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Abstract. Dissection of flies caught in northern Norway revealed that only mated, gravid females of H.tarandi (L.) and larviparous C.trompe (Modeer) were caught in host-mimicking C02-baited traps. Trapped females had the same gonotrophic and fat body (FB) conditions as females caught on and around reindeer. Most trapped females of both species were of middle to old age, having only one-half to no FB reserves left and only a few to moderate numbers of eggs or larvae remaining. Most young females trapped also had previously oviposited or larviposited at least once, and some newly eclosed, mated females were present throughout the fly season. Based on the known location of reindeer herds, it was evident that trapped flies that had recently oviposited or larviposited had dispersed into the trapping area from 25–100 km away. Declining FB reserves sustained wild-caught C.trompe females (and in utero larvae) in the laboratory for 14 days and H.tarandi females for 18 days. Reserve FB also was depleted during long flights. Females of both species that flew for the longest times (5.1–11.7 h) on a laboratory flight mill had low FB reserves, but nearly maximum numbers of eggs or larvae. Conversely, most females that flew for less than 5 h on the flight mill had little or no FB remaining, and few eggs or larvae. The large FB reserves accumulated as larvae feed in the vertebrate host enable the non-feeding adults to survive and infect their hosts even after prolonged periods of flight-inhibiting climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Considerable behavioural evidence supports harassment by insects as the most important causal link between warm summer temperatures and low body condition of reindeer Rangifer tarandus , and that insect activity is influenced by weather condition. However, much less is known about the effect of insect harassment on individual performance, measured as reduced weight gain during summer, and the related consequences on both the reindeer pastoral economy and reindeer as a biological resource. Using climatic data, this paper develops a simple index for the analysis of insect harassment that takes into consideration weather variables known to significantly affect insect activity and/or the level of insect harassment. The insect harassment index, which is based on mid-day ambient temperature ≥13 °C, wind speed <6 m/s and cloud cover <40%, is further used to test the hypothesis that insect harassment has a negative effect on reindeer performance during summer in three Norwegian populations. Results show that harassment by insects negatively affects the autumn weight of reindeer calves, most probably through reduced grazing time and increased energy expenditure, but also indirectly by negatively influencing milk production of the dam. Moreover, female calves were more vulnerable to insect harassment than males. Insect harassment may have consequences on future reproductive performance, calving time, calf birth weight and hence neonatal mortality, and thus affect reindeer productivity. The presented index is easy to estimate and may be used to quantify and compare harassment levels on various reindeer summer grazing areas for management purposes. Our results also suggest that the expected temperature increase in the course of global warming may increase the insect-related stress on reindeer.  相似文献   

We describe a case of human oral myiasis by a first-stage larva of the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma (Oedemagena) tarandi (L.) (Diptera: Oestridae), in a 12-year-old girl. In September the patient complained of erythema, swelling and conjunctivitis of the right eyelid. Symptoms subsided spontaneously but re-occurred in October. In December she presented with acute swelling of the right corner of the mouth. Later that day a living larva protruded from this swelling. The patient had been on vacation in Norway during the previous summer months.  相似文献   

Wild-caught, tethered females of the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma tarandi (L.) (= Oedemagena tarandi (L.)), (Diptera, Oestridae) were stimulated to oviposit on hairs of a reindeer hide. Newly laid eggs incubated at constant temperatures and relative humidities hatched within 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the experimental conditions. Over a range of 7-40 degrees C, hatching only occurred between 20 and 37 degrees C. Eggs held at 100% relative humidity had lower hatchability and longer time to hatch relative to eggs held at 77% relative humidity. The average number of degree-days for hatching was 50.35. Between 20 and 33 degrees C there was a temperature-dependent linear trend in developmental rate, and the proportion of eggs hatching was highest, and least variable, at the mid-temperature ranges. The temperature range found in the natural host micro-habitat where H. tarandi commonly affix their eggs (close to the skin at the base of a host hair) was consistent with the experimental temperature treatments that produced the highest hatching rate. Newly emerged larvae displayed positive thermotaxis, while showing no phototaxic or geotaxic behaviour. Results indicate that constraints of the host environment, coupled with temperature-dependent hatching success, may impose a selective pressure on oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

294 serum samples from five Norwegian reindeer herds were examined for antibodies against Hypoderma tarandi L. The first and second larval instars of H. tarandi were tested as antigens in immunodiffusion tests, passive haemagglutination and an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The latter technique, using first instar antigens, produced the best results. A significant difference (P less than 0.1%) was observed between the antibody value of naive reindeer bred in France and those from infected Norwegian herds. No correlation was observed between the antibody titre and the number of warbles recovered at necropsy from the 294 Norwegian reindeer.  相似文献   

Hypoderma (=Oedemagena) tarandi L. (Diptera: Oestridae) is characterized by a mating strategy in which both sexes meet and mate at two types of distinct topographical landmarks. In the expansive, treeless vidda (= tundra-like) biome, mating places are unique, rocky areas located along rivers and streams or in rocky areas of drying river and stream beds. In wooded valleys below the vidda, flies mated at certain topographical areas along dirt road tracks/paths. Thermoregulatory activities of males occupying perches at mating places included selection of substratum at perch site, orientation of body to sun's rays, crouching, stilting, and flights into upper cooler air. On warm sunny days males perched for just 1–2 min before flying up into cooler air to promote cooling. Laboratory and field studies revealed that flies could not metabolically cool down when held at 25–38°C. Time spent at mating places depended on temperature, duration of sunshine, and wind velocity. Males were very aggressive in pursuing allHypoderma-sized objects that passed by them or that landed near them, but they did not defend specific perch sites. Males either pursued and caught females in flight, or they hopped onto females that landed near them. During 5 years, 74 males and 14 females were seen at mating places. Dissection of six females caught at mating places revealed them to be recently eclosed flies full of fat body and with all eggs intact; two not paired with males were non-inseminated. Three experimentally paired females remainedin copulo for 10, 13, and 19.5 min.  相似文献   

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