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This study was designed to assess the effect of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on hippocampal cell cultures in the presence or absence of either sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a NO donor) or Fe2+ induced oxidative stress. One week old cultured rat hippocampal cells were exposed to either intermittent EMFs (IEMFs, 50 Hz, 0-5 mT, 1 min ON/OFF cycles, repeated 10 times every 2 h, 6 times/day during 48 h) or continuous EMFs (CEMFs, 50 Hz, 0-5 mT for 48 h). In a second set of experiments, the effect on such EMFs applied in combination with oxidative stress induced by 0.5 microM Fe2+ or SNP was estimated. At the end of both sets of experiments, cell mortality was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase measurements (LDH). Neither type of exposure to EMFs was observed to modify the basal rate of cell mortality. The exposure to CEMFs in presence of either NO or Fe2+ did not induce any significant increase in cell death. However, when cells were exposed to EMFs in the presence of NO, we observed a significant increase in cell death of 11 and 23% (P<0.001) at 2.5 and 5 mT, respectively. This effect had some specificity because IEMFs did not modify the effect of Fe2+ on cell mortality. Although the effects of IEMFs reported in this study were only observed at very high intensities, our model may prove valuable in trying to identify one cellular target of EMFs.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) has been implicated in the development of cancer in humans. An important basis for assessing a potential cancer risk due to ELF-EMF exposure is knowledge of biological effects on human cells at the chromosomal level. Therefore, we investigated in the present study the effect of intermittent ELF electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, sinusoidal, 5'field-on/10'field-off, 2-24 h, 1 mT) on the induction of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations in cultured human fibroblasts. ELF-EMF radiation resulted in a time-dependent increase of micronuclei, which became significant after 10 h of intermittent exposure at a flux density of 1 mT. After approximately 15 h a constant level of micronuclei of about three times the basal level was reached. In addition, chromosomal aberrations were increased up to 10-fold above basal levels. Our data strongly indicate a clastogenic potential of intermittent low-frequency electromagnetic fields, which may lead to considerable chromosomal damage in dividing cells.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes have been used by several researchers to investigate the biological effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF modulate the response by lymphocytes to lectin stimulation. The size and direction of the effect depends both on the lymphocyte physiology and on the physical parameters characterizing the EMF. Lymphocytes have also been used to investigate the genotoxicity of EMF exposure.  相似文献   

Conflicting results have been published regarding the induction of genotoxic effects by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Using the comet assay, the micronucleus test and the chromosome aberration test with human fibroblasts (ES1 cells), the EU-funded "REFLEX" project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards From Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) reported clearly positive effects for various exposure conditions. Because of the ongoing discussion on the biological significance of the effects observed, it was the aim of the present study to independently repeat the results using the same cells, the same equipment and the same exposure conditions. We therefore exposed ES1 cells to RF-EMF (1800 MHz; SAR 2 W/kg, continuous wave with intermittent exposure) for different time periods and then performed the alkaline (pH>13) comet assay and the micronucleus test (MNT). For both tests, clearly negative results were obtained in independently repeated experiments. We also performed these experiments with V79 cells, a sensitive Chinese hamster cell line that is frequently used in genotoxicity testing, and also did not measure any genotoxic effect in the comet assay and the MNT. Appropriate measures of quality control were considered to exclude variations in the test performance, failure of the RF-EMF exposure or an evaluation bias. The reasons for the difference between the results reported by the REFLEX project and our experiments remain unclear.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to inhibit B16F10 cancer cells using extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) and to evaluate cell viability using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay. The study examined the effect of a natural EMF resonance frequency (7.83 Hz) and a power line frequency (60 Hz) on B16F10 cancer cells for 24 and 48 h. The B16F10 cancer cells were also exposed to sweep frequencies in several sweep intervals to quantitatively analyze the viability of cancer cells. The results yielded a 17% inhibition rate under 7.83 Hz compared with that of the control group. Moreover, sweep frequencies in narrow intervals (7.83 ± 0.1 Hz for the step 0.05 Hz) caused an inhibition rate of 26.4%, and inhibitory effects decreased as frequency sweep intervals increased. These results indicate that a Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and that using a specific frequency type can lead to more effective growth inhibition.  相似文献   

In the last years, the effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on the activity of different enzymes were investigated. Only the membrane-anchored enzymes did decrease their activity, up to 50%. In this work, the effect of ELF-EMF on bovine lung membrane carbonic anhydrase (CA) were studied. Carbonic anhydrases are a family of 14 zinc-containing isozymes catalyzing the reversible reaction: CO2+H2O = HCO3? +H+. CA differ in catalytic activity and subcellular localization. CA IV, IX, XII, XIV, and XV are membrane bound. In particular, CA IV, which is expressed in the lung, is glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol-linked to the membrane, therefore it was a candidate to inhibition by ELF-EMF. Exposure to the membranes to a field of 75 Hz frequency and different amplitudes caused CA activity to a reproducible decrease in enzymatic activity by 17% with a threshold of about 0.74 mT. The decrease in enzymatic activity was independent of the time of permanence in the field and was completely reversible. When the source of enzyme was solubilized with Triton, the field lost its effect on CA enzymatic activity, suggesting a crucial role of the membrane, as well as of the particular linkage of the enzyme to it, in determining the conditions for CA inactivation. Results are discussed in terms of the possible physiologic effects of CA inhibition in target organs.  相似文献   

In the last years, the effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on the activity of different enzymes were investigated. Only the membrane-anchored enzymes did decrease their activity, up to 50%. In this work, the effect of ELF-EMF on bovine lung membrane carbonic anhydrase (CA) were studied. Carbonic anhydrases are a family of 14 zinc-containing isozymes catalyzing the reversible reaction: CO(2)+H(2)O = HCO(3)(- )+H(+). CA differ in catalytic activity and subcellular localization. CA IV, IX, XII, XIV, and XV are membrane bound. In particular, CA IV, which is expressed in the lung, is glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol-linked to the membrane, therefore it was a candidate to inhibition by ELF-EMF. Exposure to the membranes to a field of 75 Hz frequency and different amplitudes caused CA activity to a reproducible decrease in enzymatic activity by 17% with a threshold of about 0.74 mT. The decrease in enzymatic activity was independent of the time of permanence in the field and was completely reversible. When the source of enzyme was solubilized with Triton, the field lost its effect on CA enzymatic activity, suggesting a crucial role of the membrane, as well as of the particular linkage of the enzyme to it, in determining the conditions for CA inactivation. Results are discussed in terms of the possible physiologic effects of CA inhibition in target organs.  相似文献   

It is well known that the extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) can promote the healing of bone fractures, but its mechanism remains poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the response of neonatal rat calvarial bone cells to the rectangular electromagnetic field (REMF), triangular electromagnetic field (TEMF), sinusoidal electromagnetic field (SEMF), and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF). The stimulatory effects of EMF were evaluated by the proliferation (methyltetrazolium colorimetric assay), differentiation (alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity), and mineralization (area of mineralized nodules of the cells). REMF treatment of osteoblasts increased cellular proliferation and decreased ALP activity (p < 0.05). TEMF had an accelerative effect on the cellular mineralized nodules (p < 0.05). SEMF treatment of osteoblasts decreased the cellular proliferation, increased ALP activity, and suppressed mineralized nodules formation (p < 0.05). PEMF promoted the proliferation of osteoblasts, inhibited their differentiation, and increased the mineralized nodules formation (p < 0.05). Moreover, the effects of PEMF on osteoblasts were concerned with the extracellular calcium, P2 receptor on the membrane, and PLC pathway, but the response of osteoblasts on SEMF was only related to PLC pathway. The results suggested that the waveforms of EMF were the crucial parameters to induce the response of osteoblasts.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic field (EMF) treatment has proven to be effective against mineral scaling in water systems. Therefore, it should be assessed for the treatment of other deposits such as biofilms. In this study, a commercial device producing low-frequency EMF (1–10 kHz) was applied to a reactor fed with natural water for 45 days. The treatment promoted the concentration of microorganisms in suspension and limited the amount of sessile microorganisms in the biofilm, as determined by the measurement of total DNA, qPCR and microscopy. The structure of the bacterial community was assessed by t-RFLP and pyrosequencing analysis. The results showed that EMF treatment affected both planktonic and sessile community composition. EMFs were responsible for a shift in classes of Proteobacteria during development of the biofilm. It may be speculated that the EMF treatment affected particle solubility and/or microorganism hydration. This study indicated that EMFs modulated biofilm formation in natural water.  相似文献   

Dutch rabbits were acutely exposed to electromagnetic pulsed (EMP) fields (pulse duration 0.4μs, field strengths of 1–2 kV/cm and pulse repetition rates in the range of 10 to 38 Hz) for periods of up to two hours. The dependent variables investigated were pentobarbital-induced sleeping time and serum chemistry (including serum triglycerides, creatine phosphokinase (CPK) isoenzymes, and sodium and potassium). Core temperature measured immediately pre-exposure and postexposure revealed no exposure-related alterations. Over the range of field strengths and pulse durations investigated no consistent, statistically significant alterations were found in the end-points investigated.  相似文献   

Although various treatments have been presented for phantom pain, there is little proof supporting the benefits of pharmacological treatments, surgery or interventional techniques, electroconvulsive therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, far infrared ray therapy, psychological therapies, etc. Here, we report the preliminary results for phantom pain reduction by low-frequency and intensity electromagnetic fields under clinical circumstances. Our method is called as Electromagnetic-Own-Signal-Treatment (EMOST). Fifteen people with phantom limb pain participated. The patients were treated using a pre-programmed, six sessions. Pain intensity was quantified upon admission using a 0–10 verbal numerical rating scale. Most of the patients (n = 10) reported a marked reduction in the intensity of phantom limb pain. Several patients also reported about improvement in their sleep and mood quality, or a reduction in the frequency of phantom pain after the treatments. No improvements in the reduction of phantom limb pain or sleep and mood improvement were reported in the control group (n = 5). Our nonlinear electromagnetic EMOST method may be a possible therapeutic application in the reduction of phantom limb pain. Here, we also suggest that some of the possible effects of the EMOST may be achieved via the redox balance of the body and redox-related neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Although various treatments have been presented for phantom pain, there is little proof supporting the benefits of pharmacological treatments, surgery or interventional techniques, electroconvulsive therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, far infrared ray therapy, psychological therapies, etc. Here, we report the preliminary results for phantom pain reduction by low-frequency and intensity electromagnetic fields under clinical circumstances. Our method is called as Electromagnetic-Own-Signal-Treatment (EMOST). Fifteen people with phantom limb pain participated. The patients were treated using a pre-programmed, six sessions. Pain intensity was quantified upon admission using a 0-10 verbal numerical rating scale. Most of the patients (n?=?10) reported a marked reduction in the intensity of phantom limb pain. Several patients also reported about improvement in their sleep and mood quality, or a reduction in the frequency of phantom pain after the treatments. No improvements in the reduction of phantom limb pain or sleep and mood improvement were reported in the control group (n?=?5). Our nonlinear electromagnetic EMOST method may be a possible therapeutic application in the reduction of phantom limb pain. Here, we also suggest that some of the possible effects of the EMOST may be achieved via the redox balance of the body and redox-related neural plasticity.  相似文献   

In an hypothesis-generating case-control study of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lifetime occupational histories were obtained. The patients (n = 28) were clinic based. The occupational exposure of interest in this report is electromagnetic fields (EMFs). This is the first and so far the only exposure analyzed in this study. Occupational exposure up to 2 years prior to estimated disease symptom onset was used for construction of exposure indices for cases. Controls (n = 32) were blood and nonblood relatives of cases. Occupational exposure for controls was through the same age as exposure for the corresponding cases. Twenty (71%) cases and 28 (88%) controls had at least 20 years of work experience covering the exposure period. The occupational history and task data were used to classify blindly each occupation for each subject as having high, medium/high, medium, medium/low, or low EMF exposure, based primarily on data from an earlier and unrelated study designed to obtain occupational EMF exposure information on workers in “electrical” and “nonelectrical” jobs. By using the length of time each subject spent in each occupation through the exposure period, two indices of exposure were constructed: total occupational exposure (E1) and average occupational exposure (E2). For cases and controls with at least 20 years of work experience, the odds ratio (OR) for exposure at the 75th percentile of the E1 case exposure data relative to minimum exposure was 7.5 (P < 0.02; 95% Cl, 1.4–38.1) and the corresponding OR for E2 was 5.5 (P < 0.02; 95% CI, 1.3–22.5). For all cases and controls, the ORs were 2.5 (P < 0.1; 95% CI, 0.9–8.1) for E1 and 2.3 (P = 0.12; 95% CI, 0.8–6.6) for E2. This study should be considered an hypothesis-generating study. Larger studies, using incident cases and improved exposure assessment, should be undertaken. Bioelectromagnetics 18:28–35, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is considerable public concern regarding the health effects of exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields. In addition, the association between exposure and disease incidence or the possible biological effects of exposure are unclear. Using 2D-DIGE and MS in a blind study, we have investigated the effects of static and oscillating extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF EMFs) on the proteomes of wild type Schizosaccharomyces pombe and a Sty1p deletion mutant which displays increased sensitivity to a variety of cellular stresses. Whilst this study identifies a number of protein isoforms that display significant differential expression across experimental conditions, there was no correlation between their patterns of expression and the ELF EMF exposure regimen. We conclude that there are no significant effects of either static or oscillating EMF on the yeast proteome at the sensitivity afforded by 2D-DIGE. We hypothesise that the proteins identified must be sensitive to subtle changes in culture and/or handling conditions, and that the identification of these proteins in other proteomic studies should be treated with some caution when the results of such studies are interpreted in a biological context.  相似文献   

The issue of adverse health effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) is highly controversial. Contradictory results regarding the genotoxic potential of ELF-EMF have been reported in the literature. To test whether this controversy might reflect differences between the cellular targets examined we exposed cultured cells derived from different tissues to an intermittent ELF-EMF (50 Hz sinusoidal, 1 mT) for 1-24h. The alkaline and neutral comet assays were used to assess ELF-EMF-induced DNA strand breaks. We could identify three responder (human fibroblasts, human melanocytes, rat granulosa cells) and three non-responder cell types (human lymphocytes, human monocytes, human skeletal muscle cells), which points to the significance of the cell system used when investigating genotoxic effects of ELF-EMF.  相似文献   

Potassium ion influx was measured by monitoring 42KCI uptake by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells grown in suspension culture and exposed in the culture medium to 60–Hz electromagnetic fields up to 2.85 V/m. In the presence of the field CHO cells exhibited two components of uptake, the same as previously observed for those grown under normal conditions; both these components of influx were decreased when compared to sham-exposed cells. Although decreases were consistently observed in exposed cells when plotted as logc of uptake, the differences between the means of the calculated fluxes of exposed and sham-exposed cells were quite small (on the order of 4–7%). When standard deviations were calculated, there was no significant difference between these means; however, when time-paired uptake data were analyzed, the differences were found to be statistically significant. Cells exposed only to the magnetic field exhibited similar small decreases in influx rates when compared to sham-exposed cells, suggesting that the reduction in K+ uptake could be attributed to the magnetic field. Additionally, intracellular K+ levels were measured over a prolonged exposure period (96 h), and no apparent differences in intracellular K+ levels were observed between field-exposed and shamexposed cultures. These results indicate that high-strength electric fields have a small effect on the rate of transport of potassium ions but no effect on long-term maintenance of intracellular K+.  相似文献   

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