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ABSTRACT. In the Drosophila auraria complex (D. auraria Peng, D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler, D. quadraria Bock & Wheeler and D. subauraria Kimura), D. triauraria from the island of Yaku (30.3N in latitude) and D. quadraria from Taiwan (24.1N) had no or weak diapause, while strains of all the four species from the main islands of Japan had a firm reproductive diapause. These strains entered diapause at short daylengths and the critical daylength was longer and the incidence of diapause higher at a low rather than high temperature. In each species, the critical daylength was longer in strains from higher latitudes. Among sympatric populations of different species, D. subauraria always had the longest critical daylength, while D. auraria had the shortest one. The populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria had longer critical daylengths than the sympatric populations of D. auraria , but this difference became smaller northwards. Since a longer critical daylength induces diapause earlier in autumn, D. subauraria would enter diapause earliest among these species, and D. auraria would do so latest. The late start of diapause in D. auraria may be related to its adaptation to domestic environments. On the other hand, the adaptive significance of the late start of diapause in northern populations of D. biauraria and D. triauraria is not clear.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recombinant inbred lines were produced from hybrids between diapausing and non-diapausing strains of Drosophila triauraria Bock & Wheeler by twenty generations of full-sib mating. The analysis of these inbred lines suggests that the difference in the photoperiodic response between the original diapausing and non-diapausing strains is due to genes at three or four loci and at least one of these loci is located on the X chromosome. The original diapausing strain and two inbred lines exhibited circadian peaks when subjected to the Nanda-Hamner protocol, although they had different critical daylengths. This suggests that critical daylength is modified independently of the circadian oscillation system in this species. On the other hand, diapause duration was correlated with critical daylength among the inbred lines and the original diapausing strain, suggesting that these two traits are under the control of the same genetic system.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Diapause induction and photoperiodic response curves were determined for 33 strains of Tetranychus pueraricola derived from kudzu vine at three constant temperatures (15, 18 and 20°C) under a short-day condition (10 : 14 h; light : dark). Females of all but one of the strains entered diapause at all three temperatures with little variation in diapause percentages among the strains. The exception was the southernmost strain, which was found to be a non-diapause (ND) strain. The critical photoperiod gradually decreased towards the south at a rate of about 1 h for each 5 degrees of latitude. The diapause strains (D1 and D2) exhibited 100% diapause, whereas the ND strain exhibited 0% diapause. By crossing these strains, we determined that 'non-diapause' was a dominant character over 'diapause' and the character was controlled by simple Mendelian inheritance. To clarify why the female progeny from the crosses between the D1 and ND strains did not segregate into the diapause and non-diapause phenotypes in a 1:1 ratio in the B1 generation, round-robin crosses were carried out among the three strains. The results showed that the F1 generation was reproductively compatible and showed high egg hatchability with a female-biased sex ratio. In the B1 generation, the crosses between the D1 and ND strains and between the D1 and D2 strains exhibited extremely low egg hatchability and produced mostly female progeny, whereas offspring from the crosses between the D2 and ND strains showed more than 50% hatchability for B1 eggs and a female-biased sex ratio. Thus, the absence of segregation observed in the crosses between the D1 and ND strains appears to be due to the severe hybrid breakdown that occurred in the B1 generation.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has colonized temperate habitats on multiple continents over a historical time period, and many traits vary predictably with latitude. Despite considerable attention paid to clinal variation in Drosophila, the mechanisms generating such patterns in nature remain largely unidentified. In D. melanogaster, the expression of reproductive diapause can be induced by exposure to low temperatures and shortened photoperiods. Both diapause expression itself and the underlying genetic variance for diapause expression have widespread impacts on organismal fitness, and diapause incidence exhibits a 60% cline in frequency in the eastern United States. The major aim of this study was to evaluate whether the relative fitness of diapause and nondiapause genotypes varies predictably with environment. In experimental population cages in the laboratory, the frequency of genotypes that express diapause increased over time when flies were exposed to environmental stress, whereas the frequency of nondiapause genotypes increased when flies were cultured under benign control conditions. Other fitness traits correlated with the genetic variance for diapause expression (longevity, mortality rates, stress resistance, lipid content, preadult viability, fecundity profiles, and development time) also diverged between experimental treatments. Similarly, sampling of isofemale lines from natural populations revealed that the frequency of diapause incidence cycled over time in seasonal habitats: diapause expression was at high frequency following the winter season and subsequently declined throughout the summer months. In contrast, diapause expression was low and temporally homogeneous in isofemale line collections from human-associated urban habitats. These data suggest that genetic variation underlying the diapause-nondiapause dichotomy may be actively maintained by selection pressures that vary spatially and temporally in natural populations.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity describes an organism's ability to produce multiple phenotypes in direct response to its environmental conditions. Over the past 15 years empiricists have found that this plasticity frequently exhibits geographic variation and often possesses a significant heritable genetic basis. However, few studies have examined both of these aspects of plasticity simultaneously. Here, we examined both the geographic and genetic variations of the plasticity for diapause incidence (the proportion of eggs that enter an arrested state of development capable of surviving over the winter) relative to temperatures and photoperiods associated with long and short season environments across six populations of the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, using a half-sibling split brood quantitative genetic design. We found that plasticity, as measured by the slope of the reaction norm, was greater in the southern-low altitude region (where populations are bivoltine) relative to the southern-high and northern-low altitude regions (where populations are univoltine). However, the heritability of plasticity was only significantly different from zero in univoltine populations that experienced "intermediate" natal season lengths. These patterns suggest that selection may favor the plasticity of diapause incidence in bivoltine regions, but act against plasticity in regions in which populations are univoltine. Furthermore, our data suggest that under "intermediate" natal season length conditions, the interplay between local adaptation and gene flow may keep the plasticity of diapause incidence low (but still significant) while maintaining its genetic variation. As such, this study not only provides a novel observation into the geographic variation of phenotypic plasticity, but also provides much needed groundwork for tests of its adaptive significance.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, exposure of females to low temperature and shortened photoperiod can induce the expression of reproductive quiescence or diapause. Diapause expression is highly variable within and among natural populations and has significant effects on life-history profiles, including patterns of longevity, fecundity, and stress resistance. We hypothesized that if diapause expression is associated with overwintering mechanisms and adaptation to temperate environments, the frequency of diapause incidence would exhibit a latitudinal cline among natural populations. Because stress resistance and reproductive traits are also clinal in this species, we also examined how patterns of fecundity and longevity varied with geography and how stress resistance and associated traits differed constitutively between diapause and nondiapause lines. Diapause incidence was shown to vary predictably with latitude, ranging from 35% to 90% among natural populations in the eastern United States Survivorship under starvation stress differed between diapause and nondiapause lines; diapause phenotypes were also distinct for total body triglyceride content and the developmental distribution of oocytes in the ovary following stress exposure. Patterns of longevity, fecundity, and ovariole number also varied with geography. The data suggest that, for North American populations, diapause expression is functionally associated with overwintering mechanisms and may be an integral life-history component in natural populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eight strains of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, originating from different localities in western and central Europe, with latitudes ranging from 40.5 to 60oN, displayed marked differences in the period of chilling at 4oC required for diapause termination under a diapause-maintaining short-day photoperiodic regime at 19oC, to which the mites were transferred after the cold period. The higher the latitude from which the strains originated the longer was the period of chilling required for diapause termination, suggesting the presence of a gradient in diapause intensity, diapause being deeper the more northern the origin of the strains. Two strains originating from higher altitudes appeared to have a much deeper diapause than expected from their latitudinal origin. In addition, these two mountain strains showed mutual differences in diapause intensity, notwithstanding the fact that they originated from similar latitudes and altitudes; local climatic conditions probably act as strong selective forces with regard to diapause depth. All strains appeared to be sensitive to photoperiod during the period of diapause development. Diapause was quickly completed by a long-day photoperiod (LD 17:7 h), but was maintained by a short-day photoperiod (LD 10:14h). However, even under the latter regime sensitivity to photoperiod gradually diminished and eventually disappeared, thus leading to ‘spontaneous’ termination of diapause. The length of the period of diapause development, as measured by the sensitivity to photoperiod of diapausing mites, varied between strains; it was shorter in the southern strains and longer in the northern strains. The results indicate great variation in diapause intensity between strains, which is probably genetically determined and may have adaptive significance for this widespread species. When young females which had just entered diapause were kept for ever longer periods of time under the diapause inducing short-day regime at which they had been reared, before being transferred to the cold room, the duration of the period of chilling required for diapause termination was found to decrease proportionally in all three strains tested. These results suggest that intensification of diapause does not occur in T. urticae; diapause intensity seems to be highest at the beginning of diapause and to diminish gradually during diapause development.  相似文献   

Abstract. Prior studies revealed that the photoperiodic clock in Drosophila triauraria operates during the scotophase and the processes measuring scotophase are composed of two phases: the A phase which lasts 6–7 h from the onset of the scotophase and the B phase which follows the A phase. In this study the photoperiodic clock in this species was analysed by low-temperature pulses. Low temperature (5C) or a low-temperature (2C) pulse of 3 or 4 h decreased the induction of diapause when applied during the scotophase, but not when applied within the photophase. The low-temperature pulse showed two maxima of the effect, 0–4 h and 8–10 h after the onset of the scotophase, approximately corresponding to the A and B phases, respectively. It is considered that low temperature retards the time measurement processes operating during these phases. In the period which was rather insensitive to the diapause-preventing action of low temperature, i.e. 5-7h after the onset of the scotophase, substances or stimuli accumulated during the A phase may be converted to information required for operation of the machinery in the B phase. Experiments using a combination of low-temperature and light pulses suggested that low-temperature decreases the sensitivity to light, especially in the B phase.  相似文献   

Geographic variation for wing shape in Drosophila serrata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographic variation in wing shape in female Drosophila serrata was examined by characterizing isofemale strains from 19 localities collected along a transect on the eastern coast of Australia. Shape variation was analyzed by Procrustes superimposition of landmark data followed by canonical variate analysis. The first extracted canonical variate showed a nonlinear association with latitude and accounted for 43% of the variance. There was a sharp increase in this variate at low latitudes as well as a gradual increase at high latitudes. These shape changes were associated with two landmarks at the edge of the wing. There was also a linear change in wing aspect. The isofemale heritability for two measures of shape was around 30%. Allometric relationships were weak both between localities and among isofemale strains within localities. The possibility that wing shape parameters are under selection independent of wing size is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Asobara tabida is a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae in fermenting substrates. Because it is a widespread species, it may encounter different biotic and abiotic circumstances in various parts of its range.
  • 2 The species composition of the host population varies over the parasitoid's range: D.obscura-group species (especially D.subobscura) are the main hosts for northwestern and central European parasitoids; D.melanogaster is the main host for southern European parasitoids.
  • 3 D.melanogaster larvae can defend themselves against A.tabida by encapsulating the parasitoid egg, and survival in D.melanogaster is always lower than in D.subobscura.
  • 4 Parasitoids from southern European populations are much better able to survive in D.melanogaster than their northwestern and central European conspecifics; parasitoids from different populations are equally well able to survive in D.subobscura.
  • 5 The lower survival in D.melanogaster may be partly compensated for by the larger size of parasitoids emerging from this host species compared to parasitoids emerging from D.subobscura.
  • 6 Within population groups, larger A.tabida females have more eggs in their ovarioles. Additionally, southern European females have more eggs and less fat than northern and western/central European females. The relationship between size and longevity is ambiguous.
  • 7 It is concluded that parasitoids from different populations are adapted to region-specific circumstances.

Drosophila moriwakii Okada & Kurokawa (Diptera; Drosophilidae) generally has only one generation per year and enters aestivo-hibernal reproductive diapause in Sapporo, northern Japan, but a small fraction of the population produced a second generation in summer at a place where breeding resources were abundant. In this species, diapause seems to be controlled by flight activity. When flies were cultured in cages in which they were able to fly freely, they entered diapause irrespective of photoperiod, but they did not do so at long daylengths when cultured in small vials in which they were prevented from flying. Furthermore, flies with wings removed did not enter diapause at long daylengths even if they were cultured in the cages.  相似文献   

Abstract Due to the risk of extinction and ornamental value of the swallowtail butterfly, Sericinus montelus Gray (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in China, knowledge about local adaptations is important for the conservation and economical utilization of the species. In the present study, photoperiodic diapause induction and diapause intensity of S. montelus populations from Jiamusi (46°37′N), Beijing (40°15′N), Zibo (36°48′N), Fangxian (32°36′N), Wuhan (30°33′N) and Huaihua (27°33′N) were characterized at 25°C. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant population × hours of light interaction, confirming that photoperiodic responses varied among populations. The critical photoperiod was positively correlated with latitude and increased toward the north at a rate of about 1 h for each 6.67 degrees of latitude. Survival analyses indicated that survival time of diapausing pupae before adult eclosion differed significantly among populations at 25°C and 16 : 8 L : D h. The mean duration of pupal diapause was also positively correlated with latitude. Our study reveals geographic variation in the critical photoperiod for diapause induction and in diapause intensity of S. montelus. These results provide useful information for our general understanding about seasonal adaptation in insects and may also be used to predict how geographic populations respond to climate warming.  相似文献   

Geographic variability in diapause response of Japanese Orius species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interspecific and latitudinal variation in diapause characteristics were examined in 12 strains of Orius species (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) including O. sauteri (Poppius), O. nagaii Yasunaga, O. minutus (L.), O. strigicollis (Poppius), and O. tantillus (Motschulsky) from Japan. A latitudinal cline was found in the photoperiodic response controlling reproductive diapause: the lower the latitude, the lower the diapause incidence and the shorter the critical daylength. To examine the overwintering success, eight strains including four species derived from different latitudes (26–43° N) were reared outdoors in Tsukuba (36° N), central Japan from the autumn of 1998 to the summer of 1999, and their winter survival and spring fecundity were recorded. Most females of the northern strains entered diapause in the autumn when the temperature was still high, and died before winter without oviposition. In the southern strains including a nondiapause Okinawa (26° N) strain of O. strigicollis, females overwintered as well as native strains in a state of quiescence. In all strains, the winter survival was significantly lower in males than in females, and eggs and nymphs failed to overwinter.  相似文献   

Populations of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch collected from various localities and from various host plants in Japan showed wide variations in diapause attribute. Diapause percentages at 18°C/9L15D varied from nearly 100% in the north to 0% in the south-west. At intermediate latitudes the mites showed wide inter-population variations. Populations on herbaceous hosts in vinyl- or glass-houses gave significantly lower incidence of diapause than those on roses and deciduous fruit trees. Presence of winter hosts and better host quality under protected environments seemed to favour non-diapausing mites. The temperature threshold for diapause expression also varied widely among local populations. Northern populations consistently had higher and less variable thresholds than populations at intermediate latitudes with thresholds between 15 and 18°C. Inbred lines derived from a population in Kyoto exhibited a wide variation in diapause percentage at 18°C. These results show that diapause in T. urticae is a quantitative threshold trait and that populations in central Japan consist of a variety of genotypes with different diapause traits. This might provide a genetic source for adaptation to local and temporal variations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The polytene chromosomes of Drosophila triauraria and D. quadraria, two of the sibling species of D. auraria, were examined. The polytene chromosomes of all three species exhibit very clear homology. Unlike the stock of D. auraria that we studied, D. triauraria and D. quadraria carry heterozygous paracentric inversions. In both species, 2R and 3R are the arms where these inversions are concentrated. In addition, in D. quadraria, the 3L chromosome arm is very complicated because of heterozygous inversions. The mode of inheritance of these rearrangements was studied. A homozygous strain for all chromosome arms of D. triauraria was isolated, while a homozygous strain was obtained only for the arms X, 2L, 3L, and 4 of D. quadraria. Like D. auraria, both species show a large number of inverted tandem duplications in the paired condition, even in the chromosomes of their hybrids. Small deletions were also detected, one of which, in D. triauraria, is homozygous terminal. Hypotheses are discussed concerning the relationships of the species and the existence of inverted tandem duplications.  相似文献   

Geographic variation and genetic structure in Spotted Owls   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
We examined genetic variation, populationstructure, and definition of conservation unitsin Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis). Spotted Owls are mostly non-migratory,long-lived, socially monogamous birds that havedecreased population viability due to theiroccupation of highly-fragmented latesuccessional forests in western North America. To investigate potential effects of habitatfragmentation on population structure, we usedrandom amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) toexamine genetic variation hierarchicallyamong local breeding areas, subregionalgroups, regional groups, and subspeciesvia sampling of 21 breeding areas (276individuals) among the three subspecies ofSpotted Owls. Data from 11 variable bandssuggest a significant relationship betweengeographic distance among local breeding groupsand genetic distance (Mantel r = 0.53, P< 0.02) although multi-dimensional scaling ofthree significant axes did not identifysignificant grouping at any hierarchical level. Similarly, neighbor-joining clustering ofManhattan distances indicated geographicstructure at all levels and identified MexicanSpotted Owls as a distinct clade. RAPDanalyses did not clearly differentiate NorthernSpotted Owls from California Spotted Owls. Among Northern Spotted Owls, estimates ofpopulation differentiation (FST) rangedfrom 0.27 among breeding areas to 0.11 amongregions. Concordantly, within-group agreementvalues estimated via multi-response permutationprocedures of Jaccard's distances ranged from0.22 among local sites to 0.11 among regions. Pairwise comparisons of FST andgeographic distance within regions suggestedonly the Klamath region was in equilibrium withrespect to gene flow and genetic drift. Merging nuclear data with recent mitochondrialdata provides support for designation of anEvolutionary Significant Unit for MexicanSpotted Owls and two overlapping ManagementUnits for Northern and California Spotted Owls.  相似文献   


Juvenile hormone (JH) and α-naphthyl acetate (α-NA) esterase activity was measured on a daily basis during embryogenesis of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus. In eggs dissected from the lateral oviducts and embryos through blastokinesis, there were elevated levels of nonspecific JH esterase activity. The JH esterase activity could not be resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration chromatography and the metabolism of both substrates was inhibited equally by 0,0-diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP). From blastokinesis through egg hatch, the JH esterase activity was maintained at relatively low levels and was resolved from the α-NA esterase activity by gel filtration. The α-NA esterase activity was inhibited by DFP while the JH esterase activity was relatively unaffected. Low JH titers in eggs must be maintained through blastokinesis for normal development. Elevated JH esterase activity in eggs during this period appears to have a functional role in the metabolism of maternal JH in the egg.  相似文献   

Recent studies have advocated a role for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in sperm competition. This is controversial because earlier theory and empirical work suggested that mitochondrial genetic variation for fitness is low. Yet, such studies dealt only with females and did not consider that variation that is neutral when expressed in females, might be non-neutral in males as, in most species, mtDNA is never selected in males. We measured male ability to compete for fertilizations, at young and late ages, across 25 cytoplasms expressed in three different nuclear genetic backgrounds, within a population of Drosophila melanogaster. We found no cytoplasmic (thus no mtDNA) genetic variation for either male offence or offensive sperm competitiveness. This contrasts with previous findings demonstrating cytoplasmic genetic variation for female fitness and female ageing across these same lines. Taken together, this suggests that mitochondrial genes do not contribute to variation in sperm competition at the within-population level.  相似文献   

The nature of the genetic variation for the activity of three enzymes (α-GPD, ME, and SOD) was studied by means of analyses of variance among full-sib and half-sib families. The results presented here indicate that the genetic variation of activity of these enzymes consist primarily of non-additive genetic variance. A moderate level of additive genetic variation was found only for α-GPD activity. We also examined the question whether an association exists between enzyme activities and selection for preadult developmental time. Using the method developed by Lande and Arnold (1983), significant directional selection was observed for α-GPD activity.  相似文献   

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