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Twelve wethers (27–33 kg and 12–14 months of age) representing meat (Nubian), milk (Alpine) and mohair (Angora) producing goats were used to evaluate breed differences in protein utilization with diets containing 9 (L), 15(M) or 21% CP (H) and 2.4 Mcal ME/kg DM in a digestion trial. Fecal N, urine N and absorbed N as percent of N intake were not affected (P>0.05) by breed. Retained N as percent of absorbed N was not different (P>0.05) between breeds. Ruminal propionate (molar %) was lower (P<0.05) in Angora, but other ruminal VFA and ammonia-N were not affected (P>0.05) by diet or breed. Plasma urea-N increased (P<0.01) with dietary CP level (8.3, 22.0 and 33.3 mg/dl for L, M and H, respectively), and concentrations were lowest for Angoras and highest for Nubians (18.5 vs. 21.2 vs. 23.9 mg/dl) (P<0.01). Plasma total protein (mean 69.7 g/l), glucose (mean 83.1 mg/dl), non-esterfied fatty acids (mean 101.4 μEq/l) and cortisol (mean 10.8 ng/ml) were not affected (P>0.05) by breed or diet. Plasma glucagon concentrations increased (P<0.05) with increasing CP intake (72.4, 167.6 and 239.1 pg/ml for L, M and H, respectively). The study indicated that there was no apparent breed difference between Nubian, Alpine and Angora goats in nitrogen utilization when goats were fed pelleted diets containing 9 to 21% CP.  相似文献   

Indian goat breeds are recognized as an invaluable component of the world's goat genetic resources. Microsatellite pairs were chosen from the list suggested by International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) and amplified in two multiplexes (Set-I: 7 microsatellites and Set-II: 11 microsatellites) for automated fluorescence genotyping to assess bottleneck and analyze genetic variability and genetic distances within and between three goat breeds viz. Zalawadi, Gohilwadi and Surti. The observed number of alleles ranged from 4 (Oar JMP-29) to 15 (ILSTS-030 and -034) with a total of 178 alleles and mean of 9.89 alleles across the three breeds. The overall heterozygosity, PIC and Shannon index values were 0.61, 0.60 and 1.50 indicating high genetic diversity. The maximum observed heterozygosity was found in Gohilwadi and minimum in Surti goat breed. The Nei's standard genetic distance was minimum between Zalawadi and Gohilwadi, and maximum between Gohilwadi and Surti. Non-significant heterozygote excess on the basis of IAM, TPM and SMM models, as revealed from Wilcoxon sign-rank tests, along with a normal ‘L’-shaped distribution of mode-shift test, indicated no bottleneck in Zalawadi and Gohilwadi goat populations, whereas mild bottleneck in the recent past for Surti breed. This research on goat genetic diversity in Gujarat state provides valuable information on Zalawadi, Gohilwadi and Surti goat genetic resources, and will assist in developing a national plan for the conservation and utilization of indigenous goat breeds.  相似文献   

The interest to develop assisted reproductive technologies and cryobanking for farm animal genetic resource conservation has recently increased. However, cryopreservation for ex-situ management of genetic diversity sometimes is not routinely feasible, owing to the lack of facilities (AI centres, laboratories) and expertise near the local breed farming area. In these cases, epididymal sperm obtained from slaughtered or castrated animals, associated with the possibility of managing rather long periods between animal death, sperm recovery and freezing, would increase the opportunities to create semen storages. This investigation addresses the pre-freeze/post-thaw quality of goat epididymal sperm as a function of testicle storage temperature (environment or +5°C) and time elapsed between animal’s death and sperm recovery (0, 24, 48, 72 h) to establish the optimal protocols for the recovery and cryopreservation of epididymal sperm in this species. Testicles of 50 mature bucks collected at the abattoir were divided in two groups: half of the testicles (n=50) were transported to the laboratory at environment temperature (E), whereas the remaining half (n=50) at a refrigeration temperature (R) of +5°C. In the two groups (E) and (R), one testicle from each pair was processed after slaughter forming the time 0 groups (0E and 0R). The contralateral testicle was processed after 24, 48 or 72 h of storage, at the corresponding temperature. Sperm motility and kinetic parameters, viability and morphology were assessed in pre-freeze and post-thaw samples. Until 48 h postmortem, both E and R temperatures are able to maintain good pre-freeze epididymal sperm quality. After 48 h postmortem, R temperature is fundamental to reduce epididymal sperm quality decay in pre-freeze samples. Moreover, testicle refrigeration also has a positive impact on post-thaw samples, allowing a lower decline through time considering total motility, kinetics parameters, sperm viability and sperm abnormalities. Therefore, when sperm cryopreservation is not immediately practicable, goat testicles should be transported and stored at 5°C up to a maximum of 48 h postmortem to ensure an acceptable sperm quality.  相似文献   

The anti-oxidant system of reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been described as a defense functioning mechanism against lipid peroxidation (LPO) in semen, and is important in maintaining sperm motility and viability. This anti-oxidant capacity of sperm cells may be insufficient in preventing LPO during the freeze–thawing process. The aim of this study was thus to determine the influence of varying doses of anti-oxidant additives on standard semen parameters, lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidant activities after the freeze–thawing of goat semen. Ejaculate samples (artificial vagina) obtained from 4 mature Angora goats were evaluated and pooled at 37 °C. The semen samples diluted with a Tris-based extender, containing taurine (25, 50, 75 mM), trehalose (25, 50, 75 mM), and cysteine (5, 10, 15 mM), and an extender containing no anti-oxidant additives (control) were again evaluated. Diluted semen was cooled down to 5 °C and frozen in 0.25 ml French straws, prior to being stored in liquid nitrogen. Frozen straws were thawed in a water bath (37 °C) for 30 s for microscopic sperm evaluation. Upon evaluation of parameters for semen quality, the use of a Tris-based extender supplemented with anti-oxidant additives was found to cause no significant improvement in sperm mortality, when compared to the controls. Increasing doses of taurine and trehalose decreased (P < 0.05) the sperm motility following the freeze–thawing of the goat semen. In biochemical assays, the application of taurine (75 mM) produced the lowest level of malondialdehyde (MDA) (4.46 ± 0.31 nmol/ml), compared to the controls (P < 0.001). Lower GSH levels were higher in the groups in which cysteine was included at 10 and 15 mM (3.27 ± 0.11 and 3.45 ± 0.28 nmol/ml) – compared to the group which received 5 mM cysteine, as well as the controls (2.27 ± 0.08 and 2.50 ± 0.08 nmol/ml respectively, P < 0.001). Compared to the controls, taurine at a concentration of 25 and 75 mM, and increasing doses (50 and 75 mM) of trehalose, significantly increased the GSH-PX activity (P < 0.01). The maintenance of CAT activity was demonstrated to be higher with the addition of 10 and 15 mM cysteine, compared to the other groups (P < 0.001). Vitamin A (VitA) levels were significantly higher, compared to the controls (267.34 ± 9.68 mg/dl and 267.34 ± 9.68 mg/dl, respectively), when 25 mM taurine (329.61 ± 6.35 mg/dl) and 10 mM (318.64 ± 6.34 mg/dl) cysteine was added to the extender (P < 0.001). The results of this study provide a new approach to the cryopreservation of Angora goat semen and could contribute to the improvement of this technology in the goat industry.  相似文献   



Domestic goats (Capra hircus) have been selected to play an essential role in agricultural production systems, since being domesticated from their wild progenitor, bezoar (Capra aegagrus). A detailed understanding of the genetic consequences imparted by the domestication process remains a key goal of evolutionary genomics.


We constructed the reference genome of bezoar and sequenced representative breeds of domestic goats to search for genomic changes that likely have accompanied goat domestication and breed formation. Thirteen copy number variation genes associated with coat color were identified in domestic goats, among which ASIP gene duplication contributes to the generation of light coat-color phenotype in domestic goats. Analysis of rapidly evolving genes identified genic changes underlying behavior-related traits, immune response and production-related traits.


Based on the comparison studies of copy number variation genes and rapidly evolving genes between wild and domestic goat, our findings and methodology shed light on the genetic mechanism of animal domestication and will facilitate future goat breeding.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1606-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the variability of the prion protein gene ( PRNP) in goats from Northern and Southern Italy.
Methods and results:  Genomic DNA isolated from goat blood was polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified for the coding region of the PRNP gene and then sequenced. In total, 13 polymorphic sites were identified: G37V, T110P, G127S, M137I, I142M, I142T, H143R, R154H, P168Q, T194P, R211Q, Q222K and S240P (substitutions I142T and T194P are novel) giving rise to 14 haplotypes. Clear frequency differences between Northern and Southern breeds were found and confirmed by genetic distance analysis.
Conclusions:  Differences in allele distribution were found between Northern and Southern goats, in particular regarding the M142 and K222 alleles, possibly associated to scrapie resistance; philogeographical analysis supported the idea that Northern and Southern breeds may be considered as separate clusters.
Significance and impact of the study:  In Italy only limited studies have been carried out on caprine PRNP genotype distribution; this study is important to fill this lack of information. Moreover the finding of significant differences among allele distributions in Northern and Southern goats, especially if involved in modulating resistance/susceptibility, need to be carefully considered for the feasibility of selection plans for resistance to scrapie.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(6):369-375
Migratory ungulates exhibit recurring movements, often along traditional routes between seasonal ranges each spring and autumn, which allow them to track resources as they become available on the landscape. We examined the relationship between spring migration of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and forage quality, as indexed by spatiotemporal patterns of fecal nitrogen and remotely sensed greenness of vegetation (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI) in spring 2010 in the Piceance Basin of northwestern Colorado, USA. NDVI increased throughout spring, and was affected primarily by snow depth when snow was present, and temperature when snow was absent. Fecal nitrogen was lowest when deer were on winter range before migration, increased rapidly to an asymptote during migration, and remained relatively high when deer reached summer range. Values of fecal nitrogen corresponded with increasing NDVI during migration. Spring migration for mule deer provided a way for these large mammals to increase access to a high-quality diet, which was evident in patterns of NDVI and fecal nitrogen. Moreover, these deer “jumped” rather than “surfed” the green wave by arriving on summer range well before peak productivity of forage occurred. This rapid migration may aid in securing resources and seclusion from others on summer range in preparation for parturition, and to minimize detrimental factors such as predation, and malnutrition during migration.  相似文献   

Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are useful markers for biodiversity assessment, linkage analysis, traceability and paternity testing. To date, there are no available SNPs for goat in the NCBI dbSNP database and only a few are reported in the literature. Within the European Union Econogene project, we characterized 27 SNPs in goats using a targeted‐gene approach. Polymorphisms were identified in a panel of 16 unrelated individuals belonging to eight different goat breeds selected throughout Europe. Genotypes of 30 goats from each of the eight breeds were determined for all the SNPs characterized and diversity measures were estimated. The caprine SNPs described will be a useful complement to the available genome markers.  相似文献   

Studies aimed to assess up to what extent farming and transport previous to slaughtering might affect physiology and meat quality in young goat kids are needed, with the ultimate purpose of promoting practices that minimize stress in these animals. In this regard the effects of on-farm management and transport duration on some physiological responses and meat quality parameters in goat kids were assessed. Two farms representing ‘high’ and ‘low’ welfare-friendly management practices were selected. In total, 32 suckling kids were withdrawn from each farm, transported by road for 2 or 6 h, and then slaughtered. Blood samples were collected both on-farm and in the slaughterhouse, and biochemistry, cell counts and haematocrit were determined. After slaughtering, carcass quality parameters were measured. Longissimus dorsi muscle was dissected and pH, colour parameters, water holding capacity and shear force were measured throughout 8-day ageing period. Results indicate that, regardless its duration, transport caused significant effects on some blood parameters suggesting stress in live animals, like glucose, cortisol or creatine kinase. Despite the marked stress status in animals, this condition was not decisively reflected on L. dorsi quality parameters, but some effects were observed regarding fat cover in carcasses and colour parameters. The results suggest that postmortem changes throughout ageing were more decisive in terms of meat quality than stressful management either on-farm or during transport.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to observe the impact of two seasons viz. summer (February–May) and monsoon (June–August) on the blood biochemical and hormonal responses in different indigenous goats of tropical island agro-ecological environment maintained under extensive management system. Sixty animals of three different indigenous goat breeds were included in the study: Andaman local goat (AL, n = 20), Andaman local?×?Malabari (AL?×?M, n = 20), and Teressa goat (n = 20). Sixty serum samples (n = 10/season/breed) from the three groups of animals were analyzed. Study revealed that there was a significant increase (p ≤ 0.05) in serum total protein in Teressa goats during summer than monsoon. Serum albumin showed significant variation (p ≤ 0.05) between AL and AL?×?M during summer whereas significant variation of albumin (p ≤ 0.05) was observed between AL and Teressa, AL?×?M and Teressa during monsoon season. Significant differences in serum albumin (p ≤ 0.05) were also observed in AL and AL?×?M during summer and monsoon seasons, respectively. The serum cortisol levels were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in AL goats during summer than in monsoon season. Thus, the study could able to establish the seasonal variation in biochemical and hormonal values of indigenous goat breeds in hot and humid tropical island environment.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the adaptive capability of three indigenous goat breeds to heat stress. Thirty six 10 months to one-year-old female goats of Osmanabadi, Malabari and Salem Black breeds were randomly divided into six groups, OC (n = 6; Osmanabadi control), OHS (n = 6; Osmanabadi heat stress), MC (n = 6; Malabari control), MHS (n = 6; Malabari heat stress), SBC (n = 6; Salem Black control) and SBHS (n = 6; Salem Black heat stress). Among the metabolic activity controlling hormones, the breed factor significantly (P < 0.05) influenced only plasma triiodothyronine (T3). However, heat stress significantly (P < 0.05) decreased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in both MHS and SHS groups while significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the plasma T3 in MHS. The rumen metabolites such as acetate, propionate, butyrate and total volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) showed significant (P < 0.05) variation for both breed and treatment effect. The Salem Black breed did not show any significant variation for most of the rumen metabolites as compared to both Osmanabadi and Malabari breeds for the heat stress treatment. The study indicated the importance of the metabolic alterations in indigenous goat breeds to cope to the seasonal rhythms. The results indicated that on comparative basis, Salem Black breed adapted better to the heat stress challenges.  相似文献   

Data on genetic differences at CSN3 in goat breeds including a DNA based typing method and the mutations responsible for variation on protein and DNA level are presented here. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) in ultrathin polyacrylamide gels with carrier ampholytes was used to demonstrate CSN3 polymorphism in milk samples of Italian (Orobica n=88; Ionica n=68) and German goat breeds (Bunte Deutsche Edelziege n=244; Weisse Deutsche Edelziege n=134; Toggenburger n=25; Thüringer Waldziege n=70). A further CSN3 band was found presenting a more cathodic migration than CSN A. After chymosin action, the genetic polymorphism was also observed in the para-kappa-casein fraction. The new allele CSN3(B) was spread mainly in Orobica (37%), Bunte Deutsche Edelziege (11%) and Ionica (10%). CSN3(B) occurred in low frequency (<3%) in Thüringer Waldziege and in Weisse Deutsche Edelziege, and could not be demonstrated in milk samples of Toggenburger. The populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at CSN3. The codominant genetic control of CSN3(B) was confirmed by genetic studies. Discrimination of CSN3 alleles A and B was also obtained by DNA SSCP analysis. Sequencing of CSN3(B) revealed four transitions at position 247, 309, 471, and 591 compared with CSN3(A). From these transitions, the following amino acid substitutions are deduced: 44 Gln --> Arg, 65 Val --> Ile, 119 Val --> Ile, and 159 Ser --> Pro. Among the four mutations, only the 44 Gln --> Arg can be revealed by milk protein IEF analysis while at DNA level three further genetic variants should exist in addition to CSN3(A) and CSN3(B).  相似文献   


Background: Targeted knockdown of ACVR2B, a receptor for TGF beta superfamily, has been seen as a potential candidate to enhance the muscle mass through RNAi approach. Methods: We have evaluated the potential short hairpin RNAs targeting goat ACVR2B in human HEK293T cells and goat myoblasts cells by transient transfection and measured their knockdown efficiency and possible undesired interferon response by quantitative real-time PCR. Results: We observed a significant silencing (64–81%) of ACVR2B in 293T cells with all seven shRNAs (sh1 to sh7) constructs and 16–46% silencing with maximum of 46% by sh6 (p?=?0.0318) against endogenous ACVR2B whereas up to 66% (p?=?0.0002) silencing by sh6 against exogenously expressed ACVR2B in goat myoblasts cells. Transient knockdown of ACVR2B in goat myoblasts cells by shRNAs did not show significant correlation with the expression of MyoD (r?=?0.547; p?=?0.102), myogenin (r?=?0.517; p?=?0.126) and Myf5 (r?=?0.262; p?=?0.465). As reported earlier, transfection of plasmid DNA induced potent interferon response in 293T and goat myoblasts cells. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates the targeted knockdown of ACVR2B by shRNAs in HEK293T and goat myoblasts cells in vitro. The transient knockdown of ACVR2B by shRNAs in goat myoblasts did not alter the myogenic gene expression program. However, shRNAs showing significant knockdown efficiency in our study may further be tested for long term and stable knockdown to assess their potential to use for enhancing muscle mass in vivo. As reported earlier, expression of shRNAs through plasmid expression vectors induces potent interferon response raising the concern of safety of its application in vivo.  相似文献   

The objective of this article was to study the effects of low temperature and roscovitine (ROS) on meiotic resumption and developmental potential of goat oocytes. Goat oocytes were cultured at different temperatures in medium containing different concentrations of ROS, and at the end of culture, oocytes were either matured or processed for light/confocal microscopy. The matured oocytes were activated chemically or fertilized in vitro for embryo development. Meiotic arrest was successfully maintained for 24 hr with 0, 50, and 200 microM ROS at 5, 20, and 38.5 degrees C, respectively. Following chemical activation, morulae/blastocysts (M/B) rates similar to untreated oocytes were obtained in oocytes that had been inhibited for 24 hr at 5 degrees C without ROS (Protocol 5C) or at 20 degrees C with 50 microM ROS (Protocol 20C) or for 8 hr at 38.5 degrees C with 200 microM ROS (Protocol 8 hr), but no blastulation was observed after oocytes were inhibited at 38.5 degrees C with 200 microM ROS for 24 hr. Following fertilization, however, while M/B rates similar to controls were achieved in oocytes treated with protocols 5C and 20C, few oocytes inhibited with Protocol 8 hr developed into morulae, due to a high incidence of polyspermy. Changes in GV chromatin configuration were not observed after inhibition with Protocol 5C, but were apparent after inhibition with protocols 20C and 8 hr, leading to a precocious germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) during subsequent maturation. Cortical granule (CG) migration and the formation of microtubule organizing centers occurred during inhibition and were more obvious in the absence of ROS. Significantly more oocytes inhibited by protocols 5C and 20C than by Protocol 8 hr completed CG migration after maturation. In conclusion, goat oocytes were tolerant to chilling and culture at lower temperatures with less ROS was better than culture at higher temperatures with more ROS for oocyte GVBD inhibition.  相似文献   

The recently discovered enzyme hydroxycinnamoyl CoA: shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT) catalyzes the reactions both immediately preceding and following the insertion of the 3-hydroxyl group into monolignol precursors. A number of independent transgenic lines of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were generated in which the levels of HCT were reduced through antisense HCT expression under control of the bean PAL2 promoter which is preferentially expressed in vascular tissue. Reduction of enzyme activity in these lines was from at least 15-50%. The most severely down-regulated lines exhibited significant stunting, reduction of biomass and delayed flowering. HCT down-regulation resulted in strongly reduced lignin content and striking changes in lignin monomer composition, with predominant deposition of 4-hydroxyphenyl units in the lignin. Vascular structure was impaired in the most strongly down-regulated lines. Analysis of forage quality parameters showed strong reductions of neutral- and acid-detergent fiber in the down-regulated lines, in parallel with large increases (up to 20%) in dry matter forage digestibility. Although manipulation of lignin biosynthesis can greatly improve forage digestibility, accompanying effects on plant development need to be better understood.  相似文献   

We studied how grazing intensity by small and mid‐sized ungulate grazers varied with nutritional quality and grass species composition in wet oligotrophic tallgrass savanna of coastal northern Tanzania. Average grazing intensity was low (3–15% by cover), and most grass species were scarcely used by herbivores. Only two grasses, Panicum infestum and Digitaria milanjiana, had nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations that were consistently above the minimum levels (e.g. nitrogen concentrations <7 mg g?1) required by the three commonest grazers, Bohor reedbuck, waterbuck and wildebeest. The best predictors of grazing intensity were cover of P. infestum (the most abundant grass, with a mean cover of 15%) and canopy height of ungrazed vegetation. Models did not contain separate predictors for nutritional quality, presumably because quality varied mainly at the grass species level and therefore was fully represented by the variable ‘cover of P. infestum’. Given that the three grazers differed greatly in body size and muzzle width (parameters known to influence nutrient requirements and the ability of grazers to feed selectively at the smallest spatial scale), we expected there to be strong resource partitioning that would be detectable in terms of grazing strategies and feeding sites. However, apart from minor differences in canopy height, greenness and diameter of grazed patches (albeit consistent with our expectations), feeding stations of the three grazers were similar and strongly dominated by P. infestum. We conclude that the low quality of herbage in wet oligotrophic savannas restricts foraging choices, which produces a characteristic yet impoverished grazing community that exhibits only limited resource partitioning.  相似文献   

Cystatins are thiol proteinase inhibitors ubiquitously present in the mammalian body. In brain, they prevent unwanted proteolysis and are involved in several neurodegenerative diseases. Under physiological conditions nitric oxide can be found in almost all the tissues, but under pathological conditions NO has damaging effects. Its increased concentration, under various neural diseases leads to cell damage through formation of highly reactive peroxynitrite. Our present study was designed to investigate the protective effect of curcumin against NO induced damage of HM-GBC. NO caused intensive structural and functional damage of HM-GBC, resulting in 89% loss of its antiproteolytic activity after 2 h of incubation. Structural damage occurs in the form of protein degradation. Curcumin significantly protected HM-GBC against this damage. This suggests that curcumin has a significant potential in the treatment of diseases caused by nitrogen free radicals and this potential must be further explored for the development of novel drugs. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The quality of pork products from local breeds in extensive systems depends, among other things, on pig production. In particular, the variability in climatic conditions and feeding resources may influence the properties of tissues at slaughter and the quality of pork and processed products. The present study (part 2) was part of a larger project that assessed the influence of the finishing season and feeding resources on carcass and tissue traits and the quality of meat and dry-cured ham from Gascon pigs in an extensive system. Following the specifications of the Protected Designation of Origin “Noir de Bigorre”, castrated Gascon males were reared on rangelands (grassland and forest areas) and received a supplementary diet from 5 to 6 months of age until slaughter at a minimum of 12 months and ca. 170 kg BW. Three finishing seasons were considered: Winter (n = 18), Spring (n = 22) and Autumn (n = 23). To estimate the specific effects of season on quality traits and avoid bias due to effects of genes known to influence these traits, polymorphisms in the RYR1, PRKAG3, MC4R and LEPR genes were included in the analysis models. Compared to Winter pigs, Spring and Autumn pigs had higher ultimate pH in the semimembranosus and gluteus medius (GM) muscles, lower meat lightness (P < 0.05) and tended to have higher GM intramuscular fat (IMF) content (P < 0.10). They also had higher GM contents of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (FAs) than Winter pigs (P < 0.05). Spring pigs had the lowest n-6:n-3 polyunsaturated FA ratio and the highest GM α-tocopherol content (P < 0.001), indicating pig grazing. The finishing season did not influence the processing yield of dry-cured hams (24-month process). Within each seasonal group, ten hams selected for genetic variability and IMF content were analyzed by a trained sensory panel. The season did not modify the appearance or odor, but influenced texture and taste. Hams from Winter and Spring pigs had higher tenderness and melting fat scores than hams from Autumn pigs (P < 0.01). Hams from Spring pigs had higher taste intensity and salty taste (P < 0.01) but lower positive tastes (e.g. fruits, forest) than hams from the other groups. Overall, finishing season had moderate effects on ham sensory traits. Furthermore, our results reveal high redness, tenderness, taste and odor intensity, and low rancid flavor of hams from Gascon pigs produced in an extensive system.  相似文献   

The growth performance and carcass traits of two fat-tailed breeds (Chaal and Zandi) and their crosses with rams of a tailed breed (Zel) were compared. After weaning, the growth and feed consumption of male and female lambs fattened for 114 days were recorded. A total of 45 male and female lambs were slaughtered and the left side of the carcasses were cut into six pieces, and the lean meat, bone, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat were determined. Average daily gain and feed conversion ratio in crossbred lambs improved, but the differences with pure lambs were not significant. The average weight of shoulder, brisket and loin were higher in crossbred than pure breed lambs (P < 0.01). The percentage of protein in the carcass of Zel × Zandi lambs was significantly higher than Zandi lambs. The smaller size and lower weight of fat-tail in crossbred lambs were compensated by higher percentage of subcutaneous, intermuscular and internal fat. The fat-tailed breeds provided good quality lean meat in terms of lower percentage of intermuscular fat.  相似文献   

Bovine BAC clones containing the 31 genes, referred to as the Texas markers used earlier to definitively assign the 31 bovine syntenic groups (U) to cattle chromosomes, were mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization to sheep and goat R-banded chromosomes according to ISCNDB2000. All 31 markers were localized on homoeologous chromosomes and chromosome bands of the two species in agreement with previous localizations obtained both in cattle and river buffalo, definitively confirming chromosome homoeologies between Caprinae and Bovinae. In addition, we have extended physical maps of sheep and goat as 11 genes (HSD3B1, INHBA, CSN10, IGF2R, PIGR, MAP1B, DSC1, ELN, TNFRSF6, CGN1, IGF2) and 14 genes (SOD1, HSD3B1, CSN10, IGF2R, RB1, TG, PIGR, MAP1B, IGH@, LTF, DSC1, TNFRSF6, CGN1, IGF2) were assigned for the first time to goat and sheep chromosomes, respectively.  相似文献   

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