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There is mounting evidence that the deoxygenation of coastal marine ecosystems has been underestimated, particularly in the tropics. These physical conditions appear to have far‐reaching consequences for marine communities and have been associated with mass mortalities. Yet little is known about hypoxia in tropical habitats or about the effects it has on reef‐associated benthic organisms. We explored patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) throughout Almirante Bay, Panama and found a hypoxic gradient, with areas closest to the mainland having the largest diel variation in DO, as well as more frequent persistent hypoxia. We then designed a laboratory experiment replicating the most extreme in situ DO regime found on shallow patch reefs (3 m) to assess the response of the corallivorous fireworm, Hermodice carnaculata to hypoxia. Worms were exposed to hypoxic conditions (8 hr ~ 1 mg/L or 3.2 kPa) 16 times over an 8‐week period, and at 4 and 8 weeks, their oxygen consumption (respiration rates) was measured upon reoxygenation, along with regrowth of severed gills. Exposure to low DO resulted in worms regenerating significantly larger gills compared to worms under normoxia. This response to low DO was coupled with an ability to maintain elevated oxygen consumption/respiration rates after low DO exposure. In contrast, worms from the normoxic treatment had significantly depressed respiration rates after being exposed to low DO (week 8). This indicates that oxygen‐mediated plasticity in both gill morphology and physiology may confer tolerance to increasingly frequent and severe hypoxia in one important coral predator associated with reef decline.  相似文献   

The York River Estuary, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, experiences periodic low oxygen stress (hypoxia), yet epifaunal species form dense communities there. We studied hypoxia tolerance of common epifaunal species in the York River by exposing sessile and mobile epifauna to high and low oxygen concentrations in laboratory aquaria. Mortality in hypoxia varied among species, ranging from 0% to 100%, with trends of decreased tolerance by mobile species relative to sessile species. While most species tested experienced some mortality after being exposed to hypoxia (at 1 mg O(2)/l or 0.5 mg O(2)/l) for 5 days, many species had a median lethal time (LT(50)) in hypoxia greater than 1 week (3 of 6 species at 1 mg O(2)/l and 6 of 14 species at 0.5 mg O(2)/l), the maximum duration of typical hypoxic episodes in the York River, suggesting that hypoxia may cause little mortality for some species in this system. However, hypoxia had sub-lethal effects on behavior in all species tested. Epifaunal animals responded to hypoxia with behaviors that moved them higher in the water column or by entering resting states until hypoxia passed. Feeding and predation by a variety of taxa (the hydroid Obelia bicuspidata, the mud crab Neopanope sayi, juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus, the flatworm Stylochus ellipticus, and the nudibranch Doridella leucolena) decreased during hypoxia, despite varying mortality responses to low oxygen stress, suggesting that short hypoxic episodes may create predation refuges for prey species. At least one highly tolerant species (O. bicuspidata) showed substantially decreased growth in hypoxia. Although relatively high tolerance of hypoxia by many estuarine epifaunal species limits serious disturbance during brief hypoxic episodes, hypoxia's greatest impact on York River epifaunal communities might be through its indirect effects on behavior and predation.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies in a variety of ecosystems have shown that ecologically and economically important benthic and bentho‐pelagic fishes avoid hypoxic (<2 mg O2 L?1) habitats by moving vertically or horizontally to more oxygenated areas. While avoidance of hypoxic conditions generally leads to a complete shift away from preferred benthic prey, some individual fish continue to consume benthic prey items in spite of bottom hypoxia, suggesting complex habitat utilisation and foraging patterns. For example, Lake Erie yellow perch (Perca flavescens) continue to consume benthic prey, despite being displaced vertically and horizontally by hypolimnetic hypoxia. 2. We hypothesised that hypolimnetic hypoxia can negatively affect yellow perch by altering their distribution and inducing energetically expensive foraging behaviour. To test this hypothesis, we used drifting hydroacoustics and trawl sampling to quantify water column distribution, sub‐daily vertical movement and foraging behaviour of yellow perch within hypoxic and normoxic habitats of Lake Erie’s central basin during August‐September 2007. We also investigated the effects of rapid changes in ambient oxygen conditions on yellow perch consumption potential by exposing yellow perch to various static and fluctuating oxygen conditions in a controlled laboratory experiment. 3. Our results indicate that, while yellow perch in general avoid hypoxic conditions, some individuals undertake foraging forays into hypoxic habitats where they experience greater fluctuations in abiotic conditions (pressure, temperature and oxygen concentration) than at normoxic sites. However, laboratory results suggest short‐term exposure to low oxygen conditions did not negatively impact consumption potential of yellow perch. 4. Detailed understanding of sub‐daily individual behaviours may be crucial for determining interactive individual‐ and ecosystem‐level effects of stressors such as hypoxia.  相似文献   

Benthic algal sampling from selected sites along Corpus Christi Bay and from one site at the Port Aransas, Texas south jetty was completed between April 1999 and February, 2000. Species composition, seasonal periodicity, and fluctuations in temperature and salinity were determined. This is the first comprehensive study of benthic macroalgae conducted in Corpus Christi Bay, which is shallow, turbid, and lacks natural hard substrate. Man-made jetties are necessary for suitable floral attachment. Macroalgae are affected by changes in salinity as freshwater inflows are followed by periods of drought, which increase salinity. These effects are most notable where freshwater enters at the south end near Oso Bay and at the north end at Nueces Bay. Previous Texas algal collections described species of Enteromorpha, Ulva, Gelidium , and Gracilaria as the most dominant plants of the area. This supports the current study with the additions of Hypnea musciformis and Centroceras clavulatum. Dominant plants at the Port Aransas jetty include Ulva fasciata, Padina gymnospora , and Hypnea musciformis. The Rhodophyta including Gracilaria, Gelidium , and Centroceras clavulatum dominate the bay and do so throughout the year. Chlorophytes, although few in species richness, are important to benthic coverage and biomass. Phaeophyta are found predominantly at the Port Aransas jetty with Sargassum , Dictyota dichotoma , and Petalonia fascia being most abundant. A transition occurs in species composition as the water temperature changes seasonally. Hincksia, Ectocarpus , and Petalonia fascia are found only during the cooler months.  相似文献   

We examined the response of benthic invertebrates to hypoxia and predation risk in bioassay and behavioral experiments. In the bioassay, four invertebrate species differed widely in their tolerance of hypoxia. The mayfly, Callibaetis montanus, and the beetle larva, Hydaticus modestus, exhibited a low tolerance of hypoxia, the amphipod, Gammarus lacustris, was intermediate in its response and the caddisfly, Hesperophylax occidentalis, showed high tolerance of hypoxia. In the behavioral experiments, we observed the response of these benthic invertebrates, which differ in locomotor abilities, to vertical oxygen and temperature gradients similar to those in an ice-covered pond. With adequate oxygen, invertebrates typically remained on the bottom substrate. As benthic oxygen declined in the absence of fish, all taxa moved above the benthic refuge to areas with higher oxygen concentrations. In the presence of fish mayflies increased activity whereas all other taxa decreased activity in response to hypoxia. Mayflies and amphipods remained in the benthic refuge longer and endured lower oxygen concentrations whereas the vertical distribution of caddisflies and beetle larvae was not influenced by the presence of fish. As benthic oxygen declined in the presence of fish, all but the beetle larva reduced activity over all oxygen concentrations compared to when fish were absent. As benthic oxygen continued to decline, mayflies and amphipods moved above the benthic refuge and were preyed upon by fish. Thus, highly mobile taxa unable to tolerate hypoxia (mayflies and amphipods) responded behaviorally to declining oxygen concentrations by migrating upward in the water column. Taxa that were less mobile (beetle larvae) or hypoxia-tolerant (caddisflies) showed less of a response. Taxa most vulnerable to fish predation (mayflies and amphipods) showed a stronger behavioral response to predator presence than those less vulnerable (caddisflies and beetle larvae). Because invertebrates differ in their ability to withstand hypoxia, episodes of winter hypoxia could have long-lasting effects on benthic invertebrate communities either by direct mortality or selective predation on less tolerant taxa.  相似文献   

Bioturbation, the displacement and mixing of sediment particles by fauna or flora, facilitates life supporting processes by increasing the quality of marine sediments. In the marine environment bioturbation is primarily mediated by infaunal organisms, which are susceptible to perturbations in their surrounding environment due to their sedentary life history traits. Of particular concern is hypoxia, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations ≤2.8 mg l(-1), a prevalent and persistent problem that affects both pelagic and benthic fauna. A benthic observing system (Wormcam) consisting of a buoy, telemetering electronics, sediment profile camera, and water quality datasonde was developed and deployed in the Rappahannock River, VA, USA, in an area known to experience seasonal hypoxia from early spring to late fall. Wormcam transmitted a time series of in situ images and water quality data, to a website via wireless internet modem, for 5 months spanning normoxic and hypoxic periods. Hypoxia was found to significantly reduce bioturbation through reductions in burrow lengths, burrow production, and burrowing depth. Although infaunal activity was greatly reduced during hypoxic and near anoxic conditions, some individuals remained active. Low concentrations of DO in the water column limited bioturbation by infaunal burrowers and likely reduced redox cycling between aerobic and anaerobic states. This study emphasizes the importance of in situ observations for understanding how components of an ecosystem respond to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and warm ischemia are primary concerns in ischemic heart disease and transplant and trauma. Hypoxia impacts tissue ATP supply and can induce mitochondrial dysfunction that elevates reactive species release. The epaulette shark, Hemiscyllum ocellatum, is remarkably tolerant of severe hypoxia at temperatures up to 34°C, and therefore provides a valuable model to study warm hypoxia tolerance. Mitochondrial function was tested in saponin permeabilised ventricle fibres using high-resolution respirometry coupled with purpose-built fluorospectrometers. Ventricular mitochondrial function, stability and reactive species production of the epaulette shark was compared with that of the hypoxia-sensitive shovelnose ray, Aptychotrema rostrata. Fibres were prepared from each species acclimated to normoxic water conditions, or following a 2 h, acute hypoxic exposure at levels representing 40% of each species’ critical oxygen tension. Although mitochondrial respiratory fluxes for normoxia-acclimated animals were similar for both species, reactive species production in the epaulette shark was approximately half that of the shovelnose ray under normoxic conditions, even when normalised to tissue oxidative phosphorylation flux. The hypoxia-sensitive shovelnose ray halved oxidative phosphorylation flux and cytochrome c oxidase flux was depressed by 34% following hypoxic stress. In contrast, oxidative phosphorylation flux of the epaulette shark ventricular fibres isolated from acute hypoxia exposed the animals remained similar to those from normoxia-acclimated animals. However, uncoupling of respiration revealed depressed electron transport systems in both species following hypoxia exposure. Overall, the epaulette shark ventricular mitochondria showed greater oxidative phosphorylation stability and lower reactive species outputs with hypoxic exposure, and this may protect cardiac bioenergetic function in hypoxic tropical waters.  相似文献   

Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay has substantially increased in recent decades, with detrimental effects on macrobenthic production; the production of these fauna link energy transfer from primary consumers to epibenthic and demersal predators. As such, the development of accurate predictive models that determine the impact of hypoxia on macrobenthic production is important. A continuous-time, biomass-based model was developed for the lower Rappahannock River, a Bay tributary prone to seasonal hypoxia. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macrobenthic state variables were modeled, with a focus on quantitatively constraining the effect of hypoxia on macrobenthic biomass. This was accomplished through regression with Z'': a sigmoidal function between macrobenthic biomass and dissolved oxygen concentration, derived using macrobenthic data collected from the Rappahannock River during the summers of 2007 and 2008, and applied to compute hypoxia-induced mortality as a rate process. The model was verified using independent monitoring data collected by the Chesapeake Bay Program. Simulations showed that macrobenthic biomass was strongly linked to dissolved oxygen concentrations, with fluctuations in biomass related to the duration and severity of hypoxia. Our model demonstrated that hypoxia negatively affected macrobenthic biomass, as longer durations of hypoxia and greater hypoxic severity resulted in an increasing loss in biomass. This exercise represents an important contribution to modeling anthropogenically impacted coastal ecosystems, by providing an empirically constrained relationship between hypoxia and macrobenthic biomass, and applying that empirical relationship in a mechanistic model to quantify the effect of the severity, duration, and frequency of hypoxia on benthic biomass dynamics.  相似文献   

由于气候变化和人类活动的影响, 世界许多海区尤其是近岸海区发生了不同程度的低氧现象, 导致海洋动物大量死亡, 对海洋生态系统产生了不同程度的影响。为明确烟台牟平海洋牧场低氧对大型底栖动物的生态效应, 我们于2016年夏季(6月、8月、9月共3个航次)在该海域进行现场调查, 分析低氧对大型底栖动物群落时空变化的影响。结果表明: 牟平海洋牧场8月低氧事件发生时, 大型底栖动物群落的优势种为短叶索沙蚕(Lumbrinereis latreilli)、不倒翁虫(Sternaspis scutata)和内肋蛤(Endopleura lubrica)。低氧在一定程度上改变了大型底栖动物的群落结构, 表现为物种组成和优势种变化上。例如, 耐受低氧的机会种数量增加, 如短叶索沙蚕; 敏感种数量减少, 如微小海螂(Leptomya minuta)、长吻沙蚕(Glycera chirori)、大蝼蛄虾(Upogebia major)、极地蚤钩虾(Pontocrates altamarimus)、塞切尔泥钩虾(Eriopisella sechellensis)等。同时, 低氧也导致了物种多样性的降低, 但丰度和生物量受其影响不明显, 这主要是由于机会种短叶索沙蚕丰度和生物量的剧增所致。大型底栖动物不同物种耐受低氧的阈值不同。例如, 短叶索沙蚕在溶解氧(DO) < 1.0 mg/L受影响最大, 在DO = 2.0 mg/L时受到的影响不明显, 而其他敏感种如微小海螂、大蝼蛄虾、极地蚤钩虾、塞切尔泥钩虾等在DO < 2.5 mg/L时, 已表现出明显的不适。低氧事件之后, 大型底栖动物群落得到一定程度的恢复, 其恢复程度和需要的时间长短与低氧发生的程度有关。  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria occupy many niches within terrestrial, planktonic, and benthic habitats. The diversity of habitats colonized, similarity of morphology, and phenotypic plasticity all contribute to the difficulty of cyanobacterial identification. An unknown marine filamentous cyanobacterium was isolated from an aquatic animal rearing facility having mysid mortality events. The cyanobacterium originated from Corpus Christi Bay, TX. Filaments are rarely solitary, benthic mat forming, unbranched, and narrowing at the ends. Cells are 2.1 × 3.1 μm (width × length). Thylakoids are peripherally arranged on the outer third of the cell; cyanophycin granules and polyphosphate bodies are present. Molecular phylogenetic analysis in addition to morphology (transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and chemical composition all confirm it as a new genus and species we name Toxifilum mysidocida. At least one identified Leptolyngbya appears (based on genetic evidence and TEM) to belong to this new genus.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, a dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) below 2 mg l– 1, is a significant stressor in many estuarine ecosystems. Many sedentary organisms, unable to move to avoid hypoxic areas, have metabolic and behavioral adaptations to hypoxic stress. We tested the effects of hypoxia on the behavior and mortality of the clam Macoma balthica, using four levels of dissolved oxygen in flow-through tanks. We used five replicates of each of four treatments: (1) Hypoxic (DO mean ± SE = 1.1 ± 0.06 mg O2 l– 1), (2) Moderately hypoxic (DO 2.6 ± 0.05 mg O2 l– 1), (3) Nearly normoxic (DO 3.2 ± 0.04 mg O2 l– 1), (4) Normoxic (DO = 4.9 ± 0.13 mg O2 l– 1). We lowered the dissolved oxygen with a novel fluidized mud-bed, designed to mimic field conditions more closely than the common practice of solely bubbling nitrogen or other gasses. This method for lowering the DO concentrations for a laboratory setup was effective, producing 1.4 l min–1 of water with a DO of 0.8 mg O2 l– 1 throughout the experiment. The setup greatly reduced the use of compressed nitrogen and could easily be scaled up to produce more low-DO water if necessary. The lethal concentration for 50% of the M. balthica population (LC50) was 1.7 mg O2 l– 1 for the 28-day experimental period. M. balthica decreased its burial depth under hypoxic and moderately hypoxic (~2.5 mg O2 l– 1) conditions within 72 hours of the onset of hypoxia. By the sixth day of hypoxia the burial depth had been reduced by 26 mm in the hypoxic tanks and 10 mm in the moderately hypoxic tanks. Because reduced burial depth makes the clams more vulnerable to predators, these results indicate that the sub-lethal effects of hypoxia could change the rate of predation on M. balthica in the field.  相似文献   

We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the effects of mild hypoxia on the burrowing behavior of three marine species (the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria, the polychaete worm Neanthes virens, and the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus) and consequent effects on sediment redox profiles. Animals were introduced into defaunated sediment and allowed to burrow for four months at mildly hypoxic (2 mg l− 1) and normoxic (7 mg l− 1) dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Sediment redox profiles were measured 10 times during the course of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, the sediment was imaged using computer-aided tomography to quantify burrow volume and location. For the three species, burrow volume remained constant over DO treatments, but amphipod and clam burrows were shallower in hypoxic treatments compared with normoxic treatments. Redox profile discontinuity (RPD) depth was shallower in hypoxic treatments compared with normoxic treatments for experiments without animals, indicating that water column oxygen concentration alone influences diffusion of oxygen into the sediment. Worms, but neither clams nor amphipods, increased the RPD depth relative to no-animal controls in both hypoxic and normoxic treatments, but the effect was greater in normoxic conditions. These results suggest that although hypoxia can reduce burrowing depth, infauna can still increase the depth to which oxygen penetrates the sediment, but not to the same degree as they would under normoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Several groups of Amazonian fishes exhibit behavioral, morphological and physiological characteristics that allow occupying hypoxic environments, despite the energetic costs of living in such harsh conditions. One of the supposed advantages of occupying hypoxic habitats would be a lower predation pressure resulting from a lower number of piscivorous fishes in those environments. We tested this hypothesis in an area of the Amazon River floodplain through gill net fishing in normoxic and hypoxic habitats. From the 103 species caught, 38 were classified as piscivores. We found no difference in the number of piscivorous species captured in hypoxic and normoxic habitats (chi2 = 0.23; p = 0.63; df = 1) but piscivorous individuals were more numerous in normoxic than in hypoxic sampling stations (chi2 = 104.4; p < 0.001; df = 1). This indicates that environments submitted to low oxygen conditions may in fact function as refuges against piscivorous fishes in the Amazonian floodplains.  相似文献   

In solid tumors the hypoxic environment can promote tumor progression and resistance to therapy. Recently, acetylsalicylic acid a major component of analgesic drugs and its metabolite salicylic acid (SA) have been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer, but the mechanisms of action remain still unclear. Here we elucidate the effects of physiologically relevant concentrations of SA on colon carcinoma cells (CaCo-2) grown under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Western blotting, caspase-3/7 apoptosis assays, MTS cell-proliferation assays, LDH cytotoxicity assays and hydrogen peroxide measurements were performed to investigate the effects of 1 and 10μM SA on CaCo-2 cells grown under normoxic conditions and cells exposed to hypoxia. Under normoxic conditions, SA did not influence cell proliferation or LDH release of CaCo-2 cells. However, caspase-3/7 activity was significantly increased. Under hypoxia, cell proliferation was reduced and LDH release and caspase-3/7 activities were increased. None of these parameters was altered by the addition of SA under hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia increased hydrogen peroxide concentrations 300-fold and SA significantly augmented the release of hydrogen peroxide under normoxic, but not under hypoxic conditions. Phosphorylation of the pro-survival kinases akt and erk1/2 was not changed by SA under hypoxic conditions, whereas under normoxia SA reduced phosphorylation of erk1/2 after 2 hours. We conclude that in colon carcinoma cells effects of SA on apoptosis and cellular signaling are dependent on the availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

Habitat selection is a shared process among animals where individuals choose areas that differ in biotic and abiotic characteristics to maximize individual fitness. We used manipulative laboratory mesocosm choice experiments to examine hierarchical and interactive relationships influencing this habitat selection process of estuarine fishes. We assessed selection among substrate, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, food availability, and predation risk using two common juvenile estuarine fish species, pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). For both species oxygen concentration greatly influenced selection patterns; fishes strongly avoided low DO conditions, while in higher levels of DO factors such as substrate or food influenced selection patterns. However, both species strongly avoided predators even when alternative habitat was severely oxygen limited. These results suggest that predation risk may be the greatest determinant of habitat selection of the factors considered. Expansion of low DO areas in the world’s oceans is a major anthropogenic disturbance and is rapidly increasing. Assessing impacts of hypoxia on habitat usage of mobile organisms is critical as changes in environmental metrics including predator distribution and DO levels may alter habitat selection patterns disrupting critical ecosystem processes and trophic interactions. Our results indicate that juvenile fishes may forgo emigration from hypoxia due to predation risk. If similar patterns occur for juvenile fishes in estuaries they may potentially suffer from reduced growth, reproductive output, and survivorship.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, reactive oxygen, and cell injury   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypoxia usually decreases the formation of reactive oxygen species by oxidases and by autoxidation of components of cellular electron transfer pathways and of quinoid compounds such as menadione. In the case of menadione reactive oxygen species are liberated to a significant extent only at non-physiologically high oxygen partial pressures (PO2). At physiological and hypoxic PO2 values electron shuttling of menadione in the mitochondrial respiratory chain predominates. In contrast, lipid peroxidation induced by halogenated alkanes, such as carbon tetrachloride, in liver leads to an increase in the formation of reactive oxygen and thus in cell injury under hypoxic conditions. Reactive oxygen species may also be generated during reoxygenation of a previously hypoxic tissue. Based on experiments with isolated hepatocytes a three-zone-model of liver injury due to hypoxia and reoxygenation is presented; 1) a zone where the cells die by hypoxia; 2) a zone where the cells are destroyed upon reoxygenation, presumably mediated by an increase in the cellular ATP content; and 3) a zone where cell injury occurs upon reoxygenation, mediated by reactive oxygen species possibly liberated by xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

Bone is a dynamic environment where cells sense and adapt to changes in nutrient and oxygen availability. Conditions associated with hypoxia in bone are also associated with bone loss. In vitro hypoxia (2% oxygen) alters gene expression in osteoblasts and osteocytes and induces cellular changes including the upregulation of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) levels. Our studies show that osteoblasts respond to hypoxia (2% oxygen) by enhancing expression of genes associated with adipocyte/lipogenesis phenotype (C/EBPbeta, PPARgamma2, and aP2) and by suppressing expression of genes associated with osteoblast differentiation (alkaline phosphatase, AP). Hypoxia increased HIF protein levels, hypoxic response element (HRE) binding, and HRE-reporter activity. We also demonstrate that prolyl-hydroxylases 2 and 3 (PHD2, PHD3), one of the major factors coordinating HIF degradation under normoxic but not hypoxic conditions, are induced in osteoblasts under hypoxic conditions. To further determine the contribution of PHDs and upregulated HIF activity in modulating osteoblast phenotype, we treated osteoblasts with a PHD inhibitor, dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG), and maintained cells under normoxic conditions. Similar to hypoxic conditions, HRE reporter activity was increased and adipogenic gene expression was increased while osteoblastic genes were suppressed. Taken together, our findings indicate a role for PHDs and HIFs in the regulation of osteoblast phenotype.  相似文献   

Abstract Predators can have strong indirect effects on plants by altering the way herbivores impact plants. Yet, many current evaluations of plant species diversity and ecosystem function ignore the effects of predators and focus directly on the plant trophic level. This report presents results of a 3‐year field experiment in a temperate old‐field ecosystem that excluded either predators, or predators and herbivores and evaluated the consequence of those manipulations on plant species diversity (richness and evenness) and plant productivity. Sustained predator and predator and herbivore exclusion resulted in lower plant species evenness and higher plant biomass production than control field plots representing the intact natural ecosystem. Predators had this diversity‐enhancing effect on plants by causing herbivores to suppress the abundance of a competitively dominant plant species that offered herbivores a refuge from predation risk.  相似文献   

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