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Faunas and paleoenvironments from main archaeological Plio-Pleistocene sites of the Nachukui Formation (West Turkana, Kenya). The Nachukui Formation is currently under archaeological investigation, especially within the Kalochoro (2.35 – 1.9 Myr) and Kaitio (1.9 – 1.65 Myr) Members. Six main archaeological sites have been excavated from this time period, which yield rich vertebrate faunas collected in situ or in close vicinity to the site. Paleontological studies help to precise the specific diversity for each site and increase our documentation for each Member with the discovery of new taxa. They allow to provide new informations about the biotope diversities exploited by Hominids and show a climatic tendency towards more humid environment between the Members. To cite this article: J.-P. Brugal et al., C.R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Alluvial deposits from the Mue Nam Mum river at Saropée, Khorat Region, Thailand, yielded about 60 wood specimens, attributed to Araucarioxylon sp., Shoreoxylon thaïlandense n.sp., Careyoxylon pondicherriense Awasthi, Terminalioxylon coriaceum Prakash and Awasthi, Terminalioxylon burmense Mädel-Angeliewa and Müller-Stoll, Pahudioxylon sahnii Ghosh and Kazmi, Cynometroxylon schlagintweitii Müller-Stoll and Mädel, and Albizzinium eolebekkianum Prakash. This association, attributed to a Plio-Pleistocene age, evokes a mixed deciduous forest, probably not far from a river and ancient volcanoes. The presence of Araucariaceae in South-Eastern Asia at a relatively recent epoch is pointed out. A comparison with other fossil wood localities reveals close floristic resemblance with Burma, Western Bengal and Kachchh.


Une nappe fluviatile de la rivière Mue Nam Mum, gisement de Saropée, région de Khorat, en Thaïlande, a livré une soixantaine de bois fossiles, déterminés comme: Araucarioxylon sp.,Shoreoxylon thaïlandense n.sp., Careyoxylon pondicherriense Awasthi, Terminalioxylon coriaceum Prakash et Awasthi, Terminalioxylon burmense Mädel-Angeliewa et Müller-Stoll, Pahudioxylon sahnii Ghosh et Kazmi, Cynometroxylon schlagintweitii Müller-Stoll et Mädel et Albizzinium eolebekkianum Prakash. Cette association, évoquant une forêt semi-dense, s'est vraisemblablement développée à proximité d'un cours d'eau et d'anciens volcans. Elle est attribuée au Pliocène ou au Quaternaire ancien. La question de la présence d'Araucariaceae dans le Sud-Est asiatique à une époque relativement récente est évoquée. Une comparaison avec d'autres gisements à bois fossiles révèle des ressemblances floristiques avec la Birmanie, le Bengale occidental et le Kachchh.  相似文献   

The various polymer–acid solvation possibilities occuring in the helix–coil transition process of polypeptides with polar side chains were systematically analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. The following samples have been considered: poly-γ-benzyl-L -glutamate (PBLG), alternating poly-γ-benzyl-D ,L -glutamate (PBD-LG), and poly-β-benzyl-L -as-partate (PBLA). The behavior of the amide A, I, II, and νC?O ester absorptions of each polymer dissolved in trifluoroacetic acid–chloroform mixtures was studied in depth. The classical assumptions concerning the interaction between a polypeptide and a proton donor solvent are discussed. This interaction was previously proposed in a theoretical model of helix–coil transition. For PBLG, the spectral characteristics of the cooperative transition are evidenced by the amide bands. These bands also show main chain–acid hydrogen bonding (I) Quantitative analysis of phenomenon (I) was performed in order to localize the “binding sites” of the polymer. In agreement with the theory, only the complexation of peptide units belonging to random coil and terminal helical regions were observed. However, in contrast to the theory in which the association constants KCO and KNH of these residues are generally kept equal, the present results have shown that the main binding site is the carbonyl group (KNH ? 0 or « KCO ). The behavior of the polar side chains of these polypeptides were analyzed during the transition. Similarly to the peptide backbone, they bind the acid by hydrogen bonding (II) Furthermore, this association is more important when the side chains are localized in the coiled regions than in the helical ones. This result suggests, by analogy with the main chain behavior, that the helix–coil transition theory should take into account two more association constants for polar side chains, namely k1 for the helical regions and k2 > k1 for the coiled ones.  相似文献   

New hominid teeth from the Kaitio member (1.65–1.9 Myr) in West Turkana (Kenya). New hominid teeth have been recovered from the archaeological sites of Kokiselei 1 and Naiyena Engol 1. These two sites are located in the west side of the Turkana Basin and belong to the Kaitio member of the Nachukui Formation. They are dated between 1.65-1.79 and 1.7-1.8 Myr respectively. The four teeth (left maxillary canine and first molar, right maxillary third molar and left mandibular third molar) discovered in Kokiselei 1 are attributed to Australopithecus boisei. The right mandibular first premolar found in Naiyena Engol 1 is referred to Homo sp. aff. ergaster. To cite this article: S. Prat et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

A single dose of 10 μg oestradiol injected to a male rat stimulates in the anterior pituitary the synthesis of ribosomal RNA and of the associated proteins. This stimulation is shown using in vitro double-labeling of RNA with adenine or guanine and of proteins with valine. The analysis of polysomes reveals the incorporation of the neo-synthesized molecules into the 40 S and 60 S subunits. Therefore, the stimulation of ribosomal RNA and protein biosynthesis by oestradiol is a coordinated process. No change in the whole polysome distribution is observed in these conditions though such a modification may occur in a specific cell population without being detected by using sucrose gradient analysis.  相似文献   

Ammotragus europaeus: a new species of Caprini (Bovidae, Mammalia) from the Early Pleistocene site of Vallonnet (France). A new species of the genus Ammotragus is described from the assemblage III of Vallonnet cave (Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Alpes-Maritimes, France). These remains were interpreted as Ovis, but the re-study of the dental collection from the site and a first study of a partial braincase with the basal internal region of the horn-core pedicels, the parietals, the temporals, and the basisphenoid bones, show anatomical differences with the Caprini genera Ovis, Capra, and Hemitragus and the Ovibovini genus Soergelia. At the opposite, anatomical similarities of the Vallonnet material to the extant North-African Caprini genus Ammotragus are observed. The age of Vallonnet cave is dated by palaeomagnetic techniques at about 1.0 Ma. Teeth remains similar to the Vallonnet species have been found at Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Andalusia, Spain). To cite this article: P.-É. Moullé et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).  相似文献   

In every species other than mammals xanthine oxidoreductase behaves as a dehydrogenase, never as an oxidase. In three mammalian species, the enzyme acts intracellularly as a dehydrogenase, but its class-specific ambivalence allows its extracellular conversion into an oxidase.


En dehors de la classe des Mammifères, l'oxydoréductase de la xanthine ne se comporte jamais comme une oxydase. Chez les Mammifères, une ambivalence de la molécule permet l'expression d'une activité déshydrogénasique (NAD) dans la cellule, et d'une activité oxydasique en dehors de la cellule.  相似文献   

Two aspects concerning the study of thyroglobulin synthesis and of the ultrastructure of thyroid glands in organotypic cultures have been studied: (1) the chronology of ultrastructural alterations in thyroid cultures leading to the loss of thyroglobulin synthesis; and (2) the role of TSH in the re-establishment of the characteristic features in the cultured cells following transplantation.Alterations of the endoplasmic reticulum start on the very first day of culture. The ribosomes detach themselves from the membranes which then disappear. On the third and fourth day, significant alterations are observed on mitochondria and nuclei. The lysosomes disappear, while the Golgi apparatus is hardly affected.All the above modifications are reversible, since it is possible to re-establish the characteristic features of the endoplasmic reticulum and the synthesis of thyroglobulin after transplantation of the cultured glands into normal animals.The reappearance of phenotypic traits of the thyroid cells can also be obtained after transplantation into hypophysectomized rats. However, the level of thyroglobulin synthesis in these transplants, which is similar to that in the host gland, is lower than in grafts into normal animals.This results shows that TSH is not required for differentiation and for manifestation of the phenotypic traits of the thyroid gland. It seems therefore that the role of TSH is not to stimulate differentiation, but to maintain and regulate the level of specific processes in the already differentiated thyroid cell.  相似文献   

La réponse visuelle des adultes de Lasiomma melania Ackl. (Diptera, Anthomyiidae) à des carrés englués de diverses couleurs ou combinaisons de couleurs a été étudiée durant 5 années consécutives dans plusieurs mélèzins (Larix decidua) des Hautes-Alpes. Une préférence pour le jaune et le jaune à bandes pourpres a été mise en évidence chez ce ravageur dont la femelle pond sur les cônes de mélèze. L'attractivité de chaque type de piège est fonction à la fois du sexe et du stade de maturation sexuelle des individus. La couleur jaune attire en majorité des insectes émergents immatures. Elle semble représenter, selon le plan dans lequel elle est située, un signal nutritionnel de type fleur (plan horizontal) ou un signal de reconnaissance du feuillage de mélèze (plan vertical). Les individus mûrs sexuellement, recherchant les arbres produisant des cônes, sont en revanche capturés essentiellement sur les pièges verticaux jaunes à bandes pourpres. Ceux-ci miment, en l'amplifiant, le contraste de réflectance existant entre le feuillage des mélèzes et les cônes. Ce contraste paraît correspondre à un signal permettant la reconnaisance des arbres possédant des cônes. La ponte est cependant limitée à un stade particulier de développment de ces derniers alors que le contraste est à peu près stable dans le temps. D'autres signaux émis par les cônes, vraisemblablement d'ordre olfactif, doivent guider le vol d'approche et l'atterrissage des femelles.  相似文献   

The calcareous holocene sediments found in the outlying areas around Lake Afrera (Ethiopia) contain diatoms in abundance, some of which seem to be new species. Qualitative and quantitative studies, with informatory treatment of the data, allow us to reconstruct the main characteristics of the sedimentation conditions and their variations in the course of time. During periods of warm and humid climatic conditions, the basin was progressively filled up with alkaline, lightly saline and quickly eutrophic water. At this time, the lake covered an area of 250 km2. This period occurred from 9800 years B. P. to around 7800 years B. P. It was followed by a short interruption, showed by important modifications in the diatom flora and a marked increase in the depth and salinity of the water. It has been hypothesized that this phenomenon had a tectonic origin. Soon thereafter, the previous ecological conditions reappeared. In the following period the lake began to dry up and the diatoms began to disappear. The present-day highly saline Lake Afrera is all that remains of this large holocene water area. Diatoms of the Holocene Sediments in the Afrera Lake Basin. (Northern Afar, Ethiopia). Reconstruction of the Environmental Evolution  相似文献   

In the Dijon area, the top of the Athleta zone contains rich ammonite fauna dominated quantitatively by two families: Perisphinctidae and Oppeliidae. The Oppeliidae are diversified and make up a numerically larger proportion of the ammonite fauna than in the underlying strata (up to 57 %). The exceptional state of preservation of the ammonites has permitted a precise study to be made of ontogenesis and intraspecific variability. Four sub-families are found (Oppeliinae, Hecticoceratinae, Distichoceratinae and Taramelliceratinae), within which sexual dimorphs have been recognised. One small form, characterized by lappets and a body chamber with ellipticoidal-trending coiling, is interpreted as the microconch dimorph of the Paralcidia genus which was unknown until now. One specimen of Creniceras, the oldest collected in Côte-d'Or, can be interpreted as the microconch dimorph of Taramelliceras.


Dans la région dijonnaise, le sommet de la zone à Athleta renferme une riche faune ammonitique, quantitativement dominée par deux familles : Perisphinctidae et Oppeliidae. Par rapport aux niveaux sous-jacents, la famille des Oppeliidae est diversifiée et représente une part numériquement plus importante de la faune ammonitique (jusqu'à 57 %). L'excellente conservation des ammonites a autorisé une étude précise de l'ontogenèse et de la variabilité intraspécifique au sein de la famille. Quatre sous-familles sont représentées (Oppeliinae, Hecticoceratinae, Distichoceratinae et Taramelliceratinae), au sein desquelles les dimorphes sexuels ont été reconnus. Une petite forme, caractérisée par des apophyses jugales et une chambre d'habitation à enroulement à tendance ellipticoïde, est interprétée comme le dimorphe microconque, inconnu jusqu'à présent, du genre Paralcidia. Un spécimen de Creniceras, le plus ancien récolté en Côte-d'Or, pourrait correspondre au dimorphe microconque des Taramelliceras.  相似文献   

Glycerol specifically deuterated at C-1, C-2, or C-3 was prepared and used for the biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose with Acetobacter xylinum.The material obtained were converted into glucitol hexaacetate and analyzed by 250-MHz nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The spectra indicated that the protons of the C-3 position of the starting glycerol were incorporated as substituents of the C-6 and C-1 positions of the cellulose. Similarly, protons of the C-2 and C-5 positions of the cellulose came essentially from water and the protons bonded at the C-3 and C-4 positions of the cellulose from protons bonded to C-1 of the starting glycerol.  相似文献   

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