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Leuconostoc oenos and malolactic fermentation in wine: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review article summarizes the state of the art on Leuconostoc oenos, the bacteria responsible for malolactic fermentation in wine. Both basic and practical aspects related to the metabolism of this microorganism and malolactic fermentation in general are critically reviewed. The former examines the role of genetics for the identification and classification of L. oenos and energetic mechanisms on solute transport (malic and lactic acid). The latter includes practical information on biomass production, optimal growth conditions and stress factors, which are important in growth optimization of malolactic starter cultures. Extensive data and references on the effect of malolactic fermentation on wine composition and sensory analysis are also included. Received 06 May 1999/ Accepted in revised form 13 July 1999  相似文献   

Malolactic fermentation was induced in red wines by inoculation with several strains of Leuconostoc oenos . The progress of Malolactic Fermentation was monitored by following the kinetics of bacterial growth and degradation of malic acid. These kinetics varied significantly depending on the strain of Leuc. oenos inoculated, the strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae used to conduct the alcoholic fermentation, and the wine properties of pH and concentrations of ethanol and sulphur dioxide. Rapid, predictable malolactic fermentation was achieved by inoculating a high density (> 106 cfu/ml) of Leuc. oenos , whereby malic acid degradation was not connected to the growth of the bacterial cells. Wines after malolactic fermentation were not bacteriologically stable and supported the growth of Leuc. oenos inoculated into the wines.  相似文献   

Growth, sugar and organic acid metabolism of Lactobacillus hilgardii X1B and Leuconostoc oenos X2L isolated from Argentinian wine were examined in pure and mixed cultures. In mixed culture Leuc. oenos X2L did not grow, no viable cells were detected after 24 h, but the consumption of glucose and fructose by Lact. hilgardii was higher. An increase of mannitol and acetic acid production was detected during the early stages of growth. Over 12 h, higher levels of d (-) lactic acid and slightly increased levels of l (+) lactic acid were observed. Citric and malic acid were simultaneously metabolized, but a slight increase in citric acid consumption was observed in mixed culture.  相似文献   

Two Leuconostoc oenos mutant strains unable to metabolize malic acid were differentiated by [U-14C]-labelled L-malate transport assays into a malolactic-enzyme-deficient mutant and a malate-transport-defective mutant. A mathematical analysis of the data from L-malic acid uptake at three pH values (5.2, 4.5, and 3.2) in the malolactic-enzyme-deficient strains suggest two simultaneous uptake mechanisms, presumably a carrier-mediated transport and a passive diffusion for the anionic and the undissociated forms of the acid, respectively. The apparent affinity constant (K m t) and the maximal rate (V m t) values for L-malate active transport were, 12 mM and 43 mol L-malate·mg–1·s–1, respectively. Active transport was constitutive and strongly inhibited by protonophores and by ATPase inhibitors. L-Lactic acid appeared to inhibit L-malic acid transport, suggesting an L-lactate/L-malate exchange. At pH values of 4.5 or above, the passive diffusion of L-malic acid was negligible. However, at pH 3.2, the mean pH of wine, the permeability of the cells to the undissociated acid by simple diffusion could represent more than 50% of total L-malic acid uptake, with a diffusion constant (K D) of 0.1 s–1. Correspondence to: C. Divies  相似文献   

Leuconostoc oenos X2L isolated from wine secretes two proteases (I and II) into the medium. Growth and protease production were found to be dependent on the composition of the medium. Both proteases were subject to control by ammonium ions and amino acids that repressed their production and the effectiveness was higher on the enzyme II synthesized at the end of bacterial growth. The enzymes were also differently affected by the inclusion of sodium phosphate in the basal medium.  相似文献   

Populations of Leuconostoc œnos were harvested from wines containing a relatively high concentration of biogenic amines. Cultivation of the biomass in synthetic media and wine showed that it consisted of histamine-producing strains. Histamine levels after culture depended on the quantity of precursor available and on the presence of yeast lees, which certainly enriched the medium in histidine. Ethanol and pH, which control bacterial growth rate and total population, were also significant factors: pH and low ethanol concentration enhanced histamine production.
Strain Leuc. œnos 9204 was isolated and studied since it retained its ability to produce histamine after several transfers. In synthetic medium this strain produced large amounts of histamine especially in the poorest nutritional conditions (no glucose, no L-malic acid). These results clearly demonstrate that Leuc. œnos involvedin wine-making might play a role in biogenic amine production. The vinification method might also influence the final amine concentration in wine.  相似文献   

The initial conversion of grape must to wine is an alcoholic fermentation (AF) largely carried out by one or more strains of yeast, typically Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After the AF, a secondary or malolactic fermentation (MLF) which is carried out by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is often undertaken. The MLF involves the bioconversion of malic acid to lactic acid and carbon dioxide. The ability to metabolise l-malic acid is strain specific, and both individual Oenococcus oeni strains and other LAB strains vary in their ability to efficiently carry out MLF. Aside from impacts on acidity, LAB can also metabolise other precursors present in wine during fermentation and, therefore, alter the chemical composition of the wine resulting in an increased complexity of wine aroma and flavour. Recent research has focused on three main areas: enzymatic changes during MLF, safety of the final product and mechanisms of stress resistance. This review summarises the latest research and technological advances in the rapidly evolving study of MLF and investigates the directions that future research may take.  相似文献   

The development of the malolactic fermentation, bioconversion of L-malic acid to L-lactic acid, is a difficult and time-consuming process that does not always proceed favorably under the natural conditions of wine. Traditional fermentations are used worldwide to produce high-quality wines, although delay or failure is not an unusual outcome. During recent years several technologies have been proposed to induce biological deacidification of wines by using malolactic bacteria, principally Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus sp. These alternative technologies usually involve the use of high densities of cells or enzymes, free or immobilized onto different matrices. Immobilization materials, several types of bioreactors, and the properties of many specific systems are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Twenty bacteriophages specific for Leuconostoc oenos were isolated from South African red wines and sugarcane. Leuconostoc oenos ML34 and PSU-1, used commercially by the wine industry, were sensitive to some of the phages. Ten of the 39 L. oenos strains tested were resistant or insensitive to all phages. The bacteriophages were morphologically similar to Bradley's type B phages, possessing hexagonal heads and long flexible, non-contractile tails. Restriction endonuclease analysis of phage DNA revealed the existence of five genetic groups.  相似文献   

Using degenerated primers from conserved regions of the protein sequences of malic enzymes, we amplified a 324-bp DNA fragment by PCR from Leuconostoc oenos and used this fragment as a probe for screening a Leuconostoc oenos genomic bank. Of the 2,990 clones in the genomic bank examined, 7 with overlapping fragments were isolated by performing colony hybridization experiments. Sequencing 3,453 bp from overlapping fragments revealed two open reading frames that were 1,623 and 942 nucleotides long and were followed by a putative terminator structure. The first deduced protein (molecular weight, 59,118) is very similar (level of similarity, 66%) to the malolactic enzyme of Lactococcus lactis; as in several malic enzymes, highly conserved protein regions are present. The synthesis of a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 60 kDa was highlighted by the results of labelling experiments performed with Escherichia coli minicells. The gene was expressed in E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and conferred "malolactic activity" to these species. The second open reading frame encodes a putative 34,190-Da protein which has the characteristics of a carrier protein and may have 10 membrane-spanning segments organized around a central hydrophilic core. Energy-dependent L-[14C]malate transport was observed with E. coli dicarboxylic acid transport-deficient mutants carrying the malate permease-expressing vector. Our results suggest that in Leuconostoc oenos the genes that encode the malolactic enzyme and a malate carrier protein are organized in a cluster.  相似文献   

Decarboxylation of L-malic to L-lactic acid by heterolactic bacteria and formation of secondary products in table wine were studied using immobilized cells of Lactobacillus brevis, Lact. fructivorans and two strains of Leuconostoc oenos in a continuous flow bioreactor. The conversion ratios were 51.2–53.9%, while the decreases in malic and titratable acidity were equivalent to 62.1–74.7% and 16.4–27.3%, respectively. Upon completion of malo-lactic fermentation, pH increased from 3.15 to 3.28–3.35. The conversion ratio and bioreactor efficiency differed according to the strain tested. Gel beads, prepared with cells immobilized in 2% K-carrageenan in the presence of 5% bentonite silica, contained up to 7–8 × 1010 cfu/g; the concentration of viable cells was relatively stable over 24–48 h bioreactor operation when Lact. brevis was used and decreased in all other cases. The formation of secondary products affecting wine sensory properties, particularly volatile acids and aromatic compounds, was strain-dependent.  相似文献   

Summary During large-scale cultivation of Leuconostoc oenos strain 58N, growth inhibition was detected and attributed to the presence of the virulent phage P581. To determine if this phage originated from a temperate phage, L. oenos 58N was exposed to mitomycin C, and this treatment led indeed to release of phages (P58II). Further examination of the lytic potential of phages P581 and P58II revealed that these two phages were able to lyse the same strains of L. oenos with the exception of the original host strain, which was only sensitive to P581. Results of DNA/DNA hybridization experiments failed to show homology between the DNA of phage P58II and the chromosomal DNA of L. oenos 58N. A phage-free culture of L. oenos 58N could be obtained after repeated subculture. These results indicate that the original L. oenos 58N was in a special type of phage-carrier state. Phages P58I and P58II were compared on the basis of morphology, lytic spectra, restriction enzyme analysis, DNA homology, genome size and protein structure and proved to be identical. It is assumed that P58I arose from the phage-carrier culture of L. oenos 58N and became virulent by some mutational event.Offprint requests to: E. K. Arendt  相似文献   

Bacteriophage present in wine can attack bacterial starter cultures and inhibit the malolactic fermentation. The possibility of starter culture failure due to phage attack was studied in a commercial dry red wine of pH 3·23, inoculated with a multiple strain starter culture. During two stages of malolactic fermentation, bacterial growth and malate degradation in the wine were inhibited. A phage capable of lysing isolates of Leuconostoc oenos was isolated from the wine. The isolated phage had an icosahedral head of 42–45 nm diameter and a flexible, regularly cross-striated tail 197–207 nm long with a small baseplate. The results confirm that phage can attack bacterial starter cultures in wine at low pH.  相似文献   

Growth of the malolactic bacterium Leuconostoc oenos was improved with respect to both the specific growth rate and the biomass yield during the fermentation of glucose-malate mixtures as compared with those in media lacking malate. Such a finding indicates that the malolactic reaction contributed to the energy budget of the bacterium, suggesting that growth is energy limited in the absence of malate. An energetic yield (YATP) of 9.5 g of biomass.mol ATP-1 was found during growth on glucose with an ATP production by substrate-level phosphorylation of 1.2 mol of ATP.mol of glucose-1. During the period of mixed-substrate catabolism, an apparent YATP of 17.7 was observed, indicating a mixotrophy-associated ATP production of 2.2 mol of ATP.mol of glucose-1, or more correctly an energy gain of 0.28 mol of ATP.mol of malate-1, representing proton translocation flux from the cytoplasm to the exterior of 0.56 or 0.84 H+.mol of malate-1(depending on the H+/ATP stoichiometry). The growth-stimulating effect of malate was attributed to chemiosmotic transport mechanisms rather than proton consumption by the malolactic enzyme. Lactate efflux was by electroneutral lactate -/H+ symport having a constant stoichiometry, while malate uptake was predominantly by a malate -/H+ symport, though a low-affinity malate- uniport was also implicated. The measured electrical component (delta psi) of the proton motive force was altered, passing from -30 to -60 mV because of this translocation of dissociated organic acids when malolactic fermentation occurred.  相似文献   

Samples of fermenting Chardonnay juice were inoculated with five commercial cultures of Leuconostoc oenos to promote malolactic fermentation. Controls were not inoculated with malolactic starter cultures; one was held under the same conditions as the juice inoculated with malolactic starter cultures and the other was held under conditions in which malolactic fermentation was inhibited. Bacterial growth and chemical composition of the wines were monitored for eight weeks after the wines were inoculated with the yeast starter culture. The five strains of L. oenos differed in growth kinetics and rates of malic acid degradation. Significant differences were detected among the finished wines subjected to sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

Pediococcus pentosaceus 12p and Leuconostoc oenos X2L isolated from Argentinian wine were examined for growth and changes in the concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose and mannitol and malic, citric, acetic and lactic acids in pure and mixed cultures. In mixed cultures a mutualistic growth response and a change in the balance of end-products of sugar and organic acid metabolism were observed. The production of mannitol and acetic acid was lower while D(-) and L(+) lactic acids were detected in higher levels than in pure cultures. Malic and citric acids were metabolized simultaneously, but the amount of citric acid consumed was lower than in pure culture of Leuc. oenos.  相似文献   

This study compares 11 commercial cultures of Leuconostoc oenos and Lactobacillus plantarum in Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines. Performance of the cultures was found to be greatly influenced by wine type. Better survival of the bacteria was observed in Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir wines. The time necessary to complete malolactic fermentation (MLF) was 65 ± 14 d for Chardonnay, 71 ± 3 d for Cabernet Sauvignon, and 25 ± 8 d for Pinot Noir. The maximal rate of malate utilization was 0·4 g d-1 for Pinot Noir, and 0·2 g d-1 for the two other wine types. Final diacetyl concentration was lower in Chardonnay wines (highest 0·58 mg l-1) compared to the other wines (highest 5·8 mg l-1). Malic and citric acid were co-metabolized by all strains. None of the strains metabolized glycerol. Significant differences in final diacetyl concentration of wine vinified with the different strains were found. Panelists could reliably differentiate MLF wines from non-MLF wines, irrespective of their diacetyl content, indicating that diacetyl is not the only important MLF flavour.  相似文献   

It was recently observed that Leuconostoc oenos GM, a wine lactic acid bacterium, produced erythritol anaerobically from glucose but not from fructose or ribose and that this production was almost absent in the presence of O2. In this study, the pathway of formation of erythritol from glucose in L. oenos was shown to involve the isomerization of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate by a phosphoglucose isomerase, the cleavage of fructose 6-phosphate by a phosphoketolase, the reduction of erythrose 4-phosphate by an erythritol 4-phosphate dehydrogenase and, finally, the hydrolysis of erythritol 4-phosphate to erythritol by a phosphatase. Fructose 6-phosphate phosphoketolase was copurified with xylulose 5-phosphate phosphoketolase, and the activity of the latter was competitively inhibited by fructose 6-phosphate, with a Ki of 26 mM, corresponding to the Km of fructose 6-phosphate phosphoketolase (22 mM). These results suggest that the two phosphoketolase activities are borne by a single enzyme. Extracts of L. oenos were also found to contain NAD(P)H oxidase, which must be largely responsible for the reoxidation of NADPH and NADH in cells incubated in the presence of O2. In cells incubated with glucose, the concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate and of fructose 6-phosphate were higher in the absence of O2 than in its presence, explaining the stimulation by anaerobiosis of erythritol production. The increase in the hexose 6-phosphate concentration is presumably the result of a functional inhibition of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase because of a reduction in the availability of NADP.  相似文献   

A quantitative, real-time PCR method was developed to enumerate Lactobacillus plantarum IWBT B 188 during the malolactic fermentation (MLF) in Grauburgunder wine. The qRT-PCR was strain-specific, as it was based on primers targeting a plasmid DNA sequence, or it was L. plantarum-specific, as it targeted a chromosomally located plantaricin gene sequence. Two 50 l wine fermentations were prepared. One was inoculated with 15 g/hl Saccharomyces cerevisiae, followed by L. plantarum IWBT B 188 at 3.6 × 10(6) CFU/ml, whereas the other was not inoculated (control). Viable cell counts were performed for up to 25 days on MRS agar, and the same cells were enumerated by qRT-PCR with both the plasmid or chromosomally encoded gene primers. The L. plantarum strain survived under the harsh conditions in the wine fermentation at levels above 10(5)/ml for approx. 10 days, after which cell numbers decreased to levels of 10(3) CFU/ml at day 25, and to below the detection limit after day 25. In the control, no lactic acid bacteria could be detected throughout the fermentation, with the exception of two sampling points where ca. 1 × 10(2) CFU/ml was detected. The minimum detection level for quantitative PCR in this study was 1 × 10(2) to 1 × 10(3) CFU/ml. The qRT-PCR results determined generally overestimated the plate count results by about 1 log unit, probably as a result of the presence of DNA from dead cells. Overall, qRT-PCR appeared to be well suited for specifically enumerating Lactobacillus plantarum starter cultures in the MLF in wine.  相似文献   

AIMS: In this study we determined the extent to which lactic acid bacteria (LAB) occurred in brandy base wines, their ability to catalyse the malolactic fermentation (MLF) and the effect of MLF on the quality of the base wine and the brandy distillate. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lactic acid bacteria were isolated and enumerated from grape juice, experimental and commercially produced brandy base wines. Spontaneous MLF occurred in approximately 50% of the commercial base wines. The occurrence of MLF had an influence on the quality of the base wines and the resulting distillates. In samples where MLF occurred there was a loss of fruitiness and in the intensity of aroma. Volatile compounds like iso-amyl acetate, ethyl acetate, ethyl caproate, 2-phenethyl acetate and hexyl acetate decreased in samples having undergone MLF, while ethyl lactate, acetic acid and diethyl succinate increased in the same samples. CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous malolactic fermentation does occur in commercial brandy base wines and it has an influence on base wine and brandy quality. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study showed that MLF influences the quality of the base wine and the resulting distillate and with this in mind commercial base wine producers should be able to produce brandy of higher quality.  相似文献   

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