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In guinea pig gallbladder epithelium, a secretion of fluid, secondary to an electrogenic secretion of Cl(-) and HCO(-)(3), is elicited in the presence of a high intracellular concentration of adenosine 3'-5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of secretagogues on the activity of anionic channels in isolated epithelial cells using the patch-clamp technique and measuring the electrical potential difference of the cellular membrane (pd(cm)). In cell-attached configuration, with the microelectrode filled with a solution of N-methylglucamine-Cl, or in inside-out configuration (symmetrical solution), it was possible to demonstrate the presence of an 18-pS Cl(-) channel with linear current/voltage (I/V) relationship and voltage independence; this channel is not activated by cAMP (cell-attached configuration). In inside-out configuration (symmetrical solution), another anionic channel with a conductance of 2.8 pS, voltage independence, and a linear I/V relationship was also identified. This channel was stimulated by cAMP (cell-attached configuration) and by PKA + ATP + cAMP (inside-out configuration). The channel was inhibited by NPPB (10(-5) M), but not by other anionic inhibitors. Measurements of the pd(cm) value suggested that in isolated cells, as in whole tissue, cAMP activates conductance for both Cl(-) and HCO(-)(3). The selectivity of the channel was gluconate < SO(2-)(4) < Cl(-) < Br(-) < I(-) < HCO(-)(3) < SCN(-) and the P(HCO(3))/P(Cl) was 2.6. Some features of the channel resemble those of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel and RT-PCR performed on mRNA from isolated epithelial cells detected the presence of a CFTR homologue mRNA. The results obtained indicate that this channel is responsible for the HCO(-)(3) conductance activated by cAMP.  相似文献   

Cl-/HCO3- exchange at the apical membrane of Necturus gallbladder   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The hypothesis of Cl-/HCO3- exchange across the apical membrane of the epithelial cells of Necturus gallbladder was tested by means of measurements of extracellular pH (pHo), intracellular pH (pHi), and Cl- activity (alpha Cli) with ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Luminal pH changes were measured after stopping mucosal superfusion with a solution of low buffering power. Under control conditions, the luminal solution acidifies when superfusion is stopped. Shortly after addition of the Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor amiloride (10(-3) M) to the superfusate, alkalinization was observed. During prolonged (10 min) exposure to amiloride, no significant pHo change occurred. Shortly after amiloride removal, luminal acidification increased, returning to control rates in 10 min. The absence of Na+ in the superfusate (TMA+ substitution) caused changes in the same direction, but they were larger than those observed with amiloride. Removal of Cl- (cyclamate or sulfate substitution) caused a short-lived increase in the rate of luminal acidification, followed by a return to control values (10-30 min). Upon re-exposure to Cl-, there was a transient reduction of luminal acidification. The initial increase in acidification produced by Cl- removal was partially inhibited by SITS (0.5 mM). The pHi increased rapidly and reversibly when the Cl- concentration of the mucosal bathing solution was reduced to nominally 0 mM. The pHi changes were larger in 10 mM HCO3-Ringer's than in 1 mM HEPES-Ringer's, which suggests that HCO3- is transported in exchange for Cl-. In both HEPES- and HCO3-Ringer's, SITS inhibited the pHi changes. Finally, intracellular acidification or alkalinization (partial replacement of NaCl with sodium propionate or ammonium chloride, respectively) caused a reversible decrease or increase of alpha Cli. These results support the hypothesis of apical membrane Cl-/HCO3- exchange, which can be dissociated from Na+/H+ exchange and operates under control conditions. The coexistence at the apical membrane of Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO3- antiports suggests that NaCl entry can occur through these transporters.  相似文献   

We isolated and cultured fetal distal lung epithelial (FDLE) cells from 17- to 19-day rat fetuses and assayed for anion secretion in Ussing chambers. With symmetrical Ringer solutions, basal short-circuit currents (I(sc)) and transepithelial resistances were 7.9 +/- 0.5 microA/cm(2) and 1,018 +/- 73 Omega.cm(2), respectively (means +/- SE; n = 12). Apical amiloride (10 microM) inhibited basal I(sc) by approximately 50%. Subsequent addition of forskolin (10 microM) increased I(sc) from 3.9 +/- 0.63 microA/cm(2) to 7.51 +/- 0.2 microA/cm(2) (n = 12). Basolateral bumetanide (100 microM) decreased forskolin-stimulated I(sc) from 7.51 +/- 0.2 microA/cm(2) to 5.62 +/- 0.53, whereas basolateral 4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (5 mM), an inhibitor of HCO secretion, blocked the remaining I(sc). Forskolin addition evoked currents of similar fractional magnitudes in symmetrical Cl(-)- or HCO(-)(3)-free solutions; however, no response was seen using HCO(-)(3)- and Cl(-)-free solutions. The forskolin-stimulated I(sc) was inhibited by glibenclamide but not apical DIDS. Glibenclamide also blocked forskolin-induced I(sc) across monolayers having nystatin-permeablized basolateral membranes. Immunolocalization studies were consistent with the expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein in FDLE cells. In aggregate, these findings indicate the presence of cAMP-activated Cl(-) and HCO(-)(3) secretion across rat FDLE cells mediated via CFTR.  相似文献   

Cell migration is crucial for processes such as immune defense, wound healing, or the formation of tumor metastases. Typically, migrating cells are polarized within the plane of movement with lamellipodium and cell body representing the front and rear of the cell, respectively. Here, we address the question of whether this polarization also extends to the distribution of ion transporters such as Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) and anion exchanger in the plasma membrane of migrating cells. Both transporters are required for locomotion of renal epithelial (Madin-Darby canine kidney, MDCK-F) cells and human melanoma cells since their blockade reduces the rate of migration in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of migration of MDCK-F cells by NHE blockers is accompanied by a decrease of pH(i). However, when cells are acidified with weak organic acids, migration of MDCK-F cells is normal despite an even more pronounced decrease of pH(i). Under these conditions, NHE activity is increased so that cells are swelling due to the accumulation of organic anions and Na(+). When exclusively applied to the lamellipodium, blockers of NHE or anion exchange inhibit migration of MDCK-F cells as effectively as when applied to the entire cell surface. When they are directed to the cell body, migration is not affected. These data are confirmed immunocytochemically in that the anion exchanger AE2 is concentrated at the front of MDCK-F cells. Our findings show that NHE and anion exchanger are distributed in a polarized way in migrating cells. They are consistent with important contributions of both transporters to protrusion of the lamellipodium via solute uptake and consequent volume increase at the front of migrating cells.  相似文献   

Thickening of airway mucus and lungdysfunction in cystic fibrosis (CF) results, at least in part, fromabnormal secretion of Cl and HCO3across the tracheal epithelium. The mechanism of the defect in HCO3 secretion is ill defined; however, a lack ofapical Cl/HCO3 exchange may exist inCF. To test this hypothesis, we examined the expression ofCl/HCO3 exchangers in trachealepithelial cells exhibiting physiological features prototypical ofcystic fibrosis [CFT-1 cells, lacking a functional cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)] or normal trachea (CFT-1cells transfected with functional wild-type CFTR, termed CFT-WT). Cellswere grown on coverslips and were loaded with the pH-sensitive dye2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, andintracellular pH was monitored. Cl/HCO3exchange activity increased by ~300% in cells transfected with functional CFTR, with activities increasing from 0.034 pH/min in CFT-1cells to 0.11 in CFT-WT cells (P < 0.001, n = 8). This activity was significantly inhibited byDIDS. The mRNA expression of the ubiquitous basolateral AE-2Cl/HCO3 exchanger remained unchanged.However, mRNA encoding DRA, recently shown to be aCl/HCO3 exchanger (Melvin JE, Park K,Richardson L, Schultheis PJ, and Shull GE. J Biol Chem 274:22855-22861, 1999.) was abundantly expressed in cells expressingfunctional CFTR but not in cells that lacked CFTR or that expressedmutant CFTR. In conclusion, CFTR induces the mRNA expression of"downregulated in adenoma" (DRA) and, as a result, upregulates theapical Cl/HCO3 exchanger activity intracheal cells. We propose that the tracheal HCO3secretion defect in patients with CF is partly due to thedownregulation of the apical Cl/HCO3exchange activity mediated by DRA.


Intracellular microelectrode techniques were employed to study the effect of cyclic AMP on apical membrane Cl-/HCO3- exchange and electrodiffusive HCO3- transport in Necturus gallbladder epithelium. Intracellular cAMP levels were raised by addition of either the phosphodiesterase inhibitor theophylline (3 X 10(-3) M) or the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin (10(-5) M) to the serosal bathing solution. Measurements of pH in a poorly buffered control mucosal solution upon stopping superfusion show acidification, owing to secretion of both H+ and HCO3-. When the same experiment is performed after addition of amiloride or removal of Na+ from the mucosal bathing medium, alkalinization is observed since H+ transport is either inhibited or reversed, whereas HCO3- secretion persists. The changes in pH in both amiloride or Na-free medium were significantly decreased in theophylline-treated tissues. Theophylline had no effect on the initial rates of fall of intracellular Cl- activity (aCli) upon reducing mucosal solution [Cl-] to either 10 or 0 mM, although membrane voltage and resistance measurements were consistent with stimulation of apical membrane electrodiffusive Cl- permeability. Estimates of the conductive flux, obtained by either reducing simultaneously mucosal [Cl-] and [HCO3-] or lowering [Cl-] alone in the presence of a blocker of anion exchange (diphenylamine-2-carboxylate), indicate that elevation of intracellular cAMP inhibited the anion exchanger by approximately 50%. Measurements of net Cl- uptake upon increasing mucosal Cl- from nominally zero to levels ranging from 2.5 to 100 mM suggest that the mechanism of inhibition is a decrease in Vmax. Consistent with these results, the rate of intracellular alkalinization upon reducing external Cl- was also inhibited significantly by theophylline. Reducing mucosal solution [HCO3-] from 10 to 1 mM under control conditions caused intracellular acidification and an increase in aCli. Theophylline inhibited both changes, by 62 and 32%, respectively. These data indicate that elevation of intracellular cAMP inhibits apical membrane anion (Cl-/HCO3-) exchange. Studies of the effects of rapid changes in mucosal [HCO3-] on membrane voltages and the apparent ratio of membrane resistances, both in the presence and in the absence of theophylline, with or without Cl- in the mucosal solution, do not support the hypothesis that cAMP produces a sizable increase in apical membrane electrodiffusive HCO3- permeability.  相似文献   

Vince JW  Reithmeier RA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(18):5527-5533
The human Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) anion exchanger (AE1) possesses a binding site within its 33 residue carboxyl-terminal region (Ct) for carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). The amino acid sequence comprising this CAII binding site was determined by peptide competition and by testing the ability of truncation and point mutants of the Ct sequence to bind CAII with a sensitive microtiter plate binding assay. A synthetic peptide consisting of the entire 33 residues of the Ct (residues 879-911) could compete with a GST fusion protein of the Ct (GST-Ct) for binding to immobilized CAII, while a peptide consisting of the last 16 residues (896-911) could not. A series of truncation mutants of the GST-Ct showed that the terminal 21 residues of AE1 were not required for binding CAII. Removal of four additional residues (887-890) from the Ct resulted in loss of CAII binding. Acidic residues in this region (D887ADD) were critical for binding since mutating this sequence in the GST-Ct to DAAA, AAAA, or NANN caused loss of CAII binding. A GST-Ct construct mutated to D887ANE, the homologous sequence in AE2, could bind CAII. AE2 is a widely expressed anion exchanger and has a homologous Ct region with 60% sequence identity to AE1. A GST fusion protein of the 33 residue Ct of AE2 could bind to CAII similarly to the Ct of AE1. Tethering of CAII to an acidic motif within the Ct of anion exchangers may be a general mechanism for promoting bicarbonate transport across cell membranes.  相似文献   

We studied the extracellular [HCOabstract (3) (-)] dependence of two renal clones of the electrogenic Na/HCO(3) cotransporter (NBC) heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We used microelectrodes to measure the change in membrane potential (DeltaV(m)) elicited by the NBC cloned from the kidney of the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum (akNBC) and by the NBC cloned from the kidney of rat (rkNBC). We used a two-electrode voltage clamp to measure the change in current (DeltaI) elicited by rkNBC. Briefly exposing an NBC-expressing oocyte to HCOabstract (3 )(-)/CO(2) (0.33-99 mM HCOabstract (3)(-), pH(o) 7.5) elicited an immediate, DIDS (4, 4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid)-sensitive and Na(+)-dependent hyperpolarization (or outward current). In DeltaV(m) experiments, the apparent K(m ) for HCOabstract (3)(-) of akNBC (10. 6 mM) and rkNBC (10.8 mM) were similar. However, under voltage-clamp conditions, the apparent K(m) for HCOabstract (3)(-) of rkNBC was less (6.5 mM). Because it has been reported that SOabstract (3)(=)/HSO abstract (3)(-) stimulates Na/HCO(3 ) cotransport in renal membrane vesicles (a result that supports the existence of a COabstract (3)(=) binding site with which SOabstract (3)(=) interacts), we examined the effect of SOabstract (3)(=)/HSO abstract (3)(-) on rkNBC. In voltage-clamp studies, we found that neither 33 mM SOabstract (4)(=) nor 33 mM SOabstract (3) (=)/HSOabstract (3)(-) substantially affects the apparent K(m) for HCO abstract (3)(-). We also used microelectrodes to monitor intracellular pH (pH(i)) while exposing rkNBC-expressing oocytes to 3.3 mM HCOabstract (3 )(-)/0.5% CO(2). We found that SO abstract (3)(=)/HSOabstract (3 )(-) did not significantly affect the DIDS-sensitive component of the pH(i) recovery from the initial CO(2 )-induced acidification. We also monitored the rkNBC current while simultaneously varying [CO(2)](o), pH(o), and [COabstract (3)(=)](o) at a fixed [HCOabstract (3)(-)](o) of 33 mM. A Michaelis-Menten equation poorly fitted the data expressed as current versus [COabstract (3)(=)](o ). However, a pH titration curve nicely fitted the data expressed as current versus pH(o). Thus, rkNBC expressed in Xenopus oocytes does not appear to interact with SOabstract (3 )(=), HSOabstract (3)(-), or COabstract (3)(=).  相似文献   

Xie C  Wang XF  Qi XJ  Lu LL  Chan HC 《生理学报》2008,60(1):90-96
本文应用短路电流技术检测了cAMP激动剂forskolin/IBMX和中成药藿香正气水(Huoxiang.zhengqi liquid,HZL)对猪远端气道完整上皮HCO3-分泌的作用.新鲜分离的气道上皮组织可测得(94.9±8.2)μtA/cm2的跨上皮基础电流,其中的16.6%和62.7%可分别被amiloride(上皮钠离子通道阻断剂,100 Ixmol/L)和NPPB(囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节体CI-通道阻断剂,100μmol/L)所阻断.用葡萄糖酸根替代浴液中的CI-,跨上皮基础电流降低为(54.0±6.7)laA/cm2,当进一步替代掉浴液中HCO3-时,此电流可被去除,提示在末受刺激条件下存存HCO3-分泌.forskolin/IBMX可刺激HCO3-依赖的电流增加(7.3±0.5)μA/cm2.值得注意的是,HZL也能引起HCO3-电流增加(7.4±1.9)μA/cm2,而这种刺激作用不受forskolin/IBMX预处理的影响,提示一种不依赖于cAMP的信号通路.以上结果提示,无论是否受刺激,猪远端气道上皮都分泌HC03.HZL对远端气道上皮HC03-分泌的刺激作用,提示其有希望成为一种新的、有治疗意义的远端气道HCO3-分泌刺激剂.  相似文献   

Reduced gastrointestinal HCO3- secretion contributes to malabsorption and obstructive syndromes in cystic fibrosis. The apical HCO3- transport pathways in these organs have not been defined. We therefore assessed the involvement of apical Cl-/HCO3- exchangers and anion conductances in basal and cAMP-stimulated duodenal HCO3- secretion. Muscle-stripped rat and rabbit proximal duodena were mounted in Ussing chambers, and electrical parameters, HCO3- secretion rates, and 36Cl-, 22Na+, and 3H+ mannitol fluxes were assessed. mRNA expression levels were measured by a quantitative PCR technique. Removal of Cl- from or addition of 1 mM DIDS to the luminal perfusate markedly decreased basal HCO3- secretion but did not influence the HCO3- secretory response to 8-bromo-cAMP, which was inhibited by luminal 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate. Bidirectional 22Na+ and 36Cl- flux measurements demonstrated an inhibition rather than a stimulation of apical anion exchange during cAMP-stimulated HCO3- secretion. The ratio of Cl- to HCO3- in the anion secretory response was compatible with both Cl- and HCO3- being secreted via the CFTR anion channel. CFTR expression was very high in the duodenal mucosa of both species. We conclude that in rat and rabbit duodena, an apical Cl-/HCO3- exchanger mediates a significant part of basal HCO3- secretion but is not involved in the HCO3- secretory response to cAMP analogs. The inhibitor profile, the strong predominance of Cl- over HCO3- in the anion secretory response, and the high duodenal CFTR expression levels suggest that a major portion of cAMP-stimulated duodenal HCO3- secretion is directly mediated by CFTR.  相似文献   

The transport stoichiometry of the electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter (SLC4A5 or NBCe2) in mouse choroid plexus was examined. Whole-cell recording methods measured the currents carried by the NBCe2, using experimental solutions determined to minimise the contributions of the other ion conductances present. Increases in outward current were observed when 21.2 mM was added to the bath solution in the presence of Na+, but not N-methyl-d-glucamine. This -induced current was completely abolished by 500 μM 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulphonic acid. The reversal potential for the -induced current was −95.1 ± 7.1 mV (n = 11), a value which corresponds to a NBCe2 transport stoichiometry of 3 with 1 Na+. The NBCe2, with this stoichiometry, will mediate the efflux of and Na+ from the cell into the cerebrospinal fluid at the apical membrane of the choroid plexus.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of rat cardiomyocytes induced by staurosporine is prevented by a stilbene derivative (DIDS), which is a known blocker of both Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchangers and Cl(-) channels. To clarify its target, staurosporine-induced activation of caspase-3, DNA laddering and cell death were examined in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. Removal of ambient HCO(3)(-), which minimizes the function of Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchangers, failed to affect the preventive effect of DIDS on apoptosis. A carboxylate analog Cl(-) channel blocker, which does not block Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchangers, also inhibited apoptotic events. Thus, rescue by DIDS of cardiomyocytes from apoptosis is mediated by blockage of Cl(-) channels.  相似文献   

Aberrant HCO(3)(-) transport is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with aberrant Cl(-)-dependent HCO(3)(-) transport by the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). We show here that HCO(3)(-) current by CFTR cannot account for CFTR-activated HCO(3)(-) transport and that CFTR does not activate AE1-AE4. In contrast, CFTR markedly activates Cl(-) and OH(-)/HCO(3)(-) transport by members of the SLC26 family DRA, SLC26A6 and pendrin. Most notably, the SLC26s are electrogenic transporters with isoform-specific stoichiometries. DRA activity occurred at a Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) ratio > or =2. SLC26A6 activity is voltage regulated and occurred at HCO(3)(-)/Cl(-) > or =2. The physiological significance of these findings is demonstrated by interaction of CFTR and DRA in the mouse pancreas and an altered activation of DRA by the R117H and G551D mutants of CFTR. These findings provide a molecular mechanism for epithelial HCO(3)(-) transport (one SLC26 transporter-electrogenic transport; two SLC26 transporters with opposite stoichiometry in the same membrane domain-electroneutral transport), the CF-associated aberrant HCO(3)(-) transport, and reveal a new function of CFTR with clinical implications for CF and congenital chloride diarrhea.  相似文献   

ACE, accessory cholera enterotoxin, the thirdenterotoxin in Vibrio cholerae, has been reported toincrease short-circuit current (Isc) in rabbitileum and to cause fluid secretion in ligated rabbit ileal loops. Westudied the ACE-induced change in Isc andpotential difference (PD) in T84 monolayers mounted in modified Ussingchambers, an in vitro model of a Cl secretory cell. ACEadded to the apical surface alone stimulated a rapid increase inIsc and PD that was concentration dependent andimmediately reversed when the toxin was removed. Ion replacement studies established that the current was dependent on Cland HCO3. ACE acted synergistically with theCa2+-dependent acetylcholine analog, carbachol, tostimulate secretion in T84 monolayers. In contrast, the secretoryresponse to cAMP or cGMP agonists was not enhanced by ACE. TheACE-stimulated secretion was dependent on extracellular andintracellular Ca2+ but was not associated with an increasein intracellular cyclic nucleotides. We conclude that the mechanism ofsecretion by ACE involves Ca2+ as a second messenger andthat this toxin stimulates a novel Ca2+-dependent synergy.


The proximal duodenum is exposed to extreme elevations of P(CO(2)) because of the continuous mixture of secreted HCO(3)(-) with gastric acid. These elevations (up to 80 kPa) are likely to place the mucosal cells under severe acid stress. Furthermore, we hypothesized that, unlike most other cells, the principal source of CO(2) for duodenal epithelial cells is from the lumen. We hence examined the effect of elevated luminal P(CO(2)) on duodenal HCO(3)(-) secretion (DBS) in the rat. DBS was measured by the pH-stat method. For CO(2) challenge, the duodenum was superfused with a high Pco(2) solution. Intracellular pH (pH(i)) of duodenal epithelial cells was measured by ratio microfluorometry. CO(2) challenge, but not isohydric solutions, strongly increased DBS to approximately two times basal for up to 1 h. Preperfusion of the membrane-permeant carbonic anhydrase inhibitor methazolamide, or continuous exposure with indomethacin, fully inhibited CO(2)-augmented DBS. Dimethyl amiloride (0.1 mM), an inhibitor of the basolateral sodium-hydrogen exchanger 1, also inhibited CO(2)-augumented DBS, although S-3226, a specific inhibitor of apical sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3, did not. DIDS, an inhibitor of basolateral sodium-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter, also inhibited CO(2)-augemented DBS, as did the anion channel inhibitor 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid. CO(2) decreased epithelial cell pH(i), followed by an overshoot after removal of the CO(2) solution. We conclude that luminal CO(2) diffused in the duodenal epithelial cells and was converted to H(+) and HCO(3)(-) by carbonic anhydrase. H(+) initially exited the cell, followed by secretion of HCO(3)(-). Secretion was dependent on a functioning basolateral sodium/proton exchanger, a functioning basolateral HCO(3)(-) uptake mechanism, and submucosal prostaglandin generation and facilitated hydration of CO(2) into HCO(3)(-) and H(+).  相似文献   

Epithelial ion transport disorders, including cystic fibrosis, adversely affect male reproductive function by nonobstructive mechanisms and by obstruction of the distal duct. Continuous cell lines that could be used to define ion transport mechanisms in this tissue are not readily available. In the present study, porcine vas deferens epithelial cells were isolated by standard techniques, and the cells spontaneously immortalized to form a porcine vas deferens epithelial cell line that we have titled PVD9902. Cells were maintained in continuous culture for >4 yr and 200 passages in a typical growth medium. Frozen stocks were generated, and thawed cells exhibited growth characteristics indistinguishable from their nonfrozen counterparts. Molecular and immunocytochemical studies confirmed the origin and epithelial nature of these cells. When seeded on permeable supports, PVD9902 cells grew as electrically tight (>6,000 ·cm2), confluent monolayers that responded to forskolin with an increase in short-circuit current (Isc; 8 ± 1 µA/cm2) that required Cl, HCO3, and Na+, and was partially sensitive to bumetanide. mRNA was expressed for a number of anion transporters, including CFTR, electrogenic Na+-HCO3 cotransporter 1b (NBCe1b), downregulated in adenoma, pendrin, and Cl/formate exchanger. Both forskolin and isoproterenol caused an increase in cellular cAMP levels. In addition, PVD9902 cell monolayers responded to physiological (i.e., adenosine, norepinephrine) and pharmacological [i.e., 5'-(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine, isoproterenol] agonists with increases in Isc. Unlike their freshly isolated counterparts, however, PVD9902 cells did not respond to glucocorticoid exposure with an increase in amiloride-sensitive Isc. RT-PCR analysis revealed the presence of both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA as well as mRNA for the - and -subunits of the epithelia Na+ channels (- and -ENaC), but not -ENaC. Nonetheless, PVD9902 cells recapitulated most observations in freshly isolated cells and thus represent a powerful new tool to characterize mechanisms that contribute to male reproductive function. male reproductive tract; cystic fibrosis; epithelial Na+ channel expression; glucocorticoid receptor; adrenergic; vasopressin  相似文献   

Investigations of corneal endothelium were made to resolve the apparent contradiction of the presence of sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter (NBC) in fresh and cultured cells and NBC's reported absence in isolated plasma membrane vesicles. Gradient-driven ion fluxes into the vesicles were measured. Short-term incubations (0-30 s) showed the presence of a bicarbonate-dependent inward sodium flux (BDSF), which was active when the insides of the vesicles were preloaded with chloride ions. The BDSF was absent if chloride was present only externally to the vesicles. Chloride at concentrations between 30 and 40 mM inside the vesicle had its maximum effect on BDSF. Other anions (acetate, thiocyanate, or gluconate) inside the vesicles did not mimic the chloride effect. Associated with the net inward sodium flux was a net inward bicarbonate flux. Hill plots of sodium influx with respect to external bicarbonate concentrations indicated that the stoichiometry of the net transfer was 1.7 +/- 0.2 (mean +/- standard error, n = 5) bicarbonate ions for each sodium ion transported. There was no net chloride flux found across the membrane vesicles. The finding of a novel chloride-activated NBC activity fully resolves the apparent contradiction between whole-cell and membrane vesicle preparations.  相似文献   

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