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Ground beetles were captured in a mixed southern taiga forest near the city of Vologda, Russia, from March to September 2014 using different collection techniques. Of the 250 specimens of ground beetles belonging to 22 species, 109 beetles representing 11 species yielded 326 specimens of mites of the cohorts Gamasina (4 species), Astigmatina (5), and Heterostigmatina (1). Two mite species, Antennoseius pseudospinosus Eidelberg, 1990, a common species in the steppes of southeastern Europe, and Halodarcia incideta Karg, 1969, a polyzonal European hydrophile, are recorded in the taiga zone for the first time. Dorsipes dorsipes Regenfuss, 1968, a specialized parasite of beetles of the genus Carabus Linnaeus, 1758, is new to the fauna of Eastern Europe. An adult mite of the genus Stylochirus G. Canestrini et R. Canestrini, 1882 was found for the first time in a natural hibernating chamber in close contact with an overwintering ground beetle, in particular, a male of S. fimetarius (Müller, 1859) on Carabus granulatus Linnaeus, 1785. The most common mite to occur on ground beetles was Antennoseius bullitus Karg, 1969, which was found on 7 carabid species with the mean occurrence of 41% and comprised 68% of the total mite sample. Joint phoresy of 2–3 mite species was recorded on 12 specimens of ground beetles; in 5 cases the co-occurring mites were Antennoseius bullitus and Stylochirus fimetarius. Three dominant mite species (85% of the total mite sample) were mainly collected off three dominant carabid species (70% of the beetle sample), but individual mite species preferred different hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Carabid beetles were sampled by means of pitfall traps on several clearcut areas and in adjacent forests.
2. A hierarchical analysis of diversity revealed a significant increase in the within-genus component of species diversity after forest cutting.
3. This trend in intrageneric diversity was obscured, with respect to total species diversity, by a nonsignificant reduction in diversity at the generic level.
4. The increase in the within-genus component of species diversity following forest cutting was consistent with the hypothesis that disturbance of a cornmunity can disrupt processes of competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis is a relatively new method for estimating trophic position. It uses the isotopic difference between an individual’s ‘trophic’ and ‘source’ amino acids to determine its trophic position. So far, there is no accepted explanation for the mechanism by which the isotopic signals in ‘trophic’ and ‘source’ amino acids arise. Yet without a metabolic understanding, the utility of nitrogen isotopic analyses as a method for probing trophic relations, at either bulk tissue or amino acid level, is limited. I draw on isotopic tracer studies of protein metabolism, together with a consideration of amino acid metabolic pathways, to suggest that the ‘trophic’/‘source’ groupings have a fundamental metabolic origin, to do with the cycling of amino-nitrogen between amino acids. ‘Trophic’ amino acids are those whose amino-nitrogens are interchangeable, part of a metabolic amino-nitrogen pool, and ‘source’ amino acids are those whose amino-nitrogens are not interchangeable with the metabolic pool. Nitrogen isotopic values of ‘trophic’ amino acids will reflect an averaged isotopic signal of all such dietary amino acids, offset by the integrated effect of isotopic fractionation from nitrogen cycling, and modulated by metabolic and physiological effects. Isotopic values of ‘source’ amino acids will be more closely linked to those of equivalent dietary amino acids, but also modulated by metabolism and physiology. The complexity of nitrogen cycling suggests that a single identifiable value for ‘trophic discrimination factors’ is unlikely to exist. Greater consideration of physiology and metabolism should help in better understanding observed patterns in nitrogen isotopic values.  相似文献   

Communities of small mammals from the Eravninskaya forest steppe in the south of the Vitim upland are considered in this article. In all, 14 species of shrews and rodents have been found. The communities of small mammals in the cold forest steppe are characterized by low species diversity and evenness, as well as a simple structure of dominance.  相似文献   

Animals may form groups in response to the foraging–vigilance trade‐off, through enhanced predator detection (collective detection hypothesis) or reduced predation risk to the individual (dilution hypothesis), allowing individuals to decrease vigilance levels. Both hypotheses predict decreasing individual vigilance levels with increasing group size; however, the collective detection hypothesis also predicts increasing overall group vigilance with increasing group size. However, in species in which vigilance and foraging are not mutually exclusive, where vigilance may not be as costly, neither of these hypotheses may apply. Here, we examine the relationship between group size and vigilance in the social Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris), a species that can combine foraging and vigilance behaviours. Ten groups were observed using scan sampling, measuring both group and individual vigilance and group size. A negative relationship existed between individual vigilance and group size and a positive relationship between group vigilance and group size. Therefore, in Cape ground squirrels, vigilance seems to be costly even though it can be combined with foraging behaviours. Furthermore, group vigilance behaviour gives support to the collective detection hypothesis, whilst individual vigilance gives support to both hypotheses.  相似文献   

JARVIS  PAUL 《Annals of botany》2003,91(3):402-403
The storage of carbon in forests is a contentious issue of ecological,policy and business concern, both nationally and internationally.Carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere is quantitatively themost significant greenhouse gas so the main concern of the protocoldelivered at Kyoto in 1997 is to stabilize and then to reducethe amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The most obviousand effective way of making this reduction is to decrease inputsto the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. The alternativestrategy to reducing the inputs is to enhance the outputs, andthat is where forests and the associated controversy come in.At Kyoto, provision was made for removal of carbon dioxide fromthe atmosphere by forests and its subsequent storage withinforests, the so-called carbon sequestration by forests. Thiswas a brave—some would say foolish—step by the Partieswho, with their  相似文献   

In the 1980–2000s, a rise of ground-water table within the Ishim-Irtysh steppe watershed was recorded. An effect of forest shelter belts, ditches, villages, and tilled microdepressions on the long-term dynamics of the ground-water level has been studied.  相似文献   

Skliar VE 《Parazitologiia》2001,35(3):257-261
More than 2000 gray rat specimens and 5 burrows have been examined in several regions of steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. 24,647 representatives of Arthropoda of 39 taxonomic groups have been collected. Species composition of parasitic mites (Gamasida, Trombiculidae, Myobiidae, Listophoridae) and insects (Anoplura, Siphonaptera) has been defined.  相似文献   

Carbon stocks and accumulation rates in humus and peat horizons of the contiguous soil series of forest and bog ecosystems have been studied in the Central Forest State Biosphere Reserve, Tver Region. Upland soil types (soddy podzolic, brown, and white podzolic) have been compared to paludified (peat-enriched gley podzolic and peaty gley) and bog soils differing in trophic status, including those of upland, transitional, and lowland bogs. The results show that carbon stocks in mineral soils are many times smaller than in waterlogged soils and an order of magnitude smaller than in bog soils. Mineral and bog soils are characterized by similar rates of carbon accumulation averaged over the entire period of their existence. The highest rate of carbon accumulation has been noted for the soils of waterlogged habitats, although this process may be periodically disturbed by fires and other stress influences.  相似文献   

Nitrifying bacteria play a key role in the global nitrogen cycle due to their ability to convert reduced nitrogen compounds (ammonium) to oxidized ones (nitrite and nitrate). Recent investigations based on the methods of molecular ecology revealed that bacteria are responsible for nitrification in natural ecosystems. At the same time, data on the species composition of the nitrifiers in soil microbial communities are scarce. Soil samples collected in the forest and steppe areas of European Russia and the enrichment cultures of nitrifying bacteria isolated from these samples were used for molecular studies of the diversity of the amoA gene encoding the synthesis of the key enzyme of autotrophic ammonium oxidation. The nitrifying bacteria of the genera Nitrosospira and Nitrosovibrio were found in all the studied soils from natural biocenoses and agrocenoses.  相似文献   

Vast areas of southern Chile are now covered by second-growth forests because of fire and logging. To study successional patterns after moderate-intensity, anthropogenic fire disturbance, we assessed differences in soil properties and N fluxes across a chronosequence of seven successional stands (2–130 years old). We examined current predictions of successional theory concerning changes in the N cycle in forest ecosystems. Seasonal fluctuations of net N mineralization (Nmin) in surface soil and N availability (Na; Na=NH 4 + –N+NO 3 –N) in upper and deep soil horizons were positively correlated with monthly precipitation. In accordance with theoretical predictions, stand age was positively, but weakly related to both Na (r 2=0.282, P<0.001) and total N (Ntot; r 2=0.192, P<0.01), and negatively related to soil C/N ratios (r 2=0.187, P<0.01) in surface soils. A weak linear increase in soil Nmin (upper plus deep soil horizons) was found across the chronosequence (r 2=0.124, P<0.022). Nmin occurred at modest rates in early successional stands, suggesting that soil disturbance did not impair microbial processes. The relationship between N fixation (Nfix) in the litter layer and stand age best fitted a quadratic model (r 2=0.228, P<0.01). In contrast to documented successional trends for most temperate, tropical and Mediterranean forests, non-symbiotic Nfix in the litter layer is a steady N input to unpolluted southern temperate forests during mid and late succession, which may compensate for hydrological losses of organic N from old-growth ecosystems.  相似文献   

The long-tailed ground squirrels Spermophilus undulatus represent the most abundant burrowing herbivorous species in the southern Altai grasslands and are suggested to play an important role in the maintenance of this mountain ecosystem. The aim of this study was to identify the key features that influence their habitat use in the southern part of the Altai Republic (south-west Siberia, Russia). The research area represents a complete sequence of altitudinal vegetation zones from steppe, forest-steppe, forest, sub-alpine and alpine tundra. Our results suggest that S. undulatus prefers short-grass steppes, near the water source and with a thin layer of a chernozem soil containing a large amount of coarse clastics. The species strictly avoids forests and tolerates only a low density of bush cover. Altitude and exposure to sun do not represent significant factors in the habitat choice of S. undulatus . Neither the presence of pikas nor the presence of marmots influences habitat selection of the ground squirrels. Strong preferences for habitats near a water source may limit the distribution of the species to mountain areas. Degree of human disturbance was not a significant factor affecting distribution and the species even displays slight preferences for heavily grazed habitat near human settlements and roads. Intensive grazing prevents shrubs and forest invasion, keeps vegetation low and thus provides appropriate conditions for the ground squirrels, favouring an open habitat where predators can be easily detected by sight. Our results suggest that the habitat selection of ground squirrels may be determined rather by a protection from predators and burrowing conditions than by food availability.  相似文献   

川西亚高山不同森林生态系统碳氮储量及其分配格局   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘顺  罗达  刘千里  张利  杨洪国  史作民 《生态学报》2017,37(4):1074-1083
森林采伐和恢复是影响森林碳氮储量的重要因素。以川西亚高山岷江冷杉原始林、粗枝云杉阔叶林、天然次生林和粗枝云杉人工林为研究对象,采用样地调查和生物量实测的方法,研究了不同森林生态系统各组分碳、氮储量及其分配特征。结果表明岷江冷杉原始林、粗枝云杉阔叶林、天然次生林和粗枝云杉人工林生态系统碳储量分别为611.18、252.31、363.07 tC/hm~2和239.06 tC/hm~2;氮储量分别为16.44、12.11、15.48 tN/hm~2和8.92 tN/hm~2。恢复林分与原始林碳储量在土壤—植被的分配格局发生了变化,而氮储量未发生变化。岷江冷杉原始林以植被碳储量为主,恢复林分以土壤为主,氮储量均以土壤为主。乔木层碳储量分别占生态系统总储量的56.65%、17.63%、13.57%和22.05%,土壤层(0—80 cm)分别占32.03%、69.87%、76.20%和72.12%;土壤层氮储量占生态系统总储量的76.80%—92.58%。植物残体碳氮储量分别占生态系统总储量的4.40%—9.83%和2.94%—7.08%,林下植被所占比例最小。空间格局上,岷江冷杉原始林植被部分具有较高的碳储量,应进行保护。3种恢复林分具有较高的碳汇潜力,且地上/地下碳储量较低,表明其碳汇潜力尤其表现在地上部分。天然次生林利于土壤有机碳的积累,而人工林乔木层碳储量较高。  相似文献   


Detailed knowledge of factors controlling fire regime is a prerequisite for efficient fire management. We analyzed the fire selectivity of given forest vegetation classes both in terms of fire frequency and fire size for the present fire regime (1982–2005) in Canton Ticino (southern Switzerland). To this end, we investigated the dataset in four categories (all fires, anthropogenic winter fires, anthropogenic summer fires, and natural summer fires) and performed 1000 random Monte Carlo simulations on frequency and size. Anthropogenic winter and summer fires have a similar selectivity, occurring mostly at low elevations in chestnut stands, broadleaved forests, and in the first 50 m from the forest edge. In winter half of the fires in chestnut stands are significantly larger than 1.0 ha and the average burnt area in some coniferous forests tends to be high. Lightning fires seem to occur more frequently in spruce stands and less often in the summer‐humid chestnut and beech stands and the 50–100 m buffer area. In beech forests, in mixed forests, and in the spruce stands affected by natural fire in summer, the fires tend to be small in size. The selectivity observed, especially the selectivity of anthropogenic fires in terms of fire frequency, seems to be also related to geographical parameters such as altitude and aspect, and to anthropogenic characteristics such as closeness to roads or buildings.  相似文献   

An estimate of net carbon (C) pool changes and long‐term C sequestration in trees and soils was made at more than 100 intensively monitored forest plots (level II plots) and scaled up to Europe based on data for more than 6000 forested plots in a systematic 16 km × 16 km grid (level I plots). C pool changes in trees at the level II plots were based on repeated forest growth surveys At the level I plots, an estimate of the mean annual C pool changes was derived from stand age and available site quality characteristics. C sequestration, being equal to the long‐term C pool changes accounting for CO2 emissions because of harvest and forest fires, was assumed 33% of the overall C pool changes by growth. C sequestration in the soil were based on calculated nitrogen (N) retention (N deposition minus net N uptake minus N leaching) rates in soils, multiplied by the C/N ratio of the forest soils, using measured data only (level II plots) or a combination of measurements and model calculations (level I plots). Net C sequestration by forests in Europe (both trees and soil) was estimated at 0.117 Gton yr?1, with the C sequestration in stem wood being approximately four times as high (0.094 Gton yr?1) as the C sequestration in the soil (0.023 Gton yr?1). The European average impact of an additional N input on the net C sequestration was estimated at approximately 25 kg C kg?1 N for both tree wood and soil. The contribution of an average additional N deposition on European forests of 2.8 kg ha?1 yr?1 in the period 1960–2000 was estimated at 0.0118 Gton yr?1, being equal to 10% of the net C sequestration in both trees and soil in that period (0.117 Gton yr?1). The C sequestration in trees increased from Northern to Central Europe, whereas the C sequestration in soil was high in Central Europe and low in Northern and Southern Europe. The result of this study implies that the impact of forest management on tree growth is most important in explaining the C pool changes in European forests.  相似文献   

1. Estimates of species richness obtained from exhaustive field inventories over large spatial scales are expensive and time-consuming. For this reason, efficiency demands the use of indicators as 'surrogates' of species richness. Biodiversity indicators are defined herein as a limited suite of taxonomic groups the species richness of which is correlated with the species richness of all other taxonomic groups present in the survey area.
2. Species richness in ground water was assessed at different spatial scales using data collected from six regions in Europe. In total, 375 stygobiotic species were recorded across 1157 sites and 96 aquifers. The taxonomic groups collected from more than one site and with more than two species (Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, Ostracoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Bathynellacea and Acari) were used to develop nonparametric models to predict stygobiotic biodiversity at the aquifer scale.
3. Pair-wise correlations between taxonomic groups were low, i.e. variation in species richness of a single taxonomic group did not usually reflect variation of the other groups. In contrast, multiple regressions calculated between species richness of any combination of taxa and extra-group species richness along the six regions resulted in a number of significant relationships.
4. These results suggest that some taxonomic groups (mainly Copepoda and Amphipoda and, to a lesser extent, Oligochaeta and Gastropoda) combined in different ways across the regions, were good biodiversity indicators in European groundwater ecosystems. However, the uneven distribution of taxonomic groups prevented selection of a common set of indicators for all six regions. Faunal differences among regions are presumably related to both historical and ecological factors, including palaeogeography, palaeoecology, geology, aquifer fragmentation and isolation, and, less clearly, anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

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