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In the Netherlands, the decision to permit the dumping of dredged material into the sea depends on the concentrations of about 33 chemical compounds (Anonymous, 1994a). This evaluation of dredged material quality can be improved by the use of bioassays in its assessment. In this note the use of bioassays in the evaluation of lightly contaminated marine dredged material from the Netherlands is illustrated with preliminary results of bioassays with Corophium volutator and Crassostrea gigas. It is concluded that the inclusion of bioassays in the assessment of lightly contaminated sediment is useful.  相似文献   

From July 2006 to November 2007 the effects of sediment disposal on a macrobenthic association were evaluated at the dredged material disposal site, located 3 km northeast of Itajaí Harbour navigation channel. Seven sample sites were chosen, five inside the licensed disposal area and two outside. Five samples were collected from each site with a 0.042 m2 Van-Veen grab. Nine sampling campaigns took place, one before, one during, and seven after the disposal operations. Evaluations were carried out through sediment and macrofauna composition analysis. An increase in coarse fractions of sediments was found during the first months, mainly within the licensed disposal area. Sites outside the area kept the same granulometric characteristics. Nested ANOVA showed that abundance, taxa richness and Shannon–Weaver diversity were significantly smaller after the disposal, and recovered the initial mean values after the disposal ends. PERMANOVA showed a high heterogeneity between the sites. It decreased until the fifth month after disposal operations, mainly in the sites inside the licensed area. These sites were characterized by low abundance and high variability among the samples. Eight to 16 months after disposal sites recovered their heterogeneity, indicating less variability among the samples of each site and distinct benthic macrofaunal composition. The high volume and frequency of sediment disposal were the main factors of environmental modifications, since the amount of deposited sediment on the seabed probably exceeded the natural sedimentation rates. The presence of a benthic macrofauna adapted to natural/human disturbances was crucial to the fast recovery verified in the area.  相似文献   

S. Prát  V. Sládeček 《Hydrobiologia》1964,23(1-2):246-251
Zusammenfassung Es wird einfache Methode beschrieben, die von S. Prát (1947) vorgeschlagen wurde. In Petri-Schalen werden Samen des Senfes (Sinapsis alba) auf Silongewebe aufgelegt und mit dem zu untersuchenden Wasser bewässert. Das Keimen der Samen, das Wachstum der Würzelchen sowie das Läangenvehältnis von Würzelchen zu dem Hypokotyl sind als Indikatoren der wasserbeschaffenheit anzusehen. Nicht nur die toxische Einwirkung, sondern auch Wasstumsförderung kann durch diese Testmethode ermittelt werden. Es wird vorgeschlagen, diese Methode besonders bei der Beurteilung des landwirtschaftlichen Zwecken dienenden Wassers und Abwasser anzuwenden, z. B. bei der Berieselung der Felder mit Abwasser, das nicht toxisch sein darf.  相似文献   

A single aspect of the toxic impact of a dredged material disposal site located near a mussel-farming zone was followed for eight months. Acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) of Mytilus edulis was investigated as a biomarker for possible contamination by neurotoxic compounds (carbamates and/or organophosphorous pesticides). Our observations showed that the enzymatic activities (including AChE) of these harbour mussels were decreased in sites directly and indirectly influenced (according to hydrodynamic conditions) by the dumping of dredged sediments, suggesting possible contamination by pesticides. The strong correlations observed between AChE activity and growth parameters (length and weight) seems to show, however, that the enzyme activity is also indirectly controlled through growth restriction, which may imply limitation of the development of the nervous system in juveniles. The concentration of total proteins, as well as the spawning process also seem to disturb the assessment of AChE activity. These field observations clearly indicate that the use of this enzyme activity as a biomarker should proceed with caution. For example, the seasonal variability of such activity should be taken into account in a biomonitoring programme.  相似文献   

Abstract Pheromone glands of the female moth Helicoverpa (Heliothis) armigera and Malpighian tubules of the locust Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R&F) retained partial biological activity after eryopreservation. Pheromone glands were frozen to -70oC in a tissue culture medium (TC-199) containing 10% of the cryoprotectant dimethylsulfoxide. Malpighian tubules, however, required initial preincubation for 24 h in a medium of high osmolarity before being frozen to -70oC in the presence of 10% of the cryoprotectant glycerol. After rapid thawing of both organs, biological activity was compared with the respective fresh organs. Using a radiochemical assay, it was shown that previously frozen pheromone glands were stimulated by pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide to the same degree as fresh pheromone glands. In addition, previously frozen Malpighian tubules were stimulated by an extract of corpora cardiaca to produce c-AMP to the same extent as fresh Malpighian tubules.  相似文献   

Eleven indicators were applied to macrofaunal species abundance data obtained from four dredged material relocation sites and four aggregate extraction sites in UK waters. Indicators were subsequently scored on a scale of 0 (very poor) to 5 (excellent) according to their performance in relation to six criteria governing their utility. Number of species (S) and number of individuals (N) generally scored highest in terms of understandability, sensitivity and linkage to the human activity whilst biotic indices were assigned relatively low scores, particularly in relation to aggregate extraction activities, according to the same criteria. As the immediate consequences of dredged material relocation and aggregate extraction activities are largely physical in nature the relative insensitivity of these indices may be explained by their dependence on species responses principally to organic enrichment. Indicators that incorporated measures of relatedness of species (i.e. average taxonomic distinctness, taxonomic breadth and average phylogenetic diversity) were assigned relatively low scores due to inconsistency in identifying spatial trends, and relative insensitivity. However, such indices may have the potential advantage of illuminating the causes as well as simply the existence of change and merit further examination. The adopted approach to quantifying indicator utility is critically examined and recommendations are made for future refinements.  相似文献   

The use of fine-grained maintenance dredged material for habitat enhancement has increased in recent years, particularly recharge schemes which provide a means of combating the erosion of intertidal flats and saltmarsh. This article investigates the development of meiofaunal nematode communities following a natural experiment in 2003, when fine-grained dredged material was deposited concurrently at four adjacent intertidal recharge sites on the southeast coast of the United Kingdom. A 12-month survey of nematode assemblages was carried out to compare univariate, multivariate, allometric and functional attributes of colonist communities in relation to the different environmental conditions prevailing at the four sites. Developing assemblages were increasingly affected by the spatial differences in the elevation, consolidation and exposure of bed material. The results indicated that the colonisation sequence was the result of random settling of suspended nematodes, sequential reproduction and differential survival and reproductive success of colonising species. For the first time, this experiment provided insights into the development of adaptive and functional types of meiofaunal nematodes following the intertidal deposition of uncontaminated fine-grained dredged material. This, in turn, will contribute considerably to the development of ecological models of the evolution of the large-scale placement of muddy dredged material in the intertidal environment.  相似文献   

A zooplankton bioassay chamber for lab and field use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field and laboratory study of zooplankton has been hamperedby the lack of standardized and reliable culture methods. Thispaper describes a zooplankton bioassay chamber for both laboratoryand in situ use that is easy to construct, inexpensive, andsuitable for even very small zooplankton species such as Bosmina.The chamber, which allows easy access to animals for examinationor counting, may be particularly useful in toxicity bioassays. 1Financial Support was provided by NSF Grant # DDP 75-12949-A01and DDP 76-80652 to W.J. O'Brien.  相似文献   

广州市固体废物管理与处置现状及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄小平  胡迪琴 《生态科学》2002,21(2):141-146
分析广州市工业固体废物、危险废物、生活垃圾、余泥渣土等管理与处置现状,揭示广州市现有固体废物管理处置存在的主要问题,并提出对策建议。分析表明,近年广州市工业固体废物年产生量呈上升趋势,工业固体废物排放量有所回升;1999年危险废物实现零排放,医疗垃圾的集中处置率达100%;居民生活垃圾清运处置率达100%。生活垃圾分类收集率为26%,加快了垃圾填埋场的改造和建设;余泥渣土的管理逐步规范化,市区余泥渣土排放工地申领排放证率保持100%。存在问题包括管理上欠长远规划、处置技术落后、二次污染、资源回收率低、资金匮乏等,尤其缺乏对危险废物、废旧电池的集中处置机构。  相似文献   

The bioassay of gibberellins   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
R. L. Jones  J. E. Varner 《Planta》1966,72(2):155-161
Summary A bioassay is described which is dependent upon the fact that gibberellin induced -amylase release from barley half-seeds is proportional to the logarithm of gibberellin concentration applied. This bioassay has been successfully applied to the estimation of gibberellin-like substances in plant extracts. The bioassay has the following advantages: 1) Release of -amylase is one step closer to the primary site of action of GA; 2) release of -amylase is not affected by solvent residues and is apparently completely specific for gibberellin; 3) release of -amylase is not affected by substances other than gibberellins present in crude plant extracts.Supported by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. AT (11-1)-1338.  相似文献   

The meaning of bioassay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D J Finney 《Biometrics》1965,21(4):785-798

Fourteen dredged material marshes andfourteen natural marshes along the Texas, USA, coastare compared on the basis of 1) edge: area ratios, 2)relative exposure index values, 3) elevation profiles,4) elevation of Spartina alterniflora, 5) soilorganic carbon content, 6) soil silt-clay content, and7) belowground plant biomass. Although edge: areacomparisons cannot detect certain types of differencesin geomorphology, comparisons clearly show thatdredged material marshes, on average, have fewer pondsand flooded depressions than natural marshes. Comparisons of relative exposure index values suggestthat wave protection structures associated with somedredged material marshes may be overbuilt. Elevationprofiles illustrate the potential for structures suchas berms to lead to differences between dredgedmaterial marshes and natural marshes, but they alsoshow the high variability in elevation profiles thatexists among both dredged material and naturalmarshes. S. alternifloraelevations in dredgedmaterial marshes are not significantly different fromthose of natural marshes. Soil organic carbon andsilt-clay content of dredged material marshes are notsignificantly different from those of natural marshes. Although belowground biomass of dredged materialmarshes is significantly lower than that of naturalmarshes, regression analysis suggests that belowgroundbiomass will increase over time. Findings reportedhere suggest several points that should be consideredduring planning and design of dredged material marshesin Texas: 1) if an objective of marsh construction isto mimic natural marsh geomorphology, methods toincrease the amount of unconnected edge need to bedeveloped, 2) methods of effectively summarizinggeomorphic characteristics need further development,and 3) there is some evidence suggesting thatprotective structures may be over-built, and the needfor substantial structural protection should bebalanced against the costs of structures and risk ofsite failure during project design. Lastly, a methodfor increasing the amount of unconnected edge thatinvolves excavation of bay bottom before placement ofdredged material is suggested.  相似文献   

An analogy exists between the mathematical models of psychological test theory and quantitative genetics. From this analogy we can conclude, that longitudinal correlation and heritability in the broad sense are equivalent expressions for the reliability in the long run. Since long-range prediction is the aim of index construction for personnel selection in athletics and other applied fields, we recommend to use heritability as a weighting factor for phenotypic scores in order to calculate true scores and to eliminate error variance.  相似文献   

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