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Now is a very exciting time for researchers in the area of the primary reactions of purple bacterial photosynthesis. Detailed structural information is now available for not only the reaction center (Lancaster et al. 1995, in: Blankenship RE et al. (eds) Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria, pp 503–526), but also LH2 from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila (McDermott et al. 1995, Nature 374: 517–521) and LH1 from Rhodospirillum rubrum (Karrasch et al. 1995. EMBO J 14: 631–638). These structures can now be integrated to produce models of the complete photosynthetic unit (PSU) (Papiz et al., 1996, Trends Plant Sci, in press), which opens the door to a much more detailed understanding of the energy transfer events occurring within the PSU.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - LH light-harvesting - PSU photosynthetic unit Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences  相似文献   

Pigment analysis was performed by means of normal phase HPLC on a number of bacteriochlorophyll a and b containing species of purple bacteria that contain a core antenna only. At least 99% of the bacteriochlorophyll in Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26, Rhodopseudomonas viridis and Thiocapsa pfennigii was esterified with phytol (BChl a p and BChl b p, respectively). Rhodospirillum rubrum contained only BChl a esterified with geranyl-geraniol (BChl a GG). Rhodospirillum sodomense and Rhodopseudomonas marina contained, in addition to BChl a p, small amounts of BChl a GG, and presumably also of BChl a esterified with dihydro and tetrahydro geranyl-geraniol (2,10,14-phytatrienol and probably 2,14-phytadienol). In all species bacteriopheophytin (BPhe) esterified with phytol was present. The BChl/BPhe ratio indicated that in these species a constant number of 25 ± 3 antenna BChls is present per reaction centre. This number supports a model in which the core antenna consists of 12 - heterodimers surrounding the reaction centre. Determination of the in vivo extinction coefficient of BChl in the core-reaction centre complex yielded a value of ca. 140 mM–1 cm–1 for BChl a containing species and of 130 mM–1 cm–1 for Rhodopseudomonas viridis.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - BPhe bacteriopheophytin - GG geranyl-geraniol - LHI and LHII core and peripheral antenna complexes - P phytol - RC reaction centre Dedicated to the memory of Professor D.I. Arnon.  相似文献   

A direct photometric quantitation of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) at 375 nm in aqueous chromatophore suspensions from various purple bacteria is described. The assay is rapid and reproducible. It is utilized easily for processing large numbers of samples and is as sensitive as extraction methods usually applied today. Drawbacks of extraction methods, particularly not quantitative extractions, photo- and autooxidation are avoided. There is good linearity up to 20 μg BChl/ml suspension, and no interference by buffers is observed.  相似文献   

Goc  J.  Klecha  K. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(3):461-465
The cells of purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides embedded in stretched polymer films were irradiated by strong polarized white light with an electric vector parallel to the direction of film stretching. The polarized absorption and photoacoustic spectra before and after strong irradiation were measured. Measurements of absorbance showed no confident anisotropy before and after strong irradiation. In contradiction, the photoacoustic method showed after strong irradiation some changes in anisotropy of thermal deactivation due to the perturbation of the fate of excitations. The increase in yield of thermal deactivation, higher in a region of light-harvesting complex 2, can be explained by the irreversible changes in the conformation of the complexes due to strong irradiance reported up to now predominantly for thylakoid antenna complexes.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic membrane of the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) acidophila is composed of reaction centers (RCs) which are surrounded by closely connected light harvesting complexes (LH1) and peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LH2). Both LH1 and LH2 – which bind the antenna pigments between -, -heterodimers – form rings composed of an integer number of -, -subunits. Here we use the sigmoidicity of fluorescence induction curves to probe the excitonic connectivity of RCs in order to gain information on the structural arrangement of these LH complexes in the natural chromatophore membrane. The data exclude models of the Rps. acidophila photosynthetic unit that assume aggregates of RC-LH1 complexes or linear chains of RC-LH1 complexes to which LH2 complexes are attached on the periphery. Rather, they support the model suggested by Papiz et al. ((1996) Trends in Plant Science 1: 198–206) in which peripheral light-harvesting rings tightly surround each core complex (LH1-ring with the RC inside) circumferentially.  相似文献   

It is found that dark reduction of photooxidized primary electron donor P870+ in reaction centres from purple anoxygenic bacteria (two non-sulphur Fe-oxidizing Rhodovulum iodosum and Rhodovulum robiginosum, Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 and sulphur alkaliphilic Thiorhodospira sibirica) is accelerated upon the addition of Mn2+ jointly with bicarbonate (30-75 mM). The effect is not observed if Mn2+ and HCO3(-) have been replaced by Mg2+ and HCO2(-), respectively. The dependence of the effect on bicarbonate concentration suggests that formation of Mn2+-bicarbonate complexes, Mn(HCO3)+ and/or Mn(HCO3)2, is required for re-reduction of P870+ with Mn2+. The results are considered as experimental evidence for a hypothesis on possible participation of Mn-bicarbonate complexes in the evolutionary origin of oxygenic photosynthesis in the Archean era.  相似文献   

A reasonable theoretical fit to the experimental low-temperature absorption and CD spectra of the BChl a-protein from Prosthecochloris aestuarii has been obtained for the unaggregated protein trimer based on standard assumptions regarding QY transition moment directions. The fits depend to some extent upon varying the site wavelengths of the individual BChls not just in one subunit but in the entire trimer, a procedure not tried before. Features in both spectra, but especially in CD, at wavelengths longer than 810 nm are very strongly influenced by the intersubunit interactions of BChls 7 (in the Fenna-Matthews numbering). Unlike earlier theoretical models, which also gave reasonable fits but were based on unorthodox or incorrect assumptions, this exciton model gives every indication of being refineable by improved choices of site wavelengths and exciton-transition lineshapes. Calculated exciton-transition wavelengths and line widths are compared with values deduced from recent laser hole-burning experiments (Johnson and Small 1991). As in the case of the absorption and CD spectra, agreement is best for the long-wavelength half of the QY region.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - BChl bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   

Menin  L.  Gaillard  J.  Parot  P.  Schoepp  B.  Nitschke  W.  Verméglio  A. 《Photosynthesis research》1998,55(2-3):343-348
High-Potential Iron-Sulfur Proteins (HiPIP) are small electron carriers, present only in species of photosynthetic purple bacteria having a RC-bound cytochrome. Their participation in the photo-induced cyclic electron transfer was recently established for Rubrivivax gelatinosus, Rhodocyclus tenuis and Rhodoferax fermentans (Schoepp et al. 1995; Hochkoeppler et al. 1996a, Menin et al. 1997b). To better understand the physiological role of HiPIP, we extended our study to other selected photosynthetic bacteria. The nature of the electron carrier in the photosynthetic pathway was investigated by recording light-induced absorption changes in intact cells. In addition, EPR measurements were made in whole cells and in membrane fragments in solution or dried immobilized, then illuminated at room temperature. Our results show that HiPIP plays an important role in the reduction of the photo-oxidized RC-bound cytochrome in the following species: Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata, Chromatium vinosum, Chromatium purpuratum and Rhodopila globiformis. In Rhodopseudomonas marina, the HiPIP is not photo-oxidizible in whole cells and in dried membranes, suggesting that this electron carrier is not involved in the photosynthetic pathway. In Ectothiorhodospira halophila, the photo-oxidized RC-bound cytochrome is reduced by a high midpoint potential cytochrome c, in agreement with midpoint potential values of the two iso-HiPIPs (+ 50 mV and + 120 mV) which are too low to be consistent with their participation in the photosynthetic cyclic electron transfer.  相似文献   

The influence of duration of exposure to actinic light (from 1 sec to 10 min) and temperature (from 3 to 35°C) on the temporary stabilization of the photomobilized electron in the secondary quinone acceptor (QB) locus of Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers (RC) was studied under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Optical spectrophotometry and ESR methods were used. The stabilization time increased significantly upon increasing the exposure duration under aerobic conditions. The stabilization time decreased under anaerobic conditions, its dependence on light exposure duration being significantly less pronounced. Generation of superoxide radical in photoactivated aerobic samples was revealed by the ESR method. Possible interpretation of the effects is suggested in terms of interaction between the semiquinone QB with oxygen, the interaction efficiency being determined by the conformational transitions in the structure of RC triggered by actinic light on and off.  相似文献   

Effects of photooxidation of bacteriochlorophyll (absorbtion at 850 nm) from the light-harvesting complex LH2 of Alc. minutissimum membranes on the LH2 complex structure have been studied. Photooxidation was induced by blue light that is absorbed by carotenoids. Four samples with different levels (from 100% to 3–5%) and composition of carotenoids were obtained by inhibiting the carotenoid biosynthesis in bacteria with diphenylamine. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel showed that after illumination LH2 complex contained all the oxidized bacteriochlorophyll. The carotenoid composition did not change after the oxidation of the main part of bacteriochlorophyll in the LH2 complex. The results suggest that oxidation takes place in the bacteriochlorophyll part, which is essential for the molecule optical properties (the system of double conjugated bonds is changed), but does not influence the stability of the structure of the LH2 complex.  相似文献   

Previous pulse-chase studies have shown that bacteriochlorophyll a-protein complexes destined eventually for the photosynthetic (chromatophore) membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides appear first in a distinct pigmented fraction. This rapidly labeled material forms an upper band when extracts of phototrophically grown cells are subjected directly to rate-zone sedimentation. In the present investigation, flash-induced absorbance changes at 605 nm have demonstrated that the upper fraction is enriched two-fold in photochemical reaction center activity when compared to chromatophores; a similar enrichment in the reaction center-associated B-875 antenna bacteriochlorophyll complex was also observed. Although b- and c-type cytochromes were present in the upper pigmented band, no photoreduction of the b-type components could be demonstrated. The endogenous c-type cytochrome (Em = +345 mV) was photooxidized slowly upon flash illumination. The extent of the reaction was increased markedly with excess exogenous ferrocytochrome c but only slightly in chromatophores. Only a small light-induced carotenoid band shift was observed. These results indicate that the rapidly labeled fraction contains photochemically competent reaction centers associated loosely with c-type and unconnected to b-type cytochrome. It is suggested that this fraction arises from new sites of cytoplasmic membrane invagination which fragment to form leaky vesicles upon cell disruption.  相似文献   

We report comparative absorbance and fourth derivative absorbance spectra of two different bacteriochlorophyll a-proteins at 5 K in each of two different cryogenic solvent mixtures. In previous studies at 5 K each protein was observed in only one of these mixtures (not the same one). For the protein from Prosthecochloris aestuarii strain 2K, whose structure is known, the solvent effect is relatively small; for the protein from Chlorobium limicola f. sp. thiosulfatophilum strain 6230 (Tassajara), the effect is much more pronounced. From these results together with earlier results at 300 K, we conclude there may be slight conformational differences of the Prosthecochloris protein between the crystalline form used for X-ray diffraction studies and that in a cryogenic solvent. By comparing spectral features of the two proteins in the same solvent, we are able for the first time to assign all seven of the expected exciton levels in each protein. These occur at 793, 801, 806, 810, 814, 819, and 825 nm in the Prosthecochloris protein, and at 793, 802, 806, 810, 816, 820, and 823 nm in the Chlorobium protein.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine whether circulation of dairy wastewater induces the growth of phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria (PSB).
Methods and Results:  Two dairy wastewater lagoons that were similar in size, geographic location, number and type of cattle loading the lagoons were chosen. The only obvious visual difference between them was that one was stagnant and the water was brown in colour (Farm 1), and the other was circulated and the water was red in colour because of the presence of PSB that contained carotenoid pigments (Farm 2). Both wastewaters were sampled monthly for 3 months and assayed for PSB and extractable carotenoid pigments (ECP). After this point, circulators were placed in the wastewater lagoon on Farm 1, and samples were taken monthly for 9 months and assayed for PSB and ECP. Before the installation of circulators, no PSB-like 16S rRNA sequences or ECP were observed in the wastewater from Farm 1; however, both were observed in the wastewater from Farm 2. After the installation of circulators, statistically greater levels of PSB and extractable carotenoid pigments were observed in the wastewater from Farm 1.
Conclusions:  Circulation enhances the growth of PSB in dairy wastewater.
Significance and Impact of this Study:  Because PSB utilize H2S and volatile organic acids (VOA) as an electron source for photosynthesis, and VOA and alcohols as a carbon source for growth, the increase in these bacteria should reduce H2S, volatile organic compounds and alcohol emissions from the lagoons, enhancing the air quality in dairy farming areas.  相似文献   

We have measured the singlet-singlet quenching of the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) fluorescence yield as a function of excitation intensity in a number of antenna complexes isolated from photosynthetic bacteria. Our results show that the lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS)-B875, LDS-B800 – 850 and lauryldimethylamine N-oxide complexes of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides contain 8, greater than 25 and greater than 600 BChl a molecules, respectively. The size of the Rhodopspirillum rubrum B880 complex is greater than 70 BChl a and that of the water-soluble BChl a complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii about 20–25 BChl a. These results are discussed in relation to current models of the arrangement of antenna complexes within the photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

Metabolite balancing has turned out to be a powerful computational tool in metabolic engineering. However, the linear equation systems occurring in this analysis are often underdetermined. If it is difficult or impossible to find the missing constraints, it is nevertheless feasible in some cases to determine the values of a subset of the unknown rates. Here, a procedure for finding out which reaction rates can be uniquely calculated in underdetermined metabolic networks and computing these rates is given. The method is based on the null space to the stoichiometry matrix corresponding to the reactions with unknown rates. It is shown that this method is considerably easier to handle than an algorithm given previously (Van der Heijden et al., 1994a). Furthermore, a useful elementary representation of the null space is presented which is closely related with the elementary flux modes. This unique representation is central to a more general approach to observability/calculability analysis. In particular, it allows one to find, in an easy way, those sets of measurable rates that enable a calculation of a certain unknown rate. Besides, rates which are never calculable by metabolite balancing may be easily detected by this method. The applicability of these methods is illustrated by a model of the central metabolism in purple nonsulfur bacteria. The photoheterotrophic growth of these representatives of anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria is stoichiometrically analyzed. Interesting metabolic constraints caused by the necessary balancing of NADPH can be detected in a highly underdetermined system. This is, to our knowledge, the first application of stoichiometric analysis to the metabolic network in this bacteria group using metabolite balancing techniques. A new software tool, the FluxAnalyzer, is introduced. It allows quantitative and structural analysis of metabolic networks in a graphical user interface.  相似文献   

Variation of the distribution of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) between external antenna (LH2) and core complexes (LH1 + RC) of the photosynthetic membrane of the sulfur bacterium Allochromatium minutissimum was studied at light intensities of 5 and 90 Wt/m2 in the temperature range of 12–43°C. The increase of light intensity was shown to result in a 1.5-to 2-times increase of a photosynthetic unit (PSU). PSU sizes pass through a maximum depending on growth temperature, and the increase of light intensity (5 and 90 Wt/m2) results in a shift of the maximal PSU size to higher temperatures (15 and 20°C, respectively). In the narrow temperature interval of ~14–17°C, the ratio of light intensity to PSU size is typical of phototrophs: lower light intensity corresponds to larger PSU size. The pattern of PSU size change depending on light intensity was shown to differ at extreme growth temperatures (12°C and over 35°C). The comparison of Alc. minutissimum PSU size with the data on Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodopseudomonas palustris by measuring the effective optical absorption cross-section for the reaction of photoinhibition of respiration shows a two to four times greater size of light-harvesting antenna for Alc. minutissimum, which seems to correspond to the maximum possible limit for purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Absorption (ABS) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra were recorded for 3 concentrations (2.3, 19 and ca. 75 M) of 4-isobutyl homologs. Monomer spectra were the same as those for 4-n-propyl-5-ethyl farnesyl bacteriochlorophyll c. Pure polymer spectra were obtained by subtracting the 2.3-M spectra appropriately scaled from the ca. 75-M spectra. The polymer showed an ABS peak at 742 nm and a CD trough at ca. 742 nm. These properties are in harmony with the aggregate model proposed by Smith KM, Kehrs LA and Fajer J (1983, J Am Chem Soc 105: 1387–1389). A log-logplot of absorbance at 742 nm vs. monomer concentration could be fitted by a straight line of slope 1.6.Abbreviations ABS absorbance - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - CD circular dichroism - iBM/EF 4-isobutyl-5-methyl/ethyl farnesyl - PEF 4-n-propyl-5-ethyl farnesyl  相似文献   

The redox potential dependence of the light-induced absorption changes of bacteriochlorophyll in chromatophores and subchromatophore pigment-protein complexes from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been examined. The highest values of the absorption changes due to the bleaching of P-870 and the blue shift of P-800 in chromatophores and subchromatophore complexes are observed in the 360–410 mV redox potential range. At potentials below 300 mV (pH 7.0), the 880 nm band of bacteriochlorophyll shifts to shorter wavelengths in subchromatophore complexes and to longer wavelengths in chromatophores.

The data on redox titration show that the red and blue shifts of 880-nm bacteriochlorophyll band represent the action of a non-identified component (C340) which has an oxidation-reduction midpoint potential close to 340 mV (n = 1) at pH 6.0–7.6. The Em of this component varies by 60 mV/pH unit between pH 7.6 and 9.2.

The results suggest that the red shift is due to the transmembrane, and the blue shift to the local intramembrane electrical field. The generation of both the transmembrane and local electrical fields is apparently governed by redox transitions of the component C340.  相似文献   

The modification effects on the absorption and cirular dichroic (CD) spectra of the isolated B800-860 antenna complex of Rhodocyclus tenuis by a number of proteolytic enzymes were investigated. The chymotrypsin modifications of the B800-860 complex led to an about 40% decrease of the 860-nm band and a blue-shift to 841 nm. The biphasic CD signal related to the B860 BChl disappeared and a new double CD signal with a zero-crossing point at 842 nm appeared. These absorption and CD spectral changes suggested that a B800-841 complex resulted after chymotrypsin digestion. The polypeptide components of the chymotrypsin-modified B800-860 complex were separated by reverse-phase chromatography, and their amino acid sequences determined by protein sequencing and mass spectrometry. Sequence analyses showed that the C-terminal 25 residues of the B800-860- polypeptide and the C-terminal 8 residues of the B800-860- polypeptide were cleaved by chymotrypsin, and the remaining , polypeptide fragments apparently form the structural basis for the newly-formed B800-841 complex. No significant spectral change was observed from exposing the isolated B800-860 complex to trypsin, carboxypeptidase A and the combination of carboxypeptidase A and carboxypeptidase B. Short-term proteinase K incubation of the B800-860 complex of Rc. tenuis led to a preferential decrease of the 860-nm absorbance band and its related CD signals, as compared to the 800-nm absorbance and CD bands, suggesting that the C-terminal portions of the antenna polypeptides are possibly exposed to the exterior of the B800-860 complex micelles. Whereas, long-term proteinase K digestion resulted in the spectral collapse of the B800-860 complex and the release of free BChls. Our proteolysis experiments support the hypothesis that the C-terminal portions of the antenna polypeptides play a key role in the redshift and strong molar extinction of the Qy band of the B850 BChls.Abbreviations B800-860 light-harvesting complex with the absorption maxima (Qy) at 800 nm and 860 nm - B800-860- -, polypeptide of the B800-860 complex - CD circular dichroism - Deriphat-160 disodium Nlauryl--iminodipropionate - FT Fourier transform - LH light-harvesting - near-IR near infra-red - OG n-Octyl--glucoside - PTH phenylthiohydantoin - Rb. Rhodobacter - Rc. Rhodocyclus - Rp. Rhodopseudomonas - Rsp Rhodospirillum - DSM Deutsche Sammlung für Mikroorganismen  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the reaction center-bound cytochrome subunit of six species of purple bacteria were compared. Amino acid residues thought to be important in controlling the redox midpoint potentials of four hemes in Blastochloris (Rhodopseudomonas) viridis were found to be well conserved. As opposed to all other species studied, the amino acid sequence of the cytochrome subunit of B. viridis had several insertions of more than 10 residues at specific regions close to the LM core, suggesting that interaction of the cytochrome subunit with the LM core in most species is different from that in B. viridis. Distribution of charged amino acid residues on the surface of the cytochrome subunit was compared among six species and discussed from the viewpoint of interaction with soluble electron donors.  相似文献   

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