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The effects of cadmium and zinc mixtures at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10,000 microg l(-1) on the life-span of decaudized cercarial bodies (cercariae that have shed their tails) of Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae) was investigated. Cercariae were exposed to metal mixtures of equal and unequal concentrations, and a low-dose pre-treatment followed by a high-dose exposure mixtures. Metal mixtures demonstrated variable effects on decaudized cercariae either by increasing or reducing their life-span compared to single metal exposures dependent on concentration and the type of mixed metal treatment. Prolonged exposure to equal metal mixtures at low concentrations (0.1-100 microg l(-1)) resulted in a reduction in the life-span of decaudized cercariae at 0.1 and 100 microg l(-1) in those individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h exposure period compared with those decaudized during the final 24 h period of cercarial survival, whilst in controls there was no significant life-span change between the two time periods. Decaudized cercariae which were exposed to low concentrations (0.1-100 microg l(-1)) of equal metal mixtures were also evaluated for their role as an indicator of larval 'fitness' for migrating through the tissues of their target fish host for those individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h exposure period, and demonstrated only a limited change in their life-span compared to control and single metal exposures. The importance of metal mixtures in parasite establishment in the fish host is discussed.  相似文献   

The body-wall musculature of invasive cercariae and metacercariae of Diplostomum chromatophorum at different intervals after the penetration into the experimental intermediate host Cyprinus carpio (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 20, 34, 40 days) has been investigated with the help of TEM technique. During the first 10 days after the invasion (in conditions of our experiment), the cercarial subtegumental muscle fibres degenerate. These muscles are replaced by newly formed ones. Mass differentiation of myoblasts beneath the tegument was observed in 7-10-day-old metacercariae. Obtained data indicate the metamorphosis of body-wall musculature during the morphogenesis in Diplostomum chromatophorum metacercariae.  相似文献   

Metacercariae of Diplostomum spathaceum were maintained in the allantoic cavities of chick embryos for 15 days. Some embryos had 0.2 ml chicken serum added to the allantoic cavity each day. Although the level of development varied considerably, worms from embryos with added serum developed hind bodies that were substantially larger than those of parasites maintained without added serum. There was no evidence that any worm ingested blood, and only 1 individual, from the serum-augmented group, became ovigerous.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium (Cd) exposure on infectivity of cercariae of 2 trematode species (Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus and Posthodiplostomum minimum) to their second intermediate fish host was evaluated. Individual fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were exposed to cercariae that had been treated with Cd solutions at concentrations of 0, 2, 20, or 200 microg/L for 2 hr. Two weeks later, the numbers of encysted metacercariae in the brain (O. ptychocheilus) and body cavity (P. minimum) of the fish were evaluated. ANOVA analyses indicated a strong negative effect of Cd concentration on cercaria infectivity. The species x Cd concentration interaction was not significant, indicating that the magnitude of Cd-induced reduction in infectivity was similar between O. ptychocheilus and P. minimum. The results show that short-term exposure to Cd, even at low concentrations, interferes with transmission processes that affect the recognition and penetration of cercariae, the migration and survival of metacercariae within the second intermediate host, or both.  相似文献   

Four new species of trematodes of the genus Diplostomum are described from metacercariae found in fishes from Lake Tana in Ethiopia: Diplostomum garrae sp. n. from the lens of Garra dembecha, D. longicollis sp. n. from the lens of Barbus humilis, D. montanum sp. n. from the lens of Barbus humilis, and D. tilapiae sp. n. from the vitreous body of Oreochromis niloticus. The metacercariae of the new species considerably differ in morphology and size from those of all known Holarctic species. It is the first African record of metacercariae of the genus Diplostomum in fish.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of the genera in the Diplostomidae and Strigeidae was made using the Proterodiplostomidae as the outgroup. The Proterodiplostomidae was the family with the greatest preponderance of primitive characters and its monophyly was supported by the unique paraprostate gland. However, no character state supported the monophyly of the Diplostomidae sensu Dubois, 1970. That paraphyletic taxon was composed of 3 monophyletic groups: the pseudosuckerless Neodiplostomidae n. fam. had the most primitive character states of the 3 and its monophyly was based on characters in the neascus/neodiplostomulum metacercariae; the Bolbophoridae n. fam., with pseudosuckers, had its monophyly supported by characters present in the newly named prodiplostomulum metacercaria; and the emended Diplostomidae, also with pseudosuckers, had the most derived states and its monophyly was supported by characters present in the diplostomulum. The presence of pseudosuckers united the Bolbophoridae n. fam., the emended Diplostomidae, and the Strigeidae as a monophyletic assemblage. The Strigeidae had the most derived characters of these 3 taxa and its monophyly was supported by characters in the tetracotyle and the cup-shaped forebody and bilobed tribocytic organ of the adult. In general, the adult stages of these strigeoid families showed very conserved morphology and it was the metacercariae that possessed the innovations. The conserved adult morphology was typical of what one might expect if the intramolluscan stages were analyzed. Thus, the data were concordant with the view that the mollusc and vertebrate definitive host were the original hosts to the Digenea and that the second intermediate host and metacercaria were more recently intercalated. More specifically, the phylogeny of these groups suggested that ancestral bisegmented strigeoids originally infected reptiles, they subsequently radiated into birds with which they coevolved extensively, and on 5 separate occasions they radiated into mammals. The radiations into mammals were, by all available evidence, preceded by second intermediate host shifts from fish to amphibians.  相似文献   

The chaetotaxy of Codonocephalus urniger (Rudolphi, 1819) cercariae recovered from Lymnaea palustris in a brackish water lake in Bulgaria is described and figured. Comparisons with Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) and D. pseudospathaceum Niewiadomska, 1984 cercariae indicate a similar general pattern in the distribution of sensilla but with marked differences in their number and arrangement on the ventral sucker, tail stem and furcae. Data on the chaetotaxy of other diplostomid species are used to reveal the similarities and variations in some complexes within the members of Diplostomidae with known cercarial chaetotaxy.  相似文献   

The effect of exposing Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata), infected with Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae), to 100 microg l(-1) cadmium for 7 days on survival characteristics (survival, tail loss, decaudized cercarial life-span) of emerged cercariae was investigated. Exposure of L. stagnalis to cadmium resulted in significantly increased D. spathaceum cercarial survival and an inhibited tail loss compared to controls. The normal parallel relationship which exists over time between decreasing cercarial survival and increasing tail loss in controls was changed in cercariae from cadmium-exposed hosts with an increased proportion of cercarial deaths occurring without tail loss. The decaudized cercarial life-span over the survival period of the cercarial population did not significantly change. However comparisons between individuals decaudized during the initial 24 h time period with those which were decaudized during the final period of cercarial survival showed a significantly altered life span which did not occur in the control population. As a potential indicator of penetration 'fitness' comparisons were also undertaken between control and exposed cercariae decaudized during the initial 24 h time period, which revealed that the decaudized cercarial life-span from the exposed hosts was significantly different from controls. This may have important implications for the ability of cercariae to migrate through the tissues of their target host. The importance and relevance of these results to parasite transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to study the effect of age and lifespan on the infection success of Diplostomum spathaceum miracidia. Specimens of Lymnaea peregra and L. stagnalis were individually exposed to single miracidia of D. spathaceum of different ages under conditions of constant illumination at 20 degrees C. The life-span of the free-swimming miracidium of D. spathaceum is 24 h at 20 degrees C. It was observed that as the miracidium ages, its ability to successfully infect snails declines rapidly.  相似文献   

The infectivity of Diplostomum spathaceum (Digenea: Trematoda) cercariae to rainbow trout and the efficacy of the diplostomule migration to the lens following different routes of administration was examined. The optimum age of infectivity for cercariae was between 0-5 h after liberation from the snail and for intraperitoneally injected diplostomules, 5 h post-transformation in vitro through fish skin. After exposure of the entire fish body or head to cercariae, metacercariae first appeared in the lens at 5 h and their numbers gradually increased until 22 h. Following exposure of the tail region of rainbow trout to cercariae, metacercariae first appeared in the lens at 14 h. Significantly more metacercariae established in the lens of fish following exposure of the fish head compared with the tail region; 40% of penetrating cercariae reached the lens of fish following exposure of the head or entire body, 20% of cercariae or diplostomules injected either intraperitoneally, intramuscularly or intracardially reached the lens while only 5% of cercariae established as metacercariae following exposure of the tail region.  相似文献   

The cercaria of D. commutatum from the mollusk Radix ovata is described. Data on the biology and development of the cercaria up to the metacercarial stage are given. Cercariae of D. commutatum differ from all known species of the genus Diplostomum by a characteristic cuticular armament.  相似文献   

The immune response of rainbow trout to infection with the cercariae of the digenean parasite Diplostomum spathaceum was investigated. Rainbow trout infected with cercariae at weekly intervals, or injected with a suspension of dead cercariae, did not produce a specific humoral response against D. spathaceum cercariae, as tested using immunoperoxidase, agglutination and cytotoxicity assays. However, a significant difference occurred in the rate of infection of rainbow trout given weekly exposure to cercariae of D. spathaceum in winter and summer. Rainbow trout injected with a suspension of dead cercariae acquired significantly fewer metacercariae than controls when exposed to a challenge infection. This suggested a specific immune response by the host and is the first example of a reduction in the infection rate of rainbow trout immunized against a digenean parasite, when exposed to a challenge infection.  相似文献   

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