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1. Birds are considered to be the primary selective agents for warning colouration in butterflies, and select for aposematic mimicry by learning to avoid brightly coloured prey after unpleasant experiences. It has long been thought that bright colouration plays an important role in promoting the avoidance of distasteful prey by birds. 2. The hypothesis that warning colouration facilitates memorability and promotes predator avoidance was tested by means of a field experiment using distasteful model butterflies. Artificial butterflies with a Heliconius colour pattern unknown to local birds were generated using bird vision models, either coloured or achromatic, and hung in tree branches in a tropical forest. Two sequential trials were conducted at each site to test avoidance by naïve and experienced predators. 3. There was a significant reduction in predation in the second trial. Also, coloured models were attacked less than achromatic models. Specifically, coloured butterflies were attacked significantly less in the second trial, but there was no significant decrease in predation on achromatic models. 4. The present results imply an important role for colour in enhancing aversion of aposematic butterflies. It has also been demonstrated that previous experience of distasteful prey can lead to enhanced avoidance in subsequent trials, supporting mimicry theory.  相似文献   

The diversity of colour patterns and its importance in interactions with the environment make colouration in animals an intriguing research focus. Aposematic colouration is positively correlated with body size in certain groups of animals, suggesting that warning colours are more effective or that crypsis is harder to achieve in larger animals. Surprisingly, this relationship has not been recovered in studies investigating insects, which may have been confounded by a focus on aposematic taxa that are also gregarious. Millipede assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae) comprise species with cryptic and aposematic colour patterns across a range of body sizes, are typically solitary as adults and are thus an excellent model for investigating a possible association between colouration and body size. Here, we use a comprehensive phylogeny for Ectrichodiinae, ancestral state reconstruction of colouration, and phylogenetic comparative methods to test for a colouration–body size association. The ancestor of Ectrichodiinae is reconstructed as cryptically coloured, with multiple subsequent transitions between aposematic and cryptic colouration. Aposematic colouration is positively associated with male body length and supports the hypothesis that selection on Ectrichodiinae body size may influence evolutionary transitions between aposematic and cryptic colouration or alternatively that selection for aposematic colouration influences body size evolution.  相似文献   

Snakes elicit a higher level of fear than other vertebrate animals, yet specific cues responsible for fear of snakes are equivocal. The bright colouration hypothesis suggests that fear responses to snakes are triggered by aposematic colouration, not by snakes per se. We investigated the role of aposematic colouration in fear of snakes in a sample of 10- to 15-year-old Slovak children. Both aposematically and cryptically coloured snakes presented as both colour and black-and-white pictures received higher perceived fear scores than other vertebrates. This suggests that aposematic colouration does not play a crucial role in eliciting fear of snakes. Our results support the snake detection theory suggesting that the human visual system has been influenced by long coexistence between predatory snakes and mammals. As a result, humans have evolved an attentional bias ultimately focused on the correct and rapid detection of these threats.  相似文献   

Polymorphic warning signals in aposematic organisms are puzzling because efficient predator learning should select for the most efficient warning colouration. Yet, there are many examples of polymorphic and aposematic organisms in nature. Here, we investigated whether perceived trade-offs between natural and sexual selection, combined with different degrees of morph lineage admixture, can maintain polymorphic yellow and white hindwing colouration in aposematic wood tiger moth males (Arctia plantaginis). Prior research in the system suggests that yellow males have better warning colouration against predators, whereas white male morphs have higher mating success. We performed a mating experiment where females were offered four males: two white and two yellow. One male from each colour came from (purely) monomorphic lines (i.e. including the same paternal colour for multiple generations), whereas one male from each colour were from mixed-morph (or hybrid) lineages. We then assessed whether phenotype (colour), lineage, or an interaction between the two, best affected mating success. Our results showed that although white hindwing coloured males tended to have overall better reproductive success, this was mainly due to the significantly higher mating and hatching success of mixed-morph compared to pure-line individuals. Notably, this suggests the advantage of mixed-morph lineage is limited to white individuals, while on the contrary yellow mixed lineage moths have a disadvantage, i.e. the lowest mating success. The latter also suggests a cost to reproductive success in producing the more efficient against predators yellow warning colouration, even when those individuals recently descend from a white hindwing coloured lineage. Heterozygote, or hybrid advantage, even when confined to only one morph, has been shown to promote polymorphism in some systems, therefore, our results point at the need to further examine genetic architecture and the role of mixed-morph lineages in understanding the maintenance of polymorphisms in nature.  相似文献   

Aposematic, or warning, signals are generally interspecific in form: one species advertises noxiousness to a predator or parasite species. In a study of the pipevine swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor), we show that a pattern of colouration in the caterpillars that is considered to be aposematic in the context of attack by natural enemies also deters oviposition by conspecific females. In field and laboratory assays, females avoided oviposition on plants bearing live conspecific larvae. Females avoided oviposition on plants bearing artificially constructed models identical to larvae in shape, size and colour pattern. Finally, oviposition on plants harbouring a model bearing the larval colour pattern was reduced relative to plants bearing a leaf-green model, suggesting that the larval colour pattern was essential for avoidance. We discuss how intraspecific and interspecific processes might interact in the evolution of an aposematic signal.  相似文献   

The coexistence of both aposematic and cryptic morphs as different anti-predator strategies within a species seems to be an unusual phenomenon in nature. The strawberry poison frog, Oophaga pumilio, shows an astonishing colour diversity among populations in western Panama. In this study we selected a red and a green colour morph from two Panamanian islands (Isla Solarte and Isla Colón) for behavioural observations and measurements of conspicuousness. We found that red frogs were more visible to both conspecific frogs and potential predators than green frogs. Interestingly the difference in conspicuousness was most pronounced at the substrate that males used as principal calling places. Red males were more active and spent more time foraging than green males, which spent more time hidden. The association between conspicuousness of colouration and behaviour results in a more aposematic and a more cryptic anti-predator strategy. This is the first study which links differences in conspicuousness between animals on their natural backgrounds to differences in foraging as well as anti-predator behaviour and discusses the results in light of previous findings of toxicity analyses and potential costs and benefits of aposematism. To this end, our study adds a novel perspective for explaining extreme colour diversity between populations within an initially aposematic species.  相似文献   

Animals often announce their unprofitability to predators through conspicuous coloured signals. Here we tested whether the apparently conspicuous colour designs of the four European Coraciiformes and Upupiformes species may have evolved as aposematic signals, or whether instead they imply a cost in terms of predation risk. Because previous studies suggested that these species are unpalatable, we hypothesized that predators could avoid targeting them based on their colours. An experiment was performed where two artificial models of each bird species were exposed simultaneously to raptor predators, one painted so as to resemble the real colour design of these birds, and the other one painted using cryptic colours. Additionally, we used field data on the black kite’s diet to compare the selection of these four species to that of other avian prey. Conspicuous models were attacked in equal or higher proportions than their cryptic counterparts, and the attack rate on the four species increased with their respective degree of contrast against natural backgrounds. The analysis of the predator’s diet revealed that the two least attacked species were negatively selected in nature despite their abundance. Both conspicuous and cryptic models of one of the studied species (the hoopoe) received fewer attacks than cryptic models of the other three species, suggesting that predators may avoid this species for characteristics other than colour. Globally, our results suggest that the colour of coraciiforms and upupiforms does not function as an aposematic signal that advises predators of their unprofitability, but also that conspicuous colours may increase predation risk in some species, supporting thus the handicap hypothesis.  相似文献   

The idea that an aposematic prey combines crypsis at a distance with conspicuousness close up was tested in an experiment using human subjects. We estimated detectability of the aposematic larva of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio machaon, in two habitats, by presenting, on a touch screen, photographs taken at four different distances and measuring the time elapsed to discovery. The detectability of larvae in these images was compared with images that were manipulated, using existing colours either to increase or decrease conspicuousness. Detection time increased with distance for all colourations. However, at the closest distance, detection time was longer for the larvae manipulated to be more cryptic than for the natural and more conspicuous forms. This indicates that the natural colouration is not maximally cryptic at a short distance. Further, smaller increments in distance were needed to increase detection time for the natural than for the conspicuous larva. This indicates that the natural colouration is not maximally conspicuous at longer distances. Taken together, we present the first empirical support for the idea that some colour patterns may combine warning colouration at a close range with crypsis at a longer range. The implications of this result for the evolution of aposematism are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphisms remains a topic of considerable research interest. One key mechanism thought to contribute to the coexistence of different colour morphs is a bias in how conspicuous they are to visual predators. Although individuals of many species camouflage themselves against their background to avoid predation, differently coloured individuals within a species may vary in their capacity to do so. However, to date, very few studies have explicitly investigated the ability of different colour morphs to plastically adjust their colouration to match their background. The red devil (Amphilophus labiatus) is a Neotropical cichlid fish with a stable colour polymorphism, with the gold morph being genetically dominant and having a myriad of documented advantages over the dark morph. However, gold individuals are much rarer, which may be related to their heightened conspicuousness to would‐be predators. Here, we tested the ability of differently coloured individuals to phenotypically adjust the shade of their body colour and patterns to match their background. In particular, we filmed dark, gold and mottled (a transitioning phase from dark to gold) individuals under an identical set‐up on light vs. dark‐coloured substrates. We found that, in contrast to individuals of the dark morph, gold and mottled individuals were less capable of matching their body colouration to their background. As a result, gold individuals appeared to be more conspicuous. These results suggest that a difference in background matching ability could play an important role in the maintenance of colour polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based integumental coloration is often associated with individual performance in various animals. This is because the limited amount of the pigment has to be allocated to different vital functions. However, most of the evidence for the carotenoid‐based trade‐off comes from vertebrate studies, and it is unclear if this principle can be applied to insects. This possibility was investigated in Orgyia antiqua L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The larvae of this species are polyphenic in their coloration, varying from a highly conspicuous combination of yellow hair tufts on black background to cryptic appearance with brown hair tufts. The conspicuous larvae are aposematic, advertising their aversive hairiness. The maintenance of different colour morphs in O. antiqua requires explanation, as an aposematic signal is expected to evolve towards monomorphism. Chromatographic analysis showed that the yellow coloration of the hair is based on the carotenoid pigment lutein (α‐carotene‐3,3’‐diol). The colour of hair tufts was dependent on their carotenoid content. This justifies an expectation of carotenoid‐based physiological trade‐offs between aposematic coloration and individual performance. To test this hypothesis, we monitored life histories of differently coloured larvae reared on various host plants, recording their body sizes, growth rates, and mortalities in each instar. There was a significant but relatively low heritability of tuft coloration, which allowed us to expect environmental effects. We found no phenotypic associations between hair tuft colour and performance indices in O. antiqua larvae, neither did the quality of host plant affect the frequency of colour morphs. However, the frequency of colour morphs differed between larval instars. Our results suggest that carotenoid‐mediated physiological trade‐offs are not involved in the maintenance of colour morphs in O. antiqua larvae, and factors other than individual condition should be responsible for the observed variability.  相似文献   

Aposematism is the use of warning signals to advertise unpleasant or dangerous defences to potential predators. As the effectiveness of this strategy depends on predator learning, little variation is expected in aposematic warning signals, as similar signals facilitate predator learning. However, warning signals are frequently variable in aposematic species. Such variability could arise as a result of geographic variation in the interpretation that local predators give warning signals. We tested this divergent learning hypothesis in the polytypic poison frog Andinobates bombetes (Anura: Dendrobatidae), focusing on visual predators. Our study was conducted in two populations of this species located in the Western Andes of Colombia, where individuals at some localities exhibit red dorsolateral stripes, while those in others exhibit yellow dorsolateral stripes. We deployed paraffin models imitating both forms of A. bombetes in size and colouration, as well as dull‐coloured controls, at sites inhabited by either red‐striped or yellow‐striped frogs. Red and yellow models were attacked at similar rates at both sites, and brown models were attacked more frequently at one of the sites. These results suggest that red and yellow colourations function as similarly effective aposematic signals for primarily visual predators, regardless of the form previously experienced by these predators. Therefore, our results do not support the hypothesis of divergent predator learning as a driver of the polytypism present in this species. Finally, we discuss other mechanisms that may be involved in the evolution and maintenance of this polytypism.  相似文献   

The bright coloured, highly venomous coral snakes, Leptomicrurus, Micrurus and Micruroides (family Elapidae) and a series of harmless or mildly toxic mimics form an important component of the snake fauna of the Americas. Coral snake patterns are defined as any dorsal pattern found in any species of venomous coral snake and/or any dorsal pattern containing a substantial amount of red, pink or orange distributed so as to resemble that of some species of venomous coral snake. The components of coral snake colouration are described and four principal dorsal patterns are recognized: unicolour, bicolour, tricolour and quadricolour. The tricolour patterns may be further clustered based on the number of black bands or rings separating the red ones as: monads, dyads, triads, tetrads or pentads. A detailed classification of all coral snake colour patterns is presented and each pattern is illustrated. The taxonomic distribution of these patterns is surveyed for mimics and the 56 species of highly venomous coral snakes. Among the latter, the most frequent encountered patterns are tricolour monads, tricolour triads and bicolour rings, in that order. No venomous coral snakes have a tricolour dyad, tricolour tetrad or quadricolour pattern. As many as 115 species of harmless or mildly toxic species, c. 18% of all American snakes, are regarded as coral snake mimics. The colouration and behavioural traits of venomous coral snakes combine to form a significant antipredator defence of an aposematic type. The mimics in turn receive protection from predators that innately or through learning avoid coral snake colour patterns. The precise resemblances in colouration between sympatric non-coral snakes and venomous coral snakes and the concordant geographic variation between the two strongly support this view. Batesian mimicry with the highly venomous coral snakes as the models and the other forms as the mimics is the favoured explanation for this situation. It is further concluded that a number of species in the genera Elaphe, Farancia, Nerodia and Thamnophis, although having red in their colouration, should not be included in the coral snake mimic guild.  相似文献   

The colouration of some traits in nestlings of altricial birds may influence parental food allocation as it may reflect physical condition or hunger. There is increasing evidence of the relationship between colouration of begging traits and nestling performance. However, evidence of the influence of hunger level on nestling colouration is scarce, mainly because of difficulty of distinguishing between the effects of physical condition and hunger levels. Here, we used the appetite stimulant cyproheptadine hydrochloride to increase the sensation of hunger of magpie Pica pica nestlings for eight days and assessed the effect on the colouration of rictal flanges, mouth and body skin. We found that nestlings administered with cyproheptadine had flanges more conspicuous (chromatic visual contrast), more UV coloured and less yellow coloured than their control nestmates. Conversely, mouths of experimental nestlings were more yellow coloured and less UV coloured than controls. Our pharmacological experiment affected the strength of the relationship between body mass and some colour components of body skin (chromatic and achromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma) and of rictal flanges (chromatic visual contrasts, UV–chroma and yellow–chroma), but not for mouth colouration. These results taken together suggest that the effect of the cyproheptadine on nestling colourations is probably mediated by an increase in hunger levels of nestlings for rictal flanges and body skin colourations, and by an increase in physical condition in the case of mouth coloration.  相似文献   

The effect of shoal size on patterns of body colour segregation in mollies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual white and black mollies Poecilia latipinna spent significantly more time near the larger group when given the choice between two shoals of similar colouration to themselves. When given the choice between a large and a small shoal of dissimilar colouration to themselves, black test fish spent significantly more time with the larger shoal while white test fish showed no preference for either group. Both white and black mollies chose the smaller of two shoals when given the choice between a large dissimilarly coloured shoal and a small similarly coloured shoal. The results indicate that mollies actively discriminate between shoals on the basis of both body colour and shoal size. However, body colour segregation appears to have a stronger influence on shoal choice.  相似文献   

A new species of polyclad flatworm, Pseudoceros imitatus sp. nov. (Polycladida, Pseudocerotidae), is described from Papua New Guinea and recorded from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. This polyclad resembles the phyllidiid nudibranch Phyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier) (Nudibranchia, Phyllidiiae) in size and colour pattern. It is proposed that P. imitatus is a mimic of the aposematic nudibranch in order to avoid predation by reef fish. Mimicry between polyclad flatworms and opisthobranch molluscs is reviewed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of coral snake coloration among unrelated venomous and non-venomous New World snake species has often been explained in terms of warning coloration and mimicry. The idea that snake predators would avoid coral snakes in nature seems widely established and is postulated in many discussions on coral snake mimicry. However, the few workers that have tested a potential aposematic function of the conspicuous colour pattern focused exclusively on behaviour of snake predators towards coloured abstract models. Here we report on behaviour of temporarily caged, wild coatis (Nasua narica) when confronted with co-occurring live snakes, among which were two species of venomous coral snakes. Five different types of responses have been observed, ranging from avoidance to predation, yet none of the coatis avoided either of the two coral snake species or other species resembling these. As in earlier studies coatis appeared to avoid coral snake models, our findings show that results from studies with abstract snake models cannot unconditionally serve as evidence for an aposematic function of coral snake coloration.  相似文献   

Growth and vitality in yellow forms of rainbow trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The colour genes controlling the palomino and albino phenotype in the spring spawning rainbow trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792)] strain reared at the Department of Salmonid Research Rutki, Poland were found to have strong detrimental pleiotropic effects on growth and vitality. After 5 and 9 months of rearing, the differences in mean body weights in albino, palomino and wild‐coloured trout were statistically highly significant, with albino showing the poorest, palomino as the intermediate and wild‐coloured trout having the highest growth. An identical ranking of colour phenotypes was observed for survival. The influence of colour phenotypes on both traits showed a diminishing tendency with increasing age of fish. It is concluded that alleles controlling palomino and albino colouration cannot be recommended as genetic markers. If reference groups are needed, instead of albino trout, palomino trout should be used since their pleiotropic effects are less pronounced.  相似文献   

Coat colour anomalies in the common shrew, Sorex araneus L., in the geographical range of this species, including Poland, are extremely rare. This study describes atypically coloured common shrews. Light colouration of the coat is a result of lack ofpigment in the entire hair or hair fragments. It appears that atypically coloured shrews occur more often in isolated populations whose gene transfer with neighboring populations is limited.  相似文献   

The diversity of aposematic signals is one of the most difficult phenomena for understanding the evolution of such signals because aposematic animals are most effectively protected when they are common. Theoretical and experimental studies predict that a combination of local selection pressures could maintain variation in aposematic signals. However, the application of this hypothesis to large-scale geographic variation in aposematic signals, other than mimicry systems, is yet to be tested empirically. I investigated geographic variation in morphological and behavioural aposematic signals of the newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster, and in predation pressures on them in populations ranging over 800 km of latitude. Field experiments demonstrated that local differences in predation pressures explain well the island-mainland variation in the aposematic colouration and behaviour of newts. Furthermore, I found a latitudinal gradient in aposematic colouration but not in behaviour, independent of predation pressures. The results suggested that island-mainland variation in aposematic signals resulting from local differences in predation pressures might also be shaped by several factors, such as temperature, body size variation, and genetic differences, and such factors might act on each aposematic trait differently.  相似文献   

Aposematic insects use warning colours to deter predators, but many also produce odours or sounds when attacked by a predator. One possible role for these additional components is that they promote the association between the warning colour and the non-profitability it signals, thus reducing the chance of future attacks from visually hunting predators. This experiment explicitly tests this idea by looking at the effects of sound on a visual discrimination task. Young domestic chicks were trained to look for food rewards under coloured paper cones scattered in an experimental arena. In a subsequent visual discrimination task, they learned to discriminate between rewarded and non-rewarded hats on the basis of colour. Half the chicks performed this task in silence, whilst the other half had a tone played when they attacked non-rewarded hats. The presence of the tone improved the speed of colour discrimination learning. This demonstrates that there could be a selective advantage for aposematic coloured insects to emit sounds when attacked, since avian predators will learn to avoid their coloration more quickly. The role of psychological interactions between signal components in receivers is discussed in relation to the evolution of multimodal displays.  相似文献   

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