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Effect of different levels of hyperoxia on breathing in healthy subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Becker, Heinrich F., Olli Polo, Stephen G. McNamara, MichaelBerthon-Jones, and Colin E. Sullivan. Effect of different levelsof hyperoxia on breathing in healthy subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4): 1683-1690, 1996.Wehave recently shown that breathing 50%O2 markedly stimulates ventilationin healthy subjects if end-tidal PCO2(PETCO2) ismaintained. The aim of this study was to investigate apossible dose-dependent stimulation of ventilation byO2 and to examine possiblemechanisms of hyperoxic hyperventilation. In eight normalsubjects ventilation was measured while they were breathing 30 and 75%O2 for 30 min, withPETCO2 being held constant.Acute hypercapnic ventilatory responses were also tested in thesesubjects. The 75% O2 experimentwas repeated without controllingPETCO2 in 14 subjects, andin 6 subjects arterial blood gases were taken at baseline and at theend of the hyperoxia period. Minute ventilation(I) increased by 21 and 115% with 30 and 75% isocapnic hyperoxia, respectively. The 75%O2 without any control onPETCO2 led toa 16% increase inI, butPETCO2 decreased by3.6 Torr (9%). There was a linear correlation(r = 0.83) between the hypercapnic and the hyperoxic ventilatory response. In conclusion, isocapnic hyperoxia stimulates ventilation in a dose-dependent way, withI more than doubling after 30 min of75% O2. If isocapnia is notmaintained, hyperventilation is attenuated by a decrease in arterialPCO2. There is a correlation betweenhyperoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responses. On the basis of datafrom the literature, we concluded that the Haldane effect seems to bethe major cause of hyperventilation duringboth isocapnic and poikilocapnichyperoxia.


Chest wall distortion (inward motion of the rib cage on inspiration) has been found recently to reduce the tidal volume during active sleep in the neonatal period. To determine some of the factors that relate to the chest wall distortion and the decreased tidal volume seen in active sleep, a quantification of the phase differences between the movements of the chest wall and those of the abdominal wall, and of the relation of their phase differences to tidal volume was performed on data obtained before and during carbon dioxide stimulation in 15 newborn infants sleeping in the prone position. In quiet sleep, the breathing movements were congruent and regular, and the tidal volume and the mean inspiratory flow increased during carbon dioxide stimulation. In active sleep during exposure to carbon dioxide, the chest wall distortion decreased, the breathing movements were incongruent and the degree of the chest wall distortion was negatively correlated with the tidal volume, while the tidal volume and the mean inspiratory flow was increased. Chest wall distortion did not appear in quiet sleep and was decreased in active sleep in spite of increased ventilation during CO2 stimulation. This study favours the idea that chest wall distortion is caused by a well regulated change in neuromuscular activity and not by the strength of diaphragmatic movements overcoming the mechanical stability of the rib cage.  相似文献   

Dynamics of breathing in infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to map cerebral activation in 16 patients with obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (OSDB) and 16 healthy subjects, during the performance of a 2-back verbal working memory task. Six patients with OSDB were reimaged after a minimum period of 8 wk of treatment with positive airway pressure. Working memory speed in OSDB was significantly slower than in healthy subjects, and a group average map showed absence of dorsolateral prefrontal activation, regardless of nocturnal hypoxia. After treatment, resolution of subjective sleepiness contrasted with no significant change in behavioral performance, persistent lack of prefrontal activation, and partial recovery of posterior parietal activation. These findings suggest that working memory may be impaired in OSDB and that this impairment is associated with disproportionate impairment of function in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Nocturnal hypoxia may not be a necessary determinant of cognitive dysfunction, and sleep fragmentation may be sufficient. There may be dissociations between respiratory vs. cortical recovery and objective vs. subjective recovery. Hypofrontality may provide a plausible biological mechanism for a clinical overlap with disorders of mood and attention.  相似文献   

This study used a modified CO(2) rebreathing procedure to examine the effect of gender on the chemoreflex control of breathing during wakefulness in healthy men (n = 14) and women (n = 14). Women were tested in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. During rebreathing trials, subjects hyperventilated to reduce the partial pressure of end-tidal CO(2) (Pet(CO(2))) below 25 Torr and were then switched to a rebreathing bag containing a normocapnic hypoxic or hyperoxic gas mixture. During the trial, Pet(CO(2)) increased, while O(2) was maintained at a constant level. The point at which ventilation began to rise as Pet(CO(2)) increased was identified as the ventilatory recruitment threshold (VRT). Ventilation below the VRT was measured, and the slope of the ventilatory response above the VRT was determined. Gender had no effect on the hyperoxic or hypoxic VRT for CO(2). Central chemoreflex sensitivity was significantly greater in men than women but not after correction for forced vital capacity. Measures of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity were similar between genders. However, the slope of the tidal volume (Vt) response to hyperoxic and hypoxic CO(2) rebreathing (corrected and uncorrected) was greater in men than women, respectively. We conclude that central chemoreflex sensitivity is greater in men compared with women as reflected by differences in ventilatory (uncorrected) and Vt (corrected and uncorrected) responses to CO(2). However, gender has no significant effect on the central chemoreflex VRT for CO(2). The peripheral chemoreflex control of breathing during wakefulness is similar between men and women.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the response of healthy infants to airway hypoxia (15% oxygen in nitrogen). Design: Interventional study. Settings: Infants’ homes and paediatric ward. Subjects: 34 healthy infants (20 boys) born at term; mean age at study 3.1 months. 13 of the infants had siblings whose deaths had been ascribed to the sudden infant death syndrome. Intervention: Respiratory variables were measured in room air (pre-challenge), while infants were exposed to 15% oxygen (challenge), and after infants were returned to room air (post-challenge). Main outcome measures: Baseline oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry, frequency of isolated and periodic apnoea, and frequency of desaturation (oxygen saturation ⩽80% for ⩾4 s). Exposure to 15% oxygen was terminated if oxygen saturation fell to ⩽80% for ⩾1 min. Results: Mean duration of exposure to 15% oxygen was 6.3 (SD 2.9) hours. Baseline oxygen saturation fell from a median of 97.6% (range 94.0% to 100%) in room air to 92.8% (84.7% to 100%) in 15% oxygen. There was no correlation between baseline oxygen saturation in room air and the extent of the fall in baseline oxygen saturation on exposure to 15% oxygen. During exposure to 15% oxygen there was a reduction in the proportion of time spent in regular breathing pattern and a 3.5-fold increase in the proportion of time spent in periodic apnoea (P<0.001). There was an increase in the frequency of desaturation from 0 episodes per hour (range 0 to 0.2) to 0.4 episodes per hour (0 to 35) (P<0.001). In 4 infants exposure to hypoxic conditions was ended early because of prolonged and severe falls in oxygen saturation. Conclusions: A proportion of infants had episodes of prolonged (⩽80% for ⩾1 min) or recurrent shorter (⩽80% for ⩾4 s) desaturation, or both, when exposed to airway hypoxia. The quality and quantity of this response was unpredictable. These findings may explain why some infants with airway hypoxia caused by respiratory infection develop more severe hypoxaemia than others. Exposure to airway hypoxia similar to that experienced during air travel or on holiday at high altitude may be harmful to some infants.

Key messages

  • A reduction in inspired oxygen concentration to 15% can induce severe prolonged hypoxaemia in a small proportion of infants
  • Prediction of which infants will become hypoxaemic does not appear possible from analysing oxygenation or the respiratory pattern of infants breathing room air at sea level
  • The way in which an infant responds to airway hypoxia may contribute to understanding the relation between respiratory infections, hypoxaemic episodes, and the sudden infant death syndrome
  • Airline travel and holidays at high altitude may result in hypoxaemia in a small proportion of infants

Present methods of assessing the work of breathing in human infants do not account for the added load when intercostal muscle activity is lost and rib cage distortion occurs. We have developed a technique for assessing diaphragmatic work in this circumstance utilizing measurements of transdiaphragmatic pressure and abdominal volume displacement. Eleven preterm infants without evidence of lung disease were studied. During periods of minimal rib cage distortion, inspiratory diaphragmatic work averaged 5.9 g X cm X ml-1, increasing to an average of 12.4 g X cm X ml-1 with periods of paradoxical rib cage motion (P less than 0.01). Inspiratory work was strongly correlated with the electrical activity of the diaphragm as measured from its moving time average (P less than 0.05). Assuming a mechanical efficiency of 4% in these infants, the caloric cost of diaphragmatic work may reach 10% of their basal metabolic rate in periods with rib cage distortion. When lung disease is superimposed, the increased metabolic demands of the diaphragm may predispose preterm infants to fatigue and may contribute to a failure to grow.  相似文献   

In the neonatal period, respiratory distortion of the chest wall in active sleep has been reported to reduce the thoracic gas volume. In order to investigate whether the distortion influences the tidal volume, a thorough quantification of the phase differences between the movements of the chest wall and the abdominal wall and the relation of the phase differences to the ventilation was performed on fifteen newborn infants sleeping in prone position. The changes in the circumference of the chest and abdomen were measured with mercury-in-silastic strain gauges; nasal air flow was monitored with a pneumotachograph. During quiet sleep, the movements of the chest wall and the abdominal wall were congruent and regular, and the tidal volume was not dependent on the observed phase differences between them. In active sleep, the breathing movements were incongruent, the tidal volume was negatively correlated with the phase shift between the movements of the chest wall and the abdominal wall, and the mean inspiratory flow was increased. Ventilation (ml/min) did not differ between the sleep states. This study thus suggests that, in healthy newborns in active sleep, the chest wall distortion leads to a reduction of the tidal volume, but ventilation is upheld by compensatory mechanisms, i.e. increased breathing rate and increased amplitude of movements of the diaphragm.  相似文献   

In this article, we aimed at investigating the interaction between breathing and swallowing patterns in normal subjects. Ten healthy volunteers were included in the study. Diaphragm EMG activity was recorded by a needle electrode inserted into the 7th or 8th intercostal space. Swallowing was monitored by submental EMG activity, and laryngeal vertical movement was recorded by using a movement sensor. A single voluntary swallow was initiated during either the inspiration or expiration phases of respiration, and changes in EMG activity were evaluated. When a swallow coincided with either inspiration or expiration, the duration of the respiratory phase was prolonged. Normal subjects were able to voluntarily swallow during inspiration. During the inspiration phase with swallowing, diaphragmatic activity did not ceased and during the expiration phase with swallowing, there was a muscle activity in the diaphragm muscle.  相似文献   

Reported values of lung resistance(RL) and elastance (EL) in spontaneouslybreathing preterm neonates vary widely. We hypothesized that thisvariability in lung properties can be largely explained by both inter-and intrasubject variability in breathing pattern and demographics.Thirty-three neonates receiving nasal continuous positive airwaypressure [weight 606-1,792 g, gestational age (GA) of25-33 wk, 2-49 days old] were studied. Transpulmonary pressure was measured by esophageal manometry and airway flow by facemask pneumotachography. Breath-to-breath changes in RL andEL in each infant were estimated by Fourier analysis ofimpedance (Z) and by multiple linear regression (MLR).RLMLR (RLMLR = 0.85 × RLZ 0.43; r2 = 0.95) and ELMLR(ELMLR = 0.97 × ELZ + 8.4; r2 = 0.98) werehighly correlated to RLZ andELZ, respectively. Both RL(mean ± SD; RLZ = 70 ± 38, RLMLR = 59 ± 36 cmH2O · s · l1)and EL (ELZ = 434 ± 212, ELMLR = 436 ± 210 cmH2O/l)exhibited wide intra- and intersubject variability.Regardless of computation method, RL was found to decreaseas a function of weight, age, respiratory rate (RR), and tidal volume(VT) whereas it increased as a function ofRR · VT and inspiratory-to-expiratorytime ratio (TI/TE). EL decreasedwith increasing weight, age, VT and female gender andincreased as RR and TI/TE increased. Weconclude that accounting for the effects of breathing patternvariability and demographic parameters on estimates of RLand EL is essential if they are to be of clinical value.Multivariate statistical models of RL and ELmay facilitate the interpretation of lung mechanics measurements inspontaneously breathing infants.


The pattern of breathing of male rats was studied after stimulating respiration with carbon dioxide at different levels of general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was induced by the inhalation of halothane or by the i.p. injection of urethane. Ventilation values were measured in intubated rats in body plethysmograph. It was found that a linear relationship between minute ventilation and tidal volume was maintained during the decrease of minute ventilation due to deepening of anaesthesia. The slope of the relationship after stimulating respiration with carbon dioxide also diminished during deeper anaesthesia. The duration of inspiration did not alter significantly, despite marked changes in tidal volume. Tidal volume correlated with the duration of expiration at different anaesthesia levels. In vagotomized rats, the duration of expiration shortened as ventilation was depressed by deepening anaesthesia.  相似文献   

We examined the time course of O3-induced changes in breathing pattern in 97 healthy human subjects (70 men and 27 women). One- to five-minute averages of breathing frequency (f(B)) and minute ventilation (Ve) were used to generate plots of cumulative breaths and cumulative exposure volume vs. time and cumulative exposure volume vs. cumulative breaths. Analysis revealed a three-phase response; delay, no response detected; onset, f(B) began to increase; response, f(B) stabilized. Regression analysis was used to identify four parameters: time to onset, number of breaths at onset, cumulative inhaled dose of ozone at onset of O3-induced tachypnea, and the percent change in f(B). The effect of altering O3 concentration, Ve, atropine treatment, and indomethacin treatment were examined. We found that the lower the O3 concentration, the greater the number of breaths at onset of tachypnea at a fixed ventilation, whereas number of breaths at onset of tachypnea remains unchanged when Ve is altered and O3 concentration is fixed. The cumulative inhaled dose of O3 at onset of tachypnea remained constant and showed no relationship with the magnitude of percent change in f(B). Atropine did not affect any of the derived parameters, whereas indomethacin did not affect time to onset, number of breaths at onset, or cumulative inhaled dose of O3 at onset of tachypnea but did attenuate percent change in f(B). The results are discussed in the context of dose response and intrinsic mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may play a role in modulating memory function and there is growing evidence that the BDNF V166M polymorphism may influence episodic memory in humans. However, previous association studies examining this polymorphism and working memory are inconsistent. The current study examined this association in a large sample of adolescent twin-pairs and siblings (785 individuals from 439 families). A range of measures (event-related potential, general performance and reaction time) was obtained from a delayed-response working-memory task and total association was examined using the quantitative transmission disequilibrium tests (QTDT) program. Analyses had approximately 93-97% power (alpha= 0.05) to detect an association accounting for as little as 2% of the variance in the phenotypes examined. Results indicated that the BDNF V166M polymorphism is not associated with variation in working memory in healthy adolescents.  相似文献   

The effects of breathing depth in attenuating induced bronchoconstriction were studied in 12 healthy subjects. On four separate, randomized occasions, the depth of a series of five breaths taken soon (approximately 1 min) after methacholine (MCh) inhalation was varied from spontaneous tidal volume to lung volumes terminating at approximately 80, approximately 90, and 100% of total lung capacity (TLC). Partial forced expiratory flow at 40% of control forced vital capacity (V(part)) and residual volume (RV) were measured at control and again at 2, 7, and 11 min after MCh. The decrease in V(part) and the increase in RV were significantly less when the depth of the five-breath series was progressively increased (P < 0.001), with a linear relationship. The attenuating effects of deep breaths of any amplitude were significantly greater on RV than V(part) (P < 0.01) and lasted as long as 11 min, despite a slight decrease with time when the end-inspiratory lung volume was 100% of TLC. In conclusion, in healthy subjects exposed to MCh, a series of breaths of different depth up to TLC caused a progressive and sustained attenuation of bronchoconstriction. The effects of the depth of the five-breath series were more evident on the RV than on V(part), likely due to the different mechanisms that regulate airway closure and expiratory flow limitation.  相似文献   

Mother-infant bed sharing, compared withthe solitary sleeping condition, has recently been associated withseveral physiological and behavioral effects. Because the physiologicaleffects of bed sharing may also include respiratory changes, wecompared the incidence of central and obstructive apneas and periodicbreathing in bed-sharing and solitary sleeping infants. Twentyroutinely bed-sharing mother-infant pairs and fifteen routinelysolitary sleeping pairs slept for 3 nights in a sleep laboratory. After an initial adaptation night, each pair spent 1 night bed sharing and 1 night in solitary sleep in random order. Apnea and periodic breathingwere scored from polysomnographic recordings. The frequency of centralapnea was significantly increased on the bed-sharing night, comparedwith the solitary night, regardless of routine sleeping arrangement.There were significantly fewer obstructive apneas on the bed-sharingnight than on the solitary night, but only in routinely solitarysleeping infants. In both groups, there was a significantly higherfrequency of periodic breathing events on the bed-sharing night than onthe solitary night. These findings demonstrate that the bed-sharingenvironment can have a significant impact on respiratory control in theinfant. Evidence is also presented to suggest that routine bed sharingmay result in subtle neurophysiological and/or developmentaldifferences in infants.


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