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Pétrequin was an outstanding anatomist, surgeon, medical historian, and founder of the Lyon School of Medicine. This article describes his scientific contribution with particular emphasis on his original surgical procedure for the treatment of penile gangrene.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse de la structure fine des chromatides obtenue par dénaturation ménagée par la chaleur permet de rapporter un nouveau cas de trisomie pour le bras court du chromosome 9.Un nouvel examen, avec cette même technique, des cas précédemment publiés a permis d'identifier les chromosomes impliqués dans les diverses translocations familiales, de localiser les points de cassure et, par là, de préciser les diverses trisomies ou monosomies associées à la trisomie 9p observée chez les patients.La confrontation des données cytologiques ainsi recueillies et des données phénotypiques observées chez dix patients permet de dégager l'ensemble malformatif correspondant à la trisomie du bras court du chromosome 9 à savoir: Un syndrome dysmorphique: microcéphalie modérée, énophtalmie, obliquité en bas et en dehors des fentes palpébrales, hypertélorisme modéré, oreilles décollées, nez charnu, coins de la bouche tombants, hypoplasie de certaines phalanges. Une particularité des dermatoglyphes: pli palmaire transverse, absence ou fusion de b et c. Une débilité mentale sévère.
Giemsa-R-banding analysis of the trisomy 9p and report of a new case
Summary Analysis of the chromatid fine structure after heat denaturation led to the identification of another case of trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9. Reexamination of cases already published by means of this technique permitted identification of the chromosomes involved in the various familial translocations, localization of the breakage sites, and, consequently, detailed statements on the respective trisomies or monosomies occurring in connection with trisomy 9p in the patients.Comparison of the chromosomal findings and the clinical phenotypes of 10 patients reveals that a characteristic clinical entity corresponds to the trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 consisting of the combination of the following features: A Malformation Syndrome. Moderate microcephaliy, enophthalmus, antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures, mild hypertelorism, protruding ears, globulous nose, downward slanting mouth hypoplasia of phalanges. A Peculiarity in the Dermal Ridge System. Transverse palamar flexion crease, absence of a digital triradius or fusion of the triradii b and c. Severe Mental Retardation.

Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der Feinstruktur der Chromatiden nach Hitzedenaturierung erlaubte die Identifizierung eines neuen Falles einer Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9. Die Nachuntersuchung bereits publizierter Fälle mit dieser Technik ermöglichte die Identifizierung der an den verschiedenen familiären Translokationen beteiligten Chromosomen, die Lokalisierung der Bruchstellen und damit auch genauere Angaben über die unterschiedlichen Trisomien oder Monosomien, die im Zusammenhang mit der bei den Patienten beobachteten Trisomie 9p auftraten.Die Gegenüberstellung der Chromosomenbefunde und der phänotypischen Merkmale bei 10 Patienten erlaubt die Angrenzung der folgenden Kombination klinischer Merkmale, die der Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9 entspricht: Ein Mißbildungssyndrom. Mäßige Mikrocephalie, Enophthalmie, schräg nach außen und unten gerichtete Lidachsenstellung, mäßiger Hypertelorismus, abstehende Ohren, fleischige Nase, abfallende Mundwinkel, Hypoplasie einiger Phalangen. Eine Eigentümlichkeit im Hautleisten- und-furchensystem. Transverse palmare Beugefurche, Fehlen eines digitalen Triradius oder Fusion der Triradien b und c. Schwere geistige Retardierung.

Maître de Recherches à l'Inserm.

Chargé de Recherches au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

In a sterile man, the practice of insemination with donor’s sperm paradoxically sets up a clamping of the bereavement of his fertility. The symptom of this is the setting of the conception of the child into secrecy. The psychological help required for the elaboration of the bereavement will allow lifting this secrecy, but that is not enough for this man to have access to fatherhood. By owning himself active and his child designer, he will have to confront the latent homosexuality inherent in the practice of insemination with donor’s sperm. Bringing the work of mourning to a successful issue will make the sterile man an authentic and peaceful father.  相似文献   



The diagnosis of acquired hypogonadism is still an important issue for laboratory medicine. Hypogonadism is defined as a sustained decrease of total testosterone confirmed by the biochemistry laboratory and total testosterone measurement is proposed as the initial step in the investigation of hypogonadism. If TT is over 12 nmol/l, the probability of hypogonadism is considered low and it is suggested that patients be referred to others methods of investigation. Only a small percentage of men aged 50 and over are treated for hypogonadism. Seventy percent of men investigated for hypogonadism have a TT of over 12 nmol/l and there is an unpredictable increase of SHBG during this period, reducing the bioavailability of circulating testosterone. The hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis is modified with age and contributes to hypogonadism. The efficacy of biochemical investigation of hypogonadism needs to be reassessed.

Materials and methods

Total testosterone and LH were measured on the Centaur immunoanalyser (Siemens) and SHBG was analysed on the Immulite 2000 (Siemens). Bioavailable testosterone was calculated using the formula provided by ISSAM.


Using the algorithm based on TT, only 27.9% of men would have been investigated for hypogonadism. Of the 638 patients considered as normal, 325 showed an index of hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis stimulation and possible hypogonadism, revealed by an elevated LH. In these patients with TT superior to 12 nmol/l and a LH superior to 7 UI/l, SHBG level was at the upper limit of or over the reference range. No correlation was observed between calculated BT and the abnormal LH level found in these patients. Calculated BT was not considered a good marker of hypogonadism for these patients.


Elevated LH is a biochemical marker of hypogonadism and should be interpreted in the context of stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis. Based on our data, an initial step in the investigation of hypogonadism based only on TT does not seem suitable for the identification of all patients who might experience hypogonadism. A complete investigation should be offered to all patients with clinical evidence of hypogonadism whatever their TT level. In patients who might benefit from hormonal treatment, calculated BT should be interpreted with caution. A definition of hypogonadism based on TT does not seem appropriate and a new definition based on bioavailable testosterone and the hypothalamopituitary gonadal axis should be considered.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude du comportement de défense du nid chezAtta laevigata permet de classer les 4 castes physiques d'individus stériles étudiés en deux groupes. Le premier groupe, constitué par les ouvrièresminor etmedia, rassemble des individus pouvant reconnaître avec précision des intrus de même espèce. Menacés et mordus, ces derniers sont alors mutilés ou transportés puis abandonnés par les fourmis résidentes aux frontières de leur territoire. Les ouvrièresmajor et les soldats, formant le second groupe, nécessitent quant à eux le marquage de l'ennemi par la phéromone d'alarme de leurs congénères pour pouvoir prendre part aux affrontements intraspécifiques avec efficacité. Les soldats se montrent en revanche très performants dans la défense du nid contre des envahisseurs appartenant à d'autres espèces, développant dans ce cas une agressivité supérieure à celle observée chez les ouvrières. L'âge de ces dernières ou le type de tâche qu'elles assument ne semble pas influencer leur comportement agonistique qui est comparable dans les deux castes temporelles de récolteuses et d'architectes.
Polyethism and nest-defense in the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata (Fr. Smith)
Summary The study of the nest-defense behavior inAtta laevigata makes out the four physical castes of sterile individuals studied in two groups.Minor andmedia workers (first group) are able to recognize precisely the intruders of the same species that they threat, bite and mutilate or carry outside the territorial limits of the nest. As formajor workers and soldiers (second group), they need their ennemy to be impregnated by the alarm pheromone of their nestmates before they can take part with efficiency in the intraspecific fights. Soldiers though appear to be quite performent in the nest-defense against invaders from other species, showing in this case an aggressiveness superior to the one observed amongst workers. Age, for these, or the sort of work they assume don't seem to interfere with the agonsitic behavior that can be observed in both architects and foragers temporal castes.

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