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The Pt2 (II) isomeric terminal hydrides [(CO)(H)Pt(μ-PBu2)2Pt(PBu2H)]CF3SO3 (1a), and [(CO)Pt(μ-PBu2)2Pt(PBu2H)(H)]CF3SO3 (1b), react rapidly with 1 atm of carbon monoxide to give the same mixture of two isomers of the Pt2 (I) dicarbonyl [Pt2(μ-PBu2)(CO)2(PBu2H)2]CF3SO3 (3-Pt); the solid state structure of the isomer bearing the carbonyl ligands pseudo-trans to the bridging phosphide was solved by X-ray diffraction. A remarkable difference was instead found between the reactivity of 1a and 1b towards carbon disulfide or isoprene. In both cases 1b reacts slowly to afford [Pt2(μ-PBu2)(μ,η22-CS2)(PBu2H)2]CF3SO3 (4-Pt), and [Pt2(μ-PBu2)(μ,η22-isoprene) (PBu2H)2]CF3SO3 (6-Pt), respectively. In the same experimental conditions, 1a is totally inert. A common mechanism, proceeding through the preassociation of the incoming ligand followed by the P---H bond formation between one of the bridging P atoms and the hydride ligand, has been suggested for these reactions.  相似文献   

The water-soluble bisphosphine, 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphino)ethane (1), was synthesized in near quantitative yield by the reaction of bisphosphine, H2PCH2CH2PH2, with an aqueous formaldehyde in the presence of K2PtCl4. The reaction of this water-soluble bisphosphine 1 with cis-Pt(COD)Cl2 affords the mononuclear bischelate complex, [Pt{(HOH2C)2PCH2CH2P(CH2OH)2}2](Cl)2 (2), in near quantitative yield. The new ligand and complex have been characterized spectroscopically and the structure of the metal complex, 2, was determined by X-ray crystallography. The Pt(II) complex 2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca(a=14.623(1), B=16.216(2), C=9.319(4) Å) with Z=4. The final R value is 0.024.  相似文献   

The trinuclear clusters [Pd3(μ-dppm)3(CO)]2+ and [PtPdCo(μ-dppm)2(CO)3(CNtBu)]+ exhibit a large and a small cavity, respectively, formed by the phenyl rings of the bridging diphosphine ligands. Their binding constants (K11) with halide ions (X) were obtained by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The binding ability varies as I > Br > Cl, and [Pd3(μ-dppm)3(CO)]2+ > [ptPdCo(μ-dppm)2-(CO)3(CNtBu)]+. The MO diagram for the related cluster [Pd2Co(μ-dppm)2(CO)4]+ has been addressed theoretically in order to predict the nature of the lowest energy electronic bands. For this class of compounds, the lowest energy bands are assigned to charge transfers from the Co center to the Pd2 centers.  相似文献   

The reaction of TiCl4 with Li2[(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2] in toluene at room temperature afforded a mixture of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] in a molar ratio of 1/2 after recrystallization. The complex trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] was hydrolyzed immediately by the addition of water to THF solutions to give trans-[(TiCl2)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] as a solid insoluble in all organic solvents, whereas hydrolysis of cis-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] under different conditions led to the dinuclear μ-oxo complex cis-[(TiCl2)2)(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and two oxo complexes of the same stoichiometry [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 as crystalline solids. Alkylation of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] with MgCIMe led respectively to the partially alkylated cis-[(TiMe2Cl)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and the totally alkylated trans-[(TiMe3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] compounds. The crystal and molecular structure of the tetranuclear oxo complex [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 was determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

In this paper it is reported the synthesis of the phosphonium salts [Ph2P(CH2)n(Ph)2PCH2COOMe]Br (n = 1 (1), 2 (2)) and [Ph2P(CH2COOMe)(CH2)n(Ph)2PCH2COOMe]Br2 (n = 3 (3)) derived from the reactions of the diphosphines dppm, dppe and dppp with methyl bromoacetate. By reaction of the monophosphonium salt of dppm and dppe with the strong base Na[N(SiMe3)2] the corresponding carbonyl stabilized ylides Ph2P(CH2)n(Ph)2PCHCOOMe (n = 1 (4), 2 (5)) were obtained. The Ph2P(CH2)2(Ph)2PCHCOOMe (5) ylide was reacted with Pd(II) and Pt(II) substrates. From these reactions were isolated exclusively complexes in which the ylide was chelated to the metal through the free phosphine group and the ylidic carbon atom. A further reaction of the Ph2P(CH2)2(Ph)2PCHCOOMe (5) ylide with 1.5 equiv. of Na[N(SiMe3)2] gives the bifunctionalized ketenylidene Ph2P(CH2)2(Ph)2PCCO (6) system. This cumulenic ylide reacts with Pt(II) complexes to form a chelated derivative in which IR and NMR spectra suggest the breaking of the CC bond of the -CCO group.  相似文献   

The 1,3-oxazine complexes cis- and trans-[PtCl2{ C(R)OCH2CH2C}H22] (cis: R=CH3 (1a), CH2CH3 (2a), (CH3)3C (3a), C6H5 (4a); trans:R =CH3 (1b), C6H5 (4b)) were obtained in 51-71% yield by reaction in THF at 0 °C of the corresponding nitrile complexes cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCR)2] with 2 equiv. of OCH2CH2CH2Cl, generated by deprotonation of 3-chloro-1-propanol with n-BuLi. The cationic nitrile complexes trans-[Pt(CF3)(NCR)(PPh3)2]BF4 (R=CH3, C6H5) react with 1 equiv, of OCH2CH2CH2Cl to give a mixture of products, including the corresponding oxazine derivatives trans-[Pt(CF3){ CH2}(PPh3)2]BF4 (5 and 6), the chloro complex trans- [Pt(CF3)Cl(PPh3)2] and free oxazine H2. For short reaction times (c. 5–15 min) the oxazine complexes 5 and 6 could be isolated in modest yield (37–49%) from the reaction mixtures and they could be separated from the corresponding chloro complex (yield 40%) by taking advantage of the higher solubility of the latter derivative in benzene. For longer reaction times (> 2 h), trans-[Pt(CF3)Cl(PPh3)2] was the only isolated product. Complex 6 was crystallographically characterized and it was found to contain also crystals of trans- [PtCl{ H2}(PPh3)2]BF4, which prevented a more detailed analysis of the bond lengths and angles within the metal coordination sphere. The 1,3-oxazine ring, which shows an overall planar arrangement, is characterized by high thermal values of the carbon atoms of the methylene groups indicative of disordering in this part of the molecule in agreement with fast dynamic ring processes suggested on the basis of 1H NMR spectra. It crystallizes in the trigonal space group P , with a=22.590(4), b=15.970(3) Å, γ=120°, V=7058(1) Å3 and Z=6. The structure was refined to R=0.059 for 3903 unique observed (I3σ(I)) reflections. A mechanism is proposed for the conversion of nitrile ligands to oxazines in Pt(II) complexes.  相似文献   

The new tripodal phosphine CH3C{CH2P(m-CF3C6H4)2}3, CF3PPP, was prepared by reacting CH3C(CH2Br)3 with Li+P(m-CF3C6H4)2, the latter being best obtained by adding Li+NiPr2 to PH(m-CF3C6H4)2. The rhodium complexes [RhCl(CO)(CF3PPP)], [Rh(LL)(CF3PPP)](CF3SO3) (LL = 2 CO or NBD), [RhX3(CF3PPP)], [RhX(MeCN)3(CF3PPP)](CF3SO3)2 (X = H and Cl), [RhCl2(MeCN)(CF3PPP)](CF3SO3) and [Rh(MeCN)3(CF3PPP)](CF3SO3)3 were prepared and characterized. The X-ray crystal structure of [Rh(NBD)(CF3PPP)](CF3SO3) is reported. The lower oxygen sensitivity of the CF3PPP rhodium(I) complexes, relative to the corresponding species with the parent ligand CH3C(CH2PPh2)3, is attributed to the higher effective nuclear charge on the metal centers caused by the presence of the six CF3 substituents on the terdentate phosphine. A similar effect may be responsible for the easier hydrolysis of the CF3PPP-containing, cationic rhodium(III) complexes relative to the corresponding compounds of the parent ligand.  相似文献   

The interaction of an excess of the title ligands L with the cis-Pt(phos)2 moieties gives compounds a-bcis-[Pt(L-O)2(phos)2] (a, phos = P(Ph)3; b, phos = 1/2 dppe), in which O- is preferred to S-coordination. Such preference is confirmed by the fact that the same products are obtained by reaction of excess of L with the previously reported a-d complexes [Pt(L-O,S)(phos)2]+, (c, phos = PPh3, d, phos = 1/2 dppe), for which chelate ring opening occurs with rupture of Pt-S rather than Pt-O bonds. Compound a can be obtained also by oxidative addition of HL to [Pt(PPh3)3]. The Pt-O bonds in compounds a-d are stable towards substitution by Me2SO, pyridine and tetramethylthiourea. Substitution of L’s occurs with N,N′-diethyldithiocarbamate, which forms a very stable chelate with Pt(II). Thiourea and N,N′-dimethylthiourea also react, because they give rise to cyclometallated products [Pt(phos)2(NRC(S)NHR)]+ (R = H, CH3), with one ionised thioamido group, as revealed by an X-ray investigation of [Pt(PPh3)2(NHC(S)NH2)]+. The preference of O versus S coordination, as well as the stability of the Pt-O bonds, are discussed in terms of antisymbiosis.  相似文献   

The cationic monoalkylated derivatives of the well-known metalloligand [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4], viz. [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SR)(PPh3)4]+ (R = n-Bu, CH2Ph) are themselves able to act as metalloligands towards the Ph3PAu+ and R′Hg+ (R′ = Ph or ferrocenyl) fragments, by reaction with Ph3PAuCl or R′HgCl, respectively. The resulting dicationic products [Pt2(μ-SR)(μ-SAuPPh3)(PPh3)4]2+ and [Pt2(μ-SR)(μ-SHgR′)(PPh3)4]2+ are readily isolated as their hexafluorophosphate salts, and have been fully characterised by spectroscopic techniques and an X-ray structure determination on [Pt2(μ-SR)(μ-SHgFc)(PPh3)4](PF6)2.  相似文献   

Copper(I) complexes with {Cu(μ2-S)N}4 and {Cu(μ3-S)N}12 core portions of butterfly-shaped or double wheel architectures have been isolated in the reaction of Cu(I) with the Schiff base ligand C6H4(CHNC6H4S)2, “iso-abt”, under different conditions. containing the tetranuclear electroneutral complex is formed by the reaction of CuI in acetonitrilic solution and recrystallization from DMF, whereas containing dodecanuclear wheels is accessible starting from CuBF4. Complexes 2 and 4 represent the first examples of cyclic complexes with the same overall stoichiometry but different ring sizes. The ligand induces two different coordination environments around copper(I) by switching between μ2- and μ3-sulfur bridging modes.  相似文献   

The reaction between the linear trinuclear complex [Pt{Fe(CO)3(NO)}2(PhCN)2] and Ph2(2-C5H4N)PSe led to the isolation and characterization of the 46-electron cluster [(CO)3Fe(μ3-Se){Pt(CO)P(2-C5H4N)Ph2}2] (1), whose structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The cluster typology, which consists of an open triangle Pt---Fe---Pt capped by a μ3-Se atom, is rather rare. The chemical bonding in 1 and in similar systems has been analyzed through density functional theory (DFT) and qualitative MO approaches. A strict analogy with the well understood L2M(μ-acetylene)ML2 systems is invoked by considering 1 as formed by the (CO)3FeSe tetrahedral unit stabilized by sidewise interactions of the triple bond with two d10-L2M fragments. Otherwise, the 18-electron (CO)3FeSe monomer is unstable as an isolate molecule. This is confirmed by our DFT calculations that indicate how the well characterized dimer (CO)3Fe(μ-Se2)Fe(CO)3 lies as much as, approximately, 58 kcal mol−1 deeper in energy. Finally, by considering an analogy with [L2M(μ-dichalcogen)ML2]0, +2 redox systems (M=Pd, Pt), reduction of 1 to a dianion has been hypothesized and the structure of the latter has been tentatively explored by DFT calculations.  相似文献   

The chloro complexes trans-[Pt(Me)(Cl)(PPh3)2], after treatment with AgBF4, react with 1-alkynes HC---C---R in the presence of NEt3 to afford the corresponding acetylide derivatives trans-[Pt(Me) (C---C---R) (PPh3)2] (R = p-tolyl (1), Ph (2), C(CH3)3 (3)). These complexes, with the exception of the t-butylacetylide complex, react with the chloroalcohols HO(CH2)nCl (n = 2, 3) in the presence of 1 equiv. of HBF4 to afford the alkyl(chloroalkoxy)carbene complexes trans-[Pt(Me) {C[O(CH2)nCl](CH2R) } (PPh3)2][BF4] (R = p-tolyl, N = 2 (4), N = 3 (5); R=Ph, N = 2 (6)). A similar reaction of the bis(acetylide) complex trans-[Pt(C---C---Ph)2(PMe2Ph)2] with 2 equiv. HBF4 and 3-chloro-1-propanol affords trans-[Pt(C---CPh) {C(OCH2CH2CH2Cl)(CH2Ph) } (PMe2Ph)2][BF4] (7). T alkyl(chloroalkoxy)-carbene complex trans-[Pt(Me) {C(OCH2CH2Cl)(CH2Ph) } (PPh3)2][BF4] (8) is formed by reaction of trans-[Pt(Me)(Cl)(PPh3)2], after treatment with AgBF4 in HOCH2CH2Cl, with phenylacetylene in the presence of 1 equiv. of n-BuLi. The reaction of the dimer [Pt(Cl)(μ-Cl)(PMe2Ph)]2 with p-tolylacetylene and 3-chloro-1-propanol yields cis-[PtCl2{C(OCH2CH2CH2Cl)(CH2C6H4-p-Me}(PMe2Ph)] (9). The X-ray molecular structure of (8) has been determined. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pna21, with a = 11.785(2), B = 29.418(4), C = 15.409(3) Å, V = 4889(1) Å3 and Z = 4. The carbene ligand is perpendicular to the Pt(II) coordination plane; the PtC(carbene) bond distance is 2.01(1) Å and the short C(carbene)-O bond distance of 1.30(1) Å suggests extensive electronic delocalization within the Pt---C(carbene)---O moietry.  相似文献   

Electron poor cationic complexes [(CF3PCP)Pt(L)]+ (where L = CO, NC5F5, or acetone) react with H2O in polar solvents via selective hydrolysis of a single P-CF3 substituent to afford the spectroscopically-characterized phosphinoyl-bridged complex {k3-P,C,P,k1-O-(CF3)2PCH2C6H3CH2P(CF3)O}2Pt2 (1) in good yield. X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of a six-member Pt-P-O-Pt-P-O ring in a chair conformation. The presumed intermediate aqua complex, (CF3PCP)Pt(H2O)+, is stable in dichloromethane, but when dissolved in more polar solvents readily converts to 1.  相似文献   

The reactivity, towards nucleophiles and electrophiles, of dimolybdenum allenylidene complexes of the type [Cp2Mo2(CO)4(μ,η2(4e)-C=C=CR1R2)] (Cp=η5-C5H5) has been investigated. The nucleophilic attacks occur at the Cγ carbon atom, while electrophiles affec the C atom. Variable temperature solution 1H NMR studies show a dynamic behavior of these complexes consisting of an equilibrium between two enantiomers with a symmetrical [Cp2Mo2(CO)4(μ-σ,σ(2e)-C=C=CR1R2)] transition state. Extended Hückel MO calculations have been carried out on the model [Cp2Mo2(CO)4(μ,η2-C=C=CH2]. The calculated charges of the allenylidene carbon atoms suggest that the electrophilic attacks are under charge control, while the nucleophilic attacks are rather under orbital control.  相似文献   

Reactions of Cr(CO)36-BT), in which the Cr is π-coordinated to the benzene ring of benzo[b]thiophene (BT), with Cp′(CO)2Re(THF), where Cp′ = η5-C5H5 or η5-C5Me5, give the products Cp′(CO)2Re(η262-BT)Cr(CO)3 in which the Cr remains coordinated to the benzene ring and Re is bound to the C(2)=C(3) double bond. An X-ray diffraction study of Cp(CO)2Re(η262-BT)Cr(CO)3 (3) provides details of the geometry. This structure contrasts with that of the Cp′(CO)2Re(BT) complexes that exist as mixtures of isomers in which the BT is coordinated to the Re through either the double bond (2,3-η2) or the sulfur (η1(S)). Thus, the electron-withdrawing Cr(CO)3 group in 3 stabilizes the 2,3-η2 mode of BT coordination to the Cp′(CO)2Re fragment. Implications of these results for catalytic hydrodesulfurization of BT are discussed. Crystal data for 3: triclinic, space group .  相似文献   

With exposure to trace amounts of air and moisture, the Cr2(II, II) complex Cr2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)4, where 3,5Cl2-form is [(3,5-Cl2C6H3)NC(H)N(3,5-Cl2C6H3)], undergoes an oxidative addition reaction. Structural information from the X-ray crystal structure of the edge-sharing bioctahedral (ESBO) Cr2(III, III) product Cr2(μ-OH)2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)22-3,5Cl2-form)2 (1) indicates 1 has a significantly longer Cr–Cr distance [2.732(2) Å] than Cr2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)4 [1.9162(10) Å], but the shortest Cr–Cr distance in an ESBO Cr2(III, III) complex recorded to date.  相似文献   

The dimer [(dippe)Ni(μ-S)]2 reacts with organic electrophiles to give the alkylated species [(dippe)2Ni2(μ-S)(μ-SR)]+. Stronger alkylating agents lead to double alkylation and cleavage of the dimer. Protonation similarly occurs with strong acids. The structures of several of these species have been determined.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal reactions of (Ph4P)[VO2Cl2] and H2C2O4 at 150 and 125°C yield (Ph4P)2[V2O2(H2O)2(C2O4)3]·4H2O (1) and (Ph4P)[VOCl(C2O4)] (2), respectively. The structure of the molecular anion of 1 consists of a binuclear unit of oxovanadium(IV) octahedra bridged by a bisbidentate oxalate group. The VO6 coordination geometry at each vanadium site is defined by a terminal oxo group, an aquo ligand, and four oxygen donors — two from the bisbidentate bridging oxalate and two from the terminal bidentate oxalate. The structure of 2 consists of discrete Ph4P+ cations occupying regions between [VOCl(C2O4)] spiral chains. The structure of the one-dimensional anionic chain exhibits V(IV) octahedra bridged by bisbidentate oxalate groups. Crystal data: 1·4H2O, monoclinic P21/n, A = 12.694(3), B = 12.531(3), C = 17.17(3) Å, β = 106.32(2)°, V = 2621.3(13) Å3, Z = 2, Dcalc = 1.501 g cm−3, structure solution and refinement converged at a conventional residual of 0.0518; 2, tetragonal P43, A = 12.145(2), C = 15.991(3) Å, V = 2358.7(12) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0452.  相似文献   

Novel ionic mixed-ligands complexes of the types cis- and trans-[Pt(amine)2(pm)2](NO3)2 (where pm = pyrimidine) were synthesized and studied in the solid state by IR spectroscopy and in aqueous solution by multinuclear (195Pt, 1H and 13C) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of the solution NMR characterization have shown that the isolated compounds are pure. In 195Pt NMR, the cis RNH2 complexes were observed at slightly lower fields (ave. −2441 ppm) than the equivalent trans analogues (ave. −2448 ppm). For Me2NH, the difference between the two isomers is larger (29 ppm). The complexes are observed at lower fields (difference of 100 ppm) than the corresponding [Pt(amine)4]2+ complexes, which might indicate the presence of π-backdonation in the Pt-pm bond. In 1H NMR, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-1Hamine) are larger in the cis compounds (38-48 Hz) than in the trans analogues (30-36 Hz). The 3J(195Pt-1Hpm) values are also larger for the cis isomers. In 13C NMR spectroscopy, the coupling constants 3J(195Pt-13Camine) are 36 Hz (ave.) for the cis complexes and 26 Hz (ave.) for the trans isomers, while the 2J(195Pt-13Camine) are 18 Hz (cis) and 14 Hz (trans), respectively. The 3J(195Pt-13C5(pm)) values are 36 Hz (cis) and 28 Hz (trans). A few 2J(195Pt-13Cpm) couplings were observed (7-10 Hz).  相似文献   

The phosphinoalkenes Ph2P(CH2)nCH=CH2 (n= 1, 2, 3) and phosphinoalkynes Ph2P(CH2)n C≡CR (R = H, N = 2, 3; R = CH3, N = 1) have been prepared and reacted with the dirhodium complex (η−C5H5)2Rh2(μ−CO) (μ−η2−CF3C2CF3). Six new complexes of the type (ν−C5H5)2(Rh2(CO) (μ−η11−CF3C2CF3)L, where L is a P-coordinated phosphinoalkene, or phosphinoalkyne have been isolated and fully characterized; the carbonyl and phosphine ligands are predominantly trans on the Rh---Rh bond, but there is spectroscopic evidence that a small amount of the cis-isomer is formed also. Treatment of the dirhodium-phosphinoalkene complexes with (η−CH3C5H4)Mn(CO)2thf resulted in coordination of the manganese to the alkene function. The Rh2---Mn complex [(η−C5H5)2Rh2(CO) (μ−η11−CF3C2CF3) {Ph2P(CH2)3CH=CH2} (η−CH3C5H4)Mn(CO)2] was fully characterized. Simi treatment of the dirhodium-phosphinoalkyne complexes with Co2(CO)8 resulted in the coordination of Co2(CO)6 to the alkyne function. The Rh2---Co2 complex [(η−C5H5)2Rh2(CO) (μ−η11−CF3C2CF3) {Ph2PCH2C≡CCH3}Co2(CO)2], C37H25Co2F6O7PRh2, was fully characteriz spectroscopically, and the molecular structure of this complex was determined by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. It is triclinic, space group (Ci1, No. 2) with a = 18.454(6), B = 11.418(3), C = 10.124(3) Å, = 112.16(2), β = 102.34(3), γ = 91.62(3)°, Z = 2. Conventional R on |F| was 0.052 fo observed (I > 3σ(I)) reflections. The Rh2 and Co2 parts of the molecule are distinct, the carbonyl and phosphine are mutually trans on the Rh---Rh bond, and the orientations of the alkynes are parallel for Rh2 and perpendicular for Co2. Attempts to induce Rh2Co2 cluster formation were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

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