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2003年8月—2005年8月,对无量山大寨子5个黑长臂猿群体的结构和组成进行了观察。当一个群体在早晨鸣叫或依次通过树冠时,记录群体的结构和组成。每个群体都由1个成年雄性、2个成年雌性及其后代组成。2003年8月平均群体大小为6·2只;到2005年8月,平均群体大小发展为6·4只,其中有2个亚成年雄性从出生群迁出,且有3只幼猿出生。在3个群体(G1、G2和G3)中两个成年雌性都成功繁殖了后代。同一群体内两个成年雌性间无攻击或等级行为。2005年4月15日,当一只亚成年雌性进入G3的领域后,两只成年雌性对其进行追逐驱赶,并且干扰其与成年雄性配合进行二重唱,成年雄性没有直接驱赶流浪的亚成年雌性,10天后这只亚成年雌性离开了G3的领域。亚成年雄性经常与群体其他成员保持一定距离,并且在出生地通过独唱练习鸣叫。黑长臂猿可能通过亚成年雄性和雌性的迁出,及成年雌性对外来流浪雌性的驱赶维持这种一夫二妻的群体结构。  相似文献   

2003年8月—2005年8月,对无量山大寨子5个黑长臂猿群体的结构和组成进行了观察。当一个群体在早晨鸣叫或依次通过树冠时,记录群体的结构和组成。每个群体都由1个成年雄性、2个成年雌性及其后代组成。2003年8月平均群体大小为6.2只;到2005年8月,平均群体大小发展为6.4只,其中有2个亚成年雄性从出生群迁出,且有3只幼猿出生。 在3个群体(G1、G2和G3)中两个成年雌性都成功繁殖了后代。同一群体内两个成年雌性间无攻击或等级行为。2005年4月15日,当一只亚成年雌性进入G3的领域后,两只成年雌性对其进行追逐驱赶,并且干扰其与成年雄性配合进行二重唱, 成年雄性没有直接驱赶流浪的亚成年雌性,10天后这只亚成年雌性离开了G3的领域。亚成年雄性经常与群体其他成员保持一定距离,并且在出生地通过独唱练习鸣叫。黑长臂猿可能通过亚成年雄性和雌性的迁出,及成年雌性对外来流浪雌性的驱赶维持这种一夫二妻的群体结构。  相似文献   

2003年3月—2004年3月对无量山大寨子3群西黑冠长臂猿的二重唱的时间特征进行了监测。于2007年3月和2008年3月利用Sony TC-D5 Pro2录音机、Sony C-76指向性话筒和Sony录音磁带对其二重唱进行了录音,对录音效果最好的5个声音用Signal/RTS 4.0软件进行声谱分析。对无量山西黑冠长臂猿二重唱的声谱结构和时间特征的研究结果表明,雄性西黑冠长臂猿的声音由起始音节、简单的重复音节和调节音节组成。根据频率变化的强度,可以将调节音节分为弱调节音节和强调节音节。强调节音节的特征是第二个音节具有非常明显的频率变化,有时第三个音节有类似变化,变频时的最高频率可达到5 828 Hz。雌性长臂猿一般只会发出一种类型的声音,即固定而刻板的激动鸣叫。根据激动鸣叫是否完整可以分为成功的激动鸣叫和失败的激动鸣叫。典型的西黑冠长臂猿二重唱通常由成年雄性发起,并占主导地位,且一般由雄性结束。雌性激动鸣叫结束后,雄性马上发出调节音节与之配合,雄性调节音节与雌性激动鸣叫的时间间隔平均为2.7 s。平均每个群体的鸣叫频次为53%。如果发生鸣叫,一个群体平均每天鸣叫1.09次。91.5%的鸣叫发生在日出前0.5 h至日出后3 h之间,其中48.6%的鸣叫发生在日出后1 h内。在一次鸣叫中,雌性平均发出成功的激动鸣叫4.6次,两次成功的激动鸣叫之间的时间间隔平均为115 s。群体间均未显示鸣叫频次和持续时间上的差异,但激动鸣叫次数和激动鸣叫时间间隔具有显著差异。  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿鸣叫声谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007 年9 月至2009 年6 月,利用Sony TC - D5 Pro2 录音机、Sony C - 76 指向性话筒和Sony 录音磁带对广西邦亮自然保护区3 群东黑冠长臂猿的鸣叫进行了录音,对每群录音效果较好的5 个声音用Signal/ RTS 4.0 软件进行声谱分析。结果表明:东黑冠长臂猿叫声的频率较高,最高频率已经达到甚至超过了5 kHz;雄性的鸣叫声由起始音(boom)、简单的重复音节(aa notes)、调节前音节(pre-modulated note)和调节音句(modulated phrases)组成,雌性长臂猿一般只会发出一种固定而刻板的激动鸣叫,二者互相配合组成结构复杂的二重唱。通常,二重唱由成年雄性发起和结束,并占主导地位。同时,将东黑冠长臂猿二重唱的声谱结构与近缘种西黑冠长臂猿和海南长臂猿进行比较,结果显示雄性和雌性的叫声、以及二者配合发出的激动鸣叫序列在三者之间都有明显差异。因此,从声谱特征角度可以有效论证这三种长臂猿独立物种的分类地位。  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿鸣叫特征及气象因子对鸣叫的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸣叫是长臂猿非常典型的一个特征,并且受到生物因素和非生物因素(如气象因子) 的影响。为了解东黑冠长臂猿的鸣叫特征以及气象因子对鸣叫的影响,2008 年8 月至2009 年10 月,采用全事件记录法对栖息在广西邦亮自然保护区3 个东黑冠长臂猿野生群体的鸣叫行为进行观察。结果表明东黑冠长臂猿倾向于在早晨鸣叫,有91.4% 的鸣叫发生在日出前0.5 h 至日出后3 h 之间,其中53.1% 的鸣叫发生在日出后1 h 内。平均每个群体的鸣叫频次为69.7% ,一个群体平均每天鸣叫1.24 次,鸣叫的平均持续时间为18.3 min。一次二重唱中,雌性平均激动鸣叫4.4 次。长臂猿鸣叫的起始时间在光照强度的影响下差异显著,阴天和雾天鸣叫的起始时间延后,且雾天最迟;降雨致使长臂猿体能的损失和光照强度减弱,从而引起鸣叫起始时间的延后和持续时间缩短;温度对长臂猿鸣叫的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿是极度濒危物种,全球种群数量极其稀少。2015年5月和8月,采用在固定地点监听鸣叫的方法在广西邦亮长臂猿国家级自然保护区内对东黑冠长臂猿开展两次实地调查,发现在中国境内形成了由1只成年雄性,2只成年雌性和1只婴猿组成的新群体。这是自2006年该物种在中国被重新发现后,首次在中国境内发现形成新群体。中国境内东黑冠长臂猿的种群数量也由3群22只,增长到4群26只。有限的栖息地可能是未来限制东黑冠长臂猿新群体形成的主要因素之一,所以栖息地恢复对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量增长尤为重要。放牧不利于栖息地恢复,要逐步减少,进而杜绝在保护区内放牧。另外,东黑冠长臂猿跨国界分布,中越两国政府之间应加强协调,避免在保护区内实施对栖息地不利的边境管理活动。如果两国间出现种群隔离,对东黑冠长臂猿种群数量的增长将会非常不利。  相似文献   

海南长臂猿(Nomascus hainanus)是野外研究最少的长臂猿种类之一。在过去的十多年中,只了解其种群数量、种群结构、栖息地和有关于其食物种类的极少量信息。对于世界上最濒危的灵长类之一的海南长臂猿,在长达4年的野外研究中,主要采用扫描取样法和焦点动物取样法观察到了4次海南长臂猿的合群现象,并发现了现存的两群海南长臂猿之间的合群行为不同于其他长臂猿,如白掌长臂猿(Hylobates lar)的合群行为。在海南长臂猿的合群行为中,只观察到了雌雄性成年个体和雄性亚成体以及青年雄性个体之间的鸣叫和追逐行为,而没有发现像白掌长臂猿样的两群体成员间的玩耍和理毛行为,更没有偷情行为和白掌长臂猿那样致命的激烈打斗行为的存在,即只存在着鸣叫行为和竞争性行为。两群体的雌性成年母猿根本就不参与到追逐行为中,它们只是在相距合群行为发生地点20—30m处休息和观望。同时,海南长臂猿相遇的持续时间也不像其他种类的长臂猿那样长,只有24—51min。另外,也没有发生打斗行为。对于海南长臂猿雌雄性成年个体在群体相遇时的行为,我们认为是它们对其领域的保护,而未成年个体则是通过参与这种追逐方式学习如何保护自己今后的领域。  相似文献   

黑长臂猿(Hylobates concolor)鸣叫行为研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文基于对云南黑长臂猿多年的野外研究,报道其鸣叫行为的一些特性。黑长臂猿通常在上午鸣叫,且大多数发生在930分以前,鸣叫的起始时间具季节性变化,有两个较为集中的时间,一个在730分左右,另一个在830分左右,然而起始时间并不与日出时间一致。黑长臂猿平均每两天鸣叫一次,日鸣叫发生频次在50%左右,鸣叫的发生也随着季节而变化。鸣叫的持续时间无群体的差异,一次鸣叫的平均时间在12分钟左右(除了GG群),但群体在不同季节鸣叫时间长短不一。本文的研究结果同时还表明一个群体的鸣叫并未引起邻近其它群体的鸣叫。  相似文献   

黑长臂猿的群体大小及组成   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)是长臂猿科中较为原始的类群,对其野外行为生态习性近年来已有所报道,但意见不一。本文根据近两年的野外观察,认为黑长臂猿的群体大小为4.3±1.0只,(范围3—6,n=7),群体组成为1成年雄性,1—2成年雌性,1—3后代个体,群体之大小除与其本身的特点有关外,还与其赖以生存的生境条件好坏有关。  相似文献   

本文报道叶猴、金丝猴、长臂猿自由取食时的利手现象。本研究共用金丝猴12只(雄性8只,雌性4只),叶猴25只(雄性16只、雌性9只),长臂猿5只(雄性3只,雌性2只)。对每个动物而言,总观察次数不少于30次,其结果显示:在雄性金丝猴中,62.5%的动物显示右利,25%显示主利,12.5%无利手现象。在雄性叶猴中,62.5%的动物显示右利,18.7%显示左利,18.7%无利手现象。在3只雄性长臂猿中,2只显示右利,一只无利手现象。 统计结果表明:雄性金丝猴有明显的右利手现象(P<0.05),雄性叶猴右利手现象接近显著(P=0.06),长臂猿因观察数量太少,未进行统计。 在上述三种动物中,雌性个体无利手现象。 木工作结果提示:(1)雄性金丝猴,叶猴在自由取食时具有右利手现象,长臂猿也可能有右利手现象,(2)大脑两半球的不对称性与性别有关。  相似文献   

Sakis (genus Pithecia) commonly live in socially monogamous groups, but data from wild populations on group dynamics and on the turnover of reproductive-age animals are rare. Here we describe the replacement of the adult male in one group of sakis in the Ecuadorian Amazon following the death of the initial resident. We use 354 h of focal behavioral data to describe differences in the spatial relationships among group members before and after the replacement and to examine changes in the rate of male-to-female grooming, aggression, scent marking and vocalization. Interactions with extra group individuals within the group's home range were more frequent during and after the replacement than before. The presence of such additional animals during periods of reproductive turnover may explain at least some reported observations of saki groups with more than 1 reproductive-age male or female.  相似文献   

We studied the dynamics of a group of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in Algeria from March 1983 to November 1989. Troop fission began in autumn 1987, when group size had more than doubled, to include 76 animals. We observed 11 temporary splits of this group during the mating seasons of 1987 and 1988. The process was interrupted during the 1988 birth season. In June 1989, fission resumed and ended with the formation of three independent groups that included 50, 24, and 13 individuals. Adult females played an important role in the process of fission. They initiated the rapid formation of two, and later three, coherent nuclei, distributed in two or three bisexual subgroups; on several occasions these nuclei also formed subgroups without any adult males. Adult males remained together in a single nucleus for longer periods of time than females did. However, during fission, 35% (N=20) of resident males emigrated to neighboring groups, while 11 strange males immigrated into the focal group; over 6 years, 57% of the male transfers occurred after the beginning of the process. After group fission, maternally related individuals lived together in the new groups. The majority of resident males remained with the largest of the three groups, while most of the immigrant males were in another group. The third group included a single adult male. Possible factors that induce group fission are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult resident males of one-male-multi-female primate groups housed at the Hannover Zoo exhibited aggression, when confronted with nonadult individuals, which were fathered by other males: (1) a new adult resident male in a group of blue monkeys killed a 5.8-month-old female infant: (2) a new adult resident male in a group of white collared mangabeys injured a 24.0-month-old female and an 18.9-month-old male severely; they would have died without veterinary care; and (3) the resident male of a group of drills threatened an 1.8-month-old foreign female infant seriously; efforts to introduce the infant were discontinued. Pathological explanations are unlikely because the adult males showed no aggression towards own nonadult offspring under the same captive conditions. By and large, the events support the theory that infanticide is the result of sexual selection among males.  相似文献   

During observations of silvered leaf-monkeys at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, the resident adult male in one group was replaced by an immigrant male. Three months after the replacement, all of the dependent infants in the group disappeared. The similarity of these observations to observations of male-takeovers and subsequent infanticide among Indian and Ceylonese langurs suggests a similar pattern of social change among all langurs which live in one-male groups.  相似文献   

According to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticide during resident male replacement is an adaptive strategy that has evolved because the killing of unweaned offspring sired by previous males shortens the inter‐birth intervals of the mothers whose infants are targeted and thereby increases the reproductive fitness of the perpetrator. To test this hypothesis, we describe previously unreported cases of primary male replacement for two gibbon species (Hylobates lar and Nomascus nasutus), and review all other reported cases of primary male replacement in gibbons. Overall, infants were present in nearly half of all cases (16/33, 48%) and of the 18 infants present during replacement, 50% (N = 9) disappeared within 2 months of the event. In four of the five cases where there was sufficient demographic information to identify the likely sire of the subsequent offspring of females that lost infants, the new male was believed to be the sire. Infants were also less likely to die or disappear if the new male and original resident male were possible kin. However, there was no significant difference in the age of infants between those that died or disappeared following replacement and those that survived to weaning (p = .630). Our review of takeover‐related infant loss in gibbons confirms that periods of male instability are risky for unweaned infants and that replacing males benefit from infant loss. Nevertheless, variability in the context of infant loss and difficulties related to data collection in the field make it difficult to test competing hypotheses concerning the mechanisms and functions of infanticide in the small apes.  相似文献   

In primate species with social systems consisting of one-male breeding units(OMUs), resident male takeover represents a major challenge to individual reproductive success and mating strategies. The golden snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana)is characterized by large multilevel societies(MLS)comprised of several OMUs and all-male units(AMUs);however, the factors and mechanisms associated with resident male takeover, which offer important insight into primate reproduction and social strategies, are still poorly understood. Based on 5-year monitoring data from a free-ranging herd of golden monkeys from the Qinling Mountains in China, we categorized three phases of an OMU, that is, a rising phase,developing phase, and declining phase. The rising and declining phases were unstable periods in which male takeover in an OMU might occur. Factors causing takeover, such as leader male rank, fighting ability, reproduction rate, and affiliation(proximity,allogrooming), were analyzed for males and females and for different OMUs. Results indicated that the new resident male's fighting ability was lower than that of the former resident male in 23 cases. After replacement, the rank order of the new resident male significantly declined. Females involved in a takeover increased their distance from the resident male and decreased mating frequency during the three months prior to takeover. Females with infants under one-year-old had a marked effect on the specific time of takeover occurrence. These results suggested that female choice was the main factor deciding whether a takeover attempt was successful. Furthermore, rather than male conflict, females more often initiated and affected takeover and outcome, implying that the social status and competitive ability of the males played lesser roles during takeover.  相似文献   

We report membership change in a group of wild agile gibbons, Hylobates agilis agilis, in West Sumatra, Indonesia. During 6-month observational periods, we focused on a particular unit of individuals known as the B group. We confirmed that the group consisted of five individuals: one adult female, one adult male, one subadult male, one subadult female, and one infant male. During our observations, the resident adult male and the two subadult individuals dispersed or disappeared, and a new adult male took over the group. We examined the effects of the male replacement on the territorial boundary, using the auditory census technique. The boundary was stable. We also documented the succession of the home range. Our results indicate a flexible social structure in this species and contribute some useful data to an ongoing debate on their social dynamics.  相似文献   

This report on wild-ranging crab-eating macaques in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, describes male replacements for the first time in this species. A replacement at the alpha rank by an immigrant adult male was seen in this multimale troop during each year of the 20-month field study. The data show considerable variation in the process and outcome of social change. Adult male immigrants contested the alpha rank, whereas subadult male immigrants did not. The first replacement took 2 days, whereas the second one took 1 month. In the first replacement four males and 10 other residents left the troop. In the second replacement one of the two adult males was successful in immigrating when he replaced the resident male of his alpha rank, but the deposed alpha male was not evicted from the troop. Existing models of the causes of replacement (such as high density or human disturbance) and of the causes of infanticide are not supported by these data. Infanticide by immigrating males was not observed despite the apparent presence of the postulated circumstances conducive to infanticide.  相似文献   

Owl monkeys (Aotus azarai) are small, territorial, socially monogamous primates that show intense infant care by the adult male in the group. It has been hypothesized that male care may be adaptive because it increases offspring survival and/or reduces the metabolic costs to the female of raising the offspring. Alternatively, males may provide care even when they are not related to the infants to increase future reproductive opportunities. We describe changes in infant care patterns that took place after the eviction of the resident male by a solitary male in an owl monkey population in the Argentinean Chaco. The resident male and mother provided all infant care during the first month of life of the infant, until the male was evicted. During the three-day male replacement event, care of the infant was shared among the mother, a four-year-old sister, and a one-year-old brother. The new male began contributing to infant care soon after entering the group, carrying, and interacting socially with the infant in much the same way as any male regularly does. However, despite receiving biparental care from both the original and new resident males, the infant disappeared at the age of four months and was presumed dead. These are the first reports of care by sibling and by non-putative fathers in wild owl monkeys. Given the significant amount of time that new pairs of owl monkeys spend before reproducing, it is possible that male care in owl monkeys functions as mating effort as much as or more than parenting effort.  相似文献   

目的:探究55岁以下急性冠状动脉综合征(Acute coronary syndrome,ACS)患者的影响因素。方法:选择2010年3月至2013年3月于我院就诊的180例55岁以下ACS患者为研究对象,按照其性别将其区分为男性组(101例)和女性组(79例)。收集和比较两组患者一般临床资料,血清血红蛋白(Hemoglobin,HGB)、甘油三酯(Triglyceride,TG)、胆固醇(Cholesterol,TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(Low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(High density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C)、血尿酸水平。对两组患者进行5年随访,对比两组患者心血管不良事件(Major adverse cardiovas-cular events,MACE)的发生率、死亡率及再发病率。结果:(1)女性组平均发病年龄高于男性组,女性组伴发高血压、糖尿病、脑卒中比率高于男性组,男性组吸烟史比率高于女性组(P<0.05),两组BMI、心血管病家族史对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)女性组TC、TG、LDL-C、HDL-C水平均高于男性组(P<0.05),女性组血尿酸水平低于男性组(P<0.05);(3)对比5年预后,男性组MACE发生率为9.90%(10/101),女性组MACE发生率为11.39%(9/79),男性组死亡率为1.98%(2/101),女性组为1.27%(1/79),再发病率男性组为5.94%(6/101),女性组为6.33%(5/79),两组上述指标对比差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:女性ACS患者发病年龄高于男性患者,糖尿病、高血压等病对女性患者影响更为明显,而吸烟则对男性影响更大,女性ACS患者血脂、血尿酸等指标异常程度甚于男性患者,但女性与男性患者远期预后相当。  相似文献   

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