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The analysis of DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms by Southern blot hybridization requires that sufficient quantities of high molecular weight genomic DNA be extracted from biological specimens. Prior to analysis, it is necessary to determine the quantity and quality of the extracted DNA. For many applications, it is also desirable to determine the amount of DNA which is of human origin. In this report, we describe a simple and highly sensitive procedure for the specific quantification of human genomic DNA in forensic extracts or any biological sample. A small fraction of the extract is immobilized onto a nylon membrane and subsequently hybridized to p17H8 (D17Z1), a cloned probe which detects highly repetitive, primate-specific alpha satellite DNA. The procedure requires less than four hours to complete and can be used to quantify subnanogram amounts of hybridizable human genomic DNA.  相似文献   

SiteFinding-PCR: a simple and efficient PCR method for chromosome walking   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Tan G  Gao Y  Shi M  Zhang X  He S  Chen Z  An C 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(13):e122
In this paper, we present a novel PCR method, termed SiteFinding-PCR, for gene or chromosome walking. The PCR was primed by a SiteFinder at a low temperature, and then the target molecules were amplified exponentially with gene-specific and SiteFinder primers, and screened out by another gene-specific primer and a vector primer. However, non-target molecules could not be amplified exponentially owing to the suppression effect of stem–loop structure and could not be screened out. This simple method proved to be efficient, reliable, inexpensive and time-saving, and may be suitable for the molecules for which gene-specific primers are available. More importantly, large DNA fragments can be obtained easily using this method. To demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of SiteFinding-PCR, we employed this method to do chromosome walking and obtained 16 positive results from 17 samples.  相似文献   

Here we present MethylQuant, a novel method that allows accurate quantification of the methylation level of a specific cytosine within a complex genome. This method relies on the well-established treatment of genomic DNA with sodium bisulfite, which converts cytosine into uracil without modifying 5-methyl cytosine. The region of interest is then PCR-amplified and quantification of the methylation status of a specific cytosine is performed by methylation-specific real-time PCR with SYBR Green I using one of the primers whose 3′ end discriminates between the methylation states of this cytosine. The presence of a locked nucleic acid at the 3′ end of the discriminative primer provides the specificity necessary for accurate and sensitive quantification, even when one of the methylation states is present at a level as low as 1% of the overall population. We demonstrate that accurate quantification of the methylation status of specific cytosines can be achieved in biological samples. The method is high-throughput, cost-effective, relatively simple and does not require any specific equipment other than a real-time PCR instrument.  相似文献   

We developed a self-formed adaptor PCR (termed SEFA PCR) which can be used for chromosome walking. Most of the amplified flanking sequences were longer than 2.0 kb, and some were as long as 6.0 kb. SEFA PCR is simple and efficient and should have broad applications in the isolation of unknown sequences in complex genomes.  相似文献   

To overcome the disadvantages of two-round nested PCR, we developed a simple and robust closed single-tube nested PCR method (antisense PCR). The method uses antisense oligonucleotides that carry a 5′ tag and that can potentially hybridize to the 3′ ends of the outer primers, depending on the annealing temperature. During initial cycles, which are performed at a high annealing temperature, the antisense oligonucleotides do not hybridize and amplification is directed by the outer primers. During later cycles, for which the annealing temperature is decreased, the outer primers hybridize to the antisense oligonucleotides, extend to produce sequences that are mismatched to the amplicon templates, and consequently become inactivated, whereas the inner primers hybridize to the amplicon templates and continue amplification. Antisense quantitative PCR (qPCR) was compared with one-round qPCR for real-time amplification of four PCR targets (BCR, APC, N-RAS, and a rearranged IGH gene). It had equal amplification efficiency but produced much less nonspecific amplification. Antisense PCR enables both endpoint detection and real-time quantification. It can substitute for two-round nested PCRs but may also be applicable to instances of one-round PCR in which nonspecificity is a problem.  相似文献   

An RNAse protection assay is described that increases substantially the degree of precision with which one can measure the mRNA levels in cells and tissues through the use of the internal standard. The assay can be used to measure any mRNA for which the corresponding cDNA is available. We describe here the use of the assay to measure the apolipoprotein (apo)-A-I, apo-B, and apo-E mRNA levels in tissues from the cynomolgus monkey. cDNA fragments derived from each mRNA were subcloned into pGEM-9Zf(-), a vector containing a polylinker that is flanked by the SP6 and T7 RNA polymerase promoters. That series of plasmids, called RNA quantitation vectors (pRQV-AI, B, or E), permitted the synthesis of a sense RNA strand and an antisense RNA strand for the gene of interest. The sense stand was used as the internal standard and added to the RNA to be analyzed just prior to initiation of the assay. The radiolabeled antisense strand served as the probe. By including some nucleotides derived from the vector, we were able to design both the internal standard and the probe such that, after solution hybridization and RNAse digestion, the size of the protected internal standard-probe fragments was different from that of the authentic mRNA-probe fragments. Those fragments were then separated by gel electrophoresis, and the radioactivity in the authentic mRNA band was compared to that in the internal standard band. The mass of the authentic mRNA could then be calculated from the ratio of the radioactivity in each band and the mass of the internal standard.  相似文献   

A procedure that virtually eliminates nonspecific adsorption of radiolabeled proteins during immunoprecipitation was devised utilizing staphylococcal cells containing protein A (Staph A). Immunoprecipitates (antigen-antibody complexes) were solubilized from Staph A pellets into detergent micelles by incubation in a small volume of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 23 degrees C for 10 min. To allow re-formation of immunocomplexes and rebinding to new Staph A, the SDS-solubilized material was diluted 20-fold in buffer containing 1% Triton X-100 and 0.5% sodium deoxycholate. Specific conductance measurements revealed that this solubilization and subsequent reimmunoadsorption of antibody-antigen complexes occur at SDS concentrations that are first above and then below its critical micelle concentration. This procedure lowered the nonspecific background from approximately 2250 parts per million (ppm) to less than 25 ppm with a final recovery of 30-50% depending on the antigen and antibody. Chaotropic agents such as 2 M urea, 0.2 M KOH, and 3.5 M MgCl2 (as well as combinations of urea and SDS) can substitute for 1% SDS, although the final recovery is somewhat lower. Fluorography of radiolabeled proteins obtained in this manner displays virtually undetectable background even for exposures as long as 2 months. These methods allowed the unambiguous detection of low-abundance antigens at a high level of sensitivity, for example, mouse mammary tumor virus protein products and epidermal growth factor receptor.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method was developed for directional cloning of PCR products without any restriction enzyme digestion of the amplified sequence. Two pairs of primers were designed in which parts of two restriction enzyme recognition sequences were integrated, and the primers were used for two parallel PCRs. The PCR products were mixed, heat denatured and re-annealed to generate hybridized DNA fragments bearing sticky ends compatible with restriction enzymes. This method is particularly useful when it is necessary to use a restriction enzyme but there is an additional internal restriction site within the amplified sequence, or when there are problems caused by end sensitivity of restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Biofilms are ubiquitous and play an essential role in both environmental processes and hospital infections. Standard methods are not capable of quantifying biomass concentration in dilute suspensions. Furthermore, standard techniques cannot differentiate biomass composition. In this study, a user-friendly technique was developed for measuring biomass cell and polymer content in detached biofilms using a standard coulter counter. The method was demonstrated for an environmentally relevant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula grown in a bioreactor and also for a medically relevant strain of P. aeruginosa (PAO1) grown on standard growth pegs. Results were compared and validated by standard assays, including EPA method 1684 for measuring biomass, microscopic direct counts, and a crystal violet staining assay. The minimum detection limit for the coulter counter method (0.07 mg-biomass L− 1) was significantly lower than the EPA method 1684 (1.9 ± 0.4 mg/L) and the crystal violet assay (1.1 ± 0.2 mg L− 1). However, the coulter counter method is limited to dilute biomass samples (below 204 ± 16 mg L− 1) due to clogging of the aperture tube. While biomass measurements are useful, the major advantage of the coulter counter method is the ability to directly determine EPS, cell, and aggregate fractions after mild chemical treatment. The rapid technique (4–5 min per sample) was used to measure biomass fractions in dispersed P. aeruginosa (Schroeter) and PAO1 biofilms. This technique will be critical for understanding biofilm formation/dispersal.  相似文献   

In experimental animals infected with Leishmania major, the size of cutaneous lesions of the parasite often does not correlate with the number of parasites within the lesion. Indeed, cutaneous lesions can heal, but still contain parasites. Thus, the ability to determine parasite burden in infected animals becomes important, especially when assessing vaccines that are intended to induce sterilizing immunity. Here, Hermenio Lima, Julie Bleyenberg and Richard Titus describe a simple technique for enumerating Leishmania in infected tissue. It is hoped that this technique will allow all researchers working with Leishmania (especially those in countries where leishmaniasis is endemic) to determine parasite burden easily in infected animals.  相似文献   

Geo‐referenced species occurrences from public databases have become essential to biodiversity research and conservation. However, geographical biases are widely recognized as a factor limiting the usefulness of such data for understanding species diversity and distribution. In particular, differences in sampling intensity across a landscape due to differences in human accessibility are ubiquitous but may differ in strength among taxonomic groups and data sets. Although several factors have been described to influence human access (such as presence of roads, rivers, airports and cities), quantifying their specific and combined effects on recorded occurrence data remains challenging. Here we present sampbias, an algorithm and software for quantifying the effect of accessibility biases in species occurrence data sets. sampbias uses a Bayesian approach to estimate how sampling rates vary as a function of proximity to one or multiple bias factors. The results are comparable among bias factors and data sets. We demonstrate the use of sampbias on a data set of mammal occurrences from the island of Borneo, showing a high biasing effect of cities and a moderate effect of roads and airports. sampbias is implemented as a well‐documented, open‐access and user‐friendly R package that we hope will become a standard tool for anyone working with species occurrences in ecology, evolution, conservation and related fields.  相似文献   

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