to be polyphyletic, and the genus Amphichaetodon was not the basal sister group to the rest of the family as had been previously proposed. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of data from 5 genes resolved some clades in agreement with previous phylogenetic studies, however the topology of relationships among major butterflyfish groups differed significantly from previous hypotheses. The analysis recovered a clade containing Amphichaetodon, Coradion, Chelmonops, Chelmon, Forcipiger, Hemitaurichthys, Johnrandallia, and Heniochus. Prognathodes was resolved as the sister to all Chaetodon, as in previous hypotheses, although the topology of subgeneric clades differed significantly from hypotheses based on morphology. We use the species-level phylogeny for the butterflyfishes to resolve long-standing questions regarding the use of subgenera in Chaetodon, to reconstruct molecular rates and estimated dates of diversification of major butterflyfish clades, and to examine global biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic analyses of both molecular and morphological data for the 23 major lineages of living turtles and seven key fossil taxa. Nearly 1 kilobase of cytochrome b sequence, 325 base pairs of 12S ribosomal DNA, and 115 morphological characters contained similar phylogenetic information, although each provided unique information on different nodes of chelonian history. A character-based combinability test (implemented in PAUP*) and a non-parametric test of taxonomic congruence indicated no strong evidence for heterogeneity among data sets, and we used a combined approach to estimate a final phylogeny of the major lineages of living turtles. This approach resulted in a very well-resolved tree, with only a few of the deep branches within the Cryptodira left as an unresolved polytomy. The addition of six relatively complete fossils chosen to help resolve this basal polytomy provided little added resolution to the tree and resulted in a sharp decline in bootstrap proportions for nodes near the fossils. Branch-length analysis and independent dates from the fossil record suggest that these unresolved nodes may represent a rapid radiation of the major cryptodiran lineages 90-120 million years ago.  相似文献   

The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed, differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided.  相似文献   

The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed, differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided.  相似文献   

Although the phylogeny of centipedes has found ample agreement based on morphology, recent analyses incorporating molecular data show major conflict at resolving the deepest nodes in the centipede tree. While some genes support the classical (morphological) hypothesis, others suggest an alternative tree in which the relictual order Craterostigmomorpha, restricted to Tasmania and New Zealand, is resolved as the sister group to all other centipedes. We combined all available data including seven genes (totalling more than 8 kb of genetic information) and 153 morphological characters for 24 centipedes, and conducted a sensitivity analysis to evaluate where the conflict resides. Our data showed that the classical hypothesis is obtained primarily when nuclear ribosomal genes exert dominance in the character data matrix (at high gap costs), while the alternative tree is obtained when protein-encoding genes account for most of the cladogram length (at low gap costs). In this particular case, the addition of genetic data does not produce a more stable hypothesis for deep centipede relationships than when analysing certain genes independently, but the overall conflict in the data can be clearly detected via a sensitivity analysis, and support and stability of shallow nodes increase as data are added.  相似文献   

A phylogenomic approach was used to study the evolution of traits in the Cyanobacteria. A cyanobacterial backbone tree was constructed using multiple concatenated sequences from whole genome sequences. Additional taxa were added using a separate alignment that contained morphological characters, SSU (small subunit) and LSU (large subunit) rDNA, rpoC, rpoD, tufA, and gyrB genes. A compartmentalization approach was then used to construct a robust phylogeny with resolved deep branches. Additional morphological characters (e.g. unicellular or filamentous growth, presence or absence of heterocysts) were coded, mapped onto the backbone cyanobacterial tree, and the ancestral character states inferred. Our analyses show that the earliest cyanobacterial lineages were likely unicellular coccoid/ellipsoidal/short rods that lived in terrestrial/freshwater environments. Later cyanobacterial lineages independently gained the ability to colonize brackish, marine, and hypersaline environments while acquiring a large number of more complex traits: sheath, filamentous growth, nitrogen fixation, thermophily, motility, and use of sulphide as an electron donor. Many of these adaptations would have been important in the appearance of dense microbial mats early in Earth's history. Complex traits such as hormogonia, heterocysts, and akinetes had a single ancestor. Within the Nostocales, hormogonia and heterocysts arose before akinetes.  相似文献   

The available data for Sarcophagidae in GenBank were analysed in order to reconstruct the most comprehensive phylogeny to date. GenBank was explored for nine markers that are commonly used in various molecular and phylogenetic studies of flesh flies. We obtained data for 187 species and constructed an aligned dataset with 9241 characters. However, the matrix suffered from 74% missing data due to a low number of sequences for some markers and in most of the cases only short fragments of the analysed genes were available. The reconstructed tree was taxonomically biased towards the subfamilies Paramacronychiinae (12% of the described species) and Sarcophaginae (8.6% of the described species) and specifically the genus Sarcophaga. The third subfamily Miltogramminae was represented by only 0.7% of described species. Moreover, about half of the included species were of forensic importance, while the percentage of such species in the entire family was estimated at 7%. Many nodes had very low support, so in order to increase the support and thereby identify a ‘core topology’, we pruned ‘rogue’ taxa and applied different substitution models. Both strategies improved support considerably, although some nodes still were left unresolved. An analysis of the distribution of bootstrap values across chronograms showed that the weakest phylogenetic signal is restricted to that part of the tree which coincides with the onset of rapid radiations mainly within the genus Sarcophaga. Our study is concordant with phylogenies obtained by other authors, with the most noteworthy exception being the subfamily Paramacronychiinae emerging as paraphyletic with regard to the Miltogramminae, which is in strong conflict with morphological evidence. We discuss the new findings in the light of traditional taxonomical classifications of Sarcophagidae and recent molecular studies.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of the Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta: Cladophorophyceae)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The Siphonocladales are tropical to warm-temperate, marine green macro-algae characterized by a wide variety of thallus morphologies, ranging from branched filaments to pseudo-parenchymatous plants. Phylogenetic analyses of partial large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences sampled from 166 isolates revealed nine well-supported siphonocladalean clades. Analyses of a concatenated dataset of small subunit (SSU) and partial LSU rDNA sequences greatly clarified the phylogeny of the Siphonocladales. However, the position of the root of the Siphonocladales could not be determined unambiguously, as outgroup rooting and molecular clock rooting resulted in a different root placement. Different phylogenetic methods (likelihood, parsimony and distance) yielded similar tree topologies with comparable internal node resolution. Likewise, analyses under more realistic models of sequence evolution, taking into account differences in evolution between stem and loop regions of rRNA, did not differ markedly from analyses using standard four-state models. The molecular phylogeny revealed that all siphonocladalean architectures may be derived from a single Cladophora-like ancestor. Parallel and convergent evolution of various morphological characters (including those traditionally employed to circumscribe the families and genera) have occurred in the Siphonocladales. Consequently, incongruence with traditional classifications, including non-monophyly in all families and most genera, was shown.  相似文献   

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