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A new fossil fish species, Aphanius yerevanicus (Cyprinodontiformes, Cyprinodontidae), is described based on a well-preserved, articulated skeleton from the early Upper Miocene of Yerevan, Armenia (Eastern Paratethys). The fish-bearing sediments contain a fossil assemblage indicative of a euryhaline environment. The new species differs from previously described fossil Aphanius species by the possession of caudal ribs articulating with the first haemal spine, a remarkably low number of abdominal vertebrae, and the morphology of the tricuspid jaw teeth. Co-occurrence of A. yerevanicus with Prolebias mutilus Bogachev, 1936 at Yerevan suggests that sympatric occurrence of several members of the Cyprinodontiformes continued successfully throughout the Miocene in euryhaline environments where competition between these forms and other fishes was low because of the unstable salinity.  相似文献   

The Pliocene Eastern Mediterranean fish record is revealed through the study of a 60-m thick stratigraphic sequence near the village Voutes (Heraklion, Crete). Forty-two species belonging to twenty families are identified. Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy places the studied sequence within the biozone MNN16a (latest Zanclean). The stratigraphic distribution of 31 species is modified. Among these, 12 species are reported for the first time in the Eastern Mediterranean Zanclean, while 19 species are first reported outside the Ionian Sea. The Voutes fish fauna presents a diversified benthic and benthopelagic assemblage filling a significant gap in the fossil record.  相似文献   

A new species of Pseudotorellia Florin, Pseudotorellia papillata sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic of Eastern Mangyshlak (Western Kazakhstan, Tonasha Formation) is described. The main distinction of the new species from the other species of this genus is the relief cutinization of periclinal walls of cells of the lower epidermis, especially within stomatal bands, expressed in prominent cuticular ridges and papillae of irregular shape.  相似文献   

An articulated series of centra from latest Miocene deposits of Ukraine is described and identified as a species of Lates. The specimen comes from a locality with an estimated age of 6.04–4.7 Ma, representing the northernmost reach of the Paratethys during the Pontian. The specimen almost certainly represents a distinct species, but because it is incomplete we do not formally name it. The specimen can be differentiated from other species of Lates by features of the centra, including the relative size of the primary lateral fossa of the second centrum, the broadened neural spine of the third centrum, and the relative position of the upper and primary lateral pits on both the fifth and sixth centra. The Ukrainian specimen documents the presence of Lates in the northern Paratethys in the latest Miocene. After this time, species of Lates persisted in freshwaters in the Mediterranean area (Israel and Africa), but are no longer found in the marine waters of the region. We suggest that latines were extirpated from the Mediterranean and Paratethys by the rapidity of the changes in salinity that occurred in the Tethys Mediterranean basin and Paratethys as a result of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.  相似文献   

The mollusc fauna of the early Middle Miocene (Langhian) intramontane Alpine Lake Groisenbach is described for the first time. The shells derive from the Feistring Formation in the Aflenz Basin in Austria, which was covered by Lake Groisenbach. The assemblage is moderately diverse with 12 gastropod and 2 bivalve species, suggesting shallow lacustrine and fluvial settings. Among the gastropods, only Theodoxus crenulatus (Klein, 1853) is known from other Miocene localities, whilst all other species are documented so far only from Lake Groisenbach. None of the Early and Middle Miocene lake systems of the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep and the Balkan Peninsula displays any faunistic resemblance with this new fauna. Even coeval lake faunas from the close-by Graz Basin have no species in common with Lake Groisenbach. This pattern points to a surprising endemicity and biogeographic fragmentation in the Central European freshwater systems during the Early and Middle Miocene. The uniqueness of the newly described fauna is also indicated by the completely erratic occurrence of the otherwise African-Mediterranean genus Bulinus, which is unknown from all other central European Miocene freshwater systems. Emmericia roetzeli Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Nematurella zuschini Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Romania fastigata Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia groisenbachensis Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia pompatica Neubauer and Harzhauser nov. sp., Odontohydrobia styriaca Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Planorbis austroalpinus Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Gyraulus sachsenhoferi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Bulinus corici Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp., Ferrissia crenellata Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. and Stagnicola reinholdkunzi Harzhauser and Neubauer nov. sp. are introduced as new species.  相似文献   

Two types of organogenic carbonate buildups (bryalgal and algal-microbialite) occurring for approximately 11 Ma from the Middle through to the Late Miocene in the Euxine-Caspian Basin are considered. Four main stages in the formation of these structures are established: Chokrakian-Karaganian, Early-Middle Sarmatian, Maeotian, and a specific Late Sarmatian one. Each of the first three stages began with bryalgal bioherms that, during the growing basins’ isolation, transformed into algal-microbialite buildups. Only bryalgal buildups are found in the Late Sarmatian Basin.  相似文献   

The gastropod family Trochidae from the Sarmatian deposits of the Eastern Paratethys is described in detail. Detailed faunal characteristics of 22 Sarmatian sections in Volyn–Podolia, Moldova, southern Ukraine, and Crimea, some of which have yielded the material of this study, are provided. Based on the study of an extensive collection of Trochidae, the family system is revised. The taxonomic composition of four Trochidae assemblages from Lower and Middle Sarmatian deposits is provided. These assemblages can be used for stratification of the Lower Sarmatian Kuzhorskie and Zbruchskie beds and Middle Sarmatian Novomoskovskie and Dnepropetrovskie–Vasilevskie beds. The results of the biogeographical study of Trochidae development in the Sarmatian basin of the Paratethys are provided. The data obtained on the evolution of Trochidae can be used for resolution of the paleoecological, biogeographical, and biostratigraphic questions.  相似文献   

Here we report, for the first time, a very rich and diversified sponge assemblage from late Early Miocene deposits of a central part of the Vienna Basin (Paratethys) in Slovakia. Bodily preserved sponges are described as a new genus and species Paracinachyrella fossilis (Tetiliidae, Demospongiae). Dissociated spicules reveal the presence of the “soft” demosponges that belong to families Tetillidae, Theneidae, Geodiidae, Samidae, Thrombidae, Thoosidae, Agelasidae, Myxillidae, Bubaridae, and Tedaniidae, the lithistid family Pleromidae, and an undetermined rhizoclone-bearing lithistid. Fragments of dictyonal skeleton indicate the presence of hexactinellid sponges that belong to the families Farreidae and Euretidae, and lychniscosan sponges. We estimate that at least 16–19 different species of siliceous sponges inhabited this region of the Central Paratethys during the latest Burdigalian. Most of these sponges are reported for the first time from the Miocene of the Paratethys. This sponge fauna has clear Tethyan affinities and indicates the existence of connection between Paratethys and Tethys during the latest Burdigalian, as well as the presence of open marine, deep-water, bathyal conditions in this part of the Vienna Basin.  相似文献   

Two new species of Nummulites and one subspecies of Orbitoclypeus from the Eocene of the Crimean Mountains and Mangyshlak Peninsula are described in detail. Nummulites alexisi sp. nov. and Orbitoclypeus munieri major subsp. nov. come from the Upper Ypresian, while Nummulites ninikae sp. nov. is from the Lower-Middle Lutetian. The phylogenetic position of new taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus of sciaenid fish Caucasisciaena is erected to accommodate the Early Miocene eastern Paratethys species Perca ignota Smirnov, 1936, which, subsequently, was variously attributed to the modern genera, either Larimus or Otolithoides. The materials examined include 32 specimens from four Caucasian and Crimean localities of Sakaraulian age (Lower Burdigalian). The new genus is based on a unique combination of features, including: parasphenoid with a dorsal rounded bony flange; basisphenoid present; premaxilla with short ascending process forming obtuse angle with alveolar process and ascending/alveolar process ratio about 0.17; anterior premaxillary teeth enlarged; posttemporal with few robust spines along its posterior margin; presence of 25 vertebrae; presence of three tiny supraneurals; dorsal fin with 11 spines plus 22–24 soft rays; anal fin with two spines and 7–8 soft rays; second anal-fin spine long and massive; pectoral fin elongate; scales ctenoid on body and cycloid on head (except for one or two rows of ctenoid scales on the cheek). Paleoecological considerations suggest that Caucasisciaena probably was a predatory fish that inhabited the coastal waters of the eastern sector of the Paratethyan basin.  相似文献   

Summary A rather diverse gastropod fauna from Sarmatian deposits of the Austrian/Hungarian Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin was studied. The fauna derives from two layers of clay and silt within a siliciclastic section at St. Margarethen in Burgenland (Austria). These layers are interpreted as littoral mudflats which formed during the Sarmatian (Late Middle Miocene) along the western coast of the Central Paratethys. Strong shifts in the composition of the gastropod fauna, dominated by Potamididae (Cenogastropoda: Cerithioidea), within each layer indicate successions of limnic-fluvial to oligohaline, brackish-littoral, and marine-littoral environments. These shifts in facies are reflected by an alternational of thePotamides hartbergensis assemblage,Granulolabium bicinctum assemblage, and thePotamides disjunctus assemblage. The speciesJujubinus turriculus (Eichwald, 1850),Gibbula buchi (Dubois, 1831), andCylichnina elongata (Eichwald, 1830) are reported for the first time from the Sarmatian of the Paratethys.Mitrella agenta nov. sp. (Neogastropoda: Columbellidae) is introduced as a new species. These species might represent relics of the diverse Badenian fauna but could also prove a minor ingression of marine species from an adjacent bioprovince in the Late SarmatianMactra “Zone”.  相似文献   

In Europe, Miocene rails (Aves, Rallidae) are quite abundant, but their phylogenetic placement in the context of recent forms has remained elusive. Rails from the early Miocene of the Saint‐Gérand‐le‐Puy area in central France were first described in the 19th century, and currently, only two species are recognized, namely Palaeoaramides christyi and Paraortygometra porzanoides. Our examination of the material however suggests the presence of four, likely coeval, species of rail from these deposits. Palaeoaramides eximius, previously synonymized with Palaeoaramides christyi, is here shown to probably be a distinct species, and a previously unrecognized rail, Baselrallus intermedius gen. et sp. nov., is described. To find out how these fossil rails are related to modern Rallidae, we compared them with an extensive sample of extant rails and identified plesiomorphic and derived features for crown group Rallidae. Our assessment does not support a particularly close relationship of either Palaeoaramides to Aramides or Paraortygometra to Crex (Ortygometra), and overall, these fossil rails are more primitive than previously assumed. Based on our observations of the morphology of the previously undescribed humerus of Palaeoaramides, we show this taxon to be outside crown group Rallidae, and perhaps closely related to the early Oligocene taxon Belgirallus. On the other hand, Paraortygometra porzanoides bears a resemblance to recent flufftails (Sarothrura spp.) in some elements, but whether it can be included in a clade together with flufftails is uncertain.  相似文献   


The Neogene snake fauna from the central and eastern regions of Eurasia is still largely unknown. This paper reports on a unique snake fauna from the late middle Miocene of the Baikadam and Malyi Kalkaman 1 and 2 localities, northeastern Kazakhstan, which represents the best-documented Miocene snake assemblage in Central Asia. Previous studies admitted that snake fauna could be homogeneous over a large part of Eurasia during the Miocene, with the late middle to early late Miocene assemblages similar to snake assemblages that inhabited Europe in the late early and early middle Miocene. This assumption is partially supported by the presence of Texasophis bohemiacus and Coluber cf. hungaricus, as well as vipers of the ‘V. aspis’ complex. However, the presence of taxa which are (1) probably not related to European representatives (‘Colubrinae’ A and B), (2) probably never occurred in Central and Western Europe and (3) are closely related to species recently inhabiting southern Siberia (Elaphe aff. dione, Gloydius sp.) indicates that faunal dissimilarity was relatively high within Eurasia during the late middle Miocene. This assumption is in accordance with studies of small mammal assemblages which show a decreasing homogenity in the Eurasia in the course of the middle Miocene.  相似文献   

A list of 86 species belonging to 39 pteromalid genera from Eastern Kazakhstan is presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The paucity of late Paleogene and Neogene floras from Antarctica limits our ability to understand the interplay between Antarctic climate evolution and the impact that glaciation had on the vegetation, in particular, how the vegetation changed from temperate Eocene forests, to today’s sparse vegetation. Fluvial and lacustrine strata deposited in a wet-based glacial sequence (Friis Hills, McMurdo Dry Valley sector, Transantarctic Mountains) have yielded abundant megaspores. These strata are early Miocene based on correlation with a volcanic ash dated at 19.76 ± 0.11 Ma. The megaspores are up to 736 µm in diameter with well-developed wing-like laesurae and equatorial zona. The morphology is consistent with extant Isoetes, and demonstrates the presence of Lycopsida and the Isoetaceae within Antarctic Miocene floras. Today, Isoetes is widespread from the Tropics to the Arctic such as Greenland (I. echinospora, I. lacustris) and from marginal marine (I. ekmanii) to high altitudinal environments (I. lechleri), though commonly associated with lacustrine or aquatic environments. The fossil spores occur in fluvial and lacustrine beds, suggesting the parent plants were aquatics. The occurrence together with mosses and Nothofagus leaves points to persistent vegetation in the early Miocene of Antarctica.  相似文献   

The species composition of ostracodes from the upper Maeotian and lower Pontian deposits of the Kerch-Taman Depression (Enikal Strait, Eastern Paratethys) is reported. The sedimentological and paleoenvironmental study shows that mass ostracode occurrences were controlled by hydrological changes in the Late Miocene brackish-water basins under consideration.  相似文献   

Two collections of clupeid fishes, which have previously been assigned to the species Sardinella sardinites (Heckel, 1850), from the Lower and Middle Sarmatian of the Pshekha River Basin (Western Ciscaucasia, Krasnodar Region) were studied. A new genus, Illusionella gen. nov., with two species, I. tsurevica sp. nov. and I. pshekhensis sp. nov., was described based on morphological characteristics. They are the most abundant species in Sarmatian fish assemblages of the Psekups-Belaya interfluve.  相似文献   

Patrick Pineker  Thomas Mörs 《Geobios》2011,44(2-3):279-287
The dental material described in this paper represents the largest known sample of molar material of the extinct platacanthomyine rodent Neocometes Schaub and Zapfe. It can be attributed to Neocometes similis Fahlbusch, the stratigraphically oldest and most primitive of the two species recognized in the European Miocene. This rich material provides sufficient samples of all molar positions to evaluate and confirm the morphologic and morphometric characters given for N. similis. The evolutionary stage of the Neocometes population from Echzell is only slightly more derived than the one from the type locality Erkertshofen 2, and supports the biostratigraphic setting of Echzell given by earlier authors. N. similis is the first mammal described in detail from the fossiliferous ash layers of Echzell, a locality situated at the southwestern margin of the Vogelsberg volcanic complex in central Germany.  相似文献   

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