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Within the last 3 years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have had unprecedented success in identifying loci that are involved in common diseases. For example, more than 35 susceptibility loci have been identified for type 2 diabetes and 32 for obesity thus far. However, the causal gene and variant at a specific linkage disequilibrium block is often unclear. Using a combination of different mouse alleles, we can greatly facilitate the understanding of which candidate gene at a particular disease locus is associated with the disease in humans, and also provide functional analysis of variants through an allelic series, including analysis of hypomorph and hypermorph point mutations, and knockout and overexpression alleles. The phenotyping of these alleles for specific traits of interest, in combination with the functional analysis of the genetic variants, may reveal the molecular and cellular mechanism of action of these disease variants, and ultimately lead to the identification of novel therapeutic strategies for common human diseases. In this Commentary, we discuss the progress of GWAS in identifying common disease loci for metabolic disease, and the use of the mouse as a model to confirm candidate genes and provide mechanistic insights.  相似文献   

Except for rare subtypes of diabetes, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are multifactorial diseases in which genetic factors consisting of multiple susceptibility genes and environmental factors contribute to the disease development. Due to complex interaction among multiple susceptibility genes and between genetic and environmental factors, genetic analysis of multifactorial diseases is difficult in humans. Inbred animal models, in which the genetic background is homogeneous and environmental factors can be controlled, are therefore valuable in genetic dissection of multifactorial diseases. We are fortunate to have excellent animal models for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes--the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse and the Nagoya-Shibata-Yasuda (NSY) mouse, respectively. Congenic mapping of susceptibility genes for type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse has revealed that susceptibility initially mapped as a single locus often consists of multiple components on the same chromosome, indicating the importance of congenic mapping in defining genes responsible for polygenic diseases. The NSY mouse is an inbred animal model of type 2 diabetes established from Jcl:ICR, from which the NOD mouse was also derived. We have recently mapped three major loci contributing to type 2 diabetes in the NSY mouse. Interestingly, support intervals where type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes were mapped in the NSY mouse overlapped the regions where type 1 diabetes susceptibility genes have been mapped in the NOD mouse. Although additional evidence is needed, it may be possible that some of the genes predisposing to diabetes are derived from a common ancestor contained in the original closed colony, contributing to type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse and type 2 diabetes in the NSY mouse. Such genes, if they exist, will provide valuable information on etiological pathways common to both forms of diabetes, for the establishment of effective methods for prediction, prevention, and intervention in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Feline diabetes mellitus (FDM) closely resembles human type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in many respects including clinical, physiological, and pathological features of the disease. These features include age of onset of FDM in middle age, association with obesity, residual but declining insulin secretion, development of islet amyloid deposits, loss of approximately 50% of beta-cell mass, and development of complications in several organ systems including peripheral polyneuropathy and retinopathy. Many of the pathological aspects of the disease are also experimentally inducible, facilitating study of the pathogenesis of these lesions. Physiological aspects of FDM and obesity are also well studied in the cat and provide an excellent basis for comparative studies of human T2DM. The relatively short generation time of cats along with breed predispositions to development of FDM may allow for more rapid screening and identification of genetic markers for diabetes susceptibility. FDM, in both spontaneous and inducible forms, therefore provides a good animal model of human T2DM and may provide additional insights into the pathogenesis of this important condition.  相似文献   

Obesity and Type 2 diabetes have become epidemics in the Western world. Understanding the pathophysiology of the disease should help in prevention and treatment of these disorders. A common theme is the presence of insulin resistance that eventually results in Type 2 diabetes. To understand the underlying mechanisms in the progression of the disease states, investigators have created mouse models by transgenic overexpression of a candidate gene or produced gene-deletion mouse models. This review will summarize many of the more appropriate models that study insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined as ventricular dysfunction of the diabetic heart in the absence of coronary artery disease. With the use of both in vivo and ex vivo techniques to assess cardiac phenotype, reduced contractile performance can be observed in experiments with mouse models of both type 1 (insulin-deficient) and type 2 (insulin-resistant) diabetes. Both systolic dysfunction (reduced left ventricular pressures and decreased cardiac output) and diastolic dysfunction (impaired relaxation) is observed in diabetic hearts, along with enhanced susceptibility to ischemic injury. Metabolism is also altered in diabetic mouse hearts: glucose utilization is reduced and fatty acid utilization is increased. The use of genetically engineered mice has provided a powerful experimental approach to test mechanisms that may be responsible for the deleterious effects of diabetes on cardiac function.  相似文献   

Adenocarcinoma of the prostate continues to be a major health concern. Although modern screening techniques have increased the number of men presenting with early stage disease, a significant population of men will present with intermediate or advanced pathological risk factors for recurrence. There are defined limitations in outcome with traditional therapies including surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone manipulation. Patients with intermediate and high-risk factors for treatment failure are candidates for protocols using translational research strategies incorporated into studies currently in development. These strategies may be able to selectively treat expression products of tumor and thus be more selective in the target for treatment. Carefully designed studies using these translational strategies have great potential in improving clinical outcome, tumor kill, and normal tissue tolerance in the care of these patients.  相似文献   

Obstacles and opportunities in translational research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the NF1 gene, leading to a variety of abnormalities in cell growth and differentiation, and to learning disabilities. The protein encoded by NF1, neurofibromin, has several biochemical functions and is expressed in a variety of different cell populations. Hence, determination of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie the different NF1 symptoms is difficult. However, studies using mouse models of NF1 are beginning to unravel the mechanisms that underlie the various symptoms associated with the disease. This knowledge will aid the development of treatments for the different pathological processes associated with NF1.  相似文献   

小鼠、大鼠糖尿病模型对基础与临床防治研究十分重要,不同的研究目标对应不同的动物模型载体。本文就目前常用的2型糖尿病鼠类模型的构建、主要疾病特征及应用等进行评述,为研究者了解、选择适合的动物模型提供参考。  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major health problem of increasing incidence. To better study the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic agents for this disease, appropriate animal models are needed. Old World nonhuman primates (NHPs) are a useful animal model of type 2 diabetes; like humans, the disease is most common in older, obese animals. Before developing overt diabetes, NHPs have a period of obesity-associated insulin resistance that is initially met with compensatory insulin secretion. When either a relative or absolute deficiency in pancreatic insulin production occurs, fasting glucose concentrations begin to increase and diabetic signs become apparent. Pathological changes in pancreatic islets are also similar to those seen in human diabetics. Initially there is hyperplasia of the islets with abundant insulin production typically followed by replacement of islets with islet-associated amyloid. Diabetic NHPs have detrimental changes in plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations, lipoprotein composition, and glycation, which may contribute to progression of atherosclerosis. As both the prediabetic condition (similar to metabolic syndrome in humans) and overt diabetes become better defined in monkeys, their use in pharmacological studies is increasing. Likely due to their genetic similarity to humans and the similar characteristics of the disease in NHPs, NHPs have been used to study recently developed agonists of the peroxisome proliferators-activated receptors. Importantly, agonists of the different receptor subclasses elicit similar responses in both humans and NHPs. Thus, Old World NHPs are a valuable animal model of type 2 diabetes to study disease progression, associated risk factors, and potential new treatments.  相似文献   



Rat models are frequently used to find genomic regions that contribute to complex diseases, so called quantitative trait loci (QTLs). In general, the genomic regions found to be associated with a quantitative trait are rather large, covering hundreds of genes. To help selecting appropriate candidate genes from QTLs associated with type 2 diabetes models in rat, we have developed a web tool called Candidate Gene Capture (CGC), specifically adopted for this disorder.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, comprehensive genome-wide sequencing studies have enabled us to find out unexpected genetic alterations of metabolism in cancer. An example is the identification of arginine missense mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenases-1 and -2 (IDH1/2) in glioma, acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chondrosarcomas, and cholangiocarcinoma. These alterations are closely associated with the production of a new stereospecific metabolite, (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate (R-2HG). A large number of follow-up studies have been performed to address the molecular mechanisms of IDH1/2 mutations underlying how these events contribute to malignant transformation. In the meanwhile, the development of selective mutant IDH1/2 chemical inhibitors is being actively pursued in the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry. The present review article briefly discusses the important findings that highlight the molecular mechanisms of IDH1/2 mutations in cancer and provides a current status for development of selective mutant IDH1/2 chemical inhibitors. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(5): 266-270]  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem that affects several million new people each year. Although it is recognized that type 1 diabetes results from an autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta-cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, its etiopathogenesis is still not well understood. A certain genetic phenotype seems to be required, but it is not sufficient per se to trigger diabetes development. Numerous studies have pointed to the role of infectious agents as important environmental factors in breaking 'self'-tolerance and triggering activation of autoreactive T cells. Activated T cells, in turn, destroy target cells harboring the corresponding tissue-specific self-antigen, causing organ damage and loss of function. Several theories have been proposed to explain how environmental factors can initiate and/or perpetuate autoimmunity towards pancreatic beta-cells.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is increasingly viewed as a disease of insulin deficiency due not only to intrinsic pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction but also to reduction of beta-cell mass. It is likely that, in diabetes-prone subjects, the regulated beta-cell turnover that adapts cell mass to body's insulin requirements is impaired, presumably on a genetic basis. We still have a limited knowledge of how and when this derangement occurs and what might be the most effective therapeutic strategy to preserve beta-cell mass. The animal models of type 2 diabetes with reduced beta-cell mass described in this review can be extremely helpful (a) to have insight into the mechanisms underlying the defective growth or accelerated loss of beta-cells leading to the beta-cell mass reduction; (b) to investigate in prospective studies the mechanisms of compensatory adaptation and subsequent failure of a reduced beta-cell mass. Furthermore, these models are of invaluable importance to test the effectiveness of potential therapeutic agents that either stimulate beta-cell growth or inhibit beta-cell death.  相似文献   

The prevalence of diabetes throughout the world has increased dramatically over the recent past, and the trend will continue for the foreseeable future. One of the major concerns associated with diabetes relates to the development of micro- and macrovascular complications, which contribute greatly to the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Progression of the disease from prediabetic state to overt diabetes and the development of complications occur over many years. Assessment of interventions designed to delay or prevent disease progression or complications in humans also takes years and requires tremendous resources. To better study both the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic agents, appropriate animal models of type 2 diabetes (T2D) mellitus are needed. However, for an animal model to have relevance to the study of diabetes, either the characteristics of the animal model should mirror the pathophysiology and natural history of diabetes or the model should develop complications of diabetes with an etiology similar to that of the human condition. There appears to be no single animal model that encompasses all of these characteristics, but there are many that provide very similar characteristics in one or more aspects of T2D in humans. Use of the appropriate animal model based on these similarities can provide much needed data on pathophysiological mechanisms operative in human T2D.  相似文献   

Dimethyl amiloride (DMA) enhances insulin secretion in the pancreatic beta-cell. DMA also enhances time-dependent potentiation (TDP) and enables TDP to occur in situations where it is normally absent. As we have demonstrated before, these effects are mediated in part through inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), resulting in increased availability of arginine. Thus both DMA and arginine have the potential to correct the secretory defect in diabetes by enabling or enhancing TDP. In the current study we have demonstrated the ability of these agents to improve blood glucose homeostasis in three mouse models of type 2 diabetes. The pattern of TDP under different conditions indicates that inhibition of NOS is not the only mechanism through which DMA exerts its positive effects. Thus we also have explored another possible mechanism through which DMA enables/enhances TDP, via the activation of mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, including type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, constitute an important and growing public health burden. However, in many cases our understanding of disease biology is limited and available therapies vary greatly in their efficacy and safety. Animal models of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases have provided valuable tools to researchers investigating their aetiology, pathology, and novel therapeutic strategies. Although such models vary in the degree to which they reflect human autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and caution is required in the extrapolation of animal data to the clinical setting, therapeutic approaches first evaluated in established animal models, including collagen-induced arthritis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, and the nonobese diabetic mouse, have successfully progressed to clinical investigation and practice. Similarly, these models have proven useful in providing support for basic hypotheses regarding the underlying causes and pathology of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Here we review selected murine models of autoimmunity and inflammation and efforts to translate findings from these models into both basic insights into disease biology and novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most devastating diseases that currently affects the aging population. Recent evidence indicates that DM is a risk factor for many brain disorders, due to its direct effects on cognition. New findings have shown that the microtubule‐associated protein tau is pathologically processed in DM; however, it remains unknown whether pathological tau modifications play a central role in the cognitive deficits associated with DM. To address this question, we used a gain‐of‐function and loss‐of‐function approach to modulate tau levels in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) mouse models. Our study demonstrates that tau differentially contributes to cognitive and synaptic deficits induced by DM. On one hand, overexpressing wild‐type human tau further exacerbates cognitive and synaptic impairments induced by T1DM, as human tau mice treated under T1DM conditions show robust deficits in learning and memory processes. On the other hand, neither a reduction nor increase in tau levels affects cognition in T2DM mice. Together, these results shine new light onto the different molecular mechanisms that underlie the cognitive and synaptic impairments associated with T1DM and T2DM.  相似文献   

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