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The process of the kidney compensatory hypertrophy in young rats has been studied after nephrectomy on the 2nd day of life. The intact kidney was investigated by morphometrical and electron microscopical methods from the 1st day till the 3rd month after operation. The kidney compensatory hypertrophy in the early postnatal ontogenesis is accompanied by the acceleration of growth and differentiation of renal structures. The hypertrophy involves three successive steps: (1) functional tension of ultrastructures; (2) expressed hyperplasia and hypertrophy of cells; (3) structural-functional specialization. Among the cellular factors of the kidney compensatory growth at this age, the main role is played by the process of cell hyperplasia.  相似文献   

A structure of the convoluted tubuli, spermatogenesis and number of Leydig's cells in the andropause have been analysed in dependence on the degree of symptoms intensity. A control group included otherwise healthy men with ++post-inflammatory azoospermia. A percentage of the convoluted tubuli with normal tissue (p < .002) and spermatogenesis (p < .001) has been significantly decreased in andropause. The number of Leydig's cells has not differed in andropause and in a control group (p < .05). No difference of significance have been noted in the structure of convoluted tubuli, spermatogenesis, and Leydig's cells number depending on the intensity of symptoms. FSH and LH levels have been significantly increased in andropause (p < .001). No relationship between FSH and LH levels and percentage of the abnormal convoluted tubuli has been observed. However there have been a relationship between FSH and LH levels and the number of abnormal convoluted tubuli with spermatogenesis inhibition and intensified clinical symptoms. There has also been a relationship between FSH and LH levels and Leydig's cells number in patients with marked symptoms of andropause.  相似文献   

Lower leg amputation generally induces asymmetrical weight-bearing, even after rehabilitation treatment is completed. This is detrimental to the amputees’ long term quality of life. In particular, increasing strains on joint surfaces that receive additional weight load causes back and leg pain, premature wear and tear and arthritis. This pilot study was designed to determine whether subjects with lower leg amputation experience postural post-effects after muscle contraction, a phenomenon already observed in healthy subjects, and whether this could improve the weight-bearing on their prosthesis.Fifteen subjects with a unilateral lower leg amputation and 17 control subjects volunteered to participate in this study. Centre of pressure (CP) position was recorded during standing posture, under eyes closed and open conditions. Recordings were carried out before the subjects performed a 30-s voluntary isometric lateral neck muscle contraction, and again 1 and 4 min after the contraction.Postural post-effects characterized by CP shift, occurred in the medio-lateral plane in the majority of the amputated (7/15 eyes closed, 9/15 eyes open) and control (9/17 eyes closed, 11/17 eyes open) subjects after the contraction. Half of these subjects had a CP shift towards the side of the contraction and the other half towards the opposite side. In four amputated subjects tested 3 months apart, shift direction remained constant. These postural changes occurred without increase in CP velocity.Thus, a 30-s voluntary isometric contraction can change the standing posture of persons with lower leg amputation. The post-effects might result from the adaptation of the postural frame of reference to the proprioceptive messages associated with the isometric contraction.  相似文献   

Cadmium is known to be a carcinogenic metal that especially its compounds have sufficient evidence in both humans and experimental animals beneath its environmental effects. Testis tissue is highly sensitive to the effects of cadmium. It is proposed that cadmium also increases oxygen derived free radicals and lipid peroxidation. As indicators of oxidative DNA damage, 6 oxidative DNA bases were determined by using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry-Selected Ion Monitoring technique. 45 Sprague-Dawley rats (225-300 g) were used as experimental animals and were divided into 3 groups of 15 rats. A single 2 mg NaCl/kg body wt, 0,5 and 1,25 mg CdCl2/kg body wt were injected intraperitoneally to control, low and high dose groups, respectively. 5-OH Cytosine, 8-OH Adenine and Fapy Guanine lesions were elevated significantly in high dose group in the first day. A clear dose-response relationship was seen between dose groups and 8-OH Adenine levels related with time in all periods. There was a significant dose-response relationship in 2-OH Adenine, Fapy Guanine and 8-OH Guanine, especially in the second week suggesting the inhibition of XPA protein by cadmium after first week. In contrast, the observation of a significant decrease of 5-OH Cytosine levels after first week showed that cadmium could not affect the enzymes repairing the cytosine base lesions.  相似文献   

Changes in testosterone content have been studied in the testes and peripheral blood in male rats from the 1st till the 42nd day after birth. The correlation was established between the level of luteinizing hormones in the blood and that of testosterone in the testes during the first 5 days after birth.  相似文献   

It was shown on hemithyroidectomized male rats (2--2.5, 8--10 and 14--16--month-old) that with the advance of age there occurred an increase in the inhibitory effect of the same (as per 100 g of body weight) dose of the exogenous thyroxine on the thyroid compensatory hypertrophy. It is supposed that the threshold of hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid system to homeostatic inhibition decreased with ageing.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats were irradiated with 2.1 Gy gamma-ray of 60Co at day 20 of gestation. Seventy days after birth, the body weight of the fetally irradiated male pups was significantly lower than the control. The testes, ventral prostates and seminal vesicles were atrophied by irradiation, whereas no decreased weight of the adrenals was observed. Histological examination of the testes of the irradiated rats revealed a complete disappearance of germinal cells. Sertoli cells and Leydig cells appeared normal, and no apparent histological difference was observed in the adrenals between the control and the irradiated rats. Activities of microsomal delta 5-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) + isomerase, 17 alpha-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase, 17 beta-HSD and 7 alpha-hydroxylase per pair of testes were decreased in the irradiated rats (36-86% of the control). In contrast, no decreased activity of 20 alpha-HSD in the cytosol fraction was observed by irradiation. No decreased activity of adrenocortical enzymes, such as delta 5-3 beta-HSD + isomerase, 21-hydroxylase, 11 beta-/18-hydroxylase and 5 alpha-reductase, was also observed in the irradiated group. Concentrations of LH, FSH, TSH, prolactin, testosterone, progesterone and aldosterone in serum were measured by radioimmunoassay. Only the FSH concentration was significantly increased by the irradiation, while no difference was found in the concentration of other hormones. It was concluded that irreversible damage was induced in spermatogenesis and androgen production by the fetal irradiation, whereas corticoidogenesis was not affected.  相似文献   

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) plays an important role in higher brain functions including learning, memory, and persistent pain. Long-term potentiation of excitatory synaptic transmission has been observed in the ACC after digit amputation, which might contribute to plastic changes associated with the phantom pain. Here we report a long-lasting membrane potential depolarization in ACC neurons of adult rats after digit amputation in vivo. Shortly after digit amputation of the hind paw, the membrane potential of intracellularly recorded ACC neurons quickly depolarized from ~-70 mV to ~-15 mV and then slowly repolarized. The duration of this amputation-induced depolarization was about 40 min. Intracellular staining revealed that these neurons were pyramidal neurons in the ACC. The depolarization is activity-dependent, since peripheral application of lidocaine significantly reduced it. Furthermore, the depolarization was significantly reduced by a NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801. Our results provide direct in vivo electrophysiological evidence that ACC pyramidal cells undergo rapid and prolonged depolarization after digit amputation, and the amputation-induced depolarization in ACC neurons might be associated with the synaptic mechanisms for phantom pain.  相似文献   

Tests testosterone reserve capacity of 6--15 year-old boys was estimated after operative correction of testicular maldescensus by a maximal stimulation test. Subnormal plasma testosterone levels were found in only 2 out of 14 patients with bilateral and 4 with unilateral orchidopexy. Prepubertal boys with unilateral anorchia had normal basal testosterone values and a normal testosterone rise after stimulation. In prepubertal boys with bilateral testes atrophy there was observed a diminished rise after stimulation. The basal testosterone levels were normal. The testosterone basal levels of pubertal boys with unilateral anorchia or bilateral atrophy were subnormal and the stimuation of testosterone production was reduced. The testicular volume of patients without atrophy or anorchia after orchidopexy was normal in prepuberty. During puberta a progressive relative decrease of the testicular volume was observed as compared to normal development. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the endocrine function in most patients with unilateral or bilateral orchidopexy is in the normal range--a regular puberty can be expected.  相似文献   

Histochemical changes in the testes of lead induced experimental rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The experiments were performed on mature male rats divided in five groups, one control and four experimental in which the animals received 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg and 6 mg/kg body weight lead acetate intraperitoneally respectively, over a period of 30 days. ALA-D and lead was estimated in the blood by the use of atomic absorption spectrophotometer and ATP-ase, AMP-ase, Alk-ase were histochemically localized. Significant increase in blood and testis of lead levels along with decrease of ALA-D levels were observed. Changes in the testicular tissue were encountered. Other details concerned with the damage of the testicular tissue are discussed.  相似文献   

Information gathered from mutant mouse models and from studies on normal puberal and adult animals points to the product of the c-kit gene, a tyrosine kinase surface receptor, and the kit-ligand (KL) as important for gametogenesis in males. In fetuses, KL serves as a survival factor for primordial germ cells, at least in vitro, and in adults activity of the c-kit gene has been indirectly related to survival and subsequent development of differentiating spermatogonia. However, because of the structural complexity of the seminiferous epithelium in adults, c-kit mRNA has not yet been definitively localized to one or more types of spermatogenic cells. In addition, no information is currently available regarding the possible involvement of the c-kit protein and its ligand in mediating germ cell development and/or Sertoli-germ cell interactions immediately after birth when events critical for later onset of spermatogenesis are ongoing. Thus, the aims of the current study were (1) to determine whether the c-kit gene is expressed in testes of neonatal and adult rats and, if so, by what specific cell types, and (2) to determine if those cells expressing the gene also produce the c-kit receptor protein. For this, we isolated total RNA from testes of pups aged days 1–5 and from adult rat testes, and probed for the presence of c-kit mRNA with Northern analysis. We identified the cells containing the c-kit message by carrying out in situ hybridization with digoxigeninlabeled probes, thus allowing the colorimetric signal to be assigned beyond doubt to individual cells in sections of testes. We also utilized Western analysis and immunolocalization to confirm the presence of the c-kit receptor protein in testes at these ages and to identify those cells types producing it. Our findings indicate that (1) neonatal gonocytes express the c-kit gene and produce the receptor protein on postnatal days 1 through 5, spanning the time when they resume dividing and migrating, and (2) spermatogonia and, to a lesser extent, spermatocytes and spermatids of adults express the gene but c-kit protein is present in detectable amounts only in spermatogonia and possibly a few early primary spermatocytes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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