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LacI mutants obtained following 2 and 6 h of thymine deprivation were cloned and sequenced. The mutational spectra recovered were dissimilar. After 2 h of starvation the majority of mutations were base substitutions, largely G: C→C: G transversions. Frameshift mutations but not deletions were observed. In contrast, following 6 h of starvation, with the exception of the G: C→C: G transversion, all possible base substitutions were recovered. Moreover, several deletions but no frameshift events were observed. The differences in the mutational spectra recovered after two periods of thymine deprivation highlight the role of altered nucleotide pools and the potential influence of DNA replication mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have characterized 202 lacI mutations, and 158 dominant lacId mutations following treatment of Escherichia coli strains NR6112 and EE125 with 1-nitroso-6-nitropyrene (1,6-NONP), an activated metabolite of the carcinogen 1,6-dinitropyrene. In all, 91% of the induced point mutations occurred at G:C residues. The −(G:C) frameshifts were the dominant mutational class in the lacI collections of both NR6112 and EE125, and in the lacId collection of NR6112. Frameshift mutations occurred preferentially in runs of guanine residues, and their frequency increased with the length of the reiterated sequence. In strain EE125, which contained the plasmid pKM101, there was a marked stimulation in the frequency of base substitution mutations that was particularly apparent in the lacId collection. This study completes a comprehensive analysis of 1194 lacI and 348 lacId mutations induced by either 1,6-NONP or its positional isomer 1-nitroso-8-nitropyrene (1,8-NONP) in strains of E. coli that differ with regard to their ability to carry out nucleotide excision repair and/or their ability to express the translesion synthesis DNA polymerase RI (MucAB) encoded by plasmid pKM101. Among the mutations are 763 frameshift mutations, 367 base substitutions and 47 deletions; these mutations have been characterized at more than 300 distinct sites in the lacI gene. Our studies provide detailed insight into the DNA sequence alterations and mutational mechanisms associated with dinitropyrene mutagenesis. We review the mutational spectra, and discuss cellular lesion repair or tolerance mechanisms that modulate the observed mutational specificity.  相似文献   

Summary We report the physical and genetic mapping of pheV, an Escherichia coli gene for phenylalanine tRNA, to 64 min on the chromosomal map in the near vicinity of speC coding for ornithine decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Escherihica coliumC122::Tn5 cells were γ-radiated (137Cs, 750 Gy, under N2), and lac-constitutive mutants were produced at 36% of the wild-type level (the umC strain was not deficient in spontaneous mutagenesis, and the mutational spectrum determined by sequencing 263 spontaneous lacId mutations was very similar to that for the wild-type strain). The specific nature of the umC strain's partial radiation was determined by sequencing 325 radiation-induced lacId mutations. The yields of radiation-induced mutation classes in the umC strain (as a percentage of the wild-type yield) were: 80% for A · T → G · C transitions, 70% for multi-base additions, 60% for single-base deletions, 53% for A · T → C · G transversions, 36% for G · C → A · T transitions, 25% for multi-base deletions, 21% for A · T → T · A transversions, 11% for G · C → C · G transversions, 9% for G · C → T · A transversions and 0% for multiple mutations. Based on these deficiencies and other factors, it is concluded that the umC strain is near-normal for A · T → G · C transitions, single-base deletions and possibly A · T → C · G transversions; is generally deficient for mutagenesis at G · C sites fro transversions, and is grossly deficient in multiple mutations. Damage at G · C sites seems more difficult for translesion DNA synthesis to bypass than damage at A · T sites, and especially when trying to produced a transversion. The yield of G · C → A · T transitions in the umC strain *36% of the wild-type level) argues that a basic sites are involved in no more than 64% of γ-radiation-induced base substitutions in the wild-type strain. Altogether, these data suggest that the UmuC and UmuD′ proteins facilitate, rather than being absolutely required for, translesion DNA synthesis; with the degree of facilitation being dependent both on the nature of the noncoding DNA damage, i.e., at G · C vs A · T sites, and on the nature of the misincorporated base, i.e., whether it induces transversions or transitions.  相似文献   

Summary A UGA suppressor derived from a glutamine tRNA gene of Escherichia coli K 12 was isolated and characterized. Phages carrying the suppressor su+2UGA could be obtained only from a hybrid transducing phage, h 80 cI 857psu +2oc, but not from the original transducing phage cI 857psu +2oc. By DNA sequence analysis, it was found that the su +2 UGA suppressor obtained has two mutations; one is in the anticodon (TTATCA), as expected, and the other (CT) is at the 7th position from the 3 end of tRNA 2 Gln . The significance of these mutations and the lethal effect on phage of the increased amounts of UGA suppressor tRNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

大肠埃希菌(Escherichia coli)是一种兼性厌氧、有鞭毛的革兰氏阴性短杆菌,常寄生于人和动物肠道内,是常见的人畜共患病病原之一。大肠埃希菌易形成生物被膜,这是一种由细菌群落分泌能够包裹自身的胞外基质与细菌结合形成的特殊聚集体,也是临床细菌感染疾病难以治愈的主要原因。生物被膜的形成不仅帮助细菌逃避宿主的防御系统,还可以降低或阻止药物发挥作用,从而诱发生物被膜相关感染(biofilm-associated infections, BAI)。本文从生物被膜形成的基因调控系统和相关调控蛋白等角度,归纳总结调控大肠埃希菌生物被膜形成的分子机制,并对防治BAI的策略进行了概述,为寻找合适的药物靶点以及防治BAI提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的]为了实现对大肠杆菌靶基因的点突变,本研究将同源重组系统与CRISPR-Cas9技术相结合,探索一种高效、简捷的两步法策略.[方法]将靶基因的上下游同源臂和标记基因(amp)与pKOV质粒连接,获得pKOV-HR重组质粒.将pKOV-HR转化至大肠杆菌,借助其自身RecA重组系统,介导DNA发生同源重组,获得靶基...  相似文献   

With several pairs of rel+ and rel strains of Escherichia coli, the effects of amino acid starvation on the intracellular concentration of K+ and the rate of uptake of 42K+ were investigated. In the early phase of the experiments, the intracellular concentration of K+ was estimated by the conventional method in which the cell volume per A660 value of the culture was assumed to be constant, being not influenced by the variation of growth condition and strain. Apparently, the K+ concentration of rel+ cells was kept almost constant, while that of rel cells increased about 1.5-fold 2 h after the exposure to amino acid starvation. Unexpectedly, however, the above assumption was found not to be valid in the present study. The cell volume per A660 changed only slightly in CP78 (rel+) cells, while it increased markedly in CP79 (rel) cells after the exposure to amino acid starvation. Reestimation of the K+ concentrations based on the estimated respective values of cell volumes per A660 revealed no significant difference between both strains. After all, the above apparent phenomenon was found to be due to the fact that the increase in cell volume of the rel+ cells was arrested upon amino acid starvation whereas that in the rel cells was not. The 42K+ uptake by the rel+ cells was depressed upon amino acid starvation, whereas that by the rel cells increased. Some regulatory mechanism was suggested to operate in both strains to keep their K+ concentrations constant. When intracellular concentration of a metabolite is to be determined, importance of measurement of cell volume under the respective conditions, without assuming the constancy of the cell volume per A660 of the culture, was pointed out.  相似文献   

果胶酶具有广阔的商业用途,在食品工业上主要用于果汁和酒类的澄清、提高植物油的提取率、提高水果的硬度和植物纤维脱胶。米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)一直用于传统发酵食品的生产,自然条件下其果胶酶的产量较低。文献报道的果胶酶的重组表达成功的例子较少,且活性较低。通过RT-PCR 的方法,获得不含信号肽的果胶酸内切水解酶A(polygalacturonase A, PGA) 的cDNA,PGA cDNA 连入pET-28a (+)载体, 构建 pET-28a (+)-pga 质粒。pET-28a (+)-pga 转化Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,得到转化子pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ,首次实现了米曲霉PGA在大肠杆菌系统中过表达,进一步对PGA在大肠杆菌系统中表达的条件进行了研究。在37℃、220 r/min条件培养pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,OD600至 0.8左右时,用500μmol/L isopropyl β-D-thiogalactogalactopyranoside (IPTG)进行诱导表达,在15℃和170r/min条件下继续培养24 h,表达效果最好,相对于每毫升培养基而言,产酶可达到70u/mL,是米曲霉自然条件产酶量的87.5倍,远优于文献报道的重组表达的PGA酶活  相似文献   

果胶酶具有广阔的商业用途,在食品工业上主要用于果汁和酒类的澄清、提高植物油的提取率、提高水果的硬度和植物纤维脱胶。米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)一直用于传统发酵食品的生产,自然条件下其果胶酶的产量较低。文献报道的果胶酶的重组表达成功的例子较少,且活性较低。通过RT-PCR 的方法,获得不含信号肽的果胶酸内切水解酶A(polygalacturonase A, PGA) 的cDNA,PGA cDNA 连入pET-28a (+)载体, 构建 pET-28a (+)-pga 质粒。pET-28a (+)-pga 转化Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,得到转化子pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ,首次实现了米曲霉PGA在大肠杆菌系统中过表达,进一步对PGA在大肠杆菌系统中表达的条件进行了研究。在37℃、220 r/min条件培养pET-28a (+)-pga-Turner (DE3) placⅠ细胞,OD600至 0.8左右时,用500μmol/L isopropyl β-D-thiogalactogalactopyranoside (IPTG)进行诱导表达,在15℃和170r/min条件下继续培养24 h,表达效果最好,相对于每毫升培养基而言,产酶可达到70u/mL,是米曲霉自然条件产酶量的87.5倍,远优于文献报道的重组表达的PGA酶活  相似文献   

Summary A broad host range plasmid containing an operon fusion between the recA and lacZ genes of Escherichia coli was introduced into various aerobic and facultative gram-negative bacteria — 30 species belonging to 20 different genera — to study the expression of the recA gene after DNA damage. These included species of the families Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Rhizobiaceae, Vibrionaceae, Neisseriaceae, Rhodospirillaceae and Azotobacteraceae. Results obtained show that all bacteria tested, except Xanthomonas campestris and those of the genus Rhodobacter, are able to repress and induce the recA gene of E. coli in the absence and in the presence of DNA damage, respectively. All these data indicate that the SOS system is present in bacterial species of several families and that the LexA-binding site must be very conserved in them.  相似文献   

High-level expression of the hisHAFI genes in Escherichia coli, cloned under the control of an IPTG-inducible promoter, caused filamentation, as previously reported in Salmonella typhimurium. We speculated that this filamentation might be produced by an action of the HisH and HisF enzymes on their product AICAR (amino-imidazole carboxamide riboside 5-phosphate), a histidine by-product and normal purine precursor, possibly by favouring the formation of ZTP, the triphosphate derivative of AICAR. However, filamentation occured even in the absence of carbon flow through the histidine and purine pathways, as observed in a hisG purF strain lacking the first enzyme in each pathway. Filamentation thus does not require either the normal substrate or products of the overproduced histidine enzymes and must reflect another activity.  相似文献   

Summary A segment of the Escherichia coli genome which complements the ionising radiation sensitivity of the rorB mutation was cloned into pBR322. This DNA segment also complements the mitomycin C sensitivity of the rorB mutation. The gene was subcloned until defined in a fragment of 1.05 kb. Only one gene product, a protein of approximately 16.5 kDa, was found on maxicell analysis of the various subclones. Iso-electric focusing of this gene product suggests it may function in a complex.  相似文献   

Summary Two new mutants of E. coli K12, strains PT9 and PT32 were isolated, that were defective in proline transport. They had no high affinity proline transport activity, but their cytoplasmic membranes retained proline binding activity with altered sensitivity to inhibition by p-chloromercuribenzoate(pCMB). The lesion was mapped at the putP gene, which is located at min 23 on the revised E. coli genetic map (Bachmann 1983) as a composite gene in the proline utilization gene cluster, putP, putC, and putA, arranged in this order. The putC gene was shown to regulate the synthesis of proline dehydrogenase (putA gene product).Hybrid plasmids carrying the put region (Motojima et al. 1979; Wood et al. 1979) were used to construct the physical map of the put region. The possible location of the putP gene in the DNA segment was determined by subcloning the putP gene, genetic complementation, and recombination analyses using several proline transport mutants.Abbreviations pCMB p-chloromercuribenzoate - DM Davis and Mingioli - Ap ampicillin - NTG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine - EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - Str streptomycin - Tet tetracycline - Ac l-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid - DHP 3, 4-dehydro-d,l-proline - MTT 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2)2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - Kan kanamycin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

腺苷酸激酶基因在大肠杆菌中的可溶性高表达   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了鸡肌腺苷酸激酶基因的克隆和在温控启动子PRPL调控下在大肠杆菌中的可溶性高效表达.SDS-PAGE分析表明,鸡肌腺苷酸激酶的含量可占大肠杆菌细胞总蛋白含量的38%.利用Johnson等的干冰/乙醇-冰水浴反复冻融法,可将此重组蛋白进行富集,纯度可达85%以上.鸡肌腺苷酸激酶可与抗兔肌腺苷酸激酶单克隆抗体产生强的交叉反应.  相似文献   

【目的】分析致犊牛脑膜炎大肠杆菌分离株ibeB基因的分子生物学信息。【方法】以自脑炎死亡犊牛脑组织、肝组织分离鉴定的O161-K99-STa致病性大肠杆菌牛-EN株和牛-EG分离株为材料。根据GenBank中公布的脑膜炎大肠杆菌K1株RS218 ibeB基因序列设计1对引物,采用PCR方法,从分离株中成功克隆ibe B基因,比较分离株ibeB基因与不同来源大肠杆菌ibeB基因的部分生物信息学特性。【结果】分离株ibeB基因序列全长1500 bp,包含1371 bp开放阅读框,共编码457个氨基酸;生物信息学分析显示,牛-EN株与致人脑膜炎大肠杆菌K1 RS218的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为90.5%和96.9%,牛-EG株与大肠杆菌K12的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为99.4%和100.0%;ibeB蛋白为亲水性蛋白,分子质量为50.26 kDa,理论等电点为6.05;该蛋白无跨膜区,但具有信号肽序列;亚细胞定位显示,分泌信号通路位点(SP)占比例为0.939,说明该蛋白属于分泌型蛋白。【结论】从致脑膜炎大肠杆菌分离株中成功克隆ibeB基因,该基因与致人脑膜炎大肠杆菌K1 RS218 ibeB基因有较高的同源性,均有相似的生物学特性,属肠外致病性大肠杆菌。  相似文献   

[目的] 本试验旨在阐明鸡源大肠杆菌致病性及分子流行特性,为探索大肠杆菌流行途径制定合理的防控策略提供新思路。[方法] 2018–2019年在河北省采集病死鸡肝脏样品,通过选择培养基筛选、生化鉴定、血清凝集试验对分离菌株进行系统鉴定,应用PCR方法检测分离株中毒力基因流行情况。参考系统发育群分类方法对大肠杆菌进行分群分析,并参照McMLST网站数据库提供的7对管家基因序列进行多位点序列分型(multilocus sequence typing,MLST)分析。[结果] 结果显示,56株分离株符合大肠杆菌生化特征,分为8个生化表型,B4(30.36%)、B5(25%)和B2(23.21%)为主要生化表型。56株分离株大肠杆菌血清凝集试验均呈阳性,分为11种血清型,O78(26.79%)、O2(23.21%)、O157(17.86%)和O1(14.29%)为主要流行血清型。56株大肠杆菌共检测出15种肠外大肠杆菌毒力基因,未检出papCibeAibeB基因。黏附相关基因fimC和抗血清存活因子相关基因ompA携带率为100%。aatAyijPirp2matiss,检出率分别为98.21%、98.21%、98.21%、96.43%、92.86%。同时,大肠杆菌与铁转运相关基因iroNfyuAiucDirp2检出率均在80%以上。56株大肠杆菌中有20株属于肠出血型大肠杆菌(enterohemorrhagic E.coli,EHEC),其次是肠聚集型大肠杆菌(enteroaggregative E.coli,EAEC)(n=4)、肠产毒素型大肠杆菌(Enterotoxigenic E.coli,ETEC)(n=2)。这些菌株D群分离株较多,其次是B2群。通过MLST分型分析,共分为22个ST型,其中ST88(n=7)、ST85(n=6)、ST243(n=6)型为主要流行型。[结论] 结果显示大肠杆菌血清型多样,毒力因子种类繁多,致病性大肠杆菌同时携带多种毒力基因,表明动物源大肠杆菌具有较强的毒力基础。  相似文献   

c-di-GMP是细菌中广泛存在的第二信使,可通过效应蛋白参与调控细菌的生物被膜形成、运动性和毒力等生物学特性。YeaI因含有能结合c-di-GMP分子的EGEVF基序,可能作为c-di-GMP效应蛋白发挥作用。[目的] 研究yeaI基因缺失对奶牛源大肠杆菌临床分离株NJ17生物学特性的影响。[方法] 构建NJ17的yeaI缺失株(NJ17ΔyeaI)及回复株cNJ17ΔyeaI,分析yeaI对NJ17生物学特性(如生长特性、生物被膜形成能力和对小鼠乳腺上皮细胞(EpH4-Ev)的黏附)的影响。[结果] 成功构建NJ17的yeaI缺失株(NJ17ΔyeaI)及其回复株(cNJ17ΔyeaI);与野生株NJ17相比,缺失株NJ17ΔyeaI生长特性及耐药性无显著变化,生物被膜形成能力显著下降,运动性显著升高(P<0.05);透射电镜检测结果表明,yeaI缺失影响NJ17菌毛和鞭毛的形成;实时定量PCR(qPCR)结果显示,yeaI基因显著抑制NJ17鞭毛基因filGmotB的转录水平(P<0.05);血清杀菌实验表明,yeaI缺失能显著增强其抵抗血清杀菌作用(P<0.05);对EpH4-Ev细胞黏附实验表明,yeaI缺失对NJ17黏附性无显著影响(P>0.05)。[结论] yeaI对奶牛源大肠杆菌NJ17的生物学特性具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

A Bacillus cellulase gene coding for carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) has been cloned in Escherichia coli using pBR 322 as a vector. The gene was expressed independently of its orientation in the cloning vector showing enzyme activity 40 times greater than that produced by the original Bacillus species. The high production of CMCase in E. coli by the foreign gene did not impede growth of the host cells and the E. coli produced CMCase responded to various pH values and temperatures in the same way as that produced by the gene donor cells.  相似文献   

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