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Nitrite oxidase and nitrate reductase in Nitrobacter agilis were shown to be separate enzymes. The best separation of the two systems was achieved by ammonium sulphate fractionation. The effects of various compounds, including antimycin A, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide and chlorate, also clearly distinguish between the two enzyme reactions. The relationship between the two opposing reactions in Nitrobacter is discussed.  相似文献   

Krulwich, Terry A. (Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.), and Helen B. Funk. Stimulation of Nitrobacter agilis by biotin. J. Bacteriol. 90:729-733. 1965.-Addition of biotin to nitrite-mineral medium greatly stimulated the autotrophic growth of four strains of Nitrobacter agilis. Comparisons of cultures of the organisms grown in parallel at 30 C in nitrite medium and in the medium supplemented with 150 mmug of biotin per ml showed that the vitamin promoted: (i) 2- to 4-fold greater rates of utilization of nitrite, and (ii) 100- to 1,000-fold greater populations of cells per milliliter. Avidin specifically inhibited the biotin stimulation of nitrite utilization at an avidin-biotin ratio of 133:1. Incubation of the four strains of N. agilis at 37 C imposed a requirement for biotin that could be met by daily addition of 150 mmug of the vitamin per ml of medium. The stimulatory effects of the vitamin at 30 C suggest that in N. agilis the synthesis of biotin is rate-limiting for growth.  相似文献   

No adequate criteria were established to distinguish between Nitrobacter agilis and N. winogradskyi. However, very gentle preparative techniques permitted demonstration of flagella in N. agilis.  相似文献   

The electron transfer activity of an aa3-type two-subunit cytochromec oxidase of Nitrobacter agilis was inhibited by DCCD. Althoughthe activity of the purified cytochrome c oxidase dissolvedin 1% Triton X- 100 was not affected by DCCD even at a ratioof 1,000 mol DCCD per mol cytochrome aa3, the activity of theenzyme dissolved in 0.02% Tween 20 or 0.02% Triton X-100 wasinhibited by 60% or more at a ratio of 1,000 mol DCCD per molcytochrome aa3. The results of SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the enzyme incubated with DCCD suggested that subunit IImight be a binding site for DCCD. (Received February 23, 1985; Accepted April 23, 1985)  相似文献   

Nutrition and Physiology of Nitrobacter agilis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Nitrobacter agilis cytochrome c-550 was purified to an electrophoreticallyhomogeneous state, and some of its properties were determined.The cytochrome showed an absorption peak at 410 nm in the oxidizedform, and peaks at 416, 521 and 550 nm in the reduced form.Its isoelectric point was 8.1 at 5?C. Analysis of the aminoacid composition showed that the cytochrome molecule was composedof 108 amino acid residues, 16 of which were lysine residues. The cytochrome reacted rapidly with N. agilis cytochrome c oxidaseand yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and more slowly with Pseudomonasaeruginosa nitrite reductase and bovine cytochrome c oxidase.The reactivities with these redox enzymes suggested that thecytochrome might be an evolutionary stage between bacterialand eukaryotic cytochromes c. The primary structure of the cytochrome from the N-terminusto the 85th residue was determined. The N-terminal sequencewas homologous to the corresponding portion of the primary structureof horse cytochrome c. 1 Present adress: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo,152, Japan. (Received December 3, 1981; Accepted January 28, 1982)  相似文献   

Effects of Pesticides on Nitrite Oxidation by Nitrobacter agilis   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of pesticides on the growth of Nitrobacter agilis in aerated cultures and on the respiration of N. agilis cell suspensions and cell-free extracts was studied. Two pesticides, aldrin and simazine, were not inhibitory to growth of Nitrobacter, but five compounds [isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl) carbamate (CIPC), chlordane, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDD), heptachlor, and lindane] prevented growth when added to the medium at a concentration of 10 mug/ml. Whereas CIPC and eptam prevented nitrite oxidation by cell suspensions, the addition of DDD and lindane resulted in only partial inhibition of the oxidation. Heptachlor and chlordane also caused only partial inhibition of oxidation, but were more toxic with cell-free extract nitrite oxidase. None of the pesticides inhibited the nitrate reductase activity of cell-free extracts, but most caused some repression of cytochrome c oxidase activity. Heptachlor was the most deleterious compound.  相似文献   

Ida, S. (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.), and M. Alexander. Permeability of Nitrobacter agilis to organic compounds. J. Bacteriol. 90:151-156. 1965.-None of a variety of inorganic ions or organic compounds served as a sole energy source for the growth of Nitrobacter agilis, and the test substrates were not oxidized by either intact cells or extracts of the obligate chemoautotroph. The organic substances did not serve as sole carbon sources for the bacterium in a synthetic medium, and they failed to enhance the rate of nitrite oxidation. The organism was permeable to acetate and a number of other simple carbon compounds, however, and exogenously supplied acetate was converted to a number of products. On the basis of these findings, possible reasons are examined for the inability of the chemoautotroph to use exogenous organic compounds as energy or carbon sources.  相似文献   

Nitrobacter agilis, which contains a very active nitrite dehydrogenase, was studied in vivo under anaerobic conditions by the 15N NMR technique. When incubated with equimolar 15NO3- and unlabeled nitrite (or 15NO2- and unlabeled nitrate) the bacterium catalyzed an isotope exchange reaction at rates about 10% those observed in the nitrite oxidase assay. When incubated with 18O-labeled 15NO2- and 18O-labeled 15NO3-, the 18O was observed to exchange at similar rates from both species into water. Finally, when incubated with equimolar [18O]nitrate and 15NO2-, intermolecular 18O transfer was observed to result in formation of double labeled nitrate and nitrite at similar rates. 18O was transferred from nitrate to a 15N species or to water at approximately equal rates under the conditions of the experiments. It is argued that the enzyme responsible for these exchange reactions is nitrite dehydrogenase and not nitrate reductase. This work and the related experiments of DiSpirito and Hooper (DiSpirito, A.A., and Hooper, A.B. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10534-10537) represent the first demonstrations of intermolecular oxygen atom transfer among oxotransferases. Mechanistic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Octyl-Sepharose CL-4B is used as a new and simple method for the preparation of large amounts of beef-heart cytochrome c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC 2. The method involves only one cycle of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation before the material is applied to the column. After washing with 10% cholate and 1.5% Tween 80, elution of the enzyme is accomplished with 1% Triton X-100. 3. The enzyme so prepared contains about 10 nmol heme alpha/mg protein and about 0.2% phospholipid. 4. Characterization of the enzyme has been made with optical and EPR spectroscopy and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The preparation appears by these criteria to be at least as good as other purified enzyme preparations. 5. The turnover rate at infinite cytochrome c concentration in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer and 0.5% Tween 80 at pH 6.1 is 80 s-1 per functional unit of the enzyme. A more than three-fold activation could be obtained by the addition of phosphatidylcholine at neutral pH.  相似文献   

The icosahedral bodies of Nitrobacter agilis are about 120 nm in diameter and, as viewed by electron microscopy, consist of an outer shell enclosing 10-nm particles. The inner 10-nm particle is the enzyme D-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. The bodies isolated from cells incubated 1 month without nitrite had a specific activity for the enzyme of 0.54 mu mol of CO2 fixed per min per mg of protein.  相似文献   

Human factor X has been purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-sepharose. The coagulation protein did not interact with the resin in the presence of 2–3 M NaCl whereas contaminants were retained. This single purification step, in conjunction with classical purification strategies, is a powerful tool in generating high purity factor X and is based on resins which are readily available.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3-type) [EC] was purified from Nitrobacter agilis to an electrophoretically homogeneous state and some of its properties were studied. The enzyme showed absorption peaks at 422, 598, and 840 nm in the oxidized form, and at 442 and 606 nm in the reduced form. The CO compound of the reduced enzyme showed peaks at 436 and 604 nm, and the latter peak had a shoulder at 599 nm. The enzyme possessed 1 mol of heme a and 1.6 g-atom of copper per 41,000 g, and was composed of two kinds of subunits of 51,000 and 31,000 daltons. These results show that the structurally minimal unit of the enzyme molecule is composed of one molecule each of the two subunits and contains 2 molecules of heme a and 2-3 atoms of copper. the enzyme rapidly oxidized ferrocytochromes c of several eukaryotes as well as N. agilis ferrocytochrome c-552. The reactions catalyzed by the enzyme were strongly inhibited by KCN. The reduction product of oxygen catalyzed by the enzyme was concluded to be water on the basis of the ratio of ferrocytochrome c oxidized to molecular oxygen consumed.  相似文献   

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