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Yongpeng Ma Gao Chen R. Edward Grumbine Zhiling Dao Weibang Sun Huijun Guo 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2013,22(3):803-809
Over the past decades, biodiversity conservation in China has achieved a number of successes. However, due to inadequate conservation policies, poor implementation and lack of financial support, wild plant species that are extremely small in population size and therefore seriously threatened have not had the attention they require. But the new concept of plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP), first promulgated in Yunnan Province, is becoming more widely accepted in China. Several national and regional-level conservation strategies and actions for conserving China’s PSESP are being implemented over the next 5 years. With this new policy framework leading the way, plant conservation in China is set to make important new advances. 相似文献
极小种群野生植物保护研究进展与未来工作的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生物多样性保护是全球的热点问题之一。极小种群野生植物(plant species with extremely small populations,PSESP)是为了“抢救性保护”我国濒临高度灭绝风险的野生植物、指导我国生物多样性保护、服务于国家生态文明建设而提出来的保护生物学领域的新概念,该概念的提出引起了国际保护生物学领域的广泛关注。国家在“十三五”期间启动实施了极小种群野生植物拯救保护工程,并在《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》中,明确把极小种群野生植物专项拯救纳入重要生态系统保护和修复工程。极小种群野生植物的拯救保护是一项科学性强、技术性和专业性要求高、周期长的系统工程,“抢救性保护”与“系统研究”并重是科学拯救保护极小种群野生植物的途径。开展极小种群野生植物保护的系统研究,是指导或支撑其有效保护的重要工作。该文重点从极小种群野生植物的调查与评估、生态生物学特性、繁殖技术、遗传多样性方面对近年来极小种群野生植物保护的研究工作进行系统综述,以期为极小种群野生植物的拯救保护奠定新的理论基础。该文还基于极小种群野生植物保护研究现状及其未来拯救保护工作需求,对我国极小种群野生植物未来的保护研究重点提出了三个方面的思考。该文可为极小种群野生植物保护的系统研究提供参考。 相似文献
论极小种群野生植物的研究及科学保护 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
<正>近年来,中国在生物多样性保护方面取得了一系列成就,但由于人类对自然资源的不断索取和全球变化,一些野生植物仍面临灭绝的风险。目前,仅有1999年国务院批准的《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》所列种类受到法律的保护。早在20世纪80年代,我国就引入国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录的评估体系开展了受威胁物种的评估工作,先后出版了《中国植物红皮书:稀有濒危植物》(第一册)(傅立国,1991)和《中国物种红色名录》(汪 相似文献
极小种群野生植物抢救性保护面临的机遇与挑战 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>过去50年,中国在生物多样性保护方面取得了一系列成就。但是,国家层面立法保护的植物仅有1999年国务院批准的《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》,之后并没有根据全国普查与各地调查报道的结果进行相应的更新。目前,最突出和最具有争议性的一个问题是,哪些物种才是最需要优先保护的?一些研究机构基于物种保护生物学的研究,认为应参考国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)对受威胁物种的等级划分标准来确定,但这些标准是基于全球尺度,并且大部分标准是依赖于对未来若干年的物 相似文献
极小种群野生植物的概念及其对我国野生植物保护的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来我国提出极小种群野生植物(plant species with extremely small populations,PSESP)的概念并启动实施了全国极小种群野生植物拯救保护工程规划,然而PSESP概念自提出后就不断受到质疑,认为不确切的概念及其引领的保护工程难以取得显著成效。为了更好地理解PSESP概念和相应的保护对策,本文在回顾我国野生植物保护进程的基础上,通过梳理珍稀濒危植物、重点保护植物和极小种群植物等概念,提出从物种选列标准和极小种群临界值等角度理解PSESP概念的途径;并通过比较各个时期采取的保护策略措施,指出基于种群管理的PSESP保护能体现物种以种群形式得以维持和延续的本质,但急需完善传统的资源调查、就地保护、迁地保护方法,探索种群调查分析、近地保护和种群恢复重建等新方法。最后认为PSESP概念的提出及其拯救保护工程的实施在我国野生植物保护领域具有里程碑意义,能促进保护实践和科学研究的相互融合,实现二者共同发展。 相似文献
The use of ex situ techniques for the conservation of threatened plants has been increasing over the past decades. Cryopreservation
is often used for the long-term storage of plant germplasm where conventional methods (i.e. seedbanking) are inappropriate.
Simple encapsulation–dehydration protocols were developed for the cryopreservation of bryophytes at The Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, as part of an ex situ project for the conservation of UK threatened species. The applicability of these methods was tested
on 22 species with a broad range of ecological requirements and found to be highly successful across the board. Regeneration
rates from frozen material were >68% for all species tested and half had regeneration rates of 100%. The high regeneration
rate and broad applicability of the protocols across a range of species was attributed to a combination of the inherent totipotency
of bryophytes and the in-built recovery periods in the pre-treatment protocol. In conclusion, bryophytes are well suited to
cryopreservation and such techniques would be applicable for the long-term storage of similar conservation collections across
the globe. 相似文献
Liang Lin Lei Cai Lei Fan Jun-Chao Ma Xiang-Yun Yang Xiao-Jian Hu 《Plant Diversity》2022,44(1):94-100
Magnolia sinica is one of the most endangered Magnoliaceae species in China. Seed biology information concerning its long-term ex situ conservation and utilization is insufficient. This study investigated dormancy status, germination requirements and storage behavior of M. sinica. Freshly matured seeds germinated to ca. 86.5% at 25/15°C but poorly at 30°C; GA3 and moist chilling promoted germination significantly at 20°C. Embryos grew at temperatures(alternating or constant) between 20°C and 25°... 相似文献
极小种群野生植物黄梅秤锤树群落结构与动态 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文以极小种群野生植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)当前唯一的野生种群为依托建立了1 ha的固定样地, 研究了黄梅秤锤树野生植物群落的物种组成、优势种的径级结构、黄梅秤锤树的空间分布格局、种内与种间空间关联性和种群更新特征。样地内共记录到胸径 ≥ 1.0 cm的木本植物31种, 隶属于21科28属。群落更新良好, 样地中所有1,225株个体中小径木占比为67.18%。群落优势种为麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、枸骨(Ilex cornuta)、朴树(Celtis sinensis)和黄梅秤锤树。麻栎的径级结构呈单峰型, 为衰退型种群; 枸骨、朴树和黄梅秤锤树的径级结构呈倒“J”型或偏倒“J”型, 表明更新良好。黄梅秤锤树的空间分布格局在小尺度上呈聚集分布, 在大尺度上呈随机或均匀分布, 并且与其他3个优势种(麻栎、枸骨、朴树)在空间上主要呈负关联性。黄梅秤锤树的成树和幼苗、幼树和幼苗都是在小尺度上呈负关联性, 在大尺度上关联性不显著, 而成树和幼树在整体上关联性不显著。黄梅秤锤树的萌蘖现象非常明显, 萌蘖数与母株胸径具有极显著的正相关性(R2 = 0.330, P < 0.001), 萌蘖率与相对幼苗密度具有极显著的负相关性(R2 = 0.438, P < 0.001)。总体来说, 高比例的小径木和普遍的种间负关联均表明该群落处于演替的早中期, 物种组成和群落结构还未达到稳定阶段。作为长江中下游冲积平原区具有代表性的残存风水林, 该野生植物群落在生物多样性维持和珍稀植物保护方面具有重要的作用, 应加强保护和管理。 相似文献
Vernon H.Heywood 《Plant Diversity》2019,(2):33-35
As an introduction to the Special Issue on the restoration of threatened plant species and their habitats,this editorial shows how the various papers in the issue address the range of in situ interventions involved in species population management and restoration of their habitat, together with examples of case studies implementing these actions. It stresses the need for integrating these various interventions.It highlights the importance of protected areas in providing a degree of protection for threatened species but also the need to complement this with actions at the species level to ensure the effective conservation and long term persistence of these species. It emphasizes that ecological restoration is a complement to, not a substitute for conservation, and that the balance of effort and allocation of resources between them is a key issue. 相似文献
Pollination and seed dispersal in angiosperms have long been investigated in order to understand the coevolution of plants and animals. However, the signals from flowers and/or seeds to attract pollinators and/or seed dispersers have received comparatively little attention. In this study, the pollination biology and seed dispersal of the vulnerable agarwood plant Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg, a traditional medicinal plant in China, was studied in its natural distribution range. The reproductive tactics of A. sinensis were studied in detail by employing various tests dealing with fruit set and also seed dispersal. Dynamic headspace extraction followed by GC-MS analysis was also performed in order to reveal the composition of floral scent. The results showed that noctuids and pyralids are the most effective pollinators of pollinator-dependent A. sinensis. The main compounds of the floral scent were (E, E)-α-Farnesene (61.9±3.2%), trans-Ocimene (16.6±1.2%), and Benzyl salicylate (4.6±1.1%). The results obtained from seed dispersal experiments indicate that hornets are effective seed dispersers and they may play an important role in long-distance seed dispersal of A. sinensis. Based on our findings, we recommend several protection methods for this threatened agarwood plant in China. 相似文献
Magnolia sinica is one of the most threatened trees endemic to Southeast Yunnan. Based on our investigations, only 52 individuals and eight populations are found in the wild. M. sinica has been categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List and identified as a “Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP)”. Its fruit/seed set is very low and seedlings are rarely found in the wild. It is hypothesized that it may encounter obstacles to reproductive success. This study, therefore, focuses on its reproductive biology, knowledge of which is essential for effective conservation. Flowers of this species are protogynous and nocturnal, and possess a two-day rhythm of sexual presentation. For the first night of anthesis, the flowers are in the pistillate stage during which tepals open at dusk and close approx. 1 h later (except for the open outer ones). They remain closed until the next afternoon, when flowers, now in the staminate stage, re-open and remain so until the tepals drop. Nocturnal beetles enter into the flowers and remain trapped throughout the night as the flower closes, during which time they feed on tepals. Pollen-gathering bees are found to visit the re-opened flowers and the beetles are released during this stage. Two species of Pleocomidae and Curculionidae beetles appear to be effective pollinators.M. sinica is a self-compatible, pollinator-dependent species, and its fruit/seed set can be significantly increased by hand-pollination. No functional seed dispersers have been found in its extant natural habitats. These findings suggest that it may face both pollination and seed disperser insufficiencies in its current fragmented habitats, which may account for its low regeneration. Here we propose conservation strategies based on our findings. 相似文献
Structural diversity of naturally regenerating Chinese yew (Taxus wallichiana var. mairei) populations in ex situ conservation 下载免费PDF全文
The Chinese yew (Taxus wallichiana var. mairei) is ranked in the first class of important wild endangered plants in China. Due to overexploitation, it now occurs scattered only in the forest undergrowth along the Yangtze River Valley. To improve the conservation management of the species, we applied structural indices to investigate the structural diversity of naturally regenerating yew populations that have established via ex situ conservation. The results show that most yews had larger non‐yew tree neighbors; these were 30–70% larger than their reference trees. Collectively, the average distances between the yews and the three nearest‐neighboring trees were short ( 3 m), suggesting that the yews face strong interspecific competition from neighbors. In these two forest stands, most of the pole‐sized yews were found beneath a single tall neighboring tree (height 10 m), and their growth was enhanced under a single neighboring tree but not under two, three or zero neighboring trees. Finally, we recommend simple silvicultural measures to reduce interspecific competition and improve the vitality of the yew population; specifically, the cutting or pruning of branches of large neighboring trees in tandem with the thinning of canopy trees growing next to the mother yews. 相似文献
Long‐distance pollen and seed dispersal and inbreeding depression in Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) in the Brazilian savannah 下载免费PDF全文
Marcela A. Moraes Thaisa Y. K. Kubota Bruno C. Rossini Celso L. Marino Miguel L. M. Freitas Mario L. T. Moraes Alexandre M. da Silva Jose Cambuim Alexandre M. Sebbenn 《Ecology and evolution》2018,8(16):7800-7816
Hymenaea stigonocarpa is a neotropical tree that is economically important due to its high‐quality wood; however, because it has been exploited extensively, it is currently considered threatened. Microsatellite loci were used to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal, mating patterns, spatial genetic structure (SGS), genetic diversity, and inbreeding depression in H. stigonocarpa adults, juveniles, and open‐pollinated seeds, which were sampled from isolated trees in a pasture and trees within a forest fragment in the Brazilian savannah. We found that the species presented a mixed mating system, with population and individual variations in the outcrossing rate (0.53–1.0). The studied populations were not genetically isolated due to pollen and seed flow between the studied populations and between the populations and individuals located outside of the study area. Pollen and seed dispersal occurred over long distances (>8 km); however, the dispersal patterns were isolated by distance, with a high frequency of mating occurring between near‐neighbor trees and seeds dispersed near the parent trees. The correlated mating for individual seed trees was higher within than among fruits, indicating that fruits present a high proportion of full‐sibs. Genetic diversity and SGS were similar among the populations, but offspring showed evidence of inbreeding, mainly originating from mating among related trees, which suggests inbreeding depression between the seed and adult stages. Selfing resulted in a higher inbreeding depression than mating among relatives, as assessed through survival and height. As the populations are not genetically isolated, both are important targets for in situ conservation to maintain their genetic diversity; for ex situ conservation, seeds can be collected from at least 78 trees in both populations separated by at least 250 m. 相似文献
V. Di Cecco B. Paura A. Bufano P. Di Santo L. Di Martino A. R. Frattaroli 《Plant biosystems》2018,152(4):738-748
Bubon macedonicum L. is a chasmophytic species of south-eastern Europe. In Italy, it has been detected only in Rocca Monforte (Campobasso, central Italy). This rare species is included in the IUCN Red Lists of Critically Endangered Italian Flora, and there are no studies relating to B. macedonicum biology. The seed germination dynamics of this species was studied with the aim of building up an appropriate germination protocol to be used in ex situ conservation. On the basis of an ISTA protocol, about 3,000 seeds were collected from Rocca Monforte in August 2013. Fifty seeds were measured. The considered parameters were seed length, width, thickness, seed surface, volume, density, surface/mass ratio and eccentricity index. The morphometric parameters examined showed morphological dormancy, where a short warm period is necessary for embryo growth and seed germination. The results showed high germination percentages under the different conditions of temperature, pH, GA3 and photoperiod. Only at 5 °C was there no germination. Finally, the seeds maintain high germination percentages from the seed storage process after 130 and 390 days. This factor can be considered of great importance for the conservation of B. macedonicum over the medium and long term. 相似文献
Evelyn L. Jensen Beverly McClenaghan Brett Ford Andrew Lentini Kevin C. R. Kerr Michael A. Russello 《Zoo biology》2020,39(4):257-262
Using molecular genetic information to guide population management can improve the sustainability of species in captivity. However, empirical population genetics has not been commonly applied to species management programs in zoos. One limitation may be the availability of genetic resources (e.g., markers, primers, etc.) for species held in zoos. To assess the extent to which species held in zoos have been studied using population genetics in the wild, we conducted a systematic literature review of close to 8,000 papers. We synthesized information on the availability and scale of population genetics studies across amphibian, bird, mammal, and reptile species held in zoos, and discussed their potential for informing ex situ management. We found that more than half of the species in zoos (52%) already have some genetic markers described in the literature specific for them, or a congeneric species, that could be further developed to aid the management of zoo populations, and the accumulation of these resources has been steady over the past decades. Furthermore, the proportion of species with genetic resources is even higher (62%) for species that are being managed through a formal breeding program in zoos. Our study provides encouraging results for captive program managers interested in integrating population genetics into ex situ management strategies. 相似文献
典型极小种群野生植物保护与恢复技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
极小种群野生植物是急需优先抢救的国家重点保护濒危植物。目前,有关极小种群野生植物濒危原因及相应解濒技术的研究还非常缺乏,已有的植物种群生态学和保护生物学理论对极小种群植物并不完全适用,迫切需要研发有针对性的科学理论和保育技术。介绍了国家重点研发计划项目"典型极小种群野生植物保护与恢复技术研究(2016YFC0503100)"的研究意义、内容、目标及展望。项目拟针对典型极小种群野生植物开展保护与恢复技术的研究,拟构建极小种群野生植物的种群生态学和保护生物学理论体系,研发极小种群野生植物保护和更新复壮的技术体系,并建立相应的应用技术标准和示范基地,为极小种群野生植物的保护与可持续利用奠定坚实的理论基础和技术支撑。 相似文献
L. Di Martino V. Di Cecco M. Di Santo A. Stanisci A.R. Frattaroli 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(6):1231-1238
The ex situ conservation of biodiversity is an essential tool for environmental protection interventions. Germination studies of seeds that belong to endangered species are essential for ex situ conservation strategies. In this study, we investigate the germination responses of three high-altitude endemic and vulnerable species (Leontopodium nivale, Pinguicula fiorii and Soldanella minima subsp. samnitica). Specifically we identified potential dormancy mechanisms by investigating the responses of germination percentage and rate to different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3), by performing a general linear model. L. nivale reached a germination percentage of 98.0 ± 2.0% (mean ± SE) under control conditions (20°C; 12/12 photoperiod; no GA3 addition). P. fiorii showed the highest germination percentage (78.0 ± 2.0%) in the treatment with GA3 500 ppm. S. minima subsp. samnitica did not show sensitivity to GA3 but responded positively to cold stratification (6 month at 5°C) with a germination percentage of 90 ± 6%. This study made it possible to acquire important information on the germination process of threatened and rare endemic taxa. 相似文献
Roberto E. Vogler Ariel A. Beltramino Juana G. Peso Alejandra Rumi 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2014,172(3):501-520
The genus Aylacostoma Spix, 1827, is mainly endemic to South America, and comprises about 30 nominal species, most of which were described based solely on conchological features following the typological approaches of most of the 19th and the mid‐20th century authors. Here, we redescribe Aylacostoma chloroticum Hylton Scott, 1954, and describe A ylacostoma brunneum sp. nov . from the High Paraná River (Argentina–Paraguay) by means of morphological and molecular characters. Both are threatened species currently included into an ongoing ex situ conservation programme, as their habitats have disappeared because of damming and the filling up of the Yacyretá Reservoir in the early 1990s. We used DNA sequences from cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes to estimate their genetic distances, and the COI sequences were also used to assess their specific status under the evolutionary genetic species concept by means of the K/θ method. Our results clearly demonstrate that both must be recognized as evolutionary genetic species, despite only minor differences in morphological characters other than in the shells. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London 相似文献