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From the chemiosmotic hypothesis it follows that no change is expected in potency of an uncoupler to inhibit an energy-driven reaction in an energy-transducing membrane if the energy-requiring part of the reaction, the so-called secondary proton pump, is partially inhibited by a specific, tightly bound inhibitor. An increase in potency upon inhibition of the primary pump may be expected, due to a lower rate of the total proton flow that can be used by the secondary pump and dissipated by the uncoupler. Contrary to this prediction several uncouplers (S13, SF6847, 2,4-dinitrophenol, valinomycin + nigericin) show an increase in uncoupling efficiency in ATP-driven reverse electron transfer (reversal) upon inhibition of the secondary pump in this reaction, the NADH:Q oxidoreductase, by rotenone. The increase in uncoupling efficiency is proportional to the decrease in the rate of reversal, that is to the decrease in concentration of active secondary pump. Similarly, upon inhibition of the primary pump, the ATPase, with oligomycin, an increase in uncoupling efficiency was found, also proportional to the decrease in the rate of reversal. When the pore-forming uncoupler gramicidin was used, no change in uncoupling potency was found upon inhibition of NADH:Q oxidoreductase. Inhibition of the ATPase, however, resulted in a proportionally lower uncoupling titre for gramicidin, just as was found for S13 in the presence of oligomycin. A difference was also found in the relative concentrations of S13 and gramicidin required to stimulate ATP hydrolysis or to inhibit reversal. The amount of S13 needed to stimulate ATP hydrolysis was clearly higher than the amount needed to inhibit reversal. On the contrary, the titre of gramicidin for both actions was about the same. To explain these results we propose that gramicidin uncouples via dissipation of the bulk delta mu H+, whereas the carrier-type uncouplers preferentially interfere with the direct energy transduction between the ATPase and redox enzymes. This is in accordance with the recently developed collision hypothesis.  相似文献   

Tightly coupled bovine heart submitochondrial particles treated to activate complex I and to block ubiquinol oxidation were capable of rapid uncoupler-sensitive inside-directed proton translocation when a limited amount of NADH was oxidized by the exogenous ubiquinone homologue Q1. External alkalization, internal acidification and NADH oxidation were followed by the rapidly responding (t1/2 < or = 1 s) spectrophotometric technique. Quantitation of the initial rates of NADH oxidation and external H+ decrease resulted in a stoichiometric ratio of 4 H+ vectorially translocated per 1 NADH oxidized at pH 8.0. ADP-ribose, a competitive inhibitor of the NADH binding site decreased the rates of proton translocation and NADH oxidation without affecting -->H+/2e- stoichiometry. Rotenone, piericidin and thermal deactivation of complex I completely prevented NADH-induced proton translocation in the NADH-endogenous ubiquinone reductase reaction. NADH-exogenous Q1 reductase activity was only partially prevented by rotenone. The residual rotenone- (or piericidin-) insensitive NADH-exogenous Q1 reductase activity was found to be coupled with vectorial uncoupler-sensitive proton translocation showing the same -->H+/2e- stoichiometry of 4. It is concluded that the transfer of two electrons from NADH to the Q1-reactive intermediate located before the rotenone-sensitive step is coupled with translocation of 4 H+.  相似文献   

1,N6-Ethenoadenosine diphosphate (ϵ-ADP) inhibits reverse electron flow (succinate → NAD+ driven by ATP) by competing with ATP, in contrast to ADP which we have shown previously to be a noncompetitive inhibitor. From these and other data it is concluded that the noncompetitive inhibition noted with ADP results from a combination of competitive inhibition plus non- or uncompetitive inhibition, the former occuring at a relatively nonspecific catalytic site and the latter at an extracatalytic site apparently quite specific for ADP. ADP, which stimulates ATP ⇌ H2O and Pi ⇌ H2O exchanges appears to be necessary for inhibition by arsenate of these exchanges. It is suggested that the ATP-supported Pi ⇌ H2O exchange may be predominantly of the medium or intermediate type, depending on the concentrations of the Mg2+ complexes of ADP and Pi. Thus only exchanges involving medium ADP and Pi would be expected to show arsenate sensitivity.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine whether the natural ATPase inhibitor (IF1) plays a role in oxidative phosphorylation, the time course of ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis in inside-out submitochondrial particles from beef heart mitochondria either possessing IF1 (Mg-ATP particles) or devoid of IF1 (AS particles) was investigated and compared to movements of IF1, as assessed by an isotopic assay. The responses of the above reactions to preincubation of the particles in aerobiosis with NADH or succinate were as follows: (1) The few seconds lag that preceded the steady-rate phase of ATP synthesis was shortened and even abolished both in Mg-ATP particles and AS particles. The rate of ATP synthesis in the steady state was independent of the length of the lag. (2) ATPase was slowly activated, maximal activation being obtained after a 50-min preincubation; there was no direct link between the development of the protonmotive force (maximal within 1 sec) and ATPase activation. (3) Bound IF1 was slowly released; the release of bound IF1 as a function of the preincubation period was parallel to the enhancement of ATPase activity; the maximal amount of IF1 released was a small fraction of the total IF1 bound to the particles (less than 20%). (4) The double reciprocal plots of the rates of ATP and ITP hydrolysis vs. substrate concentrations that were curvilinear in the absence of preincubation with a respiratory substrate became linear after aerobic preincubation with the substrate. The data conclusively show that only ATPase activity in submitochondrial particles is correlated with the release of IF1, and that the total extent of IF1 release induced by respiration is limited. On the other hand, the kinetics of ATPase in control and activated particles are consistent with the existence of two conformations of the membrane-bound F1-ATPase, directed to ATP synthesis or ATP hydrolysis and distinguishable by their affinity for IF1.  相似文献   

The short preincubation of submitochondrial particles with low concentrations of ADP in the presence of Mg2+ results in a complete loss of their ATPase and inosine triphosphatase activities. Other nucleoside diphosphates (IDP and GDP) do not affect the ATPase activity. The ADP-inhibited ATPase can be activated in a time-dependent manner by treatment of submitochondrial particles with the enzyme converting ADP into ATP (phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate kinase). The activaton is a first-order reaction with rate constant 0.2 min-1 at 25 degrees C. The rate constant of activation is increased in the presence of ATP up to 2 min-1, and this increase shows saturation kinetics with Km value equal to that for ATPase reaction itself (10(-4) M at 25 degrees C at pH 8.0). The experimental results obtained are consistent with the model where two alternative pathways of ADP dissociation from the inhibitory site of ATPase exist; one is spontaneous dissociation and the second is ATP-dependent dissociation through the formation of the ternary complex between ADP, the enzyme and ATP. ADP-induced inactivation and ATP-dependent activation of ATPase activity of submitochondrial particles is accompanied by the same directed change of their ability to catalyse the ATP-dependent reverse electron transport from succinate to NAD+. The possible implication of the model suggested is discussed in terms of functional role of the inhibitory high-affinity binding site for ADP in the mitochondrial ATPase.  相似文献   

The NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity of bovine heart submitochondrial particles was found to be slowly (half-time of 16 min) and progressively lost upon incubation with the Fe2(+)-adriamycin complex. In addition to this slow progressive inactivation seen on incubation, a reversible fast phase of inhibition was also seen. However, if EDTA was added to the incubation mixture within 15 s, the slow progressive loss in activity was largely preventable. Separate experiments indicated that EDTA removed about one-half of the iron from the Fe2(+)-adriamycin complex in about 40 s. These results indicated the requirement for iron for the inactivation process. Since the Vmax. for the fast phase of inhibition was decreased by the inhibitor, the inhibition pattern was similar to that seen for uncompetitive or mixed-type inhibition. The direct binding of both Fe3(+)-adriamycin and adriamycin to submitochondrial particles was also demonstrated, with the Fe3(+)-adriamycin complex binding 8 times more strongly than adriamycin. Thus binding of Fe3(+)-adriamycin to the enzyme or to the inner mitochondrial membrane with subsequent generation of oxy radicals in situ is a possible mechanism for the Fe3(+)-adriamycin-induced inactivation of respiratory enzyme activity.  相似文献   

1. The activity of the ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) of phosphorylating particles prepared by sonication of bovine heart mitochondria in the presence of MgCl2 and ATP is influenced by the isolation method for the mitochondria used in the preparation of particles. Type-I particles, made from mitochondria isolated in a medium lacking succinate, have a lower ATPase activity than to Type-II particles, which are prepared from mitochondria isolated in a medium containing succinate. 2. Centrifugation under appropriate energized conditions increases the ATPase activity of Type-I particles almost to that of the Type-II particles. The ATPase activity of Type-II particles was only slightly stimulated by this procedure. These data are interpreted as indicating a higher content of the ATPase-inhibitor protein in the Type-I particles. 3. A comparison was made of the ATP-driven enhancement of 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonate fluorescence and the exchange of the endogenous tightly bound nucleotides of the ATPase in Type-I and Type-II particles. The effect of exogenous inhibitor protein on both these reactions was also studied. 4. The time-scale on which the inhibitor protein can exchange between ATPase molecules is discussed.  相似文献   

Study on the effect of pentachlorophenol on the succinate oxidase activity of submitochondrial particles and on the reduction level of cytochromes b revealed that the Ki value for PCP is equal to 2-4 microM. The succinate-DCPIP-reductase activity is noncompetitively inhibited with PCP (by 75-85%) (Ki = 3.6 microM). In the case of the succinate-PMS-reductase activity PCP at micromolar concentrations decreases the value of V only by 40% (C50 = 2 microM) with a simultaneous increase of the Km value for PMS. The identity of Ki values for PCP under these conditions suggests that the effect of PCP is due to the inhibitor interaction with the same component of the succinate dehydrogenase complex. The type of action of PCP on the succinate-acceptor-reductase activities indicates that the inhibiting effect of PCP on succinate oxidations is similar to that exerted by traditional inhibitors of succinate dehydrogenase--tenoyltrifluoroacetone and carboxins. Since PCP inhibits succinate dehydrogenase at low concentrations, it seems likely that the biological (pesticidal) effect of PCP is provided for not only by its uncoupling action but also by the inhibition of succinate oxidation in the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes of the inner-membrane components and the electron-transfer activities of bovine heart submitochondrial particles induced by the lipid peroxidation supported by NADPH in the presence of ADP-Fe3+. Most of the polyunsaturated fatty acids were lost as a result of the peroxidation, and phospholipids were changed to polar species. Ubiquinone was also modified to polar substances as the peroxidation proceeded. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis showed the disappearance of 27000-Mr and 30000-Mr proteins and the appearance of highly polymerized substances. Flavins and cytochromes were not diminished, but the respiratory activity was lost. The reactions of NADH oxidase and NADH-cytochrome c reductase were most sensitive to the peroxidation, followed by those of succinate oxidase and succinate-cytochrome c reductase. Succinate dehydrogenase and duroquinol-cytochrome c reductase were inactivated by more extensive peroxidation, but cytochrome c oxidase was only partially inactivated. NADH-ferricyanide reductase was not inactivated. The pattern of the inactivation indicated that the lipid peroxidation affected the electron transport intensively between NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone, and moderately at the succinate dehydrogenase step and between ubiquinone and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

1. Modification of a single amino acid residue by introduction of the nitrobenzofurazan group inactivates mitochondrial ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) when membrane-bound in submitochondrial particles. The similarity between the reactions of both membrane-bound and isolated ATPase with 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan indicates that the single essential tryosine residue identified in the isolated enzyme [Ferguson, Loyd, Lyons & Radda (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 54, 117-126] Is also a feature of the membrane-bound ATPase. 2. A procedure is presented for estimating the ATPase content of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is based on the specificity of the incorporation of the nitrobenzofurazan group, and the ready removal of this group by compounds that contain a thiol group. This method indicates that 8.5% of the membrane protein is ATPase. The procedure should be applicable to the titration of the energy-transducing ATPases of bacterial plasma membranes and of the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. 3. Combination of the data obtained on the ATPase content of the bovine heart inner mitochondrial membrane with a titration of the cytochrome bc1 complex with antimycin indicates that these two components of the membrane are present in approximately equal amounts.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles subjected to an artificially imposed electrochemical proton gradient consisting of a pH gradient (acid to base transition) and membrane potential (low to high K-+ transition in the presence of valinomycin) catalyzed the net synthesis of 2.5 nmol of [-32P]ATP per mg of protein from ADP and 32-Pi. Optimal reaction conditions included incubation of submitochondrial particles in malonate at pH 5.0 with valinomycin in the absence of added K-+, followed by a rapid transition to pH 7.5 and 100 mM K-+. ATP synthesis continued for about 6 s and was sensitive to uncouplers or oligomycin but insensitive to inhibitors of electron transport. Lower amounts of ATP were formed by either the pH gradient (25%) of K-+ gradient (15%) alone. These results demonstrate that an electrochemical gradient of protons can drive the synthesis of ATP by reversal of the proton-translocating ATPase independent of electron transport.  相似文献   

The binding of ATP radiolabeled in the adenine ring or in the gamma- or alpha-phosphate to F1-ATPase in complex with the endogenous inhibitor protein was measured in bovine heart submitochondrial particles by filtration in Sephadex centrifuge columns or by Millipore filtration techniques. These particles had 0.44 +/- 0.05 nmol of F1 mg-1 as determined by the method of Ferguson et al. [(1976) Biochem. J. 153, 347]. By incubation of the particles with 50 microM ATP, and low magnesium concentrations (less than 0.1 microM MgATP), it was possible to observe that 3.5 mol of [gamma-32P]ATP was tightly bound per mole of F1 before the completion of one catalytic cycle. With [gamma-32P]ITP, only one tight binding site was detected. Half-maximal binding of adenine nucleotides took place with about 10 microM. All the bound radioactive nucleotides were released from the enzyme after a chase with cold ATP or ADP; 1.5 sites exchanged with a rate constant of 2.8 s-1 and 2 with a rate constant of 0.45 s-1. Only one of the tightly bound adenine nucleotides was released by 1 mM ITP; the rate constant was 3.2 s-1. It was also observed that two of the bound [gamma-32P]ATP were slowly hydrolyzed after removal of medium ATP; when the same experiment was repeated with [alpha-32P]ATP, all the label remained bound to F1, suggesting that ADP remained bound after completion of ATP hydrolysis. Particles in which the natural ATPase inhibitor protein had been released bound tightly only one adenine nucleotide per enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In myofilaments obtained by Triton X-100 lysis of frog heart cells in high ionic strength medium, the activity of bound creatine kinase cannot be detected by a coupled enzymatic assay. ATP is channelized toward myosin ATPase, through the unstirred layer near myofilaments and cannot diffuse into the bulk solution. Model systems based upon the coupled kinetics of enzymes co-immobilized on the same surface may explain this behaviour. This may also account for why myofilament-bound creatine kinase is more efficient than free enzyme in the cytosol for the physiological recycling of ADP into ATP.  相似文献   

The effect of guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl) on multisite and unisite ATPase activity by F0F1 of submitochondrial particles from bovine hearts was studied. In particles without control by the inhibitor protein, 50 mM GdnHCl inhibited multisite hydrolysis by about 85%; full inhibition required around 500 mM. In the range of 500-650 mM, GdnHCl enhanced the rate of unisite catalysis by promoting product release; it also increased the rate of hydrolysis of ATP bound to the catalytic site without GdnHCl. GdnHCl diminished the affinity of the enzyme for aurovertin. The effects of GdnHCl were irreversible. The results suggest that disruption of intersubunit contacts in F0F1 abolishes multisite hydrolysis and stimulates of unisite hydrolysis. Particles under control by the inhibitor protein were insensitive to concentrations of GdnHCl that induce the aforementioned alterations of F0F1 free of inhibitor protein, indicating that the protein stabilizes the global structure of particulate F1.  相似文献   

Dennis R. Lang  Efraim Racker 《BBA》1974,333(2):180-186
Quercetin (3,3′,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) shares certain properties with the mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor protein. At low concentrations it inhibits both soluble and particulate mitochondrial ATPase and has no effect on oxidative phosphorylation in submitochondrial particles. Unlike the mitochondrial inhibitor protein quercetin inhibits the ATP-dependent reduction of NAD+ by succinate in fully reconstituted submitochondrial particles. A comparison of various flavones indicates that the hydroxyl groups at the 3′ and perhaps 3 position are important for the inhibition of ATPase activity.  相似文献   

A kinetic study on ubiquinol-cytochrome f reductase (EC has been undertaken either in situ in KCN-inhibited mitochondria and submitochondrial particles, or in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex using ubiquinol-1 and exogenous cytochrome c as substrates. The steady-state two-substrate kinetics of the reductase appears to follow a general sequential mechanism, allowing calculation of a Km for ubiquinol-1 of 13.4 μM in mitochondria and of 24.6 μM in the isolated cytochrome b-c1 complex. At low concentrations of cytochrome c, however, the titrations as a function of quinol concentration appear biphasic both in mitochondria and in submitochondrial particles containing trapped cytochrome c inside the vesicle space, fitting two apparent Km values for ubiquinol-1. Relatively high antimycin-sensitive rates of ubiquinol-1-cytochrome c reductase have been found in submitochondrial particles: both the Vmax and the Km for ubiquinol-1 are, however, affected by the overall orientation of the particle preparation, i.e., by the reactivity of cytochrome c with its proper site. The turnover numbers corrected for particle orientation with respect to cytochrome c interaction are at least 2-fold higher in submitochondrial particles than in mitochondria. This is particularly evident using inside-out particles containing trapped cytochrome c in the vesicle space (and therefore reacting with its physiological site). A diffusion step for the quinol substrate appears to be rate limiting in mitochondria and can be removed by addition of deoxycholate, suggesting that the oxidation site of ubiquinol may be more exposed to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

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