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木质纤维素预处理技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
详细评述了木质纤维素的预处理工艺研究进展,特别是浓酸低温水解-酸回收工艺、稀酸二阶段水解工艺、金属离子在稀酸水解过程中的助催化作用以及水蒸汽爆裂、氨纤维爆裂、CO2爆裂、酶催化水解等方法的研究进展情况。木质纤维素原料预处理技术发展为发酵生产乙醇技术的研究开发奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

木质纤维素稀酸水解糖液乙醇发酵研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以木质纤维素为原料生产燃料乙醇,首先要对原料进行预处理得到可发酵糖,在稀酸水解木质纤维素得到的糖液中,除含有葡萄糖、木糖等六碳糖和五碳糖外,根据水解温度、酸浓度和时间的不同,还含有不同浓度的发酵抑制剂。因此,在研究木质纤维素稀酸水解糖液的乙醇发酵中,对代谢木糖成乙醇的菌种的研究、对耐/代谢发酵抑制剂微生物的研究、对稀酸水解糖液的脱毒方法的研究以及对稀酸水解糖液不同发酵方式的乙醇发酵研究等非常重要。重点介绍了以上几个方面近几年研究的进展。  相似文献   

木质纤维素预处理会产生各种抑制物,严重影响后续的酶水解和微生物发酵。因此,对木质纤维素预处理液进行脱毒处理成为木质纤维素高效经济生物转化的前提条件之一。重点介绍了膜分离技术应用于木质纤维素预处理液的脱毒过程所取得的研究进展。这些膜分离技术包括膜萃取、膜吸附、纳滤、反渗透、电渗析、电去离子、膜电容脱盐、渗透汽化和膜蒸馏等。膜分离技术在木质纤维素预处理液脱毒领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

要建立节粮、节水、节能和环保的发酵工业,首先面临的是发酵原料的炼制问题。本文通过深入分析发酵工业原料炼制的共性问题,结合多年生物质原料高值化炼制研究基础,提出“发酵工业原料炼制”的理念,根据发酵原料的结构特点和目标产物的要求,将发酵原料预处理——组分分离提升到依据产品功能要求的选择性结构拆分过程,并建立了以汽爆为核心的原料炼制技术平台以及针对淀粉类、糖类、木质纤维素类、生物质水解酸化生产的有机酸、醇类等典型发酵原料的多组分分层多级炼制技术体系范例,为实现资源节约、环境友好的发酵工业提供理论基础与技术支撑。  相似文献   

纤维素酶与木质纤维素生物降解转化的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用纤维素酶将预处理后的秸秆降解成可发酵性单糖,然后发酵生产所需的液体燃料及化工产品的技术,对于我国解决能源、环境、人口就业等难题有着巨大的积极影响。在木质纤维素生物降解转化工艺中,减少纤维素酶用量及提高酶解效率是降低木质纤维素降解成本的关键。纤维素酶系和木质纤维素酶水解技术的改进需要深入了解纤维素酶系统的组成及其协同作用、纤维素酶的结构与功能以及纤维素酶的生产技术。将就以上几个方面的研究进展进行讨论,并深入探讨了纤维素酶糖化能力的评价方法。  相似文献   

微生物利用木质纤维素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木质纤维素原料是世界上最为丰富的资源之一,可用作微生物发酵生产高附加值生物化学品的原料。与传统用于微生物发酵的可食用生物质原料相比,目前微生物利用木质纤维素还存在以下几个关键问题:开发经济有效的木质纤维素预处理工艺、提高微生物对木质纤维素水解液中第二大单糖木糖的有效利用水平、增强微生物对木质纤维素水解液中混糖的综合利用能力以及提高微生物对木质纤维素水解液中糠醛、乙酸等发酵抑制物的耐受能力。综述了近年来国内外针对这几个关键问题的最新研究成果。为今后微生物大规模利用木质纤维素进行商业生产提出了展望和建议。  相似文献   

木质纤维素乙醇关键技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类社会对能源供给和环境保护的需求推动了燃料乙醇产业的快速发展。以木质纤维素为原料的第二代燃料乙醇已成为生物能源研究的主流。但是由于技术和经济性的限制,纤维素乙醇未能实现大规模商业化应用。与淀粉原料相比较,木质纤维素原料的预处理、酶解、发酵等重要环节尚有众多瓶颈问题亟待解决,需要持续的技术革新来降低纤维素乙醇生产成本。回顾了近年来纤维素乙醇生产工艺中关键技术的进展,以期为领域内研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

木质纤维素原料生物转化生产纤维乙醇需要使用大量的水和蒸汽,从而使过程能耗和废水排放显著增加,大幅度增加了加工成本。最大限度地降低水和蒸汽用量对过程节能和废水减排并对最终成本控制极为重要。对极限低水用量约束条件下木质纤维素生物转化关键路径进行了实验研究和计算分析,确定了极低水和蒸汽用量的新型预处理技术,实现高效率预处理过程的废水零排放;采用独特的生物脱毒技术,用从自然界筛选的煤油霉菌Amorphotheca resinae ZN1对预处理原料中的抑制物进行了快速生物脱毒;对极限高固体含量下高粘度多相流物系在复杂抑制物胁迫下的酶水解与发酵行为以及放大准则进行了研究;建立了基于Aspen plus平台上的生物质加工物性数据库和严格热力学意义上的全过程流程模拟数学模型,实现了对过程的局部和全局设计与调优。这一综合技术在生物炼制微型工厂中进行了测试,并在纤维素乙醇工业示范装置中得到了应用。该研究结果将为构建具有工业实用价值的节能和清洁化木质纤维素生物转化技术提供依据。  相似文献   

木质纤维素预处理抑制物产生及脱除方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用纤维素酶将木质纤维素降解成可发酵性糖,然后发酵生产氢气、乙醇、丁醇等生物燃料及高附加值产品,是当今全球研究的热点。预处理是生物质转化过程中至关重要的步骤,而预处理过程中产生的抑制物对木质纤维素后续的酶解和发酵微生物有负面影响。因此了解预处理方法及其过程中产生的抑制物及脱除方法是能否高效转化生物质的基础。文中首先介绍了木质纤维素常用的两类预处理方法即化学法和物理化学法。随后阐述了不同抑制物的产生及其抑制机制,并重点介绍了多种脱毒方法。最后展望了脱除木质纤维素预处理抑制物的研究趋势:应用交联聚乙烯亚胺和金属有机骨架化合物等新型材料脱除抑制物或通过基因工程、代谢工程技术等构建抑制物耐受性菌株等。  相似文献   

实现从木质纤维素原料到燃料和高附加值化学品的生物转化,预处理是一个非常重要的步骤.酸解或蒸汽爆破等热-化学预处理过程会在水解液中生成或释放有机酸类、糠醛类和酚类化合物等抑制因子.这些抑制因子对发酵微生物具有毒性,会显著降低发酵产品的产率和生产强度.生物法去除木质纤维素水解液中的抑制因子具有操作简便以及不产生废水、废物等优点.生物脱毒法可分为两类:一类是通过向木质纤维素水解液中添加微生物或酶制剂,在发酵前去除抑制因子;另一类方法是通过遗传改造或适应性进化提高发酵菌株对抑制因子的生物降解能力,从而提高木质纤维素水解液的发酵性能.将着重以乙醇生产为例,介绍如何通过生物脱毒的方法提高木质纤维素水解液发酵的得率和生产强度.  相似文献   

Biorefineries have a pivotal role in the bioeconomy scenario for the transition from fossil-based processes towards more sustainable ones relying on renewable resources. Lignocellulose is a prominent feedstock since its abundance and relatively low cost. Microorganisms are often protagonists of biorefineries, as they contribute both to the enzymatic degradation of lignocellulose complex polymers and to the fermentative conversion of the hydrolyzed biomasses into fine and bulk chemicals. Enzymes have therefore become crucial for the development of sustainable biorefineries, being able to provide nutrients to cells from lignocellulose. Enzymatic hydrolysis can be performed by a portfolio of natural enzymes that degrade lignocellulose, often combined into cocktails. As enzymes can be deployed in different operative settings, such as separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF), their characteristics need to be combined with microbial ones to maximize the process. We therefore reviewed how the optimization of lignocellulose enzymatic hydrolysis can ameliorate bioethanol production when Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used as cell factory. Expanding beyond biofuels, enzymatic cocktail optimization can also be pivotal to unlock the potential of non-Saccharomyces yeasts, which, thanks to broader substrate utilization, inhibitor resistance and peculiar metabolism, can widen the array of feedstocks and products of biorefineries.  相似文献   

Fuel ethanol is one of the most important alternative fuels used as a substitute for fossil fuel. Lignocellulose is the most abundant biomass resource for the production of fuel ethanol. However, the hydrolysis of lignocellulose requires high enzyme loading. In order to strengthen the process of enzyme hydrolysis of lignocellulose, surfactant-polyethylene glycol (PEG) was applied to the catalysis of lignocellulose into fermentable sugars. The effect of PEG on both the enzymatic hydrolysis and adsorption of cellulose were investigated. The addition of surfactant obviously facilitated enzymatic hydrolysis. In particular, upon addition of PEG4000, the enzyme catalytic efficiency increased by 51.06%. Meanwhile, the adsorption quantity of cellulase decreased by 11.25%. In addition, the mechanism of the effect of PEG on enzymatic hydrolysis and cellulase adsorption is discussed.  相似文献   

在分析木质纤维素类生物质制备燃料乙醇原理基础上,重点对燃料乙醇转化过程的发酵工艺进行了论述。目前乙醇发酵工艺主要包括直接发酵、分步糖化发酵、同步糖化发酵、同步糖化共发酵和联合生物加工技术等,对这几种技术的研究现状进行了分析并对其发展趋势进行了展望,通过基因工程构建高效发酵菌种的联合生物加工技术将是未来高效发酵工艺的发展趋势,旨在为有效提高发酵菌株的底物代谢能力,获得高的乙醇产量提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) pretreatment of lignocellulose for enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was investigated. Aspen (hardwood) and southern yellow pine (softwood) with moisture contents in the range of 0-73% (w/w) were pretreated with SC-CO2 at 3100 and 4000 psi and at 112-165 degrees C for 10-60 min. Each pretreated lignocellulose was hydrolyzed with commercial cellulase to assess its enzymatic digestibility. Untreated aspen and southern yellow pine (SYP) gave final reducing sugar yields of 14.5 +/- 2.3 and 12.8 +/- 2.7% of theoretical maximum, respectively. When no moisture was present in lignocellulose to be pretreated, the final reducing sugar yield from hydrolysis of SC-CO2-pretreated lignocellulose was similar to that of untreated aspen. When the moisture content of lignocellulose was increased, particularly in aspen, significantly increased final sugar yields were obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of SC-CO2-pretreated lignocellulose. When the moisture content of lignocellulose was 73% (w/w) before pretreatment, the sugar yields from the enzymatic hydrolysis of aspen and southern yellow pine pretreated with SC-CO2 at 3100 psi and 165 degrees C for 30 min were 84.7 +/- 2.6 and 27.3 +/- 3.8% of theoretical maximum, respectively. The SC-CO2 pretreatments of both aspen and SYP with moisture contents of 40, 57, and 73% (w/w) showed significantly higher final sugar yields compared to the thermal pretreatments without SC-CO2.  相似文献   

木质纤维素是生产生物燃料乙醇的主要原料,其含量丰富、绿色环保以及可再生性,因此有效地利用木质纤维素有望解决能源短缺问题。表面活性剂能够有效地促进木质纤维素的酶解反应,通过探讨不同表面活性剂对酶解反应的影响及机理,为实际的酶解过程找到合适表面活性剂提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) is routinely used in yeast and mammalian fermentations to quantitatively monitor viable biomass through the inherent capacitance of live cells; however, the use of DS to monitor the enzymatic break down of lignocellulosic biomass has not been reported. The aim of the current study was to examine the application of DS in monitoring the enzymatic saccharification of high sugar perennial ryegrass (HS-PRG) fibre and to relate the data to changes in chemical composition. DS was capable of both monitoring the on-line decrease in PRG fibre capacitance (C=580 kHz) during enzymatic hydrolysis, together with the subsequent increase in conductivity (G=580 kHz) resulting from the production of organic acids during microbial growth. Analysis of the fibre fractions revealed >50% of HS-PRG lignocellulose had undergone enzymatic hydrolysis. These data demonstrated the utility of DS biomass probes for on-line monitoring of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF).  相似文献   

一体化生物加工过程 (Consolidated bioprocessing,CBP) 是在一个生物反应器中完成水解酶生产、酶解、微生物发酵等多步生物过程的工艺。因其过程步骤简单、成本低,被认为是生产二代生物燃料最具发展前景的工艺。然而,由于木质纤维素降解与丁醇合成路径的复杂性,鲜有天然微生物可以直接利用木质纤维素合成丁醇。随着合成生物学技术的发展,在纤维素降解梭菌中引入丁醇合成途径,可以使单菌利用木质纤维素直接合成丁醇。但是该策略存在菌株代谢负荷重、丁醇产量低等问题。而混菌策略可以通过不同菌株的劳动分工,使单菌代谢负担得到缓解,因此进一步提高了丁醇合成效率。文中从单菌策略和混菌策略分析了近年来一体化生物加工过程利用木质纤维素合成丁醇的相关研究进展,为生物丁醇以及其他生物燃料的一体化生物加工过程研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates sulfite pretreatment to overcome recalcitrance of lignocellulose (SPORL) for robust bioconversion of hardwoods. With only about 4% sodium bisulfite charge on aspen and 30‐min pretreatment at temperature 180°C, SPORL can achieve near‐complete cellulose conversion to glucose in a wide range of pretreatment liquor of pH 2.0–4.5 in only about 10 h enzymatic hydrolysis. The enzyme loading was about 20 FPU cellulase plus 30 CBU β‐glucosidase per gram of cellulose. The production of fermentation inhibitor furfural was less than 20 mg/g of aspen wood at pH 4.5. With pH 4.5, SPORL avoided reactor corrosion problem and eliminated the need for substrate neutralization prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Similar results were obtained from maple and eucalyptus. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

添加纤维素酶的青贮研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
青贮是一种传统的青绿饲料作物的保存方法,在青贮中添加纤维素酶可以增强青贮的效果,促进植物细胞壁的酶解,提高青贮料的消化率,添加纤维素酶的青贮也可用于从植物细胞中提取有价值的天然产物,不仅条件温和,且提取率大大提高,应用在线生产纤维素与青贮发酵耦合能大大降低该工艺的成本,对添加纤维素酶青贮的研究可望促进纤维素资源的转化利用。  相似文献   

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