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Summary The occurrence of 2n pollen-producing plants was investigated in 187 plant introductions (PIs) of 38 wild species of tuber-bearing Solanum. These 2x, 4x, and 6x species are from Mexico, and Central and South America. The determination of 2n pollen-producing plants was conducted using acetocarmine glycerol. Plants with more than 1% large-size pollen were regarded as 2n pollen-producing plants. 2n pollen-producing plants were identified in the following species: 10 out of 12 Mexican 2x species, seven of nine South American 2x species, seven of seven Mexican and Central American 4x species, five of five South American 4x species, and five of five Mexican 6x species. The frequency of 2n pollen-producing plants varied among species at the same ploidy level, but the range of frequency, generally between 2 and 10% among species, was similar over different ploidy levels. The general occurrence of 2n pollen in both 2x and polyploid species, which are evolutionarily related, is evidence that the mode of polyploidization in tuber-bearing Solanums is sexual polyploidization. Furthermore, the frequencies of 2n pollen-producing plants in autogamous disomic polyploid species were not markably different from those of their related diploid species. It is thought that the frequent occurrence of 2n gametes with autogamy tends to disturb the fertility and consequently reduce fitness of polyploids. Thus, we propose that the breeding behavior of polyploids and the occurrence of 2n gametes may be genetically balanced in order to conserve high fitness in polyploid species in tuberbearing Solanum.Paper No. 3114 from the Laboratory of Genetics. Research supported by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; International Potato Center; USDA, SEA, CGRO 84-CRCR-1-1389; and Frito Lay, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 1475 individuals belonging to 43 natural populations of seven diploid (2x) blueberry species (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus) and two natural interspecific 2x hybrid populations were evaluated for unreduced pollen production. Significant differences were found in the frequency of unreduced pollen producers between species and within and between populations of the same species. Individuals with 1% or more unreduced pollen were considered unreduced pollen producers. The average frequency of unreduced pollen producers in these diploid species was 13.5%, ranging from 7.4% (V. corymbosum) to 18.4% (V. darrowii). The frequency of unreduced pollen grains in individual clones varied from <-1% to 28.6%. The production of unreduced pollen was not associated with male fertility. The widespread occurrence of unreduced pollen in the diploid species should allow the introgression of this germ plasm to the tetraploid level via unilateral sexual polyploidization.New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Publication No. D-12163-18-91, supported by State and U.S. Federal funds, USDA-ARS Specific Cooperative Agreement No. 58-3615-9-068  相似文献   

Summary Tetraploid (2n=4x=48) 2EBN Mexican wild species in the series Longipedicellata, which consists of Solanum fendleri, S. hjertingii, S. papita, S. polytrichon, and S. stoloniferum, were crossed with two 2EBN cultivated diploid (2n=2x=24) clones. The resulting triploid hybrids (2n=3x=36) produced 2n pollen (triplandroids) by the mechanism of parallel orientation of anaphase II spindles. The percentage of stainable pollen in 520 triploids ranged between 0 and 23.5%, with a mean of 2.7%. Triploids producing between 13.0 and 23.5% stainable pollen were crossed as staminate parents to the tetraploid cultivars, resulting in abundant pentaploid (2n=5x=60) and near-pentaploid hybrid progeny. Crosses of triploids with lower percentage of stainable pollen as pollen parent to the tetraploid cultivars did not yield fruit, unless rescue pollen from a tetraploid cultivar was added 2 days later. Pentaploid hybrids were selected among selfed tetraploid progenies using morphological and isoxyme markers transmitted from their cultivated diploid parents. These pentaploid hybrids were vigorous and had uniformly sterile pollen. They were female fertile and were crossed with tetraploid cultivars, yielding an average of 19 seeds per fruit. Triplandroids provide the opportunity of transferring 2EBN tetraploid Mexican wild species in the series Longipedicellata germ plasm into the 4EBN cultivated potatoes.Cooperative investigations of the ARS, USDA, and the Washington State University Agricultural Research Center, Prosser, WA 99350, USA. H/LA Paper No. 90-03, College of Agriculture and Home Economies Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA  相似文献   

Summary The phenomenon of interspecific incompatibility between various wild tuber-bearing and closely related non-tuber-bearing Solanum species was studied. One area of investigation included an examination of possible protein interactions in the incompatibility reaction using SDS electrophoresis. Pollen tube inhibition and morphology were examined in conjunction with biochemical analysis. Two sets of crosses were examined: interspecific tuber-bearing species crosses and interspecific tuber-bearing × non-tuber-bearing species crosses. These crosses had consistent pollen tube inhibition in the upper one-third of the style. The upper third of the styles of incompatibly pollinated, compatibly pollinated, and unpollinated styles was studied under fluorescence microscopy to observe pollen tube growth and morphology. Interspecific tuber-bearing × non-tuber-bearing species crosses demonstrated consistent pollen tube inhibition just below the stigma with frequent pollen tube swelling and bursting and extensive callose deposition along the pollen tube wall. Interspecific tuber-bearing species crosses had pollen tube inhibition further down the style with pollen tube tip tapering and extensive callose deposition. Stylar proteins of the lower two-thirds of the styles were analyzed with SDS electrophoresis. No unique protein differences were found to be specifically associated with the interspecific incompatibility reaction in this portion of the style.Cooperative investigation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, and the Wisconsin Experiment Station. Supported in part by the USDA, Cooperative States Research Service Competitive grant no. 83-CRCR-1-1253  相似文献   

Summary A group of wild, tuber-bearing species from Northwest Argentina, belonging to the series Tuberosa, Solarium spegazzini Bitt. (spg, 2n=2x=24), S. gourlayi Hawkes (grl, 2n=2x=24 and 2n=4x=48) and S. oplocense Hawkes (opl, 2n=6x=72), and Cuneolata, S. infundibuliforme Phil (ifd, 2n=2x=24), is being used to investigate the mode of origin of polyploids in the genus Solanum. 2n gametes have been detected in the diploid species ifd and spg and in a diploid race of grl, using cytological and breeding approaches. Twenty-two introductions of spg, 8 of grl and 26 of ifd have been tested for 2n pollen; 59%, 63% and 54% of them, respectively, had at least one 2n pollen producing plant. These introductions comprised 238, 76 and 235 plant respectively, of which 20, 16, and 32 plant produced 5% or more 2n pollen. The mechanism of 2n pollen formation was determined in several plant of 2x spg, 2x grl and 2x ifd. All of them were found to form diplandroids via parallel spindles. This mechanism, which gives meiotic products genetically equivalent to first division restitution gametes, is under control of the Mendelian recessive ps. The results suggest that the allele ps is widely distributed in natural populations of the three diploids, and that its frequency is very high. These species are seen as valuable material for population genetic studies, and for the eventual incorporation into a breeding scheme involving sexual polyploidization via 2n gametes.  相似文献   

以铁皮石斛花蕾为材料,研究不同秋水仙素处理对2n花粉诱导的影响,并探讨2n花粉形成的细胞机制。结果表明:用0.1%秋水仙素微量注射长5.53mm、宽2.3mm左右的花蕾,每天注射1次,共注射3次,诱导2n花粉效果最好,2n花粉诱导率达6.22%,2n花粉粒直径比n花粉粒直径增大49%。减数分裂中期Ⅱ发现纺锤体定位异常,表现为平行纺锤体、三级纺锤体,四分体时期观察到三分体和二分体,故纺锤体定位异常可能是铁皮石斛2n配子形成的细胞学机制之一,其2n花粉在遗传上等同于FDR型。  相似文献   

Summary In vitro pollen germination of cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., is inhibited by an ambient temperature of 5°C, more so than pollen from a Peruvian ecotype of Lycopersicon hirsutum Humb. & Bonpl. originating from an altitude of 3200 m. The frequency of L. hirsutum gametes contributing to hybrid zygote formation is more than doubled when controlled fertilizations with pollen mixtures of the two species occurs at 12/6°C as compared to crosses with the same mixtures at 24/19°C. The results suggest that differential selection at the gametophytic level occurs in response to low temperature regimes. To our knowledge this is the first time in higher plants that alteration of an environmental factor has been demonstrated to change selection values of male gametophytes in a fashion predicted by the ecology of the parental sporophytes.  相似文献   

Summary If in vitro culture is to be used for evaluating the salt tolerance of tomato hybrids and segregant populations in a breeding programme, it is previously necessary to get quick and reliable traits. In this work, growth and physiological responses to salinity of two interspecific hybrids between the cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) and its wild salt-tolerant species L pennellii are compared to those of their parents. The leaf callus of the first subculture was grown on media amended with 0, 35, 70, 105, 140, 175 and 210 mM NaCl for 40 days. Relative fresh weight growth of callus in response to increased salinity in the culture medium was much greater in L pennellii than in the tomato cultivars, and greater in the hybrids than in the wild species. Moreover, the different salt tolerance degree of hybrids was related to that of female parents. At high salt levels, only Cl accumulation was higher in L pennellii than in tomato cultivars, whereas in the hybrids both Cl, and Na+ accumulation were higher than in their parents. Proline increased with salinity in the callus of all genotypes; these increases were much higher in the tomato cultivars than in L pennellii, and the hybrids showed a similar response to that of the wild species. Salt-treated callus of the tomato cultivars showed significant increases in valine, isoleucine and leucine contents compared to control callus tissue. In contrast, these amino acids in callus tissues of the wild species and hybrids showed a tendency to decrease with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was undertaken to obtain information on average gene frequency in two heterotic populations of maize (Zea mays L.), Mezcla Amarillo Selection (MAS) and J607. Sixty-four male plants were taken in each of the populations and each of these were crossed to a different set of eight plants, four of which belonged to the same population and four to the other population. This resulted in two groups of intra-population (within MAS and within J607) and two groups of inter-population (MAS X J607 and J607 X MAS) progenies. Each group consisted of 256 full-sib progenies on the pattern of the North Carolina Design I mating system. The male plants were selfed to produce 64 S1 prgenies in each population. The materials were evaluated at two diverse locations, Ludhiana and Gurdaspur, for grain yield, ear length, ear girth, number of kernel rows, plant height, ear height and days to silk. An incomplete block design with two replications were used. The plot consisted of a 5 m long row. Ratios of estimated genetic components of variance and covariance were compared with corresponding theoretical ratios computed for a single locus for various gene frequencies and levels of dominance, and approximate ranges of the gene frequencies and their relative magnitude were worked out in the two populations. The average frequency of favourable genes for plant height was estimated as 0.6 in MAS and 0.8 in J607. For grain yield the average gene frequency was 0.8 to 0.9 in MAS and 0.7 to 0.8 in J607 whereas for ear height it was 0.5 to 0.7 in MAS and 0.4 to 0.6 in J607. The gene frequency in the two populations seemed to be similar for days to silk, ear length, ear girth and kernel rows.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization offers a powerful tool for investigating genome organisation and evolution of taxa known, or suspected, to be allopolyploids. The question of the diploid progenitors of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40) has been the subject of numerous studies at cytogenetical, cytochemical, biochemical and molecular levels, but no definitive conclusions have been reached. The biotinylated total genomic DNA from potential diploidArachis species were separately hybridized in situ to root tip chromosomes ofA. hypogaea and wild speciesA. monticola (2n=4x=40) without or mixed with an excess of unlabelled DNA from the species not used as a probe. Among the range of different species combinations used, the strong and uniform signals given by labelledA. ipaensis DNA when hybridized toA. hypogaea andA. monticola in combination with unlabelledA. villosa DNA indicates that overall molecular composition of twenty chromosomes ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola is very similar toA. ipaensis chromosomes. ProbingA. hypogaea andA. monticola chromosomes with labelled genomic DNA fromA. villosa mixed with unlabelled DNA fromA. ipaensis likewise labelled strongly and uniformly the other twenty chromosomes. BarringA. ipaensis, all the diploidArachis species presently investigated had characteristic centromeric bands in the twenty chromosomes within the complement indicating a clear division ofA. ipaensis from other species. InA. hypogaea andA. monticola only twenty chromosomes showed centromeric bands. These results (i) confirm the allopolyploid nature ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola, (ii) strongly support the view that wildA. monticola and cultivatedA. hypogaea are very closely related, and (iii) indicate thatA. villosa andA. ipaensis are the diploid wild progenitors of the tetraploid species studied. The present results also reveal that the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) originating fromA. villosa alone is expressed in the two tetraploid species.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses between male sterile L. corniculatus (2n=4x=24) and L. tenuis (2n=2x=12) plants were performed in order to verify the presence of 2n gametes in L. tenuis. All but one of the plants from these crosses had 2n=4x=24 and the L. corniculatus phenotype; this plant had 2n=2x=12 and the L. tenuis phenotype. The plants also showed good quantity of pollen at tripping, good pollen fertility and good percentage of seed setting in the backcross to L. corniculatus. On the whole, both cytological and morphological observations, showing that all but one of the plants from L. corniculatus x L. tenuis were normal tetraploids, suggest the existence of diploandrous gametes in L. tenuis. On the other hand, haploid parthenogenesis probably gave origin to the dihaploid plant 2n=2x=12.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, Sta 44-4, corresponding to a mRNA highly expressed in Brassica napus cv. Westar stamens, was isolated by differential screening and characterized. Northern blot and in situ analyses demonstrated that Sta 44-4 is synthesized in pollen beginning at the late uninucleate stage and reaches a maximum in trinucleate microspores. Sta 44-4 displayed significant sequence similarity to known pollen polygalacturonase genes. The B. napus pollen polygalacturonase gene was shown to be part of a small gene family and to display some polymorphism among different cultivars.  相似文献   

Amaranthus includes approximately 60 species, of which three are cultivated as a grain source. Many wild Amaranthus species possess agriculturally desirable traits such as drought and salt tolerance, and pathogen resistance. We examined relationships among wild and cultivated Amaranthus species based upon restriction-site variation in two chloroplast DNA regions and in a nuclear DNA region. The chloroplast regions consisted of (1) an intergenic spacer in transfer RNA genes and (2) the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase gene with a flanking open reading frame. The nuclear region was the internal transcribed spacers ITS-1 and ITS-2 flanking the 5.8S gene in the ribosomal DNA. These regions were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and digested with a total of 38 restriction endonucleases. We detected 11 potentially informative restriction-site mutations and seven length-polymorphisms among the 28 Amaranthus species. Parsimony analysis was used to find the shortest tree for each separate data set (chloroplast, nuclear, and length) and for two combined matrices (chloroplast/nuclear and all data sets). Overall, there was a low level of variation which generated poorly resolved trees among the 28 species. Congruence analyses revealed that the chloroplast and nuclear data sets were congruent with each other but not to the length data set. The congruence of the chloroplast and nuclear data sets suggested that cytoplasmic gene flow may not be a confounding factor in our analyses. The phylogeny also suggested that drought tolerance evolved independently several times. The molecular phylogeny provides a basis for selection of species pairs for crop development.  相似文献   

李晓静  易冉  史志远  李家美 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1514-1519
该文报道了中国苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物分布新记录种,即亮花芒毛苣苔(Aeschynanthus fulgens Wall. exR. Br.),同时描述了该新记录种的分类学特征,并提供了该新记录种的引证标本和图片。此外,还比较了该新记录种与束花芒毛苣苔(A. hookeri C. B. Clarke)的花粉形态特征,发现二者花粉形态及纹饰存在显著差异。凭证标本保存在河南农业大学植物标本馆(HEAC)中。  相似文献   

Degenerate oligonucleotide primers, designed based on conserved regions of Nucleotide Binding Site (NBS) domains from previously cloned plant resistance genes, were used to isolate Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) from wild and cultivated strawberries. Seven distinct families of RGAs of the NBS-LRR type were identified from two related wild species, Fragaria vesca and F. chiloensis, and six different Fragaria × ananassa cultivars. With one exception (GAV-3), the deduced amino acid sequences of strawberry RGAs showed strong similarity to TIR (Toll Interleukin I Receptor)-type R genes from Arabidopsis, tobacco and flax, suggesting the existence of common ancestors. GAV-3 seemed to be more closely related to the non-TIR type. Further studies showed that the recombination level and the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions within families were low. These data suggest that NBS-encoding sequences of RGAs in strawberry are subject to a gradual accumulation of mutations leading to purifying selection, rather than to a diversifying process. The present paper is the first report on RGAs in strawberry.Communicated by M.-A. Grandbastien  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the dynamic changes of 2-tridecanone in a herbivorous mite (Tetranychus urticae) on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, cv. Moneymaker), a plant with methyl ketones in the tetracellular tips of the glandular trichomes (Type VI). We showed that spider mites accumulate 2-tridecanone when foraging on cultivated tomato. Thus, the rate of mite–trichome contact multiplied by the amount of toxin per trichome tip exceeded the relative rate of toxin turnover multiplied by the amount of toxin per mite. The relative rate of toxin turnover was estimated to be 1.1 per day on cucumber, a plant without this toxin. The amount per trichome tip varied from 0.33 ng for middle-leaf trichomes to 1.26 ng for main-stem trichomes. Hence, to achieve a static level of 2-tridecanone equal to 8–17 ng per mite – representing the level we found in mites on middle leaves – the rate of mite–trichome contact should be 26–57 per day. Because methyl ketone apparently accumulates in the spider mites on tomato, the rate of mite–trichome contact is probably higher than that. We expect the accumulation of ketones to occur especially on the stems of cultivated tomato, since this is the area most densely occupied with glandular hairs and because here the hairs have higher levels of the methyl ketones.Using dose–response relationships assessed earlier (Chatzivasileiadis and Sabelis, 1997, 1998), we estimated that the number of mite–trichome contacts causing 50% mortality per day is equal to 88 on a tomato stem, whereas it equals 70 for another strain of spider mites collected from cucumber. On wild tomato, L. hirsutum f. glabratum (PI 134417), just one to two contacts would suffice to cause 50% mortality per day. We suggest that methyl ketones from glandular hairs on tomato are an important mortality factor for spider mites on wild tomato and probably also on cultivated tomato.  相似文献   

Pan G  Zhou Y  Fowke LC  Wang H 《Plant cell reports》2004,23(4):196-202
A simple and reliable method was developed for isolating pollen nuclei from Brassica napus and Triticum aestivum for DNA analysis using flow cytometry. The nuclei were released from pollen by ultrasonic treatment. The isolated nuclei following filtration through nylon mesh and a purification procedure were suitable for flow cytometric analysis as well as for isolating genomic DNA. Ultrasonic treatment time was optimized for B. napus pollen at different developmental stages. The method is effective and suitable for the preparation of many samples. We analyzed the nuclear DNA levels in pollen of B. napus at three major developmental stages as well as in mature wheat pollen. Only a single 1C peak representing the haploid DNA level was detected in the nuclei isolated from Brassica uninucleate microspores as well as in mature Triticum pollen. Interestingly, diploid nuclei were detected in both binucleate and mature pollen of B. napus. The possible origins of the diploid nuclei are discussed.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole - NIB Nuclear isolation buffer  相似文献   

Gene frequencies at 13 isozyme loci were determined in three South American taxa of cultivated potatoes [the diploid group (gp.) Stenotomum, the diploid subgroups (subgp.) Goniocalyx, and the tetraploid gp. Andigena ofS. tuberosum], in the diploid weed speciesS. sparsipilum, and in most of the main cultivars now raised in the Northern Hemisphere (the tetraploid gp. Tuberosum ofS. tuberosum). High levels of genetic variability (mean number of alleles per locus, percentage of polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity) were detected, being higher in tetraploid potatoes. An equilibrium among the evolutionary factors which increase genetic variability and artificial selection for maximum yield would explain the high uniformity of heterozygosity values we observed in both Andigena (0.36 ± 0.02) and Tuberosum (0.38 ± 0.01) cultivars.—The low value of genetic distance (D = 0.044) between Stenotomum and Goniocalyx does not support the status of species forS. goniocalyx.—In most isozyme loci, the electromorphs of gp. Andigena were a combination of those found in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggesting an amphidiploid origin of gp. Andigena from that two diploid taxa. The presence in Andigena of unique electromorphs, which were lacking in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggests that other diploid species could be also implied in the origin of tetraploid Andean potatoes. Furthermore, since Andigena were more related to Stenotomum (D = 0.052) than toS. sparsipilum (D = 0.241), the autopolyploidization of Stenotomum individuals and the subsequent hybridization with gp. Andigena may also have occurred. Thus, our study suggests a multiple origin (amphidiploidy, autoploidy, and hybridization at tetraploid level) of gp. Andigena.—Most of the electromorphs of gp. Tuberosum were also found in gp. Andigena; both the direct derivation of that group from the Andean tetraploid potatoes and the repeated introgression provided by breeding programmes could explain this result. However, the allele c of Pgm-B, present in 30 out of 76 Tuberosum cultivars from Northern Hemisphere as well as in 3 Chilean Tuberosum cultivars, lacks in the 258 Andigena genotypes sampled, suggesting that Chilean germplasm could have taken part in the origin of at least the 39% of the potato cultivars from Europe and North America analyzed here.—The distanceWagner procedure provides an estimate of a 30% of heterogeneity in the evolutionary divergence shown by different groups of cultivated potatoes. Diploid groups show a higher (22.5%) evolutionary rate than tetraploids, which can be attributed to both tetrasomic inheritance and facultative autofecundation that exists in Andigena and Tuberosum groups. Thus, artificial selection acting since 10000 years has not resulted in a higher rate of molecular evolution at the isozyme level in the tetraploids.  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts were isolated from leaves of three cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill., namely Hilda 72, Rutgers and Rentita, and from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.) Mill. Protoplasts from L. peruvianum divided and grew actively in a liquid medium according to Zapata et al. (1977), whereas protoplasts from the tomato cultivars Hilda 72 and Rutgers showed comparable rates for cell division only, when the content of major elements in this medium was reduced to one half of the original concentration and when mannitol as osmoticum was replaced by glucose. In Rentita protoplasts no cell division could be observed in about 15 different modifications of the five basic culture media tested. The morphogenetic potential of these tomato cells was assessed by comparing the root and shoot formation of protoplasts and of leaf explants. L. peruvianum exhibited the highest potential. Calli derived from protoplasts regenerated roots on Murastrige-Skoog agar containing 1 M benzylaminopurine (BAP) plus 10 M indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 0.1 M BAP plus 1 M IAA. Shoot formation occurred in the combinations of 10 M BAP with 0.1, 1.0, and 10 M IAA. Plantlets regenerated from the L. peruvianum calli could be grown in soil. No shoots or roots were regenerated from calli of Hilda 72 and Rutgers protoplasts in all combinations of BAP and IAA tested in the range from 0.1 M to 100 M, thus indicating the rather low morphogenetic potential of these protoplasts as compared to protoplasts from L. peruvianum leaves.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - IAA indole-acetic acid - TMV tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   

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