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Junction adhesion molecule is a receptor for reovirus   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Virus attachment to cells plays an essential role in viral tropism and disease. Reovirus serotypes 1 and 3 differ in the capacity to target distinct cell types in the murine nervous system and in the efficiency to induce apoptosis. The binding of viral attachment protein sigma1 to unidentified receptors controls these phenotypes. We used expression cloning to identify junction adhesion molecule (JAM), an integral tight junction protein, as a reovirus receptor. JAM binds directly to sigma1 and permits reovirus infection of nonpermissive cells. Ligation of JAM is required for reovirus-induced activation of NF-kappaB and apoptosis. Thus, reovirus interaction with cell-surface receptors is a critical determinant of both cell-type specific tropism and virus-induced intracellular signaling events that culminate in cell death.  相似文献   

The life cycle of calicivirus is not fully understood because most of the viruses cannot be propagated in tissue culture cells. We studied the mechanism of calicivirus entry into cells using feline calicivirus (FCV), a cultivable calicivirus. From the cDNA library of Crandell-Rees feline kidney (CRFK) cells, feline junctional adhesion molecule 1 (JAM-1), an immunoglobulin-like protein present in tight junctions, was identified as a cellular-binding molecule of the FCV F4 strain, a prototype strain in Japan. Feline JAM-1 expression in nonpermissive hamster lung cells led to binding and infection by F4 and all other strains tested. An anti-feline JAM-1 antibody reduced the binding of FCV to permissive CRFK cells and strongly suppressed the cytopathic effect (CPE) and FCV progeny production in infected cells. Some strains of FCV, such as F4 and F25, have the ability to replicate in Vero cells. We found that regardless of replication ability, FCV bound to Vero and 293T cells via simian and human JAM-1, respectively. In Vero cells, an anti-human JAM-1 antibody inhibited binding, CPE, and progeny production by F4 and F25. In addition, feline JAM-1 expression permitted FCV infection in 293T cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that feline JAM-1 is a functional receptor for FCV, simian JAM-1 also functions as a receptor for some strains of FCV, and the interaction between FCV and JAM-1 molecules may be a determinant of viral tropism. This is the first report concerning a functional receptor for the viruses in the family Caliciviridae.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) utilizes the Type IV pilus (Tfp) to adhere to respiratory tract epithelial cells thus colonizing its human host; however, the host cell receptor to which this adhesive protein binds is unknown. From a panel of receptors engaged by Tfp expressed by other bacterial species, we showed that the majority subunit of NTHI Tfp, PilA, bound to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) and that this interaction was both specific and of high affinity. Further, Tfp‐expressing NTHI inoculated on to polarized respiratory tract epithelial cells that expressed ICAM1 were significantly more adherent compared to Tfp‐deficient NTHI or NTHI inoculated on to epithelial cells to which ICAM1 gene expression was silenced. Moreover, pre‐incubation of epithelial cells with recombinant soluble PilA (rsPilA) blocked adherence of NTHI, an outcome that was abrogated by admixing rsPilA with ICAM1 prior to application on to the target cells. Epithelial cells infected with adenovirus or respiratory syncytial virus showed increased expression of ICAM1; this outcome supported augmented adherence of Tfp‐expressing NTHI. Collectively, these data revealed the cognate receptor for NTHI Tfp as ICAM1 and promote continued development of a Tfp‐targeted vaccine for NTHI‐induced diseases of the airway wherein upper respiratory tract viruses play a key predisposing role.  相似文献   

Mammalian reoviruses are nonenveloped viruses with a long, filamentous attachment protein that dictates disease phenotypes following infection of newborn mice and is a structural homologue of the adenovirus attachment protein. Reoviruses use junctional adhesion molecule 1 (JAM1) as a serotype-independent cellular receptor. JAM1 is a broadly expressed immunoglobulin superfamily protein that forms stable homodimers and regulates tight-junction permeability and lymphocyte trafficking. We employed a series of structure-guided binding and infection experiments to define residues in human JAM1 (hJAM1) important for reovirus-receptor interactions and to gain insight into mechanisms of reovirus attachment. Binding and infection experiments using chimeric and domain deletion mutant receptor molecules indicate that the amino-terminal D1 domain of hJAM1 is required for reovirus attachment, infection, and replication. Reovirus binding to hJAM1 occurs more rapidly than homotypic hJAM1 association and is competed by excess hJAM1 in vitro and on cells. Cross-linking hJAM1 diminishes the capacity of reovirus to bind hJAM1 in vitro and on cells and negates the competitive effects of soluble hJAM1 on reovirus attachment. Finally, mutagenesis studies demonstrate that residues intimately associated with the hJAM1 dimer interface are critical for reovirus interactions with hJAM1. These results suggest that reovirus attachment disrupts hJAM1 dimers and highlight similarities between the attachment strategies of reovirus and adenovirus.  相似文献   

Most cancer deaths result from metastasis, which is the dissemination of cells from a primary tumor to distant organs. Metastasis involves changes to molecules that are essential for tumor cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix and to endothelial cells. Junctional Adhesion Molecule C (JAM-C) localizes at intercellular junctions as homodimers or more affine heterodimers with JAM-B. We previously showed that the homodimerization site (E66) in JAM-C is also involved in JAM-B binding. Here we show that neoexpression of JAM-C in a JAM-C-negative carcinoma cell line induced loss of adhesive property and pro-metastatic capacities. We also identify two critical structural sites (E66 and K68) for JAM-C/JAM-B interaction by directed mutagenesis of JAM-C and studied their implication on tumor cell behavior. JAM-C mutants did not bind to JAM-B or localize correctly to junctions. Moreover, mutated JAM-C proteins increased adhesion and reduced proliferation and migration of lung carcinoma cell lines. Carcinoma cells expressing mutant JAM-C grew slower than with JAM-C WT and were not able to establish metastatic lung nodules in mice. Overall these data demonstrate that the dimerization sites E66-K68 of JAM-C affected cell adhesion, polarization and migration and are essential for tumor cell metastasis.  相似文献   

We have identified the PDZ domain protein AF-6 as an intracellular binding partner of the junctional adhesion molecule (JAM), an integral membrane protein located at cell contacts. Binding of AF-6 to JAM required the presence of the intact C terminus of JAM, which represents a classical type II PDZ domain-binding motif. Although JAM did not interact with the single PDZ domains of ZO-1 or of CASK, we found that a ZO-1 fragment containing PDZ domains 2 and 3 bound to JAM in vitro in a PDZ domain-dependent manner. AF-6 as well as ZO-1 could be coprecipitated with JAM from endothelial cell extracts, demonstrating the association of the endogenously expressed molecules in vivo. Targeting of JAM to sites of cell contacts could be affected by the loss of the PDZ domain-binding C terminus. Full-length mouse JAM co-distributed with endogenous AF-6 in human Caco-2 cells at sites of cell contact independent of whether adjacent cells expressed mouse JAM as an extracellular binding partner. In contrast, truncated JAM lacking the PDZ domain-binding C terminus did not co-distribute with endogenous AF-6, but was restricted to cell contacts between cells expressing mouse JAM. Our results suggest that JAM can be recruited to intercellular junctions by its interaction with the PDZ domain-containing proteins AF-6 and possibly ZO-1.  相似文献   

Neuroplastin (Np) is a glycoprotein that belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. It exists in two isoforms, Np55 and Np65, named according to their apparent molecular weights. Neuroplastins were first identified as synapse-specific proteins, but subsequent findings have shown that Np65 is indeed expressed only in the brain, whereas Np55 is found in wide range of tissues. Since their discovery, the knowledge of Nps expanded, implicating them in various processes, including neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. Here, we will review the Np structure and mechanisms involved in Np signaling and discuss the functions of Nps in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM is expressed at key sites during embryonic development and mediates homophilic adhesion between cells both in the embryo and in the adult. N-CAM is expressed in multiple forms and two of the major isoforms differ in their cytoplasmic domains, one (ld form) having an insert of 261 amino acids that is missing in the other (sd form). N-CAM has been previously shown to be palmitoylated, but the sites of acylation have not been localized. We show here that the cytoplasmic domain of the N-CAM became palmitoylated after transfection of a cDNA encoding N-CAM into COS-7 cells, and that this acylation occurs on the four closely spaced cysteines in the cytoplasmic domain of N-CAM. Moreover, when a cDNA encoding only the cytoplasmic domain was transfected into cells, the protein was palmitoylated and associated with membranes even though it lacked a membrane spanning segment. Site directed mutagenesis of the four cysteine residues to serines at positions 5, 11, 16, and 22 in the cytoplasmic domain (723, 729, 734, and 740 in the native protein) eliminated both the palmitoylation and association with the membrane fraction. Mutagenesis of the cysteines individually, in pairs, and in groups of three indicated that C5 is not acylated with either palmitate or oleate, but the other three cysteines are acylated to different extents. Cytoplasmic domains with single cysteine mutations localized primarily in the membrane fraction, while those with three mutations were found primarily in the cytoplasm. Proteins containing two mutated cysteines were found in both the cytoplasm and the membrane fraction with C11 and C16 having the most influence on the distribution in accord with their higher level of acylation. Mutation of the cysteines did not affect the ability of full-length N-CAM to promote aggregation when transfected into COS-7 cells. Based on these results we suggest that the primary role of palmitoylation is to provide a second anchor in the plasma membrane to direct the protein to discrete membrane microdomains or to organize the cytoplasmic region for interaction with factors that affect signaling events resulting from N-CAM mediated adhesion.  相似文献   

The S2 gene nucleotide sequences of prototype strains of the three reovirus serotypes were determined to gain insight into the structure and function of the S2 translation product, virion core protein sigma 2. The S2 sequences of the type 1 Lang, type 2 Jones, and type 3 Dearing strains are 1,331 nucleotides in length and contain a single large open reading frame that could encode a protein of 418 amino acids, corresponding to sigma 2. The deduced sigma 2 amino acid sequences of these strains are very conserved, being identical at 94% of the sequence positions. Predictions of sigma 2 secondary structure and hydrophobicity suggest that the protein has a two-domain structure. A larger domain is suggested to be formed from the amino-terminal three-fourths of sigma 2 sequence, which is separated from a smaller carboxy-terminal domain by a turn-rich hinge region. The carboxy-terminal domain includes sequences that are more hydrophilic than those in the rest of the protein and contains sequences which are predicted to form an alpha-helix. A region of striking similarity was found between amino acids 354 and 374 of sigma 2 and amino acids 1008 and 1031 of the beta subunit of the Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. We suggest that the regions with similar sequence in sigma 2 and the beta subunit form amphipathic alpha-helices which may play a related role in the function of each protein. We have also performed experiments to further characterize the double-stranded RNA-binding activity of sigma 2 and found that the capacity to bind double-stranded RNA is a property of the sigma 2 protein of prototype strains and of the S2 mutant tsC447.  相似文献   

Pit1, the receptor for gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV), is proposed to be an integral membrane protein with five extracellular loops. Chimeras made between Pit1 homologs differing in permissivity for infection and between Pit1 and the related protein Pit2 have shown that the fourth extracellular loop plays a critical role in infection. However, further elucidation of the roles of the extracellular loops in infection is hampered by the high level of sequence similarity among these proteins. The sodium-dependent phosphate transporter, Pho-4, from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is distantly related to Pit1 and -2, showing an amino acid identity of only 35% to Pit1 in the putative extracellular loops. We show here that Pho-4 itself does not function as a receptor for GALV. Introduction of 12 Pit1-specific amino acid residues in the putative fourth extracellular loop of Pho-4 resulted in a functional GALV receptor. Therefore, the presence of a Pit1 loop 4-specific sequence is sufficient to confer receptor function for the mammalian retrovirus GALV on the fungal phosphate transporter Pho-4.  相似文献   

Many serotype 3 reoviruses bind to two different host cell molecules, sialic acid and an unidentified protein, using discrete receptor-binding domains in viral attachment protein, final sigma1. To determine mechanisms by which these receptor-binding events cooperate to mediate cell attachment, we generated isogenic reovirus strains that differ in the capacity to bind sialic acid. Strain SA+, but not SA-, bound specifically to sialic acid on a biosensor chip with nanomolar avidity. SA+ displayed 5-fold higher avidity for HeLa cells when compared with SA-, although both strains recognized the same proteinaceous receptor. Increased avidity of SA+ binding was mediated by increased k(on). Neuraminidase treatment to remove cell-surface sialic acid decreased the k(on) of SA+ to that of SA-. Increased k(on) of SA+ enhanced an infectious attachment process, since SA+ was 50-100-fold more efficient than SA- at infecting HeLa cells in a kinetic fluorescent focus assay. Sialic acid binding was operant early during SA+ attachment, since the capacity of soluble sialyllactose to inhibit infection decreased rapidly during the first 20 min of adsorption. These results indicate that reovirus binding to sialic acid enhances virus infection through adhesion of virus to the cell surface where access to a proteinaceous receptor is thermodynamically favored.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal 42-kDa region of the 144-kDa mammalian reovirus lambda 2 protein is a guanylyltransferase. It catalyzes the transfer of GMP from GTP to the 5' end of 5' -diphosphorylated mRNA via a phosphoamide with Lys-190. This amino acid is located at the base of a deep cleft. Based on sequence comparisons, the Kx[V/L/I]S motif is present in all known and proposed guanylyltransferases of the family Reoviridae. The requirement for this conserved sequence and other regions of the enzyme was analyzed by site-directed mutagenesis. Based on the enzymatic activity of the mutants, Lys-190 and Asp-191 are the only amino acids of the (190)KDLS sequence that are necessary for enzymatic activity. Since Asp-191 has its side chain oriented away from the cleft, most likely it plays an indirect role in forming a functional guanylyltransferase.  相似文献   

At tight junctions (TJs), claudins with four transmembrane domains are incorporated into TJ strands. Junctional adhesion molecule (JAM), which belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily, is also localized at TJs, but it remains unclear how JAM is integrated into TJs. Immunoreplica electron microscopy revealed that JAM showed an intimate spatial relationship with TJ strands in epithelial cells. In L fibroblasts expressing exogenous JAM, JAM was concentrated at cell-cell adhesion sites, where there were no strand-like structures, but rather characteristic membrane domains free of intramembranous particles were detected. These domains were specifically labeled with anti-JAM polyclonal antibody, suggesting that JAM forms planar aggregates through their lateral self-association. Immunofluorescence microscopy and in vitro binding assays revealed that ZO-1 directly binds to the COOH termini of claudins and JAM at its PDZ1 and PDZ3 domains, respectively. Furthermore, another PDZ-containing polarity-related protein, PAR-3, was directly bound to the COOH terminus of JAM, but not to that of claudins. These findings led to a molecular architectural model for TJs: small aggregates of JAM are tethered to claudin-based strands through ZO-1, and these JAM aggregates recruit PAR-3 to TJs. We also discuss the importance of this model from the perspective of the general molecular mechanisms behind the recruitment of PAR proteins to plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Epithelial tight junctions form a selectively permeable barrier to ions and small molecules. Junctional adhesion molecule 1 (JAM1/JAM-A/F11R) is a tight junction-associated transmembrane protein that has been shown to participate in the regulation of epithelial barrier function. In a recent study, we presented evidence suggesting that JAM1 homodimer formation is critical for epithelial barrier function (Mandell, K. J., McCall, I. C., and Parkos, C. A. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 16254-16262). Here we have used small interfering RNA to investigate the effect of the loss of JAM1 expression on epithelial cell function. Consistent with our previous study, knockdown of JAM1 was observed to increase paracellular permeability in epithelial monolayers. Interestingly, knockdown of JAM1 also produced dramatic changes in cell morphology, and a similar effect was observed with expression of a JAM1 mutant lacking the putative homodimer interface. Further studies revealed that JAM1 knockdown decreased cell-matrix adhesion and spreading on matrix proteins that are ligands of beta1 integrins. These changes were characterized by a decrease in beta1 integrin protein levels and loss of beta1 integrin staining at the cell surface. Immunolabeling of cells for the small GTPase Rap1, a known activator of beta1 integrins, revealed colocalization of Rap1 with JAM1 at intercellular junctions, and knockdown of JAM1 resulted in decreased Rap1 activity. Lastly, knockdown of Rap1b resulted in diminished beta1 integrin expression and altered cell morphology analogous to that observed with knockdown of JAM1. Together, these results suggest that JAM1 regulates epithelial cell morphology and beta1 integrin expression by modulating activity of the small GTPase Rap1.  相似文献   

Mannheimia haemolytica is an important cause of pneumonia in bighorn sheep (BHS; Ovis canadensis). Leukotoxin (Lkt), the primary virulence determinant of M. haemolytica, induces cytolysis of all subsets of leukocytes. Previously, we have shown that CD18, the beta subunit of beta2-integrins, mediates Lkt-induced cytolysis. However, it is not clear whether CD18 of all three beta2-integrins, LFA-1, Mac-1, and CR4, mediates Lkt-induced cytolysis. The objective of this study was to determine whether BHS LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) serves as a receptor for Lkt. Plasmids encoding cDNA for BHS CD11a and CD18 were cotransfected into Lkt-resistant HEK-293 cells. Flow cytometric analysis of transfectants confirmed cell surface expression of BHS LFA- 1, Lkt-LFA-1 binding and Lkt-induced intra-cellular calcium elevation. More importantly, the transfectants were efficiently lysed by Lkt in a concentration-dependent manner. Collectively, these results indicate that BHS LFA-1 serves as a functional receptor for M. haemolytica Lkt.  相似文献   

Su RW  Jia B  Ni H  Lei W  Yue SL  Feng XH  Deng WB  Liu JL  Zhao ZA  Wang TS  Yang ZM 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34325


Junctional adhesion molecule 2 (Jam2) is a member of the JAM superfamily. JAMs are localized at intercellular contacts and participated in the assembly and maintenance of junctions, and control of cell permeability. Because Jam2 is highly expressed in the luminal epithelium on day 4 of pregnancy, this study was to determine whether Jam2 plays a role in uterine receptivity and blastocyst attachment in mouse uterus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Jam2 is highly expressed in the uterine luminal epithelium on days 3 and 4 of pregnancy. Progesterone induces Jam2 expression in ovariectomized mice, which is blocked by progesterone antagonist RU486. Jam2 expression on day 4 of pregnancy is also inhibited by RU486 treatment. Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) up-regulates Jam2 protein in isolated luminal epithelium from day 4 uterus, which is blocked by S3I-201, a cell-permeable inhibitor for Stat3 phosphorylation. Under adhesion assay, recombinant Jam2 protein increases the rate of blastocyst adhesion. Both soluble recombinant Jam2 and Jam3 can reverse this process.


Jam2 is highly expressed in the luminal epithelium of receptive uterus and up-regulated by progesterone and LIF via tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat3. Jam2 may play a role in the interaction between hatched blastocyst and receptive uterus.  相似文献   

In this article, we examined the feasibility of using 3,4‐dihydroxy‐L ‐phenylalanine (DOPA) as a cell adhesion molecule in serum‐free cultures of anchorage‐dependent mammalian cells. DOPA is a critical, functional element in mussel adhesive proteins and is known to bind strongly to various natural or synthetic materials. DOPA coating on culture plates was confirmed using X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy‐dispersive spectroscopy. Human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) were cultured on DOPA‐coated, fibronectin‐coated, or no material‐coated culture plates in serum‐free medium. HDFs cultured on DOPA showed the highest cell adhesion ratio, spreading, and viability but the lowest apoptotic activity. Therefore, DOPA may be a useful cell‐adhesion molecule for serum‐free culture. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 1055–1060, 2012  相似文献   

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