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Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) has been shown to be a suitable marker of excessive alcohol consumption. Determination of EtG in hair samples may help to differentiate social drinkers from alcoholics, and this testing can be widely used in forensic science, treatment programs, workplaces, military bases as well as driving ability test to provide legal proof of drinking. A method for determination of EtG in hair samples using large volume injection-gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LVI-GC/MS/MS) was developed and validated. Hair samples (in 1 mL deionized water) were ultrasonicated for 1h and incubated overnight; these samples were then deproteinated to remove impurities and derivatisated with 15 μL of pyridine and 30 μL of BSTFA. EtG was detected using GC/MS/MS in multiple-reaction monitoring mode. This method exhibited good linearity: y=0.0036 x+0.0437, R2=0.9993, the limit of detection and the limit of quantification were 5 pg/mg and 10 pg/mg, respectively. The extraction recoveries were more than 60%, and the inter-day and intra-day relative standard deviations (RSD) were less than 15%. This method has been applied to the analysis of EtG in hair samples from 21 Chinese subjects. The results for samples obtained from all of those who were teetotallers were negative, and the results for the other 15 samples ranged from 10 to 78 pg/mg, except for one negative sample. These data are the basis for interpretation of alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

The Golgi anti-apoptotic protein (GAAP) is a hydrophobic Golgi protein that regulates intracellular calcium fluxes and apoptosis. GAAP is highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and some strains of vaccinia virus (VACV) and camelpox virus. Based on sequence, phylogeny, and hydrophobicity, GAAPs were classified within the transmembrane Bax inhibitor-containing motif (TMBIM) family. TMBIM members are anti-apoptotic and were predicted to have seven-transmembrane domains (TMDs). However, topology prediction programs are inconsistent and predicted that GAAP and other TMBIM members have six or seven TMDs. To address this discrepancy, we mapped the transmembrane topology of viral (vGAAP) and human (hGAAP), as well as Bax inhibitor (BI-1). Data presented show a six-, not seven-, transmembrane topology for vGAAP with a putative reentrant loop at the C terminus and both termini located in the cytosol. We find that this topology is also conserved in hGAAP and BI-1. This places the charged C terminus in the cytosol, and mutation of these charged residues in hGAAP ablated its anti-apoptotic function. Given the highly conserved hydrophobicity profile within the TMBIM family and recent phylogenetic data indicating that a GAAP-like protein may have been the ancestral progenitor of a subset of the TMBIM family, we propose that this vGAAP topology may be used as a model for the remainder of the TMBIM family of proteins. The topology described provides valuable information on the structure and function of an important but poorly understood family of proteins.  相似文献   

We present a rapid and efficient in-solution enzymatic digestion protocol suitable for mass spectrometry-based absolute protein quantification techniques. The digestion method employs RapiGest SF (an acid-labile surfactant), an excess amount of modified trypsin (enzyme-to-substrate ratio of 2.5:1), and an incubation time of 2 h. No reduction/alkylation reagents are used. Digestion parameters were varied systematically to monitor their effect on rate and completeness of digestion. To demonstrate the general applicability of the method, the optimization was done using a viral hemagglutinin (HA) as a model protein and then applied to ricin, a potent protein toxin extracted from the castor bean (Ricinus communis). The parameters that were optimized included incubation time, concentration of RapiGest SF, enzyme-to-substrate ratio, and incubation temperature. The optimization was done by comparing the yields from two protein-specific peptides originating from two different sites of the HA protein. The analysis was performed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode using isotopically labeled peptide standards for quantification.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of the interaction between mitochondrial carrier homologue 2 (MTCH2) and truncated BID (tBID) was characterized. These proteins participate in the apoptotic pathway, and the interaction between them may serve as a target for anticancer lead compounds. In response to apoptotic signals, MTCH2 recruits tBID to the mitochondria, where it activates apoptosis. A combination of peptide arrays screening with biochemical and biophysical techniques was used to characterize the mechanism of the interaction between tBID and MTCH2 at the structural and molecular levels. The regions that mediate the interaction between the proteins were identified. The two specific binding sites between the proteins were determined to be tBID residues 59-73 that bind MTCH2 residues 140-161, and tBID residues 111-125 that bind MTCH2 residues 240-290. Peptides derived from tBID residues 111-125 and 59-73 induced cell death in osteosarcoma cells. These peptides may serve as lead compounds for anticancer drugs that act by targeting the tBID-MTCH2 interaction.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of cis-verbenol (4a and 4a′) were first synthesized in optically pure state. (1S, 4S, 5S)-2-Pinen-4-ol (4a′) was dextrorotatory in acetone or in methanol but it was levorotatory in chloroform; cis-verbenols are indistinguishable by a prefix (+) or (?). The designation of the Ips pheromone as (+)-cis-verbenol is therefore ambiguous and it should be called as (1S, 4S, 5S)-2-pinen-4-ol (4a′) or (S)-cis-verbenol.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is regulated through a variety of mechanisms, including post-translational modifications and association with regulatory proteins. Alpha4 is one such regulatory protein that binds the PP2A catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) and protects it from polyubiquitination and degradation. Alpha4 is a multidomain protein with a C-terminal domain that binds Mid1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase, and an N-terminal domain containing the PP2Ac-binding site. In this work, we present the structure of the N-terminal domain of mammalian Alpha4 determined by x-ray crystallography and use double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy to show that it is a flexible tetratricopeptide repeat-like protein. Structurally, Alpha4 differs from its yeast homolog, Tap42, in two important ways: 1) the position of the helix containing the PP2Ac-binding residues is in a more open conformation, showing flexibility in this region; and 2) Alpha4 contains a ubiquitin-interacting motif. The effects of wild-type and mutant Alpha4 on PP2Ac ubiquitination and stability were examined in mammalian cells by performing tandem ubiquitin-binding entity precipitations and cycloheximide chase experiments. Our results reveal that both the C-terminal Mid1-binding domain and the PP2Ac-binding determinants are required for Alpha4-mediated protection of PP2Ac from polyubiquitination and degradation.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a phototrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)]-oxidizing bacterium named TIE-1 that differs from other Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in that it is genetically tractable. Under anaerobic conditions, TIE-1 grows photoautotrophically with Fe(II), H2, or thiosulfate as the electron donor and photoheterotrophically with a variety of organic carbon sources. TIE-1 also grows chemoheterotrophically in the dark. This isolate appears to be a new strain of the purple nonsulfur bacterial species Rhodopseudomonas palustris, based on physiological and phylogenetic analysis. Fe(II) oxidation is optimal at pH 6.5 to 6.9. The mineral products of Fe(II) oxidation are pH dependent: below pH 7.0 goethite (α-FeOOH) forms, and above pH 7.2 magnetite (Fe3O4) forms. TIE-1 forms colonies on agar plates and is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics. A hyperactive mariner transposon is capable of random insertion into the chromosome with a transposition frequency of ~10−5. To identify components involved in phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation, mutants of TIE-1 were generated by transposon mutagenesis and screened for defects in Fe(II) oxidation in a cell suspension assay. Among approximately 12,000 mutants screened, 6 were identified that are specifically impaired in Fe(II) oxidation. Five of these mutants have independent disruptions in a gene that is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein that appears to be part of an ABC transport system; the sixth mutant has an insertion in a gene that is a homolog of CobS, an enzyme involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Five variants of mouse serum transferrin (mTf, designated mTf-I to mTf-V) with respect to carbohydrate composition have been isolated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in the following relative percentages: mTf-I: 0.55; mTf-II: 0.79; mTf-III: 71.80; mTf-VI: 21.90 and mTf-V: 4.96. The primary structures of the major glycans from mTf-III and mTf-IV were determined by methylation analysis and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. All glycans possessed a common trimannosyl-N,N′-diacetylchitobiose core. From the glycovariant mTf-III two isomers of a conventional biantennary N-acetyllactosamine type were isolated, in which two N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) residues are linked to galactose either by a (α2-6) or (α2-3) linkage. A subpopulation of this glycovariant contains a fucose residue (α1-6)-linked to GlcNAc-1. The structure of the major glycan found in variant mTf-IV contained an additional Neu5Gc and possessed the following new type of linkage: Neu5Gc(α2-3)Gal(β1-3)[Neu5Gc(α2-6)]GlcNAc(β1-2)Man(α1-3). In addition to this glycan, a minor compound contained the same antennae linked to Man(α1-6). In fraction mTf-V, which was found to be very heterogeneous by 1H NMR analysis, carbohydrate composition and methylation analysis suggested the presence of tri′-antennary glycans sialylated by Neu5Gc α-2,6- and α-2,3-linked to the terminal galactose residues. In summary, mTf glycans differed from those of other analyzed mammalian transferrins by the presence of Neu5Gc and by a Neu5Gc(α2-6)GlcNAc linkage in trisialylated biantennary structures, reflecting in mouse liver, a high activity of CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase and (α2-6)GlcNAc sialyltransferase.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins are molecular switches modulated by families of structurally and functionally related regulators. GIV (Gα-interacting vesicle-associated protein) is the first non-receptor guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates Gα(i) subunits via a defined, evolutionarily conserved motif. Here we found that Calnuc and NUCB2, two highly homologous calcium-binding proteins, share a common motif with GIV for Gα(i) binding and activation. Bioinformatics searches and structural analysis revealed that Calnuc and NUCB2 possess an evolutionarily conserved motif with sequence and structural similarity to the GEF sequence of GIV. Using in vitro pulldown and competition assays, we demonstrate that this motif binds preferentially to the inactive conformation of Gα(i1) and Gα(i3) over other Gα subunits and, like GIV, docks onto the α3/switch II cleft. Calnuc binding was impaired when Lys-248 in the α3 helix of Gα(i3) was replaced with M, the corresponding residue in Gα(o), which does not bind to Calnuc. Moreover, mutation of hydrophobic residues in the conserved motif predicted to dock on the α3/switch II cleft of Gα(i3) impaired the ability of Calnuc and NUCB2 to bind and activate Gα(i3) in vitro. We also provide evidence that calcium binding to Calnuc and NUCB2 abolishes their interaction with Gα(i3) in vitro and in cells, probably by inducing a conformational change that renders the Gα(i)-binding residues inaccessible. Taken together, our results identify a new type of Gα(i)-regulatory motif named the GBA motif (for Gα-binding and -activating motif), which is conserved across different proteins throughout evolution. These findings provide the structural basis for the properties of Calnuc and NUCB2 binding to Gα subunits and its regulation by calcium ions.  相似文献   

Protein methylation is one of the major post-translational modifications (PTMs) in the cell. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, over 20 protein methyltransferases (MTases) and their respective substrates have been identified. However, the way in which these MTases are modified and potentially subject to regulation remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated six overexpressed S. cerevisiae protein MTases (Rkm1, Rkm4, Efm4, Efm7, Set5 and Hmt1) to identify PTMs of potential functional relevance. We identified 48 PTM sites across the six MTases, including phosphorylation, acetylation and methylation. Forty-two sites are novel. We contextualized the PTM sites in structural models of the MTases and revealed that many fell in catalytic pockets or enzyme–substrate interfaces. These may regulate MTase activity. Finally, we compared PTMs on Hmt1 with those on its human homologs PRMT1, PRMT3, CARM1, PRMT6 and PRMT8. This revealed that several PTMs are conserved from yeast to human, whereas others are only found in Hmt1. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD006767.  相似文献   

Biomolecular interaction analysis mass spectrometry (BIA/MS) is a two-dimensional analytical technique that quantitatively and qualitatively detects analytes of interests. In the first dimension, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is utilized for detection of biomolecules in their native environment. Because SPR detection is non-destructive, analyte(s) retained on the SPR-active sensor surface can be analyzed in a second dimension using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The qualitative nature of the MALDI-TOF MS analysis complements the quantitative character of SPR sensing and overcomes the shortcomings of the SPR detection stemming from the inability to differentiate and characterize multi-protein complexes and non-specific binding. In this work, the benefit of performing MS analysis following SPR sensing is established. Retrieval and detection of four markers present in biological fluids (cystatin C, beta-2-microglobulin, urinary protein 1 and retinol binding protein) was explored to demonstrate the effectiveness of BIA/MS in simultaneous detection of clinically related biomarkers and delineation of non-specific binding. Furthermore, the BIA/MS limit of detection at very low SPR responses was investigated. Finally, detection of in-vivo assembled protein complexes was achieved for the first time using BIA/MS.  相似文献   

Ynt1, the single high affinity nitrate and nitrite transporter of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha, is regulated by the quality of nitrogen sources. Preferred nitrogen sources cause Ynt1 dephosphorylation, ubiquitinylation, endocytosis, and vacuolar degradation. In contrast, under nitrogen limitation Ynt1 is phosphorylated and sorted to the plasma membrane. We show here the involvement of the Ser/Thr kinase HpNpr1 in Ynt1 phosphorylation and regulation of Ynt1 levels in response to nitrogen source quality and the availability of carbon. In Δnpr1, Ynt1 phosphorylation does not take place, although Ynt1 ubiquitin conjugates increase. As a result, in this strain Ynt1 is sorted to the vacuole, from both plasma membrane and the later biosynthetic pathway in nitrogen-free conditions and nitrate. In contrast, overexpression of NPR1 blocks down-regulation of Ynt1, increasing Ynt1 phosphorylation at Ser-244 and -246 and reducing ubiquitinylation. Furthermore, Npr1 is phosphorylated in response to the preferred nitrogen sources, and indeed it is dephosphorylated in nitrogen-free medium. Under conditions where Npr1 is phosphorylated, Ynt1 is not and vice versa. We show for the first time that carbon starvation leads to Npr1 phosphorylation, whereas Ynt1 is dephosphorylated and degraded in the vacuole. Rapamycin prevents this, indicating a possible role of the target of rapamycin signaling pathway in this process. We concluded that Npr1 plays a key role in adapting Ynt1 levels to the nitrogen quality and availability of a source of carbon.  相似文献   

Lysosome-related organelles (LROs) are synthesized in specialized cell types where they largely coexist with conventional lysosomes. Most of the known cellular transport machinery involved in biogenesis are ubiquitously expressed and shared between lysosomes and LROs. Examples of common components are the adaptor protein complex-3 (AP-3) and biogenesis of lysosome-related organelle complex (BLOC)-2. These protein complexes control sorting and transport of newly synthesized integral membrane proteins from early endosomes to both lysosomes and LROs such as the melanosome. However, it is unknown what factors cooperate with the ubiquitous transport machinery to mediate transport to LROs in specialized cells. Focusing on the melanosome, we show that the ubiquitous machinery interacts with cell type-specific Rab proteins, Rab38 and Rab32, to facilitate transport to the maturing organelle. BLOC-2, AP-3, and AP-1 coimmunoprecipitated with Rab38 and Rab32 from MNT-1 melanocytic cell extracts. BLOC-2, AP-3, AP-1, and clathrin partially colocalized with Rab38 and Rab32 by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy in MNT-1 cells. Rab38- and Rab32-deficient MNT-1 cells displayed abnormal trafficking and steady state levels of known cargoes of the BLOC-2, AP-3, and AP-1 pathways, the melanin-synthesizing enzymes tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1. These observations support the idea that Rab38 and Rab32 are the specific factors that direct the ubiquitous machinery to mediate transport from early endosomes to maturing LROs. Additionally, analysis of tyrosinase-related protein-2 and total melanin production indicates that Rab32 has unique functions that cannot be carried out by Rab38 in melanosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCX) constitute a major Ca2+ export system that facilitates the re-establishment of cytosolic Ca2+ levels in many tissues. Ca2+ interactions at its Ca2+ binding domains (CBD1 and CBD2) are essential for the allosteric regulation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity. The structure of the Ca2+-bound form of CBD1, the primary Ca2+ sensor from canine NCX1, but not the Ca2+-free form, has been reported, although the molecular mechanism of Ca2+ regulation remains unclear. Here, we report crystal structures for three distinct Ca2+ binding states of CBD1 from CALX, a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger found in Drosophila sensory neurons. The fully Ca2+-bound CALX-CBD1 structure shows that four Ca2+ atoms bind at identical Ca2+ binding sites as those found in NCX1 and that the partial Ca2+ occupancy and apoform structures exhibit progressive conformational transitions, indicating incremental regulation of CALX exchange by successive Ca2+ binding at CBD1. The structures also predict that the primary Ca2+ pair plays the main role in triggering functional conformational changes. Confirming this prediction, mutagenesis of Glu455, which coordinates the primary Ca2+ pair, produces dramatic reductions of the regulatory Ca2+ affinity for exchange current, whereas mutagenesis of Glu520, which coordinates the secondary Ca2+ pair, has much smaller effects. Furthermore, our structures indicate that Ca2+ binding only enhances the stability of the Ca2+ binding site of CBD1 near the hinge region while the overall structure of CBD1 remains largely unaffected, implying that the Ca2+ regulatory function of CBD1, and possibly that for the entire NCX family, is mediated through domain interactions between CBD1 and the adjacent CBD2 at this hinge.  相似文献   

Certain marine organisms have been known to cause allergic reactions among occupational fishermen. We have previously reported that bronchial asthma among the workers engaged in spiny lobster fishing in Japan was caused by octocorals such as Dendronephthya sp. and Scleronephthya gracillima (previously named Alcyonium gracillimum). Now we have found another octocoral, Scleronephthya gracillima (Kuekenthal), which causes the allergic disease in fishermen. The octocoral was characterized as a new green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐like family. The new allergen has a molecular mass of 27 kDa in 1D and 2D SDS‐PAGE under reduced conditions. The 27 kDa component was determined to be an allergen by western blotting, ECL immune staining method and absorption of patient sera with the antigen. Furthermore, the combination of analysis with LC‐ESI‐MS/MS and MASCOT search in the NCBInr database concluded the 27 kDa component had the sequence YPADI/LPDYFK, and that the 22 kDa component had the sequence QSFPEGFSWER, which both matched a GFP‐like protein in Acropora aculeus and in Montastraea annularis. Further analysis by MALDI‐TOF/MS/MS and MASCOT search in the NCBInr database of all 27 kDa eight spot components from 2D SDS‐PAGE indicated that the sequence QSFPEGFSWER also matched as GFP‐like protein in Lobophyllia hemprichii and Scleractinia sp. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the new allergenic protein that corresponds to a new GFP‐like protein named Akane, and which has fluorescent emissions in the red and green part of the spectra at 628 nm and 508 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine brain myelin basic protein with 42-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase [p42 MAPK or extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2)] in the presence of ATP and Mg2+ results in phosphorylation of Thr94 and Thr97. Thr94 is not previously known to be an ERK2 phosphorylation site. Both residues are phosphorylated to about the same extent and are in the highly conserved segment Asn91-Ile-Val-Thr94-Pro-Arg-Thr97-Pro-Pro-Pro-Ser101. MALDI mass spectrometry before and after ERK2 treatment revealed the addition of two phosphate groups to the protein. Tryptic cleavage resulted in a single fragment (positions 91–104) carrying the observed mass increase. Tandem mass spectrometry applied to the tryptic peptide showed that both Thr94 and Thr97 are acceptors of phosphate. A singly phosphorylated species could not be detected. Identification of the ERK2 phosphorylation site Thr94 in bovine myelin basic protein reveals a nontraditional phosphate acceptor position, preceded by three noncharged residues (Asn-Ile-Val). Proline at position –2 or –3 from the phosphorylation site, typical for the recognition sequence of proline-directed kinases, is missing. The results provide information for delineation of a further substrate consensus motif for ERK2 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Many low-molecular weight proteins and peptides in human tears are potentially bioactive proteins but the range and number of these is yet to be fully characterized. A number of different sample preparation techniques were used to maximize the visualization of peptides from reflex tears. Samples were pretreated using precipitation and filtration techniques prior to analyses using MALDI-TOF MS. Peptides were searched for between 700 to 4000 m/z. Sample dilution in several different buffer systems followed by filtration with a 30-kDa cutoff filter and C18 reverse phase microcolumn purification produced significantly (p = 0.049) more peaks in tears than other methods used to prepare tears prior to MALDI-TOF MS. This study has established a technique for optimizing the visualization of naturally occurring peptides in tears.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen has been identified as the major growth‐limiting nutritional factor affecting Gracilaria gracilis populations in South Africa. Although the physiological mechanisms implemented by G. gracilis for adaption to low nitrogen environments have been investigated, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of these adaptions. This study provides the first investigation of G. gracilis proteome changes in response to nitrogen limitation and subsequent recovery. A differential proteomics approach employing two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was used to investigate G. gracilis proteome changes in response to nitrogen limitation and recovery. The putative identity of 22 proteins that changed significantly (P < 0.05) in abundance in response to nitrogen limitation and recovery was determined. The identified proteins function in a range of biological processes including glycolysis, photosynthesis, ATP synthesis, galactose metabolism, protein‐refolding and biosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism and cytoskeleton remodeling. The identity of fructose 1,6 biphosphate (FBP) aldolase was confirmed by western blot analysis and the decreased abundance of FBP aldolase observed with two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis was validated by enzyme assays and western blots. The identification of key proteins and pathways involved in the G. gracilis nitrogen stress response provide a better understanding of G. gracilis proteome responses to varying degrees of nitrogen limitation and is the first step in the identification of biomarkers for monitoring the nitrogen status of cultivated G. gracilis populations.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is a large membrane bound molecular machine that catalyzes light-driven oxygen evolution from water. PSII constantly undergoes assembly and disassembly because of the unavoidable damage that results from its normal photochemistry. Thus, under physiological conditions, in addition to the active PSII complexes, there are always PSII subpopulations incompetent of oxygen evolution, but are in the process of undergoing elaborate biogenesis and repair. These transient complexes are difficult to characterize because of their low abundance, structural heterogeneity, and thermodynamic instability. In this study, we show that a genetically tagged Psb27 protein allows for the biochemical purification of two monomeric PSII assembly intermediates, one with an unprocessed form of D1 (His27ΔctpAPSII) and a second one with a mature form of D1 (His27PSII). Both forms were capable of light-induced charge separation, but unable to photooxidize water, largely because of the absence of a functional tetramanganese cluster. Unexpectedly, there was a significant amount of the extrinsic lumenal PsbO protein in the His27PSII, but not in the His27ΔctpAPSII complex. In contrast, two other lumenal proteins, PsbU and PsbV, were absent in both of these PSII intermediate complexes. Additionally, the only cytoplasmic extrinsic protein, Psb28 was detected in His27PSII complex. Based on these data, we have presented a refined model of PSII biogenesis, illustrating an important role of Psb27 as a gate-keeper during the complex assembly process of the oxygen-evolving centers in PSII.  相似文献   

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