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以黄河流域的2个典型流域为研究对象,借助GIS和Fragstats平台与长系列水沙数据,分析流域景观格局和水沙变化特征,并探讨景观指数与径流输沙的关系。结果表明:(1)两个流域优势景观类型为草地,1985—2010年间变化最大的景观类型分别为未利用土地(25a变幅为453.94 km~2)和耕地(25a变幅为52.85 km~2);(2)秃尾河流域景观均向规则、高连通和高度聚集的方向发展。孤山川控制流域内景观多样性和聚集度逐渐增加,整体向好。秃尾河流域景观稳定性指数高于孤山川流域,两流域草地和未利用土地地稳定性均呈增加趋势,而城乡工矿用地则相反。(3)流域年径流量和泥沙量均呈现逐年同步减小的趋势。秃尾河年径流量明显高于孤山川,但孤山川流域泥沙量与秃尾河流域相近。两流域径流泥沙相关关系显著,秃尾河流域相关系数(0.48)明显低于孤山川流域(0.85)。(4)景观指数与径流量、泥沙量呈显著线性相关,其中景观多样性相关的指数SHDI、SIDI、SHEI和SIEI均与径流呈极显著正相关,而泥沙仅与CONTAG、COHESION呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

The flammable ecosystems are evolutionary dependent on the periodic action of fire. Several environmental factors, both at local and landscape scales, can affect fire regimes in these ecosystems differently. Here, we evaluated the influence of local and landscape features on two parameters of the fire regime of a flammable protected area of the Brazilian savanna: The Chapada Diamantina National Park. We characterized both fire frequency and the time since the last fire, from 1990 to 2019 and measured five environmental predictors (tree canopy cover, altitude, water surface, predominant land use and distance to the nearest municipality). We used Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) to assess the influence of environmental predictors on the measured fire regime parameters. We found a large interannual variation in the total annual area burned in the studied period. In total, 68 % of the protected area (1030 km2) was burned at least once and 32 % (486 km2) was unaffected by fires during the study period. Predominant land use, distance to the nearest municipality, tree cover and the interaction between tree cover and altitude were negatively related to fire frequency, while the water surface and altitude positively influenced fire frequency in the park. Compared to older fires, recent fires occurred in landscapes at lower altitudes and with lower tree cover. Our results demonstrate that the fire frequency and time since the last fire were highly variable across the park, reflecting the strong influence of landscape heterogeneity on their parameters.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LUCC) determines landscape patterns and affects the ability of ecosystems to provide the services and biodiversity on which humans ultimately depend. The Honghe National Nature Reserve is a biodiversity-rich area in the Jiansanjiang region of northeast China. In this study, the LUCC and landscape patterns were compared between the reserve and the Jiansanjiang region. With remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) procedures, satellite images from 1989, 2001 and 2010 were used to calculate dynamics of LUCC amplitudes, landscape pattern index, transition matrix. The influence of LUCC on the wetland landscape of the nature reserve was discussed in the context of broader LUCC analyses. The results showed that land uses in the studied regions changed remarkedly over the time period; swamp area declined significantly as arable land increased. The ecological landscape index showed that distinct landscape patches were small, scattered and highly fragmented, moving toward a more monotonous landscape. Anthropogenic activities such as farming directly decreased the wetland landscape diversity. Furthermore, anthropogenic factors diminished wetland areas indirectly through climatic factors, namely air temperature and precipitation levels. National and regional policies on agriculture and water use have been highly influential, and the Honghe National Nature Reserve is highly susceptible to land use changes in the surrounding Jiansanjiang region.  相似文献   

运用8种网目规格的成套浮性刺网作为鱼类采样工具,于2005年夏季在长江中游浅水草型湖泊牛山湖进行鱼类定量采样,通过比较不同茂密程度黄丝草生境中的小型鱼类组成、数量和大小结构,探讨此类湖泊小型鱼类的空间分布特征及其与沉水植被的关系.采样期间共捕获13种1124尾鱼,依据其等级丰度和出现频次,鳖和红鳍原鲌为该湖优势上层小型鱼类.在调查的沉水植物生物量范围内,鱼类物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数与沉水植物生物量之间呈现倒抛物线关系;两种优势小型鱼类的种群丰度均与沉水植物生物量有着显著的线性正相关关系,且其平均个体大小在裸地生境较高、沉水植被茂密区较低,幼鱼更倾向群聚于厚密的黄丝草生境中;其他生境因子(水深和离岸距离)对鳖和红鳍原鲐空间分布的影响不显著.黄丝草植被生境是牛山湖两种优势小型鱼类的重要保护生境,应加强对黄丝草等沉水植被的保护及恢复.  相似文献   

岷江上游土地利用/覆被变化及其驱动力   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
岷江上游具有自然环境的复杂性、生态系统的脆弱性、经济发展的边缘性、社会文化的过渡性等特性,其土地利用/土地覆盖变化的特点可以代表我国西南山地土地资源及利用中所存在的普遍问题.林地和草地是岷江上游地区的主要土地利用类型.从1974~2000年间各个土地利用类型均发生了不同程度的变化,林地面积持续减少,其它类型面积均有不同程度的增加.类型间的面积变化均为双向,主要发生在有林地、灌木林地、经济林地、草地、居民用地和耕地之间,且主要在林地和草地两个类型之间.其中1974~1986年的变化大于1986~2000年.人口和经济是该区土地利用变化的主要驱动因素.自实施天然林保护工程和退耕还林还草工程以来,该区土地利用状况有所好转,正在向好的方向发展.  相似文献   

We evaluated nitrogen (N) export for various catchments in the San Pedro River watershed of South-central Chile (39°20′ to 40°12′S) during the dry season (February to March). We measured concentrations and export of the various N species at 16 points from the Andean headwaters to the lowland portion of the watershed: eight main nested points along the main watershed and eight secondary points on tributaries. We expected that, given a downstream increase in pastureland and decrease in native pristine forest cover, inorganic forms of N (DIN) would increase downstream, while conversely, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) would decrease compared with concentrations in the forested headwaters. Nitrogen concentrations did not show statistically significant differences among the nested catchments. However, there were statistically significant differences in N concentrations associated with land cover among the tributaries. The results suggest that in the presence of base flow, natural landscape properties (barren land, lakes and rivers), explained most of the spatial variation in the N exports, while anthropogenic disturbance was not detectable. There was a negative relationship between DIN export and the coverage of lakes and rivers, suggesting that lakes might be acting as N traps. On the other hand, DIN, DON and total N exports were positively associated to barren land. Total nitrogen export during this 60-day dry season was less than 20 kg km−2 and the annual export was not larger than 100 kg km−2. This study documents the as yet pristine conditions of rivers in southern Chile.  相似文献   

近十年卧龙地区流域土地覆盖/利用变化分区对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨娟  葛剑平  屠强 《生态科学》2005,24(2):97-101
土地利用与生态系统保护之间的矛盾直接影响着卧龙保护区及周边地区的土地覆盖变化,为考察人类活动对卧龙地区土地覆盖/利用变化的影响,对近十年卧龙两流域土地覆盖/变化进行了分区对比研究,结果表明,卧龙地区两流域及其分区土地覆盖/利用变化趋势有所不同。主要差异表现在:①寿溪、渔子溪流域虽然林地面积均有所增加,但林地破碎化程度远远高于渔子溪。灌丛在寿溪流域的比重减少而在渔子溪流域增加。②分区比较的结果为,林地的增加主要发生在寿溪保护区的外部和渔子溪保护区内部,草地的减少主要发生在两流域保护区内部。③两流域总体土地利用变化率随河谷缓冲带的扩张变化趋势相反。④两流域各类型转移概率不同导致未来转移方向的不同。Markov模型预测,未来十年渔子溪流域林地、灌丛的增加和草地的减少仍较明显,寿溪流域林地面积继续增加,农田、灌丛继续减少。  相似文献   

太湖流域土地利用与景观格局演变研究   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
基于遥感、GIS技术和景观生态学方法,以太湖流域为研究区域,在1985年、1995年和2000年的土地利用图基础上,分析了土地利用与景观格局演变.结果表明,15年间,太湖流域农田呈减少趋势,建设用地、林地、草地、水体呈增加趋势,其中农田的减少占土地利用总减少量的89.64%,建设用地的增加占土地利用总增加量的79.21%;由于人类活动的干预,太湖流域景观结构与景观异质性发生了较大变化.从景观尺度上看,斑块密度、多样性指数和均匀度指数呈降低趋势,边界密度、优势度指数、景观形状指数呈增加趋势;从斑块尺度上看,各景观组分的异质性指数及其变化过程有较大的差异,体现了景观生态系统的复杂性.人口增长、经济、政策等因素是太湖流域近15年景观格局动态变化的主要驱动力.太湖流域土地利用变化产生了景观碎化、边缘效应、生境退化等景观生态效应.可通过调整景观尺度上的土地利用方式,使太湖流域生态建设及水土资源实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

In regions with thousands of lakes, large scale regional macrophyte surveys are rarely done due to logistical difficulties and high costs. We examined whether remote sensing can be used for regional monitoring of macrophytes in inland lakes using a field study of 13 lakes in Michigan, USA (nine model development lakes and four model testing lakes). Our objectives were: (1) to determine if different levels of macrophyte cover, different growth forms or specific species could be detected using the Landsat-5 TM sensor, and (2) to determine if we could improve predictions of macrophyte abundance and distribution in lakes by including sediment type or measures of water clarity (Secchi disk transparency, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton biovolume, or water color) in our models. Using binomial and multinomial logistic regression models, we found statistically significant relationships between most macrophyte measures and Landsat-5 TM values in the nine model development lakes (percent concordant values: 58–97%). Additionally, we found significant correlations between three lake characteristics and the TM values within lake pelagic zones, despite the inability of these variables to improve model predictions. However, model validation using four lakes was generally low, suggesting caution in applying these models to other lakes. Although the initial model development results suggest that remote sensing is a potentially promising tool for regionally assessing macrophytes, more research is necessary to refine the models in order for them to be applied to unsampled lakes.  相似文献   

基于RS与GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区土地覆盖动态研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
应用遥感与GIS相结合的方法,对陕北黄土高原地区的数字影像进行人-机交互的屏幕解译,得到1990年、2000年的土地利用/覆盖数字地图,以及面积统计结果,分析表明,近10年来该地区建筑和工交用地逐年扩大,耕地面积保持稳定,果园面积显著增加,人工林地和森林覆盖率有较大幅度提高,荒野地占地比重下降,区域生态环境质量得到明显改善。  相似文献   

I addressed the question how lake and catchment morphometry influences water chemistry and water quality over a large scale of European lakes, and developed the regression equations between most closely related morphometric and water quality indices. I analysed the data of 1,337 lakes included in the European Environment Agency (EEA) database, carrying out separate analyses for three basic lake types: large lakes (area ≥100 km2, 138 lakes), shallow lakes (mean depth ≤3 m, 153 lakes) and large and shallow lakes (area ≥100 km2 and mean depth ≤8 m, 35 lakes). The study revealed that in Europe, the lakes towards North are larger but shallower and have smaller catchment areas than the southern lakes; lakes at higher altitudes are deeper and smaller and have smaller catchment areas than the lowland lakes. Larger lakes have generally larger catchment areas and bigger volumes, and they are deeper than smaller lakes, but the relative depth decreases with increasing surface area. The lakes at higher latitudes have lower alkalinity, pH and conductivity, and also lower concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus while the concentration of organic matter is higher. In the lakes at higher altitudes, the concentration of organic matter and nutrient contents are lower and water is more transparent than in lowland lakes. In larger lakes with larger catchment area, the alkalinity, pH, conductivity and the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter are generally higher than in smaller lakes with smaller catchments. If the lake is deep and/or its residence time is long, the water is more transparent and the concentrations of chlorophyll a, organic matter and nutrients are lower than in shallower lakes with shorter residence times. The larger the catchment area is with respect to lake depth, area and volume, the lower is the water transparency and the higher are the concentrations of the nutrients, organic matter and chlorophyll as well as pH, alkalinity and conductivity. The links between lake water quality and morphometry become stronger towards large and shallow lakes. Along the decreasing gradients of latitude, altitude and relative depth, the present phosphorus concentration and its deviation from the reference concentration increases.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化与景观服务:评估、制图与模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从景观尺度上探讨生态系统服务功能的研究越来越引起国内外学者的重视.相比生态系统尺度,景观尺度是探索人类活动对土地利用/覆被变化影响、探究可持续景观演变机理和过程的最佳尺度.基于对当前国际学界对景观服务研究进展的系统梳理与分析,本文探讨了景观服务的内涵与分类,并对景观服务价值评估、制图与模拟等研究方法进行归纳与分析,并对景观服务的未来研究趋势进行展望.景观服务研究的未来方向应进一步明确景观服务的内涵及其分类体系,不断完善和发展景观服务评估、制图与模型模拟方法,重点开展景观格局-过程-服务-尺度长期综合研究,继续加强景观生态学及景观经济学等理论与方法在景观服务研究领域中的应用.  相似文献   

This study is the first to report on the relationships between immature mosquitoes (larvae and pupae) and landscape and environmental habitat characteristics in wetlands associated with row crop agriculture. Indicator species analysis (ISA) was used to test for associations among mosquito species and groups of wetland sites with similar Landscape Development Intensity (LDI) values. Results indicated that Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex erraticus, and Psorophora columbiae were associated with agricultural wetlands (LDI > 2.0), whereas Anopheles crucians and Culex territans were associated with forested reference wetlands (LDI < 2.0) in both wet and dry years. The species fidelity to wetland type, regardless of the hydrologic regime, demonstrates these species are robust indicators of wetland condition. Data on immature mosquito assemblages were compared to selected landscape and environmental habitat variables using Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) model selection. LDI indices, dissolved oxygen concentration, the proportion of emergent vegetation, and the proportion of bare ground in wetlands were important factors associated with the selected mosquito species. These results indicate that LDI indices are useful in predicting the distributions of disease vectors or other nuisance mosquito species across broad geographic areas. Additionally, these results suggest mosquitoes are valuable bioindicators of wetland condition that reflect land use and hydrologic variability.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, and resources for conservation efforts are limited. This is particularly problematic in the Great Plains of North America, where land-cover conversion for agriculture and energy production has reduced habitat for many species. In the U.S. portion of the Great Plains, a growing human population and a concomitant increasing need for food, fiber, and energy have caused landscape transformations that have resulted in over 700 vertebrate species currently being listed by state and federal conservation agencies as being at-risk in this region. Conservation efforts for such a large number of species will be most efficient when applied to areas with large numbers of these species, but such areas have never before been identified. We overlaid range maps created by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gap Analysis Program for terrestrial vertebrate species to identify hotspots of high concentrations of U.S. state-defined Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN; species that have identified as being rare or otherwise vulnerable enough to warrant conservation action in a given state) in the short- and mixed-grass prairie ecoregions of the southern and central Great Plains of the United States. We identified hotspots for species currently listed as SGCN as well as those pending designation, and a combined (current and pending) group. We then used data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Protected Areas Database on land ownership and from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service on land use/land cover to quantify the types of land ownership and land use/land cover types in hotspots to give land managers necessary information to address conservation of at-risk species in the Great Plains. Sufficient data were present for examination of 289 at-risk terrestrial vertebrate species. Hotspots of these species were located mostly on state- or federally-managed land in eastern New Mexico, Colorado, and west Texas. The current hottest hotspots were associated with areas with more natural/less anthropogenic forms of land use/land cover; areas with the lowest numbers of SGCNs had proportionately more cropland and less grassland than did hotspots. Identifying regional hotspots of at-risk biodiversity, and describing land use/land cover features associated with such areas, offers an opportunity to take a multi-species approach in more precisely establishing areas of conservation concern in the U.S.  相似文献   

Accurate and up to date land use and land cover (LU/LC) changes information is the main source to understanding and assessing the environmental outcomes of such changes and is important for development plans. Thus, this study quantified the outlines of land cover variation of 10-years in the northwestern costal land of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Two different supervised classification algorithms are visualized and evaluated to preparing a policy recommendation for the proper improvements towards better determining the tendency and the proportion of the vegetation cover changes. Firstly, to determine present vegetation structure of study area, 78 stands with a size of 50 × 50 m were analysed. Secondly, to obtain the vegetation dynamics in this area, two satellite images of temporal data sets were used; therefore, SPOT-5 images were obtained in 2004 and 2013. For each data set, four SPOT-5 scenes were placed into approximately 250-km intervals to cover the northwestern coastal land of the Red Sea. Both supervised and non-supervised cataloguing methods were attained towards organise the study area in 4-major land cover classes through using 5 various organizations algorithms. Approximately 900 points were evenly distributed within each SPOT-5 image and used for assessment accuracy. The floristic composition exhibits high diversity with 142 species and seven vegetation types were identified after multivariate analysis (VG I: Acacia tortilis-Acacia ehrenbergiana, VG II: Acacia tortilis-Stipagrostis plumosa, VG III: Zygophyllum coccineum-Zygophyllum simplex, VG IV: Acacia raddiana-Lycium shawii-Anabasis setifera, VG V: Tamarix aucheriana-Juncus rigidus, VG VI: Capparis decidua-Zygophyllum simplex and VG VII: Avicennia marina-Aristida adscensionis) and ranged between halophytic vegetation on the coast to xerophytic vegetation with scattered Acacia trees inland. The dynamic results showed rapid, imbalanced variations arises between 3-land cover classes (areas as urban, vegetation and desert). However, these findings shall serve as the baseline data for the design of rehabilitation programs that conserve biodiversity in arid regions and form treasured resources for an urban planner and decision makers to device bearable usage of land and environmental planning.  相似文献   

以1980、2005和2010年鄱阳湖地区的土地覆盖数据为基础,采用GIS、RS及景观生态学的方法,分析1980-2010年该区土地覆盖及景观格局变化情况,并定量分析了土地覆盖类型变化度、斑块面积指数、斑块形状指数、边缘密度指数以及多样性指数等指标.结果表明:1980-2010年,研究区水田、内陆水体、常绿阔叶林和城镇建设用地不仅是该区域的主要土地覆盖类型,而且变化最强烈.总体上,内陆水体、城镇建设用地面积显著增加,水田和旱地面积有所减少.从景观格局变化来看,虽然鄱阳湖地区受到人口增长和经济发展的影响,其景观破碎度变化和景观多样性指数略呈下降趋势,但变化并不大,这反映出前期环境管理对于区域环境保护已经发挥重要作用,但仍然面临长期挑战.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲滨海湿地土地覆被和景观格局的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
郭笃发 《生态学杂志》2005,24(8):907-912
根据1986、1996和2001年土地覆被数据,运用ARC/INFO软件和景观生态学方法,研究了渤海海岸线缓冲带的土地利用和景观格局变化,分析了渤海的影响程度与范围。结果表明,在空间上,1986和2001年各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数随着距海岸线距离的增大而升高,两者呈直线关系。在1996年,随着缓冲距离的增大,土地利用程度综合指数未有明显的空间分异;在时间上,各缓冲带土地利用程度综合指数逐年增加。渤海对近代黄河三角洲土地利用的影响范围超过3km。除了优势度外,所研究的其他景观格局指标与距海岸线的距离没有显著关系。  相似文献   

王娟  张飞  张月  任岩  于海洋 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7971-7980
为深入了解艾比湖周边水质空间格局的变化,利用2014年5月及2014年10月实测水样采样点研究了艾比湖区域4个水质指标的空间变化趋势,包括p H、电导率、矿化度及全盐。结果表明:(1)探讨2014年内干湿季水质的空间分布趋势,从总体上看,p H表现出明显的交错模式;电导率、矿化度及全盐在干湿季变化差异较大,高值均聚集在艾比湖周围,而在耕种土地、天然梭梭林附近值则较低;(2)分析各水质的空间自相关性,p H的HH主要分布于艾比湖北部,LL则主要集中于艾比湖南部。HL的分布,说明有较高p H值的点被有较低p H值的点所包围,表明了水质在一定程度上存在空间异质性。电导率、矿化度及全盐在沿着艾比湖周边到甘家湖梭梭林自然保护区随着地势的增高呈现出由HH-LH-LL的转变。(3)建立水质参数与各土地利用/覆盖类型之间的关系,研究表明研究区内林草地、盐渍地及耕地对水质的影响相对较为显著。(4)为了研究水质变化因素,选取耕地、林草地、盐渍地和未利用地与水质参数分别建立优选多元线性回归模型,所得到的相关系数R分别为0.58、0.72、0.74、0.71,结果表明优选拟合模型与数据的拟合程度较好。总之,开展艾比湖区域水质空间格局的变化趋势研究,对于干旱区水质的时空分布具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the extent to which natural protected areas (NPAs) in Mexico have been effective for preventing land use/land cover change, considered as a major cause of other degradation processes. We developed an effectiveness index including NPA percentage of transformed areas (agriculture, induced vegetation, forestry plantations, and human settlements) in 2002, the rate and absolute extent of change in these areas (1993–2002), the comparison between rates of change observed inside the NPA and in an equivalent surrounding area, and between the NPA and the state(s) in which it is located. We chose 69 terrestrial federal NPAs, decreed before 1997, that were larger than 1,000 ha, not urban/reforested with non-native vegetation, not islands and not coastal strips, and estimated the extent of transformed areas using 1993 and 2002 land use/land cover maps. Over 54% of NPAs were effective, and were heterogeneously distributed by management categories: 65% of Biosphere Reserves, 53% of Flora and Fauna Protection Areas, and 45% of National Parks. 23% of NPAs were regarded as weakly effective, and the remaining 23% as non-effective. We recognize the importance of NPAs as a relevant conservation instrument, as half of NPAs analyzed (particularly biosphere reserves) prevented natural vegetation loss compared with their geographic context. Our results suggest that conservation based on NPAs in Mexico still faces significant challenges. Our approach can be expanded for evaluating the effectiveness of NPA in other regions, as land use/land cover maps are now available almost worldwide.  相似文献   

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