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In order to effectively preserve green spores, which have relatively higher water content and lose viability more quickly than non-green spores, we studied the effect of desiccation level and storage temperature on Osmunda japonica spores. The water content of fresh spores was 11.20%. After 12 h desiccation by silica gel, the water content decreased to 6% but spore viability did not change significantly. As the desiccation continued, the decrease in water content slowed, but spore viability dropped. For almost all storage periods, the effects of storage temperature, desiccation level, and temperature × desiccation level were significantly different. After seven days of storage, spores at any desiccation level stored at 4 °C obtained high germination rates. After more than seven days storage, liquid nitrogen (LN) storage obtained the best results. Storage at −18 °C led to the lowest germination rates. Spores stored at room temperature and −18 °C all died within three months. For storage at 4 °C and in LN, spores desiccated 12 and 36 h obtained better results. Spores without desiccation had the highest germination rates after being stored at room temperature, but suffered the greatest loss after storage at −18 °C. These results suggest that LN storage is the best method of long-term storage of O. japonica spores. The critical water content of O. japonica spores is about 6% and reduction of the water content to this level improves outcome after LN storage greatly. The reason for various responses of O. japonica spores to desiccation and storage temperatures are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of cold stratification, light and seed clustering in petri dish on Ottelia alismoides seed germination were investigated. The seeds required light and an extended cold period in order to germinate, but neither treatment alone was effective. Seed germination significantly increased with length of the 4 °C cold stratification period. Freshly collected seeds failed to germinate while a 5-month period at 4 °C yielded 29 ± 9% germination in the light, but none in the dark. Treatment with sodium nitroprusside, a nitric oxide source, failed to promote germination in the light or dark. Seeds of O. alismoides showed an unusual and significant positive response to aggregation. Germination in the light, after 5-month 4 °C cold stratification, was stimulated to almost five-fold in the dishes that were more densely sown with seed (20 seeds versus 200 seeds). Likewise, clustering seeds in dense aggregations stimulated germination significantly. Germination more than quadrupled with an increase from 1 to 50 seeds per cluster (200 seeds per dish), reaching a value of 72 ± 4%. Linear regression analysis shows the correlation between seed cluster density (no. per cluster) and germination rate (%) was highly significant (R2 = 0.85, P = 0.000). The extended cold stratification requirement is probably an over-wintering device. The mechanism of the density-dependent stimulation is unclear.  相似文献   

Behavioral patterns of motile ectotherms are often constrained by their microclimate conditions. For intertidal ectotherms, thermal and desiccation stresses are primary limiting factors. In this study, we developed and tested a steady-state heat budget model to calculate the duration of time that the salt marsh snail, Littoraria irrorata (Say), would maintain active behaviors (crawling or attached on stalks of marsh grass Spartina alterniflora) before switching to an inactive state (retracted and glued with a mucus holdfast on the stalks) due to desiccation. The snails' water loss tolerance limit was found to be 43.6±16.0 mg in a laboratory experiment using 5 temperature treatments (25-45 °C in 5 °C increments) with a vapor density (VD) deficit of ∼15 g/m3 (saturated VD-air VD). We found that snails attached to S. alterniflora at lower heights in the canopy had higher body temperatures during daytime hours but lower water loss rates. Furthermore, we found that calculated activity times generally matched daily and seasonal patterns of life history behaviors reported in the literature. If tidal emersion began at night (∼20:00-4:00 h), calculated activity times were much higher than if emersion began in the daytime. The total monthly activity times for 2005-2010 were the highest in May, the lowest in July, and increased from July to September. Therefore, L. irrorata's behaviors appear to be constrained by microclimate conditions within the S. alterniflora canopy as predicted by the heat budget model. The extent to which the snails' life history traits are controlled by environmental conditions will have important implications for their population dynamics as climate change progresses, and heat budget models can help to predict future changes in behavioral responses.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, water level and burial depth on seed germination of two submerged species, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton malaianus, were investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. There was no significant difference in final germination of M. spicatum among water level treatments, but P. malaianus germinations at 1 cm and 12 cm water levels were better than at 0 cm water level at temperatures of 20 °C and 30 °C. Little to no germination was observed for either species at the temperature of 10 °C. At 15 °C, however, germination increased significantly to 66.3-70.6% for M. spicatum and to 29.4-48.1% for P. malaianus under all three water level treatments. Increased temperature from 15 °C to 30 °C had no significant effect on the final germination of M. spicatum except at the 1 cm water level, but enhanced significantly the germination of P. malaianus. Analysis of the mean time to germination revealed that M. spicatum was a faster germinator relative to P. malaianus. The two species’ germination differed markedly in response to burial depth. Germination percentage of M. spicatum was 71.3% at 0 cm burial depth, but decreased to 5.0% and to 2.5% at depths of 1 cm and 2 cm, respectively; whereas germination percentages of P. malaianus were 40.0%, 23.8%, 12.5%, 7.5% and 1.3% at depths of 0 cm, 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm and 5 cm, respectively. We concluded that the two species respond differently to germination strategies. The findings provided further insight into how germination strategy contributes to the seed bank formation and species invasion.  相似文献   

The legumin- and vicilin-like seed storage globulins of spermatophytes are specifically accumulated during embryogenesis and seed development. Previous studies have shown that a precursor common to both legumin and vicilin genes might have evolved by duplication from a single-domain ancestral gene. We here report that amino acid sequences of legumin and vicilin domains share statistically significant similarity to the germination-specific germins of wheat as well as to the spherulation-specific spherulins of myxomycetes. This conclusion is further supported by the derived intron-exon structure of a spherulin gene. Spherulins are thought to be involved in tissue desiccation or hydration. It is suggested that the present-day seed globulins of spermatophytes have evolved from a group of ancient proteins functional in cellular desiccation/hydration processes. Correspondence to: H. Bäumlein  相似文献   

外来杂草小花山桃草种子休眠萌发特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘龙昌  徐蕾  冯佩  董雷鸣  张媛媛 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7338-7349
种子萌发和出苗是植物一生中对环境胁迫最为敏感的阶段,外来植物在这一时期对环境条件的适应能力是决定其入侵能力大小的关键因素之一。通过室内外试验研究了小花山桃草种子休眠特性以及贮藏时间、果皮、温度、p H值、水势、盐分和埋土深度对其种子萌发、幼苗生长和出苗的影响。结果表明:小花山桃草蒴果中4粒种子的大小差异显著(P0.01),但它们的活力和萌发率差别不大,4粒种子活力均高达96%以上。休眠解除后,萌发率均高达98%以上;坚硬果皮的机械阻碍是引起种子休眠的主要原因;在室温储藏条件下,种子萌发率随贮藏时间的增加先增加后降低。贮藏1个月,萌发率提高到54%(贮藏前为0)。贮藏3—6个月时,萌发率达最大值(98.5%—99%)。贮藏1a后,萌发率和萌发速度显著下降,但萌发率仍高达90%以上;在室外,有10.5%的蒴果前两粒种子(果实柱头端)同时萌发出苗。室外埋藏1a后,蒴果中未萌发的3粒种子的发芽率分别为45.5%、90.5%和88.5%;小花山桃草种子萌发的温度范围为5—35℃,15—25℃最适于种子萌发,25℃最有利于幼苗生长;小花山桃草能忍受一定的盐胁迫和干旱胁迫,盐浓度和水势为0.15 mol/L和-0.5 MPa时,种子萌发率分别为33.5%和9%。种子萌发和幼苗生长最适宜的土壤含水量为50%;小花山桃草对p H值具有较广泛的适应性,在p H值为5—9范围内均可萌发;小花山桃草种子在土壤表面的出苗率为43%,埋土深度2 cm时,出苗率最高(89.5%),埋土深度大于10 cm时,不再出苗。小花山桃草种子休眠萌发特征以及出苗特点是其快速入侵的基础。研究结果为预测小花山桃草潜在分布范围以及提出科学合理的综合治理措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Factorial laboratory germination experiments were carried out on fruits from 10 British species of Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Fruits had all been placed in a dry-room maintained at 15% RH and 15 °C for 3–6 months from the time of collection.  相似文献   

桔梗种子萌发对低温、干旱及互作胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘自刚  沈冰  张雁 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2615-2622
以药用植物桔梗种子为材料,研究了低温、干旱及其互作对种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,旨在探索在春寒干旱条件下其种子萌发对策及生态适应性,为桔梗野生种群恢复及人工栽培群体构建提供依据.结果表明,温度、干旱及其互作对桔梗种子萌发和幼苗生长均有显著影响.0-10% PEG水分条件下,在变温10/20℃及恒温15-25℃下桔梗种子能够良好萌发(10% PEG、20℃除外),而15% PEG可显著抑制萌发.低温(10℃)下种子萌发始时间延迟,发芽率降低.随干旱胁迫程度的增加,10℃发芽率呈先升后降趋势,而其它温度下,发芽率和发芽指数均呈下降趋势.随温度的降低,幼苗根长、茎长及鲜重均呈下降趋势,且幼根生长对温度变化更为敏感.  相似文献   

重金属胁迫对毛竹种子萌发及其富集效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以毛竹种子为供试材料,研究4种重金属(Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+)胁迫对毛竹种子萌发的影响,并考察重金属在毛竹幼苗各组织部分的富集情况。结果表明:(1)Pb2+和Cd2+对毛竹种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数及活力指数有抑制作用,低浓度下Cu2+和Zn2+对毛竹种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数等指标有促进作用,高浓度则显著抑制;当浓度达到1600μmol/L时Cd2+对种子萌发的抑制效果明显强于其他3种元素;(2)选取根尖数、根表面积、根体积、根系总长4个根系形态指标发现,低浓度处理下Pb2+、Zn2+对根系生长有促进作用,而Cu2+和Cd2+起到明显的抑制作用;(3)处理10d后,种子萌发幼苗地上部对Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+的含量最高可达6810.51、1387.77、951.77、429.33 mg/kg,转移系数Zn2+Cd2+Pb2+Cu2+。综上,系统揭示了毛竹种子在重金属胁迫下的萌发和富集情况,为今后的土培、大田试验提供了有益的参考,也为将毛竹作为植物修复材料加以研究开启了新的研究视角,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

Marathrum schiedeanum and Marathrum rubrum are annual Podostemaceae, thus their seeds are important to their dispersal and persistence in their habitat. We assessed the effect on germination of (1) light (white, red and far red) and darkness, (2) temperature (15, 20, 25, 30 °C and alternating 20/30 °C), (3) osmotic potential (0 to −0.8 MPa), (4) proximity to moisture sources and (5) seed storage. Seeds of M. schiedeanum and M. rubrum were non-dormant and had a high germination capacity (96%). Seeds were positive photoblastic; at 15 °C germination drop to zero, and germination rate was slower at 20 °C and at 20/30 °C than at 25 °C. A small proportion of seeds of both species germinated even at osmotic potentials as low as −0.6 MPa (11%) for M. rubrum and −0.8 MPa (70%) for M. schiedeanum. Seeds germinated only when near to the source of moisture (91.3–87.1% and 53.3–35.6% for M. schiedeanum and M. rubrum, respectively) and 2 years in dry storage did not modify their capacity to germinate. At the beginning of the rainy season, light and temperature in the rivers may be high enough for germination. The ability to germinate at low osmotic potential may be related to early germination during the rainy season. This may be because the seed mucilage assists in diffusion of water from the substrate to the seed. Both species germinated faster at −0.06 MPa, than in distilled water, which may indicate appropriate conditions for germination of these short-lived species.  相似文献   

单性养殖在棘胸蛙(Quasipaa spinosa)养殖中意义显著。为了了解棘胸蛙性腺分化,并探讨在不同的培育温度条件下性腺分化的差异。通过组织切片观察了棘胸蛙原始性腺的形成和性腺分化。棘胸蛙的性腺分化有其特殊性:生殖嵴形成时,其中既有体细胞,又有原始生殖细胞(PGCs);无论原始性腺是分化成为精巢还是卵巢,其中都出现一个带有单层扁平上皮初生性腔,当单层扁平上皮逐渐消失后形成次生性腔。性腔周围的PGCs开始长大2—3倍时,性腺将分化成为卵巢;体细胞渗入性腔中,使腔隙变小直至消失,这种原始性腺分化成为精巢。棘胸蛙蝌蚪孵化后的l7—80 d(Gosner 25—26期)为性腺分化的敏感时期。实验选取同一批次刚孵出蝌蚪(Gosner 24期),分别用不同水温(16±1)℃、(27±1)℃、(31±1)℃3组实验组及自然水温(23±1)℃对照组条件下的培育蝌蚪。结果显示,对照组的雌、雄性比为26∶24,雄性率接近50%;(16±1)℃实验组的雌、雄比例为33∶17,雄性率仅34%(P0.05);从(27±1)℃实验组起,雄性率提高,(31±1)℃实验组的雄性率达70%(P0.05)。棘胸蛙的性别分化属于温度依赖型性决定(TSD)。较高的培育温度可使棘胸蛙蝌蚪性别分化趋向雄性,而较低的培育温度则使蝌蚪雌性化。  相似文献   

Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. is a deciduous shrub with intricately branched stems in the Rhamnaceae family. It's a dominant and economically important species widely distributed in active sand dunes in the southern desert of Tunisia. To provide basic information for its conservation and reintroduction, we studied the influence of environmental factors on seed germination patterns. The germination responses of seeds were determined over a wide range of constant temperatures (10–50 °C), polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 solutions of different osmotic potentials (0 to − 1 MPa) and burial depths (1–10 cm). Temperatures between 15 and 45 °C seem to be favorable for the germination of this species. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the most suitable temperature found (35 °C). The highest germination percentages (100%) were obtained under control conditions without PEG, and increasing moisture stress progressively inhibited seed germination, which was less than 5% at − 1 MPa. When tested for germination in distilled water, after PEG treatments, seeds germinated to the same extent as when fresh. When seeds buried deeply, there was a significant decrease in seedling emergence percentage and rate. Seedlings of Z. lotus emerged well at depths of 1–2 cm and could not emerge when sand burial depth was > 4 cm.  相似文献   

Massanori Takaki  V. M. Zaia 《Planta》1984,160(2):190-192
A short period (15–30 min) at 30° C promotes germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Repolhuda in darkness. Far-red light reverses this stimulation, and the escape curves for phytochrome and high-temperature action are quite similar, indicating that the two factors act at a common point in the chain of events leading to germination. It is suggested that high temperature acts by decreasing the threshold of the active, far-red absorbing, form of phytochrome (Pfr) needed to promote germination.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

In this study, we conducted experiments to accumulate practical information on the propagation and establishment of a population of Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii by seed sowing. C. cordatum var. glehnii seeds require approximately 19 months from seed dispersal to cotyledon emergence in the field. However, the period from seed dispersal to radicle emergence was shortened to approximately 7–8 months by the temperature transition of 25/15°C (60 days) → 15/5°C (30 days) → 0°C (120 days) → 15/5°C (i.e., 15/5°C represents alternating temperature treatment wherein the seeds were placed at 15°C for 12 h during the day and then at 5°C for 12 h during the night). More than 90% of the seeds, which were stored dry at 5°C for 12 months and sown in pots in the field, showed cotyledon emergence, whereas in seeds stored dry at 25°C, dry at room temperature, and non-dry at room temperature, cotyledon emergence was decreased by less than 1%. More than 88% of the seeds that were stored dry at 5°C and sown in the field in October 2002 immediately after collecting, November, and from April to July 2003 showed cotyledon emergence in spring 2004. However, seeds sown in August, September, and October 2003 showed cotyledon emergences of 57.6%, 0%, and 0% in spring 2004, respectively. Seeds collected in October 2002 and sown until July 2003 in the field received adequate high temperature in summer, moderate temperature in autumn, and cold temperature in winter; therefore, the percentage of cotyledon emergence was high in spring 2004. On the other hand, seeds sown in August 2003 or later could not receive enough high temperature; thus, cotyledons emerged from only a few seeds.  相似文献   

赵陆滟  李唯奇  王丹丹 《广西植物》2019,39(12):1636-1647
该文以云南春季野外采收灯盏花种子为材料,研究了不同储存湿度、储存温度、储存时间及不同光照、温度、吸胀条件等对其萌发率的影响。结果表明:(1)降低储存湿度(15%RH)和储存温度(-20、4℃)有利于种子保存,种子寿命可延长2 a多,萌发率在80%以上;高温(35、45℃)和高湿(60%RH)加快了种子衰老,不利于保存,种子为短命种子。(2)光照与否对种子萌发率无显著影响,为光中性种子,但光照有利于种子萌发后幼苗的形成。(3) 25℃为该种子萌发的最适宜温度,萌发率可达84.37%。(4)生产上播种时,尽量避免低温(4℃)和高温(30、35℃),有利于提高出苗率。(5)该种子对吸胀冷害不敏感,为抗冷型种子。因此,在种子研究和药材生产上,成熟种子采收后应及时干燥并密封存于低温下,来年春季及早播种;在育苗生产上,应提供适宜的光照条件,设置单独的恒温(25℃)育苗间,并避免低温季播种。通过研究灯盏花种子的适宜储存条件和萌发特性,为该珍稀药用物种的合理储存和高产栽培提供有效指导。  相似文献   

Mutagenesis provides a powerful way of isolating genetic and physiological processes underlying complex traits, but this approach has rarely been applied to investigating water balance in insects. Here, we describe the isolation of a desiccation-resistant mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Mutagenesis of a desiccation sensitive line resulted in the isolation of a mutant with two-fold higher resistance. The mutant was partially dominant and mapped to the second chromosome. Mutant flies showed lower rates of water loss, and had a higher water content, but showed no change in body mass, glycogen content, hemolymph volume or water content tolerated at death from desiccation. These physiological differences are contrasted to changes in lines of D. melanogaster mass selected for altered stress resistance. Isolation of this mutant provides an opportunity to identify a gene involved in water balance in insects.  相似文献   

铁皮石斛种子的室内共生萌发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴慧凤  宋希强  刘红霞 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2491-2497
由于人为的采挖和原生境的破坏,使得铁皮石斛野生资源已濒临灭绝。因此,保护铁皮石斛野生资源及其生境,加快其野生资源的繁殖显得非常重要。以铁皮石斛种子(TTC染色显示种子生活力为77.65%)为材料,与分离自2种野生兰科植物根部的4株共生真菌 (C20来自铁皮石斛,L12,L24b 和 L28来自美花石斛)在燕麦培养基上进行共生萌发。经过18周的共生培养,4株真菌均不同程度地促进了铁皮石斛种子的萌发,其中菌株L24b (Epulorhiza)和L28 (Epulorhiza)显著提高了种子的萌发率,分别比对照高出26.51%和12.20%,但未形成幼苗,只是处于原生分生组织阶段(阶段3);菌株C20(Epulorhiza)和L12 (Alternaria) 虽没有显著提高种子的萌发率,但对原球茎的发育和幼苗的生长有明显的促进作用;而对照的种子仍然处于膨大转绿期,即萌发阶段(阶段2)。同时发现,TTC染色显示的铁皮石斛种子生活力要高于种子共生萌发的萌发率(除了菌株L24b)。研究结果表明:种子生活力染色检测的活力值只代表种子所具有的潜在的萌发能力,而不能代表实际的萌发率。在异地条件下,铁皮石斛与共生真菌间没有严格的专一性,可以与瘤菌根菌属、链格孢属真菌形成共生关系。菌株C20和L12能促进萌发后的种子进一步分化成幼苗。这两个菌株为铁皮石斛的人工优质栽培和野外种群的建立提供了可能。  相似文献   

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