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Plots of reaction rate versus substrate concentration of the enzymatic decarboxylation of IAA yield sigmoid, rather than the usual, hyperbolic curves, suggesting that the IAA oxidase of cabbage roots is an allosteric enzyme. The quantity of this enzyme in roots is so high that the IAA concentration is likely to limit IAA degradation in intact cells. Thus, variations in the level of this enzyme seem not to be essential for the regulation of the endogenous IAA concentration. Cabbage roots contain substances that can inhibit IAA oxidase. These substances are spatially separated from IAA oxidase in intact cells, but the same inhibitors are able to reach the enzyme when added exogenously to tissue segments. The possibility that added IAA is treated by tissue segments in another manner than endogenous IAA is discussed.  相似文献   

Cells of root meristems of Vicia faba were labelled with tritiatedthymidine and treated with colchicine or IAA or both. The effectsof these compounds on the duration of the mitotic cycle andits constituent phases have been determined using the labelledmitoses wave method of Quastler and Sherman. Colchicine shortensthe mitotic cycle of the cells in interphase at the time oftreatment; it appears to stimulate cells in G1 or early S tocomplete interphase faster than untreated cells. The affectedcells arrive at mitosis 9–12 h after the beginning oftreatment and contribute to the increase in mitotic index seenafter treatment with colchicine. Treatment with IAA did notaffect cells in G2 but it delayed cells in S; this results ina temporary fall in M.I. The effect of IAA in prolonging interphasewas also seen in roots treated with colchicine and IAA; thetetraploid cells induced by colchicine take longer to reachmetaphase than cells treated only with colchicine. The resultssuggest that colchicine and IAA affect different phases of thecell cycle.  相似文献   

SAMMES  P. G.; MER  C. L. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(2):369-370
The product of IAA decomposition which gives the pink colourin the Salkowski reaction is not N-hydroxy-IAA and its identityis still unknown, as is also that of other substances foundduring metabolism of IAA by pea seedlings.  相似文献   

The effects of the morphactin 2-ehloro-9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylicacid methyl ester [CFM] on growth, geotropic curvature and transportand metabolism of indol-3yl-acetic acid [IAA-5-3H] in the coleoptilesof Zea mays and A vena saliva have been investigated. A strongcorrelation has been found to exist between the inhibition ofthe geotropic response and the inhibition of auxin transport.CFM supplied at concentrations sufficient to abolish auxin transporthas been shown to promote the elongation of Zea, but not ofAvena, coleoptile segments. CFM does not change the patternof metabolism of IAA in Zea coleoptile segments. In these segmentsIAA is metabolized when its concentration is high, but the radioactivitytransported basipetally, or laterally in geotropically stimulatedcoleoptiles, is virtually confined to the IAA molecule. Radioactivityexported into the basal receiver blocks is wholly confined toIAA. It is concluded that CFM inhibits the geotropic responsein coleoptiles by suppression of the longitudinal and lateralauxin transport mechanisms. The growth-promoting propertiesof this substance cannot be linked with its effects on eitherauxin metabolism or transport.  相似文献   

The nature and rate of degradation of carboxyl-14C-labelledindol-3y1-acetic acid (IAA-[l-14C]) were studied in apple leaves.The labelled auxin was applied to the cut surface of the growingshoot after the apical part had been removed. The respiratoryCO2 absorbed by chromatographic paper as Na2CO3 then freed byphosphoric acid was quantitatively measured by an internal gascounter. It was found that the concentration of 14CO2 evolvedby leaves was 77 times higher in daylight than in darkness.The ratio of 14CO2/CO2 obtained from respiration from the uppersurface of leaf blades was two and seven times higher than thatfrom the lower surface after 15 and 30 h of daylight, respectively.No such differences were noticed in darkness. Similarly, thetotal radioactivity of leaf tissues tripled in daylight, presumablybecause of photosynthetic incorporation of radioactive CO2 evolvedduring decomposition of LAA. These facts demonstrate the photolyticcharacter of auxin decarboxylation in apple leaves. Prolongeddarkness seemed to provoke a large metabolite withdrawal fromleaves and, to some extent, to protect auxin against decarboxylation.  相似文献   

Indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) was identified in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Shoot tissue of seedlings, exposed to light for 5 days, had a higher level of IAA than etiolated seedlings of the same age. The content of IAA increased in green seedlings during light treatment for 5–12 days. No increase could be measured in dark-grown seedlings. Inhibitory substances appeared at different Rf-values. The main part was identical to the inhibitor-β complex and occurred in a higher amount in light-grown seedlings than in etiolated taller ones. One part of the inhibitor-complex appeared to be abscisic acid (ABA). It is suggested that both IAA and acid inhibitors may play an important role in the control of stem growth and differentiation, although light effects on other hormones and regulatory systems cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

The effect of 12 h exposure to ethylene upon epinastic curvatureand elongation of a 5-cm segment in the attached petiole ofHelianthus annuus has been investigated in either normal orGA2-treated plants. Curvature of segments occurred rapidly inthe first. 6 h during exposure of normal plants to either 1.0or 40.0 parts/106 ethylene, and continued slowly from 6 to 12h. After the ethylene treatment, recovery from the induced curvaturewas completed in 12 h. In 0.2 parts/106 ethylene, recovery fromthe epinastic curvature began during the second half of thetreatment period. Pre-treatment of plants with 60 µg GA3,did not change the epinastic response to 40.0 parts/106 ethylene.In 10.0 parts/106 ethylene, recovery commenced towards the endof the treatment period, while in 1.0 parts/106 the onset ofepinasty was delayed by about 6 h. In 0.2 parts/106 ethylenethe epinastic response was slight. Ethylene accelerated elongation in the upper half of the petiolesegment. This response was completed within 12 h in all concentrationsand in both normal and GA3-treated plants. The mean elongationrate in the lower half was depressed from 4.6 to 1.0 mm 24h–1in 40.0 parts/106 but immediately afterwards it rose to 14.2mm 24 h–1. A similar response occurred in 1.0 parts/106.In contrast, the elongation of the lower half of the petiolesegment was stimulated by 0.2 parts/106 ethylene. GA2-treatedplants showed an initial depression of elongation in the lowerhalf in 10.0 or 40.0 parts/106 ethylene, but in the second partof the treatment period the elongation rate recovered to thatof the control segments. Both 0.2 and 1.0 parts/106 ethylenestimulated elongation growth in the lower half of segments inGA2-treated plants. Removal of the leaf lamina inhibited segment elongation, butdid not affect the growth response of the upper half to 40.0parts/106 ethylene. In contrast the lower half of the segmentno longer showed the usual growth responses to 40.0 parts/106ethylene, although these were partially retained when 10µgof IAA was applied to the cut end of the petiole.  相似文献   

Indol-3yl-acetic acid was identified in extracts of sterile roots of Zeamays seedlings by means of TLC, chromogenic reactions, GLC and GC-MS.  相似文献   

Physiological amounts of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) were accumulatedby decapitated stems of Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings fromlanolin pastes, containing 0.1 per cent IAA, applied to thecut surfaces of the stumps. Both the levels and gradients ofextractable and diffusable IAA detected in the treated stumpscompared favourably with those reported for the whole plants.A considerable portion of IAA that entered the tissue was metabolizedto a compound that had chromatographic properties similar toindol-3yl-acetylaspartic acid. Two other metabolities were tentativelyidentified as indol-3yl-acetylaspartic acid indol-3yl-acetylglucose.The accumulated IAA appears to be transported as indol-3yl-aceticacid at an apparent velocity of 28 mm/h down the decapitatedinternodes.  相似文献   

Barley and tomato shoots were examined quantitatively for naturally-occurringindole compounds. Both tissues were found to contain detectablelevels of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA), indol-3yl-aldehyde, tryptamine,5-hydroxytryptamine and malonyltryptophan. Tomato shoots alsocontained small amounts of indol-3yl-lactic acid and tryptophol.These two compounds were absent in barley, but this tissue containedsignificant quantities of 3 -aminomethylindole, 3-methylaminomethylindole,gramine, N-methyltryptamine and 5-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine.The possible importance of these compounds in the biosynthesisof IAA, or in the formation of alkaloids, is discussed.  相似文献   

Preparations of citrate condensing enzyme (citrate oxaloacetate-lyase(CoA-acetylating) E. C. 4. 1. 3. 7) from root and shoot tissueof 5-day-old bean seedlings (Phaseolus vulgaris L., var. Burpee'sStringless Greenpod) had different activities, expressed asreaction rate per unit of fresh tissue. Activity per mg proteinwas increased when protein concentrations of the preparationswere reduced by dilution. Addition of indol-3yl acetic acid(IAA) enhanced activity of both root and shoot preparations.The effect was optimal at a concentration of 1.25x10-4 M andthe enzyme was inhibited at 1.25x10-3 M. Enhanement was greaterin root than in shoot preparations and in mixtures of equalamounts of each prepartion activity was intermediate betweenthose of the separte enzymes in absence of IAA but in its presenceapproached that of the shoot preparation. Apparent citrate synthesis in vivi was increased in shoots by application of IAA but therewas no such effect in roots.  相似文献   

The levels of free and ester-linked indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in different parts of the maize root were measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (selected ion monitoring). In roots of 2-day-old plants, the distribution of free and ester IAA differed both along the root and between stele and cortex. The levels of IAA and IAA esters were then measured in whole roots and in the elongation zone using roots of different ages. The level of ester IAA decreased steadily with time. In contrast, the level of free IAA in the elongation zone was found to increase after a few days of culture at which time the rate of root growth was decreasing.  相似文献   

The level of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the cotyledons of cucumber seedlings increases in the period 4 to 11 days after germination. In hypocotyls and roots the IAA level decreases. IAA-oxidase activity of homogenates of cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots decreases with age. The soluble fraction of all three organs contains an IAA-oxidase, which may be allosteric. It is suggested that this IAA oxidase limits the upper level of IAA in the cell. The cell wall fraction of the three organs contains IAA-oxidases with conventional kinetics. The function of this IAA oxidase is probably to degrade exogenous IAA.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates the effects of chloroflurenol (morphactin,IT 3456) treatment on the kinetics of 14C-IAA transport throughZea mays L. (cv. Orla-266) coleoptile segments. Maximum inhibitionof transport was achieved when chloroflurenol remained in contactwith the tissue segments for at least 20 min or more. The treatment,without materially affecting the 14C-IAA-transport polarity,or uptake, significantly reduced the velocity from 20.5 mm h–1to 8.79 mm h–1 and also the intensity from 919 (ct/min)h–1 to 413 (ct/min) h–1.  相似文献   

A tryptamine-forming, L-tryptophan decarboxylase (E.C. [EC] )from tomato shoots, has been partially purified and characterized.The properties of the enzyme were compared with those of tryptophantransaminase isolated from the same tissue, and separation ofthese two enzymes by ammonium sulphate fractionation clearlydemonstrated that tryptamine formation was due to the activityof the decarboxylase enzyme. Tryptophan decarboxylase was foundto be pyridoxal phosphate dependent and appeared to have substrateaffinities different from those of 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase(E.C. [EC] ) found in animal tissue. The importance of tryptophandecarboxylase in the biosynthesis of indol-3yl-acetic acid isdiscussed.  相似文献   

14C from indol-3-yl-(acetic acid-2-14C) (IAA-14C) was transportedin a weak but definitely polar manner through segments of youngand matured regions of pea roots. Greater quantities of 14C-labelledmaterial moved acropetally than basipetally. Up to 70 per centof radioactivity originally present in donor agar blocks wastaken up by the root segments, but only approximately 2 to 3per cent of this emerged into the receiver agar blocks. Anydifferences in uptake, transport, or binding of auxin were veryslight in the three regions of root studied. The IAA-14C wasmetabolized during passage through the root segments, yieldingtwo principal radioactive products. The identities of thesewere not determined, but they appeared to have auxin activityand may be formed spontaneously, but more slowly, in solutionsof IAA-14C. IAA-14C was transported into receiver blocks morereadily than its radioactive derivatives.  相似文献   

Meuwly P  Pilet PE 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1265-1269
Resin beads loaded with indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) were used as asymmetrical donors along the elongation zone of intact primary Zea mays L. roots. A strong curvature, towards and above the bead, occurred when IAA was applied at a mean distance of 2.20 mm from the tip. No curvature was detected after applications at 3.89 and 5.71 mm from the tip. Correspondence analysis, a new methodological approach in plant hormone studies, permitted the evaluation of the relative influence of several factors on the curvature observed for each root. The parameters considered were the initial growth rate, the exact location of the bead (1.64-2.73 millimeters from tip) and the quantity of IAA absorbed. Roots which grew rapidly bent earlier than slowly growing ones and the more basal the treatment was, the less curvature occurred. Surprisingly, the amount of IAA taken up (between 1.2 and 2.2 times the endogenous IAA content) was found to have no influence on either the time-course or the magnitude of this growth inhibition (curvature). The usefulness of this multivariate analysis is also discussed.  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(4):687-697
The effects of colchicine and IAA treatments on mitotic activityin various root proliferating tissues have been determined.Lateral root primordia were not affected by IAA, though 24 hfollowing treatment mitotic activity was severely inhibitedin the apical meristems of 1-cm-long attached lateral rootsand primary roots. Primordia were also less sensitive to colchicinetreatment than root apical meristems. Thus telophase figureswere present in the former meristems 3 h following treatment,but not in the latter. Primordia and apical meristems respondedto the same extent, however, to the colchicine-induced increasein number of cells in metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, 3h after treatment began. The apparent difference between largeprimordia and root apical meristems in this respect was dueto the failure of colchicine to penetrate the cells of the formerproliferating tissues as rapidly as the latter. IAA was foundto prevent the increased MI found 24 h following colchicinetreatment only in those meristems where IAA inhibited mitoticactivity at this time. IAA treatments, either alone or withcolchicine, were also found to maintain mitotic activity in1-cm-long lateral roots which were excised from the primaryroots 24 h previously. In such laterals which were not treatedwith IAA, MI was zero at 24 h. It is concluded from the datareported in this paper that, during the development of rootapical meristems, changes take place in the response of cellsto factors affecting mitotic activity.  相似文献   

The changes in geo- and photolropism exhibited by plants trealed with morphactin, the methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxyfluorene-(9)-carboxylic acid, have been explained as inhibition of the basipetal and promotion of the acropetal and lateral transport of indol-3yl-acetic acid and the equalization of its levels in horizontally placed plant tissues. The geotropical unresponsiveness of morphactin treated corn coleopliles appeared to be related to the distribution and immobility of starch grains acting as geosensors. The author is indebted to Dr. J. E. Fisher for advice and Mr. W. Richards for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

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