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The species Ceratium divaricatum (Lemmermann) Kofoid has largely been subject to misidentification and taxonomic confusion. The history of the species is complex: originally illustrated by Bergh (1881) as Ceratium tripos var., for which Lemmermann (1899) gave it the name Ceratium tripos var. divaricatum; the name Ceratium divaricatum was used by Kofoid (1908) with no specification of authors or references. It shows a high degree of morphological variation and development of autotomy of the apical and antapical horns. This great morphological variation has led to misidentifications in routine examinations of phytoplankton materials, and several names have been used for this species, including Ceratium dens, Ceratium porrectum and Ceratium tripos var. ponticum, as well as Ceratium balechii, a proposed new species for intermediate forms. Here, the species is redescribed, on the basis of material from Mexican Pacific coasts. Morphological and ecologic differences exist among this species and other closely related ones. Distribution of C. divaricatum is wider than previously documented (mainly because of previous misidentifications): the North Pacific Ocean, from British Columbia in Canada to temperate or subtropical waters of Mexico, and then is interrupted to reappear again in coasts of Peru and Chile, and also in coasts of the Benguela area, the South‐west Atlantic Ocean. In tropical and equatorial areas of the Pacific Ocean, a more delicate form occurs, herein proposed as a variety of this species: Ceratium divaricatum var. balechii. C. divaricatum and var. balechii may be relatively abundant, even producing non‐toxic red tides, in various spots along coasts of the Pacific Ocean (Canada to Mexico). It appears to be a neritic form, with high sensibility to changes in water temperature, and presumably associated to upwelling areas.  相似文献   

Species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia are common in the marine phytoplankton world-wide. Some species of this genus have been proved to be source of domoic acid (DA), a powerful toxin causing Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) in humans and probably mass mortality in sea birds and mammals. Net plankton samples obtained during several cruises and seasons from the Pacific coasts of Mexico: western coasts of Baja California, Gulf of California, coasts of the tropical Pacific of Mexico (including the Gulf of Tehuantepec), were analyzed to study the species of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Four species ( P. australis, a presumed toxic species, P. fraudulenta, P. lineola, P. pungens) and one former species of the genus, Nitzschia americana were recorded and studied by light and electron microscopy. The most common species was P. pungens, widely distributed along the Pacific coasts of Mexico. All other species appeared occasionally and in low relative abundances. The probable misidentification of P. australis as P. seriata is discussed, as well as the presence of another potentially toxic species, P. delicatissima, in the Gulf of California. No case of toxicity (ASP) has been fully documented and therefore related to toxic Pseudo-nitzschia species in the Gulf of California. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The recognition of an apparent association between seasonal oyster spat mortalities (up to 40%) and high Prorocentrum rhathymum density in the Little Swanport Estuary, Tasmania, prompted further experimental investigation into the toxicity by this dinoflagellate. Standard brine shrimp, haemolysis assays and intraperitoneal mouse bioassays revealed fast acting toxins in methanol but not aqueous extracts of P. rhathymum, with mice dying in less than 20 min. Oyster bioassays involved feeding spat (4 mm shell width) for 21 consecutive days on a diet of cultured P. rhathymum at simulated bloom densities (104 cells ml−1). No oyster mortality was observed, however, histopathological signs of thin, dilated gut tubules and sloughing of gut cells resembled those seen in affected field samples. In contrast to field samples, gill pathology was also observed in experimental exposure oysters.  相似文献   

TheProrocentrum species, which are primarily marine, are distributed worldwide and occur in ocean, neritic, and littoral environments.Prorocentrum is either a planktonic or benthic genus, with some species possibly being both. Until now, about 35 species had been reported including two that are fresh-water. Some species contain toxic substances. As one of many currently active studies, we collectedP. vietnamensis sp. nov. from Hon Mé, Gulf of Tongkin, Vietnam. Based on its cell shape, smooth valve surface, arrangement of valves and marginal pores, plus characteristics of the central pyrenoid, we propose thatP. vietnamensis is a new species. Its attributes include straight cell sides that are parallel to each other, as well as anterior and posterior areas with rounded ends that form a short, rod-shaped cell that is unique to this species.  相似文献   

The external and internal morphology of Aulodrilus limnobius Bretscher, 1899, Aulodrilus pluriseta (Piguet, 1906) and Aulodrilus japonicus Yamaguchi, 1953, and morphology of the setal apparatus of Aulodrilus pigueti were studied on new material from Russia and compared with various literature data. Besides the peculiar wings on bifid setae, dominance of asexual reproduction is regarded as a primary synapomorphy of the genus and is accompanied by an anterior shift of the whole reproductive system and a tendency to doubling the gonads. Naidid-like cocoons, with a single egg, are another element of this reproductive mode. Similar characters seem to have arisen independently in several groups of Oligochaeta.  相似文献   

Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, Prorocentrum gracile Schütt and Prorocentrum sigmoides Böhm are planktonic dinoflagellates present along the Mexican Pacific coast. These three species can be treated as a species complex because of similar shape and size. The taxonomy of the group has been based on cell form and size, the presence or absence of apical spines and the ornamentation of the main valves. A morphometric study of samples from 11 locations from the Mexican Pacific coast and from laboratory cultures is presented. The presence of a mucron (small tooth) in the antapical region of P. gracile and P. sigmoides morphotypes was recorded for the first time. Morphotypes were defined using as the main criteria the size of pores in relation to the size of the depressions on the cell’s surface, the presence of a mucron in the posterior end of the cell and the shape of the valve margins. Results show a clear distinction between the morphotype P. micans and the P. gracile–P. sigmoides. P. sigmoides is suggested to be a junior synonym of P. gracile as no convincing characters could distinguish these two morphotypes.  相似文献   

During phytoplankton monitoring of coasts off Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, in the tropical Mexican Pacific, a new species, Fryxelliella pacifica sp. nov., was found and is described in this paper. The species is solitary, with cells of medium size, discoid with three relatively large ocelli on the valve face, located close to the margins (3–5 areolae from the margins) and placed symmetrically. Significantly, it possesses the morphological characters that distinguish the genus Fryxelliella from related genera: the presence of the 'circumferential marginal tube' (siphon marginalis), the external subcircular or subtriangular apertures at the valve margins, and the 'juxtaposed rectangular plates' in the valve mantle. The species that appears to be the most closely related is Fryxelliella floridana Prasad, an extant species and the type of the genus. However Fryxelliella pacifica differs from it (i) the size and shape of the cell; (ii) the size, location and structure of the ocelli (which additionally are not elevated); (iii) the shape and density of the subcircular to subtriangular marginal apertures; (iv) the external morphology of the rimoportulae (short process, two concentric tubes with the outer tube tip as a crown); and (v) it is marine rather than brackish. Externally the rimoportulae have a rather complex structure of two concentric tubes: the exterior tube has a tip divided like a crown. In spite of the fact this species was found in plankton samples, it is considered to inhabit sandy sediments (epipsammic) or as tychoplanktonic.  相似文献   

Eohomopterus simojovelensis n. sp., the first fossil record of the subfamily Paussinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Miocene amber of the Simojovel area, Chiapas, Mexico, is described. The morphology of the new species is compared withEohomopterus poinari Nagel, 1997 from Dominican amber as well as with extant representatives ofEohomopterus, and the biogeographical implications are discussed.   相似文献   

It has long been thought that the genera Mobiluncus and Falcivibrio contain the same organisms. Using a polyphasic approach, it was found that Mobiluncus curtisii and Mobiluncus mulieris were the same as Falcivibrio vaginalis and Falcivibrio grandis, respectively. As the genus name Mobiluncus takes precedence, it is proposed that F. vaginalis and F. grandis be transferred to the genus Mobiluncus. In agreement with previous studies, results from phenotypic tests did not support the separation of M. curtisii strains into its two subspecies, M. curtisii subsp. curtisii and M. curtisii subsp. holmesii. Phenotypic complexity within M. curtisii dictates that the species should be treated as a complex until more in-depth analyses of the species have been performed. Phylogenetic analyses, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, demonstrated that the genus Mobiluncus was associated with Varibaculum cambriense and the two subspecies of Actinomyces neuii, and that A. neuii is only distantly related to Actinomyces sensu stricto.  相似文献   

Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides synthesized and secreted by bacteria and could potentially be used as natural food preservatives. Here, we report the production of bacteriocin-like inhibitor substances (Bt-BLIS) by five Mexican strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni (LBIT 269), B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (LBIT 287), B. thuringiensis subsp kenyae (LBIT 404), B. thuringiensis subsp. entomocidus (LBIT 420) and B. thuringiensis subsp. tolworthi (LBIT 524) produced proteinaceous Bt-BLIS with high levels of activity against Bacillus cereus and other gram-positive bacteria. Although none was active against the gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, Shigella species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the five Bt-BLIS demonstrated antimicrobial activity against Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of cholera. Biochemical and biophysical studies demonstrated that the five Bt-BLIS could be categorized into two groups, those produced by LBIT 269 and 287 (Group A) and LBIT 404, 420, 524 (Group B), based on relative time of peptide synthesis, distinctive bacterial target specificity and stability in a wide range of temperatures and pH. Because of their stability and bactericidal activities against B. cereus and V. cholerae agents of emetic, diarrheal and lethal syndromes in humans, these Bt-BLIS could potentially be used as biodegradable preservatives in the food industry.  相似文献   

Eighty-nine strains representing the genus Carnobacterium, Enterococcus durans, Vagacoccus salmoninarum and atypical Lactobacillus strains MT12 and MT13 were examined for 92 unit characters. Computer analysis of the data resulted in the recovery of four major, five minor and thirteen single membered clusters. Three cluster-groups contained seventy-four of the Carnobacterium strains, Enterococcus durans NCFB 596T and Lactobacillus maltaromicus NCFB 2382T. Cluster-group A was equated with Carnobacterium piscicola and cluster-group B with Carnobacterium divergens. Lactobacillus maltaromicus NCFB 2382T shared many properties in common with the C. piscicola strains. The recovery of several Carnobacteriumstrains as single membered clusters suggests that the genus Carnobacterium is underspeciated. Further work is also required to determine the subspecific structure of Carnobacterium divergens and Carnobacterium piscicola.  相似文献   

Amoebophrya is a marine parasite recently found to infect and kill bloom-forming dinoflagellates in the California Current System (CCS). However, it is unknown whether parasitism by Amoebophrya can control dinoflagellate blooms in major eastern boundary upwelling systems, such as the CCS. We quantified the abundance of a common bloom-forming species Akashiwo sanguinea and prevalence of its parasite (i.e., % infected cells) in surface water samples collected weekly from August 2005 to December 2008 at the Santa Cruz Wharf (SCW), Monterey Bay, CA. Additionally, we measured physical and chemical properties at the SCW and examined regional patterns of wind forcing and sea surface temperature. Relative abundance of the net phytoplankton species was also analyzed to discern whether or not parasitism influences net phytoplankton community composition. Epidemic infection outbreaks (>20% parasite prevalence in the host species) may have contributed to the end or prevented the occurrence of A. sanguinea blooms, whereas low parasite prevalence was associated with short-term (≤2 weeks) A. sanguinea blooms. The complete absence of parasitism in 2007 was associated with an extreme A. sanguinea bloom. Anomalously strong upwelling conditions were detected in 2007, suggesting that A. sanguinea was able to outgrow Amoebophrya and ‘escape’ parasitism. We conclude that parasitism can strongly influence dinoflagellate bloom dynamics in upwelling systems. Moreover, Amoebophrya may indirectly influence net phytoplankton species composition, as species that dominated the net phytoplankton and developed algal blooms never appeared to be infected.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR products corresponding to the variable large-subunit rRNA domains D1, D2, D9, and D10 from ten representative dinoflagellate species is reported. Species were selected among the main laboratory-grown dinoflagellate groups: Prorocentrales, Gymnodiniales, and Peridiniales which comprise a variety of morphological and ecological characteristics. The sequence alignments comprising up to 1,000 nucleotides from all ten species were employed to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among these dinoflagellates. Maximum parsimony and neighbor joining trees were inferred from the data generated and subsequently tested by bootstrapping. Both the D1/D2 and the D9/D10 regions led to coherent trees in which the main class of dinoflagellates, Dinophyceae, is divided in three groups: prorocentroid, gymnodinioid, and peridinioid. An interesting outcome from the molecular phylogeny obtained was the uncertain emergence of Prorocentrum lima. The molecular results reported agreed with morphological classifications within Peridiniales but not with those of Prorocentrales and Gymnodiniales. Additionally, the sequence comparison analysis provided strong evidence to suggest that Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium lusitanicum were synonymous species given the identical sequence they shared. Moreover, clone Gg1V, which was determined Gymnodinium catenatum based on morphological criteria, would correspond to a new species of the genus Gymnodinium as its sequence clearly differed from that obtained in G. catenatum. The sequence of the amplified fragments was demonstrated to be a valuable tool for phylogenetic and taxonomical analysis among these highly diversified species. Correspondence to: J. M. Bautista  相似文献   

Understanding genetic structure and gene flow can elucidate the mechanisms of diversification and adaptation in seabirds and help define conservation and management units. From 2012 to 2016, we collected blood and feather samples from 156 Red-billed Tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus) from seven colonies distributed along the Gulf of California and Mexican tropical Pacific to estimate genetic diversity, genetic structure, and gene flow using microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; control region) sequences. Nuclear and mtDNA data revealed relatively low or null levels of genetic diversity, respectively, possibly the result of a founder effect in the eastern Pacific followed by a subsequent population expansion. Nuclear data revealed significant genetic structure among the colonies, but the differences were not associated with regional grouping (i.e., Gulf of California vs. Tropical Pacific). Greater gene flow was observed from the tropical Pacific toward the Gulf of California, possibly related to shared dispersal patterns during the non-breeding season (individuals traveling north to reach warm currents with abundant prey). With the exception of one colony in the Mexican tropical Pacific, we found no evidence of recent bottleneck events. Nonetheless, the overall reduced genetic diversity suggests a high intrinsic vulnerability and risk of extinction for this species.  相似文献   

Simon  C.  Ar Gall  E.  Deslandes  E. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):23-29
Grateloupia doryphora (Montagne) Howe (Halymeniales, Halymeniaceae) has previously been reported for two locations along the Brittany coastline (France). Important ecological and morphological traits of the species in the breton populations are detailed here. Because of the impressive size it can reach, G. doryphora can be considered as the largest red alga in the world. G. doryphora has the tendency to dominate the algal flora once installed. At Lorient, in addition to the marginal extension of the population, a progressive colonisation of the whole intertidal zone has been noted for 2 years. The species actually preferentially develops in currents and pools where it is abundant between early winter and mid summer. An interesting development is the recent spreading from the mid and lower eulittoral towards the upper rocky pools. The seasonality of the life-cycle has also been studied over 2 years. In addition, this work reports on the first identification of G. doryphora near the Loire estuary in South Brittany, at Concarneau and in the Bay of Brest in western Brittany, and on the coasts of Normandy, at Granville and Cherbourg. The occurrence of attached specimens on ship hulls and pontoons suggests a distant transport of the species by navigation. Considering the rapid geographical propagation of G. doryphora, and its tendancy to proliferate in settling locations, the species can be regarded as potentially invasive on the north–west coasts of Europe.  相似文献   

E. I. Schornikov 《Hydrobiologia》2005,538(1-3):193-215
Deep-sea Pedicythere species which had been earlier considered as pan-abyssal in distribution are shown to be composite species including similar, but separate species in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Morphology and distribution of Pedicythere are analysed. A key to well-described Cenozoic species and forms in open nomenclature which are referred to Pedicythere is presented, together with an annotated checklist of species. Five new species of Pedicythere are described from the South China Sea: P. hirundo sp. nov., P. gibbera sp. nov., P. dentata sp. nov., P. arator sp. nov. and P. nivea sp. nov.  相似文献   

纤维单胞菌属(Cellulomonas)的一些菌株能够产生多种纤维素酶,在纤维素降解方面显示出明显优势。1923年Bergey等以产黄纤维单胞菌为模式菌建立了纤维单胞菌属。1991年Stackebrand和Prauser又以纤维单胞菌属为模式属建立了纤维单胞菌科(Cellulomonadaceae)。目前,纤维单胞菌属包含有从多种环境中分离培养得到的26个有效描述种。纤维单胞菌属菌株在分类学上的典型特征是:细胞壁的肽聚糖成分主要含有Orn和Glu/Asp,以MK-9(H4)为主要的甲基萘醌,主要的脂肪酸成分为anteiso-C15:0和C16:0,极性脂成分主要包括双磷脂酰甘油(DPG)和磷脂酰肌醇甘露糖甙(PIM)。基因组DNA的G+C含量为(68.5–76.0)mol%。最近,本实验室分离到2株纤维单胞菌,应用多相分类研究手段确定了他们的分类学地位。本文将结合我们的研究,对纤维单胞菌属的建立、分类学特征及其在生态和酶资源应用方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Sponges belonging to the class Homoscleromorpha have become a pivotal group to help understand early metazoan evolution. However, their complex systematics and cryptic habitat (e.g. dead coral, or under/amongst coral rubble or rock), hinders the recognition and classification of species. An extensive study carried out in coral reefs from the Mexican Pacific coast, Revillagigedo and Clipperton Islands, yielded 21 specimens and five species of Plakinidae: Plakortis albicans, Plakinastrella clippertonensis, P lakina muricyae sp. nov. , P lakina paradilopha sp. nov. , and P lakortis clarionensis sp. nov. Fragments of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) and cytochrome b (cob) mtDNA were sequenced to generate DNA‐barcoding of some species and to determine their phylogenetic relationships with other homosclermorphs. Molecular and morphological data placed Plakina muricyae sp. nov. together with the morphologically related species Plakina monolopha (Plakina monolopha‐complex), whereas Plakina paradilopha sp. nov. seems to belong to the Plakina dilopha complex. According to spicule morphology and size, Plakortis albicans had been considered to be in the Plakortis simplex‐complex. However, this was not supported by our molecular data and Plakortis albicans clustered with Plakinastrella sp. here. This is the first time that the standard cox1 ‘barcoding fragment’ has been analysed for the systematics of Plakinidae, which showed to Plakina as a monophyletic group, which is congruent with the morphological hypothesis. The genus Plakina is here recorded for first time from Mexican Pacific waters. A taxonomic key for Homoscleromorpha species from the eastern Pacific region is also included. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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