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The topotypic material of the giant Late Miocene hyaenid Allohyaena kadici Kretzoi is described. New data on the deciduous dentition shows unambiguously that A. kadici is a hyaenid and not a percrocutid as reported by some previous authors. A. kadici is compared to the large hyaenids Adcrocuta eximia and Crocuta crocuta. These comparisons show that A. kadici has a mixture of primitive characters such as dp4 morphology, retention of m2, long and slender premolars and a large protocone on P4, and derived characters such as a preparastyle on P4, an internal root on P3 and a uniquely derived talonid structure of ml. This combination of features makes A. kadici difficult to classify, but it is considered to probably be most closely related to derived, bone-cracking hyaenids such as Pachycrocuta and Crocuta. A. kadici is rare in the fossil record, being found at only two sites. We suggest that the reason for this rarity is that it had a geographic and stratigraphic range which is poorly sampled in the Miocene fossil record of Europe.  相似文献   

New lagomorph species, Amphilagus orientalis sp. nov., A. plicadentis sp. nov., and A. magnus sp. nov. from Lower Miocene localities (Biozone D) of the Valley of Lakes in Central Mongolia are described.  相似文献   

A small hipparion from the Vallesian (early Late Miocene) of Northern Greece is studied. It is coming from the locality “Ravin de la Pluie” of the lower Axios valley, near Thessaloniki. Its characteristics as the small size, the short symphysis, the long snout, the high enamel plication, the well developed protostylid, the large m3 and the elongated m1-m3 series distinguish it from the other known eurasiatic small hipparions, allowed us to derive a new species,Hipparion macedonicum. It lived during Vallesian and can be used as a stratigraphic species for this period.  相似文献   

New murids of Late Miocene (medial Baodean Chinese Mammal Unit) age from Inner Mongolia, northern China, and from Yunnan Province, southern China, are described. Hansdebruijnia perpusilla nov. sp. represents the earliest known and morphologically most primitive species of the genus, which is known from the latest Miocene of Europe and western Asia. The new species suggests an eastern Palaearctic origin of Hansdebruijnia. “ProgonomysyunnanensisQIU and STORCH, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, is referred to Linomys nov. gen. New samples from Leilao, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, are included in this species, although this population is somewhat more primitive than that from Lufeng. Leilaomys zhudingi nov. gen. and sp. from Leilao shows a unique combination of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, which suggest an early divergence from the murid stem. The new findings indicate that our knowledge of the early radiation of murids in southeast Asia is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(8):927-940
Although the pika from the Moldovan Kalfa locality (early MN10) — representing the oldest European record of Ochotoninae (the clade derived from Bellatona) — is of crucial importance to understand the earliest history of Ochotona, its taxonomy has remained unclear until now. The paper fills the gap by providing a detailed revision of the type material from Kalfa, originally referred to Proochotona kalfense. The analysis is supported by a direct comparison with type materials of Proochotona eximia, Bellatonoides eroli, and Ochotona ozansoyi, the important early ochotonines of the peri-Paratethyan area. The genus Proochotona is regarded here as a junior subjective synonym of Ochotona. The specie kalfense is confirmed to be valid, undoubtedly belonging to the genus Ochotona. It demonstrates an occurrence of a surprisingly advanced p3 phenotype already present in the pre-Turolian of Europe. At the Holoarctic scale, a detailed synoptic survey and discussion of the fossil record, taxonomy, and phylogeny of the oldest representatives of Ochotoninae are provided.  相似文献   

Fossil remains of Late Miocene (Baode, NMU10-NMU11) horse antelopes from Tuva (Russia) are described, including Tragoreas sp., Protoryx tuvaensis sp. nov. from the Taralyk Cher locality and Quirliqnoria sp. from the Kholu locality. A new species, Protoryx tuvaensis Dmitrieva et Serdyuk, is described. These taxa compose a Late Miocene antelope assemblage of a new eastern geographical point (Russia, Tuva, Baode, NMU10-MN11).  相似文献   

Zygophyseter varolai , a new genus and species of Physeteroidea (Cetacea, Odontoceti), is based on an almost complete skeleton from the Late Miocene (Tortonian) in southern Italy. The extreme elongation of the zygomatic process of the squamosal and the circular supracranial basin (probably for housing the spermaceti organ) delimited by a peculiar anterior projection of the supraorbital process of the right maxilla are the most distinctive features of this bizarre sperm whale. Large body size, large teeth present in both lower and upper jaw, and anteroposteriorly elongated temporal fossa and zygomatic process of the squamosal indicate that this cetacean (for which we suggest the English common name killer sperm whale) was an active predator adapted to feeding on large prey, similarly to the extant killer whale ( Orcinus orca ). A phylogenetic analysis reveals that Zygophyseter belongs to a Middle–Late Miocene clade of basal physeteroids, together with Naganocetus (new genus for the type of ' Scaldicetus ' shigensis ). Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis shows evidence of a wide physeteroid radiation during the Miocene and that the extant Physeter and Kogia belong to two distinct families that form a clade representing the crown-group Physeteroidea.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 103–131.  相似文献   


We report a new dimylid species, Plesiodimylus ilercavonicus sp. nov., from the Early Miocene locality of Mas d’Antolino B-5 (Ribesalbes-Alcora, Castelló, Spain). This new species of Plesiodimylus is an amblyodont form of the genus and exhibits some primitive characters. The phylogenetic and palaeoenvironmental implications of this southern occurrence of Plesiodimylus in Lower Miocene sediments are discussed.

http://zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E78DB979-6552-4BE2-BEC9-FA2EA05B7B39  相似文献   

The abundant Late Miocene proboscidean remains of Greece have never been studied in detail and compared with those of Eurasia in order to determine their taxonomy and their biostratigraphical and palaeoecological significance. The first results of such study are given in this article. During the past decades, several new proboscidean specimens have been added to the old collections, significantly enriching the available material. The Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece) proboscidean fossils belong mainly to two species of Choerolophodon: C. anatolicus of early Vallesian age and C. pentelici of late Vallesian–Turolian age. Deinotherium giganteum is rare and recognized only in the late Vallesian locality Ravin de la Pluie of Axios Valley. A zygodont form has also been identified in the Turolian of Axios Valley, attributed to “Mammut” sp. The Late Miocene localities of Nikiti (Macedonia, Greece) revealed several remains of C. pentelici, which are similar to the Turolian ones of Axios Valley. The Samos proboscidean collection includes C. pentelici, “Tetralophodonatticus, “Mammut” sp. and Deinotherium gigantissimum. The taxonomy of the Late Miocene peri-Mediterranean Choerolophodon is given, and the biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Greek Late Miocene proboscideans are discussed.  相似文献   

Chalicotheriids are rare in the late Miocene mammal localities of Axios Valley, Macedonia (Greece). The new campaign of excavations, since 1972, has provided some specimens, which are studied in this article. They are coming from two different localities. The late early Vallesian locality of Pentalophos 1 (PNT) has provided a skull and a mandible of an Ancylotherium. The morphological characters of the PNT material as the small size, the long snout, the shallow mandibular corpus, the strong cingulum in the teeth, the short tooth rows and the short M3/m3 indicate that it differs from the known Turolian species A. pentelicum and allow the erection of a new species, named Ancylotherium hellenicum n. sp., which can be used as a biostratigraphic marker of the Vallesian. The middle Turolian locality Prochoma 1 (PXM) has provided only one M3, which is determined to the chalicotheriine Anisodon macedonicus. This species was earlier described from the middle Turolian locality Vathylakkos 3 (VAT) and the late Turolian one of Dytiko 3 (DKO) of Axios Valley. The biogeography and biostratigraphy of the late Miocene chalicotheres of the Greco-Iranian Palaeoprovince (GRIP), as well as their palaeoecology are also discussed. The common chalicothere of GRIP is A. pentelicum, expanded from the Balkans to Afganistan and ranging stratigraphically from the early to the late Turolian. Chalicotherium goldfussi is certainly present in GRIP and it also ranges from the early to the late Turolian; its possible Vallesian occurrence needs confirmation. The other two late Miocene chalicotheres of GRIP A. macedonicus and Kalimantsia bulgarica are restricted to the Turolian of the Balkan Peninsula.  相似文献   

The nine oceanic islands that comprise the Azores archipelago are located in the middle of the northern Atlantic Ocean. In this isolated archipelago, there is a rich fossil record in one of the islands, Santa Maria. In this island, samples were collected in the Upper Miocene composite section of Malbusca outcrop, located in the southern shore of the island, and the fossil marine Ostracoda were studied. This work represents the first report of fossil ostracods from the Azores archipelago. Thirteen species were found, representing seven families and 12 genera (Xestoleberis, Loxoconcha, Callistocythere, Leptocythere, Dameriacella, Aurila, Heliocythere, Pachycaudites, Neonesidea, Cyamocytheridea, ?Quadracythere and Paracypris). Among the identified species, one new species, Leptocythere azorica n. sp., is described. Loxoconcha (two species) was the most diversified genus. The collected species are mainly ornamented and typical of warm waters and epi-neritic habitats (~ 10–50 m of depth).  相似文献   

Lihoreau, F., Blondel, C., Barry, J. & Brunet, M. (2004). A new species of the genus Microbunodon (Anthracotheriidae, Artiodactyla) from the Miocene of Pakistan: genus revision, phylogenetic relationships and palaeobiogeography. — Zoologica Scripta , 33 , 97–115.
New unpublished remains of small Anthracotheriinae are described. First, materials from the upper Oligocene (MP 30) locality of La Milloque, southwest France, permit a review of the species Microbunodon minimum . Thereafter, fossils from the middle and late Miocene of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan are attributed to the European genus Microbunodon . Microbunodon milaensis sp. n. from the Nagri Formation (between 10.3 and 9.2 Ma), Pakistan, is described and the species M. silistrensis from the Lower Manchar Formation (between 16 and 15 Ma) and from the Chinji Formation (between 12.7 and 11.5 Ma), Pakistan, is reviewed. The new species represents the last occurrence of the subfamily Anthracotheriinae, around 9.3 Ma. Similar materials from the Bugti and Siwalik Hills were previously considered as a small Anthracotherium . Comparisons with M. minimum from the European late Oligocene lead to a complete revision of the genus and permit definition of a new set of characters, which separate Microbunodon from Anthracotherium . A cladistic analysis reconsiders phylogenetic relationships among Anthracotheriinae, separating an Anthracothema–Anthracotherium clade and an Anthracokeryx–Microbunodon clade. Microbunodon appears to stem from the Asian late Eocene–lower Oligocene genus Anthracokeryx . These results imply a new distribution of the genus Microbunodon showing exchanges between Europe and Asia during the late Oligocene and probably the lower Miocene.  相似文献   

Several large suid cranial remains attributed to Microstonyx major are part of a new Hipparion Fauna collection from the Hezheng area, Northern China. The new material confirms the presence of Microstonyx in the late Miocene of the area. The Chinese form belongs to a small-sized eastern population with reduced premolar row and clear sexual bimodality. Statistical comparison shows that Microstonyx major was a polymorphic species and reinforces recognition of Hippopotamodon as a separate genus, defined by relatively stout premolars resulting from a different underlying pattern of allometric growth. The presence of Microstonyx in North China and the distinct suid assemblage that lived there suggest biogeographic connections between Northern China and Western Eurasia in contrast to isolation from Southern China and the Indian subcontinent. The suid fauna of the late Miocene of Northern China seems to have been restricted to the later, more humid phase represented by the Red Clay faunas.  相似文献   

A new species of Hispanotherium from the Early Miocene of Spain is named. Its phylogenetic relationships within Elasmotheriina are discussed owing to a cladistic analysis. H. grimmi Heissig, 1974 and H. beonense Antoine, 1997 are consequently integrated in the genus Hispanotherium, together with the type species H. matritense and the new species, which differs from other ones by several dental and postcranial features. The westward dispersal of the Elasmotheriina from Asia toward Western Europe during the Early Miocene is hypothesized. To cite this article: P.-O. Antoine et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 19–26.  相似文献   

The modern walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, is specialized and only extant member of the family Odobenidae. They were much more diversified in the past, and at least 16 genera and 20 species of fossil walruses have been known. Although their diversity increased in the late Miocene and Pliocene (around 8–2 Million years ago), older records are poorly known. A new genus and species of archaic odobenid, Archaeodobenus akamatsui, gen. et sp. nov. from the late Miocene (ca. 10.0–9.5 Ma) top of the Ichibangawa Formation, Hokkaido, northern Japan, suggests rapid diversification of basal Miocene walruses. Archaeodobenus akamatsui is the contemporaneous Pseudotaria muramotoi from the same formation, but they are distinguishable from each other in size and shape of the occipital condyle, foramen magnum and mastoid process of the cranium, and other postcranial features. Based on our phylogenetic analysis, A. akamatsui might have split from P. muramotoi at the late Miocene in the western North Pacific. This rapid diversification of the archaic odobenids occurred with a combination of marine regression and transgression, which provided geological isolation among the common ancestors of extinct odobenids.  相似文献   

The late Tortonian – early Messinian shallow marine sands of Cessaniti area (Monte Poro, Vibo Valentia, Southern Italy) yield marine and continental vertebrates. The best represented taxon is the Sirenian Metaxytherium serresii, while the terrestrial mammal assemblage includes a boselafine bovid, an hexaprotodontid hippopotamus, the giraffids Samotherium cf. boissieri and Bohlinia cf. attica, a rhino and the elephantid Stegotetrabelodon syrticus. Until now, the latter was a species with an exclusive Afro-Arabian distribution and the record of Cessaniti is the first outside Afro-Arabia. Our attention is here focused on the occurrence of Samotherium cf. boissieri and Bohlinia cf. attica, both being species well represented in the Pikermian Biome. Although evidences of the distribution of the genus Samotherium in Late Miocene African assemblages are weak, it is reported at several sites, while a new species of Bohlinia reported in Chad is still debated. At Cessaniti, the co-occurrence of two giraffid taxa typical for the Pikermian biome together with a frankly Afro-Arabic species (S. syrticus), further marks the existence of a land connection between the Cessaniti area and North Africa as well as the evidence of a phase of expansion of the Pikermian Biome into the African continent.  相似文献   

A new species of Hyaenidae, Hyaenictitherium minimum, is described in the carnivore fauna of the Late Miocene layers of Toros-Menalla (Chad). Its size is similar to that of a jackal and it had probably a similar ecological niche. It is found in several fossil-bearing localities of this area. The genus Hyaenictitherium is known from the early Late Miocene in Eurasia from China to Spain; the Chadian material is, perhaps with some specimens from Sahabi and Lothagam, the earliest occurrence of the genus in Africa. It results certainly from Eurasian migration, which will have to be taken into account for the analysis of the bulk of the fauna. To cite this article: L. de Bonis et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):221-229
Fossils of an unnamed large suiform have been recovered from two Early Miocene localities in East Africa. The material is distinct from other species of the suborder, including the anthracothere Brachyodus aequatorialis, which is of similar size. The upper molars of the new form are bunodont, quadricuspidate (with a tiny paraconule), and have no buccal styles (parastyle, mesostyle, metastyle) and the enamel is thin and lightly wrinkled to smooth, which contrasts strongly with upper molars of Brachyodus which are pentacuspidate, selenodont, have pervasively wrinkled enamel and well-developed parastyle, mesostyle and metastyle. A new genus and species is erected for this suiform, which is most likely an anthracothere.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):529-539
In 2003, Werdelin has identified three hyaenid species from the Late Miocene of Kenya (Lothagam Formation), including two “ictitheres” – a newly erected Ictitherium ebu Werdelin, 2003, and Hyaenictitherium cf. parvum. The present article discusses the published evidence on the Kenyan hyaenids and explores additional cranial and postcranial characters useful for differentiation between the true ictitheres (i.e., the genera of the subfamily Ictitheriinae Trouessart, 1897) and some small members of the subfamily Hyaeninae Gray, 1869.  相似文献   

A new collection of carnivores from the Late Miocene deposits of Axios Valley, Macedonia, Greece was collected in 2004–2009 at the localities named Xirochori 1 (XIR) and Ravin de la Pluie (RPl), dated to the Late Vallesian (MN 10), as well as at Ravin des Zouaves 5 (RZO), dated to the Early Turolian (MN 11). The studied material is described and compared morphologically and biometrically with other materials from Greece and its neighboring area. The following species are determined: XIR: Dinocrocuta sp.; RPl: Eomellivora wimani, Adcrocuta eximia leptoryncha, ?Hyaenictis sp., Metailurus parvulus; RZO: Plioviverrops orbignyi, Machairodus giganteus. This collection is interesting because it includes the upper deciduous dentition of A. eximia and Dinocrocuta, which are only known from limited material until now, especially the latter taxon. E. wimani is recognized for the first time in Greece and the Balkans, while M. parvulus is identified for the first time in the Vallesian of Greece. The possible presence of Hyaenictis in RPl is the first indication of its presence in the Vallesian. The guild structure diagrams of the carnivore fauna from the three studied localities provide some indications of their palaeoenvironment, which fits quite well with the results of previous studies on the palaeoenvironments of these localities and of the wider Eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

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