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Outer hair cell (OHC) or prestin-based electromotility is an active cochlear amplifier in the mammalian inner ear that can increase hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity. In situ, Deiters supporting cells are well-coupled by gap junctions and constrain OHCs standing on the basilar membrane. Here, we report that both electrical and mechanical stimulations in Deiters cells (DCs) can modulate OHC electromotility. There was no direct electrical conductance between the DCs and the OHCs. However, depolarization in DCs reduced OHC electromotility associated nonlinear capacitance (NLC) and distortion products. Increase in the turgor pressure of DCs also shifted OHC NLC to the negative voltage direction. Destruction of the cytoskeleton in DCs or dissociation of the mechanical-coupling between DCs and OHCs abolished these effects, indicating the modulation through the cytoskeleton activation and DC-OHC mechanical coupling rather than via electric field potentials. We also found that changes in gap junctional coupling between DCs induced large membrane potential and current changes in the DCs and shifted OHC NLC. Uncoupling of gap junctions between DCs shifted NLC to the negative direction. These data indicate that DCs not only provide a physical scaffold to support OHCs but also can directly modulate OHC electromotility through the DC-OHC mechanical coupling. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of cochlear supporting cells and gap junctional coupling to modulate OHC electromotility and eventually hearing sensitivity in the inner ear.  相似文献   

The organ of Corti (OC) is the auditory epithelium of the mammalian cochlea comprising sensory hair cells and supporting cells riding on the basilar membrane. The outer hair cells (OHCs) are cellular actuators that amplify small sound-induced vibrations for transmission to the inner hair cells. We developed a finite element model of the OC that incorporates the complex OC geometry and force generation by OHCs originating from active hair bundle motion due to gating of the transducer channels and somatic contractility due to the membrane protein prestin. The model also incorporates realistic OHC electrical properties. It explains the complex vibration modes of the OC and reproduces recent measurements of the phase difference between the top and the bottom surface vibrations of the OC. Simulations of an individual OHC show that the OHC somatic motility lags the hair bundle displacement by ∼90 degrees. Prestin-driven contractions of the OHCs cause the top and bottom surfaces of the OC to move in opposite directions. Combined with the OC mechanics, this results in ∼90 degrees phase difference between the OC top and bottom surface vibration. An appropriate electrical time constant for the OHC membrane is necessary to achieve the phase relationship between OC vibrations and OHC actuations. When the OHC electrical frequency characteristics are too high or too low, the OHCs do not exert force with the correct phase to the OC mechanics so that they cannot amplify. We conclude that the components of OHC forward and reverse transduction are crucial for setting the phase relations needed for amplification.  相似文献   

The outer hair cell (OHC) from the mammalian organ of Corti possesses a bell-shaped voltage-dependent capacitance function. The nonlinear capacitance reflects the activity of membrane bound voltage sensors associated with membrane motors that control OHC length. We have studied the effects of the lipophilic ions, tetraphenylborate (TPB) and tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), on nonlinear capacitance and motility of isolated guinea-pig OHCs. Effects on supporting cells were also investigated. TPB produced an increase in the peak capacitance (Cm pk ) and shifted the voltage at peak capacitance (V pkCm ) to hyperpolarized levels. Washout reversed the effects. Perfusion of 0.4 μm TPB caused an average increase in Cm pk of 16.3 pF and V pkCm shift of 13.6 mV. TPP+, on the other hand, only shifted V pkCm in the positive direction, with no change in Cm pk . The contributions from native OHC and TPB-induced capacitance were dissected by a double Boltzmann fitting paradigm, and by blocking native OHC capacitance. While mechanical response studies indicate little effect of TPB on the motility of OHCs which were in normal condition or treated with salicylate or gadolinium, the voltage at maximum mechanical gain (V δ Lmax ) was shifted in correspondence with native V pkCm , and both changed in a concentration-dependent manner. Both TPB-induced changes in Cm pk and V pkCm were affected by voltage prepulses and intracellular turgor pressure. TPB induced a voltage-dependent capacitance in supporting cells whose characteristics were similar to those of the OHC, but no indication of mechanical responses was noted. Our results indicate that OHC mechanical responses are not simply related to quantity of nonspecific nonlinear charge moved within the membrane, but to the effects of motility voltage-sensor charge movement functionally coupled to a mechanical effector. Received: 14 May 1998/Revised: 24 August 1998  相似文献   

Outer hair cells are the critical element for the sensitivity and sharpness of frequency selectivity of the ear. It is believed that fast motility (electromotility) of these cells is essential for this function. Indeed, force produced by outer hair cells follows their membrane potential very closely at least up to 60 kHz. However, it has been pointed out that the cell's receptor potential is attenuated by a low-pass RC circuit inherent to these cells, with the RC roll-off frequencies significantly lower than their operating frequencies. This would render electromotility ineffective in producing force. To address this issue, we assume that multiple degrees of freedom and vibrational modes due to the complex structure of the organ of Corti provide optimal phases for outer hair cells' force to cancel viscous drag. Our derived frequency limit depends on the drag-capacitance product, not directly on the RC time constant. With a reasonable assumption for the viscous drag, the estimated limit is 10–13 kHz, exceeding the RC corner frequency. Our analysis shows that a fast-activating potassium current can substantially extend the frequency limit by counteracting the capacitive current.  相似文献   

Bora Sul 《Biophysical journal》2009,97(10):2653-2663
The effectiveness of hair bundle motility in mammalian and avian ears is studied by examining energy balance for a small sinusoidal displacement of the hair bundle. The condition that the energy generated by a hair bundle must be greater than energy loss due to the shear in the subtectorial gap per hair bundle leads to a limiting frequency that can be supported by hair-bundle motility. Limiting frequencies are obtained for two motile mechanisms for fast adaptation, the channel re-closure model and a model that assumes that fast adaptation is an interplay between gating of the channel and the myosin motor. The limiting frequency obtained for each of these models is an increasing function of a factor that is determined by the morphology of hair bundles and the cochlea. Primarily due to the higher density of hair cells in the avian inner ear, this factor is ∼10-fold greater for the avian ear than the mammalian ear, which has much higher auditory frequency limit. This result is consistent with a much greater significance of hair bundle motility in the avian ear than that in the mammalian ear.  相似文献   

According to the generally accepted theory of mammalian cochlear mechanics, the fluid in the cochlear scalae interacts with the elastic cochlear partition to generate transversely oscillating displacement waves that propagate along the cochlear coil. Using a computational model of cochlear segments, a different type of propagating wave is reported, an elastic propagating wave that is independent of the fluid-structure interaction. The characteristics of the propagating wave observed in the model, such as the wavelength, speed, and phase lag, are similar to those observed in the living cochlea. Three conditions are required for the existence of the elastic propagating wave in the cochlear partition without fluid-interaction: 1), the stiffness gradient of the cochlear partition; 2), the elastic longitudinal coupling; and 3), the Y-shaped structure in the organ of Corti formed by the outer hair cell, the Deiters cell, and the Deiters cell phalangeal process. The elastic propagating waves in the cochlear partition disappeared without the push-pull action provided by the outer hair cell and Deiters cell phalangeal process. The results suggest that the mechanical feedback of outer hair cells, facilitated by the organ of Corti microstructure, can control the tuning and amplification by modulating the cochlear traveling wave.  相似文献   

According to the generally accepted theory of mammalian cochlear mechanics, the fluid in the cochlear scalae interacts with the elastic cochlear partition to generate transversely oscillating displacement waves that propagate along the cochlear coil. Using a computational model of cochlear segments, a different type of propagating wave is reported, an elastic propagating wave that is independent of the fluid-structure interaction. The characteristics of the propagating wave observed in the model, such as the wavelength, speed, and phase lag, are similar to those observed in the living cochlea. Three conditions are required for the existence of the elastic propagating wave in the cochlear partition without fluid-interaction: 1), the stiffness gradient of the cochlear partition; 2), the elastic longitudinal coupling; and 3), the Y-shaped structure in the organ of Corti formed by the outer hair cell, the Deiters cell, and the Deiters cell phalangeal process. The elastic propagating waves in the cochlear partition disappeared without the push-pull action provided by the outer hair cell and Deiters cell phalangeal process. The results suggest that the mechanical feedback of outer hair cells, facilitated by the organ of Corti microstructure, can control the tuning and amplification by modulating the cochlear traveling wave.  相似文献   

Normal hearing in mammals depends on sound amplification by outer hair cells (OHCs) presumably by their somatic motility and force production. However, the role of OHC force production in cochlear amplification and frequency tuning are not yet fully understood. Currently, available OHC manipulation techniques for physiological or clinical studies are limited by their invasive nature, lack of precision, and poor temporal-spatial resolution. To overcome these limitations, we explored an optogenetic approach based on channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR-2), a direct light-activated nonselective cation channel originally discovered in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three approaches were compared: 1) adeno-associated virus-mediated in utero transfer of the ChR-2 gene into the developing murine otocyst, 2) expression of ChR-2(H134R) in an auditory cell line (HEI-OC1), and 3) expression of ChR-2 in the OHCs of a mouse line carrying a ChR-2 conditional allele. Whole cell recording showed that blue light (470 nm) elicited the typical nonselective cation current of ChR-2 with reversal potential around zero in both mouse OHCs and HEI-OC1 cells and generated depolarization in both cell types. In addition, pulsed light stimulation (10 Hz) elicited a 1:1 repetitive depolarization and ChR-2 currents in mouse OHCs and HEI-OC1 cells, respectively. The time constant of depolarization in OHCs, 1.45 ms, is 10 times faster than HEI-OC1 cells, which allowed light stimulation up to rates of 10/s to elicit corresponding membrane potential changes. Our study demonstrates that ChR-2 can successfully be expressed in mouse OHCs and HEI-OC1 cells and that these present a typical light-sensitive current and depolarization. However, the amount of ChR-2 current induced in our in vivo experiments was insufficient to result in measurable cochlear effects.  相似文献   

Sound transduction depends upon mechanosensitive channels localized on the hair-like bundles that project from the apical surface of cochlear hair cells. Hair bundles show a stair-case structure composed of rows of stereocilia, and each stereocilium contains a core of tightly-packed and uniformly-polarized actin filaments. The growth and maintenance of the stereociliary actin core are dynamically regulated. Recently, it was shown that the actin-binding protein gelsolin is expressed in the stereocilia of outer hair cells (OHCs) and in its absence they become long and straggly. Gelsolin is part of a whirlin scaffolding protein complex at the stereocilia tip, which has been shown to interact with other actin regulatory molecules such as Eps8. Here we investigated the physiological effects associated with the absence of gelsolin and its possible overlapping role with Eps8. We found that, in contrast to Eps8, gelsolin does not affect mechanoelectrical transduction during immature stages of development. Moreover, OHCs from gelsolin knockout mice were able to mature into fully functional sensory receptors as judged by the normal resting membrane potential and basolateral membrane currents. Mechanoelectrical transducer current in gelsolin-Eps8 double knockout mice showed a profile similar to that observed in the single mutants for Eps8. We propose that gelsolin has a non-overlapping role with Eps8. While Eps8 is mainly involved in the initial growth of stereocilia in both inner hair cells (IHCs) and OHCs, gelsolin is required for the maintenance of mature hair bundles of low-frequency OHCs after the onset of hearing.  相似文献   

OHCs are cylindrical sensorimotor cells located in the Organ of Corti, the auditory organ inside the mammalian inner ear. The name "hair cells" derives from their characteristic apical bundle of stereocilia, a critical element for detection and transduction of sound energy 1. OHCs are able to change shape —elongate, shorten and bend— in response to electrical, mechanical and chemical stimulation, a motor response considered crucial for cochlear amplification of acoustic signals 2.OHC stimulation induces two different motile responses: i) electromotility, a.k.a fast motility, changes in length in the microsecond range derived from electrically-driven conformational changes in motor proteins densely packed in OHC plasma membrane, and ii) slow motility, shape changes in the millisecond to seconds range involving cytoskeletal reorganization 2, 3. OHC bending is associated with electromotility, and result either from an asymmetric distribution of motor proteins in the lateral plasma membrane, or asymmetric electrical stimulation of those motor proteins (e.g., with an electrical field perpendicular to the long axis of the cells) 4. Mechanical and chemical stimuli induce essentially slow motile responses, even though changes in the ionic conditions of the cells and/or their environment can also stimulate the plasma membrane-embedded motor proteins 5, 6. Since OHC motile responses are an essential component of the cochlear amplifier, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of these motile responses at acoustic frequencies (roughly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in humans) is a very important matter in the field of hearing research 7.The development of new imaging technology combining high-speed videocameras, LED-based illumination systems, and sophisticated image analysis software now provides the ability to perform reliable qualitative and quantitative studies of the motile response of isolated OHCs to an external alternating electrical field (EAEF) 8. This is a simple and non-invasive technique that circumvents most of the limitations of previous approaches 9-11. Moreover, the LED-based illumination system provides extreme brightness with insignificant thermal effects on the samples and, because of the use of video microscopy, optical resolution is at least 10-fold higher than with conventional light microscopy techniques 12. For instance, with the experimental setup described here, changes in cell length of about 20 nm can be routinely and reliably detected at frequencies of 10 kHz, and this resolution can be further improved at lower frequencies. We are confident that this experimental approach will help to extend our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying OHC motility.Download video file.(62M, mov)  相似文献   

Cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) are fast biological motors that serve to enhance the vibration of the organ of Corti and increase the sensitivity of the inner ear to sound. Exactly how OHCs produce useful mechanical power at auditory frequencies, given their intrinsic biophysical properties, has been a subject of considerable debate. To address this we formulated a mathematical model of the OHC based on first principles and analyzed the power conversion efficiency in the frequency domain. The model includes a mixture-composite constitutive model of the active lateral wall and spatially distributed electro-mechanical fields. The analysis predicts that: 1) the peak power efficiency is likely to be tuned to a specific frequency, dependent upon OHC length, and this tuning may contribute to the place principle and frequency selectivity in the cochlea; 2) the OHC power output can be detuned and attenuated by increasing the basal conductance of the cell, a parameter likely controlled by the brain via the efferent system; and 3) power output efficiency is limited by mechanical properties of the load, thus suggesting that impedance of the organ of Corti may be matched regionally to the OHC. The high power efficiency, tuning, and efferent control of outer hair cells are the direct result of biophysical properties of the cells, thus providing the physical basis for the remarkable sensitivity and selectivity of hearing.  相似文献   

Hair cells of the inner ear exhibit an active process, believed to be crucial for achieving the sensitivity of auditory and vestibular detection. One of the manifestations of the active process is the occurrence of spontaneous hair bundle oscillations in vitro. Hair bundles are coupled by overlying membranes in vivo; hence, explaining the potential role of innate bundle motility in the generation of otoacoustic emissions requires an understanding of the effects of coupling on the active bundle dynamics. We used microbeads to connect small groups of hair cell bundles, using in vitro preparations that maintain their innate oscillations. Our experiments demonstrate robust synchronization of spontaneous oscillations, with either 1:1 or multi-mode phase-locking. The frequency of synchronized oscillation was found to be near the mean of the innate frequencies of individual bundles. Coupling also led to an improved regularity of entrained oscillations, demonstrated by an increase in the quality factor.  相似文献   

The outer hair cell (OHC) is an extremely specialized cell and its proper functioning is essential for normal mammalian hearing. This article reviews recent developments in theoretical modeling that have increased our knowledge of the operation of this fascinating cell. The earliest models aimed at capturing experimental observations on voltage-induced cellular length changes and capacitance were based on isotropic elasticity and a two-state Boltzmann function. Recent advances in modeling based on the thermodynamics of orthotropic electroelastic materials better capture the cell’s voltage-dependent stiffness, capacitance, interaction with its environment and ability to generate force at high frequencies. While complete models are crucial, simpler continuum models can be derived that retain fidelity over small changes in transmembrane voltage and strains occurring in vivo. By its function in the cochlea, the OHC behaves like a piezoelectric-like actuator, and the main cellular features can be described by piezoelectric models. However, a finer characterization of the cell’s composite wall requires understanding the local mechanical and electrical fields. One of the key questions is the relative contribution of the in-plane and bending modes of electromechanical strains and forces (moments). The latter mode is associated with the flexoelectric effect in curved membranes. New data, including a novel experiment with tethers pulled from the cell membrane, can help in estimating the role of different modes of electromechanical coupling. Despite considerable progress, many problems still confound modelers. Thus, this article will conclude with a discussion of unanswered questions and highlight directions for future research.  相似文献   

Outer hair cell (OHC) electromotility enables frequency selectivity and sensitivity in mammalian audition. Electromotility is generated by the transmembrane protein prestin and is sensitive to amphipathic compounds including salicylate, chlorpromazine (CPZ), and trinitrophenol (TNP). Although these compounds induce observable membrane curvature changes in erythrocytes, their effects on OHC membrane curvature are unknown. In this work, fluorescence polarization microscopy was applied to investigate the effects of salicylate, CPZ, and TNP on di-8-ANEPPS orientation in the OHC plasma membrane. Our results demonstrate the ability of fluorescence polarization microscopy to measure amphipath-induced changes in di-8-ANEPPS orientation, consistent with nanoscale changes in membrane curvature between regularly spaced proteins connecting the OHC plasma membrane and cytoskeleton. Simultaneous application of oppositely charged amphipaths generally results in no net membrane bending, consistent with predictions of the bilayer couple hypothesis; however, the application of salicylate (10 mM), which inhibits electromotility, is not reversed by the addition of CPZ. This result supports other findings that suggest salicylate primarily influences electromotiliy and OHC nonlinear capacitance via a direct interaction with prestin. In contrast, we find that CPZ and TNP influence the voltage sensitivity of prestin via membrane bending, demonstrating the mechanosensitivity of this unique membrane motor protein.  相似文献   

李雪松  熊鹰 《生命的化学》2004,24(4):301-303
哺乳动物耳蜗外毛细胞(out hair cell,0HC)在机械刺激引起的膜电位改变的条件下,其胞体本身能发生与声音刺激相同步的伸长与收缩反应,即膜电位去极化时收缩,超极化时伸长,称为电能动性。它能反馈能量到振动的基底膜,对声音刺激起更精细的放大作用。这一发现使耳蜗对声音放大有了主动性的一面。目前发现一种新型的马达蛋白——快蛋白(prestin)是外毛细胞电能动性的分子基础。从而为在分子水平揭示耳蜗的主动功能提供了依据。  相似文献   

The underlying Boltzmann characteristics of motility-related gating currents of the outer hair cell (OHC) are predicted to generate distortion components in response to sinusoidal transmembrane voltages. We studied this distortion since it reflects the mechanical activity of the cell that may contribute to peripheral auditory system distortion. Distortion components in the OHC electrical response were analyzed using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique, under conditions where ionic conductances were blocked. Single or double-sinusoidal transmembrane voltage stimulation was delivered at various holding voltages, and distortion components of the current responses were detected by Fourier analysis. Current response magnitude and phase of each distortion component as a function of membrane potential were compared with characteristics of the voltage-dependent capacitance, obtained by voltage stair-step transient analysis or dual-frequency admittance analysis. The sum distortion was most prominent among the distortion components at all holding voltages. Notches in the sum (f1+f2), difference (f2−f1) and second harmonic (2f) components occur at the voltage where peak voltage-dependent capacitance resides (V pkCm ). Rapid phase reversals also occurred at V pkCm , but phase remained fairly stable at more depolarized and hyperpolarized potentials. Thus, it is possible to extract Boltzmann parameters of the motility-related charge movement from these distortion components. In fact, we have developed a technique to follow changes in the voltage dependence of OHC motility and charge movement by tracking the voltage at phase reversal of the f2−f1 product. When intracellular turgor pressure was changed, V pkCm and distortion notch voltages shifted in the same direction. These data have important implications for understanding cochlear nonlinearity, and more generally, indicate the usefulness of distortion analysis to study displacement currents. Received: 31 December 1998/Revised: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Cadherin 23 (CDH23), a transmembrane protein localized near the tips of hair cell stereocilia in the mammalian inner ear, is important for delivering mechanical signals to the mechano-electric transducer channels. To identify CDH23-interacting proteins, a membrane-based yeast two-hybrid screen of an outer hair cell (OHC) cDNA library was performed. EHD4, a member of the C-terminal EH domain containing a protein family involved in endocytic recycling, was identified as a potential interactor. To confirm the interaction, we first demonstrated the EHD4 mRNA expression in hair cells using in situ hybridization. Next, we showed that EHD4 co-localizes and co-immunoprecipitates with CDH23 in mammalian cells. Interestingly, the co-immunoprecipitation was found to be calcium-sensitive. To investigate the role of EHD4 in hearing, compound action potentials were measured in EHD4 knock-out (KO) mice. Although EHD4 KO mice have normal hearing sensitivity, analysis of mouse cochlear lysates revealed a 2-fold increase in EHD1, but no increase in EHD2 or EHD3, in EHD4 KO cochleae compared with wild type, suggesting that a compensatory increase in EHD1 levels may account for the absence of a hearing defect in EHD4 KO mice. Taken together, these data indicate that EHD4 is a novel CDH23-interacting protein that could regulate CDH23 trafficking/localization in a calcium-sensitive manner.Hair cells located in the mammalian inner ear transform mechanical stimuli into electrical signals that in turn facilitate neurotransmitter release onto auditory neurons. The key element in the transduction process is the mechano-electric transducer (MET)2 apparatus located near the top of the stereocilium. CDH23 is a single pass transmembrane protein with 27 extracellular cadherin repeats. It is one of the components of the tip-link (1, 2), which connects the top of a shorter stereocilium to the side of its taller neighbor (3). Vibrations of the basilar membrane of the inner ear ultimately result in deflection of the hair bundles, which modulates tension on the tip-link, thereby controlling the opening probability of cation-selective MET channels (3, 4). Cations, principally K+ and Ca2+, flow through the MET channels and ultimately change the membrane potential. A mutation in the gene encoding CDH23, the Usher syndrome type 1D factor (USH1D), causes deaf-blindness in humans (5). Several interacting partners of CDH23 have been reported and include another tip-link protein protocadherin 15 (6), a multi-PDZ domain-containing scaffold protein harmonin (7) and a stereociliary scaffolding protein MAGI-1 (8). Protocadherin 15 binds to CDH23 through its extracellular domains (6), whereas the cytoplasmic region of CDH23 interacts with MAGI-1 and harmonin through its PDZ domain-binding interfaces (PBI). Harmonin also associates with other USH1 factors like myosin VIIa, protocadherin 15, and sans (9). These findings indicate that harmonin bridges CDH23 to the cytoskeletal actin core of the stereocilium and is probably essential for the developmental differentiation of stereocilia (1012). However, it is currently unknown how CDH23 is transported to the tip of stereocilia. To search for additional interacting partners of CDH23, we performed a membrane-based yeast two-hybrid assay, which identified EHD4 as a potential binding partner (13).EHD4 belongs to an evolutionarily conserved EH (Eps 15 homology) domain-containing protein family involved in endocytic trafficking and recycling. Four highly homologous members of this family, EHD1–4, are expressed in mammalian cells. They contain a single C-terminal EH domain, an N-terminal nucleotide-binding loop and a coiled-coil region responsible for oligomerization (1416). Of the four EHD proteins EHD1 is the best characterized and is involved in regulating the recycling of membrane receptors including the transferrin receptor and the major histocompatibility complex class I (17, 18). EHD1 is also involved in controlling cholesterol recycling and homeostasis (19) and in facilitating endosome to Golgi retrieval (20). EHD3 appears to regulate receptor movements from the early endosome (EE) to the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC) and Golgi (21, 22). EHD2 was isolated from GLUT4-enriched fractions of adipocytes and was shown to regulate insulin-mediated translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane (23, 24). Additionally, EHD2 is involved in the regulation of transferrin receptor internalization (23), recycling (25), and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement (23). EHD4, also called Pincher, was first reported as an extracellular matrix protein (26). Subsequent studies have shown this intracellular protein to be involved in the regulation of neurotrophin receptor TrkA endocytosis in pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells (27). It is also involved in interactions with the cell fate determinant, NUMB, and co-localizes with the small GTP-binding protein, Arf6 (28). Recently, Sharma et al. (29) showed that EHD4 regulates the exit of endocytic cargo from the early endosome toward both the recycling compartment and the late endocytic pathway. They also indicated that EHD4 and EHD1 interact transiently as most of the EHD4 resides on peripheral early endosomes, while EHD1 resides primarily on tubular recycling compartments. This partial overlap/association might be necessary for the transport of proteins through the early endosome to the ERC. Previously, George et al. (25) had also demonstrated that EHD4 interacts with EHD1 and its paralogs, which suggests cooperation and partial overlap of function between EHD4 and EHD1.Unlike other CDH23-binding proteins, EHD4 does not contain a PDZ domain that could bind to the PBI located in the cytoplasmic tail of CDH23. In addition, the cytoplasmic tail of CDH23 lacks an Asn-Pro-Phe (NPF) motif that could mediate an interaction with the EH domain of EHD4. Therefore, we proceeded to characterize the authenticity of interaction between EHD4 and CDH23 identified in yeast and mammalian cells, using both in vitro and in vivo methods. We verified the expression of EHD4 mRNA in mouse cochlea and investigated the physiological role of EHD4 protein in the cochlea using EHD4-KO mice.  相似文献   

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