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A cut was made on the middorsal skin of mice of various ages of strain C57BL/0J using fine iridectomy scissors. Specimens from the wounded skins were fixed at various days after wounding and were subjected to the dopa reaction and to the combined dopa-premelanin reaction. When the dorsal skins of 1.5-day-old mice were wounded, the melanocyte population positive to the dopa reaction as well as the melanoblast-melanocyte population positive to the combined dopa-premelanin reaction increased dramatically in the epidermis adjacent to a skin wound. Pigment-producing melanocytes in mitosis were frequently found in the vicinity of a wound immediately after wounding. When the dorsal skins of 4.5-day-old mice were wounded, the increase in the melanocyte and melanoblast-melanocyte populations was smaller than that of 1.5-day-old mice. The increase in number of pigment-producing melanocytes in mitosis was reduced and delayed as compared to 1.5-day-old mice. When the dorsal skins of 8.5-, 20.5-, and 60.5-day-old mice were wounded, the increase in the melanocyte and melanoblast-melanocyte populations was much smaller than the newborn mice. Moreover, pigment-producing melanocytes in mitosis were never found. These results indicate that the proliferative response of mouse epidermal melanocytes to skin wounding becomes delayed and diminished with development.  相似文献   

A synergistic interaction in the proliferative response to alloantigen is described for mixtures of rat thymus and lymph node cells. The optimal conditions for synergy are quantitatively defined. Regression analysis of the slope of the dose-response curve has been utilized to estimate the degree of interaction in thymus-lymph node cell mixtures. The slope of the response of cell mixtures was noted to be significantly greater than the slope for the response of lymph node cells alone. Irradiation was shown to have a differential effect on the response of thymus and lymph node cells in mixtures. Irradiated thymus cells retained the capacity for synergy in mixtures, whereas irradiated lymph node cells did not. Additional studies have demonstrated that both de novo protein synthesis and specific antigen recognition by both responding cell populations in mixtures was required for maximal synergy. These studies demonstrate that synergy cannot be explained as an artifact of altered cell density in vitro. They establish that thymus cells and lymph node cells represent distinct subsets which manifest qualitatively different functions in the proliferative response to alloantigen. Thymus cells can respond directly to alloantigen by proliferation but also have the capacity to amplify the proliferative response of lymph node cells—a capacity which is resistant to X irradiation but requires recognition of alloantigen and de novo protein synthesis. Lymph node cells may similarly respond by proliferation to alloantigen but lack the amplifier activity of thymus cells. Synergy for rat lymphoid cells, like mouse lymphoid cells, has been shown to involve an interaction of thymus-derived lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate at 5mM reversibly induced a significant increase of transmembrane potentials (Em) in normal chondrocytes (24 hours after seeding) and arrested their proliferation. This increase in Em levels, which could be temporarily abolished by Tetra-ethyl Ammonium (TEA 5mM), was related to an increase in membrane permeability to K+. This hyperpolarization was correlated with the reversible inhibition of growth in G1 induced by the sodium butyrate.  相似文献   

Using 3H-thymidine autordiography, we studied the cellular proliferation of the spleen of rats after cryolesions in liver, kidney, spleen, and stomach.In the germinal centers at first, a dissociation develops, followed by a hyperplasia with high labeling indices of the germinal center cells with a maximum between the second and third postoperative day. In the surrounding lymphatic mantle zone of the white pulp, as well as in the marginal zone, an increased labeling index of the cells can be observed between the first and second day. The highest percentages of labeled cells in the red pulp are seen on the fifth postoperative day.These cell kinetic results correspond very well with those after antigenic stimulation, for instance, after intravenous injection of sheep erythrocytes. Therefore, these findings suggest that an immunologic reaction occurs in the spleen after cryolesions on parenchymal organs.  相似文献   

Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) patients show impaired ventilatory responses to CO2 and hypoxia and reduced drive to breathe during sleep but retain appropriate breathing patterns in response to volition or increased exercise. Breath-by-breath influences on heart rate are also deficient. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques, we examined responses over the brain to voluntary forced expiratory loading, a task that CCHS patients can perform but that results in impaired rapid heart rate variation patterns normally associated with the loading challenge. Increased signals emerged in control (n = 14) over CCHS (n = 13; ventilator dependent during sleep but not waking) subjects in the cingulate and right parietal cortex, cerebellar cortex and fastigial nucleus, and basal ganglia, whereas anterior cerebellar cortical sites and deep nuclei, dorsal midbrain, and dorsal pons showed increased signals in the patient group. The dorsal and ventral medulla showed delayed responses in CCHS patients. Primary motor and sensory areas bordering the central sulcus showed comparable responses in both groups. The delayed responses in medullary sensory and output regions and the aberrant reactions in cerebellar and pontine sensorimotor coordination areas suggest that rapid cardiorespiratory integration deficits in CCHS may stem from defects in these sites. Additional autonomic and perceptual motor deficits may derive from cingulate and parietal cortex aberrations.  相似文献   

The proliferative behaviour induced in the acinar cells of the rat submaxillary gland in response to isoprenaline has been used to examine the transit time of cells from a quiescent (Go) state into the S phase. Cumulative 3H-TdR labelling index curves were constructed to determine the mean time interval (Gis time) between stimulation with isoprenaline and entry into the S phase. Data were collected for the proliferative wave induced by three sequential injections of isoprenaline, and the effects of varying the interval between the second and third injections of isoprenaline, and of changing the dose of the drug, were examined. Intervals of 28, 52 and 76 hr between isoprenaline injections resulted in mean Gis times of 16-2, 20-9 and 25-6 hr respectively. It was concluded that the Gis time depended on the recent history of cells with respect to stimulation, but not division. The results are considered in terms of two models, in one of which the time to leave Go is variable, whilst in the other the cells leave Go immediately the stimulus is applied.  相似文献   

Effects of Con A-induced human mononuclear cells on the proliferative response of peripheral T cells were examined by using TNP-modified autologous lymphocytes as stimulator cells. Cells induced by incubation with Con A contained both suppressor cells and amplifier cells. The former were induced from nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and these precursor cells were sensitive to mitomycin treatment. On the other hand, amplifier precursor cells were nylon wool-nonadherent T cells and were resistant to mitomycin treatment. Cell proliferation was required for the induction of suppressor cells but not for the induction of amplifier cells. Con A-induced suppressor effector cells were both nylon wool-adherent and nonadherent cells, on the contrary, Con A-induced amplifier effector cells were nonadherent cells. A small number of macrophages enhanced the suppressive activity of nonadherent T cells when added at the induction phase of suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

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