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The roles of the lateral hypothalamus, basolateral nucleus of the amygdalar complex, the second field of the frontal cortex, and ventromedial thalamic nucleus in organization of the fast ballistic food-procuring movements were studied in albino rats. Sequences of uni- and bilateral destruction of the brain structures were assessed by photorecording. Movement-related neuronal activity in these structures was recorded in freely moving animals. A specific involvement of each of the above listed structures in organization of food-procuring movements was shown. The lateral hypothalamus seems to participate in initiation of the motor program and its efficient realization, the basolateral amygdala appears to produce activatory, training, and stabilizing effects. The second field of the motor cortex leads in movement acquisition (i.e., in memorizing) and decision making about triggering the program. The idea about the relay role of the thalamic motor nucleus is supplemented by understanding of its more complex integrative function.  相似文献   

On freely moving albino rats we demonstrated that, when fast food-procuring movements are performed, the mass electrical activity of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) is suppressed 1.6–2.0 sec before the movement beginning recorded with a photoelectrical device. Videorecording of the movements and recording of the spike activity of LH units showed that the latter are activated 1.0–0.1 sec before the movement initiation. The LH is considered a motivation-related structure, which serves as a source providing an increase in the excitability of the structures involved in the control of food-procuring movements and, further on, supporting this increased excitability. The LH is also a component of the mechanisms providing formation of the motor program. The role of the LH in the ensemble of motor centers, which organize and control voluntary movements, is discussed.  相似文献   

Parameters of fast ballistic food-procuring movements were studied in albino rats. With the use of video and photorecording, the number of attempts used by an animal, to get the food globula, duration of the movements, and their phasic structure were analyzed within the whole learning period and certain experimental days. When the motor skill had been formed, programed ballistic components characterized by hard-to-modify parameters and components with a considerable impact of reverse afferentation in their formation and performance were analyzed. The experimental data are interpreted in terms of the expediency of using the operant motor reactions performed by rats getting food from a narrow manger as a model of voluntary motor activity in electrophysiological, behavioral, neurochemical, and morphological studies. The regularities in formation of motor programs, initiation, realization, and control of the movements, and central mechanisms of these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Movement-related electrical reactions of neuronal units localized in field 2 of the frontal cortex were studied in albino rats performing fast food-procuring movements under conditions of unrestrained behavior. According to the temporal characteristics of the changes in the neuronal spike activity, three types of reactions were classified: (i) activation that forestalled the movement initiation for 1.0–1.5 sec; (ii) activation or inhibition forestalling this beginning for 0.20–0.26 sec; and (iii) activation in the course of a performed movement. Considerations about the involvement of the neurons of various cortical layers in the mechanisms of programing, switching on, and current control of the efficiency of performance of food-procuring movements are proposed, and the role of the frontal cortex in these processes is discussed.  相似文献   

With the use of techniques of video- and photorecording, local destruction of the brain structures, and recording of the spike responses, roles of the suprasegmental brain structures in organization and control of automatized food-procuring movements were studied in rats under conditions of unrestrained behavior. It is shown that there are several neuronal populations in the prefrontal cortex related to programing, initiation, and current control of the efficacy of performance of food-procuring movements. The lateral hypothalamus is considered a motivational structure. It acts as the source providing an increase in the excitability and further support of the excitation level in the structures, which are links of the systems controlling food-procuring movements. The lateral hypothalamus is also involved in a system providing formation and final application of motor programs.  相似文献   

The chronic experiments on 24 male cats were carried out to study the influence of changes in functional interrelations between alpha- and beta-adrenoreactive amygdalar structures and corresponding receptors of vascular wall upon haemostatic system. It is shown that activation of alpha-adrenoreactive structures causes the hypercoagulative effect and that of beta-adrenoreactive receptors--the hypocoagulation activation. The central adrenoreactive structures realize their regulative influences through corresponding peripheral adrenoreceptors of the vascular wall.  相似文献   

We have studied the characteristics of rapid ballistic food-procuring movements in nonpedigree albino rats and have established that after ablation of the second area of the frontal cortex contralaterally to the preferred extremity the number of attempts increased, the duration of the movements decreased, and the phase structure of the movements was reorganized. After bilateral ablation of the cortex the animals completely lost their skill at procuring food. Our results indicate involvement of the frontal cortex in the development and achievement of the motor programs produced.N. I. Pirogov Medical Institute. Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 186–192, February, 1992.  相似文献   

Neural tissue transplant has come off age as a valuable technique for studying normal development and regeneration. Bilateral lesions of the central nucleus of amygdala (CeA) produce complete retention and acquisition deficit in inhibitory avoidance paradigms. The present study reports recovery of retention deficit in active avoidance task (AA) after amygdalar tissue transplantation in CeA lesioned rats. In a group of adult wistar rats, bilateral lesions of the CeA were produced electrolytically. In a separate group of rats foetal amygdalar tissue was transplanted at the CeA lesioned site 2 days after producing lesion. All the rats were trained on AA task before and after 5 days of lesion. In bilaterally CeA lesioned rats, the percentage of avoidance (% avoidance) decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from 85 +/- 18% prelesion to 15.5 +/- 35% postlesion. However, no change in the % avoidance was observed after amygdalar tissue transplantation. The results indicate that the transplanted rats are capable of retaining the learnt information in contrast to the lesion alone group of rats.  相似文献   

The antennal movements of eight ant species (subfamilies Ponerinae, Myrmicinae, and Formicinae) are examined by high-frequency videography. They show a wide range of antennal velocities which is generated by antennal muscles composed of particularly diverse muscle fibers. Fiber diameter, sarcomere length and histochemically assessed myosin ATPase activity suggest that some thin fibers are fairly slow, while the bulk of antennal muscle fibers show intermediate or fast properties. These morphological properties correlate with the antennal movement velocities measured for the respective species. Based on their morphology, the fibers that generate the fast antennal retraction in some trap-jaw ants appear particularly fast and comprise the shortest sarcomeres yet described (1.1 μm). Accepted: 2 January 1997  相似文献   

1. The binding to isolated muscle nuclei of the complex of dexamethasone with cytosol receptors from rat soleus (Sol) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles was measured. 2. The ratio of bound to total amount of complex was higher in Sol. 3. The binding of complex per mg of cytosol protein was also higher in Sol. 4. These results suggest that activation and nuclear binding of the steroid-receptor complex are not the sites of the different sensitivity of the two muscle types to glucocorticoid.  相似文献   

Efferent fibers of the hind limbs were divided and electrical activity of a filament from the ventral root of S1 was recorded in experiments on mesencephalic cats capable of locomotion in response to stimulation of the "locomotor region" of the midbrain. In response to weak stimulation of the locomotor region, when the forelimbs were not performing stepping movements, regular waves of activity appeared in the filament with a period close to the duration of the step during walking (0.5–1.0 sec). This periodic process was largely dependent on the tonic afferent inflow: various extero- and interoceptive stimuli applied to the hind limb could change the period of generation or abolish it. Active stepping movements of the forelimbs as well as passive movements of the hind limbs led to synchronization of activity in the filament with these movements. After division of the afferent fibers to the hind limbs the animals performed one or two steps in response to stimulation of the dorsal root of S1 by a short series of pulses. They could also perform independent stepping movements of the hind limb if 15–30% of the fibers in the dorsal root of L7 remained intact.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 401–409, 1972.  相似文献   

The peripheral part of the motor control system is modelled on an analog computer. The model consists of an inertial load connected to an antagonistic muscle pair with their muscle spindles and neural connexions. It has inputs as well as inputs. The model is used for studying the hypothesis that simple on-off activities control fast isolated movements. It is found that the model responses on activation of the input alone are not realistic ones. A fair simulation may be obtained if the input and the input are activated simultaneously. Results suggest a diminished muscle spindle sensitivity during the movement.  相似文献   

Inheritance of predisposition to pendulum movements (PMs) in rats was studied by two methods: segregation analysis of binary traits (on pedigrees recorded in the selection archives for cataleptic strain GC) and the classical Mendelian analysis of hybrids between strains PM+ and PM- selected for pronounced PMs and the absence of PMs, respectively. Both methods yields the same result: it was found that predisposition to PMs exhibited a monogenic dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance.  相似文献   

The organization of the food-procuring behavior inMacaca mulatto was studied under conditions of the time deficit. It has been shown that if the duration of performance of the alimentary behavior in the animals is restricted by 8 s, four ways of individual arrangement of their activity are observed: (1) stabilization of time intervals between the acts performed; (2) shift of the effectiveness of performance from the instrumental phase to the consumatory one of the reflex in the same animal in different experiments; (3) in the case of an individual experiment: an increased effectiveness of performance of one act (the instrumental or consumatory one) and a decreased effectiveness of the other; (4) an abrupt change in the tactics of motor responsiveness. All the behavioral phenomena revealed are believed to be connected with a voluntary and goal-oriented strive of the monkeys to obtain the maximal amount of food under the conditions of time deficit by way of the active (directly in the experiment) or latent (at the intersignal period) reorganization of their activity program. Deceased.  相似文献   

In seven anesthetized cats central chemosensitivity was eliminated (cold block) and peripheral chemoreceptors were either stimulated or eliminated (sectioned) to test whether nonchemical vagal afferents can maintain rhythmic ventilation and to determine the relative contribution of the carotid and aortic chemoreceptors to ventilatory drive without central chemosensitivity. Elimination of all chemical afferents invariably induced apnea, whereas ventilation was reduced from 533 to 159 ml X min-1 during cold block of central chemosensitivity and to 478 ml X min-1 after sectioning both sinus nerves. Cold block with only the aortic chemoreceptors and vagal afferents intact produced apnea in four of six cases tested. Stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors during cold block remained effective and interrupted apnea in three of the four cats with only aortic chemoreceptors intact. We conclude that the nonchemical vagal respiratory afferents alone are unable to maintain rhythmic ventilation. Respiratory rhythm generation is, under the conditions of our experiments, critically dependent on sufficient afferent input from chemical afferents. Of these, central chemosensitivity plays the major role, followed by carotid body and, least importantly, by aortic afferents.  相似文献   

An ongoing controversy has to do with the interactions between “fast” (saccadic, quick phase) and “slow” (all other) eye movements. By attacking such issues with both experimental and especially simulation studies using our nonlinear sixth order reciprocally innervated model of the eye mechanical system, insights can be gained into the nature of these nontrivial phenomena. In our present study we relied both (1) on simulation of saccades under a wide range of experimental conditions [vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) velocities from -100 to 100 deg/sec, VOR induced position ranges from -30 to 30 degrees, time-optimal saccades ranging from 2 to 40 degrees], and (2) on using a wide variety of computer simulation of eye movement models, ranging from nonlinear ones with first and especially second order multipulse step controller signal structures, to different controller signal interaction schemes, to simulation using linearized models. We have isolated two important nonlinear phenomena: a level I nonlinear mechanical interaction, dependent not only on the initial velocity but also on the “position effect,” a new finding; and a level II nonlinear neurological interaction, close to “squelching” of the VOR controller signals by the dominating saccadic signal. Furthermore, we have used our simulation findings to reinterpret others' experimental data on eye movement interactions, including saccadic-smooth pursuit, saccadic-vergence, and vestibular nystagmus.  相似文献   

We present a method for the quantification of the fast plasma membrane movements that are involved in ruffling, blebbing, fast shape change, and fast translocation. The method is based on the Kontron Vidas image analysis computer program. Video images from cells viewed through an inverted microscope were transmitted to the computer. The procedure was as follows: 4 consecutive video images were averaged (image 1); 28 s later a second set of 4 video images was averaged (image 2); image 2 was subtracted from image 1 and the grey level of each pixel of the resulting image was increased with 128 grey level units, resulting in the subtraction image, showing a uniform grey background speckled with brighter and darker spots corresponding to areas of movement. These spots were discriminated and turned into white objects against a black background. Interactive editing was used to delete artefacts that resulted from floating debris. The total area of the discriminated objects was measured, and the parameter motile area in micron2 per cell was calculated. We have applied our method to the study of motility induced in epithelial cell lines by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate and by epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

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