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1.  The effect of transient forebrain ischemia on endothelin-1 (ET-1) and endothelin-3 (ET-3) production in the hippocampus of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSPs) was investigated using immunohistochemical techniques.
2.  In SHRSPs subjected to 10-min bilateral carotid occlusion, neuronal degeneration in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus was detectable at 4 days and remarkable at 7 days after reperfusion.
3.  Coinciding with neuronal degeneration, ET-1- and ET-3-like immunoreactivities were intense in the CA1 pyramidal-cell layer, the stratum lacunosum moleculare, and the CA4 subfield of the hippocampus. Almost all of the immunostained cells had morphological characteristics of astrocytes.
4.  The possibility that ET has a role in the development of neuronal cell death following transient forebrain ischemia warrants further attention.

To ascertain whether the PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10)/Akt signaling pathway is activated during ischemic brain injury, we investigated the expression and phosphorylation of PTEN and Akt by immunohistochemistry in the rat hippocampus after transient forebrain ischemia. Weak immunoreactivity for PTEN and its phosphorylated form (p-PTEN) was constitutively expressed in hippocampal neurons and astrocytes of the control rats, but their upregulation was detected mainly in reactive astrocytes in the ischemic hippocampus. Increased immunoreactivity for PTEN and p-PTEN occurred specifically in astrocytes by day 1 and was sustained for more than 2 weeks. The spatiotemporal activation of Akt in the ischemic hippocampus mirrored that of p-PTEN expression. Post-ischemic activation of Akt, revealed by phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt) immunoreactivity, was first detected at day 1 and was maintained for at least 2 weeks. Double-labeling experiments revealed that the cells expressing PTEN, p-PTEN, or p-Akt were reactive astrocytes expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein. These results demonstrate the increased phosphorylation of PTEN and Akt in reactive astrocytes of the post-ischemic hippocampus, suggesting that the PTEN/Akt pathway is involved in the astroglial reaction in the rat hippocampus after transient forebrain ischemia.This research was supported by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (R01-2002-000-00334-0(2002)).  相似文献   

目的:在体视显微镜下分割Wistar大鼠海马CA1区、CA3区和齿状回(DG)区。方法:24只健康Wistar大鼠,分组如下:①6只大鼠取脑后硫堇染色,观察海马各区细胞形态;②6只大鼠分离出海马,体视显微镜下观察海马形态并分割CA1区、CA3区和DG区,各区分别切片后硫堇染色;③12只大鼠检测海马各区HSP 70的表达。结果:①大脑冠状切片硫堇染色清晰显示出海马CA1区、CA3区和DG区;②体视显微镜下,在海马腹侧面,沿着CA1区和DG区之间的海马沟可分割开CA1区和DG区,沿着CA3区和DG区之间的裂隙可分割开CA3区和DG区;分割后的海马各区细胞形态结构与整体大脑冠状切片上相对应区域的细胞形态结构一致;③Western blot结果显示:与对照组相比,脑缺血组HSP 70的表达在海马CA3+DG区明显上调、而在CA1无明显变化,这一结果与免疫组织化学结果一致。结论:上述方法可比较明确地分割Wistar大鼠海马CA1区、CA3区和DG区,分割得到的各区组织可用于蛋白质表达的检测。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the extent and topography of osteopontin (OPN) protein expression in the rat hippocampus 4 to 12 weeks following transient forebrain ischemia, and to compare OPN expression patterns with those of calcium deposits and astroglial and microglial reactions. Two patterns of OPN staining were recognized by light microscopy: 1) a diffuse pattern of tiny granular deposits throughout the CA1 region at 4 weeks after ischemia and 2) non-diffuse ovoid to round deposits, which formed conglomerates in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer over the chronic interval of 8 to 12 weeks. Immunogold-silver electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis demonstrated that OPN deposits were indeed diverse types of calcium deposits, which were clearly delineated by profuse silver grains indicative of OPN expression. Intracellular OPN deposits were frequently observed within reactive astrocytes and neurons 4 weeks after ischemia but rarely at later times. By contrast, extracellular OPN deposits progressively increased in size and appeared to be gradually phagocytized by microglia or brain macrophages and some astrocytes over 8 to 12 weeks. These data indicate an interaction between OPN and calcium in the hippocampus in the chronic period after ischemia, suggesting that OPN binding to calcium deposits may be involved in scavenging mechanisms.  相似文献   

We examined the phosphorylation state of tau factor in hippocampal delayed neuronal death (DND) after transient forebrain ischemia. A transient phosphorylation increase at serine 199/202 but not serine 396 of tau factor after transient ischemia was clearly observed. Intraventricular injections of olomoucine and U-0126 (CDK5 and MAP kinase inhibitors, respectively) inhibited hyperphosphorylation. In contrast, wortmannin (PI3 kinase inhibitor) increased phosphorylation at serine 199/202 and corresponded with an increase in GSK3 phosphorylation. Our findings suggest that CDK5, MAP kinase, and GSK3 phosphorylate these sites after ischemia. We prepared recombinant normal human tau (N-Tau40) with TAT-HA protein and dephosphorylated-form human Tau-40 (D-tau40) in which 199/202 serines were changed to alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. Intraventricularly injected D-tau40 protected somewhat against DND while N-Tau40 did not. These data suggest that hyperphosphorylation at serine 199/202 of tau factor is induced by MAP kinase, CDK5, and GSK3, and contributes to ischemic neuronal injury.  相似文献   

Cho KO  Kim SK  Cho YJ  Sung KW  Kim SY 《Life sciences》2007,80(22):2030-2035
We investigated the effect of minocycline on neuronal damage in the hippocampus and striatum in a mouse model of transient global forebrain ischemia. Male C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized with halothane and subjected to bilateral occlusion of the common carotid artery (BCCAO) for 30 min. Minocycline (90 mg/kg, i.p., qd) or saline was injected immediately after BCCAO and daily for the next two days (45 mg/kg, i.p., bid). In order to reduce the variability in ischemic neuronal damage, we applied selection criteria based on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), evaluated using laser Doppler flowmetry, and the plasticity of the posterior communicating artery (PcomA), evaluated using India ink solution. In animals with rCBF that was less than 15% of the baseline value and with a smaller PcomA, of diameter less than one-third that of the basilar artery, we consistently observed neuronal damage in the striatum and hippocampal subfields, including medial CA1, CA2, and CA4. When the effect of minocycline was assessed with cresyl violet staining, neuronal damage in the medial part of the CA1 subfield and the striatum was found to be significantly attenuated, although minocycline did not protect against neuronal damage in the remaining hippocampal subfields. Immunohistochemistry for NeuN, adenosine A1 receptor, and SCIP/Oct-6 confirmed the region-specific effect of minocycline in the hippocampus. In summary, our results suggest that minocycline protects neurons against global forebrain ischemia in a subregion-specific manner.  相似文献   

The maintenance of intracellular pH is important in neuronal function. Na+/HCO3 cotransporter (NBC), a bicarbonate-dependent acid–base transport protein, may contribute to cellular acid–base homeostasis in pathophysiological processes. We examined the alterations of NBC immunoreactivity and its protein levels in the hippocampal CA1 region after transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils. In the sham-operated group, moderate NBC immunoreactivity was detected in CA1 pyramidal neurons, and, 12 h after I/R, the immunoreactivity in the pyramidal neurons was markedly increased over controls. Three days after I/R, NBC immunoreactivity nearly disappeared in the CA1 pyramidal neurons. However, NBC immunoreactivity was detected in the non-pyramidal neurons of the ischemic CA1 region at 3 days after I/R. From double immunofluorescence study with glial markers, NBC immunoreactivity was detected in astrocytes, not in microglia, at 4 days after I/R. NBC protein level in the CA1 region was significantly increased at 12 h post-ischemia and significantly decreased at 2 days post-ischemia. Thereafter, NBC protein level was again increased and returned to the level of the sham-operated group at 4 days post-ischemia. On the other hand, treatment with 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate (DIDS), an inorganic anion exchanger blocker including Cl-bicarbonate exchanger, protected CA1 pyramidal neurons from I/R injury at 4 days post-ischemia. These results indicate that changes in NBC expressions may play an important role in neuronal damage and astrocytosis induced by transient cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Folate deficiency increases stroke risk. We examined whether folate deficiency affects platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1), which is an immunoglobulin-associated cell adhesion molecule and mediates the final common pathway of neutrophil transendothelial migration, in blood vessels in the gerbil dentate gyrus after transient forebrain ischemia. Gerbils were exposed to a folic acid-deficient diet (FAD) for 3 months and then subjected to common carotid artery occlusion for 5 min. In the control diet (CD)- and FAD-treated sham-operated groups, weak PECAM-1 immunoreactivity was detected in the blood vessels located in the dentate gyrus. PECAM-1 immunoreactivity in both groups was increased by 4 days after ischemic insult. PECAM-1 immunoreactivity in the FAD-treated group was twice as high that in the CD-treated-sham-operated group 4 days after ischemic insult. Western blot analyses showed that the change patterns in PECAM-1 protein levels in the dentate gyrus in both groups after ischemic insult were similar to changes in PECAM-1 immunohistochemistry in the ischemic dentate gyrus. Our results suggest that folate deficiency enhances PECAM-1 in the dentate gyrus induced by transient ischemia.  相似文献   

It is well known that neurons in the CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG) subfields of the hippocampus are resistant to short period of ischemia which is usually lethal to pyramidal neurons in hippocampal CA1 subfield. The present study was undertaken to clarify whether the inherent higher resistance of neurons in CA3 and DG to ischemia is associated with glial glutamate transporter-1 (GLT-1) in rats. Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry assay showed that the basal expressions of GLT-1 in both CA3 and DG were much higher than that in CA1 subfield. Mild global brain ischemia for 8 min induced delayed death of almost all CA1 pyramidal neurons and marked GLT-1 down-regulation in the CA1 subfield, but it was not lethal to the neurons in either CA3 or DG and induced GLT-1 up-regulation and astrocyte activation showed normal soma and aplenty slender processes in the both areas. When the global brain ischemia was prolonged to 25 min, neuronal death was clearly observed in CA3 and DG accompanied with down-regulation of GLT-1 expression and abnormal astrocytes represented with hypertrophic somas, but shortened processes. After down-regulating of GLT-1 expression and function by its antisense oligodeoxynucleotides or inhibiting GLT-1 function by dihydrokainate, an inhibitor of GLT-1, the mild global brain ischemia for 8 min, which usually was not lethal to CA3 and DG neurons, induced the neuronal death in CA3 and DG subfields. Taken together, the higher expression of GLT-1 in the CA3 and DG contributes to their inherent resistance to ischemia.  相似文献   

By analyzing histological damages and the regional N-acetylaspartate (NAA) level simultaneously, we evaluated the effect of an alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)/kainate receptor antagonist, YM90K [6-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-7-nitro-2,3-(1H,4H)-quinoxalinedione monohydrochloride], in unilateral forebrain ischemia in gerbils. The right common carotid artery was clipped for 5 min under ether anesthesia, and reperfused for 7 days. The frozen brain sections were lyophilized and the hippocampal CA1 area was dissected out for HPLC assay of NAA. An adjacent section was stained with hematoxylin-eosin for counting survived neurons per 1 mm pyramidal layer of the hippocampal CA1 area. Postischemic administration of YM90K at 20 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg attenuated the decrease of both the number of survived neurons and the NAA level on the ischemic side in a dose-dependent manner. A significant linear correlation was observed between the NAA level and the number of intact neurons. These results indicated that the NAA level could be used as an index of neuroprotective effects of pharmacological agents in global cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaM-KIIα) phosphorylates nNOS at Ser847 in the hippocampus after forebrain ischemia; this phosphorylation attenuates NOS activity and might contribute to resistance to post-ischemic damage. We also revealed that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) could phosphorylate nNOS at Ser1412in vitro. In this study, we focused on chronological and topographical changes in the phosphorylation of nNOS at Ser1412 after rat forebrain ischemia. The hippocampus and adjacent cortex were collected at different times, up to 24 h, after 15 min of forebrain ischemia. NOS was partially purified from crude samples using ADP agarose gel. Neuronal NOS, phosphorylated (p)-nNOS at Ser1412, PKA, and p-PKA at Thr197 were studied in the rat hippocampus and cortex using Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis revealed that p-nNOS at Ser1412 significantly increased between 1 and 6 h after reperfusion in the hippocampus, but not in the cortex. PKA was cosedimented with nNOS by ADP agarose gel. Immunohistochemistry revealed that phosphorylation of nNOS at Ser1412 and PKA at Thr197 occurred in the subgranular layer of the dentate gyrus. Forebrain ischemia might thereby induce temporary activation of PKA at Thr197, which then phosphorylates nNOS at Ser1412 in the subgranular layer of the dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

Hwang IK  Yoo KY  Kim DS  Jeong YK  Kim JD  Shin HK  Lim SS  Yoo ID  Kang TC  Kim DW  Moon WK  Won MH 《Life sciences》2004,75(16):1989-2001
Grape seed extract (GSE) possess cardioprotective abilities by functioning as in vivo antioxidants and by virtue of their ability to directly scavenge ROS including hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. In the present study, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of grape seed extract (GSE) in the gerbil hippocampus after 5 min transient forebrain ischemia. Neuronal cell density in GSE-treated ischemic animals was significantly increased as compared with vehicle-treated ischemic animals 4 days after ischemic insult. In the GSE-treated groups, about 60% of pyramidal cells of the sham-operated group were stained with cresyl violet 4 days after ischemic insult. In this study, we found that GSE had neuroprotective effects on neuronal injury by inhibiting DNA damage in the CA1 region after ischemia. In vehicle-treated groups, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) immunoreactivity was significantly changed time-dependently, whereas the immunoreactivity in the GSE-treated group was similar to the sham-operated group. In addition, we confirmed that astrocytes and microglia did not show significant activation in the CA1 region 4 days after ischemia-reperfusion, because many CA1 pyramidal cells were not damaged. Therefore, these results suggest that GSE can protect ischemic neuronal damage by inhibiting DNA damage after transient forebrain ischemia.  相似文献   

Transient cerebral ischemia is a pathological process whereby an irreversible suppression of protein synthesis is believed to contribute to the extent of cell death in vulnerable neurons. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction has been identified as being responsible for ischemia-induced shut-down of translation. Recovery from ER dysfunction is facilitated by GADD34, a protein that dephosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)2alpha-P and thus reactivates protein synthesis. We investigated ischemia-induced changes in GADD34 levels in wild-type and Cu2+/Zn2+ SOD (SOD1) over-expressing rats. Transient global cerebral ischemia was induced by common carotid artery occlusion. Tissue samples were taken from the vulnerable hippocampal CA1 subfield and the resistant cerebral cortex of the right and left hemispheres for evaluation of changes in gadd34 mRNA and GADD34 protein levels. In wild-type animals, we found significantly lower GADD34 levels than in SOD1 transgenes but no differences in gadd34 mRNA levels, implying that superoxides regulate gadd34 translation. After ischemia, GADD34 protein levels were significantly increased in the cortex but not in the CA1 subfield, and these changes occurred earlier in SOD1 transgenic than in wild-type animals. The rise in gadd34 mRNA levels did not differ in the cortex and CA1 subfield, implying that gadd34 expression is regulated at the translational level.  相似文献   

Alterations in ryanodine binding and local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) were examined at 30 minutes and 2 hours post-ischemia in the gerbil brain in order to evaluate the influence of cerebral ischemia on the intracellular channels of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). Severe hemispheric cerebral ischemia was induced by occluding the right common carotid artery. LCBF was measured at the end of the experiment using [14C]iodoantipyrine method, and the ryanodine binding was evaluated in vitro using [3H]ryanodine as a specific ligand for CICR channels. An autoradiographic method developed in our laboratory enabled us to determine both parameters within the same brain. A group of gerbils who underwent a sham procedure served as controls. LCBF was found to be significantly reduced in most of the cerebral regions on the occluded side at both 30 minutes as well as 2 hours post-ischemia. In contrast, a significant reduction in ryanodine binding was noted only in the hippocampus CA1 on the occluded side at 30 minutes and 2 hours after the occlusion. These findings suggest that regionally specific changes of CICR may be the cause of decreased ryanodine binding in the hippocampus CA1, and that these changes may be related to the pathophysiological mechanisms that cause this region to be particularly vulnerable to ischemia.  相似文献   

Althoughneuronal death following brain ischemia was originally considered to be due to an energy deficiency resulting from an impaired respiratory chain, the observation of delayed neuronal death indicated some other factor. It is believed that delayed neuronal death after transient forebrain ischemia appears as a result of release of glutamate, an excitatory amino acid. In the present study, transient ischemia for 20 minutes in a rat four-vessel occlusion model was induced, and serial changes in histology and N-methyl-d-asparate receptor (NMDA-R) binding were evaluated up to the chronic stage. Destruction of pyramidal cells and extensive astrocytic proliferation in the CA1 area of the hippocampus was completed by 10 days after cerebral ischemia followed by cerebral blood recirculation. However, the glutamate receptor subtype, NMDA-R, showed no change in all brain regions until after 10 days, but decreased in the hippocampus to 50% after 21 days despite no evidence of histological progression of neuronal death. The results show that the time course for appearance of light microscopic damage in the hippocampal region does not parallel that for depletion of NMDA-R binding sites.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, binds to the EGF-receptor (EGF-R). The early expression and widespread distribution of TGF-α and EGF-R in the developing central nervous system (CNS) suggest that TGF-α may play a role in the developing CNS. To study possible effects of TGF-α on cholinergic differentiation in the basal forebrain, we cultured septal nuclei with adjacent basal forebrain from embryonic rat brain in the presence and absence of TGF-α. At the highest dose of TGF-α used (100 ng/mL), activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; EC and the number of cholinergic neurons doubled. However, because protein levels tripled, specific ChAT activity actually declined. To determine the mechanism accounting for the increase in ChAT, we labeled dividing precursors present in the cultures with a replication-deficient retrovirus expressing β-galactosidase in the presence and absence of TGF-α. By staining the cultures for both LacZ and ChAT, we determined that the precursor population expanded in size (individually labeled clones contained more cells), but the percentage of cholinergic neurons present in the clones was unchanged. Therefore, while TGF-α expands the precursor pool, it does not promote cholinergic differentiation. Interleukin-9, included to prompt neuronal differentiation, did not by itself increase ChAT activity, nor did it enhance the action of TGF-α. This was true even when basic fibroblast growth factor was included. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 405–412, 1998  相似文献   

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