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Background. IS605, a transposable element-like sequence identified in the virulence-associated cag region of Helicobacter pylori reference strain NCTC11638, is unusual in containing two oppositely-oriented open reading frames whose products are homologues of the single transposases of the unrelated elements, IS200 and IS1341. Methods. One hundred independent H. pylori isolates from different parts of the world were screened by PCR and dot blot hybridization to determine the presence of IS605. For some positive isolates, southern hybridizations and sequence analyses were done. Results. Of the 100 isolates, 31 were found to contain sequences related to each ORF with orientation and spacing matching those in canonical IS605-hybridizing sequences. No isolate containing just one ORF and not the other was found. The frequencies of IS605 carriage were independent of geographical origin (U.S. vs. non-U.S.), and of the probable virulence of the isolate (cag status, toxin production or vacA alleles, patient symptoms). Southern blot hybridization of six IS605-containing strains revealed one to nine IS605 copies per genome. Two types of DNA sequence diversity were found: first, a specific 100 bp deletion in two isolates; second, base substitution divergence of 0.4% to 7.5% in pairwise comparisons among the eight isolates characterized, a level of divergence similar to that seen in other H. pylori chromosomal genes. Conclusions. Based on these findings, we speculate that IS605 is a relatively ancient component of the H. pylori gene pool that has proliferated in this species by horizontal gene transfer, homologous recombination, and transposition.  相似文献   

G. Bryan  D. Garza    D. Hartl 《Genetics》1990,125(1):103-114
The transposable element mariner is active in both germline and somatic cells of Drosophila mauritiana. Activity of the element is greatly enhanced in the presence of Mos1, a genetic factor identified as an autonomous copy of mariner. A strain of D. mauritiana containing Mos1 and other copies of mariner was used to initiate a screen for visible mutations. More than 20 mutations were obtained, including alleles of white, yellow and vermilion. Six alleles were characterized at the molecular level, and all were found to contain a mariner element inserted into the affected gene. Four insertions into the white locus were sequenced to determine the exact site of insertion of mariner. There appears to be little sequence specificity requirement for mariner insertion, other than an absolute requirement for the dinucleotide TA, which is duplicated upon insertion. Sequences of phenotypically wild-type germline and somatic revertants obtained from various white alleles, including the previously isolated wpch allele, were obtained using the polymerase chain reaction. Mariner excision is imprecise in both germline and soma, and the most frequent excision events are the same in the two tissues. Mutant derivatives of wpch were also studied, and were found to exhibit a wide range of molecular structures and phenotypes.  相似文献   

Geographic pathology of Helicobacter pylori gastritis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Helicobacter pylori is etiologically associated with gastritis and gastric cancer. There are significant geographical differences between the clinical manifestation of H. pylori infections. The aim of this study was to compare gastric mucosal histology in relation to age among H. pylori-infected patients from different geographical areas using the same grading system. The prevalence of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia were also compared with the respective gastric cancer incidence in the different countries. METHODS: A total of 1906 patients infected with H. pylori from seven countries were evaluated. Entry criteria included H. pylori positive cases with antral and corpus biopsies between the ages of 18 and 75 years. The minimum number of cases required from a country was 100. Hematoxylin-eosin stained biopsies from antrum and corpus were scored semiquantitatively using the parameters suggested by the Sydney Classification System. Statistical evaluation was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman's rank correlation test. RESULTS: The severity of gastric atrophy varied among the different groups with the highest scores being present in Japan. The lowest scores were found in four European countries and in Thailand. The scores for intestinal metaplasia were low in general except for Xi-an, Japan, and Shanghai. For all the countries, the presence of atrophy in the antrum correlated well (r = 0.891) with the incidence of gastric cancer. CONCLUSION: Using a standardized grading system in a large study of H. pylori-related geographic pathology, we found major differences in the overall prevalence and severity of H. pylori gastritis in relation to age. These differences mirrored the respective incidences of gastric cancer in those geographical areas.  相似文献   

Here we describe ISHp609 of Helicobacter pylori, a new member of the IS605 mobile element family that is novel and contains two genes whose functions are unknown, jhp960 and jhp961, in addition to homologs of two other H. pylori insertion sequence (IS) element genes, orfA, which encodes a putative serine recombinase-transposase, and orfB, whose homologs in other species are also often annotated as genes that encode transposases. The complete four-gene element was found in 10 to 40% of strains obtained from Africa, India, Europe, and the Americas but in only 1% of East Asian strains. Sequence comparison of 10 representative ISHp609 elements revealed higher levels of DNA sequence matches (99%) than those seen in normal chromosomal genes (88 to 98%) or in other IS elements (95 to 97% for IS605, IS606, and IS607) from the same H. pylori populations. Sequence analysis suggested that ISHp609 can insert at many genomic sites with its left end preferentially next to TAT, with no target specificity for its right end, and without duplicating or deleting target sequences. A deleted form of ISHp609, containing just jhp960 and jhp961 and 37 bp of orfA, found in reference strain J99, was at the same chromosomal site in 15 to 40% of the strains from many geographic regions but again in only 1% of the East Asian strains. The abundance and sequence homogeneity of ISHp609 and of this nonmobile remnant suggested a recent bottleneck and then rapid spread in H. pylori populations, possibly selected by the contributions of the elements to bacterial fitness.  相似文献   

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori colonizes the human stomach, with individual infections persisting for decades. The spread of the bacterium has been shown to reflect both ancient and recent human migrations. We have sequenced housekeeping genes from H. pylori isolated from 147 Iranians with well-characterized geographical and ethnic origins sampled throughout Iran and compared them with sequences from strains from other locations. H. pylori from Iran are similar to others isolated from Western Eurasia and can be placed in the previously described HpEurope population. Despite the location of Iran at the crossroads of Eurasia, we found no evidence that the region been a major source of ancestry for strains across the continent. On a smaller scale, we found genetic affinities between the H. pylori isolated from particular Iranian populations and strains from Turks, Uzbeks, Palestinians and Israelis, reflecting documented historical contacts over the past two thousand years.  相似文献   

Functional characterization of Helicobacter pylori DnaB helicase   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Helicobacter pylori causes gastric ulcer diseases and gastric adenocarcinoma in humans. Not much is known regarding DNA replication in H.pylori that is important for cell survival. Here we report the cloning, expression and characterization of H.pylori DnaB (HpDnaB) helicase both in vitro and in vivo. Among the DnaB homologs, only Escherichia coli DnaB has been studied extensively. HpDnaB showed strong 5′ to 3′ helicase and ATPase activity. Interestingly, H.pylori does not have an obvious DnaC homolog which is essential for DnaB loading on the E.coli chromosomal DNA replication origin (oriC). However, HpDnaB can functionally complement the E.coli DnaB temperature-sensitive mutant at the non-permissive temperature, confirming that HpDnaB is a true replicative helicase. Escherichia coli DnaC co-eluted in the same fraction with HpDnaB following gel filtration analysis suggesting that these proteins might physically interact with each other. It is possible that a functional DnaC homolog is present in H.pylori. The complete characterization of H.pylori DnaB helicase will also help the comparative analysis of DnaB helicases among bacteria.  相似文献   

Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase is a member of a family of bacterial enzymes that cleave the aromatic rings of their substrates between two adjacent hydroxyl groups, a key reaction in microbial metabolism of varied environmental chemicals. In an appropriate genetic background, it is possible to select for Acinetobacter strains containing spontaneous mutations blocking expression of pcaH or -G, genes encoding the alpha and beta subunits of protocatechuate 3, 4-dioxygenase. The crystal structure of the Acinetobacter oxygenase has been determined, and this knowledge affords us the opportunity to understand how mutations alter function in the enzyme. An earlier investigation had shown that a large fraction of spontaneous mutations inactivating Acinetobacter protocatechuate oxygenase are either insertions or large deletions. Therefore, the prior procedure of mutant selection was modified to isolate Acinetobacter strains in which mutations within pcaH or -G cause a heat-sensitive phenotype. These mutations affected residues distributed throughout the linear amino acid sequences of PcaH and PcaG and impaired the dioxygenase to various degrees. Four of 16 mutants had insertions or deletions in the enzyme ranging in size from 1 to 10 amino acid residues, highlighting areas of the protein where large structural changes can be tolerated. To further understand how protein structure influences function, we isolated strains in which the phenotypes of three different deletion mutations in pcaH or -G were suppressed either by a spontaneous mutation or by a PCR-generated random mutation introduced into the Acinetobacter chromosome by natural transformation. The latter procedure was also used to identify a single amino acid substitution in PcaG that conferred activity towards catechol sufficient for growth with benzoate in a strain in which catechol 1,2-dioxygenase was inactivated.  相似文献   



Iron is recognized as an important trace element, essential for most organisms including pathogenic bacteria. HugZ, a protein related to heme iron utilization, is involved in bacterial acquisition of iron from the host. We previously observed that a hugZ homologue is correlated with the adaptive colonization of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a major gastro-enteric pathogen. However, its exact physiological role remains unclear.


A gene homologous to hugZ, designated hp0318, identified in H. pylori ATCC 26695, exhibits 66% similarity to cj1613c of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168. Soluble 6 × His fused-HugZ protein was expressed in vitro. Hemin-agrose affinity analysis indicated that the recombinant HugZ protein can bind to hemin. Absorption spectroscopy at 411 nm further revealed a heme:HugZ binding ratio of 1:1. Enzymatic assays showed that purified recombinant HugZ protein can degrade hemin into biliverdin and carbon monoxide in the presence of either ascorbic acid or NADPH and cytochrome P450 reductase. The biochemical and enzymatic characteristics agreed closely with those of Campylobacter jejuni Cj1613c protein, implying that hp0318 is a functional member of the HugZ family. A hugZ deletion mutant was obtained by homologous recombination. This mutant strain showed poor growth when hemoglobin was provided as the source of iron, partly because of its failure to utilize hemoglobin efficiently. Real-time quantitative PCR also confirmed that the expression of hugZ was regulated by iron levels.


These findings provide biochemical and genetic evidence that hugZ (hp0318) encodes a heme oxygenase involved in iron release/uptake in H. pylori.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori uses flagellum-mediated chemotaxis to promote infection. Bacterial flagella change rotational direction by changing the state of the flagellar motor via a subcomplex referred to as the switch. Intriguingly, the H. pylori genome encodes four switch complex proteins, FliM, FliN, FliY, and FliG, instead of the more typical three of Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis. Our goal was to examine whether and how all four switch proteins participate in flagellation. Previous work determined that FliG was required for flagellation, and we extend those findings to show that all four switch proteins are necessary for normal numbers of flagellated cells. Furthermore, while fliY and fliN are partially redundant with each other, both are needed for wild-type levels of flagellation. We also report the isolation of an H. pylori strain containing an R54C substitution in fliM, resulting in bacteria that swim constantly and do not change direction. Along with data demonstrating that CheY-phosphate interacts with FliM, these findings suggest that FliM functions in H. pylori much as it does in other organisms.Flagellar motility is important for gastric colonization by the ulcer-causing bacterium Helicobacter pylori and also for suborgan localization within the stomach (16-18, 33, 45). Flagellar motility is regulated by a set of signal transduction proteins, collectively referred to as the chemotaxis pathway, that control the migration of microbes in response to environmental cues. This pathway is well elucidated in organisms such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (referred to hereinafter as S. Typhimurium), and Bacillus subtilis. Sequence analysis of the genomes of other flagellated bacteria, including H. pylori, has suggested that there is diversity in the set of chemotaxis proteins that a particular microbe contains. Here we analyze the diversity of H. pylori''s flagellar switch proteins, which control flagellar rotational direction.The molecular mechanisms underlying chemotactic signal transduction in E. coli and S. Typhimurium have been extensively studied (7, 50) The overall function of this pathway is to convert the perception of local environmental conditions into a swimming response that drives bacteria toward beneficial conditions and away from harmful ones. Such migration is accomplished by interspersing straight, or smooth, swimming with periods of random reorientations or tumbles. Smooth swimming occurs when the flagella rotate counterclockwise (CCW), while reorienting occurs when the flagella rotate clockwise (CW). The chemotaxis signal transduction system acts to appropriately alter flagellar rotation. The canonical chemotaxis pathway consists of a chemoreceptor bound to the coupling protein CheW, which is in turn bound to the histidine kinase CheA. If a beneficial/attractant ligand is not bound (or a repellant is bound) to the chemoreceptor, CheA autophosphorylates and passes a phosphate to the response regulator CheY. Phosphorylated CheY (CheY-P) interacts with a protein complex called the flagellar switch (discussed at more length below). This interaction causes a switch in the direction of flagellar rotation from CCW to CW, thus reorienting the cells, via an as-yet-unknown mechanism (reviewed in references 23 and 29).Bacterial flagella are complex, multiprotein organelles (reviewed in references 23, 25, and 29). Each flagellum is composed of several parts, including the filament, the hook, and the basal body (listed from outside the cell to inside the cytoplasm). The flagellar basal body spans from the outer membrane to the cytoplasm and is responsible for rotating the flagellum. This part of the flagellum is further made up of several subassemblies that are named for their locations. The innermost is called the switch or C ring, based on its location in the cytoplasm. The switch is comprised of three proteins in E. coli, FliM, FliN, and FliG (reviewed in references 23 and 29). Experimental evidence strongly suggests that these proteins, along with the stator proteins MotA and MotB, drive motor rotation, because one can obtain point mutations in these proteins that disrupt rotation but not flagellation. Null mutations, however, in fliM, fliN, or fliG also result in aflagellated cells, a phenotype that has been proposed to arise because these proteins are needed to complete the flagellar export apparatus (23).There is extensive structural information about each of the switch proteins and their arrangement in the flagellum (reviewed in references 23 and 29, with additional key references added below). There are 26 copies of FliG, 34 copies of FliM, and ∼136 copies of FliN, arranged in a circular structure at the base of each flagellum. FliM is positioned between FliG and FliN and interacts with both. FliM also binds CheY-P via sequences in the first 16 amino acids, and elsewhere (15), to play a key role in switching flagellar rotation direction. FliG, the switch protein closest to the cytoplasmic membrane, interacts with the stator protein MotA, the FliF membrane protein that forms the flagellar basal-body MS ring, and the membrane-bound respiratory protein fumarate reductase (11). FliG has the most direct role in creating flagellar rotation. FliN is the most cytoplasmic component of the switch, and its role is not fully understood. FliN may play a role in switching by possibly binding CheY-P directly (36) and an additional role in flagellar assembly, because it binds to the flagellar export protein FliH and localizes it, along with its interaction partners FliI and FliJ, to the flagellum (20, 28, 36). FliN contains significant sequence similarity to secretion proteins of type III secretion systems of Yersinia pestis and Shigella flexneri. The conserved domain comprises most of FliN and is called a SpoA or PFAM PF01052 domain. Other FliN homologs include YscL and Spa33 (25).The flagellar switch of another well-studied chemotactic microbe, B. subtilis, differs slightly in its protein makeup from that of E. coli. B. subtilis contains FliM and FliG, which function similarly to their E. coli counterparts, but instead of FliN it has a protein called FliY (6, 42). FliY of B. subtilis has two functional domains, one of which is homologous to E. coli FliN, while the other shares similarity with the B. subtilis chemotaxis protein CheC, which functions to dephosphorylate CheY-P. FliY is the most active known phosphatase of CheY-P in B. subtilis (40, 41).H. pylori contains homologs of many of the chemotaxis and flagellar genes found in other organisms (32, 48). Curiously, its genome encodes four predicted flagellar switch proteins, FliG, FliM, and both FliY and FliN, although FliY was not annotated in the original genome analysis. Previous work had determined that H. pylori strain SS1 lacking fliG was aflagellated (1), but the other switch proteins had not been analyzed. As noted above, FliN and FliY share a FliN domain and so could have functional redundancy. fliY and fliM appear to reside in an operon, suggesting that the two encoded proteins function together (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material).Since having all four flagellar switch proteins in one microbe is unusual, we were curious as to whether all four serve “switch” functions. As noted above, fliM and fliG deletions typically result in an aflagellated phenotype in other organisms. Others had previously shown that fliG mutations have this phenotype in H. pylori (1), and we additionally show here that fliM null mutants are also almost completely aflagellate. In spite of a shared domain that might indicate functional redundancy, we show that fliN and fliY are each necessary for normal numbers of flagellated cells. Finally, we characterize a fliM point mutant that results in a lock-smooth swimming bias and demonstrate physical interaction between CheY-P and FliM, indicating that FliM responds to CheY signaling in H. pylori in a manner similar to that found in E. coli, S. Typhimurium, B. subtilis, and other studied organisms.  相似文献   

Zanotti G  Cendron L 《IUBMB life》2010,62(10):715-723
Helicobacter pylori is a striking example of adaptation of a bacterium to a very peculiar niche, the human stomach. Despite being a neutralophile, a sophisticated control of gene expression allows it to live and to proliferate in an environment that cycles from nearly neutral to very acidic. Despite the numerous studies performed on the mechanisms of acid adaptation, the physiological function of a large part of the genes products that are up-regulated or down-regulated is often not clear, in particular in the context of the response of the bacterium to an acidic stress. In this review, we discuss the molecular and functional aspects of some of the proteins that are commonly found overexpressed during the acid stress.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring heritable variation provides a fundamental resource to reveal the genetic and molecular bases of traits in forward genetic studies. Here, we report the molecular basis of the differences in the four alleles E1, E2, E3, and e of the FATTY ACID ELONGATION1 (FAE1) gene controlling high, medium, low, and zero erucic content in yellow mustard (Sinapis alba). E1 represents a fully functional allele with a coding DNA sequence (CDS) of 1521 bp and a promoter adjacent to the CDS. The null allele e resulted from an insertional disruption in the CDS by Sal-PIF, a 3100-bp PIF/Harbinger-like DNA transposon, whereas E2 and E3 originated from the insertion of Sal-T1, a 4863-bp Copia-like retrotransposon, in the 5′ untranslated region. E3 was identical to E2 but showed cytosine methylation in the promoter region and was thus an epiallele having a further reduction in expression. The coding regions of E2 and E3 also contained five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) not present in E1, but expression studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicated that these SNPs did not affect enzyme functionality. These results demonstrate a comprehensive molecular framework for the interplay of transposon insertion, SNP/indel mutation, and epigenetic modification influencing the broad range of natural genetic variation in plants.  相似文献   

Sharma R  Rao DN 《The FEBS journal》2012,279(12):2134-2155
Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori are major bacterial pathogens that face high levels of genotoxic stress within their host. UvrD, a ubiquitous bacterial helicase that plays important roles in multiple DNA metabolic pathways, is essential for genome stability and might, therefore, be crucial in bacterial physiology and pathogenesis. In this study, the functional characterization of UvrD helicase from Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori is reported. UvrD from Haemophilus influenzae (HiUvrD) and Helicobacter pylori (HpUvrD) exhibit strong single-stranded DNA-specific ATPase and 3'-5' helicase activities. Mutation of highly conserved arginine (R288) in HiUvrD and glutamate (E206) in HpUvrD abrogated their activities. Both the proteins were able to bind and unwind a variety of DNA structures including duplexes with strand discontinuities and branches, three- and four-way junctions that underpin their role in DNA replication, repair and recombination. HiUvrD required a minimum of 12 nucleotides, whereas HpUvrD preferred 20 or more nucleotides of 3'-single-stranded DNA tail for efficient unwinding of duplex DNA. Interestingly, HpUvrD was able to hydrolyze and utilize GTP for its helicase activity although not as effectively as ATP, which has not been reported to date for UvrD characterized from other organisms. HiUvrD and HpUvrD were found to exist predominantly as monomers in solution together with multimeric forms. Noticeably, deletion of distal C-terminal 48 amino acid residues disrupted the oligomerization of HiUvrD, whereas deletion of 63 amino acids from C-terminus of HpUvrD had no effect on its oligomerization. This study presents the characteristic features and comparative analysis of Haemophilus influenzae and Helicobacter pylori UvrD, and constitutes the basis for understanding the role of UvrD in the biology and virulence of these pathogens.  相似文献   

IS103 is a previously unknown insertion sequence found in Escherichia coli K12. We have sequenced IS103 and find that it is a 1441-bp element that consists of a 1395-bp core flanked by imperfect 23-bp inverted repeats. IS103 causes a 6-bp duplication of the target sequence into which it inserts. There is a single copy of IS103 present in wild-type E. coli K12 strain HfrC. In strain X342 and its descendents there are two additional copies, one of which is located within the bglF gene. IS103 is capable of excising from within bglF and restoring function of that gene. IS103 exhibits 44% sequence identity with IS3, suggesting that the two insertion sequences are probably derived from a common ancestor. We have examined the distribution of IS103 in the chromosomes and plasmids of the ECOR collection of natural isolates of E. coli. IS103 is found in 36 of the 71 strains examined, and it strongly tends to inhabit plasmids rather than chromosomes. Comparison of the observed distribution of IS103 with distributions predicted by nine different models for the regulation of transposition according to copy number and of the effects of copy number on fitness suggest that transposition of IS103 is strongly regulated and that it has only minor effects on fitness. The strong clustering of IS103 within one phylogenetic subgroup of the E. coli population despite its presence on plasmids suggests that plasmids tend to remain within closely related strains and that transfer to distantly related strains is inhibited.  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of the organization and evolution of the wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome, we sequenced and annotated 13-Mb contigs (18.2 Mb) originating from different regions of its largest chromosome, 3B (1 Gb), and produced a 2x chromosome survey by shotgun Illumina/Solexa sequencing. All regions carried genes irrespective of their chromosomal location. However, gene distribution was not random, with 75% of them clustered into small islands containing three genes on average. A twofold increase of gene density was observed toward the telomeres likely due to high tandem and interchromosomal duplication events. A total of 3222 transposable elements were identified, including 800 new families. Most of them are complete but showed a highly nested structure spread over distances as large as 200 kb. A succession of amplification waves involving different transposable element families led to contrasted sequence compositions between the proximal and distal regions. Finally, with an estimate of 50,000 genes per diploid genome, our data suggest that wheat may have a higher gene number than other cereals. Indeed, comparisons with rice (Oryza sativa) and Brachypodium revealed that a high number of additional noncollinear genes are interspersed within a highly conserved ancestral grass gene backbone, supporting the idea of an accelerated evolution in the Triticeae lineages.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection is the common cause of gastroduodenal diseases linked to a higher risk of the development of gastric cancer. Persistent infection requires functional flagella that are heavily glycosylated with 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-L-glycero-L-manno-nonulosonic acid (pseudaminic acid). Pseudaminic acid biosynthesis protein H (PseH) catalyzes the third step in its biosynthetic pathway, producing UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-β-L-altropyranose. It belongs to the GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) superfamily. The crystal structure of the PseH complex with cofactor acetyl-CoA has been determined at 2.3 Å resolution. This is the first crystal structure of the GNAT superfamily member with specificity to UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-β-L-AltNAc. PseH is a homodimer in the crystal, each subunit of which has a central twisted β-sheet flanked by five α-helices and is structurally homologous to those of other GNAT superfamily enzymes. Interestingly, PseH is more similar to the GNAT enzymes that utilize amino acid sulfamoyl adenosine or protein as a substrate than a different GNAT-superfamily bacterial nucleotide-sugar N-acetyltransferase of the known structure, WecD. Analysis of the complex of PseH with acetyl-CoA revealed the location of the cofactor-binding site between the splayed strands β4 and β5. The structure of PseH, together with the conservation of the active-site general acid among GNAT superfamily transferases, are consistent with a common catalytic mechanism for this enzyme that involves direct acetyl transfer from AcCoA without an acetylated enzyme intermediate. Based on structural homology with microcin C7 acetyltransferase MccE and WecD, the Michaelis complex can be modeled. The model suggests that the nucleotide- and 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-β-L-AltNAc-binding pockets form extensive interactions with the substrate and are thus the most significant determinants of substrate specificity. A hydrophobic pocket accommodating the 6’-methyl group of the altrose dictates preference to the methyl over the hydroxyl group and thus to contributes to substrate specificity of PseH.  相似文献   

A search by subtractive hybridization for sequences present in only certain strains of Helicobacter pylori led to the discovery of a 2-kb transposable element to be called IS607, which further PCR and hybridization tests indicated was present in about one-fifth of H. pylori strains worldwide. IS607 contained two open reading frames (ORFs) of possibly different phylogenetic origin. One ORF (orfB) exhibited protein-level homology to one of two putative transposase genes found in several other chimeric elements including IS605 (also of H. pylori) and IS1535 (of Mycobacterium tuberculosis). The second IS607 gene (orfA) was unrelated to the second gene of IS605 and might possibly be chimeric itself: it exhibited protein-level homology to merR bacterial regulatory genes in the first approximately 50 codons and homology to the second gene of IS1535 (annotated as "resolvase," apparently due to a weak short recombinase motif) in the remaining three-fourths of its length. IS607 was found to transpose in Escherichia coli, and analyses of sequences of IS607-target DNA junctions in H. pylori and E. coli indicated that it inserted either next to or between adjacent GG nucleotides, and generated either a 2-bp or a 0-bp target sequence duplication, respectively. Mutational tests showed that its transposition in E. coli required orfA but not orfB, suggesting that OrfA protein may represent a new, previously unrecognized, family of bacterial transposases.  相似文献   

Insertion element ISD1, discovered when its transposition caused the insertional inactivation of an introduced sacB gene, is present in two copies in the genome of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. Southern blot analysis indicated at least two insertion sites in the sacB gene. Cloning and sequencing of a transposed copy of ISD1 indicated a length of 1,200 bp with a pair of 44-bp imperfect inverted repeats at the ends, flanked by a direct repeat of the 4-bp target sequence. AAGG and AATT were found to function as target sequences. ISD1 encodes a transposase from two overlapping open reading frames by programmed translational frameshifting at an A6G shifty codon motif. Sequence comparison showed that ISD1 belongs to the IS3 family. Isolation and analysis of the chromosomal copies, ISD1-A and ISD1-B, by PCR and sequencing indicated that these are not flanked by direct repeats. ISD1-A is inserted in a region of the chromosome containing the gapdh-pgk genes (encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoglycerate kinase). Active transposition to other loci in the genome was demonstrated, offering the potential of a new tool for gene cloning and mutagenesis. ISD1 is the first transposable element described for the sulfate reducers, a large and environmentally important group of bacteria. The distribution of ISD1 in genomes of sulfate-reducing bacteria is limited. A single copy is present in the genome of D. desulfuricans Norway.  相似文献   

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