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The effect of repeated and prolonged stimuli on the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the course of oestrous cycles was studied in sheep. Weak electric footshocks were administered in different phases of the cycle in a programmed schedule for 9 h daily during 3–4 days. The enduring and repetitive character of the stimuli was supposed to induce some emotional state which approximated to the so-called management stress. Plasma prolactin concentration was also determined in the pro-oestrous phase of the cycle to follow the interrelationship between the pre-ovulatory release of LH and this hormone.Five out of 26 ewes stimulated in different phases of the oestrous cycle showed inhibition in the release of LH and disturbances in the function of the ovaries (cystic or inactive ovaries). The disturbances of the oestrous cycles appeared not only in the course of the current cycle (in which stimulation was applied), but also in the subsequent ones.Increased plasma prolactin levels after stimulation seem not to have an inhibitory action on the pre-ovulatory LH release. The other cause of the observed disturbances in the course of the oestrous cycle, i.e. the impairment of neuro-hormonal regulation, is discussed.  相似文献   

Radio transmission of deep-body temperature changes in cattle was found to be a feasible method of collecting information for husbandry decisions. Oestrous cycles were plotted and ovulations detected so that cattle were effectively bred artificially. Abnormalities of the cycle pattern accurately indicated abnormal reproductive phenomena. The presence of febrile illness was also detectable. The occurrence of silent oestrus was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

For 18 two-wave interovulatory intervals in heifers, the follicular waves were first detected on Days -0.2 +/- 0.1 and 9.6 +/- 0.2, and for 4 three-wave intervals on Days -0.5 +/- 0.3, 9.0 +/- 0.0 and 16.0 +/- 1.1 (ovulation is Day 0). The day-to-day mean diameter profile of the dominant follicle of the 1st wave and the day of emergence of the 2nd wave were not significantly different between 2-wave and 3-wave intervals. There were no indications, therefore, that events occurring during the first half of the interovulatory interval were associated with the later emergence of a 3rd wave. The dominant ovulatory follicle differed significantly (P less than 0.05 at least) between 2-wave and 3-wave intervals in day of emergence (Day 9.6 +/- 0.2 and 16.0 +/- 1.1), length of interval from emergence of follicle to ovulation (10.9 +/- 0.4 and 6.8 +/- 0.6 days), and diameter on day before ovulation (16.5 +/- 0.4 and 13.9 +/- 0.4 mm). The mean length of 2-wave interovulatory intervals (20.4 +/- 0.3 days) was shorter (P less than 0.01) than for 3-wave intervals (22.8 +/- 0.6 days). The mean day of luteal regression for 2-wave and 3-wave intervals was 16.5 +/- 0.4 and 19.2 +/- 0.5 (P less than 0.01). For all intervals, luteal regression occurred after emergence of the ovulatory wave, and the next wave did not emerge until near the day of ovulation at the onset of the subsequent interovulatory interval. In conclusion, the emergence of a 3rd wave was associated with a longer luteal phase, and the viable dominant follicle present at the time of luteolysis became the ovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

In Exp. I oxytocin (60 micrograms/100 kg/day) was infused into the jugular vein of 3 heifers on Days 14-22, 15-18 and 16-19 of the oestrous cycle respectively. In Exp. II 5 heifers were infused with 12 micrograms oxytocin/100 kg/day from Day 15 of the oestrous cycle until clear signs of oestrus. Blood samples were taken from the contralateral jugular vein at 2-h intervals from the start of the infusion. The oestrous cycle before and after treatment served as the controls for each animal. Blood samples were taken less frequently during the control cycles. In Exp. III 3 heifers were infused with 12 micrograms oxytocin/100 kg/day for 50 h before expected oestrus and slaughtered 30-40 min after the end of infusion for determination of oxytocin receptor amounts in the endometrium. Three other heifers slaughtered at the same days of the cycle served as controls. Peripheral concentrations of oxytocin during infusion ranged between 155 and 641 pg/ml in Exp. I and 18 and 25 pg/ml in Exp. II. In 4 our of 8 heifers of Exps I and II, one high pulse of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGFM) appeared soon after the start of oxytocin infusion followed by some irregular pulses. The first PGFM pulse was accompanied by a transient (10-14 h) decrease of blood progesterone concentration. High regular pulses of PGFM in all heifers examined were measured between Days 17 and 19 during spontaneous luteolysis. No change in length of the oestrous cycle or secretion patterns of progesterone, PGFM and LH was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The infusion of isoprenaline or propranolol into the abdominal aorta of the pseudopregnant cat caused an increase or decrease respectively in the ovarian progesterone secretion rate. These observations suggest that the sympathetic innervation of the ovary has a physiological influence on normal progesterone secretion, and this mechanism may explain stress-related increases in progesterone concentrations. The infusion of isoprenaline or propranolol after the stimulation of follicular growth had no consistent or convincing effect on oestradiol secretion.  相似文献   

Initiating the chronic administration of progesterone to cattle during metoestrus will produce shortened oestrous cycles containing one or two wave-like sequences of ovarian follicle development. Conception rates are reduced to inseminations at the oestrus preceding these shortened cycles. In contrast, a single injection of the GnRH analogue, buserelin, around mid-dioestrus can lengthen the oestrous cycle by increasing the proportion of cycles with three waves of follicular development and may also increase conception rates. A series of trials was conducted to test the hypothesis that the adverse effects of progesterone on oestrous cycle length and conception rate could be prevented with a strategic injection of GnRH. In Trial 1, progesterone was administered per vaginum to heifers for 10 days from Day 2 or 3 (Oestrus = Day 0) and with (n = 42) or without (n = 46) an injection of a GnRH analogue (10 microg buserelin) on Day 12 or 13. Other heifers (n = 44) served as an untreated control group. The average inter-oestrous interval (IOI) for those heifers treated only with progesterone was 17.0 days and was less (p<0.05) than the average intervals for those also receiving GnRH (20.2 days) or in the control group (20.0 days). In Trial 2, 45 heifers were inseminated following a synchronised oestrus. Progesterone was administered as in Trial 1 to 22 of the heifers. Their conception rate was 45.4% and this was less (p<0.05) than the 73.9% obtained with their 23 untreated contemporaries. Trial 3 was completed using 530 cows in commercial dairyherds. The 259 cows receiving progesterone and GnRH (buserelin) after their first inseminations had a conception rate of 68.3% compared to 56.1% for their 271 untreated herdmates (p<0.05%). Heifer calves born to treated cows had heavier birthweights (33.4 vs. 31.1 kg; p<0.05), but birthweights of bull calves were unaffected (35.5 vs. 35.8 kg). Gestation lengths for cows conceiving to first inseminations were similar for treated and control groups (280.9 vs. 280.5 days). The results of these trials confirmed the hypothesis that a strategic injection of the GnRH analogue, buserelin, could prevent the reductions in oestrous cycle length and conception rate associated with the chronic metoestrous administration of progesterone.  相似文献   

Oxytocin at a dose of 100 i.u. injected subcutaneously (s.c.) daily to goats between Days 3 and 6 of the oestrous cycle caused a significant increase in testosterone secretion compared with saline-treated animals. An oxytocin antagonist (0.2 micrograms/kg) injected intra-arterially between Days 12 and 18 of the oestrous cycle or simultaneously with oxytocin between Days 3 and 6 blocked the increased release of testosterone and occurrence of oestrus. It is suggested that oxytocin-induced oestrus may occur via testosterone secretion.  相似文献   

Techniques for manipulating the oestrous cycle of sable antelope, Hippotragus niger, were evaluated in a captive population of 24 females maintained at the Smithsonian Institution's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, VA, USA. A secondary objective was to demonstrate the effectiveness of fecal steroid monitoring techniques as a non-invasive method of tracking experimental manipulations. Controlled Internal Drug Releasing (CIDR) devices designed for cattle (type B, reduced in length by 5 cm to fit the sable antelope's smaller reproductive tract) were more effective than CIDR devices designed for goats (type G) at delivering progesterone into circulation, and maintained serum progesterone at levels up to 86.1+/-7.8% of normal luteal concentrations in females whose spontaneous ovarian activity had been inhibited with melengestrol acetate. Serum progesterone and fecal progestagen measurements were highly correlated (P<0.05). Synchronization treatments of prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha alone and in combination with modified CIDR-B devices (12-day insertion interval) were both effective in inducing synchronized ovulation, however the PGF2alpha/modified CIDR-B treatment resulted in more precise synchrony and a shorter latency to ovulation than did PGF2alpha alone. In a separate experiment to characterize the temporal relationship between synchronization treatment, behavioral oestrus and ovulation, onset of behavioral oestrus occurred 34.1+/-5.7 h following PGF2alpha/modified CIDR-B treatment. Mean duration of the induced oestrus was 24.9+/-4.3 h. The first detectable rise in fecal progestagens occurred 5.1+/-1.0 and 4.1+/-1.0 days following PGF2alpha/modified CIDR-B treatment in groups of females housed with and without an adult male, respectively, indicating that the presence of a male did not accelerate the onset of the induced cycle.  相似文献   

In two experiments with female cattle, responses to synchronisation and superovulation were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography and embryo recovery. Each experiment had both a synchronisation phase to establish a reference oestrus and a superovulatory phase with the oestrous cycle controlled by exogenous progesterone commencing at two specific times. The reference oestrus was controlled using a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) applied for 12 days with prostaglandin F given 1 day before removal. Experiment 1 had two treatments which differed by the absence (A) or presence (P) of a 10mg oestradiol benzoate capsule on the PRID, while in Experiment 2 all animals were on treatment P. In the superovulatory phase of both experiments treatment P commenced on Day 7 (PRID 7 treatment) or Day 14 (PRID 14 treatment) of the oestrous cycle (oestrus designated Day 0). Superovulation, using equine chorionic gonadotrophin in Experiment 1 and oFSH in Experiment 2, commenced 3 days before PRID removal. Treatment P caused rapid regression of the dominant follicle and corpus luteum (CL) irrespective of when treatment commenced. A second wave of follicular growth was detected after 6–8 days and the dominant follicle grew at 1.1 mm day−1 in the 7 days before oestrus. In contrast, in treatment A of Experiment 1, the dominant follicle either grew slowly and eventually ovulated for cows in the mid-luteal phase, or the dominant follicle regressed and a second wave follicle ovulated if cows were early luteal at PRID insertion. In the superovulatory phase of both experiments the dominant follicle of PRID 7 animals increased in size and then regressed, but in PRID 14 cows, the dominant follicle was regressing before PRID insertion. During superovulation, the number of 7–10 mm follicles was significantly (P<0.001) greater in PRID 7 animals in Experiment 2. In both experiments, half the animals on the PRID 14 treatment maintained a large follicle during the superovulatory phase in contrast to the even sized follicles in animals on PRID 7 treatment. In Experiment 1, the number of grade 1 embryos recovered was significantly (P<0.05) higher for PRID 7 than PRID 14 treatments. In Experiment 2, there were significant differences (P<0.001) in the number of corpora lutea, total ova plus embryos and grade 1 embryos in favour of PRID 7 animals following superovulation. We conclude that the initiation of control of the oestrous cycle with a PRID and subsequent superovulating regime should take account of normal follicular wave status for effective superstimulation and production of viable embryos, and that ultrasonography may usefully be applied to the process.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate a novel approach to oestrus synchronization in the ewe by treatment with a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist. Groups of ewes were initially treated on Day 2, 10 or 14 of the oestrous cycle with 10 mug GnRH analogue (D-Ser(Bu(t)) 6 des Gly GnRH ethylamide) per ewe per day for 14 days. Behavioural oestrus was inhibited during GnRH agonist treatment and recurred from 8 to 38 days after the treatment in an unsynchronized manner. Luteal activity during treatment was not impaired but reduced progesterone concentrations occurred in cycles after the treatment. The rhythm of ovarian function, generally characterized by prolonged follicular development, was impaired. During the treatment and subsequent recovery period, integrity of pituitary function was examined by measuring luteinizing hormone (LH) after GnRH agonist was injected, and after stimulation test doses of 150 ng natural GnRH were administered. During treatment there was, with time, a decline in pituitary response to the agonist which suggested that pituitary release of LH was exhausted. After the 14-day treatment the stimulation test with GnRH revealed a gradual return to normal responsiveness although this was not complete three weeks after the treatment when compared to control ewes. This lowered pituitary activity could cause the impaired ovarian function.  相似文献   

Cooke RG  Payne JH 《Theriogenology》1998,50(2):249-253
The effects of close intra-arterial infusion of acetylcholine and adrenalin on ovarian secretion of progesterone and oxytocin were examined on Day 10 of the estrous cycle in goats (estrus = Day 0). Acetylcholine (15 micrograms/min) was without effect, but adrenalin (10 micrograms/min) significantly (P < 0.001) raised both progesterone and oxytocin concentrations in ovarian vein plasma. These results show that luteal hormone secretion is enhanced in the goat by beta-adrenergic stimulation and suggest that, as in the sheep and cow, there may be neuroendocrine involvement in the regulation of caprine luteal function.  相似文献   

Payne JH  Cooke RG 《Theriogenology》1998,49(4):837-844
The effects of jugular infusions of adrenalin and the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol on plasma concentrations of progesterone and oxytocin were examined at 2 different stages of the caprine estrous cycle. Adrenalin (25 micrograms.kg-1h-1) significantly (P < 0.05) increased oxytocin secretion on Day 3 and Day 10 of the cycle (estrus = Day 0); progesterone concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated on Day 10 alone. Propranolol had no effect on progesterone secretion yet significantly (P < 0.05) reduced oxytocin concentrations on Day 3. These results suggest that there may be neuroendocrine involvement in the regulation of luteal oxytocin secretion in the goat.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to determine the effect of a low dose of progesterone (P) with and without the addition of an injection of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) on ovarian follicle dynamics, oestradiol production and LH pulsatility in postpartum anoestrous cows, compared with cows which had resumed oestrous cycles (cycling cows). In the first experiment, anoestrous Jersey cows were treated with (AN+P, n=8) or without (AN-3, n=3) a previously used intravaginal progesterone releasing (CIDR) device for 10 days, commencing 3 or 4 days after emergence of a new dominant follicle (DF1) as determined by transrectal ultrasonography. Contemporary cycling cows (CYC+P, n=8) were similarly treated with used CIDR devices and injected with prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) at the time of device insertion. Follicle turnover was monitored by daily ultrasonography and pulsatile release of LH was measured on the ninth day after device insertion. During the period of CIDR device insertion, a second dominant follicle emerged in 4/8 of the CYC+P group and 7/8 of the AN+P group (P=0.14). Maximum diameter of DF1 was greater in cows in the CYC+P compared with the AN+P group (P=0.02), but did not differ between cows in the AN+P and AN-P groups (P>0.1). Frequency of LH pulses was greater in cows in the CYC+P than AN+P group (P=0.06), and in cows in the AN+P than AN-P group (P=0.02).In the second experiment, anoestrous (n=20) and cycling (n=11) Friesian cows were treated with a new CIDR device for 6 days commencing 3 days after emergence of a new dominant follicle (DF1). Cycling cows were also injected with PGF on the day of device insertion. Half of the cows in each group were injected with 2mg ODB on the day of device insertion. Daily ultrasonography was used to monitor follicular dynamics throughout the experimental period. Follicular turnover was increased by ODB in cycling (5/5 versus 1/6; P<0.05), but not anoestrous cows (5/9 versus 4/11). Persistence of DF1 was reduced by ODB treatment in both cycling and anoestrous cows (P<0.001). Maximum diameter of DF1 was influenced by ODB treatment and reproductive status (P<0.05). In anoestrous cows in which a second dominant follicle did not emerge during the period of device insertion, the interval from emergence of DF1 to emergence of a second dominant follicle was significantly delayed by treatment with ODB (P=0.04).In conclusion, P treatment of anoestrous cows increased pulsatile release of LH, but did not induce the development of persistent follicles. Injection of ODB in association with P treatment reduced the persistence of dominant follicles in both cycling and anoestrous cows, but delayed subsequent follicular development in a proportion of anoestrous cows.  相似文献   

Five parous non-pregnant, non-lactating cows were injected (sc) with progesterone (50 mg/day for 7 consecutive days) followed by estradiol (0.1 mg) plus progesterone (0.25 mg) per kg body wt/day on day 12 to 14 and with reserpine / 2 mg twice a day on day 19 to 22. All the 5 cows were successfully induced into lactation. Animals exhibiting estrus following hormonal therapy were artificially inseminated and one cow became pregnant and exhibited normal parturition. Jugular blood collected was used for estimation of progesterone by RIA technique and considerable individual variation was observed in progesterone concentration.  相似文献   

Adrenal secretory rates and peripheral plasma levels of progesterone (PROG) were determined during the estrous cycles of hamsters and 4-day cyclic rats. In both species, the PROG concentrations in peripheral plasma were never more than 6% of those observed in adrenal venous plasma. In hamsters, adrenal PROG secretory rates varied from 3.8 ± 0.8 ng/min at 0800 hr on proestrus (P) to 8.5 ± 1 ng/min at 2000 hr on estrus (E). The rates noted on P were among the lowest observed and were similar to those noted at 0800 hr the following morning. In rats, adrenal PROG secretory rates varied from 57 ± 9 ng/min at 0800 hr on E to 130 ± 18 ng/min at 2000 hr on P. A significant decline occurred between 2000 hr on P and 0800 hr the following morning. Rats secreted 3 to 8 times more PROG than did hamsters when the secretory rates are expressed as ng/min/100 mg adrenal. In hamsters, the data suggest a relative lack of influence of female reproductive hormones on adrenal PROG secretion and in turn the latter may not be involved in reproductive hormonal changes leading to ovulation. In rats, the increased adrenal PROG secretion noted on P may be due to the influence of reproductive hormones on adrenocortical function. This elevated rate may in turn influence the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-ovarian axis.  相似文献   

Serum samples were collected from 3 mature female African elephants once each week for 15-18 months. Circulating concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol and LH were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The LH RIA was validated by demonstrating parallel cross-reaction with partly purified elephant LH pituitary fractions. Changing serum progesterone concentrations indicated an oestrous cycle length of 13.3 +/- 1.3 weeks (n = 11). The presumed luteal phase, characterized by elevated serum progesterone values, was 9.1 +/- 1.1 weeks (n = 11). Two abbreviated phases of progesterone in serum lasting 2-3 weeks were observed in 2 elephants, indicating short luteal phases. Oestradiol concentrations in serum were variable, with no clear pattern of secretion. More frequent blood samples were collected during periovulatory periods and 9 distinct LH peaks were detected; all were followed by rises in serum progesterone concentrations. Periovulatory changes in progesterone and LH in sera correlated with external signs of oestrus and mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Helmer SD  Britt JH 《Theriogenology》1986,26(5):683-695
Two experiments were conducted to determine if progesterone secretion and fertility would be affected by administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) before or after the first insemination. In Experiment 1, 48 Holstein heifers received 1000 IU of hCG or 1 ml of saline on Days 2, 3, and 4 of an estrous cycle. They were inseminated at the subsequent estrus. In Experiment 2, 110 Jersey and 105 Holstein cows received a single injection of 5000 IU of hCG or 5 ml of saline on Day 3 after estrus. These cows were first inseminated either at the estrus immediately preceding treatment or at the subsequent estrus. In both experiments, blood samples for determination of progesterone were collected thrice weekly for 3 to 4 wk following treatment. In Experiment 1, progesterone concentrations during mid-cycle were higher in hCG-treated heifers than in saline-treated controls. Treatment with hCG resulted in an 11% increase in the first service conception rate (P < 0.48). In Experiment 2, hCG-treated cows displayed higher progesterone secretion during mid-cycle than saline-treated herdmates. The conception rate of cows inseminated prior to hCG-treatment was not affected by treatment, but cows inseminated after treatment had a marginally lower fertility rate. The conception rate of cows receiving a repeat insemination following hCG treatment was higher than for the controls. We conclude that treatment with hCG did not improve the conception rate at the first insemination, but it may be beneficial for cows that require a repeat service.  相似文献   

Oxytocin infusions were initiated on day 10 of the oestrous cycle in ewes, and luteal regression was induced by injection of 100 micrograms cloprostenol on day 12. Blood samples were collected at frequent intervals via an indwelling jugular vein cannula to measure concentrations of progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) during the luteal and follicular phases in saline (n = 6) and oxytocin (n = 5) infused animals. The oxytocin infusion maintained peripheral plasma concentrations of 53 +/- 3.2 pg oxytocin ml-1 (mean +/- SEM) compared with values of about 1 pg ml-1 during oestrus in control ewes. Oxytocin infusion had no effect on luteal phase progesterone concentrations, the timing of luteolysis, basal luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, LH pulse frequency, or the timing or height of the LH surge. Treated ewes came into oestrus significantly earlier than controls (P < 0.05) but ovulated normally. Uterine samples collected 96 h after cloprostenol injection (approximately day 2 of the cycle) showed that oxytocin receptor concentrations were significantly higher in the endometrium in ewes that had been given a 5 day oxytocin infusion than in control animals (556 and 262 fmol mg-1 protein, respectively: geometric means from ANOVA, P < 0.001), whereas myometrial receptor concentrations were not affected (113 and 162 fmol mg-1 protein, respectively). We conclude that the previously reported delay in luteal development caused by oxytocin infusion (Wathes et al., 1991) is not due to the inhibition or delay of ovulation, but must instead occur via a direct influence on the developing corpus luteum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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