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木本植物全基因组测序研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shi JS  Wang ZJ  Chen JH 《遗传》2012,34(2):145-156
近年来,植物全基因组测序的结果正如雨后春笋般涌现,木本植物全基因组测序也在紧锣密鼓地展开。但由于木本植物通常基因组较大,基因组结构较为复杂,在测序、测序后的组装、注释、功能分析等均存在较大的困难。在基因组测序分析的经费预算方面也存在着较大的压力。因此,有必要对这方面的研究进展及其存在问题进行分析比较,以提高林木全基因组研究方面的效率。文章在比较分析已经发展起来的3代基因测序技术(Sanger测序法、合成测序法和单分子测序法)的基础上,选择4种已经公布的木本植物(杨树、葡萄、番木瓜、苹果),从全基因组测序的研究背景、测序结果及应用的研究进展和存在问题等方面进行了述评,对未来要开展的木本植物全基因组测序前的准备工作(材料选择、遗传图谱和连锁图谱的构建、测序技术的选择),全基因组测序结果的生物信息学分析和应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

施季森  王占军  陈金慧 《遗传》2012,34(2):145-156
近年来, 植物全基因组测序的结果正如雨后春笋般涌现, 木本植物全基因组测序也在紧锣密鼓地展开。但由于木本植物通常基因组较大, 基因组结构较为复杂, 在测序、测序后的组装、注释、功能分析等均存在较大的困难。在基因组测序分析的经费预算方面也存在着较大的压力。因此, 有必要对这方面的研究进展及其存在问题进行分析比较, 以提高林木全基因组研究方面的效率。文章在比较分析已经发展起来的3代基因测序技术(Sanger测序法、合成测序法和单分子测序法)的基础上, 选择4种已经公布的木本植物(杨树、葡萄、番木瓜、苹果), 从全基因组测序的研究背景、测序结果及应用的研究进展和存在问题等方面进行了述评, 对未来要开展的木本植物全基因组测序前的准备工作(材料选择、遗传图谱和连锁图谱的构建、测序技术的选择), 全基因组测序结果的生物信息学分析和应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

[背景]抗生素的滥用导致了耐药病原菌的不断增加和扩散,成为威胁人们健康的一个重要因素,因此挖掘新型抗生素显得尤其重要.新的物种很有可能会产生新的生物活性物质,特别是那些常规分离方法很少分离到的稀有放线菌.[目的]对2株小双孢菌潜在新种进行全基因组测序分析与抗菌活性测定,从多层次分子水平鉴定其新种分类地位,并预测次级代谢...  相似文献   

王卓  申笑涵  施奇惠 《遗传》2021,(2):108-117
随着单细胞基因组测序技术的建立与发展,对细胞基因组特征的分析进入了单细胞水平。单细胞的基因组分辨率不但使研究人员能够在单细胞尺度上分析肿瘤细胞的异质性,也使得传统上难以检测的稀有细胞的基因组研究成为可能。这些稀有细胞往往具有重要的生物学意义或临床价值,如癌症患者血液中循环肿瘤细胞(circulatingtumorcell,CTC)的基因组检测或三代试管婴儿植入前胚胎细胞的遗传缺陷诊断与筛查(preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening, PGD/PGS)。本文总结了近年来发展的各种单细胞基因组扩增技术及其优缺点,并介绍了单细胞基因组测序技术在肿瘤生物学和临床检测中的应用,以期为单细胞基因组测序技术在临床检测中应用开发提供参考。  相似文献   

随着耐药细菌的大量出现及广泛传播,细菌耐药性成为全球备受关注的问题。耐药细菌的特征如耐药基因、毒力因子、质粒分型等以及不同菌株间亲缘关系对于细菌耐药性流行病学及分子生物学的研究有着十分重要的意义。但是传统的技术手段如聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR)和脉冲场凝胶电泳(Pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)等得到的结果不够全面且精确度低,对于现有的研究存在很大的局限性。全基因组测序技术(Whole genome sequencing,WGS)和生物信息学分析(Bioinformatics analysis)由于能够快速详尽地得到耐药细菌的特征,也能更加精细地判断不同菌株间的进化关系,逐渐成为更加有效的技术手段,为耐药性研究提供了有效的帮助。因此,文中系统地介绍全基因组测序分析流程中的各个步骤,主要包括文库构建、平台测序以及后期数据分析三大方面的不同方法和其相应的特点,期望相关研究人员对此能够有更全面的了解,并得到一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Marine habitats are Earth''s largest aquatic ecosystems, yet little is known about marine organism''s genomes. Molecular studies can unravel their genetics print, thus shedding light on specie''s adaptation and speciation with precise authentication. However, extracting high molecular weight DNA from marine organisms and subsequent DNA library preparation for whole genome sequencing is challenging. The challenges can be explained by excessive metabolites secretion that co‐precipitates with DNA and barricades their sequencing. In this work, we sought to resolve this issue by describing an optimized isolation method and comparing its performance with the most commonly reported protocols or commercial kits: SDS/phenol–chloroform method, Qiagen Genomic Tips kit, Qiagen DNeasy Plant mini kit, a modified protocol of Qiagen DNeasy Plant kit, Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit, and Qiagen Qiamp DNA Stool mini kit. Our method proved to work significantly better for different marine species regardless of their shape, consistency, and sample preservation, improving Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing yield by 39 folds for Spirobranchus sp. and enabling generation of almost 10 GB data per flow cell/run for Chrysaora sp. and Palaemon sp. samples.  相似文献   

Transmission Ratio Distortion (TRD), the uneven transmission of an allele from a parent to its offspring, can be caused by allelic differences affecting gametogenesis, fertilization or embryogenesis. However, TRD remains vaguely studied at a genomic scale. We sequenced the diploid and haploid genomes of three boars from leukocytes and spermatozoa at 50x to shed light into the genetic basis of spermatogenesis-caused Allelic Ratio Distortion (ARD). We first developed a Binomial model to identify ARD by simultaneously analysing all three males. This led to the identification of 55 ARD SNPs, most of which were animal-specific. We then evaluated ARD individually within each pig by a Fisher’s exact test and identified two shared genes (TOP3A and UNC5B) and four shared genomic regions harbouring distinct ARD SNPs in the three boars. The shared genomic regions contained candidate genes with functions related to spermatogenesis including AK7, ARID4B, BDKRB2, GSK3B, NID1, NSMCE1, PALB2, VRK1 and ZC3H13. Using the Fisher’s test, we also identified 378 genes containing variants with protein damaging potential in at least one boar, a high proportion of which, including FAM120B, TDRD15, JAM2 or AOX4 among others, are associated to spermatogenesis. Overall, our results show that sperm is subjected to ARD with variants associated to a wide variety of genes involved in different stages of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

? Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum; Poaceae) is a crop plant of great importance. It provides nearly 20% of the world's daily food supply measured by calorie intake, similar to that provided by rice. The yield of wheat has doubled over the last 40 years due to a combination of advanced agronomic practice and improved germplasm through selective breeding. More recently, yield growth has been less dramatic, and a significant improvement in wheat production will be required if demand from the growing human population is to be met. ? Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are revolutionizing biology and can be applied to address critical issues in plant biology. Technologies can produce draft sequences of genomes with a significant reduction to the cost and timeframe of traditional technologies. In addition, NGS technologies can be used to assess gene structure and expression, and importantly, to identify heritable genome variation underlying important agronomic traits. ? This review provides an overview of the wheat genome and NGS technologies, details some of the problems in applying NGS technology to wheat, and describes how NGS technologies are starting to impact wheat crop improvement.  相似文献   

【背景】副干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus paracasei)作为乳酸菌中重要菌种之一,常被认为是优良益生菌开发的潜在资源。【目的】以L.paracasei PC-01和L.paracasei Zhang为例,分析不同L.paracasei的基因组差异和遗传背景,为菌株的鉴定和开发奠定基础。【方法】采用PacBioSMRT三代测序技术对L.paracasei PC-01进行全基因组测序,结合2株L.paracasei模式菌株和公开的36株全基因组数据,通过比较基因组学方法揭示39株L.paracasei菌株之间的差异。【结果】L.paracasei PC-01基因组不包含质粒,染色体大小为2 829 251 bp,GC含量为46.64%;L.paracasei Zhang包含一个质粒基因组大小为2 898 456 bp,GC含量为46.51%;不同L.paracasei菌株基因组大小、质粒数及GC含量均存在一定差异。L.paracasei群体为开放式基因组,基因组具有高度多样性。基于核心基因构建系统发育树对于L.paracasei种内区分效果最好,L.paracasei PC-...  相似文献   

马属(Equus)动物的祖先大约在5500万年前出现,经过持续分化形成现今的马、驴和斑马,统称马属动物。马作为家畜中的重要一员,是推动人类文明发展的载体,在人类的饮食、战争、农耕、运输和娱乐等领域做出了巨大贡献。然而,人类为了满足需求,或多或少影响着马的进化方向,从而在长时间自然和人工选择过程中形成了多种独具特色性状的不同马种。驴和骡在全球的存栏量也较多,在人类的生产和生活中起到的作用同样不可忽视,不但为人类提供了生产力而且还提供了食物和营养保健品。可见,马属动物对人类的重要性。近年来,高通量测序技术和生物信息学分析方法被广泛运用于家畜的遗传学研究。人们利用高通量测序手段探索马属动物在进化过程中的种群变化历史,解析形成独特性状的分子机制,为其育种工作提供有效的数据支持。本文综述了马属动物全基因组高通量测序的研究进展,以及利用该技术在马属动物的进化历史和功能基因挖掘研究领域所取得的成就,以期今后对马属动物的深入研究、产业开发和利用等方面提供参考信息。  相似文献   

During the last three decades, both genome mapping and sequencing methods have advanced significantly to provide a foundation for scientists to understand genome structures and functions in many species. Generally speaking, genome mapping relies on genome sequencing to provide basic materials, such as DNA probes and markers for their localizations, thus constructing the maps. On the other hand, genome sequencing often requires a high-resolution map as a skeleton for whole genome assembly. However, both genome mapping and sequencing have never come together in one pipeline. After reviewing mapping and next-generation sequencing methods, we would like to share our thoughts with the genome community on how to combine the HAPPY mapping technique with the new-generation sequencing, thus integrating two systems into one pipeline, called HAPPY pipeline. The pipeline starts with preparation of a HAPPY panel, followed by multiple displacement amplification for producing a relatively large quantity of DNA. Instead of conventional marker genotyping, the amplified panel DNA samples are subject to new-generation sequencing with barcode method, which allows us to determine the presence/absence of a sequence contig as a traditional marker in the HAPPY panel. Statistical analysis will then be performed to infer how close or how far away from each other these contigs are within a genome and order the whole genome sequence assembly as well. We believe that such a universal approach will play an important role in genome sequencing, mapping, and assembly of many species; thus advancing genome science and its applications in biomedicine and agriculture.  相似文献   

【背景】由于甲基营养菌被发现的时间较短,而且可以生产吡咯喹啉醌(pyrroloquinoline quinone,PQQ)的甲基杆菌属细菌只有少数菌株的全基因组序列被公布,增加了该类细菌基因组学和生物代谢途径研究的难度。【目的】将本实验室筛选的PQQ生产菌经多种诱变方式处理,用于提高PQQ的发酵产量。对高产突变菌株进行全基因组解析,以探究甲基杆菌PQQ合成的分子机制,为后续分子育种提供序列背景信息。【方法】将野生型PQQ生产菌株进行紫外诱变、亚硝基胍诱变、甲基磺酸乙酯诱变、硫酸二乙酯诱变和紫外-氯化锂复合诱变。将突变菌株利用PromethION三代测序平台和MGISEQ-2000二代测序平台测序,然后进行组装和功能注释。组装得到的全基因组序列与模式菌株扭脱甲基杆菌AM1 (Methylobacterium extorquens AM1)进行比较基因组学分析。【结果】经11轮诱变获得一株突变菌株NI91,其PQQ产量为19.49mg/L,相较原始菌株提高44.91%。突变菌株NI91的基因组由一个5 409 262 bp的染色体组成,共编码4 957个蛋白,与模式菌株M. extorqu...  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is an emerging discipline for designing and synthesizing predictable, measurable, controllable, and transformable biological systems. These newly designed biological systems have great potential for the development of cheaper drugs, green fuels, biodegradable plastics, and targeted cancer therapies over the coming years. Fortunately, our ability to quickly and accurately engineer biological systems that behave predictably has been dramatically expanded by significant advances in DNA-sequencing, DNA-synthesis, and DNA-editing technologies. Here, we review emerging technologies and methodologies in the field of building designed biological systems, and we discuss their future perspectives.  相似文献   

Plant genome sequencing: applications for crop improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequencing technology is undergoing a revolution with the commercialization of second generation technologies capable of sequencing thousands of millions of nucleotide bases in each run. The data explosion resulting from this technology is likely to continue to increase with the further development of second generation sequencing and the introduction of third generation single‐molecule sequencing methods over the coming years. The question is no longer whether we can sequence crop genomes which are often large and complex, but how soon can we sequence them? Even cereal genomes such as wheat and barley which were once considered intractable are coming under the spotlight of the new sequencing technologies and an array of new projects and approaches are being established. The increasing availability of DNA sequence information enables the discovery of genes and molecular markers associated with diverse agronomic traits creating new opportunities for crop improvement. However, the challenge remains to convert this mass of data into knowledge that can be applied in crop breeding programs.  相似文献   

【背景】母乳是一个重要的益生菌筛选库,其中植物乳杆菌是一种用途广泛、适应性强的益生菌。然而不同菌株具有不同的功能,现有的生理生化方法对其潜在益生特性研究十分有限,有必要采用高通量的方法寻找具有种群特异性的优质益生菌。【目的】结合菌株生化特征在全基因组的测序与分析的基础上对两株植物乳杆菌的潜在功能进行预测,并重点找寻与肠液耐受性及细菌素的合成相关的基因,即在基因组的结构上对菌株的表型进行探究。【方法】分离筛选出两株母乳源植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37,并利用Illumina genome analyzer对菌株的全基因组进行测序,采用Prokka软件对细菌基因组进行注释,采用Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy)、Koyto encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)和Clusters of orthologous genes(COG)数据库对基因组进行功能注释;同时采用Prodigal、RNAmmer等工具对编码序列、核糖体RNA进行预测,并用CGView软件绘制菌株的基因组环形图谱。【结果】通过基因组装得到了两株植物乳杆菌的全基因组信息,植物乳杆菌MP37、MP55基因组大小分别为3 204 421 bp和3 299 180 bp;(G+C)mol%含量分别为44.36%和44.46%;分别包含3 012个和3 101个DNA编码序列,结合菌株生化特征在基因组上找到4个与肠液耐受相关的基因及一段细菌素合成相关基因簇。基因组序列原始数据和拼接结果已提交至"gcMeta"平台。【结论】通过高通量测序分析在基因组水平上揭示了植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37在肠道存活性与抑制病原菌相关的可能机理。植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37是两株潜在的益生菌候选菌株,实验结果为进一步阐明其益生菌特性的功能机制提供了遗传学基础。  相似文献   

微生物全基因组鸟枪法测序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗春清  杨焕明 《遗传》2002,24(3):310-314
全基因组测序主要有二种策略,一种是分级鸟枪法测序,另一种是全基因组鸟枪法测序。微生物是一种十分重要的遗传资源,运用全基因组鸟枪法可以方便、快捷地完成其基因组的测序任务。本文对微生物全基因组鸟枪法测序中文库构建、插入片段的长短比例、反应投入量、拼接以及补洞等问题作了较细致的描述,有些步骤作了举例说明。 Abstract:Two strategies introduced for whole genome sequencing,one is clone by clone method,the other is whole genome shotgun sequencing,for microbes which are very important to us,whole genome shotgun sequencing method is very convenient.In this article we discussed the library construction、long-to-short-ratio of insert,、total number of reads should be sequenced、assembly and gap filling technologies of the whole microbial genome shotgun sequencing method while some examples presented.  相似文献   

Acral melanoma is a subtype of melanoma with distinct epidemiological, clinical and mutational profiles. To define the genomic alterations in acral melanoma, we conducted whole‐genome sequencing and SNP array analysis of five metastatic tumours and their matched normal genomes. We identified the somatic mutations, copy number alterations and structural variants in these tumours and combined our data with published studies to identify recurrently mutated genes likely to be the drivers of acral melanomagenesis. We compared and contrasted the genomic landscapes of acral, mucosal, uveal and common cutaneous melanoma to reveal the distinctive mutational characteristics of each subtype.  相似文献   

Accounting for historical demographic features, such as the strength and timing of gene flow and divergence times between closely related lineages, is vital for many inferences in evolutionary biology. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is one method commonly used to estimate demographic parameters. However, the DNA sequences used as input for this method, often microsatellites or RADseq loci, usually represent a small fraction of the genome. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) data, on the other hand, have been used less often with ABC, and questions remain about the potential benefit of, and how to best implement, this type of data; we used pseudo‐observed data sets to explore such questions. Specifically, we addressed the potential improvements in parameter estimation accuracy that could be associated with WGS data in multiple contexts; namely, we quantified the effects of (a) more data, (b) haplotype‐based summary statistics, and (c) locus length. Compared with a hypothetical RADseq data set with 2.5 Mbp of data, using a 1 Gbp data set consisting of 100 Kbp sequences led to substantial gains in the accuracy of parameter estimates, which was mostly due to haplotype statistics and increased data. We also quantified the effects of including (a) locus‐specific recombination rates, and (b) background selection information in ABC analyses. Importantly, assuming uniform recombination or ignoring background selection had a negative effect on accuracy in many cases. Software and results from this method validation study should be useful for future demographic history analyses.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is ubiquitous and its consequences are complex and variable. A change of ploidy level generally influences genetic diversity and results in morphological, physiological and ecological differences between cells or organisms with different ploidy levels. To avoid cumbersome experiments and take advantage of the less biased information provided by the vast amounts of genome sequencing data, computational tools for ploidy estimation are urgently needed. Until now, although a few such tools have been developed, many aspects of this estimation, such as the requirement of a reference genome, the lack of informative results and objective inferences, and the influence of false positives from errors and repeats, need further improvement. We have developed ploidyfrost , a de Bruijn graph-based method, to estimate ploidy levels from whole genome sequencing data sets without a reference genome. ploidyfrost provides a visual representation of allele frequency distribution generated using the ggplot2 package as well as quantitative results using the Gaussian mixture model. In addition, it takes advantage of colouring information encoded in coloured de Bruijn graphs to analyse multiple samples simultaneously and to flexibly filter putative false positives. We evaluated the performance of ploidyfrost by analysing highly heterozygous or repetitive samples of Cyclocarya paliurus and a complex allooctoploid sample of Fragaria × ananassa. Moreover, we demonstrated that the accuracy of analysis results can be improved by constraining a threshold such as Cramér's V coefficient on variant features, which may significantly reduce the side effects of sequencing errors and annoying repeats on the graphical structure constructed.  相似文献   

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