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Key message

The drought tolerance in young oil palm plants is related to greater efficiency in preventing oxidative damage by activating enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant strategies simultaneously.


Drought is a major environmental constraint limiting growth and yield of oil palm trees. In this study, two oil palm hybrids (BRS Manicoré and BRS C 2501) were grown in large containers and subjected to a water deficit during 57 days. Leaf gas exchange analysis was combined with an in-depth assessment of the antioxidant system over the drought imposition. Under drought, leaf water potential at predawn (Ψ pd) decreased similarly in both hybrids. In parallel, there were decreases in the net CO2 assimilation rate (A), chlorophyll concentrations and Rubisco total activity. Overall, these decreases were more pronounced in BRS C 2501 than in BRS Manicoré. BRS C 2501 plants triggered more markedly its enzymatic antioxidant system earlier (Ψ pd = ?2.1 MPa) than did BRS Manicoré, but these responses were accompanied by higher concentrations of H2O2 and malondialdehyde in BRS C 2510 than in BRS Manicoré. With the progress of drought stress (Ψ pd = ?2.9 MPa and below), BRS Manicoré was better able to cope with oxidative stress through a more robust antioxidant system. In addition, significant decreases in drought-induced NAD+-malate dehydrogenase activities were only observed in stressed BRS C 2501 plants. Regardless of watering regimes, the total carotenoid, ascorbate and glutathione concentrations were higher in BRS Manicoré than in BRS C 2501. In conclusion, BRS Manicoré is better able to tolerate drought than BRS C 2501 by triggering multiple antioxidant strategies involved both in reactive oxygen species scavenging and dissipation of excess energy and/or reducing equivalents particularly under severe drought stress.


Background and Aims

Oil palm flowering and fruit production show seasonal maxima whose causes are unknown. Drought periods confound these rhythms, making it difficult to analyse or predict dynamics of production. The present work aims to analyse phenological and growth responses of adult oil palms to seasonal and inter-annual climatic variability.


Two oil palm genotypes planted in a replicated design at two sites in Indonesia underwent monthly observations during 22 months in 2006–2008. Measurements included growth of vegetative and reproductive organs, morphology and phenology. Drought was estimated from climatic water balance (rainfall – potential evapotranspiration) and simulated fraction of transpirable soil water. Production history of the same plants for 2001–2005 was used for inter-annual analyses.

Key Results

Drought was absent at the equatorial Kandista site (0°55′N) but the Batu Mulia site (3°12′S) had a dry season with variable severity. Vegetative growth and leaf appearance rate fluctuated with drought level. Yield of fruit, a function of the number of female inflorescences produced, was negatively correlated with photoperiod at Kandista. Dual annual maxima were observed supporting a recent theory of circadian control. The photoperiod-sensitive phases were estimated at 9 (or 9 + 12 × n) months before bunch maturity for a given phytomer. The main sensitive phase for drought effects was estimated at 29 months before bunch maturity, presumably associated with inflorescence sex determination.


It is assumed that seasonal peaks of flowering in oil palm are controlled even near the equator by photoperiod response within a phytomer. These patterns are confounded with drought effects that affect flowering (yield) with long time-lag. Resulting dynamics are complex, but if the present results are confirmed it will be possible to predict them with models.  相似文献   



Oil palm is an important perennial oil crop with an extremely long selection cycle of 10 to 12 years. As such, any tool that speeds up its genetic improvement process, such as marker-assisted breeding is invaluable. Previously, genetic linkage maps based on AFLP, RFLP and SSR markers were developed and QTLs for fatty acid composition and yield components identified. High density genetic maps of crosses of different genetic backgrounds are indispensable tools for investigating oil palm genetics. They are also useful for comparative mapping analyses to identify markers closely linked to traits of interest.


A 4.5 K customized oil palm SNP array was developed using the Illumina Infinium platform. The SNPs and 252 SSRs were genotyped on two mapping populations, an intraspecific cross with 87 palms and an interspecific cross with 108 palms. Parental maps with 16 linkage groups (LGs), were constructed for the three fruit forms of E. guineensis (dura, pisifera and tenera). Map resolution was further increased by integrating the dura and pisifera maps into an intraspecific integrated map with 1,331 markers spanning 1,867 cM. We also report the first map of a Colombian E. oleifera, comprising 10 LGs with 65 markers spanning 471 cM. Although not very dense due to the high level of homozygosity in E. oleifera, the LGs were successfully integrated with the LGs of the tenera map. Direct comparison between the parental maps identified 603 transferable markers polymorphic in at least two of the parents. Further analysis revealed a high degree of marker transferability covering 1,075 cM, between the intra- and interspecific integrated maps. The interspecific cross displayed higher segregation distortion than the intraspecific cross. However, inclusion of distorted markers in the genetic maps did not disrupt the marker order and no map expansion was observed.


The high density SNP and SSR-based genetic maps reported in this paper have greatly improved marker density and genome coverage in comparison with the first reference map based on AFLP and SSR markers. Therefore, it is foreseen that they will be more useful for fine mapping of QTLs and whole genome association mapping studies in oil palm.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-309) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Despite its simple architecture and small phenotypic plasticity, oil palm has complex phenology and source–sink interactions. Phytomers appear in regular succession but their development takes years, involving long lag periods between environmental influences and their effects on sinks. Plant adjustments to resulting source–sink imbalances are poorly understood. This study investigated oil palm adjustments to imbalances caused by severe fruit pruning.


An experiment with two treatments (control and complete fruit pruning) during 22 months in 2006–2008) and six replications per treatment was conducted in Indonesia. Phenology, growth of above-ground vegetative and reproductive organs, leaf morphology, inflorescence sex differentiation, dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate reserves and light-saturated net photosynthesis (Amax) were monitored.

Key Results

Artificial sink limitation by complete fruit pruning accelerated development rate, resulting in higher phytomer, leaf and inflorescence numbers. Leaf size and morphology remained unchanged. Complete fruit pruning also suppressed the abortion of male inflorescences, estimated to be triggered at about 16 months before bunch maturity. The number of female inflorescences increased after an estimated lag of 24–26 months, corresponding to time from sex differentiation to bunch maturity. The most important adjustment process was increased assimilate storage in the stem, attaining nearly 50 % of dry weight in the stem top, mainly as starch, whereas glucose, which in controls was the most abundant non-structural carbohydrate stored in oil palm, decreased.


The development rate of oil palm is in part controlled by source–sink relationships. Although increased rate of development and proportion of female inflorescences constituted observed adjustments to sink limitation, the low plasticity of plant architecture (constant leaf size, absence of branching) limited compensatory growth. Non-structural carbohydrate storage was thus the main adjustment process.Key words: Carbon allocation, non-structural carbohydrates, source–sink relationships, Elaeis guineensis, phenotypic plasticity, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) crops are expanding rapidly in the tropics, with implications for the global carbon cycle. Little is currently known about soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics following conversion to oil palm and virtually nothing for conversion of grassland. We measured changes in SOC stocks following conversion of tropical grassland to oil palm plantations in Papua New Guinea using a chronosequence of plantations planted over a 25‐year period. We further used carbon isotopes to quantify the loss of grassland‐derived and gain in oil palm‐derived SOC over this period. The grassland and oil palm soils had average SOC stocks of 10.7 and 12.0 kg m?2, respectively, across all the study sites, to a depth of 1.5 m. In the 0–0.05 m depth interval, 0.79 kg m?2 of SOC was gained from oil palm inputs over 25 years and approximately the same amount of the original grass‐derived SOC was lost. For the whole soil profile (0–1.5 m), 3.4 kg m?2 of SOC was gained from oil palm inputs with no significant losses of grass‐derived SOC. The grass‐derived SOC stocks were more resistant to decrease than SOC reported in other studies. Black carbon produced in grassfires could partially but not fully account for the persistence of the original SOC stocks. Oil palm‐derived SOC accumulated more slowly where soil nitrogen contents where high. Forest soils in the same region had smaller carbon stocks than the grasslands. In the majority of cases, conversion of grassland to oil palm plantations in this region resulted in net sequestration of soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

Biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa A41, a strain isolated from seawater in the gulf of Thailand, was examined when grown in defined medium containing 2% vegetable oil or fatty acid as a carbon source in the presence of vitamins, trace elements and 0.4% NH(4)NO(3), at pH 7 and 30 degrees C with 200 rpm-shaking for 7 days. The yield of biosurfactant steadily increased even after a stationary phase. Under such conditions the surface tension of the medium was lowered from 55-70 mN/m to 27.8-30 mN/m with every carbon source tested. However, types of carbon sources were found to affect biosurfactant yield. The yields of rhamnolipid biosurfactant were 6.58 g/L, 2.91 g/L and 2.93 g/L determined as rhamnose content when olive oil, palm oil and coconut oil, respectively, were used as a carbon source. Among them, biosurfactant obtained from palm oil was the best in lowering surface tension of the medium. Increase in biosurfactant activities in terms of oil displacement test and rhamnose content were observed to be higher with shorter chain fatty acids than that of the longer chains (C12>C14>C16). In addition, we found that C18:2, highly unsaturated fatty acid, showed higher oil displacement activity and rhamnose content than that of C18:1. The optimal oil displacement activity was found at pH 7-9 and in the presence of 0.5-3% NaCl. The oil displacement activity was stable to temperatures up to 100 degrees C for 15 h. Surface tension reduction activity was relatively stable at pH 2-12 and 0-5% of NaCl. Emusification activity tested with various types of hydrocarbons and vegetable oils showed similarity of up to 60% stability. The partially purified biosurfactant via TLC and silica gel column chromatography gave three main peaks on HPLC with mass spectra of 527, 272, and 661 m/z respectively, corresponding to sodium-monorhamnodecanoate, hydroxyhexadecanoic acid and an unknown compound, respectively.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization commonly produces individuals with intermediate morphological and genetic characteristics, but their response to environmental stress is still uncertain, with some studies showing that transgressive performance would be common. Prosopis chilensis and Prosopis flexuosa are the most important tree species from Arid Chaco, South-America. Both species occupy different ecological niches in terms of water availability. Genetic and morphological studies have demonstrated the existence of interspecific hybrids in contact areas between these species. Hybrids are characterized by clear intermediate morphological characteristics, which have taxonomical value, and genetic structure compared to both parental species. We studied mechanisms implicated in drought stress tolerance in seedlings of P. chilensis, P. flexuosa and their interspecific hybrids trying to elucidate if hybrids have a morpho-physiological, growth and survival intermediate response to drought compared to differential parental responses or if they out-perform both parental species when subjected to drought. Our results suggest that hybridization does not result in individuals with intermediate mechanisms related to drought resistance, but with a unique trait combination leading to high growth when water availability is high (similar to the most vulnerable parental species) and high survival under drought stress (similar to the more resistant parental species). Certain uncoupling between symplastic and apoplastic resistence to drought was observed in hybrids, as well as decreased physiological-wood anatomical plasticity compared to parental species. The long-term consequences in terms of adaptive response to drought of this particular trait combination of hybrids remain still unknown.  相似文献   

Proline is emerging as a critical component of drought tolerance and fine tuning of its metabolism under stress affects the plants sensitivity and response to stress. Thus the study was carried out to analyse the effect of water deficit on the proline content and principal enzymes involved in its synthesis (Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase) and catabolism (proline dehydrogenase) at different developmental stages and in different organs (roots, nodules, leaves, pod wall, and seeds) of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars differing in drought tolerance (drought tolerant ICC4958 and drought sensitive ILC3279). It was observed that increased Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase activity under moderate stress in roots and nodules of ICC4958 caused an increase in proline content during initiation of reproductive development whereas increased proline dehydrogenase activity in nodules and leaves at this period helped to maintain reducing power and energy supply in tissues and proper seed development as seed biomass increased consistently up to maturity. On the other hand, roots and nodules of ILC3279 responded to stress by increasing proline content after the developmental phase of reproductive organs was over (near maturity) which negatively affected the response of pod wall to stress. Concurrent increase in activities of Δ1-pyrolline-carboxylate synthetase and proline dehydrogenase in pod wall of ILC3279 aggravated the oxidative stress and affected seed development as seed biomass initially increased rapidly under stress but was unaffected near maturity.  相似文献   

The influence of long-term water deficit on photosynthesis, electron transport and carbon metabolism of sunflower leaves has been examined. Water deficit was imposed from flower bud formation up to the stage of full flowering in the field on two sunflower hybrids with different drought tolerance. CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance of the intact leaves, determined at atmospheric CO2 and full sunlight (1500-2000 mol quanta m-2 s-1), decreased with water deficit. Maximum quantum efficiency of PSII (Fy/Fm) and relative quantum yield of PSII (II) determined under similar experimental conditions, did not change significantly in severely stressed leaves. The strong inhibition of the plateau region of the light response curve, determined at high CO2 (5%) in water-deficient sunflower leaves, indicates that photosynthesis is also limited by non-stomatal factors. The decreased slope and the plateau of the CO2 response curves show that the capacity of carboxylation and RuBP regeneration decreased in severely stressed intact leaves. Rubisco specific activity decreased in severely stressed leaves, but Rubisco content increased under prolonged drought. The increase of Rubisco content was significantly higher in leaves of the drought-tolerant sunflower hybrid indicating that a higher Rubisco content could be one factor in conferring better acclimation and higher drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Soybean is a crop of agronomic importance that requires adequate watering during its growth to achieve high production. In this study, we determined physiological, photochemical and metabolic differences in five soybean varieties selected from the parental lines of a nested association mapping population during mild drought. These varieties have been described as high yielding (NE3001, HY1; LD01‐5907, HY2) or drought tolerant (PI518751; HYD1; PI398881, HYD2). Nevertheless, there has been little research on the physiological traits that sustain their high productivity under water‐limited conditions. The results indicate that high‐yielding varieties under drought cope with the shortage of water by enhancing their photoprotective defences and invest in growth and productivity, linked to a higher intrinsic water use efficiency. This is the case of the variety N‐3001 (HY1), with a tolerance strategy involving a faster transition into the reproductive stage to avoid the drought period. The present study highlights the role of the physiological and biochemical adjustments of various soybean varieties to cope with water‐limited conditions. Moreover, the obtained results underscore the fact that the high phenotypic plasticity among soybean phenotypes should be exploited to compensate for the low genetic variability of this species when selecting plant productivity in constrained environments.  相似文献   

Upon attack by leaf herbivores, many plants reallocate photoassimilates below ground. However, little is known about how plants respond when the roots themselves come under attack. We investigated induced resource allocation in maize plants that are infested by the larvae Western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Using radioactive 11CO2, we demonstrate that root‐attacked maize plants allocate more new 11C carbon from source leaves to stems, but not to roots. Reduced meristematic activity and reduced invertase activity in attacked maize root systems are identified as possible drivers of this shoot reallocation response. The increased allocation of photoassimilates to stems is shown to be associated with a marked thickening of these tissues and increased growth of stem‐borne crown roots. A strong quantitative correlation between stem thickness and root regrowth across different watering levels suggests that retaining photoassimilates in the shoots may help root‐attacked plants to compensate for the loss of belowground tissues. Taken together, our results indicate that induced tolerance may be an important strategy of plants to withstand belowground attack. Furthermore, root herbivore‐induced carbon reallocation needs to be taken into account when studying plant‐mediated interactions between herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is proposed that the growing plant can be divided into three compartments with reference to carbon: soluble, storage and structural. Experiments carried out at 10, 15, 20 and 30°C in the light followed changes in size of these compartments in barley plants 10–24 days old. The redistribution of I4C photo-assimilated by 10 day old plants was monitored simultaneously. The soluble and storage compartments are a higher percentage of plant weight at lower temperatures, and are turned over rapidly at all temperatures; they form the source of respired 14C. About 30% of the 14C fixed enters structural material; in the first 24 h after labelling, for each unit of 14C entering the structural compartment, between 0–9 (at 15°C) and 3.2 (at 30°C) units of 14C are lost by respiration. At 15°C in the dark, respiratory loss of 14C is initially from soluble and storage compartments; thereafter respiration of I4C occurs at the expense of structural material.  相似文献   


Background: Quantitative effects of large-scale oil palm expansion in the Neotropics on biodiversity and carbon stocks are still poorly documented.

Aims: We evaluated differences in tree species composition and richness, and above-ground carbon stocks among dominant land cover types in Pará state, Brazil.

Methods: We quantified tree species composition and richness and above-ground carbon stock in stands in remnant primary rain forest, young secondary forest, oil palm plantation and pastures.

Results: We sampled 5,696 trees with a DBH ≥ 2 cm, of 413 species in 68 families, of which 381 species were recorded in primary forest fragments. We found significant differences in species richness and carbon stock among the four land cover classes. Carbon stocks in remnant primary forest were typically over 190 Mg ha?1, while those in other land cover types were typically less than 60 Mg ha?1.

Conclusion: Oil palm plantations have a species-poor tree community given active management; old plantations have a standing carbon stock which is comparable to that of secondary forest and far greater than that of pastures. Private forest reserves within oil palm company holdings play an important role in preserving primary forest tree diversity in human-modified landscapes in Amazonia.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Due to the world’s dwindling energy supplies, greater thrust has been placed on the utilization of renewable resources for global succinate...  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,51(1):97-103
Protoplasts were enzymatically prepared from the mesocarp of two species of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and E. oleifera HBK and Cortes) 16–20 weeks after anthesis and from rapidly multiplying embryogenic cultures of E. guineensis. The protoplasts were purified by density gradient centrifugation in 20% (w/v) sucrose. Radioactive incorporation studies showed that the protoplasts metabolized [1-14C]acetate to lipids, water-soluble compounds and 14CO2. The [14C]fatty acids obtained consisted mainly of C16: 0, C18: 0 and C18: 1. C16: 1, a very minor fatty acid in palm oil, was also labelled and accounted for 8–39% of total fatty acids synthesized by the mesocarp and embryogenic culture protoplasts. The ratio of labelled C18: 0 to C18: 1 was found to vary with the age of the fruit from which the protoplasts were prepared. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the labelled lipids showed the presence of all neutral acylglycerol classes. However the distribution of radiolabel in the various classes differed from those previously reported for oil palm mesocarp [K.C. Oo et al. Lipids, 20 (1985) 205] and embryoid tissue slices [E. Turnham and D.H. Northcote, Phytochem., 23 (1984) 35]. Ozonolysis showed that all the labelled C18: 1 acid was vaccenic acid.  相似文献   

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