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Changes in the differentiating pigment epithelium cells have been studied in Rana temporaria by transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural features of the pigment epithelium functions at successive developmental stages have been established: the phagocytic function appears the first (judging by utilization of embryonic pigment from the primary eye cavity), it is followed by the transport and barrier functions (as the secondary eye cavity and vascular envelope develop), while phagocytosis related to the process of renovation of the external segments of photoreceptors and the function of screening appear later.  相似文献   

Peroxidase activity, assayed with 2 mM-H2O2 and suitable hydrogen donors (either p-phenyl-enediamine or diaminobenzidine), was demonstrated in homogenates of neural retina and pigment epithelium of both the dog and the cow. The enzyme is particle-associated in the native state, but is readily extractable by brief sonication or freeze-thawing. At optimum pH, which is between 4.0 and 4.5 for both sources, the specific activity is up to 40 times greater in pigment epithelial cells than in neural retina. Some catalase activity was detected in extracts from both bovine and canine neural retina, but catalase was essentially absent in pigment epithelium. Fractionation of bovine pigment epithelial cells showed that peroxidase activity is associated mainly with heavy organelles sedimenting at low centrifugal forces. Melanosomes, nuclei, melanolysosomes and plasma membranes were the principal organelles identified in these low speed sediments. It was not possible to separate them either by differential centrifugation or on discontinuous sucrose gradients. However, melanosomes were excluded as the only source of peroxidase activity by isolating separately the melanotic and amelanotic cell populations; equal peroxidase was found in both cell types. Since nuclei are not a likely source of this enzyme, it is suggested that most of the peroxidase activity in bovine pigment epithelial cells is localized in either the melanolysosomes, plasma membranes, or both.  相似文献   

The Authors studied the postnatal development of the retinal pigment epithelium in the albino rat, in order to elucidate its morphological and functional evolution, correlated to the numerous functional roles played in Vertebrates (Scheme 1). At birth, epithelial cells show few cytoplasmic organules and the apical surface provided of small depressions. From the third to the fifth postnatal day the first apical microfolds surround the depressions. From the seventh to the ninth day inner segments develop, whilst the apical surface of the epithelial cells is covered by many finger-like microfolds. During the eleventh postnatal day the buds of the outer segments and many lamellar microfolds can be demonstrated. During the sixteenth day the retina reaches its adult morphology. It is therefore well-evident that birth, similarly to many other Vertebrates, is not the last step, but only a moment, in the development of the retina: this process is completed only during postnatal life, when environmental light is able to stimulate every ocular structure.  相似文献   

Summary It was previously shown that ouabain decreases the potential difference across anin vitro preparation of bullfrog retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) when applied to the apical, but not the basal, membrane and that the net basal-to-apical Na+ transport is also inhibited by apical ouabain. This suggested the presence of a Na+–K+ pump on the apical membrane of the RPE. In the present experiments, intracellular recordings from RPE cells show that this pump is electrogenic and contributes approximately –10 mV to the apical membrane potential (V AP). Apical ouabain depolarizedV AP in two phases. The initial, fast phase was due to the removal of the direct, electrogenic component. In the first one minute of the response to ouabain,V AP depolarized at an average rate of 4.4±0.42 mV/min (n=10, mean ±sem), andV AP depolarized an average of 9.6±0.5 mV during the entire fast phase. A slow phase of membrane depolarization, due to ionic gradients running down across both membranes, continued for hours at a much slower rate, 0.4 mV/min. Using a simple diffusion model and K+-specific microelectrodes, it was possible to infer that the onset of the ouabain-induced depolarization coincided with the arrival of ouabain molecules at the apical membrane. This result must occur if ouabain affects an electrogenic pump. Other metabolic inhibitors, such as DNP and cold, also produced a fast depolarization of the apical membrane. For a decrease in temperature of 10°C, the average depolarization of the apical membrane was 7.1±3.4 mV (n=5) and the average decrease in transepithelial potential was 3.9±0.3 mV (n=10). These changes in potential were much larger than could be explained by the effect of temperature on anRT/F electrodiffusion factor. Cooling the tissue inhibited the same mechanism as ouabain, since prior exposure to ouabain greatly reduced the magnitude of the cold effect. Bathing the tissue in 0mm [K+] solution for 2 hr inhibited the electrogenic pump, and subsequent re-introduction of 2mm [K+] solution produced a rapid membrane hyperpolarization. We conclude that the electrogenic nature of this pump is important to retinal function, since its contribution to the apical membrane potential is likely to affect the transport of ions, metabolites, and fluid across the RPE.  相似文献   

The isolated pigment epithelium and choroid of frog was mounted in a chamber so that the apical surfaces of the epithelial cells and the choroid were exposed to separate solutions. The apical membrane of these cells was penetrated with microelectrodes and the mean apical membrane potential was --88 mV. The basal membrane potential was depolarized by the amount of the transepithelial potential (8--20 mV). Changes in apical and basal cell membrane voltage were produced by changing ion concentrations on one or both sides of the tissue. Although these voltage changes were altered by shunting and changes in membrane resistance, it was possible to estimate apical and basal cell membrane and shunt resistance, and the relative ionic conductance Ti of each membrane. For the apical membrane: TK approximately equal to 0.52, THCO3 approximately equal to 0.39 and TNa approximately equal to 0.05, and its specific resistance was estimated to be 6000--7000 omega cm2. For the basal membrane: TK approximately equal to 0.90 and its specific resistance was estimated to be 400--1200 omega cm2. From the basal potassium voltage responses the intracellular potassium concentration was estimated at 110 mM. The shunt resistance consisted of two pathways: a paracellular one, due to the junctional complexes and another, around the edge of the tissue, due to the imperfect nature of the mechanical seal. In well-sealed tissues, the specific resistance of the shunt was about ten times the apical plus basal membrane specific resistances. This epithelium, therefore, should be considered "tight". The shunt pathway did not distinguish between anions (HCO--3, Cl--, methylsulfate, isethionate) but did distinguish between Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

Taurine is found at millimolar concentration in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. High concentrations of taurine are essential for maintenance of retinal function. Taurine uptake by retina and retinal pigment epithelium was significantly enhanced by physiological concentrations of insulin as well as by high glucose concentrations. The results indicate that both, glucose and insulin enhanced taurine uptake occur through an increase in transport capacity which offset an additional, small decrease in affinity of the taurine carrier. Similar results were observed in retina and retinal pigment epithelium from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, suggesting that glucose and insulin regulate the taurine carrier through the same mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic NaK pumps. In the pressent experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K] o ([Rb] o ). The net rate of retina-to-choroid42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K] o ([Rb] o ), increased from approximately 0.2 to 5mm on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K] o ([Rb] o ) was elevated to 10mm. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K] o . The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10–4 m ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had not effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K] o ([Rb] o ). These results show that the apical membrane NaK pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K] o changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K] o changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic Na:K pumps. In the present experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K]0 ( [Rb]0). The net rate of retina-to-choroid 42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K]0 ( [Rb]0) increased from approximately 0.2 to 5 mM on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K]0 ( [Rb]0) was elevated to 10 mM. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K]0. The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10-4 M ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had no effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable 42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K]0 ( [Rb]0). These results show that the apical membrane Na:K pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K]0 changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K]0 changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary The retina and pigment epithelium of the bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Fixed-dehydrated tissues were critical point dried with CO2, then cracked in the plane of the long axis of the photoreceptors. The cellular layers of the retina and the lateral surfaces of pigment epithelial cells were visualized. The four major types of frog photoreceptor were identified: red rod, green rod, single cone, and double cone. Cone myoids were observed to be contracted in light-adapted retinas and elongated in more dark adapted retinas.This work was supported by a career development award EY-18,083 to the author and research grant EY 00468 to Dr. Kenneth T. Brown.The author gratefully acknowledges the skillful technical assistance of Ms. Maria T. Maglio.  相似文献   

Vitronectin (Vn), a multifunctional plasma protein synthesized primarily in the liver, is often present as a component of the extracellular plaques and deposits that accompany various age-related human diseases. Recently, we reported that Vn is also a prominent molecular constituent of drusen, the extracellular deposits associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (1). The cellular source(s) of the Vn in drusen, as well as in these other plaques and deposits, remains uncertain. In this study, we used real-time quantitative RT-PCR to measure the relative levels of Vn mRNA in the cells and tissues that lie in close proximity to drusen. The results confirm that the human liver is an abundant source of Vn mRNA. Levels of Vn mRNA in kidney, lung, and fetal or adult brain are <3% of those in liver. Remarkably, mean Vn mRNA levels in the neural retina significantly exceed those in brain and represent close to 40% of the Vn mRNA value measured in human liver. Substantial levels of Vn mRNA are also present in the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). These results identify the neural retina, for the first time, as an abundant source of Vn mRNA. They also suggest that both the neural retina and RPE are potent biosynthetic sources of Vn in humans, and potentially significant local contributors to the Vn that accumulates in drusen.  相似文献   

Summary The isolated pigment epithelium and choroid of frog was mounted in a chamber so that the apical surfaces of the epithelial cells and the choroid were exposed to separate solutions. The apical membrane of these cells was penetrated with microelectrodes and the mean apical membrane potential was –88 mV. The basal membrane potential was depolarized by the amount of the transepithelial potential (8–20mV). Changes in apical and basal cell membrane voltage were produced by changing ion concentrations on one or both sides of the tissue. Although these voltage changes were altered by shunting and changes in membrane resistance, it was possible to estimate apical and basal cell membrane and shunt resistance, and the relative ionic conductanceT i of each membrane. For the apical membrane:T K0.52,T HCO 3=0.39 andT Na=0.05, and its specific resistance was estimated to be 6000–7000 cm2. From the basalT K=0.90 and its specific resistance was estimated to be 400–1200 cm2. From the basal potassium voltage responses the intracellular potassium concentration was estimated at 110mm. The shunt resistance consisted of two pathways: a paracellular one, due to the junctional complexes and another, around the edge of the tissue, due to the imperfect nature of the mechanical seal. In well-sealed tissues, the specific resistance of the shunt was about ten times the apical plus basal membrane specific resistances. This epithelium, therefore, should be considered tight. The shunt pathway did not distinguish between anions (HCO3 , Cl, methylsulfate, isethionate) but did distinguish between Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

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