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Summary Methods for floodplain revegetation using native species were investigated, following clearance of the invasive shrub Mimosa pigra L. (Mimosaceae) in the Northern Territory of Australia. Prolific revegetation occurred naturally and several species were identified that have potential for revegetation at sites where natural regeneration is poor, namely: Spiny Mud Grass, Pseudoraphis spinescens, Awnless Barnyard Grass, Echinochloa colona, and an unidentified Panicum species. However, it may still be desirable to plant native perennial grasses, of which most species did not establish naturally. Stolons of the native floodplain grass Hymenachne acutigluma (Steud) Gilliland (Poaceae) established well when planted in wet mud and shallow water during the early dry season, as seasonal floodwaters subsided. Similar plantings during the early wet season were less successful. Sowing seed of several floodplain grasses and Eliocharis dulcis was unsuccessful in both seasons. Planting stolons of H. acutigluma as seasonal floodwaters subside may provide a reliable alternative to exotic floodplain grasses, Para Grass (Urochloa mutica), and Amity Aleman Grass (Echinochloa polystachya), which are also currently propagated vegetatively in Australia. However, planting H. acutigluma stolons had no tangible benefits in terms of suppressing Mimosa establishment, which was low in all treatments. Revegetation should not be considered an alternative to the diligent control of Mimosa seedlings; regenerating following control of Mimosa thickets.  相似文献   

The adverse impacts of weeds on natural ecosystems, together with the inadequate outcomes from treating weeds as a symptom, have escalated interest in finding efficacious control methods. With the aim of protecting wetlands from invasive weeds, this contribution uses the woody shrub Mimosa pigra L. (mimosa) as a case history to examine the methodology of classical biological control and the reasons for the widely accepted 75% failure rate. Overall objectives are for all biocontrol agents to have the opportunity to fully express their potential and to insure that limited resources are spent wisely on attainable weed control. The three main conclusions were that (1) the premises on which biocontrol is based has restricted advancement of this method; (2) monitoring is the logical first step to improving the selection of agents and release sites; and (3) it may be more cost-effective to introduce fewer agents that have undergone agent/plant and host/home range pre- and post-release ecological studies. Weed control may remain elusive unless advantage is taken of every beneficial result. Innovative assistance to agents and the integration of different control methods may preserve a role for weed biological control and has the potential to be of great importance for future weed management. It is proposed that the climate in the Top End of the Northern Territory and the lack of competition on the floodplains has contributed to mimosa's invasiveness. Climate may also underly the difficulties faced by agents. Agents appear unable to impart effective control in the dry season because of low numbers which relates to mimosa's poor growth; nor in the wet season, when the impact from high numbers of agents is outstripped by mimosa's growth.  相似文献   

Solidago canadensis L. is a major invasive weed that is highly tolerant to disturbances and difficult to control in China. In order to develop a rapid non-chemical control strategy for this weed in heterogeneous environments, we investigated different treatments including mechanical control (cutting and hoeing) and inoculation with an indigenous pathogen, Sclerotium rolfsii SC64, which was isolated from S. canadensis and applied by means of a solid formulation. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to test how the control regimes (i.e. individual treatment methods, combination of these methods and different treatment timing) influence control efficiency. The fungal isolate S. rolfsii SC64 caused 70% plant mortality and fresh weight reduction of S. canadensis under 150 cm growth stage, and efficacy increased to 80% when the above-ground material was removed. However, the use of cutting, hoeing or treating with S. rolfsii SC64, on its own, did not provide sufficient control of S. canadensis. Cutting treatments performed in July and September only eliminated sexual reproduction of S. canadensis. Combination of cutting, hoeing and treating with isolate SC64 during the growing season in May, July and September was able to kill more than 90% of the ramets. This combination of methods not only eliminated sexual reproduction of S. canadensis, but also destroyed its underground stems and prevented its regrowth. Therefore, this integrated approach may provide an optima control strategy for S. canadensis.  相似文献   

Two multi‐year field experiments investigated the effects of integrating revegetation with invasive plant management methods to rehabilitate coastal dune and woodland vegetation invaded by Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) Norl. ssp. rotundata (DC.) Norl.) in New South Wales, Australia. The revegetation technique used was to sow directly seeds of three native species common to coastal habitats. Management treatments involved combinations of prescribed fire, manual removal of Bitou bush and an application of herbicide. Addition of native seeds significantly increased density of native species in both habitats. The benefits of manually removing Bitou bush were observed only where densities of native species were at their lowest. Fire increased densities of some native species in the woodland, but decreased those of others in the dune. Densities of Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae (Labill.) Court (woodland) and of Banksia integrifolia L.f. (woodland and dune) were significantly reduced within 4 months of herbicide application, alone or in combination with other treatments. The majority of these effects, however, did not persist. Manual removal in both habitats and addition of seed in the woodland were most effective in reducing Bitou bush densities when applied post‐fire. Herbicide treatment on its own or in combination with other treatments did not significantly reduce Bitou bush densities by the end of the experiments. We conclude that restoration of coastal ecosystems invaded by a major invasive plant species requires a whole‐of‐system approach involving revegetation in combination with known management methods to assist recovery of native species in the longer term.  相似文献   

Chlorantraniliprole seed treatments in rice provide effective suppression of rice water weevil populations in the United States; however, heavy reliance on prophylactic insecticide treatments as a sole strategy could destabilize management programs for this insect. The present research evaluated the compatibility of seed treatments with two other potential management tactics—plant resistance and shallow flooding–by conducting two split‐plot experiments in 2009 and 2011. In both experiments, no substantial antagonism was found among the 3 different tactics. Statistical interactions in these experiments arose from the strong and persistent effects of chlorantraniliprole on larval densities rather than incompatibility of tactics. In 2009, weevil densities differed among varieties and were significantly lower on the cultivar “Jefferson.” In 2011, weevil densities were reduced significantly in shallow‐flooded plots compared to deep‐flooded plots. Significant reductions in weevil numbers by chlorantraniliprole seed treatments, even at application rates 5 fold lower than commercially recommended rates, demonstrated the potential to reduce application rates of this highly potent larvicide. These latter results suggest that future studies on the relationship between chlorantraniliprole seed treatment rate and weevil fitness are warranted.  相似文献   

Biotic resistance is the ability of species in a community to limit the invasion of other species. However, biotic resistance is not widely used to control invasive plants. Experimental, functional, and modeling approaches were combined to investigate the processes of invasion by Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot), a model invasive species in South Korea. We hypothesized that (1) functional group identity would be a good predictor of biotic resistance to A. altissima, whereas a species identity effect would be redundant within a functional group, and (2) mixtures of species would be more resistant to invasion than monocultures. We classified 37 species of native plants into three functional groups based on seven functional traits. The classification of functional groups was based primarily on differences in life longevity and woodiness. A competition experiment was conducted based on an additive competition design with A. altissima and monocultures or mixtures of resident plants. As an indicator of biotic resistance, we calculated a relative competition index (RCIavg) based on the average performance of A. altissima in a competition treatment compared with that of the control where only seeds of A. altissima were sown. To further explain the effect of diversity, we tested several diversity–interaction models. In monoculture treatments, RCIavg of resident plants was significantly different among functional groups but not within each functional group. Fast‐growing annuals (FG1) had the highest RCIavg, suggesting priority effects (niche pre‐emption). RCIavg of resident plants was significantly greater in a mixture than in a monoculture. According to the diversity–interaction models, species interaction patterns in mixtures were best described by interactions between functional groups, which implied niche partitioning. Functional group identity and diversity of resident plant communities were good indicators of biotic resistance to invasion by introduced A. altissima, with the underlying mechanisms likely niche pre‐emption and niche partitioning. This method has most potential in assisted restoration contexts, where there is a desire to reintroduce natives or boost their population size due to some previous level of degradation.  相似文献   

T. Olckers 《BioControl》2000,45(3):373-388
The South American tree Solanummauritianum is a major environmental weed in thehigh-rainfall regions of South Africa and has beentargeted for biological control since 1984. Althoughhost ranges of imported agents determined duringquarantine tests have resulted in the rejection ofeight of the 11 candidate agents tested so far, theleaf-sucking lace bug Gargaphia decoris,imported from Argentina in 1995, displayed anacceptably narrow host range in captivity. No-choicetests showed that G. decoris is confined to Solanum species and cannot survive on solanaceouscrops outside that genus. Although these tests alsoindicated that G. decoris colonies could surviveand reproduce on cultivated eggplant (aubergine) andat least five native South African Solanumspecies, all but one native species proved to beinferior hosts in terms of adult survival andoviposition potential. During paired choice andmultichoice tests in small and larger cagesrespectively, G. decoris displayed very strongfeeding and oviposition preferences for S. mauritianum. Analyses of the risk of attack onnon-target Solanum plants revealed that, withone possible exception, none were likely to suffermore than incidental damage in the field. Host recordsfrom South America have also indicated that G. decoris has not been recorded on any Solanumspecies other than S. mauritianum, providingfurther evidence of its host specificity. The resultsof this study were accepted by the regulatoryauthorities and in February 1999, G. decorisbecame the first agent to be released in South Africafor the biological control of S. mauritianum.  相似文献   

Invasion of native plant communities by the Australian paperbark tree (“melaleuca”), Melaleuca quinquenervia, complicates restoration of the Florida Everglades. Biological control, within the context of a comprehensive management program, offers a means to suppress regeneration of melaleuca after removal of existing trees and a mechanism to forestall reinvasion. To meet this need, a biological control program commenced in 1997 upon the release of an Australian weevil (Oxyops vitiosa [Pascoe] [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]). Release of a second biological control agent, the melaleuca psyllid (Boreioglycaspis melaleucae Moore), followed in February 2002 at field sites containing mixed age-class melaleuca stands or coppicing stumps. Each site was inoculated with 7000–10,000 adult psyllids, with one exception where 2000 nymphs were released on seedlings the following December. Psyllid populations established everywhere irrespective of colony source, site conditions, or the quantity released, although numbers released and, to a lesser degree, colony age influenced the numbers of colonies produced. Quantity included in the release was the major determinant of the resultant number of colonies, although the duration of their tenure in quarantine culture may have also influenced this. One site, comprised mainly of coppicing stumps, contained 3.3 million psyllids per ha within 3 months after release. Less than 1% of the coppices at a similar site harbored psyllid colonies 2 months after release (May 2002), but this rose to 75% in October then to 100% by December. The census population exceeded 715,000 adults and nearly 11 million nymphs by late January 2003. Psyllid populations dispersed 2.2–10.0 km/year, with the slower rates in dense, continuous melaleuca stands and faster rates in fragmented stands. Over 1 million psyllids had been redistributed to 100 locations as of December 2005. This species now occurs throughout much of the range of melaleuca in south Florida due to natural range expansion as well as anthropogenic dissemination.  相似文献   

Diurnal, seasonal and annual fluctuations of the meiofauna population density were recorded during long term investigations carried out in an inlet of the southwestern coast of the Baltic from 1970 to 1980. Field experiments have shown a diurnal vertical migration of harpacticoids, which leave the sediment at night to colonize the pelagic zone 14 times more densely than during day. Besides the seasonal fluctuations considerable differences were observed between the meiofauna densities in two successive years from samples taken twice in a grid consisting of 98 stations: the abundances of all meiofauna taxa decreased by approximately 50 %. These fluctuations are not only caused by the reproductive activities of the meiofauna under different environmental conditions, but they are to a great extent a result of the active and passive movements of the meiofauna.  相似文献   

The population structure and dynamics of Ainsliaea apiculata, a forest understory evergreen herb widely distributed in Japan, was examined in a Chamaecyparis obtusa forest in Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan (36°51N, 140°33E; 750 m a.s.l.). The mean population growth rate () calculated from the transition matrices for 4 years was 0.69 per year, predicting that the population size will decrease remarkably. There was a significant positive correlation between the survival of old leaves and the growth of new shoots in the following year. The shoots, especially new leaves, were damaged severely by herbivores (caterpillars of Leioptilus sp.). The survival rate of leaves formed in the previous spring to the next spring was remarkably low (41–54%). The growth of new shoots depended mainly on the reserves contained in old shoots, especially those in old leaves. New shoots of A. apiculata began to develop in spring, even though they were formed in autumn of the previous year. A defoliation experiment also showed that the removal of old shoots at the beginning of the growing season significantly inhibited the growth of new shoots. Damage to old shoots by herbivores severely influenced the growth and population dynamics of A. apiculata.  相似文献   

Colpoclypeus florus Walk. is a gregarious ectoparasite of tortricids. Details of biology and annual cycle in orchards in the Netherland are reported. It has four to five generations per year, but only females of the second generation, and some of the third, meet with abundant hosts (Adoxophyes orana F.v.R.) of the proper size. Therefore, the parasite is scarce to virtually absent from Duth orchards except in July and August. A technique for mass-rearing of C. florus is described, producing 6 000 wasps per week. 16 000–28 000 wasps/ha were released in spring, in order to control leafrollers. Although all important leafroller species were parasitized, the rate of parasitization was too low to be effective.
Colpoclypeus florus (Hym. Eulophidae), parasite de tordeuses dans les vergers: techniques d'élevage, biologie et expériences de lutte biologique
Résumé Colpoclypeus florus Walk., ectoparasite grégaire de Tortricidae, est capable de provoquer un taux de parasitisme élevé dans plusieurs types de cultures, y compris dans les vergers de pommiers. Dans les vergers aux Pay-Bas, ce parasite n'abonde qu'en été sur la première génération d'Adoxophyes orana. Les autres tortricides échappent à ses attaques, parce qu'elles ne peuvent être attaquées qu'au printemps. Le but de ces études était donc la mise au point d'une technique d'élevage de masse de C. florus, pour relâcher ce parasite en grand nombre dans les vergers au printemps. La technique décrite a permis de produire plusieurs milliers de parasites par semaine. Des lâchers de 16 000–28 000 parasites par ha dans un verger soumis à un programme de lutte intégrée, bien que faisant des victimes parmi toutes les espèces importantes de tortricides présentes, étaient loin d'occasionner le taux de parasitisme escompté.Le nombre de degrés-jours nécessaire au développement des différents stades de C. florus a été déterminé au laboratoire, et son cycle évolutif, inconnu aux Pays-Bas, puisque le parasite ne se trouve qu'en été, a été calculé et comparé aux observations faites en élevages en plein air. C. florus a de 4 à 5 générations par an, et la comparaison de sa phénologie avec celle des différentes tordeuses explique son absence hors de l'été.Au laboratoire, Archips podana était plus parasité, et Pandemis heparana moins parasité qu'A. orana. Le nombre moyen de descendants produits par femelle de C. florus et par chenille-hôte variait selon les hôtes, dépendant probablement de la taille des chenilles. Bien qu'A. orana n'ait pas produit le plus grand nombre de parasites par chenille, elle a été néanmoins préférée aux autres tortricides comme hôte pour les élevages.

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