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Electron spin resonance measurements provide evidence for the formation of long-lived Cr(V) intermediates in the reduction of Cr(VI) by glutathione reductase in the presence of NADPH and for the hydroxyl radical formation during the glutathione reductase catalyzed reduction of Cr(VI). Hydrogen peroxide suppresses Cr(V) and enhances the formation of hydroxyl radicals. Thus Cr(V) intermediates catalyze generation of hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide through a Fenton-like reaction. Thus the mechanism of Cr(VI) toxicity might involve the interaction between macromolecules and the hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

The contamination of soil and wastewaters with Cr(VI) is a major problem. It has been suggested that microbial methods for Cr(VI) reduction are better than chemical methods, as they do not add other ions or toxic chemicals to the environment. In this study an aerobic reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by employing mixed Pseudomonas cultures isolated from a marshy land has been reported. The role of chromium concentration, temperature, pH and additives on the microbial reduction of Cr(VI) has been investigated. NADH was found to enhance the rate of reduction of Cr(VI). Complete reduction of chromium(VI) has been possible even at chromium(VI) concentrations of 300 ppm. Ions like SO(4)(2-) and poly-phenols inhibited the metabolic activity relating to Cr(VI) reduction. Under optimal conditions 100 mg/L of Cr(VI) was completely reduced within 180 min.  相似文献   

The interaction of dichromate with D-galacturonic acid in aqueous solution, as a function of pH, is described. The reaction involves the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), but the reaction rate is remarkably dependent on pH. In fact, the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) proceeds rather quickly in strongly acidic solutions, while it is slow in neutral or moderately acidic media. In all cases, according to the ESR evidence, Cr(V) species are found as intermediates. The stability of the Cr(V) species increases with increasing pH, so that it may be suggested that the overall reaction rate is controlled by the Cr(V) to Cr(III) conversion.  相似文献   

Effects of chromium(VI) and vanadium(V) on the lifespan of fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of chromium(VI) on the lifespan of laboratory-reared guppies (Poecilia reticulata) has been studied both in the absence and in the presence of the antioxidant D-mannitol, and it has been compared with that produced by vanadium(V). The three substances used as additives exhibited either a weak (D-mannitol), a moderate (chromate) or an acute (vanadate) toxicity to fish. Vanadate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.84 x 10(-5) mol/L, was about ten times more toxic than chromate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.42 x 10(-4) mol/L as a single additive and 4.27 x 10(-4) mol/L in the presence of d-mannitol. An increasing effect on the maximum lifespan of males was observed when the additives studied were used at low concentrations, either alone or in a binary combination, following the sequence: vanadate (14%) < D-mannitol (41%) < chromate + D-mannitol (57%) < chromate (69%). Of these substances, only chromate increased also the maximum lifespan of females (72%). The maximum lifespan showed a strong, positive correlation with the concentration of chromate for males (P = 0.00008) and a weaker, positive correlation (P = 0.116) for females. These results suggest the existence of a chemical-hormesis phenomenon that might be subjected to sexual-genre variability. Both the toxicity and the chemical-hormetic effect provoked by chromate were substantially decreased when it was used in combination with d-mannitol, and the possible causes for this double inhibition are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The number of strand breaks induced by the combination of chromate and glutathione (GSH) in PM2 DNA was effectively reduced upon addition of the hydroxyl radical scavengers dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), formate and benzoate. Administration of catalase also led to a depression of DNA degradation whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD) had very little influence. Essentially the same results were obtained in experiments employing a chromium(V) complex Na4(GSH)4Cr.8H20, which is an intermediate chromium species isolated from the reduction of chromate by glutathione. DNA cleavage was dependent on the presence of iron (FeCl3). When compared with the number of breaks produced by FeCl3 and GSH alone, chromate stimulated the generation of single-strand breaks. These findings suggest that hydroxyl radicals are one ultimate DNA cleaving agent in both reactions. A reaction scheme for the production of hydroxyl radicals is proposed.  相似文献   

The carcinogen chromate is efficiently taken up and reduced to chromium(III) compounds by various biological systems. To test the possible DNA damage induced in the course of chromium(VI) reduction, we used a combination of chromate with the reductant glutathione (GSH) as well as a green complex of chromium(V), which is formed in the reaction of chromate with GSH. The combination of chromate and glutathione was found to cause single-strand breaks in supercoiled circular DNA of the bacteriophage PM2. The green chromium(V) complex Na4(GSH)4Cr(V).8H2O, prepared from chromate and glutathione, also cleaved supercoiled PM2 DNA. No DNA-degrading effects were observed with either chromate or the final product of the reaction with GSH, a purple anionic chromium(III) GSH complex. The nature of the buffering agents revealed a strong influence on the extent of DNA strand breaks produced by chromate and GSH. A variation of the GSH concentration in the reaction with chromate and PM2 DNA, performed in sodium phosphate-buffered solutions showed an initial increase in the number of strand breaks at GSH concentrations up to 1 mM followed by a decline at higher GSH concentrations. Since neither chromate, when administered individually, nor the final product of chromium(VI) reduction, the purple chromium(III) GSH complex, produced any detectable DNA cleavage, the critical steps leading to DNA strand breaks occur in the course of the conversion of chromium(VI) to chromium(III) by GSH, the most abundant intracellular low molecular thiol. Moreover, the demonstration that DNA cleavage is induced in the presence of the chromium(V) complex identifies chromium(V) as the oxidation state of the metal, which is involved in the steps leading to DNA-damaging effects of chromate.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of hexavalent chromium(VI) induced DNA damage were unveiled by detecting products of single- and double-stranded DNA in the presence of glutathione. The absence of a detectable hydroxyl radical in the reactions indicates that DNA damage was exclusively by hypervalent chromium species. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) experiments with 32-mer single-stranded oligonucleotide and its complementary duplex revealed cleavages largely at purine bases with significant enhancement of such cleavages in the presence of a base. Quantitative estimations of bases released by HPLC before and after enzymatic digestion with exonucleases unequivocally established the excessive release of purine bases. This release was accompanied by the concomitant formation of phosphoglycolate as characterized by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). These data connote that the preponderance DNA damage is due to an oxidation specifically at H4' of the ribose moiety leading to the formation of apurinic sites. In addition to the oxidation at H4', DNA oxidation was also initiated through H5' site as evidenced by the identification of furfural. This pathway appears to be non-selective and more abundant for ssDNA as cleavages were observed at both purine and pyrimidine bases. Finally, the detection of guanidinohydantoin as a minor product points the involvement of an oxygen activated hypervalent chromium species, perhaps a peroxo-chromium species. Both major and minor pathways lead to cleavages at purine sites for ds-DNA and are consistent with the observation that DNA cleavage was enhanced in the presence of a base. In contrast, when hydrogen peroxide was added to the reactions, random DNA cleavages were apparent indicating involvement of multiple species including a hydroxyl radical. These data pinpoint mutation mechanisms induced by chromium(VI) in the presence of glutathione due to transversion either by inserting the wrong bases opposite to the apurinic sites during replication or by purine-purine mismatch.  相似文献   

A chromium(V) complex, CrO(salen)+, was generated in situ and its interaction with human orosomucoid (alpha1-acid glycoprotein) has been evaluated. The chromium(V) species has been found to oxidize the protein rapidly. A second order rate constant of 5 +/- 0.4 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) has been obtained for the redox process. Gel electrophoresis pattern of AGP in the presence of metal ion clearly reveals the decrease in the intensity of the AGP band with the subsequent formation of protein fragments of lower molecular weight. At higher metal ion concentration a continuous smear is observed which indicates the nonselective cleavage of the glycoprotein. Cleavage of AGP is through the direct pathway of oxidation by a highly reactive chromium(V) species.  相似文献   

A computational study of chromium(VI) and (V) peroxides, which exhibit important genotoxic and mutagenic activity, is reported. Energies and equilibrium geometries for [CrVI(O)(O2)2(OH)], [CrVI(O)(O2)2(OH2)], [CrVI(O)(O2)2(py)], [CrVI(OH)(O2)2(OH2)]+, [CrV(O)(O2)2(OH2)] and species were calculated using molecular mechanics calculations (MMFF94 and MM+), quantum calculations with semi-empirical methods (RHF and UHF/PM3) and density functional theory (pBP86/DN* or pBP/DN* and B3LYP/6-31G(d). Equilibrium geometries for the compounds [CrV(O2)3(OH)]2− and [CrV(O2)4]3− were determined by molecular mechanics. Vibrational frequencies, standard thermodynamic quantities and electronic spectra were calculated using B3LYP/6-31G(d). The structural relationship between all these species and an explanation of the formation of peroxo species in the acid-basic pH range are given. An experimental study of peroxo species in basic medium was also performed (synthesis, X-ray powder diffraction patterns and infrared spectra of the peroxo complexes isolated) but did not confirm the existence of a tri-peroxo complex in the solid phase.  相似文献   


Chromium(VI) is a common occupational carcinogen.1 The major carcinogenic and mutagenic species are proposed to be Cr(V) and Cr(IV) intermediates formed during the reduction of Cr(VI) to stable Cr(III) compounds,2 although indirect evidence suggests that reactive oxygen species (ROS) may also be important.3 The reductions of Cr(VI) by some biological reductants (e.g. ascorbate) have been studied previously, and genotoxic Cr(IV/V) species have been detected.4 Another potential reductant in vivo is protein-bound DOPA, which is present on oxidised proteins at low steady-state concentrations prior to enzymatic breakdown.5 Recently, we have shown, by EPR spectroscopy, that the reactions of Cr(VI) with model DOPA compounds (catechol(amine)s), and with oxidised proteins themselves, generate several reactive intermediates, including Cr(V) complexes and organic radicals.6 Previous studies have proposed that ROS may also be produced during catechol(amine) oxidation.7 Here we describe studies of the interaction of DNA with the reactive species produced during the reductions of K2Cr2O7 by catechol(amine)s.  相似文献   

DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) were induced in intact human leukemic T-lymphocyte MOLT4 cells or isolated nuclei by treatment with potassium chromate, chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate or x-rays. The proteins complexed to DNA were analyzed by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). A group of identical non-histone proteins was crosslinked to DNA by any of the three treatments, except that a 51 kDa basic protein was additionally complexed to DNA when either potassium chromate or chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate was the crosslinking agent. Treatment of chromate-induced DNA-protein crosslinks with EDTA or thiourea followed by ultracentifugation dissociated the major proteins from the complex indicating that these proteins were crosslinked to DNA by direct participation of a EDTA-chelatable form of chromium such as Cr(III) through sulfur containing amino acid residues. The 51 kDa protein was not seen in the post-EDTA pellet but was present in the post-thiourea pellet, indicating that it was also crosslinked to DNA by Cr(III) through non-sulfur-containing amino acids. Digestion of x-rays-induced DPCs by DNase I also revealed this protein on two-dimensional gels indicating that the same protein was also crosslinked by oxidative mechanisms. The involvement of oxidative mechanisms in the crosslinking process was indicated as the majority of the proteins in chromate-induced DPCs were resistant to EDTA and thiourea treatment, and were found to crosslink to DNA when x-rays were used as the crosslinking agent. These results suggest that the chromate-induced DPCs are formed by the generation of reactive oxygen species during the intracellular chromate reduction as well as by the biologically generated Cr(III). About 19% of DNA-protein crosslinks actually involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to proteins, about 14% involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to proteins through non-sulfhydryl containing moieties and about 5% involve Cr(III) crosslinking DNA to sulfhydryl groups on proteins. The remaining 81% of DNA-protein crosslinks appear to be oxidatively crosslinked out of which about 45% appear to be through sulfhydryl groups and another 36% appear to be through non-sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

Chromium (VI) is an environmental and occupational carcinogen, and it is accepted that intracellular reduction is necessary for DNA damage and cytotoxicity. We have investigated the interaction of Cr(VI) with hepatocytes in vitro to determine the contribution of various hepatic enzymes to the reduction of Cr(VI). Cr(VI) caused a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability and intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) levels between 100 and 500 microM within 3 h exposure of hepatocytes. Both DT-diaphorase and cytochrome P450 play only a minor role in detoxifying Cr(VI) and/or its metabolites. (GSH) appears to act as a non-enzymatic reductant, reducing Cr(VI) to a toxic form. The evidence for this is two-fold. Firstly, GSH was depleted during the metabolism of Cr(VI) and, secondly, pretreatment of the cells with diethylmaleate to deplete GSH levels, partially protected the cells from Cr(VI) toxicity. Glutathione reductase appears to play an important role in the enzymatic reduction of Cr(VI) as inhibition of this enzyme by carmustine (BCNU) markedly protected the cells from cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The first evidence has been obtained for Cr(VI) (chromate) binding to isolated calf thymus (CT) histones under physiological conditions (pH 7.4, Cl concentration 152 mM, 310 K). No significant Cr(VI) binding under the same conditions was observed for other extracellular and intracellular proteins, including albumin, apo-transferrin and G-actin, as well as for CT DNA. The mode of Cr(VI) binding to histones was studied by vibrational, electronic and X-ray absorption (X-ray absorption near-edge structure and X-ray absorption fine structure) spectroscopies and molecular mechanics calculations. A proposed binding mechanism includes electrostatic interactions of CrO4 2− with protonated Lys and Arg residues of histones, as well as the formation of hydrogen bonds with the protein backbone. Similarly, Cr(VI) can bind to nuclear localization signals (typically, Lys- and Arg-rich fragments) of other nuclear proteins. Selective binding of Cr(VI) to newly synthesized nuclear proteins (including histones) in the cytoplasm is likely to be responsible for the active transport of Cr(VI) into the nuclei of living cells. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Collection bacterial strains were found to be capable of chromium (VI) reduction although they had not been in contact with chromium compounds before. Strains capable of nitrate respiration could use bichromate ions as a terminal electron acceptor in the absence of competing acceptors. Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III) when bichromate was added to the cultural broth whose redox potential reached -140 mV.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of molecular interactions of the protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) with potassium dichromate has been made. Compelling evidence for the formation of a relatively stable Cr(V) species which decays only slowly to afford Cr(III) products has been obtained. The resulting final chromium(III) product mediates in cross-linking of BSA. The implications of the formation of a relatively stable chromium(V) as well as chromium(III)-mediated cross-links in the marker protein are discussed in the context of the metal ion-induced biotoxicity.  相似文献   

Since chromium(VI) is unreactive toward DNA under physiological conditions in vitro, the ability of carcinogenic chromium(VI) compounds to damage DNA depends on the presence of cellular redox components that reduce chromium(VI) to reactive species capable of interacting with DNA. We have examined the role of glutathione and hydrogen peroxide in chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage in vitro. Upon reaction with chromium(VI), glutathione produced chromium(V) and glutathione thiyl radical reactive intermediates, whereas hydrogen peroxide produced chromium(V) and hydroxyl radical. Reaction of DNA with chromium(VI) in the presence of glutathione resulted in binding of chromium and glutathione to DNA with little or no DNA strand breakage. Reaction of DNA with chromium(VI) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide produced the 8-hydroxydeoxy-guanosine adduct and extensive DNA strand breakage in the absence of significant Cr-DNA adduct formation. These results suggest that the nature of chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage will be strongly dependent on reactive intermediates such as chromium(V), glutathione thiyl radical, and hydroxyl radical, produced by cellular components active in chromium(VI) metabolism. In order to assess the ability of chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage to affect the normal template function of DNA, we investigated the effects of chromium(VI) on steady-state mRNA levels of various genes in chick embryo liver in vivo, and compared the effects to the levels of DNA damage observed. Chromium(VI) induced DNA-protein and DNA interstrand cross-links in chick embryo liver in vivo and suppressed the induction of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase and cytochrome P-450 mRNA expression by porphyrinogenic drugs. In contrast, chromium(VI) increased the basal levels of expression of these two inducible genes, but had little or no effect on the expression of the constitutive albumin, β-actin, and conalbumin genes. Comparison of the time course of formation and repair of DNA damage with that of changes in gene expression suggests that chromium(VI) may form a mono-adduct prior to formation of DNA cross-links, and that chromium(VI)-induced DNA lesions may target certain classes of genes and lead to changes in their expression.  相似文献   

Biosorption of aqueous chromium(VI) by Tamarindus indica seeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effectiveness of low cost agro-based materials namely, Tamarindus indica seed (TS), crushed coconut shell (CS), almond shell (AS), ground nut shell (GS) and walnut shell (WS) were evaluated for Cr(VI) removal. Batch test indicated that hexavalent chromium sorption capacity (q(e)) followed the sequence q(e)(TS) > q(e)(WS) > q(e)(AS) > q(e)(GS) > q(e)(CS). Due to high sorptive capacity, tamarind seed was selected for detailed sorption studies. Sorption kinetic data followed first order reversible kinetic fit model for all the sorbents. The equilibrium conditions were achieved within 150 min under the mixing conditions employed. Sorption equilibria exhibited better fit to Freundlich isotherms (R>0.92) than Langmuir isotherm (R approximately = 0.87). Hexavalent chromium sorption by TS decreased with increase in pH, and slightly reduced with increase in ionic strength. Cr(VI) removal by TS seems to be mainly by chemisorption. Desorption of Cr(VI) from Cr(VI) laden TS was quite less by distilled water and HCl. Whereas with NaOH, maximum desorption achieved was about 15.3%. When TS was used in downflow column mode, Cr(VI) removal was quite good but head loss increased as the run progressed and was stopped after 200 h.  相似文献   

The interactions of keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) with chromium nitrate, potassium dichromate, and chromate were investigated using fluorescence, UV–vis absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy under simulated physiological conditions. The experimental results showed that the different forms of chromium could quench the intrinsic fluorescence of KLH following a static quenching mechanism rather than by dynamic collision, which indicated that a Cr–KLH complex was formed. The Stern–Volmer quenching constants for the interaction indicated that the binding reaction of KLH with Cr(VI) was stronger the binding of KLH with Cr(III). The thermodynamic values for binding of Cr(VI) to KLH are ΔH > 0 and ΔS > 0. By contrast, the values for the interaction of Cr(III) with KLH are ΔH < 0 and ΔS < 0. The results of synchronous fluorescence, UV–vis absorption and CD spectroscopy showed that the α‐helical secondary structure and conformation of KLH were altered by different forms of chromium. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chromium(VI) compounds (e.g. chromates) are cytotoxic, mutagenic, and potentially carcinogenic. The reduction of Cr(VI) can yield reactive intermediates such as Cr(V) and reactive oxygen species. Bronchial epithelial cells are the primary site of pulmonary exposure to inhaled Cr(VI) and are the primary cells from which Cr(VI)-associated human cancers arise. BEAS-2B cells were used here as a model of normal human bronchial epithelium for studies on the reductive activation of Cr(VI). Cells incubated with Na2CrO4 exhibited two Cr(V) ESR signals, g = 1.979 and 1.985, which persisted for at least 1 h. The g = 1.979 signal is similar to that generated in vitro by human microsomes and by proteoliposomes containing P450 reductase and cytochrome b5. Unlike many cells in culture, these cells continued to express P450 reductase and cytochrome b5. Studies with the non-selective thiol oxidant diamide indicated that the g = 1.985 signal was thiol-dependent whereas the g = 1.979 signal was not. Pretreatment with phenazine methosulfate eliminated both Cr(V) signals suggesting that Cr(V) generation is largely NAD(P)H-dependent. ESR spectra indicated that a portion of the Cr(VI) was rapidly reduced to Cr(III). Cells incubated with an insoluble chromate, ZnCrO4, also generated both Cr(V) signals, whereas Cr(V) was not detected with insoluble PbCrO4. In clonogenic assays, the cells were very sensitive to Na2CrO4 and ZnCrO4, but considerably less sensitive to PbCrO4.  相似文献   

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