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While it is now recognised that transport within the endomembrane system may occur via membranous tubules, spatial regulation of this process is poorly understood. We have investigated the role of the cytoskeleton in regulating the motility and morphology of the motile vacuole system in hyphae of the fungus Pisolithus tinctorius by studying (1) the effects of anti-microtubule (oryzalin, nocodazole) and anti-actin drugs (cytochalasins, latrunculin) on vacuolar activity, monitored by fluorescence microscopy of living cells; and (2) the ultrastructural relationship of microtubules, actin microfilaments, and vacuoles in hyphae prepared by rapid-freezing and freeze-substitution. Anti-microtubule drugs reduced the tubular component of the vacuole system in a dose-dependent and reversible manner, the extent of which correlated strongly with the degree of disruption of the microtubule network (monitored by immunofluorescence microscopy). The highest doses of anti-microtubule drugs completely eliminated tubular vacuoles, and only spherical vacuoles were observed. In contrast, anti-actin drugs did not reduce the frequency of tubular vacuoles or the motility of these vacuoles, even though immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed perturbation of microfilament organisation. Electron microscopy showed that vacuoles were always accompanied by microtubules. Bundles of microtubules were found running in parallel along the length of tubular vacuoles and individual microtubules were often within one microtubule diameter of a vacuole membrane. Our results strongly support a role for microtubules, but not actin microfilaments, in the spatial regulation of vacuole motility and morphology in fungal hyphae.  相似文献   

Bone mass homeostasis is regulated by an interaction of various factors, including growth factors, systemic hormones and mechanical loading. Two signal transduction pathways, the estrogen receptor (ER) and the Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction pathway, have been shown to have an important role in regulating osteoblast and osteoclast function and to be involved in mechanotransduction. Therefore, dysfunction of these pathways can lead to osteoporotic bone loss. However, less is known about the modulation of gene expression by the interaction of these pathways in response to mechanical strain. We performed in vitro stretch experiments using osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells to study the effect of both pathways and mechanical strain on the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), which is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, modulators of bone formation and resorption. Using specific agonists and antagonists, we demonstrated a regulation by an interaction of these pathways in mechantransduction. Estradiol (E2) had a sensitizing effect on mechanically induced Cox-2 expression, which seemed to be ligand-specific as it could be abolished using the antiestrogen ICI182,780. However, mechanical strain in the presence of Wnt signaling activators diminished both the E2 sensitizing effect and the stimulatory effect of Wnt signaling in the absence of strain. This interaction might be one regulatory mechanism by which mechanical loading exerts its role in bone mass homeostasis.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes composed of the human cardiac actin promoter driving the Escherichia coli lacZ reporter gene were constructed, transfected, and stably integrated into genomes of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. The transfected constructs were expressed actively in cardiac myocytes formed following dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-induced cell differentiation but poorly in undifferentiated cultures and in cultures treated with retinoic acid to develop into derivatives of the neuroectoderm. A number of deletions of the promoter were constructed and tested. Three regions required for efficient expression in P19-derived cardiac muscle were identified, each containing sequences referred to as CArG boxes (CC[AT-rich]6GG). This analysis indicated that regulatory sequences important for expression in cardiac muscle were present upstream of the core promoter identified previously by transient assays in skeletal myoblasts. Expression of the cardiac actin promoter was enhanced 10-fold in undifferentiated P19 cells in the presence of the myoD protein. The promoter regions important for expression in P19-derived cardiocytes were similar to those important for myoD-induced enhancement, a result we interpret to be consistent with the idea that cardiac muscle might contain a myoD-like activity.  相似文献   

L Wells  K A Edwards    S I Bernstein 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(17):4454-4459
Myosin heavy chain (MHC) is the motor protein of muscle thick filaments. Most organisms produce many muscle MHC isoforms with temporally and spatially regulated expression patterns. This suggests that isoforms of MHC have different characteristics necessary for defining specific muscle properties. The single Drosophila muscle Mhc gene yields various isoforms as a result of alternative RNA splicing. To determine whether this multiplicity of MHC isoforms is critical to myofibril assembly and function, we introduced a gene encoding only an embryonic MHC into Drosophila melanogaster. The embryonic transgene acts in a dominant antimorphic manner to disrupt flight muscle function. The transgene was genetically crossed into an MHC null background. Unexpectedly, transformed flies expressing only the embryonic isoform are viable. Adult muscles containing embryonic MHC assemble normally, indicating that the isoform of MHC does not determine the dramatic ultrastructural variation among different muscle types. However, transformed flies are flightless and show reduced jumping and mating ability. Their indirect flight muscle myofibrils progressively deteriorate. Our data show that the proper MHC isoform is critical for specialized muscle function and myofibril stability.  相似文献   

Advances in Rho-dependent actin regulation and oncogenic transformation.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cellular movement is central to invasion. The Rho family of small GTPases co-ordinate the cytoskeletal and adhesion modelling within cells that is crucial for normal migratory responses. Consequently, Rho proteins, and their regulators and effectors, are targets for subversion during oncogenic transformation and tumour development. Recent findings have thrown light on how actin regulators may be linked to oncogenesis and the development of cancer.  相似文献   

beta-Spectrin is an erythrocyte membrane protein that is defective in many patients with abnormalities of red blood cell shape including hereditary spherocytosis and elliptocytosis. It is expressed not only in erythroid tissues but also in muscle and brain. We wished to determine the regulatory elements that determine the tissue-specific expression of the beta-spectrin gene. We mapped the 5'-end of the beta-spectrin erythroid cDNA and cloned the 5'-flanking genomic DNA containing the putative beta-spectrin gene promoter. Using transfection of promoter/reporter plasmids in human tissue culture cell lines, in vitro DNase I footprinting analyses, and gel mobility shift assays, a beta-spectrin gene erythroid promoter with two binding sites for GATA-1 and one site for CACCC-related proteins was identified. All three binding sites were required for full promoter activity; one of the GATA-1 motifs and the CACCC-binding motif were essential for activity. The beta-spectrin gene promoter was able to be transactivated in heterologous cells by forced expression of GATA-1. In transgenic mice, a reporter gene directed by the beta-spectrin promoter was expressed in erythroid tissues at all stages of development. Only weak expression of the reporter gene was detected in muscle and brain tissue, suggesting that additional regulatory elements are required for high level expression of the beta-spectrin gene in these tissues.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(6):1565-1572
Shortly after birth, cardiac myocytes lose the ability to divide, and, in adult animals, heart muscle grows by a process of cellular hypertrophy where each individual cell gets larger. We have previously shown that activated Ras protein can induce markers of the hypertrophic phenotype, including atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) expression and organization of contractile proteins, and that Ras is at least partially required for the hypertrophic effect of phenylephrine. In the present study, we examine the requirement for the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAP kinases) in the hypertrophic response induced by phenylephrine. We find that phenylephrine treatment results in the activation of the MAP kinases and that this activity is required for transactivation of the fos, ANF, and MLH promoters. However, inhibition of MAP kinases does not prevent phenylephrine-induced organization of actin. These results suggest that the signal transduction pathways leading to different hypertrophic responses diverge upstream of the MAP kinases but possibly downstream of Ras.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown a direct effect of erythropoietin (Epo) on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Our aim was to assess expression of the Epo receptor (EpoR) on VSMCs and to study the activation of two major signaling cascades activated by Epo, namely JAK2/STAT5 and MAPK pathways. All experiments were performed in parallel using the Epo-responsive UT7 cell line. From semiquantitative RT-PCR experiments, VSMCs were estimated to express approximately 30-fold less EpoR mRNA than UT7 cells. Epo-induced phosphorylation of proteins involved in the EpoR/JAK2/STAT5 cascade could not be detected in VSMCs, even using pharmacological doses of Epo (250 IU/ml). In contrast, a strong activation of MAP kinase pathway was detected with as low as 10 IU/ml Epo. We suggest that MAPK activation reflects a physiologically relevant effect of Epo on VSMCs that may be correlated to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Alpha-Smooth muscle actin is one of the molecular markers for a phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells, because the actin is a major isoform expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and its expression is upregulated during differentiation. Here, we first demonstrate that the phenotype-dependent expression of this actin in visceral smooth muscles is quite opposite to that in vascular smooth muscles. This actin isoform is not expressed in adult chicken visceral smooth muscles including gizzard, trachea, and intestine except for the inner layer of intestinal muscle layers, whereas its expression is clearly detected in these visceral smooth muscles at early stages of the embryo (10-day-old embryo) and is developmentally downregulated. In cultured gizzard smooth muscle cells maintaining a differentiated phenotype, alpha-smooth muscle actin is not detected while its expression dramatically increases during serum-induced dedifferentiation. Promoter analysis reveals that a sequence (-238 to -219) in the promoter region of this actin gene acts as a novel negative cis-element. In conclusion, the phenotype-dependent expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin would be regulated by the sum of the cooperative contributions of the negative element and well-characterized positive elements, purine-rich motif, and CArG boxes and their respective transacting factors.  相似文献   

Shea KF  Wells CM  Garner AP  Jones GE 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3398
Cancer cells migrating within a 3D microenvironment are able to adopt either a mesenchymal or amoeboid mode of migration. Amoeboid migration is characterised by membrane blebbing that is dependent on the Rho effectors, ROCK1/2. We identify LIMK2 as the preferred substrate for ROCK1 but find that LIMK2 did not induce membrane blebbing, suggesting that a LIMK2 pathway is not involved in amoeboid-mode migration. In support of this hypothesis, novel FRET data demonstrate a direct interaction between ROCK1 and LIMK2 in polarised but not blebbing cells. Our results point to a specific role for the ROCK1:LIMK2 pathway in mesenchymal-mode migration.  相似文献   

Phorbol ester induces actin cytoskeleton rearrangements in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Calponin and SM22 alpha are major components of differentiated smooth muscle and potential regulators of actin cytoskeleton interactions. Here we show that actin fibers decorated with h1 CaP remain stable, whereas SM22 alpha-decorated actin bundles undergo rapid reorganization into podosomes within 30 min of PDBu exposure. Ectopic expression of GFP alpha-actinin had no effect on the stability of the actin cytoskeleton and alpha-actinin was transported rapidly into PDBu-induced podosomes. Our results demonstrate the involvement of CaP and SM22 alpha in coordinating the balance between stabilization and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton in mammalian smooth muscle. We provide evidence for the existence of two functionally distinct actin filament populations and introduce a molecular mechanism for the stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton by the unique actin-binding interface formed by calponin family-specific CLIK23 repeats.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced translocation of RhoA and the spatio-temporal change in myosin regulatory light chain (MLC20) phosphorylation in smooth muscle was clarified at the single cell level. We expressed green fluorescent protein-tagged RhoA in the differentiated tracheal smooth muscle cells and visualized the translocation of RhoA in a living cell with three-dimensional digital imaging analysis. The stimulation of the cells by carbachol initiated the translocation of green fluorescent protein-tagged wild type RhoA to the plasma membrane within a minute. The change in MLC20 phosphorylation level after carbachol stimulation was monitored by using phospho-Ser-19-specific antibody recognizing the phosphorylated MLC20 in single cells. Cells expressing the dominant negative form (T19N) of RhoA significantly suppressed sustained MLC20 phosphorylation during the prolonged phase (>300 s), whereas the maximum phosphorylation level (reached at 10 s after stimulation) of these cells was not significantly different from the control cells. The kinetics of RhoA translocation was consistent with that of sustained myosin phosphorylation, suggesting the involvement of a RhoA pathway. Carbachol stimulation increased myosin phosphorylation within a minute both at the cortical and the central region. On the other hand, during prolonged phase, myosin phosphorylation was sustained at the cortical region of the cells but not at the central fibers. A myosin light chain kinase-specific inhibitor, ML-9, diminished myosin phosphorylation at the central region of the cells after the stimulation but not at the cortical area. On the other hand, Y-27632, a Rho kinase-specific inhibitor, diminished myosin phosphorylation at the cortical region but not the central region. The results clearly show that the myosin light chain kinase pathway and the Rho pathway distinctly change myosin phosphorylation in smooth muscle cells in both a temporal and spatial manner.  相似文献   

The presence of desmin was characterized in cultured rat and bovine satellite cells and its potential usefulness as a marker for identifying satellite cells in vitro was evaluated. In primary cultures, positive immunohistochemical staining for desmin and skeletal muscle myosin was observed in rat and bovine myotubes. A small number of mononucleated cells (20% of rat satellite cells and 5% of bovine satellite cells) were myosin-positive, indicative of post-mitotic differentiated myocytes. In bovine satellite cell cultures 13% of the mononucleated cells were desmin-positive, while 84% of the mononucleated cells in rat satellite cell cultures were desmin-positive. Rat satellite cell mass cultures and bovine satellite cell clonal density cultures were pulsed with 3H-thymidine, and autoradiographic data revealed that greater than 94% of dividing rat cells were desmin-positive, suggesting that desmin is synthesized in proliferating rat satellite cells. However, no desmin was seen in cells that incorporated labeled thymidine in bovine satellite cell clones. Analysis of clonal density cultures revealed that only 14% of the mononucleated cells in bovine satellite cell colonies were desmin-positive, whereas 98% of the cells in rat satellite cell colonies were desmin-positive. Fibroblast colonies from both species were desmin-negative. In order to further examine the relationship between satellite cell differentiation and desmin expression, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was added to culture medium at the time of plating to inhibit differentiation. Fusion was inhibited in rat and bovine cultures, and cells continued to divide. Very few desmin-positive cells were found in bovine cultures, but greater than 90% of the cells in rat cultures stained positive for desmin. The presence of desmin and sarcomeric myosin was also evaluated in regenerating rat tibialis anterior five days after bupivacaine injection. In regenerating areas of the muscle many desmin-positive cells were present, and only a few cells stained positive for skeletal muscle myosin. Application of desmin staining to rat satellite cell growth assays indicated that rat satellite cells cultured in serum-containing medium were contaminated with fibroblasts at levels that ranged from approximately 5% in 24 hr cultures to 15% in mature cultures. In defined medium 4 day cultures contain approximately 95% to 98% desmin-positive satellite cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

B cells get help in the antibody response by presenting processed Ag to Th cells. We asked whether the Ag-presenting B cell must induce Th functions before receiving help, or whether B cell activation is a direct consequence of T cell recognition of Ag on the B cell surface. To obtain a prompt and sensitive indication of the receipt of growth signals, we measured mRNA levels of the immediate early genes, c-myc and egr-1, in T and B cells separated from Ag-specific B-T conjugates of normal, resting murine B cells and a Th line. Although Ag-dependent increases in B cell c-myc expression occur as early as 2 h after conjugation, early c-myc expression in the B cell was also seen when the Th cells were activated with immobilized anti-CD3 in the absence of Ag recognition. Therefore, T cell activation rather than Ag recognition per se appears to be responsible for the early c-myc signal in the B cells. The c-myc response in the B cell depends on induction of a contact-dependent helper function in the T cell, which is inhibitable by cyclosporin A acting on the T cell. Delivery of contact help is not blocked by anti-class II MHC antibody. Contact with activated Th cells induces a different pattern of immediate early gene expression from that induced by cross-linking the B cell Ag receptor.  相似文献   

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