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As a part of the joint Russian-Finnish evaluation of human impact on Lake Ladoga, we studied the phytoplankton of the lake in order to find biological indicators for eutrophication. A second aim of the investigation was intercalibration of sampling and phytoplankton counting techniques between the Russian and Finnish laboratories. Phytoplankton samples were collected from 27 sampling stations in the lake and from the rivers Volkhov and Neva in 9–13 August 1993. In surface water samples the phytoplankton fresh weight biomass varied in the range 218–3575 mg m–33. Highest biomass values were encountered in Sortavala Bay, and lowest ones in the western central part of the lake. Phytoplankton species composition varied considerably in the lake; blue-green and green algae predominated near-shore areas and Cryptophyceae in the offshore stations. Canonical correspondance analysis revealed close grouping of eutrophy indicating communities, dominated mainly by greens and blue-greens, in the most nutrient-rich parts of Lake Ladoga, the Volkhov and Svir Bays. Samples from the vicinity of the inflows of Vuoksi and Burnaya Rivers and off Pitkaranta formed a separate group, dominated by diatoms, most of which were typical to mesotrophic or eutrophy lakes. As judged by phytoplankton biomass values and chlorophyll a concentrations, Lake Ladoga may generally be classified as mesotrophic. Eutrophicated areas are found in the northern archipelago of the lake and in the areas influenced by large rivers.  相似文献   

1. The major aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that nutrient enrichment and the introduction of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an exotic omnivorous filter‐feeding fish, operate interdependently to regulate plankton communities and water transparency of a tropical reservoir in the semi‐arid northeastern Brazil. 2. A field experiment was performed for 5 weeks in 20 enclosures (9.8 m3) to which four treatments were randomly allocated: tilapia addition (F), nutrient addition (N), tilapia and nutrient addition (F + N) and a control treatment with no tilapia or nutrient addition (C). A two‐way repeated measures anova was undertaken to test for time, tilapia and nutrient effects and their interactions on water transparency, total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations, phytoplankton biovolume and zooplankton biomass. 3. Nutrient addition had no effect except on rotifer biomass, but there were significant fish effects on the biomass of total zooplankton, copepod nauplii, rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods and on the biovolume of total phytoplankton, large algae (GALD ≥ 50 μm), Bacillariophyta and Zygnemaphyceae and on Secchi depth. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between tilapia and nutrients on Secchi depth and rotifers. Overall, tilapia decreased the biomass of most zooplankton taxa and large algae (diatoms) and decreased water transparency, while nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of rotifers, but only in the absence of tilapia. 4. In conclusion, the influence of fish on the reservoir plankton community and water transparency was significant and even greater than that of nutrient loading. This suggests that biomanipulation of filter‐feeding tilapias may be of importance for water quality management of eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi‐arid regions.  相似文献   

Eight cylindrical enclosures (3 m diameter, 2.7 m long, V = 20m3) were installed in eutrophic Rice Lake (Ontario, Canada) in late spring of 1987. Fish (yearling yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and macrophytes (Potamogeton crispus) presence and absence were set at the beginning of the experiment to yield four combinations of duplicate treatments. The purpose of the experiment was to determine if the phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophytes and fish species resident in the lake interact to influence water quality (major ions, phosphorus, algal densities and water clarity).The presence of fish was associated with: (1) decreased biomass of total zooplankton, (2) decreased number of species in the zooplankton, (3) decreased average size of several zooplankton taxa, (4) higher total phosphorus concentrations, (5) higher phytoplankton and chlorophyll a concentrations, (6) lower water clarity, (7) lower potassium levels during macrophyte die-back, (8) lower pH and higher conductivity in the presence of macrophytes. Biomass of large Daphnia species (but not total zooplankton) was highly correlated with the algal response (r 2 = 0.995) and was associated with reduced biomass of several algal taxa including some large forms (Mougeotia, Oedogonium) and several colonial blue-green algae. However, no significant control of late summer growth of the bloom-forming blue-green alga Anabaena planctonica Brun. was achieved by the Daphnia presence-fish absence treatment. Release of phosphorus to the water column during the die-back of P. crispus was not an important phenomenon.  相似文献   

本研究应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术分析了2017年秋季(10月)和2018年春季(3月)湖北省荆州长湖鱼类营养结构特征,构建了δ13C和δ15N稳定同位素双位图,并计算了7个相关的量化指标。结果显示:所采集的16种鱼类,δ13C均值范围为(-27.7±0.8)‰~(-24.8±0.1)‰,δ15N的均值范围为(11.4±0.3)‰~(16.6±0.5)‰。营养生态位分析显示,长湖鱼类以偏肉食性鱼类黄颡鱼的营养级最高(3.28±0.2),草鱼的营养级最低(1.74±0.1)。稳定同位素的量化指标表明,长湖春季鱼类群落核心生态位空间(standard ellipse area, SEA)、生态位总空间(total area, TA)和基础食物来源(δ13C range, CR)均高于秋季,两个季度的营养多样性(centrifugal distance, CD)和鱼类群落的整体密度(mean nearest neighbor distance, MNND)相似,但春季的营养长度(δ15N range, NR)和鱼类群落营养生态位分布范围(standard deviation of nearest neighbor distance, SDNND)值低于秋季。说明春季长湖的生态位总空间(TA上升)和基础食物来源(CR上升)较为丰富,但因鱼类种类的食性相近,其群落的总食物链降低(NR下降)。该研究可为分析拆围后长湖鱼类群落结构特征积累基础数据,也为长湖的渔业管理策略提供依据。  相似文献   

昆承湖优势种鱼类时空-营养生态位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈亚东  任泷  徐跑  凡迎春  徐东坡 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1655-1663
为了解昆承湖优势种鱼类资源利用情况,首先利用生态位方法计算了时间、空间及营养三个资源维度的生态位宽度及重叠值,然后根据时空-营养生态位宽度值将优势种鱼类划分为广位种、中位种和窄位种,最后讨论了生态位宽度及重叠的可能原因。结果显示:刀鲚Coilia nasus、蒙古鲌Chanodichthys mongolicus、似鱎Toxabramis swinhonis、似鳊Pseudobrama simoni、鳙Hypophthalmichthys nobilis、鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix、花鱼骨Hemibarbus maculatus、似刺鳊鮈Paracanthobrama guichenoti、大鳍鱊Acheilognathus macropterus和鲫Carassius auratus为优势种。在时间维度:鲢的生态位宽度最大,似鳊的最小;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有24对,占总的53.33%。在空间维度,似刺鳊鮈最大,鲢最小;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有36对,占总的80%。在营养维度,最大的为鲫,最小的为花鱼骨;生态位重叠具有显著意义的有8对,占17.78%...  相似文献   

We used paleolimnological methods to evaluate historical water quality in Lake Thonotosassa, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA. Sediment mapping shows that organic deposits are unevenly distributed in the lake. Two short (<130 cm) sediment cores from the depositional zone were analyzed for radioisotopes (210Pb, 226Ra, and 137Cs), bulk density, organic matter concentration, nutrients (C,N,P), and diatoms. 210Pb results indicate that the profiles represent > 100 years of sediment accumulation. There is an abrupt change in sediment composition at about the turn of the century (80 cm depth), above which bulk density decreases and concentrations of organic matter, total C, total N, total P, and 226Ra activity increase. Diatom-based reconstructions of historical water-column trophic conditions indicate progressive nutrient enrichment in the lake during the past 100 years. Stratigraphic changes in diatom assemblages suggest that anthropogenic nutrient loading converted Lake Thonotosassa from a naturally eutrophic system to a hypereutrophic waterbody after 1900. Given the edaphic setting of Lake Thonotosassa, efforts to mitigate recent anthropogenic impacts will, at best, yield the eutrophic conditions that characterized the lake prior to human disturbance. This study illustrates the importance of paleolimnological data for targeting realistic water quality conditions when lake restoration is contemplated.Journal Series No. R-05019 of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

滤食杂食性鱼类放养对浮游动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈炳辉  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(2):161-166
滤食杂食性鱼类是我国南方水体中常见鱼类,本文调查了放养滤食杂食性鱼类后浮游动物的丰度和种类组成的变化,以探讨其对浮游动物群落的影响.结果显示,滤食杂食性鱼类放养之后,枝角类模糊秀体溞(Diaphanosoma dubium)、微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)和桡足类蒙古温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops mongolicus)、南方近镖水蚤(Tropodiaptomus australis)等丰度迅速下降,而轮虫丰度在鱼类放养一周后迅速增加,且保持较高的密度;轮虫优势种也发生了变化,调查前两周主要以臂尾轮虫(Brachionus)为主,两周后以暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocereidae pusilla)、广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)和裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsisfissa)等个体更小的种类为主.本研究说明,滤食杂食性鱼类能够显著影响浮游动物群落结构,个体较大的种类受到的影响较大,最后导致浮游动物群落的小型化.  相似文献   

Diatom concentrations in surface sediments are positively correlated with limnetic chlorophyll a concentrations in Florida (USA) lakes. Using this relationship, I examine models that provide quantitative inferences for trophic state in historical applications.The best model predicts chlorophyll a trophic state index (TSI) values from log-transformed diatom concentrations and explains approximately half the variance in the dependent variable. Diatom accumulation rates are not better than sedimentary diatom concentrations as predictors of TSI. The entire diatom assemblage is as sensitive an indicator of TSI as are the planktonic diatoms alone. A model that considers the ecological preferences of specific taxa was found to be a better predictor than the model based on total diatom concentration.The sedimentary diatom concentration model provides a useful method for assessing historical changes in primary productivity, except in lakes where factors (e.g., silica limitation, blue-green bacterial inhibition) limited diatom production, or post-depositional changes removed sedimentary diatoms. TSI inferences are presented for sediment cores from two Florida lakes, one of which demonstrates a problematic application, and the other of which does not.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton of two gravel pits with comparable nutrient concentrations but different chlorophyll-a concentrations and phytoplankton biovolume was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively over a period of two years. This study deals with the phytoplankton-rich ‘Rotter See’ and the phytoplankton-poor ‘Paulsmaar’, both South of Cologne. The trophic state of both lakes was determined comparatively according to Ryding &; Rast (1989) and the categories used by Brettum (1989). The results were compared with each other. The trophic lake index according to Hörnström (1981) was modified slightly and subsequently determined for both lakes. A combination of qualitative and quantitative phytoplankton analysis made a proposal of a rehabilitation for the Rotter See possible.  相似文献   

Matthews  R.  Hilles  M.  Pelletier  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):107-121
We evaluated an eleven year data set to assess trophic state and nutrient limitation in Lake Whatcom, an oligotrophic, soft water, chain lake located in the Puget Sound lowlands of Washington (U.S.A.). Although total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) concentrations were relatively low throughout the lake, there were significant differences between the northern basin (Site 1) and the other sampling sites (Sites 2–4). Nonparametric correlation coefficients (Kendall's ) were highest between chlorophyll (CHL), Secchi depth (SD), total nitrogen (TN), and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). Late summer algal biomass correlated best with DIN and TP. Trophic State Indices based on TP, TN, CHL and SD revealed that although algal growth was most likely phosphorus limited throughout the year, the northern basin of the lake may have developed nitrogen co-limitation during late summer and fall. During this period, N/P ratios were often less than 20, and in 1998 the epilimnetic DIN concentrations dropped below 20 g l–1 while DIN/TP ratios fell below 4. Reviews of the literature suggest that while co-limitation by phosphorus and nitrogen is fairly common in unproductive lakes, the patterns seen in Lake Whatcom were more similar to those reported for eutrophic lakes experiencing secondary nitrogen limitation resulting from excess phosphorus loading.  相似文献   

Duggan  I.C.  Green  J.D.  Shiel  R.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):155-164
The distribution and ecology of planktonic rotifers was investigated in 33 lakes in the North Island, New Zealand, between 1997 and 1999. A total of 79 species of monogonont rotifer were identified, with an average of 21 species per lake, a diversity which is high in comparison with many previous New Zealand studies. Most species recorded were cosmopolitan taxa, and were widespread in their distribution over the North Island. Multivariate analyses (Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Canonical Correspondence Analysis) did not distinguish distinct lake groupings based on rotifer communities, but rather gradients in assemblages, which were most highly associated with lake trophic state. Based on these responses, the development of potential rotifer bioindicator schemes for lake trophic state is described and discussed.  相似文献   

An effect of age of quarry lakes on rotifer abundance and species composition has been evaluated. Rotifers occurred in all lakes under study. They were even found in the youngest (2 years of age) one, Rogonica 4, but both rotifer density and species richness were low there. Rotifer communities of much higher density and species diversity were noted in lakes only 4–6 years older. Lakes of over 30 years of age were strongly differentiated in rotifer numbers and species structure. In general, age of quarry lakes has an impact on rotifer communities only at the very beginning of the process of colonization. Several years later other factors become more important, e.g., depth or trophic state of the lakes.  相似文献   

It is predicted that warmer conditions should lead to a loss of trophic levels, as larger bodied consumers, which occupy higher trophic levels, experience higher metabolic costs at high temperature. Yet, it is unclear whether this prediction is consistent with the effect of warming on the trophic structure of natural systems. Furthermore, effects of temperature at the species level, which arise through a change in species composition, may differ from those at the population level, which arise through a change in population structure. We investigate this by building species-level trophic networks, and size-structured trophic networks, as a proxy for population structure, for 18 648 stream fish communities, from 4 145 234 individual fish samples, across 7024 stream locations in France from 1980 to 2008. We estimated effects of temperature on total trophic diversity (total number of nodes), vertical trophic diversity (mean and maximum trophic level) and distribution of biomass across trophic level (correlation between trophic level and biomass) in these networks. We found a positive effect of temperature on total trophic diversity in both species- and size-structured trophic networks. We found that maximum trophic level and biomass distribution decreased in species-level and size-structured trophic networks, but the mean trophic level decreased only in size-structured trophic networks. These results show that warmer temperatures associate with a lower vertical trophic diversity in size-structured networks, and a higher one in species-level networks. This suggests that vertical trophic diversity is shaped by antagonistic effects of temperature on population structure and on species composition. Our results hence demonstrate that effects of temperature do not only differ across trophic levels, but also across levels of biological organisation, from population to species level, implying complex changes in network structure and functioning with warming.  相似文献   

The loss of submerged macrophytes during eutrophication of shallow lakes is a commonly observed phenomenon. The proximate reason for this decline is a reduction of available light due to increasing phytoplankton and/or epiphyton biomass. Here we argue that the ultimate cause for the transition from a macrophyte-dominated state to a phytoplankton-dominated state is a change in fish community structure. A catastrophic disturbance event (e.g. winterkill) acting selectively on piscivores, cascades down food chains, eventually reducing macrophyte growth through shading by epiphyton, an effect that is reinforced by increasing phytoplankton biomass. The transition back from the phytoplankton to the macrophyte state depends on an increase in piscivore standing stock and a reduction of planktivores. A conceptual model of these mechanisms is presented and supported by literature data and preliminary observations from a field experiment.  相似文献   

上海大莲湖鱼类群落组成及生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yue F  Luo ZK  Wu D  Pei EL  Wang TH 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):657-662
于2009年4月11—19日、4月27—5月8日和5月20—29日3个时间段对大莲湖的鱼类群落特征及其多样性组成进行了调查,共收集鱼类样本24061尾,隶属11科17属22种。群落优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占样本个体总数的76.38%;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.0027,Simpson优势度指数(λ)为0.5959,Pielous均匀度指数(J′)为0.3244,Margalef种类丰富度指标(D)为2.0816,相对稀有种数(R)为90.91%;鱼类群落可分为3个生态类型:江海洄游性鱼类有3种、河湖洄游性鱼类1种和定居性鱼类18种。鱼类食性可分为5种类型:食鱼性鱼类9种、食无脊椎动物性鱼类2种、杂食性鱼类7种、食浮游生物性鱼类有3种和草食性鱼类1种。研究结果表明:大莲湖鱼类群落的多样性指标处于较低水平,稳定性较低;相对于黄埔江下游地区,大莲湖的食鱼性鱼类比例较高,说明位于黄浦江上游的大莲湖之水质好于下游流域。为保护和持续利用大莲湖鱼类资源,应加强监管和对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

Müller  Rudolf 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):261-268
Natural propagation of all fish species native to a particular lake is an ecological requirement of prime importance. Salmonid fish are particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation since egg development takes place on or in the bottom substrate. Dissolved oxygen concentration on the spawning site is commonly considered the main factor limiting egg development. In order to assess the relationship between trophic state, hypolimnetic oxygen concentration, and salmonid egg development, whitefish (Coregonus sp.) eggs were sampled just prior to hatching in late winter. Eggs were collected in 13 Swiss lakes of different trophic state, using a sled-dredge. The proportion of viable eggs among the total number of eggs found was taken as a measure of reproductive success. The results indicate that successful in situ embryogenesis is not primarily governed by hypolimnetic oxygen concentration which tends to be high anyway during egg incubation, but by trophic state in terms of total phosphorus concentration in spring. The findings are explained by the production-related oxygen uptake of the sediment, creating an oxygen gradient of varying steepness in the diffusive boundary layer. Implications for the restoration of lacustrine ecosystems are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding habits and trophic levels of Mediterranean fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of fractional trophic levels(TROPHs) is essential for the management offisheries resources as well as for quantifyingthe ecosystem effects of fishing. We gatheredall available information concerning thefeeding habits of 332 fish stocks, belonging to146 species, 59 families and 21 orders,throughout the Mediterranean Sea, and estimatedtheir TROPH values. The latter ranged from 2.0to 4.5 and the following functional trophicgroups were identified: (a) pure herbivores (TROPH = 2.0–2.1, mean = 2.02, SD = 0.03),which were very rare and represented by Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus andSarpa salpa, all of which feed on red,brown, green and blue-green algae; (b)omnivores with a preference for vegetablematerial (2.1 < TROPH < 2.9, mean = 2.5,SD = 0.12), but feeding on other prey, such assponges, hydrozoans, anthozoans, polychaetes,ostracods, isopods, amphipods and copepods. This type of omnivore was very rare among thecases reviewed; (c) omnivores with a preferencefor animal material (2.9 < TROPH < 3.7,mean = 3.4, SD = 0.19) feeding on a wide variety ofprey (e.g., algae, foraminifera, brachyurans,balanoids, ascidians, amphipods,appendicularians, annelids, isopods,gastropods, cnidarians, ophiurids, polychaetes,cladocerans, mysids, euphausids, fish larvae,cephalopods). They were the most numerous andwere mainly represented by species of thefamilies Blenniidae, Bothidae, Centracanthidae,Gobiidae, Labridae, Lotidae, Macrouridae,Mullidae, Ophidiidae, Soleidae, Triglidaeand Engraulidae; and (d) carnivores witha preference for large decapods, cephalopodsand fish (3.7 < TROPH < 4.5). They werethe next most abundant group among the casesreviewed. They were mainly represented byspecies of the families Dalatiidae, Lophiidae,Scombridae, Scyliorhinidae, Synodontidae,Torpedinidae, Merlucciidae, Xiphiidae andZeidae. This group was divided into twosubgroups: one exhibiting a preference fordecapods and fish (3.7 < TROPH < 4.0,mean = 3.85, SD = 0.09) and another one exhibitinga preference for fish and cephalopods (4.0 相似文献   

Fish trophic niches reflect important ecological interactions and provide insight into the structure of mangrove food webs. Few studies have been conducted in mangrove fish predators to investigate interpopulation trophic niches and ontogenetic shifts. Using stable isotope analysis and two complementary approaches, the authors investigated trophic niche patterns within and between two ontogenetic groups (juveniles and sub-adults) of a generalist predator (Acentrogobius viridipunctatus) in four mangroves with heterogeneous environmental conditions (e.g., tidal regimes, salinity fluctuations and mangrove tree community). The authors hypothesized that the trophic niche between populations would vary regionally and trophic position would increase consistently from juvenile to sub-adult stages. The results revealed that both δ13C and δ15N values varied greatly across populations and between ontogenetic groups, and complex spatio-ontogenetic variations were expressed by Layman's metrics. They also found some niche separation in space, which is most likely related to resource availability in spatially diverse ecosystems. In addition, trophic niche position increased consistently from juveniles to sub-adults, indicating ontogenetic feeding shifts. The isotopic plasticity index and Fulton's condition index also showed significant spatial-ontogenetic variation, which is consistent with optimal foraging theory. The findings highlight that trophic plasticity has a high adaptive value for mangrove fish predators in dynamic ecosystems.  相似文献   

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